lights camera Jacob all right,how do I look so sickly I look,like a ghost why do I look like,a ghost why do I look like a sick ghost,oh right ow I know why Wow all right,video let's just do the video you guys,like it when you go on Tick Tock and you,watch like three perfect tick tocks in a,row and then you get interrupted by a,phenomenal ad with phenomenal acting a,phenomenal product and even a better,like hashtag or caption well we're not,looking at that today so if you want,good ads on Tick Tock you better call,1-800 a different app are you satisfied,by ads well today you won't be thanks to,me hey how are you and welcome back to,another YouTube video my name is Jacob,Andrew sharp we've got a doozy,d-o-o-z-y look it up that is this,probably in the dictionary and you know,what's right next to the the the,spelling of that word it's a picture of,me because this video is a doozy and you,know that means there's nuggets in here,if you like doozies and videos by Jacob,Andrew sharp then you're gonna love,nuggets if you're having the doozy you,might as well have the Nuggets call,1-800 videos by Jacob Andrew sharp for a,lifetime supply of nuggets uh what are,nuggets just shut up so yeah today we're,going to be looking at weird Tick Tock,ads because I don't know if you guys,have been on Tick Tock ever uh they keep,getting worse the tick tocks are staying,the same tick tock's fine it's like 90,bad videos 10 good videos but then,there's this super weird world of tick,tock ads I'm not talking about ads for,the app I'm talking about ads that they,put on your for you page and oh my God,they upset me so much you know when you,see ads like the like I think the most,common one for me is the one where it's,like what would happen if California,invaded Texas and then it's just like a,war game hey,stop that right now that ad makes me so,angry I obviously wasn't able to find it,for the video so maybe we'll find it but,uh probably not also what would it be,like I don't know I don't know,also I don't want to know what would it,be like if California invaded Texas I,don't want to know what could actually,happen how about this just watch the,news,just watch the news because it might,happen I don't know if you've been,following what's going on in the United,States but it hasn't been so good for,like ever so right now I don't want to,think about the potential Civil War that,could break out tomorrow also if,California and Texas went to war it,would be like if a bong fought a lizard,it would be like if weed fought guns,there it is that's what would happen and,that's not a good game so today we're,going to be taking a look at Tick Tock,ads like that one and we're going to be,having some sillies and some Goofs but,most of it is just gonna be me screaming,at my camera and hoping that you guys,like it why do some guys cut everything,bad out from their diet they start,hitting the gym yet struggle to burn off,body fat where guys like myself,occasionally eat pizza burgers and food,that I enjoy yet somehow walk around,with six-pack abs 365 days a year now,before you say it's genetics you're,wrong it actually comes down to your,ability to control your number one,master fat loss hormone nor epinephrine,nor what I thought you might say that,okay this is this ad is going on too,long but right away shut up shut up man,shut the up what are you talking,about Nora whatever that is if it's real,or not shut up first off what are you,selling hey man what are you selling are,you selling looking like a guy who's,dipped in plastic because if you're not,this isn't a good ad shut up I wouldn't,want to look like you I don't want to,look like a pile of rocks he looks like,if someone like constructed a snowman,out of balls from a ball pit you know,what I wish they would promote I wish,they would promote like realistic things,with fitness apps I wish they would just,be like hi I'm Jacob Sharp and I love,treating my body the way I think I,should I love lying down with a pint of,Ben and Jerry's ice cream and then,taking a three hour nap now that's what,I call an ab workout some people might,call it low level depression or a low,level anxiety attack but I like to call,it happiness so look the way you look,eat what you want to eat it doesn't, matter we all die sorry to get,so existential right way but I just,don't trust him I don't trust him he,looks like homelander he looks like a,villain well the thing I don't like,about this or just like fitness apps or,Fitness ads in general is that it's just,it's just body shaming it's just people,being like you don't look so good and,you should look like me and you're,stupid if you don't me good you bad how,about,we just be normal how about you just,leave people alone people can just eat,food and look the way they look and it's,fine it doesn't matter sorry my stomach,doesn't look like a cobblestone Road,okay I like it I like it the way it is I,like that my belly could potentially be,a trampoline one day you ever seen Hop,On Pop th
