why do tiktok ads suck

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6 Reasons Your TikTok Ads Suck (The TRUTH!)

you've got an e-commerce brand you want,to start leveraging tiktok ads to their,maximum potential you want to drive more,sales through the platform but for some,reason your Tech talk ads just don't,seem to hit consistently well you're in,the right place because in this video,we're going to break down six reasons,that your Tech talk ads suck hi everyone,my name is Mark I run a tick tock,marketing agency and we help e-commerce,Brands to set up and scale their Tick,Tock ads today we're breaking down six,of the most common areas that e-commerce,Brands fail on when they're trying to,scale their Tick Tock campaigns these,are things that we've learned after,working with numerous different,e-commerce Brands as clients after,making content ourselves after growing a,tick tock account into over a hundred,thousand followers we've learned these,experiences through doing and through,trying and battling and learning from,our own mistakes as well we've tested,all these for ourselves and now we're,going to share it with you let's jump in,the first area that we see Brands trip,up on is not using vetted creators over,the last six months there's been an,influx of Pokemon quality just simply,terrible,ugc creators it's like the new Forex,where people selling courses on how to,make money online how to record ugc for,Brands and there's an inbox of people,who have literally never uploaded a,video to social media and they're now,trying to charge you 200 for the,privilege I've seen it time and time,again where brands that we work with,have fallen into this trap of paying,somebody who has no concept of what a,good ugc videos no concept of marketing,no concept of copywriting they've done,one course or seen a couple of tweets,and they're now trying to become a ugc,Creator and the difficulty is that the,good creators are swamped in amongst all,the bad ones it's not like there's an,easy badge on Twitter that says good,Creator bad Creator you've got to go out,there and try and find the needle in the,haystack to pick out the best craters so,how do you choose the best of the best,well number one you can either just go,straight to an agency and just use their,creators because chances are if they're,getting good results they've got a bank,of good creators already the second,thing is have a very strict,qualification process when you're,choosing ugc creators break down all,their portfolios don't just skip through,it quickly because it's another task on,your to-do list take a little bit of,time to analyze the videos they're in,are they authentic do they use a good,hook do they have any data or metrics,from previous videos that they've done,that shows they can actually get,attention hold it and sell a product as,time goes on the viewers on Tick Tock,are becoming aware that ugc content,exists they're starting to realize that,these are ads and over time it's only,going to get more important to do this,vetting process number two and the,second reason Brands don't crack their,Tick Tock creatives is because they're,simply not captivating Tech talk is all,about holding attention on the organic,side of it the biggest metric is watch,time is how many people do you get,through to the end of your video,likewise on the advertising side you,need people to get through your video if,you want to sell them a product there's,no good hooking someone for the first,five seconds when your call to actions,at the end nobody's going to hear the,call to action if they swipe way through,everyone online talks about the hook,about the first three seconds get people,stopped and yes I'm not saying that's,not important that's a crucial first,step of a good Tick Tock ad but nobody,talks about the other 90 of the video,you still have to hold them there as,always with all the content I put out I,want this to be as valuable as possible,for you so I'm not just going to give,you six rough ideas of why your ads,might not be performing we're going to,give you the Tactical action items you,can actually Implement as well so how do,you hold people to the end of your video,there's a couple of different methods,you can use and a couple of different,styles everyone talks about tech talk,about having high energy Fast Pace Quick,Cuts every two seconds and that is one,strategy the reason people tell you to,do that is to hold people to the end of,the video if it's fast if it's high,energy there's Cuts every two seconds,you don't give someone the chance to,scroll and get bored so yet the reason,people tell you to do that and to,implement that strategy is because of,this is to get people to the end but,that is only one style of tech Talk,video you may have seen those videos on,Tech talk where people are telling a,story there's no Fast Cuts they're just,sitting holding the phone in front of,them talking to the camera and running,you through a story it's not high energy,it's not high Pace it's not every two,seconds but you're hooked on the aspect,of the story you're bought in you want,to hear how it

