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How TikTok's ad revenue-sharing program TikTok Pulse works

tick tock has an ad revenue sharing,program called pulse and i finally,figured out how it works and it provides,a blueprint for how instagram and,youtube could also start splitting,revenue with creators and publishers for,reals and shorts respectively but first,we've got to go over why operating a,revenue sharing program for these short,form video platforms is so complicated,when youtube's been operating in a,revenue sharing program for its,traditional long form videos for more,than a decade,ticktock can't say that because they,don't have the thing what thing don't,they have they don't have an adsense,yeah tick-tock pulse and it says right,here with tick-tock pulse we will begin,exploring our first advertising revenue,share program with creators public,figures and media publishers although i,don't see anything about how it's,determining the revenue split which,wouldn't be straightforward since videos,and ads are separate in feeds,so,all right we'll have to ask tick tock,about that one,youtube already has the model everyone,wants do you think it's the model or the,technology that's the problem like,what's the difficulty of launching the,thing so i think for youtube it's very,easy to say we will extend our current,advertising model from regular youtube,to shorts,the problem to solve there is,it's not pre-roll right it's in between,swipes of video right so you have to,figure out who's responsible for the,impression like the verge,editor-in-chief nelly patel said in that,interview with hank green on his decoder,podcast the tricky thing about running a,revenue sharing program on a short form,video platform whether it's tick tock or,instagram rails or youtube shorts is,that the ads appear separately between,videos whereas on youtube the ads are,inserted into the videos this makes it,easy for youtube to split up the ad,revenue because it just counts all the,ads served to people watching creators,or publishers video how would the,revenue split work on tick tock then,should the video that played before the,ad get the credit and what about the,video that plays after the ad or all the,other videos that don't play before or,after an at so i emailed tic tac task,and i got an answer only the video that,plays before the ad is part of the pulse,program and eligible for a share of the,ad revenue the video that plays after,the ad is just a regular video and does,not qualify for a rev share also a tick,tock spokesperson said that it doesn't,matter how long a person watches a video,or watches an ad for the eligible video,to receive a revenue share meaning that,a person could swipe right past the,video swipe right past the ad and the,creator or publisher still gets paid so,basically tick-tock has adopted a,post-roll ad format for its revenue,sharing program by effectively attaching,ads to the end of videos and then,sharing the ad revenue with the makers,of those videos seems fine for a creator,publisher but how do advertisers feel,about this setup to answer that i talked,with stacy stewart who is the us chief,marketplace officer at um worldwide an,ad agency that has brand clients that,have been testing out running ads,through ticktock's pulse program stacy,said she was a little hesitant about,tick-tock pulse being at heart a,post-war program because tick tock's,charging more for these ads than for,regular ads even though to someone using,tick-tock it would be hard to tell that,these ads are any different from a,regular hat but stacy wanted to test out,tick-tock balls to see if the ads,performed any differently than regular,ads and while she said she couldn't,share specific results with me she did,say that all of um's clients participate,in the test have seen lifts in brand,awareness as a result this answers the,main question of how an ad revenue,sharing program could work on short form,video platforms like tick tock and,instagram rails and youtube shorts where,ads appear between videos in a feed but,how tick tock's program actually works,opens up a whole other question if a,creators or publisher's video must be,followed by an ad to receive a revenue,split how many ads are gonna get crammed,into people's feeds

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What is TikTok Pulse, the New Way to Make Money on TikTok? | What's Going On