Let's move on to the first section of weird tiktok ads
What the f-,Move, Momo. I'm not in the mood.,I didn't want to have to make this video. Okay. I'm just minding my own business on YouTube...,What the freak is thi-,Let me watch a little Vsauce.,Michael here. It doesn't who I watch, what I watch or when I watch it.,Tik Tok will make itself known. With the sergeants...,Of these "so called" TIK TOK ads,,You know, I heard a little bit at first, you know.,"I got a Tik Tok ad, what the freak." Whoa, anybody getting a lot of Tic Tac ads recently?,I said TIC TAC ads. (laughs).,I thought it was just some isolated cases, you know.,But then I start getting hit with 'em.,I don't need a 14-year-old twerking when I'm trying to watch Vsauce!!,First, we had,,and I've already proven I would have been the best,I dropped my phone.,I-I dropped my pho -,But this Tik Tok,,Its's going to the next level. And I thought, since Tik Tok want to make itself known in my life,,"I'mma just beat it to the punch.",We're gonna do a WHOLE video on Tik Tok.,Now before this video even starts,,Listen, if you're a Tik Tok user, I ain't calling you,,cringe. I mean, first of all, let's not act like I've never done anything cringe.,*Look at the top of his head!*,lady shows HUGE baldspot,laughing,why the music come all hard like, Somebody please. End my suffering.,Where are your parents?,Where...are your parents?,Parents, this is why kids don't need iPhones. I remember,,I was growing up. The first iPhone came out.,I wanted one so freaking bad like, "Mom, it plays music, too!" Remember how revolutionary that was?,You know what my mom got me?,I still got it.,Hold on a second., Look at this! You see this? You freaking see this?! A Boost Mobile.,This thing couldn't play music!,I couldn't play Tap Tap Revenge with this! But most importantly, I wasn't able to make, or Tik Tok videos with it.,Now, those things weren't out yet, but you get my point.,Plus, you know when I was on the phone with somebody and I got mad? (example) "'Tchu' you mean you ain't coming over, girl? I bought the popcorn!,Oh, okay." (slams phone shut),(another example) "Oh, so your mom said you can't come to the movies tonight?,Yeah, hold up--" Even though you said in the second period that we were gonna go see Saw tonight.",Nah (x3), don't even worry about--". You can't do that with iPhones.,Now, she goes by,"Twerk Queen". Tell me this girl ain't fourteen. "Twerk Queen"...,I respect ya hustle,,Get ya followers, girl!,All I'm saying is, let me catch my daughter doing something like this. She-- (starts laughing), She gon' be in her room.,She gon' be like, ,Twerk. Twerk. Twerk. (laughs),The door gon' open.(laughs),What the freak are--,Daddy... I was--,(slapping over music) ~I gotta hit that street, you gotta watch it...~,Freakin' get her in a headlock like this. "Oh, so you want to make videos, huh?",I mean if you're freaking 18 and older and you want to twerk on apps,,fine. This... Tik Tok, can we, like, not promote the 12 year olds?,Whoa! Whoa there, Nelly.,(wheezing laughter),Tik Tok, look what you're doing to our children.,My man at the bus stop, clearly,,uncomfortable making this video. Clearly!,But he feels pressured.,He knows that if he doesn't do the Tik Tok videos, he's gonna get ridiculed in class. So he's getting his daily Tik Tok--,Daily dose of Tik Tok-ing at the bus stop this morning, looking around making sure...,Put that tongue away, young fellow. Put it away.,Nah, this man got a full beard. This man got a whole,beard. Ain't no excuses for you.,I don't want to see no cringe from you, sir. I don't want to see it.,You know what, I'mma let that one slide.That was funny.,cory turns emo,You know,,For... there's some that I'm like, "You know, okay, whatever.",It's like if somebody want to get up there and, like, just voiceover some, that's cool. If we could just,,categorize the Tik Tok cringe. At the top,,it will be like... the twelve-year-old twerking, and then we got the ones where it's like, they,pretendin' to be ugly, they'd be like,,"Uugh my skin is so.. ugh acne.",Then they do a little reveal, you know, and