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TikTok SEO Tips | NFT Marketing on TikTok in 2022

all right you guys so if you did not,know i,own a second agency my first agency it's,been around for five years it's called,rising ranks digital and we're an seo,and digital strategy agency,so seo is my jam and i've been doing it,forever and so whenever i go onto these,platforms i always try to,figure out how the algorithm works,from a search standpoint,so um yes of course there's the,algorithm that,you get into by um picking up on viral,video videos which we'll talk about but,i want to get into the search,which i think is actually becoming more,and more important so,now compare that to this part of what,you have in your hand right now this,right here,and um,so i'm looking at like this where like,little blinker is sorry for some reason,it won't let me like touch and highlight,it so um we'll go to women in nfts and,i've kind of just been playing around,with how things get ranked so what i,found is that,these at the top,they are usually either they either have,been just released so they're pretty,recent or they have a lot of views,so granite um,and like for me right here like i only,even have like 297 um,amongst you know some other ones but,you can see what i found is that,what,picks up these videos,is um,is two things it's the copy,in the video and it's the copy in the,bio or not the bio the uh description,so you can see right here,um we have hashtags women and nfts we,need more women in nfts that is all in,the,in the description,it's interesting because the tick tock,algorithm hasn't yet i don't think it's,smart enough yet to pick up anything,that people are saying yet um that's,different for youtube and some other,things but,um,yeah so that's good to know so if you,are looking for,a hashtag that you want to rank for,make sure that you have it in your title,at the beginning and also try to get it,into a hashtag as well as,the description,before the hashtags that will really,help you so i've looked at i've looked,at a bunch of these and that what seems,to ring true,um,so what i did is i looked at a bunch i,looked into get into nfts,um,you could see i think there should still,um,you know get into nfts,get nft,get your first mft so you can see how,it's all kind of,get intent of tease,you can see how it's all related,um,yeah this is interesting so i just kind,of found this out and i wanted to share,let me just see what nft is so what i,how what this means for you,is to figure out what hashtag you want,to rank for um if you typically get a,lot of views you can go for the higher,hashtags,if you don't get a lot of views or you,know hardly any views right now go for,the smaller one so let's take a look at,these hashtags,um,so,this is actually interesting i haven't,not even gone here,um,so bitcoin nfts that could be a good one,if you don't really get a lot of views,and just get tick tock um,started on just showing your video,somehow somewhere,nft system that's a really interesting,one,she's nft i've never seen that one,before this is actually a good way to,just look too,to pick up more hashtags for your videos,you can make a whole list,maybe oh maybe we can just like collect,a list and we'll put it all in our,channel nfts explained oh that's a,really good one,so this is really interesting,so take a look,because it's not,basically instead of walking into an art,gallery,what it does um,i'm gonna do nft marketing,you guys are like finding this out with,me in real time okay so it's picking up,my hashtags and again my um,intro copy,that one has nft marketing in it a few,times,all right yeah so this is really cool,all right before i like take you guys,down the rabbit hole with me i am going,to,stop this but let me know if you have,any questions and let me know your,thoughts

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I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)

I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)

