Copy & Paste YouTube Shorts And Earn $178 Per Video | (BEST Step by Step Tutorial)
this shorts video is pretty catchy but,it made only five dollars and this,shorts video is also catchy but this one,made over 500 so what's the difference,well the first shorts video,in this video i will show you how to,copy and paste youtube shorts and earn,156,or 182,or 255,per video you copy and paste now since,youtube itself is not the best way to,monetize your youtube short i will show,you an additional way to make money and,maximize your results with a simple four,steps process that can help you make,money with youtube shorts without making,videos yourself and without showing your,face so first of all we will talk about,how to actually find the right short,then how to copy and paste and create,those youtube shorts then how to,actually upload those youtube shorts and,how to actually get views on those,youtube shorts and finally i will show,you how you can make money using,and it has nothing to do with our,revenue now by the way the winner of the,last 25 giveaway is julian monet if you,don't know in every video i'm randomly,rewarding one of you that follows me on,instagram at i am dave nick and i'm,giving away 25 dollars in every video so,if you want to participate in the next,one just go over to instagram and follow,me at i am dave nick and i will announce,the winner in the next video on this,channel anyways let's begin with the,step-by-step tutorial so first of all,look at this guy he's a genius according,to socialblade this person is getting,over 67 million views per month on their,shorts channel and as you can see the,channel has been blowing up lately i,mean according to socialblade he's,making millions of dollars per year from,ad revenue but i'm not quite sure,because once again ad revenue from,shorts can be really low and then you,have another person right here that is,getting over 100 million views per month,and they started just months ago with 3,000 subscribers and now they're getting,over 100 000 subscribers per month,that's over 3 000 subscribers per day,and over 3 million views per day on,their short videos but you know what,since these guys are not using the,strategy which i'm about to share with,you inside of this video they're missing,out on thousands of dollars they can,potentially make with these views,because relying just on ad revenue on,youtube shorts is not the best way to,make money there's a lot better ways to,monetize your youtube shorts and make a,lot more money now if you open up any of,their youtube videos you're gonna be,able to see that these are just short,stories horror stories or horror facts,some bizarre facts or lists of different,interesting things and those short,videos are getting over 100 million,views per month so how do you even make,those videos without showing your face,well first of all you will need to go,over to a website called list worst this,is over the list and on here,you can find pretty much the same type,of content that sebastian uses to get,over 67 million views per,month so just go over to,and this is going to give you lots of,different articles from which you can,make those short videos so for example,you can go over to bizarre category,right here and you will have creepy,mysteries and weird stuff so let's for,example go to creepy section that's,going to give us all of these different,articles and the lists from which we can,make our shorts videos for example we,have top 10 creepiest things found in,addicts or top 10 cursed videos and so,on let's say for example i want to open,up this one and make a short video from,this article right here or from this,list it says top 10 cursed videos so as,you can see now we have number 10 number,9 8 7 6 and so on and so forth so what i,can do right now is i can copy one by,one each of these so for example the,first one right here i will copy this,text and then i will just go over to in,video which is a tool that basically,creates those videos for you and i will,leave all the resources in the,description down below so i would just,sign up to in video and i would select,the vertical option right here i would,select text to video i will choose the,template i will give a headline or the,title of the video so for example i can,say top 5 cursed videos and now i will,just paste the script in this box so one,by one i will type in five different,cursed videos that i got from, so i will paste that,inside of this box i will change some,words to make it unique you know i will,find some synonyms so i will just,rewrite it in my own words then i will,click next i will wait until nvidia does,the work for me and i will have all of,the scenes available on the screen right,now so they've just made a 32 seconds,video for me and this is a short video,which i can use now just keep in mind,that since this is an ai tool which uses,artificial intelligence to create those,videos it is not always accurate and as,you can see it puts some random images,so i would definitely change this,because this image
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This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER
