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the Hi guys welcome to my channel,hari ini gue bakal membagikan aplikasi,mod terbaru yaitu aplikasi.tik.tok mod,seperti pada layar yang kalian tengok,ini nih yg aplikasinya dan seperti biasa,untuk membuka file aplikasi ini kan,tinggal Tonton aja video ini sampai,habis dan jangan Describe untuk,mendapatkan passwordnya dan cara pasang,cara downloadnya aku bakal bikin di,akhir video nanti biar kalian gak,bingung ya Oke kita langsung buka aja,aplikasi tiktok nya,hai hai,Hai seperti biasa Ayo teman-teman di,sini aku akan masuk ke aku aku cepet,Hai Nah di sini kalian bisa masuk,ataupun buat akun baru ya terserah,teman-teman di sini aku bakal masuk ke,akun lama aku gitu simpan aja kesini,kalian bisa pilih minat ya di sini aku,bakal lewat ya jahe lalu klik aja don't,show again terus ok,hai oke seperti biasa sebelum,yo yo,hai aduh seksinya,hai oke kayak gini ya Nah Salah satu,keunggulan dari tiktok mood ini yaitu,kita bisa mendownload tanpa Watermark,dan gak ada apa ya dan gak ada iklan,sama sekali guys segitu coba gue ikut,gue download ya satu saya simpan video,izinkan dan proses menyimpannya pun,mendownloadnya itu sangat cepat ya,Ayo kita coba cek di video kalian bisa,lihat enggak ada Watermark sama sekali,best,nggak ada cewek ya enggak ada Watermark,di sini enggak di sini ya bebas ya cukup,Hai dulu buat kalian content Creator,yang atau yang nggak mau adek ada iklan,sama sekali itu bagus banget sih dan,untuk fitur-fitur lainnya seperti biasa,ya Sama aja cuman yang ini lebih,premiumnya,Hai versi premium guys,hai hai,di sini juga ada yang trending trending,itu keren-keren,The Sun,Hai tiktok ini sangat menghibur ya buat,kalian yang Gabut Gabut itu atau Butuh,hiburan ini sangat membantu banget gitu,buat melepas stres,hai hai,KYT,Hai hey kita bertinju band tayub encot,hai hai,Hai lebih terlalu seangkonan sekujur,Syaikh Husain passwordnya ya kalian,tinggal Tonton aja video ini sampai,habis dan jangan diskip guys untuk,menemukan passwordnya karena passwordnya,itu bisa dimana-mana Oke bisa di menit,berapa itu akan Tonton aja sampai habis,dan untuk cara pemasangan dan cara,mendownloadnya aku bakal bikin dia video,setelah ini oke oke Guys untuk cara,downloadnya sendiri kalau tinggal klik,aja link download deskripsi dan buka,menggunakan chrome ataupun browser di,handphone kalian mereka akan langsung,diarahkan ke halaman yang seperti ini,di sini kalian tinggal klik aja yang,warna biru ini klik untuk mendownload,maka download akan segera dimulai kalau,misal lihat di paling bawah mendownload,file klik detail,Hai makan langsung di download-nya ya,karena saya ada men-download Jadi saya,nggak perlu lagi ya download ulang kalau,filenya udah kalian download kalau,Tinggal buka aja menggunakan cat,achiever untuk aplikasi zarchiver nya,kalian bisa download di playstore,sendiri ya ok kita langsung kejutan,sifatnya aja,hai oke tampilannya akan seperti ini,kalau kalian buka menggunakan jatah,silver kalian bisa lihat file-nya,terkunci,Hai Oke kamu tinggal klik aja filenya,lalu klik install atau pun ekstrak sama,aja lalu kalian masukkan password yang,ada di video untuk passwordnya kalian,jangan skip video ini dan eh perhatikan,baik-baik itu oke selamat mencoba dan,semoga berhasil

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Tik Tok Mod Apk Version Free Download 2020 🔥| Tik Tok 🚫ads Free Video |remove tiktok logo😮

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TikTok Mod Terbaru 2022 || Download Apk TikTok Mod Terbaru 2022 || TikTok Mod Fyp

