tiktok shoppable ads

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All you need to know about TikTok Shopping Ads

hey everyone welcome to the webinar all,you need to know about Tick Tock,shopping ads my name is Mikhail I'm the,VP of growth at Shaker and I'm the host,of today's webinar the webinar will be,recorded so you can watch it on demand,later,today's agenda firstly what are Tick,Tock shopping ads,secondly let's take a closer look at,video shopping ads,thirdly catalog listing ads,fourthly live shopping ads and finally,let's take a look at how you can use,creative automation to get more out of,your video shopping ads,first thing on the agenda what are Tick,Tock shopping apps,in short Tick Tock shopping ads is an,umbrella term for tick tock's new suite,of Advertising Solutions for Brands who,want to leverage Tick Tock to drive,sales,currently there are three ad formats,under the tick shop Tick Tock shopping,ads umbrella video shopping ads catalog,listing ads and live shopping ads but,you can expect more ad formats to come,in the future,the headline of a recent Tech brunch,article about Tick Tock shopping ads,reads like this,Tick Tock launches new ad Solutions with,smarter targeting and Amplified product,discovery,it continues Tick Tock announced today,which was August 18th that it's,launching a Commerce Suite called,shopping ads to make it easier for,Brands to advertise on the platform the,company is currently testing three,formats of shopping ads which includes,video shopping ads catalog listing ads,and live shopping ads,in the webinar today I will take you,through what we what we know about Tick,Tock shopping ads so far and how you can,get started,the promise of tick tock's shopping ads,is essentially to help advertisers,keeping up with with emerging,keeping up with emerging Trends solving,for signal loss managing large catalogs,and avoiding adverty all in order to,turn tiktok content into full shopping,carts,and the way they do it is through,simplification and automation features,in The Tick Tock ads manager,from tick tock's own shopping ads,announcement they called out that Tick,Tock ads are built different which means,different relative to their current,Solutions but also different to,competing Solutions in the market,the first key point of differentiation,is the simplified media buying,experience,where you can access the three new,advertising formats through one single,buying objective the product sales,objective in your ads manager these are,the three new formats video shopping ads,catalog listing ads and live shopping,ads,secondly there are new automation,features which helps advertisers meet,buyers throughout the shopping Journey,this enables advertisers to meet,audiences who are more like more likely,to convert with smarter more advanced,targeting and fully automated creative,features that are currently in,development,thirdly shopping ads help you unlock,catalog potential by scaling your,product catalog with new formats to,capture emerging Trends and more,placement on Tick Tock beyond the for,you page,and finally achieve greater performance,and optimization opportunities through,new features for tick tock shop,Merchants to maximize performance,as mentioned earlier the promise of tick,tock shopping ads is essentially to help,advertisers keeping up with emerging,Trends solo solving for signal loss,managing large catalogs and avoiding ad,fatigue,and that is what we see through these,four points of differentiation,now let's move over to looking at what,Tick Tock ads look like in practice at,first glance the changes to your ads,manager are quite small when you first,get access to shopping ads what you will,see when you are about to set up your,first new campaign is that the catalog,sales objective is out well product,while the product sales objective is in,and the most noticeable changes will,appear once you select the product sales,objective and start creating your,campaign where you now will have access,to create up to three different ad,formats instead of just one format with,the catalog sales objective,but keep in mind that Tick Tock shopping,ads are not generally available to all,advertisers until the end of 2022 and,when you start getting access to,shopping ads you may not have access to,all three ad formats right away,some advertisers we work with have,access to video shopping ads only some,of them have access to both video,shopping ads and catalog listing ads and,none of them have access to live,shopping ads yet,this is in most cases due to the limited,geographical rollout of shopping ads or,live shopping ads is the slowest one to,roll out,you should reach out to your Tick Tock,account manager if you do not have,access to shopping ads and you can also,reach out to me if you have any,questions,now let's look at the first of the three,shopping ad formats video shopping ads,in the words of tick in the words of,tick tock video shopping ads enable you,to place hyper relevant shoppable videos,across the for you page for people to,check out your products the example ad,you can see here is a single video,shoppi

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok shoppable ads

Let's move on to the first section of tiktok shoppable ads

TikTok Shopping Ads Tutorial In 2023 (NEW Campaign)

TikTok Shopping Ads Tutorial In 2023 (NEW Campaign)