This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER
in this video you'll see for yourself,how to get your Tick Tock ad results to,go from this to more like this by,following a simple to execute five part,formula and breaking one common rule,that most gurus out there are spreading,that actually holds most Tick Tock ads,back there's this misconception out,there but it's total garbage this is,Matt Johnston and he knows what works,with Tick Tock ads he's produced and,overseen over 2 000 video ads that have,generated well over 10 billion video,views and millions of dollars in sales,according to Matt and his data he's,cracked The Tick Tock ad code with this,exact strategy and that's not fluff he,literally 10x disc click-through rates,going from one half a percent all the,way up to five percent and an overall,five times return on ad spend as a,direct result of the strategy and in,under 15 minutes you'll have all the,pieces in place to be able to replicate,his results for yourself so Matt why get,in on Tick Tock ads right now why not,stick with Facebook ads or Instagram or,YouTube Facebook ads definitely still,work but they're getting tougher and,they're really expensive the data is,obviously awful because of iOS 14 and,then the aftermath but also people are,just sort of vacating the platform,Google ads have always been expensive,and YouTube ads are getting quite,expensive so it's cheaper and more,effective when you get in on it earlier,right because Tick Tock will eventually,be there as well but that makes this,moment and probably for the next 18,months or so the moment to get there and,it's sort of like a land grab at this,time but it's a profitable landcraft and,because I know some of you are thinking,it no Tick Tock is not just a way to,advertise to teenagers and people who,still know who the musical guest on SNL,is ladies and gentlemen Megan the,stallion,what the point is tick tocks users are,aging up it might have been true if,people were like it's just the kids but,that's crap now everybody is on it I,just got off a sales call that I booked,through Tick Tock ads and this guy was,50 years old and ready to rock and roll,most of the people that I have closed,from Tick Tock have been over the age of,40. and that's not just Matt's,experience the data backs him up here so,53 percent of tick tock's users are over,30 and that's just going to continue,maturing over time so how can we get,results like you get from ads on Tick,Tock like what's your secret I think,that there's this misconception out,there that the best ad creative should,be native to the platform you know,that's some sort of like general rule,but it's total garbage in fact it needs,to be the opposite if you want to make a,YouTube ad that has the best chance of,converting you probably should shoot it,like a selfie video because the rest of,the content is extremely well shot with,great depth of field and amazing cameras,because that's what everybody's doing on,YouTube so you get the opportunity to,pattern out which is the most important,thing you're going to hear that term a,lot in the rest of this video so let's,just Define it real quick so pattern,interrupts are a scientific concept that,come from neuro-linguistic programming,and it just involves switching up a,repetitive pattern to basically snap,someone out of the days they're in since,most people consume social media,completely zoned out you need to shake,them awake so to speak because it,doesn't matter what you say in your ad,if you don't pattern interrupt nobody,will ever see it so on Tick Tock,everybody came in that was trying out,Tick-Tock ads at the beginning and we're,still at the beginning saying that you,got to make tick tocks you know the best,thing is native so selfie type videos,that look like,ugc for lack of a better term and that's,how you did Tick Tock ads but man that,does not work I mean it may work for,some but in my testing when I was first,trying that regular tick tocks that,simply had Direct response bent edited,in tick tocks shot like tick tocks I was,getting you know like 0.5.6,click-through rates and I could not,break through as soon as I started using,this scripting methodology and some of,the production stuff around it I'm,looking at five percent click-through,rates and I feel so confident in it like,I feel like I've totally corrected at,this point so how do you recommend,shooting these ads if if not like,standard organic tick tocks high,production values not like you'll spend,a bunch of money I'm saying use a good,camera and have like the YouTube,aesthetic you got to think like YouTuber,like get a nice camera or figure out how,to shoot with cinematic mode you know,and like make it look good do stuff like,depth of field lighting and stuff like,that so it's clearly like like a normal,Tick Tock it sticks out in the feed now,to be clear here Matt isn't saying make,it look like an ad either making,something that looks like this or this,is probably the worst thing you could do,so he's only saying that you need to,bump up the qualit
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Copy & Paste Reddit Videos Onto TikTok And Make $30,500/Month (NO WORK!)