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Halo semuanya Assalamualaikum Selamat,datang lagi bersama channel saya,official Oke di video kali ini untuk,kalian yang ingin download Tik Tok mau,terbaru silahkan kalian untuk ikuti,langkah dalam video ini ya agar kalian,juga bisa menggunakan tiktok mode ini,teman-teman Jadi kalian tonton video ini,sampai habis ya agar nantinya kalian,tidak ketinggalan passwordnya untuk,password nanti saya akan tempelkan atau,tuliskan di kanan atas teman-teman Jadi,kalian cukup simak video ini sampai,habis Oke sebelum lanjutnya alangkah,baiknya buat kalian baru mampir ke,channel ini untuk langsung ditekan like,subscribe dan aktifkan juga notifnya ya,agar kalian tidak ketinggalan,video-video terbaru dari channel ini oke,juga sudah terima kasih banyak semoga,kalian sehat selalu dan panjang umur,Amin,oke di sini kalian cukup ikuti langkah,video ini yang pertama di sini kalian,gunakan aplikasi ztechiver ya,aplikasinya boleh kalian download di,playstore maupun di kolom komentar Ya,teman-teman untuk langkah yang kedua,jika kalian sudah download tiktok mode,yang sudah saya simpan di kolom komentar,kalian tinggal masuk lagi ke aplikasi di,atashiver nah di aplikasi jet receiver,kalian tinggal cari aja file tiktok,note-nya yang sudah kalian download,teman-teman yang ini teman-teman untuk,versi,27.3.2 teman-teman jika sudah seperti,ini kalian mendownload kita klik lagi,teman-teman terus Kalian klik ekstrak di,sini oke di sini untuk password saya,akan blur dulu ya agar kalian paham,untuk langkah selanjutnya nanti password,Saya akan taruh di kanan atas,teman-teman,Oke di langkah Selanjutnya apabila,kalian sudah memasukkan password nanti,akan muncul dari aplikasi Tik Tok mode,nya teman-teman kita klik terus Kalian,klik install,nah jika sudah kalian klik install lagi,untuk langkah Selanjutnya apabila sudah,terinstal seperti ini teman-teman kita,langsung aja klik buka,Nah untuk di tampilan pertama di sini,kita diperlihatkan di sini boleh kalian,centang ataupun skip ya teman-teman Nah,untuk contohnya apabila kalian ingin,centang misalkan saya akan Contohkan,seperti ini teman-teman boleh kalian,lihat,Oke jika sudah kalian klik aja next,selanjutnya kalian klik aja,Nah di sini kalian klik yang paling,bawah teman-teman start,Selanjutnya kita tunggu aja ya,teman-teman,nah jika sudah kita klik oke,Nah maka kita sudah mendownload tiktok,modnya oke teman-teman di sini boleh,kalian melihat-lihat untuk dari tampilan,tiktoknya Nah di sini untuk kelebihan,apabila kalian ingin membuat status,ataupun video di tiktok ini sebenarnya,HD semua ya teman-teman Nah di sini juga,tidak ada Watermark apabila kalian ingin,mendownload tiktoknya teman-teman atau,video orang,Nah di sini apabila kalian ingin membuat,status di sini banyak ya temen-temen,temanya boleh kalian coba-coba aja ya,untuk di paling atas filter studio audio,dan yang lainnya teman-teman,Oke untuk yang selanjutnya di sini boleh,kalian coba-coba atau cari-cari aja,Biasanya di Scroll ke bawah itu ada,iklan ya teman-teman Dan apabila kalian,ingin mengunduh status teman kalian atau,status yang ada di tiktok itu tidak akan,ada watermarknya ya teman-teman untuk,yang selanjutnya di sini kalian bisa,memasukkan akun kalian untuk caranya,kalian klik profil di sini kalian Klik,di sini selanjutnya kalian klik aja ya,teman-teman user phone or email di sini,artinya mau memasukkan pakai email,ataupun Facebook kalian,Oke teman-teman sampai di situ aja di,video kali ini semoga bermanfaat dan,berguna untuk kalian jangan lupa dibantu,like subscribe dan aktifkan juga,notifnya ya agar kalian tidak,ketinggalan video-video terbaru,teman-teman oke Sampai berjumpa di video,selanjutnya wassalamualaikum,warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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How to Download TikTok Videos Without Watermark