in the last 90 days i've spent over 600,000,on tick tock ads with our clients and,every day we're migrating more and more,budget over from facebook to tick tock,and in today's video i'm going to be,covering the top five ways you can learn,from the lessons that i have after,spending six hundred thousand dollars on,tick tock ads,hello everyone my name is chase chapel,your favorite digital marketer here,let's get into this video so these are,the lessons from spending 600 000,dollars in tick tock ads and i would,have been far better off if i had,already learned these lessons in advance,or had somebody to really guide me,through the process of understanding,what it is that make tick tock ads,convert how to structure the audiences,and all of the learnings that we've had,from other platforms to be able to be,successful on tick tock ads and that's,exactly what i'm going to be doing today,is i'm going to be walking you through,the top five things that are going to,allow you to be successful with tick,tock ads from the things that we've done,after spending 600 000 on tick tock ads,so let's go ahead and jump into the,first thing and start covering some of,the things you can do to actually,increase your overall conversions and as,you can see here we spent a little over,six hundred thousand dollars on testing,this far just in the last 90 days that's,about 148 million impressions from that,amount of spending about 2 million,clicks overall and so let's go ahead and,go over the tick tock adds creative best,practices so number one is videos with a,duration of 21 seconds to 34 seconds,have a 280 percent lift and conversion,yes you heard that right 21 seconds to,34 seconds if you literally just have,tick tock ads that are at least 21 to 34,seconds long,you automatically have a competitive,advantage over other tick tock,advertisers and the reason for this lift,and conversions is because that's enough,time for you to deliver information in a,concise way to the actual consumer that,might be purchasing your product or the,business that might actually be you know,choosing to work with your service and,you want to time it between 21 to 34,seconds you don't want it to be overly,long you don't want it to be overly,short,so definitely try to be within this,range because you are going to see much,better conversions by doing so and this,is data that ticktalk actually has from,you know hundreds of thousands of,advertisers that are actually already on,the platform and we're seeing this with,our results too videos that are between,21 to 34 seconds do actually convert,better,and we also see that the 9 16 aspect,ratio does help with lifting conversions,that is vertical video y'all you'll want,to make sure you have vertical video you,don't want to try to apply square video,and have these black spaces in between,the actual video you want to make sure,that these videos are actually vertical,tick tock is a vertical placement so you,want to make sure your content actually,fits for tick tock so make sure you have,a 9x16 aspect ratio in your actual,videos that is simply filming on your,phone that's the best way to do it to,actually keep the vertical video in,check and that resolution is actually,going to be higher and that actually,leads us to the next point if your video,is actually above 720p you're going to,see a 312 lifting conversion so if you,just apply these three things you're,going to see you know 280 lift and 91,left and even up to a 312 percent lift,in conversions by having hd video if you,upload a very low quality video the back,door is this you're likely going to get,much less conversions than other,accounts would and if you have ads that,are actually converting now with a low,quality video well if you just upgrade,the quality you could be seeing much,better conversions at the exact same,cost the next thing is number two and,that's tick tock user generated content,this is very big because you have,branded ads and you have spark ads,branded ads are essentially what you see,here this is an ad by go clove and you,know their shoe brand and they have,these actual you know branded outline,where it has the colors of their blue,they're green and the actual ad and it's,very branded and when you come across it,looks very much so like an ad these,types of ads do work to some degree and,you know do have good conversion rates,depending on you know how they're,actually flexing their brand and,actually driving you know consideration,and actually having people make the,conversion based off of what's actually,in the actual ad and you can see has 57,likes you know people are commenting,that they are interested in the product,which is a good thing but overall we're,seeing much better results with tiktok,spark ads and ugc content where we're,actually using user generated content in,the ads and that is a form of raw video,and user generated content is,essentially content that is created by,people or users instead of brands or,businesses now you can have pe

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TWITTER and TIKTOK: Market your NFTs!

TWITTER and TIKTOK: Market your NFTs!