they be like, (breathing),(*whispering seductively* ughhh, ohhh yeahh I'm so freakin' hot now.,that I wiped this lotion off my face.),Then we got the ones where, like, they're doing the memes, and,,those aren't bad.,And then I feel like the ones at the bottom where they're literally just singing and they're not doing nothin' extra.,Okay, maybe they just want to voiceover somethin'.,That's cool!,But why the only ads that I get personally, got me on the freakin FBI--,FBI: FBI OPEN UP!!!,*loud explosions, gunshots*,(while tapping) Yeah, I'm trans, I figured.,Yeah, you call me a girl, well I'm triggered,Takin' note, 'cause I'm a-glow...,I got a thousand fans and no you don't.,CORY: I actually have over three mil-,She don't even know the words!! Watch her mouth.,If you're gonna have a song playing, SING THE SONG!,SING IT! At least SING! Don't let the song play while you just-,No.....,This is
After seeing the first section, I believe you have a general understanding of weird tiktok ads
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I Bought The First 5 Things TikTok Ads Recommended To Me
I Bought The First 5 Things TikTok Ads Recommended To Me
(upbeat music),♪ This is Safiya's new intro song! ♪,- Hello friends, and
welcome to another video.,This week, I'm gonna be
buying the first five things,that TikTok ads recommend to me.,That's right, I'm gonna be giving TikTok,even more of my personal
information, a questionable move.,So, over the past few years,,we've done a few experiments
that involve buying products,from targeted ads across
social media platforms,,like Facebook, Instagram,
YouTube, and Snapchat,to see if their ad
algorithms and analytics,could match me to things I might like.,And a few months ago,,I finally relented and downloaded TikTok,,and lo and behold, there were
ads and abs, but mostly ads.,Now in general, TikTok has
actually become an environment,where companies and people interact a lot,,so I think a lot of businesses see TikTok,as a good marketing opportunity.,- Thank you Little Caesars,for the life size plush replica of me!,- And in terms
of the ads I've seen,,there's quite a wide variety.,(dramatic music),- I have been dreaming of
marriage with a rich girl.,- I've gotten ads for parks,,ads for like fake veneers and
ads for working for TikTok.,Some are for super small Etsy shops.,Some are for larger corporations.,Some play into TikTok trends,,or try to mimic the normal videos,you might see on your for you page,,and some are incredibly
low effort and confusing.,Like, what is this product,
and why is it so pixelated?,And I also know that other
people notice these ads as well,and can relate to getting blasted,by the same one for weeks on end.,- This is a plea to the
marketing people at HALARA.,Please, stop targeting me to
buy your mini tennis dress.,- Every time they open the app.,- Wow, I sure love my HALARA dress.,(sobs) It's, it's really cute!,- But TikTok does have a
very targeted algorithm.,I should know. I've been on
Edgar Allen Poe Tok before,,so maybe they do know best,,and maybe I will like
the things they show me.,So that's what we're gonna
do, buy the first five things,that TikTok ads recommend
to me and see how they do.,All right, so a couple of
quick disclaimers here.,One is that I'm gonna be
pretty much just ignoring,the first ad that comes up
right when you open the app,,because I usually find that
those are for movies, TV shows,or big companies like Credit Karma,,and I'm more interested in
their normal ad inventory,rather than the big banner ones,,which feel less targeted overall.,The other disclaimer is that
rather than just sitting,in one spot and just scrolling,until I get to all of the ads,,I'm gonna open the app up multiple times,throughout the day and
get my five ads that way,,just because that more closely replicates,the way I use TikTok on the daily,,compulsively opening the app,,scrolling through a few videos,,feeling guilty about wasting
time and then closing the app.,Alright, and with that,
let's ruin my algorithm.,Alright, so I've been scrolling,,and TikTok gave me a pretty good ad here.,This is an ad for Pizza
Hut's new limited edition,,streetwear line, Tastewear.,- They don't just sell pizza
anymore. They make streetwear.,And it's called Tastewear,
so let's get into it.,- Yes, that's right, Pizza
Hut made a track suit,,and they're advertising it to
me, which is weirdly targeted.,I am not necessarily the
world's biggest Pizza Hut fan,,but I am a huge fan of companies,doing weird PR things, including clothing.,KFC Crocs, sign me up.
