tiktok of sex ads

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TikTok's Only DIRTY Minds Will Understand

hello everybody and welcome back to my,youtube channel or welcome to my youtube,channel i'm call me chris you can call,me chris and i did a poll on instagram,you dirty little people wanted to see,some dirty tick tocks i see you you look,cute too i'll tell you that you're also,very gullible these aren't real glasses,i gotcha didn't i probably not anyway,let's get into the video,what are we doing with the lotion i,don't want to see what you got what,you're doing with that,what are we what is that,yeah,don't do it,what is happening,is he gonna i know what he's gonna do,he's gonna put his hand on this person's,hand and pretend that it's little,what is the medical term ejaculation,oh,that's cruel that's that's that's plain,cruel it's funny though,oh my lord have mercy,grab me that creature sir,grab me that creature oh my god that's,disgusting and so funny at the same time,babe you want to get naked,what did you just say,yeah where's the bathroom this girl is,all right girlfriend of the year right,there that's i mean in like you look,like you're in a walmart though i would,not do it in a walmart bathroom my,standards are low but they're not that,low i'm abstinent though so we know that,if you can't answer these riddles you,might have a dirty mind,let's do this first riddle,what is long hard and has come in i'll,give you a few more seconds to,come up with your answer,gum,did i just say,i meant to say um i'm sorry what is long,hard and has come in it what is long,hard and has come in at what is long,hard and has come in it i don't know,what is the answer was,cucumber,right it's gotta come in the middle of,it still sounds bad okay next when your,best friend sleeps with your boyfriend,wait shut up,who you,he told you,what is wrong with you,i know this is a voiceover but like oh,my god can you imagine don't cheat on,your mans okay don't sleep with your,best friend's mans go get your own mans,because that man's is clearly not a good,man's now you know with chris,i'm,uncomfy,babe ask me what i would do if we would,break up what would you do i would go,back with my ex then go with him no,straight up yeah why are you with me if,you were to,oh,i didn't even get that,both of us makes sense if you put three,fingers into these holes it's going to,be a shocker what am i talking about,three fingers in a hole through this oh,like an outlet like a i think that's it,i'm so innocent,a light socket same last question,what is firm and round and so much more,fun when you can put your fingers in it,firm round and so much fun when you can,put three fingers in it i think of like,a t-rex,it sounded like a dead crow,i don't know,orange correct answer is bowling ball,oh,out of the gutter,sorry,i need to read i need to pause sorry i'm,illiterate my girlfriend invited me to,her house where i found her i sat there,waiting for my girlfriend while her,unbelievable sexy sister was sitting,next to me oh god where's this going a,few moments later she whispered to me we,should have the sexuals well my sister,isn't home oh mike is this a real story,i hope this is not i immediately got up,and turned around to head back to my car,good man the story's going good i found,my girlfriend standing by the door she,hugged me and said you've won my trust,oh,it was a test that's a up test i,would never do that with my sister can,you imagine he said yes oh my god oh my,god oh my god moral of story always keep,your condoms in your car oh,that dirty little ,she was gonna sleep with his sister not,his sister that's the incestual random,i'll take 12. don't ask why i need 12 i,need 12. baker's doesn't,why would you do that to a fish why,would you invade its mouth like that,that's,all my friends are dead the book,the dodo bird and the dinosaur all my,friends are dead love that most of my,friends right,what is,this,all my friends are wait what is going on,the tree said all my friends are end,tables and then the end table said i was,never friends with that guy,that's me and my lack of friends i'm an,end table i am end table sad,interrupting to thank today's wonderful,sponsor which is butcher box i,personally have been loving butcher box,for a lot of different reasons they use,high quality meats like 100 grass-fed,beef which right now new members will,receive two pounds of for the lifetime,of their membership they also have,free-range organic chicken humanely,raised pork and my favorite wild-caught,seafood and butcher box is super,flexible with their box options you can,either get four curated boxes or you can,do what i do and get your own customized,box and their delivery frequencies fit,to your needs and your schedule and you,can cancel with no penalty at any time,and there's also free shipping which is,always a bonus i personally decided in,my butcher box on the wild caught salmon,cod scallops 100 grass-fed beef burgers,and free-range organic chicken and i,personally have never cooked scallops,before but i decided to go all gordon,ramsay on this and i i tried to i trie

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Reviewing 10 Best TikTok UGC Ads in 5 Minutes! (Copy THESE Ads!)