The above is a brief introduction to why do tiktok ads suck

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TIKTOK ADS SUCK - A longwinded video no one asked for but I made anyway because I'm mad as hell

TIKTOK ADS SUCK - A longwinded video no one asked for but I made anyway because I'm mad as hell

tiktok ads suck,of course what i mean by that is that,ads for tick tock are literally bottom,of the barrel literal,what attempts at outreach,here's the part where i pull up a chart,that says they probably know better than,i do,but it,yeah no i i can't do that,tick tock ads suck,well what what i mean by that is,they just suck,like i i wish i could make a more,nuanced opinion and back it up with,facts and evidence and all that nonsense,but it would be a waste of time,look here's me trying to write a script,that i guess is actually worth something,yeah no point how many words,does it take to say something is just,objectively bad not a whole lot i, reckon look i just can't fathom,how tick-tock hq misses the mark so hard,maybe it has something to do with the,fact that practically everyone has,already downloaded the app and their,outreach department just doesn't need to,try anymore but that would imply they,ever actually tried,i'm pretty sure,you know the people just,downloaded this app and and tell their,friends to download it they don't need,to do anything all you had to do was say,it's vine 2.0 and people hop right back, on,god damn so i can't even begin to go,around and research the that,they've plastered around the world,because one i'm lazy and two,when you look up ads for tick tock you,just get that's pedaled to you as a,content creator looking to monetize on,their platform rather than draw any more,attention to the other stupid,ass advertisers they get to install,people they're stupid dumb ass ,russian with led of an app,like why is it so bad,you,i i stopped writing the script at this,point just because like i'm at a loss,i'm,trying to rack my brain for i've,seen that says hey you know what you,should install this really cool app it's,called tick tock one,one ,one of the ads,i don't i can't imagine a kind of person,who would see the that they plaster,around the internet and say wow say this,tick tock app i've never heard of before,i really want to download it now,you know i i saw a billboard one time,that tried to pitch one of those stories,that that's basically a two-parter and,oh you should download the app and find,out what happens but it was the most,nonsense story,i could be starved for stories never,heard of a story you know just a,genuinely curious person and this story,would have put an end to that it was,something like oh i'm going to the store,today and then it said download the app,and find out what happens next that's, dumb,i don't care,i don't care,who would care what kind of person sits,there and it's like i wonder what they,got at the store,what,we don't care about this person we have,no connection to this person,are they just getting the rights to the,lowest level of content creators,on tik tok and saying say we like your,videos we're gonna use it for our mass,multimedia advertising campaign,and they're like oh yeah i'll take that,there's,there's some,i can't even justify it man,like i so as a fledgling animator and,stuff i i guess i could be like you know,what's really cool,looking at other animations you know,let's say i wanted to make an animation,of a pool table,getting,you know the break at a pool game a pool,table a game of pool how what the ,do you call that anyways let's say i,wanted to just make an animation like,that and i saw this ad that came across,my screen one time where it was the,break of,the opening of a pool table game,i,the cue ball then rolled back to the,screen and had the logo tick-tock on it,if i cared,severely about 3d animation maybe maybe,just maybe i would be like oh yeah that,that right there that's my ,i'm gonna get on this app and find find,all the animators,they're gonna pour vast,quantities of information on me,and it's gonna be great no i don't i,don't think even if i was the extremely,niche target audience there like why the, would i do that i would go on,youtube and be like how the do i,animate i want to go on tick tock and be,like let me see a three second clip of a,pool table break,wasn't even like you know artfully,rendered it was the most bare bones,thing in the world,god damn bro,i'm just mad,like is this what you can do when when,you know two plus billion dollars the,downloads of your app have,happened,just not try,look,people are gonna download their product,anyway everyone's on it right,if you're not on it you know someone who,is and you're probably not on it because,one you you don't care and you're never,gonna download the app or two you don't,need to because they'll your friends,will just show you the clips that you,know are are funny or they'll reference,it but like you know you're content not,being on it i,advertising is a weird category,i it breaks down to there's that,everyone wants and they're probably,gonna buy anyway and you know once once,you've reached the threshold that people,can just easily find you,which is a combination of making sure,like google doesn't blacklist you from,the searches and a couple of other,things you're set you