How to Download TikTok Videos Without Watermark

hello and welcome to gadget 360 tick,tock is the viral social media platform,of this lockdown I spent about the last,two forty seven hours of my life,browsing tick-tock,thanks to addictive videos such as this,or this one I like these videos so much,that I've downloaded many of such videos,on my smartphone and I keep watching,them whenever the internet is down yes I,know I have a big problem but that's not,why you are here like you many people,have come to me and asked how to,download tic toc videos specifically,without watermark whenever i download,tic toc of videos that a moving,watermark irritates me a lot but don't,worry there's a way to get rid of that,watermark and we'll get to that in a bit,first please subscribe to our channel if,you haven't already and hit that Bell,icon so you know when we post new video,one last thing before I tell you guys,the steps is that you can only download,videos from public accounts that allow,their videos to be downloaded here's how,to download ticked-off videos on your,phone open the tic-tock video you wish,to download hit the share icon and,select save video this will,automatically save the video on your,phone's local storage this is the most,straightforward method to download a,ticked-off video but you will get videos,with that giant watermark floating,around if that's fine you can stop,watching now if you want to find out how,to download tik-tok videos without that,watermark let's get to that now now,before we get to this part of the video,be responsible guys remove the watermark,from tik-tok videos if and only if you,want to store it to watch offline in,case you are sharing these videos,anywhere be sure that you give credit to,the original creator with that set,follow these steps,open tik-tok on your phone and select,the video you wish to download open it,tap share and select copy link next,visit www.moocchile.com on either your,phone or computer the process remains,the same on either device now paste the,video link in the search box,keep the enable video with watermark,setting unchecked and hit download after,that select download mp4 now followed by,selecting download video now on the next,screen to save the video locally,alternatively you can also visit w-w-w,sconce the website is loaded simply,paste the video link in the search box,and hit the green download button to go,ahead on the next screen select download,mp4 wait for 15 seconds and finally,select download file to save the video,locally in case both of these websites,don't work then you can also try W wtt,downloader comm once the site is loaded,paste the video link in the search box,and hit the get with your button from,the options below choose the no,watermark one now select download video,and that's it your video will now be,downloaded locally on your device in,case you're wondering why we didn't use,any third-party apps for this well there,are many apps that do the job but they,also pose a threat to your smartphone,security and to your privacy that's all,for this video guys did you find it,helpful share your thoughts with me in,the comment section down below as always,thanks for watching and for all things,techie log on to gadgets 360 calm,you

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This Is It! - Easiest Way To Use Google on Every Huawei! Gspace Mod And Play Store Shortcut!

This Is It! - Easiest Way To Use Google on Every Huawei! Gspace Mod And Play Store Shortcut!

hello friends it's miros what's the best,and the easiest way to use google,services on huawei devices i'll show you,today and we'll make it even easier,of course this is my huawei p40 pro,and this is my mate 30 pro using harmony,os and this one is using emui 12 so this,trick will work for both operating,systems harmony os and emui 12 11 10 and,so on let's start with p40 pro and emui,12.,so i already tell you this is the,easiest way to use google services on,your huawei device and of course this is,g space how to use it the easiest way is,just open app gallery and search for g,space,just search it,and here it is you can install it and,use it but today i prepare for you a,modded version of this g space which you,can install it and you can even make a,shortcut for play store directly on your,home screen,but before we continue if you are not,already subscribed to my channel please,do this now and hit that bell icon so,you'll never miss a video,let's start so how to use and install,this g space version,of course just head to your browser and,go to the following link of course guys,every link will be in video description,i will just paste it here all right,let's go to that link and just download,the following files,download it and,let's wait it,all right it's ready now let's go to our,file browser,phone,download,browser and here is the file that we,just download gspace,2.0.4,mod plus shortcut this is a zip archive,just hold your finger here and select,more from here select extract tool,and current location,all right it's already extracted what we,need to do just open the folder and just,let's install g space,mod apk,install it,alright it's ready let's just open it,give it permissions of course,all right it's installed that's it now,my advice here is to do the following,thing just swipe up,hold your finger on g space icon,and when it's open go to permissions and,give it all the permissions location,allow all the time because if you are,using maps inside it for example it will,be a problem if you are not giving the,permissions go back camera,if you are using,some kind of vehicle applications,microphone for the same reason,contacts,guys keep in mind that these permissions,and giving them to g-space it's your,personal choice so i don't care about my,privacy i don't have something to hide,so i will give it all the permissions,because it will work smoothly without,any problems,when you give it all the permissions,just scroll down a little bit again and,select the following,power usage details,launch settings and manage automatically,should be disabled,leave this on but disable manage,automatically so,it's ready go back again and select,again the following draw over the apps,yes and write system settings yes,that's it we are ready here let's go,back again to our files and from here,install shortcut maker,just install it,it's ready,now,just open it,got it and now from here tap on history,just tap it and select three dots on the,upper right corner select it and select,restore,now from here tap on the three dots and,select show internal storage if it's not,shown,when you tap that select here your,device,and select the folder that we just,download,so select downloads browser,g space,scroll down and select that file,shortcuts dot smf just tap on it,and that's it now we have here a created,history file you can just go to your,home screen and from here just pinch on,the home screen select widgets,swipe and select shortcut maker,here it is just tap on it,now it will be open select history,and select that play store,up,tap on it and select create shortcut,all right guys we are ready what we have,here on the home screen is play store,now from here you are probably familiar,but just tap here and select sign in,what's written here your device model is,huawei,els nx 9,which is p40 pro that's my device g,space is your virtual space device its,model is p 30 and your account will be,locked in on p30 so if you receive an,email that a p30 huawei device is locked,in in your google account that is your,device because it's masked as p30,because,p30 has a google services built-in,that's why let's just log in,with our google account just enter here,your google account,your password of course,back up to google drive this is personal,choice and accept,that's it we are now in play store on,our huawei device simple as that let's,go to home screen,all right we are ready here now you can,open that g space and these are just,shortcuts of application if you want to,install one of this application you just,need to tap on it and google play will,be opened and you can just install it or,the easiest way you just tap on that,play store shortcut just tap on it and,enter here youtube,here it is let's just install it,alright it's ready now you can enter for,example google maps,and install it of course,okay we are ready now let's just go to,home screen and from here guys if you,open g space you can see that these two,applications youtube and google maps are,w