Reviewing 10 Best TikTok UGC Ads in 5 Minutes! (Copy THESE Ads!)

so in today's video i'll be reviewing,the 10 best tick tock ugc ads in under,five minutes so let's start the timer,right now my name is justin and i'm the,founder of voiceover media an e-commerce,marketing agency specializing in,elevating thriving brands by simplifying,e-commerce growth before we get started,make sure to leave a like subscribe as,well as turn on post notifications to be,one of the first to know about these,cutting edge e-commerce marketing tips,posting on our channel every week,so in today's video i'll be utilizing,the addison software which is great been,loving that app in the past couple of,days been using it a lot when it comes,to advertising and making sure that i,couldn't create swap files so let's get,started with the first ad i'm just gonna,put that on mute real quick and let that,play right here so this is a very,interesting ad i mean anything that,talks about sex on facebook or on tech,talk i mean always converts you know sex,is sort of the old the oldest form of,creating desire essentially within a,audience so that one first of all is a,little bit you know my parents left me,this fancy chocolate is is pretty,interesting and again keep in mind that,is a six,second video so it's a super super quick,video right there that gets straight to,the point and what is nice about,utilizing under seven second videos on,tick tock is that usually people don't,get the points within six seconds but if,you can make it very interesting they'll,probably rewatch the second time which,increases watch time a lot which for the,algorithm they like that that kind of,flags to the algorithm that this is a,great video so it'll push it to more,people so essentially just playing that,one right there as soon as he says you,know my parents left me this chocolate,you seen eggplant emoji you see like a,little water emoji you see a peach emoji,so again kind of instant sex so it is a,bit of a funny angle like my parents,left me this but it talks about you know,it's some sex stuff you then see a kid,or you know young adult at least you,know presenting that product and you,know it's reminded to read ingredients,before you eat stuff guys so anyways it,just leaves you with a little bit of a,smirk in the face and wants you to,actually go ahead and check it out and,second one right there it's just a meme,right it starts with the meme starts,with something that's been pretty you,know accurate in the past couple of days,the meme of you know again will smith,sort of slapping chris rock and tells,you know this is better than that and,here's a quick switch over to the actual,main point of the video where he talks,about you know getting money essentially,those proof shows again it uses a green,screen effect so it actually looks like,it was a real organic tick dock and not,just an ad looking at this one right,there that's an a minute and eight,second ad that i really recommend that,to anybody to go to that length when it,comes to ad but that one was a,masterpiece i mean that guy basically,did a skit it was a pretty interesting,and funny skit and you know you can kind,of see at this point here that there is,a big focus on a specific product so it,does you know you know it's an ad but,the fact that it's funny and the fact,that it's well placed i would personally,want to keep watching that so he,basically did a skit with that and made,something relatable essentially for this,his type of audience of you know just a,kid working during the weekend with his,dad on you know constructing something,and i want to quickly go over it this is,you know it has the text-to-speech audio,in the background which you cannot hear,right now text-to-speech works great,just shows you know fast cuts every,second shows how quick it is shows a,quick way for you to try out you know a,bit of a tattoo first that is within 60,minutes you know ready and looks pretty,real so love how fast-paced this is,again they're using text-to-speech which,is great that one right there again it,kind of looks like it was just somebody,recording a regular video setting up you,know drinking furniture kind of looks,like a vlog a lot of people are doing,these style of videos on tiktok where,they kind of showcase themselves doing,something around the house it kind of,shows like she's doing chores,essentially but at the end of the day,they're actually selling the furniture,that is being showed in the video but it,just is a pretty satisfying video to,watch and it's also a very nice house so,kind of has this lifestyle aspect to it,that essentially helps create some value,and desire out of that video darwin is a,very nice thing that i see quite a lot,there's a second one of those in the,next couple of seconds but it's more,about the style of ad he responds to a,comment and makes an ad out of that so,that is a spark ad right there but again,it just looks real it looks like a,regular organic post because he is,responding to an actual comment and you,would see the same thing here with that

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7 Lessons After Spending $1,000,000 On TikTok Ads