Copy & Paste Reddit Videos Onto TikTok And Make $30,500/Month (NO WORK!)
step number one copy this link step,number two paste it over here and click,on generate step number three you can,get paid money online for this,incredibly viral niche right now you,don't need a camera for this we're not,going to be creating any content you,don't need tick-tock you don't need,instagram reels you don't need youtube,shorts we don't need any social media,platform to make money online from this,all you need is the ability to copy this,link over here whether it's on a mobile,phone or a laptop and you can make,multiple streams of income online in,fact every single second of this video,is bringing you closer to thirty,thousand dollars a month using tick tock,without even creating your own content i,suggest pay close attention to this,video and watch every single detail of,this video as you don't want to miss any,of the steps that i'm going to show you,in order to set up the successful tic,toc business you see this person over,here is approximately making anywhere,between 500 and 2 000 every single day,posting one to two tick tocks every,single morning and afternoon and they,are absolutely killing it with views,none of this is their own content,they're not coming up with themselves,they're not recording their own face,they're not even touching a camera or a,phone to go and make this kind of,content and over here you can see this,link in their bio leads to other,different socials they've got a paid,discord server over here which is how,they're making money online from this,except we're going to be doing this a,little bit differently we're not going,to be using a discord server i'm going,to show you how you can go and do this,with passive income affiliate links now,this has nothing to do with tick tock ad,revenue we're not going to be making,money on ads or anything like that we're,going to be utilizing the virality of,tick tock with this brand new niche over,here that is really blowing up right now,as you can see they are getting millions,and millions of views more views than,what they have followers over here i can,actually show you a couple of smaller,channels doing this this guy only has,188 181k followers and some of these,videos are getting close to two million,views um there's another one over here,with two million another one here with,790 thousands as you can see these,videos absolutely blow up and tick tock,is the kind of platform where you can,get a hundred thousand views overnight,from the algorithm without having any,followers that's just how the tick tock,algorithm is working right now and you,can also go and copy and paste this onto,instagram reels to double up your views,double up your audience and double up,your money online as you can see all,this person is doing this is copying and,pasting stories from reddit overlaying a,text to voice editor with a random,background video of a swing and just,putting it on text over here and they're,basically getting millions of views,doing this so reddit stories on tick,tock right now turning that into a video,is a great way to get a lot of views and,we can monetize that in multiple ways so,in this video i'm going to go and teach,you how to go and create a video like,this it's super important that you know,how to do this you can't just go and,slap bang some voice to text generator,from reddit onto a video there's a,specific way that you need to set it up,in order to maintain your audience,retention and the best thing about,reddit is that there are unlimited,stories there are hundreds of new,stories being posted every single day so,there's literally infinite content ideas,for the rest of your life so this is,something that you can be running for,the rest of your life a business and a,page that you can really be growing and,hand down to your kids one day to their,kids and it will just constantly grow,and produce more money online as it goes,so the first thing we can go and do is,get an idea of what reddit stories,people like the most so we can just go,and google best,reddit,stories,click on enter and over here you can see,what are some classic reddit stories,that users should read 21 reddit stories,no one will believe 12 most fascinating,subreddits for mostly true stories over,here you can see some very fascinating,reddit stories so your tick tock could,be all about the totally random,celebrity sightings over here you can,see is the link to this specific reddit,and you can go and view the full reddit,over here here is another good example,12 of the most fascinating subreddits,for mostly true stories over here you,can have a look relationship and,relationship advice confession stories,is usually a very good video type that,does well on tick tock so if i go and,open this up you can actually have a,look for example,this is a great story to go and turn,into a tick tock so this is how it works,all we're going to do is we're going to,come over to a website called veed dot,io we can click on enter we're going to,click on the first link over here this,video