Peeps Crocs, I'm there.,Pizza Hut parka, I mean, I have that.,I don't actually follow a
lot of brands on TikTok,,but I have posted a fair amount of videos,with weird clothing, including
the aforementioned Crocs,,so maybe that's what tipped them off.,So I am gonna get all of this
stuff, or as much as I can.,They have a jumpsuit that's inspired,by the plaid tablecloths
at Pizza Hut restaurants.,Then I'm gonna get their
T-shirt that is inspired,by their stained glass chandeliers,,and I'm also gonna get the slides.,They do also have a necklace,
which I'm gonna grab.,The pizza chain, oh I just
got chain.,It's a pizza chain about the pizza chain,,Pizza Hut, pizza chain.,Two notes here, one is
that the iconic red cup,was sadly already sold out,,and also that this is not that cheap,,specifically, the track
suit is kind of expensive,,which I wouldn't really
expect from Pizza Hut,,but we're gonna get it anyways.,Dude, we're definitely gonna have to go,to Pizza Hut in this.,- You're gonna
be drippin' in Pizza Hut.,- I'm going to be as greasy
(laughing) as a Pizza Hut pizza,,sorry for the slander.,Alright, so I just got another ad,for what seems to be an
electronics mystery box.,It's from this account
called, What the Boxio,,and it's sort of cryptic.,It's almost like a cliffhanger.,This dude is just like, "Hey,
you need a box, go get one!",- So you guys know we've got
boxes, boxes, and more boxes.,I can't show you guys what's in there,,but I can tell you guys,,you guys need to go buy
one as soon as possible.,- He also does a nice sheesh at the end.,Wow, I felt so weird doin
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Roblox’s weird TikTok ads...
Roblox’s weird TikTok ads...
oh,wait these babes have the merch i,thought it was all sold out,did it did it restock,i need to have it now,you guys ever seen those like really,weird uh mobile game ads i don't have,like a hand doing the trick so it's like,really really simple gameplay that you'd,have to be like an idiot,to not understand none of it is like,quite that interesting but they always,end it with like,the person dying there's whole,compilations of them these things are,trash and they like,they make me zone out they make me not,enjoy my life anymore,um roblox actually started doing this,apparently these ads work so good,that roblox with like all their infinite,resources,they resorted to making these terrible,ads,look if it works it works guys if i,could sell you poison to make money i,would,but that's um,let's move on they're probably not as,bad as the the ones,that i just shown but here's a roblox ad,that was on tick-tock,this okay no this is worse that's worse,that's all,that's a little worse i found these on,chase rooney's twitter,all right let's check this one out up,for a challenge you mean are you ready,to lose,let's do it is this even a roblox game,that exists,but like the thing is this probably gets,them so many more players like this ad,works otherwise they wouldn't use it you,know because then they just be wasting,money,there's one that's a lot worse all right,this is uh this is the the grand finale,this is a real ad on tick tock play now,whoa i know what the game is now whoa,dude hey don't kick me out of the star,program,let me direct the ads look i made an ad,for uh,this brand here and look i burnt a,mannequin alive,um probably bad for the environment i,put it out with a fire extinguisher,no environment was dead there's a video,made like uh,like a couple years ago if roblox made,terrible mobile ads because these,these mobile ads were like a huge thing,back then and then um look at the new,comments,they do this now now they do,this aged well look i just want to go,over all the,the odd things on roblox today all the,things i'm not a big fan of on the,platform look the mobile ads like i said,i would do terrible things if it worked,look at this up and coming games happy,simulator i have not felt joy since i,was a baby,i'm not playing this game um adopt a,baby,wait speaking of not having any joy what,is it what is that thumbnail to do with,this,the game why is the cop being romantic,with one of the prisoners,isn't there like a power dynamic there,that i'm missing see these types of,games are the bad,mobile game ad versions of roblox games,you know what i mean all right there's a,blue stream of light coming from my,stomach i must give birth it is time,bro why are you honking at me all right,so the blue stream like i'm assuming,this is like the adopt me gambling thing,it leads you,straight to your first gambling,addiction see like yeah,automatically just just please give us,money,so i don't know too much about stocks,but uh roblox has like a like a stock,coming out that you can invest in so you,can that's like a big deal,you can make a lot of money off it if,roblox does good you think,okay i have an idea i got i got a good,idea don't tell anyone about this all,right don't listen to me because i don't,know if this is how stocks work,but like i'm assuming if the company,does good,the stock goes up in value and then,everyone who owns the stock,makes money if they sell it up here,so if you bought tesla stock last year,around this time,for a hundred dollars you