7 Lessons After Spending $1,000,000 On TikTok Ads

this is gumbo I have spent more money,this year on Tick Tock ads than most,NPCs will make in a thousand lifetimes,I've seen beautiful and horrific things,at your mind cannot comprehend,cpms as low as a drunk man's standards,at a frat party Americans that simply,refuse to take your money like a vending,machine with your crusty ass bills and I,need to impart my wisdom unto you before,the fake glitch Guru silence me so about,a year ago I'm in the decision to push,all my chips forward and go all in with,Tick Tock ads because I'm an absolute,Savage and through this experience I,manage over a hundred plus ad accounts,with my agency blue ocean digital and we,spent over well over seven figures in ad,spend on this platform alone so I want,to share with you the eight lessons that,I've learned through this experience of,managing tons of different ad accounts,of seeing what works and what doesn't so,that you can avoid the mistakes I made,initially and be able to scale any,product successfully on Tick Tock so in,the Drop Shipping space there's been,this mentality for years especially with,Facebook ads that when you test a,product you should be ruthless if it,does not give you results on the first,day the product is not a winner you did,nothing wrong and it is all all the,product's fault now I would agree with,that a few years ago but nowadays,especially if you're using Tick Tock ads,to advertise I would say you have to,give it time with Tick Tock ads,especially it's a new platform and when,you do ads that are usually going to be,broad with your targeting you have to,typically give it a few days for tick,tock to optimize and Find Your Right,audience and the best example of this,and I've showed this countless times,it's a brand that we worked on where,when we were initially setting up their,campaigns on the first day you can see,we had three different campaigns going,on they spent around 200 in total and,all three campaigns were either Break,Even or unprofitable now for the,majority of dropshippers they would say,all right I need to kill this product,I'm not getting my instant feedback and,results I'm not a millionaire yet well I,better throw away this product but the,one thing we did is we wanted to give,this one more day with Tick Tock and we,wanted to see if we give it one more day,would Tick Tock find our Right audience,after this day of optimization and on,the second day without changing or,without killing anything our roas went,up triple on every single campaign,without touching a thing and I know with,media buying a lot of us have the,tendency of being incredibly Hands-On we,want instant results if it's not working,immediately we want to perform surgery,we want to change everything and realize,okay we've totally messed up but with,Tick Tock sometimes it just requires,patience I believe with most platforms,you can definitely expect results almost,instantly but with Tick Tock this is the,platform I realize that needs the most,patience sometimes it takes multiple,days it takes a lot of tweaking around,with your creatives with your offers,with so many different things and you've,got to give it time because you might,have a winning product but you just,didn't give it enough time or enough,budget for tick tock to find the Right,audience and find the right creative,that is really speaking to your audience,because Tick Tock is not perfect it is,not like Facebook it is not at all these,years of refinement and tweaks to the,algorithm and because of that a lot of,times you just have to give it a little,bit more time with your ads so that's,why I always recommend when you're,testing a product give it a few days of,spend I usually will test each product,with two days worth of spend because as,you can see right here with this example,when you do give it that extra day to,all right let's first on day one just,focus on showing our answer as many,people as possible then in day two let's,narrow it down and then show our add to,whoever is the audience and the perfect,target market that is clicking on her ad,and buying the product and this,principle applies to when you're scaling,as well when you are doing a campaign,where you're duplicating let's say your,winning audiences five times and you're,setting a higher daily budget I,understand that can be a lot of money,but sometimes you have to give it two,days if on the first day your break even,or you lose a little bit of money on,most instances on most platforms you are,just gonna kill it and then try to,restart that campaign again on Tick Tock,though a lot of the times you just have,to give it some time you have to give it,two days three days sometimes a week to,optimize and find the Right audience now,if you do want to work with a team of,experts that will find winning products,for you test them on custom coded,beautiful brand and one product stores,and also film custom ads with our team,of content creators while managing our,ads using the lessons and principles,that we have learned f