Tick Tock shopping ads this is a,step-by-step tutorial on how you can,actually leverage the newest thing on,Tick Tock within a crazy good results,without leveraging uh ticket shopping,ads into in particular shopping,campaigns and this is everything why you,need to actually test that and how you,need to set it up how to set it up,exactly and setting up the whole,campaign and how I go about it and,exactly why this works and how it's so,important your business in the next five,to ten minutes if you actually and give,it time and actually attend all this,video all the way through,again one of the most hottest thing,right now on Tick Tock that I really,produce the most results yeah we have,your business increased Revenue when I,have to test that almost any case uh it,actually works amazingly well so I'm,gonna show you exactly step by step,going right now into how and why and,where it's actually available how you,can use it everything step by step so,why you first why you you don't actually,care as you can see how it's called,something campaign in this account we're,getting four dollar CPA guys for the,CPAs and just be clear this account has,a 10 to 2L Target CPA so we're getting,four dollar CPA with the tech solving,campaign that's,board almost like 70 down to GPA and,it's actually the other guy and,companies in this account get around,like around 10 to 12 and it was a pH so,which is great in a hardware it actually,works as you can see everything is Up,Click thread is much much better uh,conversation is almost double then,directly campaigns and CPC is all time,low so it's it's an actual proven,campaign that you can really really use,and it works very well so let me start,off and well what actually are the,tickle shopping campaigns and ads so I'm,over here on Google just to give you,like how that looks it basically looks,like that it's like a store and that you,set up on Tick Tock and people can,actually buy through the store without,entering and going to your website this,is the basic of what it does take a,shopping campaigns you can really,purchase via the app through your store,that you set up with with actually the,same products that you have on your,website it's just inside sector now why,this actually works very well where for,a few reasons first of all it's a much,faster conversation Journey it takes up,the ticket actually native in-app,browser is much significantly lower than,the ones like on Facebook or other,platforms and so I think of course they,are still improving that but when I'm,when someone actually sees your ad and,clicks on it to actually go to your,website so like a regular ad it might,you know take three or four seconds and,people don't have the patience,especially on a platform like Tick Tock,so tick to something else is because it,is actually in the platform it's much,faster and you don't have these delays,so you have a much faster conversion,journey and you know people buy much,faster and much easier for them to,actually buy and go and purchase the,thing of um the shop so that's why I'm,seeing 3x and 2x converter rates on this,campaign number two guys actually you,have less data less signal that I lost,so if you already know with the post is,14 and stuff things I know I think I'll,be shaky in almost any any platform with,almost like every time in other reports,or over report,again the attribution is not the best,across platform Zone because it is,actually in the platform,you know Apple has no control over it so,the campaign gets full amount of data,and optimizes for the best way because,it's actually in the platform so the,code has all the data from people,clicking interacting with the ad and,engaging with the ad itself so this is a,crazy good to result this is a gradual,way to counter that iOS 14 and you know,cap that we all had and of course we,deal with this so let's add a signal so,the last thing is well it you shoot as a,brand of course it's directly to a,equation that a brand have like specific,ticket offers especially on the sub,campaigns at the start to really get,people to buy because of course it's a,actually a new thing so you need to get,people to buy and because I mean I think,in some cases or it gets like,um it gets a card Tick Tock from that of,course,but again if you lower your CPA you know,and your customer acquisition cost like,3x down I think it really really,um worth it and at the start I really,highly recommend and all the the brands,that I work with have done that and,that's why they're successful have a,specific uh offer for tick tock shopping,just maybe slide it and you know,discounting products and stuff so you,can give people to buy,that's pretty much it let me actually go,and talk about in which counts this,actually worked out so according to talk,um this available in China Indonesia and,all this country but,just a couple days ago it actually,rolled out on the US so I'm assuming,these haven't just been,um you know released yet or updated no,release updated so it's