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1 Reason Your Ads Suck

1 Reason Your Ads Suck

let's talk about one of the biggest,reasons why so many ads out there suck,so,badly right it's an amazing thing that,there are so many marketers out there,who talk the big game like i'm a media,buyer marketer and they just suck at the,basics of marketing right when they run,ads they just land flat they're not,excited they're not engaging they don't,really resonate with anybody okay,now the purpose of videos not to you,know on other advertisers other,marketers or or be uh overly negative,it's really the hit on the fact that,what i think is going to be one of the,greatest skills probably the only skill,that's going to be still left in our,industry in a few years is the ability,to think creatively and come up with,angles right the idea of like the,there's so many people i meet,who i ask like what do you do and,they're like i'm a marketer i'm an,advertiser i'm a media buyer and i kind,of dive a little deeper and like what do,you do on daily basis so many,individuals who like just do facebook,ads,call themselves marketers they call,themselves advertisers but what they're,really doing pretty much 98 of the time,is stuff that ai's gonna be able to do,stuff that pretty much basic kind of,machine learning basic software can,already do meaning they can create a,campaign they can create audiences they,can put up ads inside the audiences they,can duplicate things they can use,automation rules right all that,technical stuff isn't going to move the,needle anymore the people who are making,fortunes right now and i've always made,fortunes and will continue to make,fortunes even with the advent of ai and,better ai and better machine learning,all this stuff,are those individuals who are true,marketers who truly understand how to,think outside the box how to come up,with unique angles unique ads unique,creative that really stands out okay,that is the x factor that is what's,going to give you those massive returns,right,when you see these brands that blow up,they don't blow up because they had a,media buyer who's really good at the,technicals that's not why brands blow up,right a lot of brands blow up because,they hit on a usp they find a unique,audience to talk to and they resonate,with that audience right so the purpose,really of this video is not to get too,deep into coming up with angles and all,this stuff but to speak about something,a little more abstract here and that,thing is being polarizing and if you,follow me for more than a few months you,know that i've talked about being,polarizing quite a few times over the,years because we run a lot of businesses,in the political space in industries and,markets where polarization comes with,the territory and i can tell you,firsthand having run tens of millions of,dollars worth of political ad spend,since 2016 that political ads get insane,engagement every single ad we put up for,our political brands the amount of likes,comments shares debates that happen on,those ads are staggering right the,organic reach we get for our ads is,staggering right and that dramatically,helps us make more money and be more,profitable ads because we're not paying,for a lot of the reach right we're,paying to get it out there and all of a,sudden debates happen on the ads and it,spreads,now back to the point here i'm not,saying you need to be political with,your business not saying you need to run,political ads,but why don't you say is think about,this,okay let's run through a few examples,here think about the president of the,united states i'm not talking about the,the who's in office now or who was in,office last like trump or biden or,whatever talk about the the office of,the president right think about any,person that's ever run for president and,ever become president,that individual,is usually,disliked by half the country,hated by probably 25 30 of the country,but this is like probably about half the,country but how they leave office,they're probably disliked by over 60 of,the country right and there's maybe a,small percent that actually really,really love that individual 20 30 40,right,now the point of that is that individual,won the most competitive race on the,planet right becoming the president,united states probably the most,difficult thing that can happen it's the,most important job in the world and,every four years somebody becomes,president who is just totally hated by,tens of millions of americans right,think about coke or pepsi right think,about apple microsoft,right well now you can go you know apple,google whatever we want to throw in,there there are people,that if you say at a restaurant i'll,have a coke and they say we sell pepsi,products here they have a reaction like,oh pepsi i'll have a water right there's,a lot there's tens of those people in,america probably hundreds most around,the world who that's the reaction like,no no i'm a coke person or vice versa,i'm a pepsi person right same thing with,apple if you're an apple person the,thought of using a google product on the,on the ph