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do you like donuts,do you like juice,you like,donut juice,if men can walk around the streets,without a shirt on i think women should,have every right to do so there's,honestly no difference it is just,a set of nipples,we support you,i spend over 2 000 a month on high-end,water bottles delivered directly to my,house and as a water snob it is such a,luxury i know what you're thinking where,do i keep it all but i have four fridges,so i've got that part covered today was,delivery day so i'm about to load up my,fridge which is literally so satisfying,these boxes are so heavy because the,bottles are glass but it's worth it i,love boss it's one of my favorite water,bottle brands i've always been a water,snob and i know that for a lot of people,you're probably like what the hell why,do you care it's just water but i hate,the taste of tap water i cannot drink it,i can only drink bottled water it's the,only way i'll get it in me for the past,year i actually had fiji water delivered,to my house but it started to weigh on,me how much plastic waste that was,creating voss is net carbon neutral so,it's definitely a more eco-friendly,choice and yeah it's a little pricey but,i do buy it in bulk from the same type,of place that would sell it to like a,hotel or a grocery store so it's a bit,better everybody has their thing and i,guess i'm just a water snob but my,guests love it everybody,you think of no homo let me put it this,way would you ever say hey do you want,to play basketball not to be black or,anything,what do we do this nft will have you,very mad it's called metaslave basically,people have taken a bunch of pictures of,black people and they're now selling,them as nfts now people are very unhappy,with this nft to say the least for,obvious reasons people want this nft to,be taken off of any marketplace they've,also started to track down anyone who,has ever bought one of these nfts what,do you all think of all this oh,i got to go,oh i gotta go,gotta go,go go,it all started when my mom met my dad,and they fell in love and they had me,hi i'm ryan and my life,it's kind of crazy all right so we got,the dior jordans,and some,eyes why,no don't do it,waste of her chives,zero,so not halal mo don't dip the dior,jordans in,there waste of dior jordan zero wait,that's not her shy's they must have,replaced it with kaka ways of kaka,zero here's three reasons why i wouldn't,be a good waifu number one,i'm shy,number two,i use a lot of hand gestures,and number three,i'd probably be too busy watching anime,i can't wait to tell you,okay so,also yeah i did just get back from the,doctor on valentine's day,but,um it's a really long story but i'll try,my best to condense it,chica from snap,a baby,oh no no no,mexico,if you've ever tried to put your finger,up a straight guy's ass during sex,you'll know that they actually,understand ongoing consent withdrawal of,consent and sexual boundaries very well,they act confused when it's our body,magic,white white,and lemon,wait wait my friend,oh,wow oh my god elastic lamp,oh my god friend,wow,oh my god,oh my god guys oh my god really like,work,oh my,god look ken thanks for the follow,can you have a boop what's up,hey kalyn you're amazing and go beyond,tick tock thanks for the,follow hey louis thank you too,we can't think so hey,you're the guy that beat me up when i,was six,you'll find out,you mess with the wrong demon,no,no,no,yes,show your face if someone touches your,man,that'll do it,you don't have to worry about me you do,not have to worry about me,the new catchphrase oh yeah what's that,rick i love my grandkids oh psych just,kidding my new catch phrase is i don't,give a ,um,hiya babe,i wanna you,hey,dude i swear to god if you don't stop,that i'm gonna break your nico nico,kneecaps,if you're happy and you know it clap,your hands you if you're happy and,you know it clap your hands eat if,you're happy and you know it then your,face will surely show it if you're happy,and you know it clap your hands dumb,i would like two frappes yo oreo get,this today guys if you don't i'ma,be real mad mix that yo mix it real,bad cause mcdonald's food yo it kinda,sucks but i like the frappies yo that's,what's up,i know i know they're listening to me,that that's what makes this ,funny because we're at the drive-through,how to act when you see an attractive,person,quickly look away,now slowly look back,slight smile look down,slowly look up at them start to wave,high but then change your mind,now laugh to yourself,now dead serious,now blow them a kiss,blow them another kiss,now blow them a french kiss,flare your nostrils,now flick your tongue like a lizard,look away now start to look them up and,down,yes up and down now squint your eyes,and mouth the words call me,yeah,you like that,link it up,oh really,we went to elementary school together,which one,i'll give you the benefit of the doubt,and state that it would have been really,easy for you to have known me while me,not know you after all my elementary,school days,are pr

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I Bought Every Weird Ad I Saw on TikTok (and ~tested~ them)