could sell it,for like seven hundred dollars right now,so you'd make like,600 bucks like you know because you,bought it for that and you sell it,right so roblox starts at like 50 bucks,right and then um i say something really,bad about roblox and then,it tanks the company and then the stock,goes all the way down so then i buy,roblox stock at like 10 bucks and i say,good thing about roblox and it goes up,you think i could have that effect,you think people will listen to me you,think the old uh,stock people invest well listen to me,join flamingos resort,oh wait that's not me it's just the bird,oh i thought i got my own hotel,if anyone knows how stock works uh tell,me if that's a good plan in the comments,below,uh i want to make a lot of money like,i'm always talking about it guys,you can literally send me money and i'll,send you back something this stuff,if you want also if you want to possibly,save money in the future,while giving me money you could go to, subscribe and you can sign,up to our newsletter where we will send,out,a discount one day one day but not today,i don't think any of you guys will,understand what stock is either because,if i don't understand it,it's a good thing though i think is this,something i'm illegally about to say,let's let's see let's see let's see if i,get people mad at me for that,all right we're gonna figure out what,the roblox stock is i'm gonna have,someone explain it to me we'll get back,to that for now we're gonna look at,epi
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TikTok Ads Have Gone Too Far...
TikTok Ads Have Gone Too Far...
all right guys i was scrolling through,twitter and i saw one of the worst ads,known to man that was on tick tock and,you know you're probably like zeep it's,tick tock what the hell did you expect i,don't know i expected probably better,you know i mean it is the same,application in which kids were stealing,like toilets or whatever else from their,schools which to be honest was kind of,funny at first but then the stuff would,extend out of school like at like,churches or like restaurants or whatever,and it was basically just blatant,stealing at that point so when it comes,to tick-tock i browse it every now and,then to get like a good haha a good,laugh every now and then to be like oh,that's that's a good meme i don't browse,tik-tok to get like some sort of like,intellectually piece of discussion of,some sorts so the ad i'm talking about,today has to do with this one right here,in which a lady is like dealing with,stomach problems and gas issues and this,is like an ad for i assume a video game,but like it's just like so over the top,you kind of forget that it's even an ad,for a game like what the hell is this,she farts and then it turns into like a,card game and then immediately,transcends to what like i assume to be,like hot tea or hot water being poured,into a toilet what's going on here the,dirty ass toilet by the way then gets,cleaned and then she proceeds to sit,down on the toilet only to be like,frozen to death i,what and then it is reviewed by the end,of the commercial that this whole entire,thing has been an ad for a solitaire,game i mean i guess it's a pretty,creative way to promote your damn,software,it's definitely made an impression on me,i'm not going to judge what the,developers are into but this is like so,like in your face just like hey check,this out and i guess that's really the,marketing strategy for them is that like,it gives off such a vibe that you cannot,forget about it like look guys player,puzzle game it has like farting women in,it look but you know weird marketing,campaigns have worked in the past do you,guys remember back like around 2006 when,the ps3 came out and sony used this,weird creepy baby to promote the console,seriously if you guys don't remember,check this out real quick it's scary,like what the hell this doesn't make me,want to buy ps3 this makes me want to,hide under my bed and hope and pray that,i don't get slaughtered honestly though,this commercial is a work of art,especially in comparison to that tick,tock ad because that's just like farting,like a dirty ass toilet i mean this,isn't even the worst of it if i'm being,honest there have been other tiktok ads,that i've seen on twitter promoting,things in the worst way imaginable check,out this application trying to keep,track of your sleep,why,i just genuinely want to know,why,then every now and then on tick tock you,get ads for like the most out of place,things imaginable like people have been,getting ads to support some random,person's divorce isn't this like odd,though like aren't there like a bunch of,kids on this app like mindlessly,scrolling by being targeted with the,most bizarre ads like i don't know dude,i don't really want to check out like,what type of fetish you're into i just,want to laugh and look at some,shitty trendy tick-tock sound i mean,every now and then you do get some funny,ads like there's this one in particular,and which is like an anti-smoking ad,which is actually kind of funny hey guys,since you love dance challenges here's,one i call tokerlung,find out why at the toca online dot ca,just look how quick like he goes down,like oh my god you know what's,interesting to me is that tick tock is,becoming number one in terms of like,watch time it's exceeding youtube now,it's essentially like the next,generation of content creating do i,think it'll replace youtube completely,no absolutely not long-form content is,always here to stay but when it comes to,the ads well let me just say i don't,think youtube is any better at them as,well alright subscribe i love you bye