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TikTok is Destroying a Generation

TikTok is Destroying a Generation

okay finally back from vacation so it's,time to start back in with a somewhat,normal routine first things first i'm,thinking about changing the channel name,to just upper echelon instead of upper,echelon gamers the content wouldn't be,changing at all just the name so let me,know your thoughts down below with that,out of the way let's discuss tick-tock,because i believe that the app is,verifiably impacting almost an entire,generation of the human species in a,decidedly negative way before getting,started i want to go on a bit of a,tangent here september 22nd 2020 i,posted a video to the channel titled why,i hate tik tok now ordinarily this would,have just been like any other video but,this time it actually wasn't when,posting content on youtube there is a,number of different viewership patterns,that can occur the most common format is,a large initial spike and then eventual,plateau when the content has been viewed,by your subscriber base subsequently,dropping out of algorithmic favorability,afterwards that's the most common format,for this channel in particular and for,many others on the platform as well,however the most common format is not,always the most desirable the best,viewership pattern is usually called,evergreen content and it occurs when a,video becomes embedded in the algorithm,and ranks highly enough in popular,search terms or general browse features,to continue gaining traction over time,in a very reliable way this type of,content is effectively the holy grail,for us creators because it can result in,hundreds of thousands or millions of,views over the span of years some of my,red dead redemption 2 guides way back in,the day achieved this level of indexing,and are now crossing the multi-million,view threshold with reliable results for,the past 36 months at least making,content that achieves this level of,tenacity is not exactly easy or,predictable and for me personally it's,only happened a handful of times one of,those times was september 22nd 2020. the,video i posted the video titled why i,hate tick tock pushed beyond my average,view count on the channel and continues,even now to climb well beyond most of,the other content that i've ever posted,normally i wouldn't even notice but over,the past few weeks a variety of,different factors have aligned which,made me realize why that occurred and,spurred me to once again discuss the,topic this time defining why i believe,that tick tock is effectively a viral,form of societal poison and it is well,on its way to destroying an entire,generation it all starts with the advent,of internet dominance early stage,internet usage and functionality was,largely relegated to scientific research,military-industrial projects and,fail-safe protections during the cold,war but in the early 1980s something,changed at the start of 1983 a new,protocol was established tcpip which,allowed different kinds of computers on,different networks to communicate with,each other this is widely regarded as,the unofficial birth of the modern,internet age and this fundamental,building block is what allowed nearly,everything else we know today to become,possible the internet became a staple of,modern life commerce accounting security,entertainment all of it but in tandem to,these utility driven industries there,was a social aspect early examples like,six degrees or friendster paved the way,for superior projects like facebook to,arise in 2004. as of 2021 there were an,estimated 4.6 billion internet users on,planet earth and 4.1 billion of those,users use social media further stats can,be found that describe user habits such,as the staggering revelation that users,who participate on social media,platforms utilize on average over six,different options in their daily lives,average daily usage time is over two,hours and if someone began their social,media journey at age 16 for example,using the platforms until age 70 or,thereabouts they would spend nearly six,years of their life on these websites,all of this is to establish one crucial,idea social media has become an,integrated part of our lives and when,the average user one of over four,billion people is spending more time on,social media than they do eating or,drinking combined on a daily basis it,signifies that this activity has become,something larger than a simple hobby,social media on average again has become,a primary piece of our very existence,why does this matter simply put it,matters because of the detrimental,effects from 2013 to 2017 scientists in,denmark observed that collective hashtag,longevity was steadily decreasing in a,study titled accelerating dynamics of,collective attention it was discovered,that the average duration of a hashtag's,trending dominance in the top 50 for,example had decreased from 17.5 hours to,11.9 this alone does not constitute,definitive proof that our attention,spans are shrinking but in a further,study titled abundance of information,narrows our collective attention span,that connection was well establ

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Here's Why Your TikTok Ads Suck...