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Copy & Paste YouTube Shorts And Earn Money 2023 ($2.4 Million PROOF) | Make Money Online
Copy & Paste YouTube Shorts And Earn Money 2023 ($2.4 Million PROOF) | Make Money Online
in this video I'm going to show you how,you can make one thousand dollars every,single day starting January 2023. as you,can see here this channel here is,potentially making 2.4 million dollars,per month just by uploading YouTube,shorts and they're not even filming the,videos themselves and potentially,they're making here 28.3 million dollars,every single year as you can see here,YouTube shorts creators will be able to,earn share of AD Revenue starting in,2023 which is just a few days away by,this point so just a few days away from,2023 you will be able to learn money,from YouTube shorts ad Revenue just by,uploading YouTube shorts that you don't,even have to record them yourself you,don't even have to show your face and,I'm going to guide you step by step of,everything that you have to do to be,able to perform this method in 2023 and,if you're excited to learn this method,go ahead and subscribe to this Channel,right now because that's all I do here,on this channel I post three videos just,like this one here on the channel every,single week teaching you different,methods that you can use to make money,online and if you're not subscribed,you're going to miss the future videos,which is going to be a shame because,that could have been the video that,changed the game for you forever so go,ahead and subscribe right now because it,is completely free and you can always,change your mind later in the future and,don't forget to sign up for the,subscriber fund which I gave out 50,every single week here to my subscribers,all you have to do to sign up is just,scan the QR code on your screen right,now or go to the link in the description,which says subscriber fun and sign up,there after you sign up just subscribe,to the channel and you're automatically,entered to win now let's jump into the,method I want to show you exactly step,by step all you have to do to create a,YouTube shorts channel that generates,you thousands of dollars per month and,I'm going to show you exactly what,niches you need to go into and where you,need to go to get the videos basically,I'm gonna hand everything to you in a,silver platter so let's go ahead and,jump into it because now I want to show,you exactly what you're going to be,doing to find these little niches that,are highly profitable and have zero,competition so as you can see right here,if you type up hashtag words in the,YouTube search bar is going to bring you,to the YouTube shorts so right now there,are 429 million YouTube shorts in the,YouTube platform using the YouTube,hashtag shorts this is growing in,numbers by millions every single day so,it means that people are catching on but,it's still early in the game I Believe,by the end of 2024 or even next year I,believe there will be over 1 billion,videos in the short shelf so if you,actually scroll down here on this page,you're going to see that there are,little niches that people don't show,their faces there are funny videos there,are pleasurable videos so all you have,to do here is just kind of scroll down,on this page and kind of find those,videos that don't require you to show,your face now there is a special little,niche that if you type in hashtag shorts,plus funny cats so just the First videos,here on on this page are getting,millions and millions of views and we're,talking about the YouTube shorts videos,and not these long form videos here if,you click on the right you're going to,see 2.1,373k 54 million views of videos are,pulling out millions and millions of,views and as you might have imagined,this is a very easy Niche to get into,and I'm going to show you exactly how to,do it without having to film the videos,yourself and like I showed you in the,beginning of the video there's one of,these funny cat videos Panda shorts,which is this channel that you're seeing,on your screen right now they are,pulling out 2.4 million dollars per,month just by posting YouTube shorts now,this Niche here is a low CPM Niche,meaning that they will pay less for each,1000 views but when you're getting,589 million views every 30 days then you,can make up for that low CPM with,millions and millions of views which,means you're going to get paid a lot of,money and that is exactly how this,channel here is making so much money now,I'm going to show you exactly where and,how you need to go to get these videos,like these ones that you just saw right,now the funny cat videos so if you want,to head over to tick tock and you want,to search for funny cats under slash,show just like you're seeing on the,screen right now you might want to pause,the video now and copy this name this is,a tick tock page and they have millions,of millions of views in their videos as,you can see here right off the bat if,you look at their page you're going to,see that they have minions 1.7 1.5 14k,273 1.3 million views I just use the,sort The Tick Tock videos to see the,highest viewed ones and you can see here,they came right up and they have,millions and millions of views on these,vide