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Official "Cursed Advertisements" Compilation Part 1
Official "Cursed Advertisements" Compilation Part 1
ladies and gentlemen boys and girls,introducing the soon-to-be hottest toy,on the shelves,talkative teddy,the only toy that can help you make,friends many children are lonely but,with talkative teddy making friends,becomes a breeze with his soft fur and,two-way radio teddy will surely make a,good impression on your child i love my,teddy of course you do making friends,with teddy is the easiest it's ever been,teddy's two-way radio syncs up to any,other teddies in the area so children,can easily make friends to connect to,another child and their teddy simply,press the button under teddy's chin and,presto,let's try it hello,hello,what's your name,tom,well tom i think we should have a,playdate,tonight in the park,midnight,don't tell your parents it's more fun,that way,we can eat all the ice cream we want,as you can see scheduling a playdate,with,teddy is as easy as pie,talkative teddy only 6.99 in stores now,hey dad,look what i drew,is your child unimaginative and,uninspired,well luckily for you there's a solution,imaginary buddies is only a short call,away at imaginary buddies we have a host,of imaginary friends that can help your,child become a better version of,themselves there are three wonderful,imaginary friends you can choose from mr,whiskers froggy and of course earl,froggy can easily help your child with,their artistic expression mr whiskers,helps your child improve their manners,well earl tends to take care of anyone,who might not be nice to your child,how's school been champ are you still,having problems with bullies that's,great,the dishes are clean there's decent,artwork on the walls and your child is,happy,hey tommy could you not be so loud i'm,trying to read,hey,did you hear me,i'm trying to read so stop that or go to,your room he's not being very nice who,are you talking to go to your room,go,your own imaginary friend only 11.99,call now,you know it really was a very lovely,ceremony,jayden loved you,right up until the end,missing someone who left this world a,little too early well now you don't have,to say goodbye with the other side phone,calls with modern technology your daily,departed is only a quick call away hello,jaden,casper,through the other side phone calls you,can catch up with your loved one though,you'd be hard-pressed to get anything,out of them what's it like where you are,i mean you'll find out eventually,while using the other side phone calls,be sure to interact with friends and,family outside of your department,i just thought i'd drop by since,nobody's seen or heard from you in weeks,it can be difficult losing a partner,you can feel abandoned,are you okay,i am and i'd really like to be left,alone right now,be careful not to overcrowd your,departed as they adapt to their,surroundings,why didn't you pick up this morning i'm,sorry cass we have to stop doing this,no no no no no no no no this isn't fair,just in really different places,i'm sorry,maybe if you were here things would be,different,you must remember however that truly,reuniting with your departed is only,possible one way,which we can't really recommend,casper,are you there,i have an idea,the other side phone calls they're only,a short call away available now,the job opens up let me know i'm willing,to work anything,feeling a little hopeless here on earth,well lucky for you our planet has,established our first settlement on mars,only a short spaceship right away,marsville is enclosed in a glass dome,that contains the cleanest air for its,residents ensuring everyone's safety on,mars extraterrestrial climate mars has,an abundance of employment opportunities,and will set you up with a lovely house,with the picket fence with weekly food,drops from earth mars now has all the,most delicious cuisine known to man,morris is so much better than earth dad,i think so too sport before you know it,marsville will be your new home and,you'll never want to leave hey sport did,you run to the store and pick us up some,crisco they're all out,huh i guess everyone on mars loves to,bake the grocer says they haven't gotten,a shipment from earth in a month now,huh,be sure to head to marsville as quickly,as possible before it fills up,hello i am here to drop off my resume,again,uh hi unfortunately we're we're not,hiring right now no no you don't,understand i have a family i have to,provide for and i understand that sir,but you have to understand that we have,hundreds of job applications here every,single day,even when stressed marsville will make,you feel like your home on earth,hey,dad can i show you something,do you see those,in the glass dome,what are those,cracks,marsville the future for earth book your,flight today