What is TikTok Pulse, the New Way to Make Money on TikTok? | What's Going On

foreign,it is good how are you doing,going well happy Friday as usual Happy,Halloween weekend oh true for all those,who celebrate,um Grace what are you what are you,finally are you gonna are you gonna get,up in costume yeah I guess I am,um,so my boyfriend and I are gonna go as,Polo and pan it's like more of a punny,costume,but we're we're just gonna wear polos,and bring pans around and be like oh my,gosh,yeah go on the silly route what about,you Jack,um yeah so I'm uh going to,my my main event this weekend is a uh,party that's theme is hell is a place on,Earth,um and so I'm going,as he double hockey sticks,um so nice so I'm wearing,um a hockey jersey I have two mini,hockey sticks,um I have I'm gonna wear like a he him,pronouns thing nice and then um maybe do,some like,dark bloody makeup to make it more like,hellish as well but mostly mostly punny,as well,because then it's like a conversation,started too it's not just like oh I'm an,angel or I'm a devil and yeah that's it,yeah okay cool excited excited yeah so,happy Halloween everyone hope you're uh,gonna have a spooktastic weekend,um I want to know in the chat what all,of you guys are being for Halloween if,you are doing anything or secondly if,not what's your favorite candy,uh that you wish you could eat good,question all Halloween night,um but today we're not talking about,Halloween any more than this we yeah,we're talking about Tick Tock once again,always something new,we're talking a little bit about it,it's a little bit of a spooky topic I,feel like monetization Creator funding,is like a little bit scary,um but yes so Tick Tock pulse if you,haven't heard is was actually announced,back in May by Tick Tock themselves they,had a whole like article and press,release on it,um but basically it's their monetization,program so in the same way that YouTube,has like AdSense and creators who make,videos can earn money from advertisers,putting their ads on their videos this,is like that version for tick tock which,I feel like a lot of people have been,waiting for,um because that's like kind of how you,make like more stable income as a,Creator nowadays at least,um,so yeah this was announced back in May,by Tick Tock and now this past week,they've started actually rolling out the,access to certain creators so,um yeah I think people are getting,pretty excited it's like actually the,first stages of like some people are,gonna be earning money from this,um and I feel like some people might be,wondering like oh didn't they have,monetization before Tick Tock had the,creators fund do you remember that Jack,it's like kind of a like terrible it's,terrible,it was like it was like they would give,a certain amount of money,um,across like all of tick tock right and,then like based on the amount of share,you got from the overall number of like,views on Tick Tock uh they would pay you,out from there rather than it being like,a direct percentage of the ads that are,shown on your video,um and like literally I remember like I,had a couple videos,uh for my podcast that got like,close to like 10 million views and like,we did not make a lot of money like not,enough to pay my rent just from that,which is insane,um yeah yeah I think that it was like an,initial like 200 million dollars that,Tick Tock put aside to be like we're,gonna give this all to creators but the,catch was because it was like it was a p,of a pie I think Hank Green made a huge,video on this of like it's a pie so the,more creators that actually start making,Tick Tock videos the less money people,get which is like kind of just not the,point and like yeah kind of feels like a,fail,um I think it was like something like,two two cents two to four cents per,thousand views or something like that,which is super different on on YouTube,right like I don't remember what the per,thousand yeah I think average on YouTube,is probably closer to like two to four,dollars per thousand views uh right,rather than makes sense,um yeah so like even if you yeah even if,you got a million views on your Tick,Tock you'd only make like 20 to 40,dollars which is like that's definitely,that's barely enough to live on for a,day from for a lot of people who live in,like cities and stuff,um yeah so that was not great so I guess,this is their like more long-term,solution to the monetization question,and like how creators are gonna make,money on Tick Tock,um I don't know what do you think of I,guess do you want to describe like what,what this Tick Tock pulse thing entails,totally so yeah so this is something,that you can actively sign up for uh if,you you have to meet certain criteria,though so firstly you have to have over,a hundred thousand followers so,obviously this is not gonna be for,everyone you have to create uh videos,that are in the top four percent of most,engaged content,um across certain categories,um and yeah it's it's that's kind of a,hard trick I think because it's like,sometimes hard to tell what percentage,of content you're in like I don't t

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What is TikTok Pulse? (TikTok Creators Avenue To More Revenue!)