nfts might be the eighth wonder of the,world for some reasons people just love,the things which defines themselves,under the category of rare even if it's,just zombie smoking people will buy it,for millions of dollars and now this,sector will go even crazier and publicly,accepted with the entry of big players,into the game,hey crypto lovers it is crypto,billionaire your friendly neighborhood,crypto and financial education channel,in today's video we'll tell you how,twitter's jack dorsey and tick tock are,pushing nfts for mass adoption so stick,with us till the end to get an idea all,about it,without being said let's begin with the,video,but before we begin be sure to like,comment and subscribe to our channel for,the latest and amazing cryptocurrency,and blockchain videos,in our opinion social media giants,embracing nfts could be the start of a,new reputation system used in an,increasingly digital world twitter which,has seen its user base deadly grow to,surpass 185 million users last year is,experimenting with nfts to allow users,to display their collections as their,profile pictures,according to mata flock a senior,software engineer at twitter the micro,blogging platform is working on new,functionality that will let users import,their nft collections from their wallets,on the blockchain the feature will,display a verified check mark based on,the blockchain the nft has been minted,on twitter's verified nmts may be an,answer to a problem that has been,plaguing crypto twitter,after nfts exploded earlier this year,and collections like crypto punks,started trading for hundreds of,thousands and even millions of dollars,they started being used as profile,pictures while on the blockchain,ownership can easily be verified on,social media anyone can copy and paste,the profile picture of someone else and,use it on their own profile when this,started happening with extremely,expensive nfts collectors weren't,pleased digital artist mike winkelmann,known as people had one of these nft,artworks settled for 69 million dollars,for example and leading nft marketplace,openc has seen its sales top 4 billion,dollars per month a lot of money is,involved and while some argue that,copying pasting an nft only makes it,more valuable because of the attention,it gets others want to use and own their,digital property exclusively here the,issue is that without any kind of,verification process on social media,someone else's nfts can easily be reused,for now to verify the ownership of their,nmts users could link their wallets for,example although doing so could,potentially compromise their anonymity,showing off nfts and verifying ownership,can now be a part of a new reputation,system on the web,early cryptocurrency adopters are,revered for being visionaries who saw,something everyone else didn't in a then,illiquid and risky market that is now,worth trillions owning expensive and,rare nfts could now be seen as a way to,show off crypto saviness and identify,yourself as a proud member of the,community alex salikov co-founder and,head of product at nft marketplace,wearable said that it was only a matter,of time before nfts started rolling out,on twitter,stay with us to know how exactly this,future will work on the platform of,twitter alex added that the future could,be a part of a new reputation system for,an increasingly digital world and said,that the significance of twitter's new,feature is not in the ability to prove,that a certain nft belongs solely to the,profile owner according to him it's the,contrary it's the access to data this,feature unlocks that matters most here,jesse johnson co-founder of d5 and nft,crossover project avigachi said that,he's excited about the possibilities,that twitter verification of nfts could,bring to showcasing our digital,identities adding that as our real-life,selves become entwined with digital,avatars it only makes sense that what's,in your wallet becomes just as valid as,who you are as a source of social,identity users will have the option to,set crypto collectibles as their profile,pic to impress everyone,twitter has unveiled an in-development,tool that will enable users to display a,verified non-fungible token nft as their,profile picture,mata flack a senior software engineer at,twitter shared a video demonstrating,functionality that allows users to add,nfts to their accounts users can simply,edit their profile connect a,cryptocurrency wallet and import their,openc collection then they can choose an,avatar from their collection of nft,digital art,the profile picture will also be marked,with a badge to verify that the image is,the genuine article thereby allowing,users to flex their hugely expensive,crypto punk or board ape profile picture,and help everyone know it's legit,a flag stated that the run through was,just an experiment using a mock-up so,anything could change and she called on,users to submit feedback and suggestions,while the verified profile pic is,generating all the excitement so far,miss

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Tiktok nft compilation

Tiktok nft compilation

so,here's another nft project that will,make you really mad someone is selling,pixelated cartoon nfts of george floyd,in their twitter handle they say that,the floydies are a unique and,progressive way to celebrate the,monumental life of george floyd but the,racist elements and themes are scattered,throughout the whole project for one the,name of the project is floyd dies,apparently they also say every floydie,comes with a n-word pass owners of this,nft can also participate in a game,called floydy bird with a blm mode i,mean from the bloodshot eyes to,everything about this nft is horrible,what are your thoughts follow for more,nft news,don't make this nft mistake the mistake,is waiting do not wait to invest in nfcs,you need to get in right now right now,is still the beginning of nft so,everything is still new soon prices are,going to explode and things are gonna,get crazy if you wait too long it's,gonna be too late,so,you

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Billie Eilish - NDA (Official Music Video)

Billie Eilish - NDA (Official Music Video)