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Stupidly Easy $40,000/Month YouTube Shorts Copy Paste Method for Beginners to Make Money Online
Stupidly Easy $40,000/Month YouTube Shorts Copy Paste Method for Beginners to Make Money Online
starting from this week you can now get,done for your viral YouTube shorts a,link in the description box down below,you can just download a 30 180 or 365,user generated viral YouTube shorts that,have never been uploaded to YouTube,before it's Unique content and you get,the cape 100 of the profits for Lifetime,and all the views that come from those,YouTube shorts once again that's going,to be the first link in the description,box down below anyways inside of this,video I want to show you one of the,easiest ways you can generate YouTube,shorts using this brand new app that we,never talked about before which is,pretty much gonna do all of the work for,you and I'm going to show you multiple,ways to actually monetize those YouTube,shorts so if that sounds good enough,then let us begin with the actual,step-by-step tutorial and that is to,first of all think about how you're,actually going to be monetizing those,YouTube shorts because you can get,millions of views with YouTube shorts,but it's sometimes extremely hard to,monetize them and luckily starting from,February 1st 2023 we will be able to,monetize YouTube short without Revenue,just list you are able to monetize a,long form content and long videos you,can now monetize YouTube shorts with ads,as well if you are approved into the,partner program and the requirements for,the partner program are 4 000 hours of,watch time and 1 000 subscribers or 1,000 subscribers and 10 million public,YouTube shorts views now if you get 10,million YouTube shorts views you will of,course get a lot more than a thousand,subscribers so you should just be,focusing on getting as many views as,possible to get approved into the,partner program but in my personal,opinion it is actually a lot easier to,get 10 million YouTube shorts views than,it is to get 4 000 hours of watch time,with long-form content on a brand new,YouTube channel so these are some good,news now you will be able to monetize,your YouTube shorts without actually,having to sell anything promote any,affiliate offers get any brand deals,literally just by being approved into,the partner program you will be paid,depending on how many views your YouTube,shorts are getting which are some,incredible news now of course if you do,want to add additional revenue streams,to your YouTube shorts one of the,easiest ways to monetize them is going,to be either with CPA marketing,affiliate marketing brand deals and,print on demand now those are the,different things that we usually talk,about on this channel I have a lot of,different tutorials which you have,probably watched I'm not gonna talk,about that again in this video in this,video I want to show you have to,actually create those YouTube shorts,quite easily and literally just a couple,of seconds with this done for your tool,now the initial we will be focusing on,inside of this video are YouTube shorts,that are basically just taking podcasts,and interviews like a famous people's,speech so for example here's a channel,right over here this is a random Channel,that I found there's like thousands of,these channels popping up everywhere but,it's like peaky YouTube channel that is,literally getting tens of millions of,views in these YouTube shorts and all,this person is doing so he's not showing,his face all this person is doing is,taking podcasts interviews and just,clipping out like 30 to 60 seconds of,those podcasts and he's getting millions,of views and monetizing this in,different ways now if you're thinking,like but Dave isn't Mr B's gonna get mad,because you are taking his stuff like,from his podcast is he not gonna,copyright striku of course not because,you're growing they're rich with with a,podcast that are posting they might get,like a million views in that podcast 2,million views or even way less than that,but with YouTube shorts they can,potentially get tens of millions of,views you're growing their exposure,you're helping them grow their brand and,in return you're monetizing that and,making money off of that without,actually having to record anything,yourself so this is a Vin VIN for,literally everyone so what you want to,do is basically just subscribe to as,many different podcast channels like,there's thousands of different podcasts,like literally any everyone now has a,podcast so it's there's not gonna be a,shortage of different podcasts that you,can go with I'm gonna use impulsive as,an example this is Logan Paul's podcast,a very popular one and this is his,channel impulsive Clips where he already,posts shorter clips from his podcast but,these are not YouTube shorts these are,literally Clips like three five minutes,long so for example what I can do is I,can right click on some of these videos,I'm gonna use this one as an example,this is a five minutes clip from the,podcast five minutes clip probably a,really interesting one I don't know and,then I can just go over to cut,and I'm gonna paste that inside of this,box so cut will actually clip,out different thing