I Bought Every Weird Ad I Saw on TikTok (and ~tested~ them)

don't mind my hair,today it's a little bit wet hi everybody,how's it going,today's video is something a little,different i used to have a series called,i tried where essentially i would try,different things whether that be eating,styles lifestyle things challenges,whatever and it was a lot of fun but,those types of videos this type of video,you filmed them over,months the way that my life,flipped absolutely upside down a couple,of years ago everything was just too,topsy-turvy for me to really make videos,like that anymore but things have,settled life is settling,life never really settles but i mean,things are stable my life is stable and,wonderful anyway but i miss making,that type of video because it was so,much fun i really did enjoy it so i,thought for today's video let's combine,the old and the new hi boogs and do and,i tried,tik tok style for any of you who don't,know me hi my name is elena joy i make,videos mostly about the queer community,here on this channel queer sex,relationships dating but sometimes i,used to try things and that's what we're,doing today i am going to swipe through,my tick tock for you page and i am going,to buy,all the ads that are suggested to me,but before we get into the tick tock i,want to take a second to thank the,sponsor of this video better help if you,think that you might be feeling,depressed stressed anxious overwhelmed,better help is here to help when i'm,feeling particularly,overwhelmed stressed out just like,generally elevated my instinct is to,turn inward and isolate like i don't,want to talk to the people that i love,about,how negative i'm feeling when really,that's what i need is to talk to,somebody and that's where therapy comes,in better help offers licensed,therapists who are trained to listen to,you talk with you help you and there's a,huge range of expertise and better helps,20 000 plus therapists so this can give,you access to specific help that might,not be available in your area you just,fill out a questionnaire to assess your,specific needs and then within 48 hours,you are matched with a therapist from,there you can schedule secure video or,phone sessions whatever you prefer and i,know i say this every time but if you,meet your therapist and you don't feel,like it's the right match you can switch,therapists free of charge at any time,and that can alleviate so much of the,anxiety,of trying to find a new therapist,whether this is your first time going to,therapy or not plus if you use my link,betterhelp.com,elena you can get 10,off your first month so be sure to use,that link in my description to check it,out there is a licensed experienced,therapist waiting on the other side for,you i would highly recommend it so,without further ado let's just jump,right in because i already feel like,this video is going to be long and i,don't need to keep you i don't need to,keep you any further,this is hard because how am i supposed,to just scroll through tik-tok and not,watch anything self-control elena,willpower,stop watching max live what's my zodiac,sign what do you guys think,oh sticky,i can't do this i can't do this oh here,we go,okay this is an ad coffee,it fits e c s coffee is my first ad i,have a keurig i don't love the coffee,things that i had i had like some,starbucks ones,starbucks slander i don't think they,have good coffee,sorry oh okay san francisco variety pack,what's this one 70 pack jesus i'm being,a picky i know that i'm sorry let's grab,one of those ah,look how cute oh my god they have these,glass mug things where you can see that,oh my god look how cute this stuff is i,don't need any more mugs we're buying,some coffee pods how much is shipping,gonna be on this shipping is ten dollars,or i can pick it up in ontario i live in,bc that would be,like a 45 hour drive i guess i'm paying,10 in shipping for some 10 coffee pods,first ad purchased 25,12,coffee pods that i don't even know if,they're gonna be good,oh,next ad,is a mantar lamp they come in gold black,or silver i like the gold says it's on,sale 50 off for only 75 dollars,i love it when ads do stuff like this,where it says it's 50 off it was 151,and it's like no it wasn't it was never,151.,it's always been 75 dollars it always,will be 75 you're not fooling me oh my,god or i could get two of those,for 130,and no,wires how does that work let's see what,shipping is gonna be that's the real,question oh free shipping okay,okay free shipping i'll take it boom,mushroom lamp coming my way okay ads,we're looking for ads we're not getting,distracted we're just looking for ads,oh no,nippy cup reusable nippy covers,really okay i guess we're doing it,tick tock wants me to go braless on sale,for 22.99,thank god i might actually not be mad at,this because i do love going braless i,mean like they're not,they're not trying to go anywhere you,know,but the nips are present if it's not a,very thick fabric the nips make,themselves known this might actually be,helpful,i might love this oh that was in us,dollars that was i