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FULLY LOAD your FIRESTICK without these APPS in 2022!

FULLY LOAD your FIRESTICK without these APPS in 2022!

after looking over questions in my,Facebook group today it came to my,attention I saw a great reply to a,question it was about unlinked or app,linked I'm not sure which one and,someone stated I don't use them I just,use one app and go to the internet and,search for the official source of the,app I'm after and what a great bit of,advice that is you don't need unlinked,you don't need applinked you don't need,APK time really you don't specifically,need my website although we put it there,for ease and that's what a lot of these,can be for ease of use but you don't,always know what you are getting you can,just search directly or even just with a,keyword the app you're after directly,from your fire stick Fire TV your mobile,phone your Android box I'm going to,demonstrate on a fire stick for you now,I'm going to show you what I'm talking,about and how easy it is to find things,okay and this way you can get it from,the source itself and you know it's,coming from the official Source rather,than from any random website before we,do that if you can if you like content,regarding streaming get an app stay and,say all your content do remember to hit,that subscribe button and if you're a,regular Watcher here do hit that share,button but comment underneath what you,use to install your apps so the simplest,way on a fire stick we all use and,demonstrate via downloader okay to,install downloader if you don't have it,you go to the magnifying glass you type,in here in the search you type,downloader Dow n and then you've got,downloader underneath so you click that,and get it installed once you've got,your downloader installed we're going to,quickly go through this bit which most,of you know you quickly go to your,settings this is a must,My Fire TV,developer options if you do not have,developer options click on about click,on where it says Fire TV stick 4K Max,seven times,then you've got developer options open,your developer options ADB debugging and,install unknown apps turn it on for,downloader okay make sure that's turned,on so you can install the apps right,you then open up your downloader,and in here there's warmly where you,would put maybe a website in or an app,you might want but if you what you can,do is get apps from the official sources,of course you can so for instance we'll,demonstrate with the media player which,is Cody,lots of you want to install Kodi it's,only a media player remember,you click go,and that's all you need to write it,works as a search engine so it will,search straight through here so you can,download you'll see all these want it,and you can find actually their official,website open source yes you're not going,to my website it doesn't matter to me,and then you can go to the menu,you can click on download,and then you can scroll down and get the,version you need so you can click on,Android,and you can pick the specific version,you are after don't go to Google Play or,why play because that goes to the play,stores get directly from their site with,whichever one you need and if you,clicked it,it would start installing I don't need,to install it and this is from the,official source so you can't blame me or,any app store for Wired app isn't,installing you're getting it from the,official Source you could search and you,could type in,um,I don't know what we after,streaming apps if that's what you want,to do you type it in,a bit of a long way to type it,streaming,apps hit go,and it will take you to the search for,streaming apps obviously when you do,this you will need to make sure you're,using the correct places or whatever,comes up but obviously Apple TV comes up,there other things come up,if you didn't know my website,you can just write in Doc squiffy,you got to remember you don't need to,use these app stores if you don't want,to because you don't know what you're,using so you can just type in my name,and it will search for me and I will,come up then we've got my stuff here so,we've got my website.com,you scroll down a little bit further,you've got Dr squishy YouTube,you've got dog squiffy streaming apps,and apps tools with the downloads page,there,all there for you Doctor squishy,downloads archives,my YouTube my Facebook anything like,that so what I'm saying is if you know,the name of the app you are after,you can just type it in here as simple,as that you can just type it directly in,and that's it and search for it you,don't need to have an app store to guess,what app I'm not saying you can't use,that linked or unlinked or whichever one,they've called these days I don't know,used to be file linked,um but make sure like those stores,you're using random stores a lot of the,time you don't know who's put apps in,there so the point the comment I read,earlier was all about,they made the comment was all about how,you can simply go to the official,sources so thereafter a certain app they,said anyone knower such and such store,for it and the guy goes well I just use,downloader and search to the official,app so you