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Hi xin chào các bạn lại đang đây tiếp,tục cái Sorry mình sẽ tóc sớm thì có nội,dung video này sẽ chia sẻ cho bạn cách,mà các bạn có thể chạy quảng cáo với,tính năng video shop Venus hay là vsa đó,các bạn Chúng ta sẽ chạy quảng cáo về,cái giỏ hàng sức sống chúng ta thông qua,video của chúng ta bạn mày cái này nó,chúng ta sẽ không chạy những cái tóc này,chúng ta sẽ chạy trên các business,center là chùm ngây quảng cáo và kết hợp,với cái xe Exciter của bạn ấy và cái,tính năng này là một trong những tính,năng nó còn mới của sức shop các bạn nào,còn chưa mở tính năng này các bạn hay là,xem lại cái video hướng dẫn mẫu đang Nha,và hiện tại tính năng này nó mới cho nó,hết người chạy trên là chạy nó thấy nó,cũng có hiệu quả của các là tốt nên chạy,chúng mình phải nhìn 10.000 đơn hàng,không thì các bạn có thể là các bạn tham,khảo cách chạy này để các bạn hãy chạy,thử xem kết quả như thế nào nhé nếu các,bạn thấy video này hay hơn này cho là,một like đừng quên Đăng ký Kênh để xem,nhiều video hơn có đăng chia sẻ về Tik,Tok để giúp shop và chạy quảng cáo nhé,Còn bây giờ chúng ta vào nội dung video,thôi à,khi họ bây giờ chị đang sẽ bắt đầu hướng,dẫn cho mọi người cách mọi người có thể,chạy quảng cáo về giao hàng trước xấu,mọi người thông qua video mọi người và,chúng ta sẽ chạy quảng cáo trên máy tính,nha chạy theo cái tính năng lại video,subnet là một trong những tính năng cực,kì mới của nước Pháp luôn phải thì bạn,nào chưa có mở được thì bạn có thể xem,lại cái video quan địa bàn mở nha Rồi để,chạy được Thôi thì các bạn xử phạt với,Trang là Trang chị một cái quảng cáo này,thì cái này trong cái video trước đừng,có nói rồi và sau đó một người chọn cái,tác chiến dịch này người chọn nó chiến,dịch và sau đó thì mọi người sẽ bấm và,tạo dung dịch thì đến chạy quảng cáo của,chị đang có xơ cho các bạn của bạn chưa,biết các kiến thức cơ bản của chùa Quảng,cáo thì chúng ta sẽ có được các chiến,dịch tác chiến dịch này tách nhóm quảng,cáo nè gọi top các quảng cáo khi tách,tách chiến dịch này tôi sẽ nói lên cái,mục tiêu chiến dịch chọn một chiến dịch,cái này chúng ta sẽ chạy vào cái giỏ,hàng lúc 6 chúng ta Ok cho vào cái thứ,hai là những quảng cáo là anh và start,đối tượng hành vi đối tượng chúng ta,nhắm đến để chúng ta quảng cáo là ai Ok,cho khỏi nhóm thứ ba nhóm quảng cáo lại,chúng ta sẽ cài đặt về cái video theo,quảng cáo thì nói sơ qua để cho mọi,người hiểu như vậy còn bây chị đã hướng,dẫn cho người và chi phí anh nha rồi sẽ,đến đây muốn tạo chiến dịch tôi mới mời,tạo thôi,Rồi,rồi sau đó thì chúng ta sẽ chọn chúng ta,sẽ đây rất là nhiều mục tiêu quảng cáo,nên nói chúng mày tắt chiến dịch để,chúng ta sẽ chọn mục tiêu quảng cáo thì,đem rất là nhiều mục tiêu quảng cáo,Nhưng mà đối với video này thì đang sử,dụng cho người là mua tại cửa hàng bata,nha Và nếu mà mọi người làm theo video,hướng dẫn trước của răng nó thì mọi,người sẽ có cái tính năng này còn mọi,người chưa có mở qua Elise triệu người,đi chưa có nhà ở đây thì hướng dẫn cho,người chạy vào cửa hàng luôn cho nên ta,chọn vật mua chạy cái bé trai và sau đó,đặt tên gì nó mới dụ cách đặt tên chiến,dịch thì tùy mọi người thôi Nhưng đây,năng thường tên là sản phẩm trước sản,phẩm sản phẩm và sau đó thì đang sẽ để,cái này đang chạy thì hẹn hôm nay là,ngày 13 tháng 6 này và sau đó thì ăn sẽ,để chữ test này là cái 9000s mẹ kia thì,đang có thể để thêm Còn mọi người gái,mưa thích để sao để cho mọi người hiểu,được rồi rồi Tiếp theo cho nó bấm tiếp,tục,à à,à à,Ừ rồi Ở đây thì tên nhóm quảng cáo thì,mọi người có thể đặt tên Đây là nhớ mời,nhóm sản phẩm 12 là sao vẫn hay siêu,phẩm bay đó là cái phần cài đặt tên cho,quảng cáo này vào cho nó thì cái cửa,hàng ngày sau khi một người liên kết cửa,hàng nó thì nó sẽ mặc định hiển thị đây,và sau đó thì mọi người sẽ chọn mục tiêu,là mua sắm oviedo và thật còn mua súng,nay mua sắm online sẽ đây thì đang hướng,dẫn cho một người là nội dung bromid ta,sẽ học về nó chia sẻ mọi người về mua,sắm qua video nha Rồi tiếp theo chúng ta,chọn danh tính là cái để ngoài desktop,mọi người đã liên kết với chị vội con cá,rồi chị ra thì nên chọn với tài khoản đi,rồi ok chưa và sau đó thì vị trí nữa ở,đây thì mọi người có thể đời chạy quảng,cáo Tik Tok mọi người có thể là,ẩn bình luận người dùng hay là một người,không Cho tải video xuống thì mọi người,phụ nữ thể bật lên rồi mọi người có thể,tắt thì mọi người rồi Tiếp theo nên nhắm,mục tiêu của đối tượng,chúng tôi nhắm mục tiêu và đối tượng ở,đây thì mọi người mới chạy quảng cáo ấy,thì mọi người thấy chưa có đối tượng nào,cả nha mọi người mới cho quảng cáo thuế,Gửi chưa công chiếu dưới tiền đó cả thì,tôi bảo con này trực tiếp theo vậy thông,tin nhân khẩu thì chúng ta nên chọn chọn,địa điểm làm Việt Nam Nga chọn địa điểm,này Việt Nam rồi Tiếp theo là vị giới,tính thì mọi người hãy xem của sản phẩm,của mình là bán cho anh chèn đây thì,chúng ta bán cho cả nam cả nữ được những,ta chọn không giới hạn bởi sớm đây Chọn,đủ thôi ngày 18 đến 24 25 đến 34 hoặc là,buồn có thể bán mỹ phẩm mắt mọi người có,thể đây cho nữ không thì người