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2022, in 7 minutes

2022, in 7 minutes

The world will mark an important milestone,as the global population surpasses 8 billion people.,Weddings are back.,Experts are predicting weddings to reach a 40-year high.,We have been waiting to do this for two-and-a-half years.,After weeks of flirtation and fighting,the new couple has officially done the deed.,Full-on crypto crash.,$32 billion dollars just vanished…,My money don’t jiggle jiggle.,BTS are going on hiatus.,Taylor Swift fans waited hours online only to find the website crashing.,I’m going to the concert!,The final seconds before impact.,Have a corn-tastic day.,Ah, stunning! Yeah.,The blockbuster legal saga between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp…,My favorite thing about the movie is like,,it feels like a…,like a… movie.,The Russian president says a military operation is now underway in eastern Ukraine.,Explosions and air raid sirens ringing out in cities across this country.,Soaring new numbers from the UN on Ukrainians fleeing the fighting.,We cry — we all have the feeling that we’ve no home., We are ready for any outcome.,Russia, now the target of more than 2,700 new sanctions.,And the world bracing for food shortages,Russia has now suspended all gas supplies to Germany.,Possible explosions along the Nord Stream pipelines.,Gas prices — soaring to the highest average ever recorded.,Amazon,,Microsoft,,Meta announced 11,000 employees laid off,1,200 Twitter employees calling it quits.,I quit is what’s going on., Ah, ****,Inflation,is much too high.,Everything has doubled up.,Do you heat or do you eat?,These prices are totally outrageous.,I do not have time for this!,It’s been the most incredible ride and journey I’ve ever been on.,We have finally achieved equal pay for our men’s and our women’s national team.,It’s about damn time.,It is the most controversial World Cup in the history of football.,The gulf state’s been under intense scrutiny over the treatment of migrant workers.,The 2022 Winter Olympics are underway.,Jamaica will compete in the four-man bobsled.,China’s snow princess is the queen of big air!,Russian figure skater testing positive for a banned substance.,I have tested positive for Covid-19.,I will have to withdraw.,BA.5 is fueling yet another wave,Covid vaccines for children under 5 began today.,Someone’s getting vaccinated.,Airline passengers can now decide for themselves to wear a mask.,Summer travel this year comes with some baggage.,Kylie Jenner takes a three-minute flight and yet they’re telling me to recycle cans!,Soaring temperatures.,40.2 degrees, Get out of there, please!,Pakistan reeling from the devastating floods caused by monsoon rains.,We are on a highway to climate hell,with our foot still on the accelerator.,Hurricane Ian has changed Florida forever.,This wall could not contain it because the water was too much.,We are seeing tragedy unraveling in front of our eyes., We were working here, and suddenly, we heard mortar explosions near this mosque.,This crater hints at the size of the explosion in western Ghana.,The government of Burkina Faso averted a plot to take over the country.,Today, we have fought for our freedom from the greedy politicians.,154 people were killed in a crush in South Korea.,Another mass shooting…,At a fourth of July parade,,In a Walmart,,At a hospital complex,,At a gay nightclub,,An elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.,They let our baby get slaughtered.,A major Supreme Court ruling that could make it easier to obtain a firearm license.,Antisemitic incidents…,Black transgender deaths are rising.,Critics call it the “don’t say gay” bill.,We will not go back!,The nation’s highest court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade.,Our body, our choice!,22-year-old Mahsa Amini was taken into custody by Iran’s morality police.,Amini’s death has sparked outrage.,The Iranian squad chose not to sing the country’s national anthem.,Please be our voice and don’t let the evil regime kill innocent people.,Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh has been shot dead.,Thousands gathered for her funeral procession., Not lies, but respect!,Authorities in China are strengthening their efforts to stamp out unrest over stringent,Covid measures., The citizens are here.,We are here.,I want you to know how sad I am to be giving up the best job in the world.,I am resigning as leader of the conservative party.,I am prepared to give everything I have.,Xi Jinping — becomes the most powerful leader in China in decades.,Jair Bolsonaro defeated by former president Lula da Silva.,Gabriel Boric will become Chile’s youngest ever president.,Republicans were hoping for a red wave, which didn’t really pan out.,Giorgia Meloni’s “Brothers of Italy” party winning this weekend’s election.,India’s first tribal person elected to the highest office of the land.,Buckingham Palace has announced the death of her majesty Queen Elizabeth the second.,This is the end of an era.,Ukrainian forces are now on the offensive.,They’ve taken more territory in the past week than Russia has since April.,Nobody’s gonna b

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RAYE, 070 Shake - Escapism. (Official Music Video)

RAYE, 070 Shake - Escapism. (Official Music Video)