What is TikTok Pulse? (TikTok Creators Avenue To More Revenue!)

titok is changing the game again and,this time your pockets might just get,bigger because it's time to get paid,tick tock content creators are about to,earn a lot more money on tick tock with,a new up and coming program called tick,tock pulse what's going on everybody i'm,alex from vibrality now and our goal,here at five reality now is to help you,implement the strategies you need in,order to go viral on tick tock since,2016 tick tock has been claimed as the,fastest growing social media platform,even outranking the greats like facebook,and twitter now they're giving their,content creators another way of revenue,by collaborating and aligning their,content with advertising brands tic-tac,creators can finally earn passive income,with this new feature in this video,we'll be discussing how tick tock,content creators can grow using tick,tock pulse and monetize their content if,you're not subscribed already make sure,you hit that subscribe button so you can,watch more videos like this and turn on,the notification bell so you can get,notified every time we upload we truly,appreciate your guys support so let's,get started tick tock pulse is tick,tock's latest program where direct,advertising will finally be introduced,into the platform for the longest time,brands had to contact tick-tock content,creators directly and had to settle,advertising outside of tic-tock for a,partnership to work tic tac pulse gets,rid of that tedious process with tic tac,pulse anyone who qualifies and agrees to,join this program can earn up to 50,percent of ad revenue shared with the,platform by simply allowing brands to,advertise on your tick tock videos tic,tac pulse helps out both the advertiser,by allowing them to reach a new audience,they might have not reached before and,it helps out the content creator by,allowing them to make more money and,monetize their videos tic tac pulse,makes money that much easier no more,having to deal with agreements through,direct sponsorships which has been a big,criticism of tick tock tick tock pulse,does the work for you with an even 50 50,ad revenue split that even beats the,current youtube revenue split of 55,going to youtube and 45 goes to your,wallet so now that you kind of know what,tic toc pulse is let's talk about how it,works tick tock pulse allows brands to,place their advertisements on the top,four percent of videos on the platform,this will ensure advertisers that their,brands are only being showcased to the,best tick tock accounts out there tic,toc promises 12 categories for creators,to choose from if you're a tick tocker,who focuses on gaming content then pulse,offers a gaming category so that gaming,brands can align with you,likewise if you're a beauty content,creator pulse offers a category for,beauty allowing makeup and fashion,brands to align with your videos while,not all 12 categories have been revealed,tick tock promises options for sport,content creators book content creators,and food content creators regardless of,your niche tic tac pools offers a,category that will match your content,and your audience it's crazy to think,that facebook and instagram advertising,are down youtube advertising is down as,well plus they take a bigger cut twitter,is under new management so tic tac is,becoming the main social media platform,now that you know what tic tac pulse is,and how to use it let's talk about who,when and where tic toc pulse and his,monetization will be eligible to tic toc,content creators and publishers with,over a hundred thousand followers tic,tac pulse is expected to launch in june,2022 the first rollout is in the usa,then it will roll out to other regions,of the world,if you're a tic toc content creator guys,tic toc just opened a floodgate of,revenue and income as long as you have,over a hundred thousand followers tic,tac pulse will allow you to gain passive,income starting june 2022 if you don't,have that many followers yet you still,have time to build that audience up so,make sure you guys subscribe so we can,help you do that tic tac pulse helps out,both the brand and the content creator,to offer their audience products and,service suited to their liking i'm,personally very excited for this new,feature and i know most of you are too,are you going to try out tic tac pulse,once it launches let us know in the,comments down below if you're just as,excited as i am go ahead and like and,subscribe to this video and we'll see,you next time take care guys

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TikTok Is Coming For YouTube... How This Affects Content Creators