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The TikTok-ification of Everything
The TikTok-ification of Everything
tick tock's growth shows no signs of,slowing down these social media,platform's user base is now estimated to,be in the billions Tick Tock is working,hard on improving the targeting of ads,and as a consequence tick tock's,turnover in Europe surged almost,six-fold in 2021 but the success of,tick-tock is not only influencing its,own growth trajectory no Tick Tock is,affecting the broad economy as well,arguably reshaping the entire social,media landscape and how humans connect,with each other but on top of that the,chinese-owned short video app is,influencing Industries and sectors,beyond the social media space and this,influence is sometimes referred to as,the tick tockification of everything and,in this video I will outline why the,changes tiktok brought to internet,services all around the world are here,to stay even if that might eventually be,banned in the United States so without,further Ado let's get started,foreign,my impression is that the chinese-owned,video app Tick Tock has helped,accelerate two major phenomena the first,might be described as the tick,tockification of social media and the,second one might be referred to as the,pictographication of the internet and,before I get into the details of these,two phenomena let's just very quickly,highlight the phenomenal rise that The,Tick Tock app has experience over the,last four years so the short video app,was first launched in 2018 after the,parent company by then requires the app,musically and merged it into Tick Tock,and as of today according to statista,data tiktok has more than one billion,monthly active users making it the,fourth biggest social media platform,following Facebook Instagram YouTube and,WhatsApp which each have at least 2,billion active users and if you look at,another metric namely the time spent on,each platform as of 20 2 Tick Tock may,very well already be considered more,successful than the form ancient,competing platforms as users use tick,tock on average for almost 46 minutes a,day compared to 30 minutes they spent on,Instagram for example but tick tock's,rice also comes at a cost we'd expect a,company that was generating revenues of,61 billion US dollars in 2021 to be,profitable right well according to a,recent Wall Street Journal report tick,tocks parent company by dance posted,operating losses of more than 7 billion,US dollars in 2021 more than Rippling,the losses of 2022 and the report States,bite then Revenue continues to expand up,nearly 80 to 61.7 billion US dollars in,2021 but so too are the companies,expenses as it focuses on growth the,Chinese company's cost of sales came in,at 27.4 billion US dollars for 2021 up,79 from the previous year among the,factors offsetting its rapid Revenue,growth 14.6 billion in research and,development spending and 19.2 billion,if selling and marketing expenses with,these numbers out of the way let's focus,on the influence Tick Tock has on the,broader economy earlier I said that Tick,Tock is accelerating two major phenomena,the first one being the tick,tockification of social media so what do,I mean by that well I think it's two,things first the emergence of short and,Ultra short form videos that are often,accompanied by an audio track either a,song or some other kind of audio,recording and of course other social,media platforms have been heard by the,success of tick tock if users spend more,time on tick tock's platform that means,they will likely spend less time on the,other social medias platforms and so it,comes as no surprise that other large,social social media apps are trying to,copy the features that that Tick Tock is,implementing and they are trying to,decipher The Tick-Tock success formula,so features that you can now find among,a wide range of social media platforms,include not only the format of short,form videos but also user interface,features such as vertical full screen,videos continuous vertical scrolling and,very few UI elements that might disturb,the user experience for instance both,Instagram and Facebook now offer,so-called reels YouTube launched YouTube,shorts in August 2021 in their attempt,to lure Tick-Tock influences over to,YouTube shorts Snapchat launched,Spotlight and even Reddit created its,own version of yeah tick tock's video,feed member King tiktok's vertical,scrolling and just recently Twitter 2,announced that they will be adding a new,tick tock like full screen video feature,to their platform and these platforms,are literally spending a fortune trying,to incentivize users to use their short,for short form video tools at launch,Snapchat for example distributed 1,million US dollars per day in Spotlight,Rewards,YouTube at first established a 100,million dollar grader font for YouTube,shorts and is now planning to give,shorts creators a 45 cut off their ad,revenue and similarly Instagram offered,graders after you study five thousand,dollars to post videos to its Tech talk,loan reels and there is another way in,which Tick Tock changes the way social,media Works