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I Got 100 TRILLION GEMS in Pet Simulator X

I Got 100 TRILLION GEMS in Pet Simulator X

today I'm gonna get a hundred trillion,gems and pet simulator eggs see right,here on the right we have zero what,this will be broke hey that's not funny,you know what man get out of here yeah,that's what you get okay but anyways we,need to get 100 jumps wait hero you're,here again the Cheeto the Cheetos look,how many gems I have volumes do you have,four trillion oh did you,um maybe I'm just not good anymore,they're so ugly you just call me ugly,because I'm poor okay whatever man yes I,do probably even this guy Gerald's,making fun of me okay maybe I don't have,any gems but I do have these guys oh,yeah oh yeah do you have these yeah,that's what I thought yeah okay okay,okay did you know how many how many gems,do I need to give you for one of those,because I want them,anyway one gazillion I'll go over to the,train deposit guys because we gotta make,some gems in the trading Plaza and with,the roofs now we're in the training,Plaza,oh these people have so many impressed,look at this how Savannah has a whole,team of these pets and then this person,has a ton of rainbows okay the Titanic,cats are uh a little bit too too big,they keep getting on my screens we just,gotta we gotta put them away,okay,um let's go over and like,we've already claimed can't see it what,I'm doing on this one so what I need to,do is put the Titanic Jolly cap for one,jet I'm just choking guys we're not,doing that that's that's an awful idea,okay uh if you want to earn gems I guess,we'll just put up for like we put up one,of these for like 10 trillion right no,no I mean 10 billion wait that's 10,million right yeah 10 million gems wait,Heroes selling signed vegetable what is,for a trillion James what in the world,because I can tell it for whatever I,wanted to do and they're gonna buy it,it's an anime monkey signed by me bro,that's crazy oh someone actually bought,my 10 billion pay yes did you say they,just they got scammed how did they get,scared they got scammed because that's,not worth it it's worth it wait okay I'm,gonna treat this guy wait why is it a,bacon hair though all right whatever I,don't care as long as they got good pets,I'm gonna trade okay let's see what this,person's got so we're gonna put up all,of these Titanic cats oh he's my turn oh,they they got rainbows they know what,it's about they're like Vegeta what the,how you wanna say,you just I'm just laughed at that like,dude,I can't believe their eyes and six,showing off my Titanic beds oh a huge,cargo I don't think I've ever had a,rainbow huge gargoyle giant okay I'll,I'll take it now we just gotta sign it,for them there we go man look how cool,that looks behind me all right let's,give it back oh and they want me to sign,this as well oh okay oh look this hit,the Geo you're the best ah thanks man,Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to you,too okay let me turn off everyone else's,pets cause I can see stuff okay here we,go let's put up some more pets oh here,why are you trying to sell my pet for,one trillion man that's crazy because,someone dumb enough is gonna buy here,that's kind of mean okay you know what,oh wait I have a shiny Grinch what if I,could sell this for 25 no maybe 20,billion let's try 20 billion oh wait,maybe if I sign it so I know some people,love it when uh Partners sign their pets,so there we go we're gonna put up a,shiny Grinch for 20 billion I doubt,anyone's gonna buy that wait what oh,it's shiny Grinch let's go yeah why did,you buy that oh well I'll see you at,least I got 30 billion I'll sell it over,here I'll sell over here for a trillion,oh are you seriously reselling it are,you true are you trying to profit off my,own pets are you serious right now all,right uh let's do like a like a little,giveaway okay guys let's go sell this,huge hell Rock for one gym all right who,wants to buy this huge hell Rock anybody,want to buy it oh someone actually,bought it okay what if I sold one of my,own huge monkeys,no we're not doing that,um what can we sell oh I don't know if I,want to sell maybe we can sell this,rainbow I don't know guys we have so,many pets meanwhile let's sell a huge,reindeer dog for 300 billion I think 300,billion,I think that's a pretty good deal I I,think I'll definitely buy that one right,there wait can I finally collect gifts,let's see uh can I reject it bro why,it's still broken you can't you can't,accept can I accept no you can't do,anything well so much for the mailbox,oh man we're just sitting at my um at my,stand just hoping I saw something really,cheap I don't know if I will hey guys,we're gonna be selling this pet the,shiny huge snowman for one trillion wait,that's not one trillion that is not one,trillion okay we almost scammed,ourselves okay there we go guys one,trillion for the shot another huge,chance my collection hero this one okay,you know what I'm out of here man hero,keeps buying my stuff oh look man fan,look at this wait why is he like a big,bear well absolutely notice that's,pretty big too the Titanic Jolly cat or,well I have six of the