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Playing Games from TikTok Ads So You Don't Have To
Playing Games from TikTok Ads So You Don't Have To
i'm nelly and today we're going to learn,a new word it's called,no guys i'm on my floor,back where i belong nothing,changed ain't nothing new he's got his,own place now and he's still chilling on,the ground what's gucci i'm down to,earth i'm grounded,oh somebody take me home i'm actually on,my bean bag wait wait wait wait,wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm,actually leaning against the bean bag,definitely on the bean bag just leaning,against it if i was fully on the bean,bag y'all will see,every single roll on my body,so the floor helps anyways let's talk,about specifically,game specifically game apps that are,being advertised on tick tock y'all know,what i'm talking about you all got,tick-tock,if you don't girl why are you holding,out it's fun go get it but i just don't,want all these corporations tracking my,information what are they going to do,with it girl,kill you you think the information you,hold is going to jeopardize their entire,operation girl no just download tick,tock on tick tock there seems to be,some weird unlocked plethora of,christmas i just constantly play on the,app,unhinged an untracked scene unhinged,girl unhinged not even in a cute way,and then sometimes you'll have like some,chipmunk voice talking over it,sounds like,why am i laughing but now today we're,going to figure out are the apps,as cursed as those ads probably yeah 100,yes most definitely yeah i'm betting all,of my,money on yes but we're still going to,play them today,you don't have to first ones first we're,going to start with my ultimate favorite,high heels,yep high heels what high heels you ask,shut up shut the down tick tock,basically it's a game where you play a,person that's wearing high heels,what oh my god ground break but while,wearing the high heels you collect,other high heels which then grow your,high heels to be,even higher heels it is the most,chaotically neutral game i've ever seen,in my entire life and i absolutely love,it i played it before this isn't me,reacting to this one this is me just,showcasing its genius and all their ads,will play like the same goddamn nicki,minaj song and like fast pace because,you know when you think of high heels,you think of nicki minaj right,no just me oh shut up literally almost,five stars with 241,000 reviews girl girl when i say they,play this ad everywhere every two,goddamn,seconds so good that leo rio even said,boom clackalackalac,a boom de la caca ca i don't ,know but let's just play the here,we are,oh yeah i forgot i chose the man or,masculine,built person you know a gender,right level 44,got on some pink heels and some gray,sweatpants,music bumping and so am i and basically,all you need to play is put your finger,on the phone and it goes look at,her look at her look at her,look at her and then when we get to the,bean you got a balanced if you,don't bounce don't bounce your ball off,shut up you try okay here we go it's,simple it's literally simple and we,skate on them hoes,yes walk that tightrope,every single one they just get higher,and higher i also love how the high,heels are not even like,actual normal high heels they're like,literally all platforms,at this part yeah they do the, split,that's what makes you so iconic and then,here we go,there we go and there it is up now,girl girl that's the high heel game it's,literally my biggest,obsession right now literally everything,i've won in a video game is in this game,okay suspense adventure,story walking the runway to reach the,runway,game of the year here we go level 45,you're doing good get a get it, get it get a get a, get it back,you know what that means yummy oh i've,unlocked a girl who ever loves an ebony,garden,oh i gotta watch a video to claim it up,never mind sorry girl sorry girl,and for the character categories there's,cute star,and queen,i don't know and even have like multiple,versions of nicki minaj in there because,okay whatever play one more level and,then i'm gonna move on sorry i haven't,played this in like weeks now i'm going,back down that tunnel,yes inches oh nope lost them all okay,split on them,and then nowhere nowhere went nowhere,oh bonus level paris yes please oh,no parents don't need parents we,don't need parrots there you go,that was high here the next one's called,hair,challenges you're playing like a person,with long hair walking down the runway,trying not to get your hair cut i don't,know it's the same format as high heels,literally all the games that are,advertised on tick tock are like the,same three formats either you're walking,to a place or you're stacking something,or you're jumping over something,i don't know we're walking some,more but this time we got long hair,no heels long hair and if you haven't,noticed i cannot relate this is going to,be a blast,oh it's the same literal company as the,hut,that's what girl girl y'all just making,y'all y'all not even trying y'all still,getting my ad money i guess god damn,goddamn y'all got me y'all got me oh, how much money y'all making hair,chal