Here's Why Your TikTok Ads Suck...

hey rob mccollum here ceo and founder of,luxury elites media nikon boss academy,and today i want to go over why your,tick tock ads suck,all right so we're just going to get,straight into it,have you been having problems with your,tick tock ads in general whether it be,launching your ads growing and scaling,your audience base around your ads or,simply,generating profitable campaign results,for your ads alright so this video is,going to be an in-depth review breakdown,a seamless integration for your business,with tick tock ads the key takeaways,within this video,will be exploring your ad objectives,the campaign structures troubleshooting,your ad launch and then i'll provide a,quick testing strategy for you going,into 2022 just to set you up for some,quick success,alright so exploring your ad objectives,there are three primary ad objectives,within your tiktok ads manager that,you're going to want to gear your,business towards,so the three ad objectives that you want,to navigate towards will be conversions,lead generation and traffic,breaking down these three ad objectives,conversions this will primarily focus on,driving sales and increasing the,likelihood of your customer making,purchase decisions,for legion,this ad objective primarily focuses on,collecting the leads for your business,similar to form signups if you've used,that through facebook advertising and,last but not least traffic,so this is actually one of the hidden,feats,within,these three ad objectives simply because,it goes undermined more than often so,the primary goal for traffic is to send,more targeted audiences to a destination,on your website for a specific data,aggregation so breaking down your,campaign structure,you want to start off setting yourself,up for the most clarity,and the most structured success believe,it or not this involves,even the campaign names,so i like to start off with the simple,structure of your funnel level your,product name,your location and then your breakeven,point or price,so here's an example,you're launching your first campaign for,your tof or the top of your funnel,and the product will be a dog chew toy,and the locations you want to test are,united states and canada and then,your 150,break even price,so establishing a campaign name will not,only save you time but it'll also save,you financial resources when you're,establishing your product scalability,moving further down in your tick tock,ads manager,you'll come across the campaign budget,optimization and your overall budget so,this is why i say it's so critical for,you to establish that structured,campaign name simply because,for your overall campaign let's say,you don't want to uh do a cbo or camping,budget optimization or,you don't want to click no budget you,know from the start you want to have,more of a structured you know uh,awareness in this um project so here's,what you can do,you can actually create a daily budget,of 50 which would in turn allow you,three days for testing within this,campaign,and there's no need to do all this you,know back and forth clicking and,checking to verify because your overall,campaign already states your break even,price when you're going down into your,ad group name i like to establish,something very quick uh nice smooth,layout um a1 stands for,add one and then you also want your,breakeven point so this is just very,short very simple when things get hectic,when you're shotgun testing you want to,be able to quickly identify,which ad groups you're working within,so,the promotion type i typically,choose website simply because we're,looking to convert traffic into sales,online,um you need to keep,your tick tock pixel,checked,simply because you want to be able to,retarget and if you are not,using your tiktok pixel,you're losing money that simple as that,optimize your events for,your end state,so,not all the time does your in-state have,to be complete payment or add to carts,or initiated checkouts but that is when,you need to identify an appropriate,funnel so that if it is,complete payment you have the exact,measures that you need to take for you,to exact success within this campaign so,after you establish what events you're,optimizing for you move down to your,placements so what i typically like to,do is,select your placement and then only,select ticktock simply because well,we're advertising on tick tock,um you want to keep your user comments,on,that not only generates organic feedback,from your customers but you're also able,to easily identify the pain points,within your product should any of those,occur now,i like to uncheck the video download,because,unfortunately online there are those who,are not looking to grow and scale,legitimate business so some individuals,will take your videos and they will just,rip off your products so,to prevent that or mitigate these,measures we unclick the video download,all right so troubleshooting your ad,launch my ads are not generating sales,well i have two questions for you have,you went over y

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China's TikTok Propaganda is Getting Scary

