add a slideshow brooklyn for shopify

Make a clickable Slideshow for your Shopify Brooklyn Theme hello everyone today i will show you how,

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Updated on Mar 08,2023

Make a clickable Slideshow for your Shopify Brooklyn Theme

The above is a brief introduction to add a slideshow brooklyn for shopify

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Make a clickable Slideshow for your Shopify Brooklyn Theme

hello everyone today i will show you how,you can,make the entire slideshow clickable and,what do i mean by that,i mean taking the functionality of the,of this button the shop now button and,apply it to the whole,to the whole slideshow so if we go to,the slideshow,and select one slide from our slideshow,we will see that the button from the,slideshow,requires a button label and a bottom,link to actually appear,so i need to have both for this one for,example if i delete this,and i will update my slideshow uh it,won't appear so it needs both,these settings to appear,let's put it back,so yeah yeah let's uh let's code some,let's code a little bit,let's call it this functionality,so we go to edit code,we will search for our slideshow,which is here and we will search,we will search for,and now we will search for the bottom,link,and we will find we will find it in the,schema,right here and we need the id which,actually holds the hyperlink that we,want,in our slideshow so we search for button,underscore link and the first result,that we find,is the one that we are interested in so,this is an if block,with two statements the bottom label and,the bottom link which,actually need both to be to not be blank,in order for the button to appear,but we only need the the bottom link so,we can get rid of the,bottom label and also here,because we don't actually need it and we,will get rid of the style because,we won't display a actually,we won't display a button but we only,need the hyperlink,now we will grab the entire if block now,put it right above the whole div,we will grab everything cut it,put it here make it look,nicer a little bit so no not like this,let's select the entire one and put a,put some indentation,so it looks a little bit nicer now,so now we have the entire div the entire,the entire slideshow block representing,an hyperlink inside the,an if statement which requires a button,link,for it to work,don't forget to save i already saved it,let's give it a refresh,so i can now i can see that the pointer,has changed i can actually click,the image and it will redirect me to the,product page,but we have a problem now the header,the header text now is uh it's black but,this can be fixed easily,all we have to do is go back to our,hyperlink,and apply a color style to it so style,equals color,let's say white or if you don't want,the text white you can apply you can,apply the,the color code for it,and this one is for white so color white,save refresh,and yeah that's about it the slide show,is clickable,this one as well so,thank you for watching and i'll see you,in the next video

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