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I bought every weird ad I saw for a month
I bought every weird ad I saw for a month
hey guy remember a couple months ago,when I wasted like a thousand dollars on,what ended up being almost entirely a,bunch of junk well I'm doing that again,it's not that I don't want to save my,money it's that saving money is boring,why would I let it sit in some bank,account all day when I could be,investing it in garbage so for the past,few weeks I've been saving all of my,favorite weird-ass Instagram ads and,today I will go through them and charge,a concerning amount of money to my,credit card,now one of the things I bought last time,were 89 joggers which believe it or not,I'm actually wearing right now jealous,but my biggest fear in life besides,burning to death is that one day my,pants are gonna fall down in the middle,of a grocery store exposing my bare,button balls to everyone there even the,manager if that happened I would have to,move to a brand new city and moving is,expensive so the better solution is to,buy a belt and I've got the perfect one,in mind,I've been obsessed with belts for a long,time I wear a belt every day hold on,you're obsessed with belts I like belts,they get the job done but I wouldn't,exactly say I'm obsessed with them I'm,not lying awake at night just thinking,about belts so the belt's really cool,because it solves those exact three,problems there's no holes there's no,flap and it's super flat like low,profile and it looks dorky as hell what,a build up you've got the inspirational,music in the background all the,nonsensical buzzwords webbing's a,military webbing that we have custom,made for us it's rated at like 3 000,pounds it's got just a ton of strength,what does that even mean if I'm getting,hit by three thousand pounds of force,the last thing I'm worried about is the,strength of my belt buckle the Buckle,that goes with it is an aerospace grade,aluminum again that does not matter,these words mean nothing I do not need,military grade steel around my waist hey,do you like my belt not really well what,if I told you that this is the same,steel they use to make spaceships I,would be confused and we actually make,them ourselves like in our shop you can,make like 45 combinations like 3 000,pounds this guy really knows his stuff,and that's why I feel comfortable buying,one for 35 I figure though if I'm gonna,buy one of these I might as well go all,in on the absurdity and get red not a,normal color like black or brown I'm,talking bright red I want people,to see my big dumb astronaut belt from,miles away so this next one I've seen a,bunch and uh it's really not surprising,to me I spend most of my time sitting on,my ass sometimes because I have to but,usually because I want to and with that,comes the occasional lower back pain,solution lay down on a tire and roll,back and forth what is the difference,between a foam roller and a chirp wheel,I know uh the foam roller is longer,foreign,for three little wheels wait so this,deal is part of a summer Black Friday,sale first of all it's Thursday second,of all you can't just make up holidays,you know how many birthdays I'd give,myself if you could all of them every,day is my birthday so for 99 bucks I can,get just the three wheels or I can get,the ultimate back pain bundle guaranteed,to give you back pain so I think I'm,gonna have to do that it also comes with,a carrying case where do you think I'm,gonna take these the mall go ahead and,grab a spot in line babe I gotta roll,around in the bathroom and the last,thing in the bundle is the posture,corrector which sounds menacing honestly,there's no explanation on how it works,there's not even a picture of someone,wearing it so I have no clue what to,expect or how to use it but I guess I'll,find out so at this point it's become,clear to me that the algorithm is very,aware of my shitty back because the very,next day I got an ad for a nearly,identical product uh but this one I can,put on my chair,de Corey story spine natural posture,I'll go ahead and grab one of these too,so I can compare it with the other one,40 bucks not so bad though it doesn't,come with a carrying case so I don't,know how I'm gonna take this anywhere oh,hold on you've unlocked a special offer,get our brand new spy neck for 40 off,they trademarked that,they trademarked spine neck I don't,think anyone was going to take that from,you but neck and shoulder muscle relaxer,wow and I don't even need a prescription,cool uh but what does it do okay so you,kind of just roll around on it I like,that effortlessly ease your pain in 10,just minutes the spine neck creates,ultimate relaxation in the neck and,shoulder anytime anywhere again that is,not a selling point I'm not leaving the,house with this easy to use anywhere in,offices hotels car obviously not while,driving now I get pretty stressed out,when I'm on the highway I think that's,the perfect time to use it it's like,having a personal massager on your hand,24 7. see look at this visual,representation of that FAQs does it hurt,not really can we take a nap on this who,is asking that can
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