China's TikTok Propaganda is Getting Scary

so don't use the freedom of speech,as an excuse to cover your,if you guys watched last week's video on,my channel uh you would have noticed,that i talked about the chinese,communist party's propaganda influence,over an app called tick tock,now the funny thing is i have to give,you an update because,the more stuff that was recommended to,me and the more stuff that i was,harvesting for the actual video,it led to more and more,recommendations of other propaganda,content and it got more and more,sinister and i wanted to show you guys,on the rabbit hole that i ended up going,down i wasn't even looking for this,stuff but this is now on my 4u page it's,pretty much all chinese propaganda and i,found this channel,very coercive and kind of scary in that,it's predominantly trying to,uh appeal to young people,and tell them that you know freedom and,democracy and everything all the values,that they learn is wrong and that the,chinese way is the correct way and it's,very slick um so i wanted to show you,guys that before we get into the video,about,don't know how many of you guys heard,about this but uh apparently google is,blocking the word wu mao,now wu mao if you're not informed is a,paid internet troll in china that is,basically paid 50 cents,chinese cents to sway the narrative on,comment sections of videos on facebook,and basically promote the communist,party of china and put down anything,that opposes it although a lot of the,people that are wu mao are actually,voluntary wu mao that do it of their own,volition,um you know it basically started with,this idea that china needed a better,international image now the fact that,google is blocking people from writing,wu mao in the comments section,is kind of alarming in itself so i,figured in order to combat censorship in,order to spread the word why not put it,on a shirt,let's show the bloody nature of the wu,mao,in merch,go to everpress.com,86 limited time only to pick up your,awesome wu mao t-shirt and tell the,world that you are against internet,censorship thanks for your support okay,guys so like i promised today's video is,going to be about dojian,and the fact that dojian is the chinese,version of tiktok it's what chinese,people watch but the prevalence of,chinese propaganda on dojin in english,is fascinating,it's almost as if they find english,speakers to give more authority to their,message because if a chinese person is,watching another chinese person,speak english then they're immediately,going to be impressed because of their,level of education or their global,understanding so if this person has seen,other perspectives around the world and,then can you pair it back ccp rhetoric,or communist party of china rhetoric,back to them in english it's more,impressive than somebody doing so in,chinese on the flip side getting,foreigners in china to speak chinese,gives them authority as well because,it's like okay wow this foreigner loves,china so much they decided to learn,chinese uh and pair it back chinese,propaganda as well but i talked about,the soft power approach in the last,video on tik tok it's much more gentle,approach uh whereas the chinese version,propaganda and the chinese aptoian is a,much much more direct and powerful,approach and i can't wait to show you,guys some of the stuff i found now we're,going to move on to the hard power and,the hard power is doing,so you notice that the sapphire,propaganda i just showed you is quite,gentle,it's quite wishy-washy you saw the,professor kind of all over the place,when you go over to doian it's a,different story now do you remember is,chinese tick tock it's for chinese,people and you'll see the same types of,characters you'll see the chinese person,promoting nationalism chinese propaganda,you'll see the white monkey positions,where they get white people or,foreigners to talk about how awesome,china is and how bad the west is but at,a much it's turning it up to 11. they,know that that's not palatable to a,western audience but for a chinese,audience they need that push they need,that punch in the stomach yes we are,chinese yes the west is bad and it's,even better when foreigners tell us that,so this guy i found he's from uh canada,he is,a good stepping point a good stepping,stone into some of the more harsh,they're smart enough to to not need my,retort on any of these facts but this is,the type of person that does normal kind,of hell i'm a foreigner what's the law,why i like chinese new xiang you know,there's btl pyaliang do it does like,funny little skits in chinese and,english for a chinese audience and then,immediately shifts when there's some,sort of prerogative or reason to be able,to do this so when the the wuhan virus,came out or the you know the ccp virus,came out he immediately jumped on this,opportunity to really stoke some,nationalism and hatred for the west and,uh,this is a very typical thing that you'll,see you can see this is a carbon copy,there's nothing too interesting about,this clip but i found a clip th