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Twitch Clones Are Taking Over TikTok
Twitch Clones Are Taking Over TikTok
I think streamers do that just makes,sense and this is another reason why I,drink less water and more G fuel just,because it's giving me a lot of natural,vitamins content creation is harder than,your nine to five twitch streamers on,Tick Tock a new breed of content creator,that is taking the Internet by storm now,if you have no idea what I'm talking,about then you're probably not on Tick,Tock that much which in that case,congratulations but to fill you in,recently there's been a big wave of,quote twitch streamers who have started,to make tick tocks about their day in,the life and people have been noticing,that all the videos are essentially the,same and all of the streamers kind of,kind of look the same and it's like,every day more and more of these,streamers are being pumped out of some,sort of twitch Tick Tock Factory but of,the two most notable ones in my opinion,are vyoko and Kaya mints two guys who,have really taken this day in the life,format and run with it and found a lot,of success and a lot of criticism,they're always talking in their videos,about how draining content creation is,and how tired they are and how hard,their work is and a lot of people are,not very happy with them saying this but,I wanted to give my insight on these,videos and tell you guys kind of what I,think is going on because I think I see,it a bit differently than most of these,commenters so let's not waste any more,time let's begin and please subscribe a,day in the life of a small twitch,streamer first thing I did was my usual,morning routine put on some jewelry made,a smoothie and worked on a couple videos,for the day after a while I decided to,go hang out with a friend we ended up,going thrift shopping picked up some,ghosts and stopped by Costco to get some,food my friend also helped me record a,room tour video coming soon when I got,home it was time to stream went live for,around three hours averaged 86 viewers,and peaked at 171 and my day was coming,to an end and I was pretty exhausted so,I got in bed and I went to sleep all,right so from my understanding this is,kind of the video that started it all,and you could probably see why some,people would not take this seriously I,mean it's just a guy getting up brushing,his teeth going to get some snacks and,then streaming and then being extremely,exhausted which in the con context of,what's going on now it seems like yeah,okay that's not really that hard of a,day but I think that at least for this,guy's case that these videos just kind,of got off on the wrong foot people just,interpreted them in the wrong way,because if you watch this video and you,don't think about the trend that's going,on now this video does not seem like a,guy trying to act like his day is Super,difficult it just seems like a guy who,streams saying what he does in a day who,cares if he's tired by the end of the,day who isn't there's days where I do,nothing and at the end of the day I'm,still tired guess what that's okay,you're telling me you've never had a,relatively normal day and then by the,end of the day you're ready to pass out,is that really that big of a deal no I,think these videos were interpreted the,wrong way from the get-go and that had,them kind of transform into something,else day in the life of a twitch,streamer first I made my bed and took a,shower brushed my teeth then made a,smoothie this one was banana with,pineapple and some mango juice then I,started editing some videos but decided,to hang out with my friends so I picked,him up and went to get some food went by,Culver's to get a burger and stop by,Wawa to get a drink stop by Walmart and,then also the movies where we watched,nope and it was a pretty good movie then,I hung out my friend's place and made,some more Burgers but it was getting,late so I went home and decided to take,a day off from stream to get some rest,so this is another one that got a lot of,negative comments and I can sort of see,why a little bit more on this one,because honestly this seems like sort of,an ideal day for people who have a job,just getting to chill with your friends,and kind of do whatever you want but,then at the end of what is essentially,an off day still needing a break from,streaming I don't know to me this,doesn't