♪ ♪,♪ 你以為我會坐着 加長轎車登場嗎? ♪,♪ 不 ♪,♪ 需要省下錢來聘請保安 ♪,♪ 跟蹤狂就在背後 跟隨我滿街遊蕩 ♪,♪ 自稱魔鬼撒旦 說想見我一面 ♪,♪ 想當年十七歲 買下秘密小屋 ♪,♪ 鎖匙入手良久 從未開過派對 ♪,♪ 英俊男孩到訪 可是無法久留 ♪,♪ 送他離開 再讓他簽份保密協議 ♪,♪ 嗯 ♪,♪ ♪,♪ 沒錯 我讓他簽了保密協議 ♪,♪ ♪,♪ (狂歡一次就夠) ♪,♪ 不想他到外面 胡說是非八卦 ♪,♪ 嗯哼 ♪,♪ ♪,♪ 你不能拯救我 卻又無法放手 ♪,♪ 對你的渴求慾望 不知道也不要緊 ♪,♪ ♪,♪ 嗯嗯嗯嗯 ♪,♪ 福布斯30歲以下精英 再度獲選 ♪,♪ 被迫足不出戶 厭惡此時此地 ♪,♪ 或許是時候考慮 轉換一下新跑道 ♪,♪ 逃到考艾島某處 隱沒於山林之中 ♪,♪ 向來肆意玩樂 現在年紀漸長 ♪,♪ 手機號碼雖依舊 但讓他閉口不言 ♪,♪ 至少我有給他一些 能懷抱痛哭的東西 ♪,♪ 思考過未來藍圖 惟此刻即想實現 ♪,♪ 噢噢噢 ♪,♪ 此刻即想實現 ♪,♪ ♪,♪ 嗯嗯嗯嗯 ♪,♪ (無法放棄我) ♪,♪ ♪,♪ 你不能拯救我 卻又無法放手 ♪,♪ ♪,♪ 對你的渴求慾望 不知道也不要緊 ♪,♪ 過火了嗎? ♪,♪ 如今知曉你真面目 ♪,♪ 龐大衝擊無可比擬 ♪,♪ 眼前冒出金星 ♪,♪ 大概出賣靈魂 ♪,♪ 是玩得太過火 ♪,♪ 何以變得一片黑暗? ♪,♪ 眼前冒出金星 ♪,♪ 滿眼金星 ♪,♪ ♪,♪ 噢噢噢 ♪,♪ ♪

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Watch this video before promoting your NFT project | Best NFT marketing

Watch this video before promoting your NFT project | Best NFT marketing

nft marketing and promoting is probably,one of the most important factors when,it comes to decide if a nft project is,successful and profitable or not while,there are lots of different ways to,market your nft there are many things,you have to take into account so today i,will show you guys the most important,things when it comes to nft marketing,and instead of just making a video about,the theory i am actually going to try,one of those methods to promote my nft,for some money as well and see how it,goes so that i can give you guys,feedback and yeah tell you guys what to,watch out for if this video helps you,out make sure to leave a like and a sub,and without further ado let's get right,into this video,okay so you are done with creating your,art and smart contract and all of that,stuff then the only thing you need to do,is to market your nft to get it out,there for that it's important to use,social media so you can make an,instagram account a twitter account and,maybe even a tick tock account or,whatever you come up with but now the,first thing we want to look at is,promotion and marketing on twitter,twitter is the platform when it comes to,nfts so it's really important to,definitely be present there what is,really important before we look into any,twitter promotion and that stuff is that,you optimize your profile so that,potential new members of your community,which are at the same time buyers get a,clear and fast overview over what your,project really is about and here the,artwork is obviously important too and,of course have a nice and appealing,description because you only have two,sentences to describe the whole project,but now let's move on so when you have,your brand new twitter profile no one is,obviously going to follow you no matter,how many treats you put out or how good,your profile looks and that is because,you're not being discovered so the,approach i would take for this is to,just start off by following a whole lot,of people and i'm not talking about,these big influences or anything but,rather people you might think would,follow you back and even be interested,in your project of that you will,probably gain some followers that show,some credential and you can start with,promoting your project maybe by starting,a giveaway where the people that enter,have to retreat and do something and in,the beginning you don't even have to,give away anything crazy such as five,eve or a car or something but just,something like giving away 500 whitelist,spots for your project will already work,because people are just so attracted by,these free things or where they can just,get stuff without putting in effort for,it so definitely do that,i have also seen a project do this quite,successfully and that is this project,right here called tankies and since they,just have amazing art and we're giving,out these og spots they were able to,gain that many followers in a really,short time spend so you can always just,get inspired by other twitter pages on,how to do it because there are people,out there doing this really successfully,now we come to the most interesting part,of the twitter promoting and marketing,probably and that is twitter influencers,twitter influences can basically be so,helpful with getting your nft project,out there and yeah it costs some money,but still if you manage to get some nice,following and some customers of like a,200 promotion then that is absolutely,great and worth it but before you do,this watch this video all the way to the,end because i will basically tell you,what you have to watch out for because i,have tried it myself and then you will,see there was a lot of stuff going wrong,for me so definitely watch this video to,the end,and yeah actually the project tankies,that i mentioned earlier i found those,by such an influencer promotion so you,can kind of combine some factors with,like the giveaway and whitelist spots,and the promo to get your project out,there and then when people retweet it it,will basically spread like a wildfire so,definitely use twitter,but now let's look at another social,media promotion tactic or like platform,um that is really efficient too and that,is instagram while instagram is,definitely not the biggest nft platform,accounts around the nft niche have been,growing on a fast pace the last couple,of months and the advantage that you,have with instagram is that it's still,far less expensive to promote your,project on insta then it is on twitter,another thing that is great is that the,instagram algorithm has been pushing out,the nft content and nfts to a wider,audience and you can see already small,accounts getting on the explore page,which is definitely a huge advantage,because with a bit of luck and some nice,artwork you can land a viral post and it,will not only bring in a lot of likes,but also a following and on your profile,you can also just link your twitter so,you can refer those followers over to,other platforms as well and in the,beginning if you don't have any