TikTok Is Coming For YouTube... How This Affects Content Creators

Tick Tock just announced a huge update,intended to get back at YouTube now if,you're a content creator or you want to,be a content creator this is going to,affect you and this is going to affect,your future and we're going to dive,right into it right now because at the,end of the day I gotta I gotta admit,something uh YouTube actually kind of,started this war a little bit okay so,Tick Tock comes out and YouTube,um you know they threw some of the first,punches first of all you know we all we,all love YouTube right but they decided,to come out with YouTube shorts because,they wanted to compete with Tick Tock,and ever since this happened there has,been a war going on for tick tock and,YouTube and we're going to talk we're,going to talk about which one is going,to win this battle because at the end of,the day I think there's going to be a,winner I think there's going to be a,loser and some really crazy stuff has,been happening these past few days if,you aren't in the loop so first of all,tick tock comes out right and and they,do this Creator phone we're gonna start,paying people who are getting views to,start making money on Tick Tock and of,course YouTube's like hey you know what,we also want to do this here's the,YouTube shorts fund and they they come,out with this now here's where it gets,really really crazy YouTube actually,comes out and they are like all right we,got to do something big about this,because you know honestly the the funds,aren't making a lot of money if you are,unless you're at the top like one,percent of these creators you might be,making a lot of money with these Tick,Tock funds with the YouTube shorts funds,but for most of us we had a video go,viral on our think media channel and we,got like 25 and it got like five million,views and I was expecting a lot more and,I was like oh this is this is nothing,this is absolutely nothing you know,because if you have a long form video,that is getting 5 million views you,could be making thousands and thousands,of dollars potentially so for me it was,kind of a shock but YouTube actually did,something really really interesting and,then I'll show you what tip talk is,doing to kind of get back at them so,like we know they have the shorts fund,but YouTube came out and they're doing,YouTube shorts monetization so what this,means is as you're going through YouTube,shorts you're going to start seeing some,ads in their shorts and you might be,used to this already if you're on Tick,Tock you've seen you've seen some ads or,maybe you know reels or whatever it is,you've started to see more and more ads,on these vertical videos but this is,what YouTube said here's all the,information they said that that we are,going to keep 45 of that ad revenue and,then YouTube is going to keep 55,distributed based on uh their share of,total views so here's what Tick Tock,decided to do Tick Tock said you know,what let's just let's one-up them let's,let's start this war and go even deeper,so Tick Tock monetization said we are,going to come out with Tick Tock pulse,and this is where they're going to start,paying people for to actually get these,views so as these ads are rolling out,you can this is different from the fund,so the fund is completely separate now,as ads are coming through like we're,used to kind of on YouTube videos with,these long form videos we are going to,start getting paid for these ads showing,up on these vertical videos but there's,some really interesting stuff because,you know you can see right here it says,have at least 100K followers,post at least five videos in the last 30,days be at least 18 years old now,there's some sneaky things in here that,we're going to get into that actually,there's more than just that that you,need in order to get paid so this isn't,the whole picture you want to stay tuned,for this but here's what YouTube uh,decided to do so even though they are a,little bit less Tick Tock is saying,we're going to give you 50 which is more,than YouTube but when it comes to,actually getting monetized,um on YouTube they made it a little bit,different so you still need a thousand,subscribers and we're used to the 4 000,public watch hours but that is just for,you can see this little symbol right,here that's just for the regular videos,if you're posting long-form videos now,you can see the shorts logo here if you,are posting YouTube shorts you need 10,million views in the last 90 days and so,I want to know from you guys just let me,know in the comments right now uh we're,we're interested I saw this this was a,great poll it said if you could only,invest in one meaning your money or your,time you know to grow an audience which,would you pick and why would you pick,YouTube or would you pick tick tock,almost 2 000 votes mostly we're seeing,YouTube versus tick tock on this Twitter,poll but I want to know what you guys,think in uh the comments on this video,because we have a war going on and this,is just kind of scratching the surface,we're going to get into it

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This is Amazing! Thank you TikTok - TikTok Pulse