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TikTok Commerce Solutions for boosting sales in 2022

TikTok Commerce Solutions for boosting sales in 2022

hey everyone welcome to the webinar,booster 2022 sales with tiktok commerce,solutions,my name is mikel i'm the head of,marketing at shaker and i'm the host of,today's webinar,the webinar will be about 15 minutes,long and it will be recorded so you can,watch it later or share with anyone who,would benefit from the contents of the,webinar,before i dive into the webinar content a,few words about shaker,shaker is a creative automation platform,and we have made it our mission to,enable brands to be able to produce,amazing creative at scale,we call it creativity times infinity,our creative automation engine enables,creative and marketing teams to connect,relevant data sources with video,templates in order to scale creative,production for platforms like tick tock,facebook and instagram,with the ultimate goal of achieving,relevance at scale across platforms,and we are officially badged tick tock,marketing partners and meta business,partners formerly known as facebook,business partners,over to the agenda firstly i will,briefly mention the hashtag ticktalk,made me buy it,secondly i will show an overview of,recently released commerce solutions,that go away before going through each,one of them individually,the first individual solution is,tick-tock shopping,then i will talk about tick tock dynamic,showcase ads,fifth i'll talk about collections ads,sixth product links in tiktok videos,seventh live shopping and finally i will,share what you can expect from our,upcoming webinar,so let's firstly looked at the hashtag,tiktok made me buy it,tic toc's effect on shopping trends is a,powerful and well-documented cultural,phenomena one which arose organically as,people flocked to the platform to,express themselves exchange opinions,connect and learn from each other,with over 7 billion views and counting,the hashtag tiktok made me buy it is,arguably the clearest evidence that,ticktock drives commerce,tick tock made me buy it is a great,indicator of tick tock's role as a,powerful force within the world of,commerce however tick tock's position as,a commerce powerhouse has just started,on september 28th during the first ever,tick tock world tick tock unveiled a,number of new solutions to help brands,capture the untapped potential of tick,tock to influence purchase and drive,sales,today i will go through five commerce,solutions all which can help you boost,your sales in 2022 and beyond but before,i start do keep in mind that these,solutions are gradually rolling out and,may not be available in your country or,region yet,the first solution is tick tock shopping,which which turns your tick tock,business account into a storefront,letting people discover and learn more,about your products directly on tiktok,the second solution is dynamic showcase,ads which enables you to connect your,product catalog to the tick tock ads,manager and dynamically serve the right,product to the right people at the right,time,if you're familiar with facebook dynamic,product ads you will have a pretty good,understanding what the essay is,already the third solution is collection,ads which lets you include product cards,in in-feed ads when a user taps on an,item featured in a card they brought to,a fast loading instant gallery page,where they can browse through and,purchase items directly,fourthly product links make your organic,post,videos shoppable,product links call out specific items,within within a video so users can see a,product in action and immediately make a,purchase,and live shopping allows brands to,seamlessly integrate products from their,tick-tock shopping experience into a,live session,so firstly let's look at tick-tock,shopping,tick-tock shopping turns your tick tock,business account into a storefront,letting people discover and learn more,about your products directly on tiktok,if you take a look at this video you can,see that the miele cosmetics have a,shopping bag icon on the profile page,and when a user clicks on the shopping,bag icon they will be able to browse all,of the brand's products and check out on,mila's mila cosmetics home page when,they find something they like,the two easiest ways to set up tick-tock,shopping is a direct integration or,through a partner platform integration,other options would be a manual,integration or api integration for more,advanced needs,and as i mentioned before these commerce,solutions are rolling out gradually if,you're in the uk or indonesia you can,onboard with the direct integration,through the tick tock seller center,alternatively you can set up tick-tock,shopping through a partner platform,integration if you manage your e-com,business through bigcommerce easy with,shopify or square,the partner platform integration is also,rolling out gradually so connect with,your tick tock account manager or,support team at big commerce easy with,shopify square to see if your business,is eligible for ticket shopping and for,help setting it up,let's move on to the next solution,dynamic showcase ads,simply put dynamic