♪ Sleazin' and teasin', I'm sittin' on him ♪,♪ All of my diamonds are drippin' on him ♪,♪ I met him at the bar ♪,♪ It was twelve or somethin' ♪,♪ I ordered two more wines ♪,♪ 'Cause tonight I want him ♪,♪ A little context if you care to listen ♪,♪ I find myself in this shit position ♪,♪ The man that I love sat me down last night ♪,♪ And he told me that it's over, dumb decision ♪,♪ And I don't wanna feel how my heart is rippin' ♪,♪ Fact, I don't wanna feel, so I stick to sippin' ♪,♪ And I'm out on the town with a simple mission ♪,♪ In my little black dress ♪,♪ And this shit is sittin' ♪,♪ Just a heart broke bitch ♪,♪ High heels, six inch ♪,♪ In the back of the nightclub, sipping champagne ♪,♪ I don't trust any of these bitches I'm with ♪,♪ In the back of the taxi, sniffing cocaine ♪,♪ Drunk calls, drunk texts, drunk tears, drunk sex ♪,♪ I was looking for a man who's on the same page ♪,♪ Now it's back to the intro, back to the bar ♪,♪ To the Bentley, to the hotel, to my old ways ♪,♪ 'Cause I don't wanna feel how I did last night ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel how I did last night ♪,♪ Doctor, doctor, anything, please ♪,♪ Doctor, doctor, have mercy on me ♪,♪ Take this pain away ♪,♪ You're asking me my symptoms, doctor ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel ♪,♪ Toke this joint how I'm blowing this steam ♪,♪ Back to my ways like 2019 ♪,♪ Not 24 hours since my ex did dead it ♪,♪ Got a new man on me, it's about to get sweaty ♪,♪ Last night really was the cherry on the cake ♪,♪ Been some dark days lately ♪,♪ And I'm fidin' it cripplin' ♪,♪ Excuse my state ♪,♪ I'm as high as your hopes ♪,♪ That you'll make it to my bed ♪,♪ Get me hot and sizzlin' ♪,♪ If I take a step back to see the glass half full ♪,♪ At least it's the Prade two-piece ♪,♪ That I'm trippin' in ♪,♪ And I'm already actin' like a dick ♪,♪ Know what I mean? ♪,♪ So you might as well stick it in ♪,♪ Just a heart broke bitch ♪,♪ High heels, six inch ♪,♪ In the back of the nightclub, sipping champagne ♪,♪ I don't trust any of these bitches I'm with ♪,♪ In the back of the taxi, sniffing cocaine ♪,♪ Drunk calls, drunk texts, drunk tears, drunk sex ♪,♪ I was looking for a man who's on the same page ♪,♪ Now it's back to the intro, back to the bar ♪,♪ To the Bentley, to the hotel, to my old ways ♪,♪ 'Cause I don't wanna feel how I did last night ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel how I did last night ♪,♪ Doctor, doctor, anything, please ♪,♪ Doctor, doctor, have mercy on me ♪,♪ Take this pain away ♪,♪ You're asking me my symptoms, doctor ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel ♪,♪ What? ♪,♪ 'Cause I don't wanna feel like I felt last night ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel like I felt last night ♪,♪ Be at peace with the things you can't change ♪,♪ Last night ♪,♪ I'll be naked when I leave ♪,♪ And I was naked when I came, yeah ♪,♪ Out of reach, out of touch ♪,♪ Too numb, I don't feel no way ♪,♪ Toast up, so what ♪,♪ Street small but it go both ways ♪,♪ So, you'll run, but you'll never escape ♪,♪ Sunset in the maze ♪,♪ You're asking me my symptoms, doctor ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel ♪,♪ I don't feel how I did last night ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel how I did last night, oh ♪,♪ Doctor, doctor, anything, please ♪,♪ Doctor, doctor, have mercy on me ♪,♪ You're asking me my symptoms, doctor ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel how I did last night ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel ♪,♪ How I did last night ♪,♪ I don't, I don't, how I did last night ♪,♪ Mm, lipstick smudged like modern art ♪,♪ I don't where the fuck I am ♪,♪ Or who's driving the fucking car ♪,♪ Speeding down the highway sippin' ♪,♪ Mixing pills with the liquor ♪,♪ 'Cause fuck these feelings ♪,♪ I left everyone I love on read ♪,♪ Spilling secrets to the stranger in my bed ♪,♪ I remember nothing so there's nothing to regret ♪,♪ Other than this 4/4 kick drum poundin' in my head ♪

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NEW Mark Adams TikTok Videos 2021 | Funny Marrk Adams TikTok 2021 #2