This is Amazing! Thank you TikTok - TikTok Pulse

tick-tock will start sharing ad revenue,with creators,let's talk about it,welcome to cleantech home of daily,technology news and reviews and today,we're going to be talking about the fact,that tick tock is willing to share its,ad revenue with creators today's video,is brought to you by clean phone more on,them at the end of the video alright so,tikta will start to share ad revenue,with creators but not everyone's,eligible to get paid let's jump right in,tik tok is opening up a new way for,creators to make money the company plans,to start sharing a cut of revenue with,top creators when their videos run,alongside certain ads,the program mirrors how youtube pays out,creators and it could lead to more,significant payouts from the platform,which by the way has yet to offer a,substantial way for creators to make,money the new program is called tick,tock pulse and it allows ads to be,specifically run alongside the top four,percent of all videos on tick tock all,right so we know that not everyone's,eligible but the specifics of it are,that only the top four percent are,eligible to actually acquire this,revenue share,creators and publishers with at least,100 000 followers are eligible to,receive a cut of revenue when their,videos are included,that's the caveat you're eligible at a,hundred thousand followers sure and,there's a decent amount of content,creators on the platform who have that,who qualify for that but then again,like the inclusion will only happen at,the top four percent so only the top,four percent of the creators,are to be actually getting anything from,the revenue share tick tock will share,50 of ad revenue with pulse with,approved creators sandy hawkins tick,tock's gm of north america global,business solutions said that that's,close to what youtube offers creators,giving them a reported 55 percent cut,from ads,hawkins said that tick tock's pulse will,launch in june in the us with additional,markets coming sometime this fall,obviously that makes sense they're doing,this plainly in response to,you know stay relevant and competitive,and you know this is clearly a direct,shot at youtube,until now tick tock's main way of,compensating creators has been through,its creators fund which pays out select,users based on the popularity of their,videos but creators have said the,payouts from this program can be small,and inconsistent which means it hasn't,offered creators a sustainable revenue,stream this way,that youtube's ad program,uh has for some video makers and yes um,the keyword here is some creators for,youtube uh because the ad revenue share,that youtube offers that too can be,pretty inconsistent at times i mean the,advertisers could pull out um you know,like your videos um might all of a,sudden not get as many views you like,your audience depends on it like the the,geographic location so there's a lot of,variables in there that actually amount,up to calculate the ad revenue split,that you get from youtube um there it's,in response to that obviously but then,again,even with tick tock there seems to be,like a lot of variables not a lot of,moving parts in there that actually,first of all determine whether or not,you're gonna get it and then second of,all you know how much of it are you,actually gonna get we actually have a,video posted from tick tock let's go and,take a look at,what exactly is the whole thing about,trends and culture are created on tick,tock cooking hacks beauty tutorials,fashion trends conversations discovering,products no one ever thought they needed,content and trends created by diverse,communities on tick tock are shaping,culture in the real world every second,every minute every day now imagine your,brand can show up next to these moments,next to the top four percent of the most,culturally relevant content on tiktok,right when it's taking shape and,influencing culture putting your brand,right where everyone is looking and,where all the conversation is happening,third party research shows this,placement supercharges ad performance,so are you ready to put your brand next,to the pulse of culture,all right so,pretty self-explanatory in the video but,uh yeah one thing that i'd like to,highlight though is that the four,percent rule is for you know brands uh,that are looking to advertise i mean you,could technically be a content creator,who considers uh you know yourself to be,a brand and you know you therefore,are looking to advertise so like,technically you could still do that and,you know based on what they're saying in,this video there are benefits to be had,from that,but then again,only a select,at least initially only a select,creators and their content is what's,going to appear alongside your brand and,whatnot i'm sure it's going to expand,down the road more creators will get,included more like ads will run more,openly like it won't be a tight ship,anymore but until then you know like,considering it's like the starting point,um we just have to wait and see how,exactly this pans out but

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TikTok Pulse | New Ads program on TikTok | How to Monetize on TikTok Account

TikTok Pulse | New Ads program on TikTok | How to Monetize on TikTok Account

foreign,like given,foreign

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TikTok Pulse: New Ads Program on TikTok 2022 | টিকটক থেকে ইনকাম করুন

TikTok Pulse: New Ads Program on TikTok 2022 | টিকটক থেকে ইনকাম করুন

so,usa,the operator

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😱The New Feature to MAKE MONEY on TikTok 💸 TikTok Pulse