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How to Create a Good TikTok Video | NFT Marketing

How to Create a Good TikTok Video | NFT Marketing

hi friends we're going to talk about how,to make better tick tock videos so i'm,going to actually go through,a whole layout and structure that you,should be using for your videos and then,at the end i'm going to go throw in some,um more like the smaller really quick,tips and tidbits that really help you,get views so,the point of tick tock you know it and,the way you get into the algorithm is to,get more views and for people to watch,your videos longer,so how do you structure a video in that,way this goes for tick-tock videos this,goes for ads,um anything that you are posting a video,on any platform like this is basically,the way that you should be creating a,video,so,you have the one second stop,you have the three second hook,then you're gonna go in and you're gonna,pique their interest a little bit more,then you have a cta,which people kind of uh usually say for,the end it should come actually in the,middle,and then you give the goods and then you,sign off,so that is the breakdown let me go,further into that so the one second stop,is anything to get the scroll it could,be like hey can you hear me or hey or,you know with your hands or,you could pop into the screen anything,that really is just different and grabs,your attention right away you could clap,anything,so that's the one second the three,second hook is going to,essentially be what your topic is about,but it's going to be presented in a way,that gets people interested,i actually wrote down some examples so,um you could do you know if you don't,want to lose all your money on nfts here,are three steps you can take or,this is the fastest way i found success,in the nft world um so you can get the,kind of the gist there of like you don't,actually give away the answer,you are,starting with the problem and telling,them how,you're going to help them or that you,are going to help them,so once you get through that,you're going to peak the interest so,if you don't want to lose all your money,on you know nfts this is for you that,was the hook so then the peak would be,and you have to wait till the end,because this last tip,nobody ever does it it is the most,overlooked tip that could really change,the trajectory of your success,things like that so you're keeping them,along you're like creating suspense,um then you're gonna have the cta so i'd,be,say my hook my p can be like hey by the,way my name is caitlin i am the ceo of,medi-mit marketing the first ever,female-owned nft marketing agency um if,you like what i'm here to say today,don't forget to follow,get into that and then you get into the,tip so you know we'll do tip one tip two,and tip three and then we'll do the sign,off uh don't forget to follow for more,or you know uh people always say smash,the plus sign anything like that so let,me just say that again so we all have,that down so we have the one second stop,the three second hook,then you have uh the peaking of the,interest or you know creating the more,more suspense,um the cta,give the goods the tips and then,essentially a cta again which is you,know the sign off,so,that is going to be how you create,videos again this is for tick tock this,is if you're creating video ads this is,if you're creating instagram reels it,doesn't matter this is like the tried,and true method that every successful,marketer follows,all right,um beyond just the structure and trying,to get more views and picking people's,interests so you can,go viral and reach more people you also,want to make sure that you have good,lighting um right now it's pretty good,lighting i could do better though um so,i have a window right there so you know,you can tell the difference between this,way,versus,this way the other way is just so much,brighter and then if you have a ring,light or you know natural lighting in,your room somewhere make sure that's set,up appropriately,you want to make sure that you have that,you can be,heard really clearly so if the speaker,is blocked you might come across muffled,uh make sure you're pronunciating which,i personally have a problem with along,with i speak way too fast so slow down,and enunciate,um and then quick cuts this is actually,very interesting,so,um i actually came across this because i,was researching children's videos and um,how episodes over the year,have really changed in order to,essentially get children,more obsessed with tv and more more,hooked,and addicted to tv which is a little, up but um,what they have done is that they've done,quicker edits which you can also do on,instagram on tick tock so instead of,just sitting here like i am in you know,one position you'll do you know an angle,this way cut an angle this way maybe,you're walking down the street maybe one,cut you have tic toc zoom into you so,play with those angles and make those,cuts um you know quick enough not to be,super distracting and annoying,but quick enough to keep people's,interests that's that's a big one,and then also,um you know if you're a really good,storyteller tell stories pe