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Your TikToks SUCK (3 Reasons Why & How To Fix Them)

Your TikToks SUCK (3 Reasons Why & How To Fix Them)

if you're struggling to get views and,followers on Tick Tock but every video,you post is getting no views you're not,getting any followers you're not getting,any likes every video seems to flop then,in this video I'm going to explain the,three reasons why your tick tocks suck,okay guys before we get into the three,reasons why your tick tocks suck make,sure to hit the like button hit the,Subscribe button and also turn on,notifications to be notified the next,time I upload a video let's get right,into it so before we get into the three,things I just want to tell you a little,bit about who I am so my name is Shaw I,run a Content production agency that,specifically focuses on short form,content like Tick Tock reels YouTube,shorts Etc we've worked with multiple 78,figure entrepreneurs to blow up their,personal brands on Tick Tock we've also,worked with a bunch of other niches from,crypto to e-commerce to software to,mobile apps we've worked with any Niche,that you can think of we've worked with,it so I posted thousands of tick tocks,in my time running this company and I,know exactly what works and what doesn't,work through all the trial and error of,posting for our clients and in this,video I'm going to explain the three,reasons why your tick tocks probably,suck the first reason why your tick,tocks probably suck is you have no,production value whatsoever you have a,really bad phone camera you don't have a,tripod you don't have good audio you,don't have good lighting you're not,really thinking about what's going to,make the video look better and so the,two kind of tick tocks that you can make,one is more of an educational style and,the other is more of an entertaining,style if you're going solely for,entertaining the production value,matters less it actually can help your,video if there's a lower production,value because it'll feel more organic,and less forced but if you want to build,a brand that you can actually monetize,get followers get views people that are,actually going to click on your link opt,into your email list buy your product,Etc you need to have a more serious kind,of video so you can either have a setup,like this where you have a really good,camera tripod lighting microphone,everything like that or you can go for a,little bit more of a budget but still,good quality so you need to invest in,the best smartphone that you can afford,because you need a really good quality,camera second thing you need is a small,tripod a little flexible tripod that you,can put your phone in and you can take,it with you wherever and you can film,tick tocks on the go the third thing you,need is good lighting so you can either,buy a big ring light or you can buy a,small portable one that you can clip,onto the top of your phone it's going to,make your skin and your face look much,better and the fourth thing you need is,a microphone like this whenever you're,talking on your videos you need to have,really crisp audio and trust me it's,actually going to help the performance,of your videos a lot the second reason,why your Tick Tock suck is your edits,suck look it might be really tempting to,hire a super cheap editor from the,internet to make you any kind of edits,and not really put much thought into the,edit itself it might be super tapping to,do that because it's going to be cheap,but you're not going to get a really,quality edit you need to find an editor,that is generally from either the,Philippines or from Eastern Europe,because they're actually really good,quality they give really good quality,work they know exactly what the western,style of audience wants to see and,generally their English is much better,as well so throughout your videos if you,have a talking video like this you need,to have captions you need to have sound,effects you need to have cuts and jumps,you need to have zooms you need to have,gifts and memes popping up on the screen,to keep people engaged throughout the,thing that you need to know about Tick,Tock is that attention span is really,low so a general rule of thumb is every,two to three seconds in the video,something needs to happen there needs to,be a new caption there needs to be a new,cut a new Jump Zoom sound effect meme,GIF anything every two to three seconds,something needs to happen in order to,keep your viewer attentive but keep them,engaged in your video if you don't have,this they're just going to scroll past,and you're going to miss out on the,views and the followers the third reason,why your tick tocks suck is you have no,storage you humans love story so you,need to give them a story this is,especially important in educational,Style videos if you don't have any story,relating to the point that you're trying,to make it's going to be harder for,people to conceptualize it it's going to,be harder for people to follow along,with your video let's say for example,you're going to put out a video talking,about why it's important to never quit,if you just tell people never quit just,keep going blah b