really seem like somebody who's,lazy it just seems like someone who,doesn't really like streaming I think a,lot of people get into content creation,for money not actually loving what they,do that's that's a topic for a different,video but that's more what that seems,like here to me rather than somebody,just not wanting to do stuff but yeah I,get why people were not the biggest fan,of this video bro gets tired from,anything I feel like most people forget,how much work it takes to consistently,create content when I'm recording a day,in the life I'm not only doing the,things shown in the Vlog but also,recording the shots for it and editing,afterwards which takes a lot more time,than you probably think especially when,you condense an entire day in
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RAYE, 070 Shake - Escapism. (Official Music Video)
RAYE, 070 Shake - Escapism. (Official Music Video)
♪ Sleazin' and teasin',
I'm sittin' on him ♪,♪ All of my diamonds are drippin' on him ♪,♪ I met him at the bar ♪,♪ It was twelve or somethin' ♪,♪ I ordered two more wines ♪,♪ 'Cause tonight I want him ♪,♪ A little context if you care to listen ♪,♪ I find myself in this shit position ♪,♪ The man that I love
sat me down last night ♪,♪ And he told me that
it's over, dumb decision ♪,♪ And I don't wanna feel
how my heart is rippin' ♪,♪ Fact, I don't wanna feel,
so I stick to sippin' ♪,♪ And I'm out on the town
with a simple mission ♪,♪ In my little black dress ♪,♪ And this shit is sittin' ♪,♪ Just a heart broke bitch ♪,♪ High heels, six inch ♪,♪ In the back of the
nightclub, sipping champagne ♪,♪ I don't trust any of
these bitches I'm with ♪,♪ In the back of the
taxi, sniffing cocaine ♪,♪ Drunk calls, drunk texts,
drunk tears, drunk sex ♪,♪ I was looking for a man
who's on the same page ♪,♪ Now it's back to the
intro, back to the bar ♪,♪ To the Bentley, to the
hotel, to my old ways ♪,♪ 'Cause I don't wanna
feel how I did last night ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel
how I did last night ♪,♪ Doctor, doctor, anything, please ♪,♪ Doctor, doctor, have mercy on me ♪,♪ Take this pain away ♪,♪ You're asking me my symptoms, doctor ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel ♪,♪ Toke this joint how
I'm blowing this steam ♪,♪ Back to my ways like 2019 ♪,♪ Not 24 hours since my ex did dead it ♪,♪ Got a new man on me,
it's about to get sweaty ♪,♪ Last night really was
the cherry on the cake ♪,♪ Been some dark days lately ♪,♪ And I'm fidin' it cripplin' ♪,♪ Excuse my state ♪,♪ I'm as high as your hopes ♪,♪ That you'll make it to my bed ♪,♪ Get me hot and sizzlin' ♪,♪ If I take a step back to
see the glass half full ♪,♪ At least it's the Prade two-piece ♪,♪ That I'm trippin' in ♪,♪ And I'm already actin' like a dick ♪,♪ Know what I mean? ♪,♪ So you might as well stick it in ♪,♪ Just a heart broke bitch ♪,♪ High heels, six inch ♪,♪ In the back of the
nightclub, sipping champagne ♪,♪ I don't trust any of
these bitches I'm with ♪,♪ In the back of the
taxi, sniffing cocaine ♪,♪ Drunk calls, drunk texts,
drunk tears, drunk sex ♪,♪ I was looking for a man
who's on the same page ♪,♪ Now it's back to the
intro, back to the bar ♪,♪ To the Bentley, to the
hotel, to my old ways ♪,♪ 'Cause I don't wanna
feel how I did last night ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel
how I did last night ♪,♪ Doctor, doctor, anything, please ♪,♪ Doctor, doctor, have mercy on me ♪,♪ Take this pain away ♪,♪ You're asking me my symptoms, doctor ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel ♪,♪ What? ♪,♪ 'Cause I don't wanna feel
like I felt last night ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel
like I felt last night ♪,♪ Be at peace with the
things you can't change ♪,♪ Last night ♪,♪ I'll be naked when I leave ♪,♪ And I was naked when I came, yeah ♪,♪ Out of reach, out of touch ♪,♪ Too numb, I don't feel no way ♪,♪ Toast up, so what ♪,♪ Street small but it go both ways ♪,♪ So, you'll run, but
you'll never escape ♪,♪ Sunset in the maze ♪,♪ You're asking me my symptoms, doctor ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel ♪,♪ I don't feel how I did last night ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel how
I did last night, oh ♪,♪ Doctor, doctor, anything, please ♪,♪ Doctor, doctor, have mercy on me ♪,♪ You're asking me my symptoms, doctor ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel
how I did last night ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel ♪,♪ How I did last night ♪,♪ I don't, I don't, how I did last night ♪,♪ Mm, lipstick smudged like modern art ♪,♪ I don't where the fuck I am ♪,♪ Or who's driving the fucking car ♪,♪ Speeding down the highway sippin' ♪,♪ Mixing pills with the liquor ♪,♪ 'Cause fuck these feelings ♪,♪ I left everyone I love on read ♪,♪ Spilling secrets to
the stranger in my bed ♪,♪ I remember nothing so
there's nothing to regret ♪,♪ Other than this 4/4 kick
drum poundin' in my head ♪
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