😱The New Feature to MAKE MONEY on TikTok 💸 TikTok Pulse

la nueva forma de ganar dinero en tiktok,Pero qué es exactamente cómo funciona,Qué requisitos se deben cumplir Qué,diferencia hay entre tiktok pools y el,fondo de creadores Pues bien a todas,estas preguntas las voy a responder en,el vídeo de hoy bien tiktok anunció el,lanzamiento de tiktoks que como te digo,es una nueva forma que vamos a tener de,monetizar el contenido que estamos,haciendo en tik Tok y Parece ser que ya,será una forma de monetización bien,hecha básicamente los requisitos como,nos lo dice en esta imagen son tres,principalmente el primero es superar la,cifra de Los 100.000 Seguidores el,segundo requisito es haber subido 5,vídeos en los últimos 30 días Esta es,bastante fácil de conseguir y el tercer,requisito es tener al menos 18 años bien,pero cómo funcionará exactamente este,sistema de monetización y Por qué es tan,diferente al fondo de creadores que,conocemos actualmente Pues bien como,expliqué en Twitter que por cierto si no,me sigues en Twitter sígueme dije es un,sistema de amortización para tiktokers,los creadores se quedarán con el 50% de,la inversión publicitaria es decir es un,sistema parecido al que puede haber por,ejemplo en YouTube en el que se genera,más o menos en función de la inversión,publicitaria Y en este caso con tiktok,vamos a quedarnos con el 50% de la,inversión publicitaria Obviamente el,funcionamiento no es directamente como,el de YouTube Ya que en YouTube pues,tenemos anuncios directamente en nuestro,contenido en el caso de tiktok la,publicidad funciona un poco diferente,pero será un modelo muy parecido al que,también tendrá YouTube con los YouTube,shorts que ya os dije en otro vídeo que,la monetización llegaría para los,YouTube shorts en el próximo año,entonces en qué se diferencia del fondo,de creadores Pues bien cuando hablamos,de un fondo para invertir en algo,estamos hablando de una cantidad de,dinero limitada es decir tiktok dice por,ejemplo tenemos un fondo de creadores,con 100 millones de dólares y los vamos,a repartir entre todos los creadores de,contenido Pues que estén en el fondo y,que hagan contenido Qué significa eso,pues que cuando termina ese fondo de,dinero se termina el dinero que se paga,los creadores o por ejemplo Que si,entran más creadores en el fondo de,creadores Pues los creadores van a,cobrar menos porque hay más creadores,con los que se tiene que repartir el,dinero en el caso de tiktoks vamos a,cobrar en función de la inversión,publicitaria es decir si estamos en una,época del año o en un país donde hay más,anunciantes en tiktok vamos a cobrar más,dinero porque van a salir más anuncios,en tiktok si por lo contrario no hay,anuncios pues no vamos a cobrar y esto,es muy parecido a lo que ocurre con la,monetización en YouTube como sabéis pues,por ejemplo si a mí en mi canal de,YouTube me ve a alguien de España voy a,cobrar un número si veo alguien de por,ejemplo Venezuela voy a cobrar mucho,menos porque pues porque en Venezuela no,hay tanta inversión publicitaria si bebe,a alguien de Estados Unidos voy a cobrar,más que si me ve desde España o desde,Venezuela este sistema también es el,mismo que tiene por ejemplo en el caso,de la publicidad en Twitch y en muchas,otras plataformas de este estilo este,son los mejores sistemas para,recompensar a los creadores y que sea,rentable también para la propia empresa,esto se ha anunciado todavía no ha,llegado vale que como ocurre con este,tipo de funciones primero llegó algunos,países y después llega a otros países,Así que si tienes más de 100.000,Seguidores Y ves que alguien lo tiene Y,a ti no te sale la opción no es que,tengas que hacer algún truco para,activarlo Sencillamente que todavía no,te ha llegado igualmente Yo voy a estar,informando de todo este tema porque me,parece súper interesante y cuando tenga,noticias o por ejemplo cuando me lo,activen a mí obviamente te lo voy a,enseñar cómo funciona exactamente cómo,es desde dentro y todo este tipo de,cosas pero está muy bien que tik Toks,esté metiendo las pilas porque como he,dicho en otras ocasiones hasta que tik,Tok no tenga un buen sistema de,monetización no podrá competir con las,otras plataformas Por cierto si no te,quieres perder ninguna noticia sobre el,mundo de las redes sociales y la,creación de contenido que sepas que,todas las semanas estoy enviando una,newsletter semanal con las noticias más,destacadas de este mundillo te voy a,dejar el link aquí abajo en la,descripción o lo tienes en mi perfil y,por cierto es completamente gratis Así,que nada hasta aquí el vídeo y espero,que te haya gustado No olvides,suscribirte a este canal si todavía no,estás y nos vemos en un siguiente vídeo,adiós

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