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In China, The Future of Shopping Is Already Happening

In China, The Future of Shopping Is Already Happening

this is live stream shopping,one of the hottest trends in china every,night,tens of millions of people watch live,shows hosted by influencers like thea,and by the products they recommend on,e-commerce and social apps like taobao,and do-ing,the sister app of tick-tock,functions,it's not about you know only shopping,it's about the experience it's about,having fun,you got to see 3d you got to see in some,kind of action,it's almost like a theater act the,internet craze has taken over china,by the end of 2020 the country had,almost,400 million live stream shopping users,china's livestream e-commerce market has,also grown dramatically,with an estimated value of 161 billion,dollars in 2020,it's becoming popular outside china as,well,so is live streaming the future of,shopping,live streaming is not a new thing in,china it started in 2015 with the,rollout of 4g,and it was first used for entertainment,and socializing,many live streamers performed for their,followers or chatted to them,making money by receiving virtual,currency and gifts,in the west live streaming is mainly the,domain of avid gamers,in china it's broken into e-commerce,china actually has a very big e-commerce,empire so it uses these,super apps what we call that you have,payment you have search of information,you have recommendation system,and you have huge amount of goods,available on the platform,and as well as a lot of consumers so,with this advantage they,merge these features of live streaming,to make the influencers actually so good,here is a perfect choice nice neutrals,beautiful print nothing overwhelming and,the warmth and comfort of flannel,this is item traditional tv shopping,involves a one-way direction,whereby a host introduces a product,demonstrate certain things and say call,this number or something,but live stream shopping is live that in,itself is a very very big difference,it causes different psychology and live,stream shopping is a very entertaining,way of actually engaging someone else,when you shop actually this live,streaming video will continue,it will minimize into a corner and you,can like buy the items,and pay all on the same app after that,the live streaming screen,will just enlarge by itself and the,promoter will come back to screen,so it's like very convenient,how about one of china's biggest,e-commerce platforms owned by tech giant,alibaba,added a live streaming function in early,2016.,in the following years other e-commerce,and social platforms like jd and do-ing,also integrated this feature,over 70 billion dollars worth of goods,was sold by a live stream,on taobao in the year through march 2021,latest surveys show that over 60 of live,stream users in china,were watching shopping shows and over 65,of them shopped at least once via live,stream,in 2020 live stream shopping got a huge,boost during the pandemic,when millions of people were in lockdown,and many retailers were pushed,online people you know during the,lockdown,felt like there's a need for more social,interactions,this live platform creates an,interesting,kind of uh environment that gives people,this sense that i'm actually interacting,with you,and then live stream shopping brings in,a lot more variety of things that people,could buy and satisfy,you know the sense the sense of losing,control especially during pandemic,at the heart of this craze are the top,influencers,who have tens of millions of followers,and some products worth millions of,dollars,every night they often use their stock,power,to get bargains from retailers which in,turn boosts their own sales and,influence,so if you think about china's live,streaming you have to know the,king and queen of the influences the,queen of live streaming,via she is actually having the biggest,viewership,and or the biggest sales volume for a,long time,on taobao platform she can sell,everything from,like gucci sunglasses lipsticks,homes and cars one time she offered her,followers to,go on a tesla ride with her and she even,for once saw the rocky launch in her,live streaming room for 40 million yen,the king b lijachi more widely known as,lipstick's brother,he used to be a cosmetic cells,before he turned into live streaming,e-commerce,and he knows a lot about the cosmetics,so he's the one that will actually put,the lipsticks on himself when,he's on the show,top live streamers like via and lijachi,have become celebrities in china and can,earn millions of dollars a year,although not everyone can be as popular,mid-ranking live streamers like tiffany,still earn a good income through sales,commissions,is,engineering,me,a lot of successful live streamers are,generally very good at communication,they're very good at articulating very,simply what the product does what a,product doesn't do in order for them to,sell they need to be trustworthy,and appear trustworthy and they need to,you know show in some ways that they're,authentic right so for vr and,chassis they're able to articulate that,quite a bit through their body language,thr

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Skyrocket your AMAZON SALES with TikTok Ads in 2022!!