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TikTok Hashtag Strategy for NFT Artists | NFT Marketing Tactics

TikTok Hashtag Strategy for NFT Artists | NFT Marketing Tactics

all right my rising stars let's chat,hashtags all right so i'm on tick tock,um let me go to the home button on the,bottom left,new track way to show off a product,service,and we're looking for,hashtags for our videos okay so if you,have not checked out the seo the talk,seo video check that out that's one,strategy for,hashtags all right there's another,strategy,and it is so there's two two things that,you want you want hashtags that are,going to describe what you're talking,about but also you want to use hashtags,that your target audience is using,that's probably the most important thing,so for me,i don't just put nft marketing or nft,marketing tips i also put,nft artist nft artist collective because,that's who i'm really trying to serve,so when it comes to hashtags use all of,them that you can,write your description in and then fill,the rest with hashtags and i try to stay,between,ten thousand so hashtags with here let's,look so,um,okay so i went there and you can see at,the top where i'm moving you wanna go,all the way to,hashtags you can see,that um,there's a certain amount of views so you,want to make sure that you're staying,between like 10 000 and under a million,so probably like 10,hundred thousand that probably be the,sweet spot if you want you can throw in,one that's a little bit higher you can,throw one that's a little bit less but,really you wanna stay within that zone,um the more,followers you have the more views that,your videos are personally getting you,can go a little bit higher so,um if somebody has a hundred and k,you know followers then they could go,after these big hashtags,they're automatically gonna get more um,likes and stuff so without getting into,in to too much of like the details about,that,um,most of us are going to be around around,this area so to find,hashtags,you literally go up to there and you can,put in anything um,we'll just put in nfts again you have to,scroll the hashtags,and then you can see there's a whole,list and you can even create like an,excel sheet,and just put it in there it also pops up,to the views um when you're typing it,into your comments but this is just like,a really good stash to create,um nft flips,nft portfolios in here,she's nft i've never seen that one,before,so you can really see hot nfts like,there's just nfts explained that's a,really great one so you can see like you,want to look at this before you even,start typing in the comments because you,could just so many good things pop up,here more you can see more than um,you know when you're actually in your,video let's see um women,web three let's see if anything pops up,with that,so women on web 3,women in web 3 is a good one,web three women,you can just go down the list so make,sure you take the time to go over both,of um the topics that we talked about,what your video is going to be about but,also your target audience,nft artist let's do that one,so female nft artist that's a good one,that i've never heard of before or yeah,i don't think i've ever used that one,actually nft artist talk,nft artist in the making,artist nft,so play around with it and really just,take note of the hashtags that you want,to be ranking for um i think that is it,for this topic um,i'll touch on instagram too obviously,there's up to 30 i do 30. no matter what,i always type in as many hashtags as,possible that's just going to help you,get seen by,by more,more people

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