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How tiktok treats there CREATORS…. (THEY SUCK)

How tiktok treats there CREATORS…. (THEY SUCK)

this is not the way creators should be,treated on the platform take chat gloves,of coverage creators tick tock must do,better for its creators piktock becomes,more successful tick-tockers become less,successful,what since we're all on a topic of,exposing tick-tock and i literally have,no power right now like the power just,went off in my apartment,i'm exposed the hell out of take time if,you don't know i'm a sick talker with,5.6 million followers upon the platform,and i'm going to be telling you my,personal experience of how tick tock has,been treated me and thousands of other,creators so stay around grab some,popcorn and we're going to do some,exposure right now,first topic we're going to be talking,about is the moderation system it's,broken it needs to be fixed there needs,to be something done about how they're,doing it so basically you can post a,video up on tick tock and it goes to a,moderation system it goes through first,the robot sees it which the robot who,sees it is extremely extremely bugged,there's something wrong with it it could,be something totally not even related to,the video and the bot will see and just,be like,banned you can post tons and tons of,videos and it'll randomly just get taken,down for absolutely no reason,and then they leave you questioning why,your video got taken down and i guess,you can be like oh just appeal it you,know just appeal it put a description on,the appeal no you can't do that anymore,you used to be able to give a,description and a reason on why your,video should not be removed appeal and,then write you know a little paragraph,on why you believe that your video is,falsely being flagged but for some,reason tick-tock was like you know what,not anymore buddy you can't do that,taking part,they just removed the entire feature of,being able to give a description on why,your video should be appealed,why,why,literally every single platform on the,planet has that,why the tic toc remove that feature,that's that's the first l that tic tac,took right there there's a high chance,of you posting a video on tick tock and,it'll get removed for absolutely no,reason and you're just sitting there,like,why the hell did my video get removed,and tic tocs like ha ha part 2 of,moderation system i always come back,so not only does your video not only can,you not give a description on why you,believe your video should stay up,but most of the time that you appeal,it'll go back up but for some reason the,strike will still stay on your page like,here's an entire feed,of appeals that i've gone through and,appealed the video in one but there's,still strikes against my page even,though that the appeal has went through,it it doesn't make any sense to appeal,something,and they're in the wrong tick tock is in,the wrong clearly,but for some reason i still get the,strike up on my page that that doesn't,make any sense um,that needs to be fixed and not only that,but it builds up over time right so you,can only have a certain amount of,restrictions,against your page and then it'll build,up and once they hit a certain limit,you'll get messages like like this that,says um your next violation will result,in you not being able to post for a,certain amount of days or you're not,being able to comment or all three,and they're just blocking their creators,from posting even though they're not in,the wrong that doesn't make any sense,whatsoever tick tock that needs to be,fixed and there's something clearly,wrong with this moderation system,secondly and probably the most important,that's where it all builds up and you,hit that certain mark,even though you're clearly not in the,wrong,your account gets permanently banned,mary,4th 2022,my account got banned by tick-tock i,don't know why they didn't tell me,if you don't know who i am that account,was,my tick tock account,it was banned at 3.6 million followers,talk account has been stripped from me,there's really nothing i can do i,submitted an appeal that's pretty much,all i can do i can't there's nothing,else i can do to get my account back,this video you posted has been taken,down because of this,you can only do that a certain amount of,times like maybe six or seven times and,then your account has been permanently,banned,this is probably the most crushing thing,to a creator to see your account all,your hard work views likes everything,all everything you put into this,platform,gone,because of a bugged moderation system so,so so many people have been falsely,banned,and people have been talking about like,oh i've been banned for no reason why,was i banned like literally you go on,twitter it's the only thing you see,under the support system is people's,accounts being banned for absolutely no,reason and this isn't a new thing this,has been going on since april of 2021.,do you guys remember how trump was like,trying to ban take top blah blah blah,well apparently a new company bought,tick tock and they obviously don't know,how to handle a social media like this,because they

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