Skyrocket your AMAZON SALES with TikTok Ads in 2022!!

it's the app that's taken the world by,surprise it started out as a funny,quirky app in which dancing and lip sync,videos of no more than one minute long,would be posted mainly by teenagers but,suddenly adults are using it too and it,evolved from being a random sketch type,of content upload to actually sharing,valuable information yep i'm talking,about tick tock i am catalina natasha,from amc advisors and in this episode,i'll be sharing some information to help,you boost your amazon sales through tick,tock one of the many reasons why tick,tock is so addictive is because its,videos last seconds if not up to one,minute yes they elongated the video time,up to three minutes but publicity,doesn't need that long because attention,spans have become shorter and when it,comes to ads it better be quick,otherwise you'll lose viewers engagement,first of all you need to understand how,the app works one of tiktok's,particularities is that it's run by,trends and as we know trends are,constantly changing so what is it that,will make your viewers stay and click on,your content,despite being a global app tick tock,usually shares localized content meaning,that if you're located in a certain area,you will see products that are available,within your area range,if you want to get your brand or,products out there you need to know your,targeted market once you have that you,can start creating content that,resonates with your audience if you,still don't know the kind of content,your potential audience will like you,can always use hashtags to find out,product research is part of the process,plus it's fun watching fun and original,videos related to your products might,actually give you the creative boost,you've been looking for and also the,likings and dislikings of your potential,buyers use that information to your,advantage when you're creating products,and optimizing listings on amazon,creating brand new content and relevant,videos about your products and keeping a,consistent upload will slowly but surely,grow your online presence remember to,use the trending,and keep your amazon lists optimized,also link your instagram account to your,tick tock you'll thank us later before i,move any further let me give you three,short but important facts about hashtags,first they are important and effective,to get attention on tiktok how so,hashtags are keywords and when people,are looking for a specific topic they,write down the hashtag on the search bar,writing a hashtag that has been used,thousands if not millions of times might,get you under the spotlight in,comparison to a hashtag that has only a,dozen of users for example the,probability of being found using,skincare is way higher than hashtag take,care of your skin second hashtags create,a community when you use a specific,hashtag on ticktalk the app's algorithm,picks your video up and profile and,rolls it into the search page results,the more you use that hashtag in your,videos the more people will follow you,slowly but surely third hashtags are,part of trends the internet moves fast,so ask do trends so if you want to keep,your content always moving we recommend,you stay up to date with the trending,hashtags and movements so far we've,pointed out some of the factors that,will help you increase your ticktock,audience organically location content,for your audience and build online,presence let's continue with the rest,being an amazon seller comes with great,responsibility you must keep an open,communication channel with your buyers,in order to know their needs this will,allow you to create the type of content,that will keep them engaged with your,brand remember to be original and,entertaining you only have a couple of,seconds to keep their attention,this type of publicity involves an,influencer or an opinion leader of the,market you're selling in collaborations,are usually the way to go you invite one,of the leading influencers in your niche,and collaborate with them to create,engaging content for your buyers some,influencers advertise to small,businesses at no cost in exchange for a,free trial of the product in other cases,the influencer has fixed fees that are,determined according to the duration of,the mention or by the popularity and,size of the company now that you know,the organic way of reaching to your,audience let's move on to paid,advertising advertising on tick tock has,become as strong as instagram facebook,and amazon ads these are the types of,advertisements you can find within the,app in feed ads top view ads branded,branded takeover branded effects i do,recommend though that if you're to,invest in tick tock make sure to know,the app thoroughly in feed ads these are,the types of ads that look just like a,regular video they are mentioned by,either the influencer on camera or shown,off highlighting the product attributes,these videos come up in your feed as,part of the video queue and have a small,tag that specifies their publicity,top view ads top view ads are the first,video