NEW Mark Adams TikTok Videos 2021 | Funny Marrk Adams TikTok 2021 #2

come on bro please think about what,you're doing i can say the same thing,about you being with my wife mark please,stop this do you have any last words man,sharing is caring hey guys what are,y'all doing what the hell is this i,don't know dad stop lying this is,markeisha i invited her dad's always in,the shower with her screaming random,things like,when you're not here mommy oh yeah like,every day you say what now uh oh i'm,shooting this big they're just playing,yo dad what if you were blind how would,you ask for a drink,if you were blind how do you ask for,food,if you were blind how would you ask for,a pencil,i asked you if you were blind not deaf,stupid,i'm gonna go stupid with this hand,hey miss johnson so what did my son do,this time well you see this yeah your,son passed me this note during class,oh so what'd you do what i do,i send him to the principal's office i'm,sorry ms johnson i don't like how you're,playing with my son's emotion mr adams,i'm happily married man forget it yo son,we're switching new schools okay okay,hey grandson so what's going on damn,fred's been sleeping with my wife dad,tell him to put his weapon down don't,forget to tell him that you've been,cheating on me with that beat hey sugar,daddy i got you cheating first hold up,dad you know her,about that yeah dad you didn't know,gramps thinks markeisha is really smart,because when we were in the car grandpa,says she gives good brains oh my what,the you serious yeah i actually came,here to tell you that me and markeisha,are having a,yo dad can you help me find a song it's,been in my head all day sure how do you,want me to help i know the melody it,goes like this,um i'm sorry to tell you i don't know,what that song is called,me,dad what's wrong my teacher told me i,might be held back a grade what why,because i keep telling my homework you,serious yeah but you know what i'm gonna,tell her the truth when i see her tell,her what that my dad's been doing my,homework not me he's the dumb one boy,you gonna get this dumb head,yo son why does your teacher think i'm,really religious because you and mommy,pray every single night what are you,talking about every night i hear mommy,say oh god oh god right there for 30,minutes oh my god boy you supposed to be,asleep can i pray with you guys no,i'm home hey you're home early dad yeah,i got off work early finna take a nap,well you can't go in the room yet why,mom and uncle friend told me not to go,in what uncle fred's here yeah,hey,dad what's up watch this video what is,it this guy throws a rock in the water,and you won't believe what happened let,me see,who you gonna get this,i thought i said you could play the game,after you clean your room i did there's,a sock on the floor come on you always,find something and this doorknob is,dirty too really the doorknob and leave,this door open,markeisha and i are having a halloween,board hey what halloween party didn't,think he was gonna say that oh i can't,wait grandpa are you gonna be a vampire,since you always leave red marks on,markeisha that's a good idea ew dad,forget about a halloween party you know,she's pregnant right oh yeah that was,other news you guys are having a baby,brother i'm done with this weird ass,family yeah you know it's mark's baby,right no it's fred's baby,what's so funny where'd my gun go,grandpa has it,oh so you've been messing around with,this marquesa girl hey that's me look,who's talking you're the one that just,got caught with my brother fred can you,please point that somewhere else well,markeisha finna die mom please don't,kill my baby brother oh son what are you,talking about i'm gonna go now stay,right there she's pregnant with dad's,baby,hey dad can i hang out with chris today,um,say no what you want me to say yes no,say no no dang chris my dad said yes of,course you can sign sweet you heard them,i'll see you later chris dad what the,heck i was trying to tell you to say no,oh my bad i thought you were trying to,say yes you just want to be by yourself,so you can be with this lotion,son what are you doing,come a little closer and shine the light,where i'm working,are you kidding me you only have one job,one job to do,hold on,okay so keep the light right there,i told you not to move what is wrong,with you kid,dad can we get a house with two,bathrooms already why no one's using the,one we have yes there is your girl,marquisha is in there blowing it up what,go look,what the hell,hey,i'm gonna call the cops if you don't get,out of here hold on real quick no i'm,calling the cops now,dad,oops,oh,if you don't stop crying i will give you,something to cry about it will be my,hand oh,is,son do you like getting your ass,whooping or what no so what'd you do at,school today that made you get in,trouble so the teacher was asking us if,we were an animal what animal would we,like to be okay is that a gorilla,gorilla yeah then she asked why so i,showed her this video look,boy what the hell is this what they're,having fun no they're not it's like

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