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Hai inilah satu fiturnya kalau misalkan,teman-teman pengen lihat ya dari eh,softlens yang ada di shopeepay nih Nah,ini adalah tampilannya disini tiktok,shopping klik aja di situ terus klik di,bagian scan kode QR ini Oke kita,langsung pergi ke bagian tips Manager,disini kita akan lihat untuk menyahut,nah ini kita udah masuk ke Kayla Store,tentang menjaga kita tinggal klik saja,buat iklan disini dan kita lihat apakah,sudah ada fitur software cesnya ataupun,belum ia tailaso itu saya udah buat tadi,ya di awal di bagian sini untuk,menyakini dah kita buat barusan ya Nah,kita tunggu dan disini sudah langsung,kebuka softcasenya,Assalamualaikum warohmatullohi,wabarokatuh Halo semuanya dan selamat,datang kembali di channel saya di video,kali ini saya ingin menjawab banyaknya,pertanyaan teman-teman mengenai tiktok,at salah satu pertanyaan yang sering,ditanyakan adalah bagaimana caranya Dang,ngebuka pintu shopchest yang ada di tik,tok Hai nah ini dalam satu pintu yang,lagi rame dibahas di beberapa grup,munculnya G grup WA bahkan yuk Facebook,teman-temannya dan sebagian pengiklan,dicekek juga ini mengetahui cara membuka,file tersebut untuk membukanya mungkin,beragam yakni pengiklan ada yang ikutan,kelas online bahkan ada yang menggunakan,jasa untuk membuka pintu tersebut di,video kali ini saya ingin bahas juga,fitur yang software sini Bagaimana cara,membukanya step by stepnya dan apa yang,harus dipersiapkan dalam video kali ini,ada 3 cara untuk membuka pintu software,sini dan buat temen-temen yang pengen,tahu caranya menggok disimak sampai,selesai ya untuk video kali ini nah,sebelum dibahas temennya ketiga tahapan,tersebut disini Saya ingin ngasih tahu,dulu sedikit tentang Software sini dalam,fitur software sini ada dua yaitu live,shopping dan video shopping nah Let's,shopping itu digunakan untuk Libya kalau,misalkan teman-teman website Ming Bisa,ngikat menggunakan software sini dan,kalau misalkan teman-teman mau ngiklan,produk pakai konten baik itu yang dari,selebgram influencer ataupun yang,lainnya itu bisa dikaitkan menggunakan,soft kita sini Apa perbedaannya dengan,iklan yang lainnya sopo CS ini bedanya,itu kita kalau misalkan ikan menggunakan,pita tersebut ada pembeli ini yang,melihat iklan kita Nah si pembeli,tersebut langsung ngeklik tombol yang,nomor order maka si pemberi akan,langsung diarahkan ke akun jual Tik Tok,jadi dia bisa langsung beli di Akun,tersebut Nah untuk iklan yang biasanya,yang sering saya kasih tutorial yang di,video-video sebelumnya itu kan diarahkan,ke website teman-temannya diarahkan ke,website kayak Wedding Peach cataloging,itu mungkin terlalu ribet buat,teman-teman yang ingin simple maka bisa,menggunakan software sini nah itu,sedikit tentang hal yang ingin saya,sampaikan buat teman-teman sebutan,software chest ya dan sekarang kita akan,memulai langsung bahas step by stepnya,ada 3 cara untuk membuka software sini,kalau yang pertama adalah dengan sistem,top-up yang harus dipersiapkan dalam,namanya cokelat harus dipersiapkan itu,budget teman-temannya nah disini saya,sudah coba mengetahui untuk membuka,pintu softcase iman itu 5000000 untuk,membuka pintu like shopping dan untuk,membuka kedua api tersebut harus tofak,sebanyak 15 juta bayangin teman-teman,kalau misalkan sebab 15juta ya kalau,misalkan banyak lebih gampang kan tapi,kalau misalkan gak ada sama sekali akan,sulit ya nama kain ini bisa,dipertimbangkan kalau misalkan,teman-teman mau coba tuh pakai sistem,yang pertama ataupun sayang pertama,ketika teman-teman sudah top sebanyak 15,juta disitu temen-temen akan diarahkan,langsung oleh Cs nya Nah Caranya tinggal,pergi aja ke bagian pusat bantuan di,sini ya terus disini itu teman-teman,tinggal cari aja yang namanya itu,highstock shopping kayak gini nanti akan,muncul seperti akan muncul Tuh step by,stepnya apa yang harus teman-teman,lakukan ya di sini biasanya itu harus,mengisi formulir dulu nah selang isi,formulir nantinya pihak dari pusat,bantuannya itu akan membantu untuk,membuka fitur software sini itu yang,pertama Nah untuk yang kedua disini,adalah integritas iqomah nah integritasi,Khomeini menggunakan yang mana yang,namanya itu shopeepay ini Tentunya,shopeepay nih Nah ini adalah 1 zat yang,ada di luar negeri dan ini support hanya,untuk negara Amerika Serikat dan Inggris,Raya Inilah satu fiturnya kalau misalkan,teman-teman pengen lihat ya dari,software yang ada di shopeepay ini nah,ini adalah tampilannya disini tercipta,o'shopping jadi ini semacam kayak,kolaborasi itu ya ataupun udah ada,semacam ekstensi kayak gitu saya enggak,tahu tapi di sini kalau misalkan kita,daftar menggunakan negara Indonesia,disney Bukannya itu langsung daftar Trus,langsung bisa kebuka ya kecilnya enggak,Tapi di sini kita harus waiting dulu,ataupun harus nunggu dulu agar bisa,dikonfirmasi oleh tim dari shopeepay Ini,kalau misalkan menu saya ini kalau,misalkan di Indonesia itu bakalan lama,dan saya juga sudah coba ngajuin,temen-temen ya di beberapa minggu,sebelumnya itu masih belum ada keputusan,dengan teknik yang

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TikTok Ads For Clothing Stores BEGINNER STRATEGY

TikTok Ads For Clothing Stores BEGINNER STRATEGY

How do you all in here?,I hope you're doing well.,Ever wondered, have you ever wondered,if Tick-Tock ads would work for your business?,In this episode, I'm going to be sharing with you,a proven tick tock ad strategy you can implement to.,As always,,make sure that you grab something to take notes,with and stick around into the newsroom,to share with you one type of ad,you must be using for your clothing store.,For those who are new, I wanted to tell you,that I like to break down what we are going to be,talking about into lists because it's much easier,for you to understand and follow along.,So in this vein, I'm going to be giving,you four steps to successfully start running,tick tock ad campaigns for your clothing store.,All right.,So number one is what is tick tock and how is it different?,Tick tag is a vertical video social media,platform that focuses on highly engaging content.,What makes Tick Tock so different is their ability,to keep people on the platform addicted with an algorithm,that is extremely accurate by comparison.,If you engage with content on Instagram,,you may or may not see something similar for a while.,But on TikTok,,they do such a great job of helping,you find the content you're likely to engage with.,Again, the platform,you used to be focused on,short form content only, but as they continue to grow,videos are getting longer and longer.,Tick Tock is a main competitor for someone like Instagram.,But even more notably now, YouTube,content creators are using tick,tock content to tell quicker more engaging content,than what they used to do on something like YouTube.,We're seeing more and more people,go search for solutions on Tick Tock,than what they did for YouTube. As well. Right.,So I don't know how many times,,for example, we've searched,for things on YouTube, like, where's an answer? Right?,You're coming here for an answer,,but now people are going to tick tock.,Now keep going back to this YouTube video.,But what was in question, our planning for our Q2,20, 22 retreat and we were in Colorado and Christian,had snowboarding for a while.,So he was going to,you wouldn't you want to go to YouTube.,But he went to ticktock and looked up,really quick form videos or short form videos,on how to get better at snowboarding,before he actually went out there,and previously he would have went to YouTube to do that.,Right.,Why not watch a 15, 20 minute video on YouTube?,Now that being said, he did go to YouTube,and watched that long form content,,but the first place he went to,without even thinking about it was the Tic TAC.,So interesting.,So what does that mean for you and why should you care?,Right?,Like what do you care about Christian,going to look first on Tic TAC?,What do you care about Tic TAC being a vertical platform?,Because more eyeballs equals more attention.,And the best part, there are not that many people,creating ads on Tic TAC, which also means the cost,for you to get in front of somebody is very, very low.,I'm not going to,guess a number or,tell you a,number, but let's just say, for example,,if it was $20 on Facebook to see like a thousand,people are for you to get a thousand,impressions on Facebook,and maybe like five on TikTok, so it's very, very low,and it's going to be sharing with you,how you can leverage Tick-Tock,to drive sheep traffic and increase sales.,Here's some rapid fire things,you need to know about Tic TAC,that I just want you to make sure that you share in,because you were smart,and went to grab something to take notes with.,You're going to write these down.,So number one is that most of these ads are 23,to 34 seconds.,Try to stay within that ratio,16 by nine aspect ratio meaning that it's vertical,right shot like this that's where you want,spark ads running ads from other accounts,as well as your own.,More about that later,and then lastly make tick talks not ads,that's literally their slogan is like,stop trying to create ads just make Tic-Tacs,,just create really good Tic-Tacs.,And then then they'll be used as ads the ads not spending.,Right?,So if you've ever sent up,a tick tock account or you've ever tried,to run an ad on Tick Tock and it doesn't spend,likely comes down to two things.,Number one, budget, which is what everyone believes,that could be, but really comes down to your creative,so let's think about that as we're going through this.,And then lastly,,since it's done by 16 by nine, let's not have any of,the black bars up at the top.,Right?,I don't want you to repurpose that content.,It's not going to be a good experience.,All right.,Before we cover number two, I just wanted to say howdy.,My name is Aaron.,I'm one of the co-founders,here about branding, and we're an e-commerce,growth agency that specializes in helping clothing stores,grow and scale profitably online.,Now, make sure that you hit,that subscribe button in turn on notifications,so you don't miss out on any of the latest strategies,for clothing stores like you,,because we drop new content every s

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