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Roku hacks you aren’t using (but should)

Roku hacks you aren’t using (but should)

سواء كنت تمتلك جهاز Roku لمدة يومين أو عامين ، فأنا على استعداد للمراهنة على أنك,لا تستفيد بشكل كامل من كل ما يمكنه فعله وسأوضح لك كيفية تحقيق,أقصى استفادة من Roku سواء إنها عصا بث مربع أو Roku TV,مرحبًا بكم من جديد ، أنا Caleb Dennison واليوم أريد أن أجري قائمة من,النصائح والحيل Roku على الأقل أعتقد أن بعضها ستجده مفيدًا حتى لو,التقطت مهارة واحدة أو اثنتين فقط من هذا الفيديو ، أعتقد أنك ستكون سعيدًا جدًا ، لكن,إذا كنت تريد أن تكون مستخدمًا قويًا لـ Roku ، فسوف أساعدك في الوصول إلى هناك وقبل أن أبدأ ،,أردت فقط أن أقول شكرًا لك على دعمك فقط من خلال مشاهدة النقر على الإعجاب والاشتراك,ومشاركة مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بنا ، فأنت تساعد في استمرار تشغيل هذه القناة ، ولم أتمكن حرفيًا من القيام بذلك بدون,دعمك أيضًا إذا كانت لديك أسئلة باقية ، أرسل لنا تعليقًا أدناه,وإذا لم أتمكن من الإجابة شخصيًا ، فلدينا مجتمع رائع من المشاهدين المخلصين الذين,أثبتوا فائدتهم الفائقة في الماضي لذا ، انطلق في المحادثة وسأراك هناك ،,حسنًا ، سأبدأ ببعض ميزات Roku التي تم الإعلان عنها جيدًا ولكن ربما تكون,قد نسيتها للتو ، وبعد ذلك سنعمل في طريقنا إلى بعض من الجواهر المخفية,التي ربما لم تكن قد عرفتها من قبل من قبل Roku التي قدمتها مع وضع ذلك في الاعتبار ، فلنبدأ ببعض النصائح حول,تغيير شكل وشعور Roku الخاص بك أولاً بإعادة ترتيب قنواتك أو تطبيقاتك إذا لم تكن تعلم,أنك لست مضطرًا لمغادرة التطبيقات بالترتيب الذي ظهرت به عندما بدأت,فعليًا بشكل افتراضي ، تحتوي Roku على تطبيقات لم أستخدمها مطلقًا في الأعلى والتطبيقات التي أستخدمها طوال,الوقت عدة نقرات لأسفل توفر على نفسك بعض النقرات عن طريق وضع التطبيقات التي تستخدمها كثيرًا غالبًا,في الجزء العلوي ، يمكنك القيام بذلك في أي وقت تريده ، ومن السهل جدًا تحديد القناة التي,تريد نقلها ، اضغط على زر النجمة أو النجمة على جهاز التحكم عن بُعد ، ثم حرك التطبيق لأعلى لأسفل يسارًا يمينًا,أينما تريد ، استمر في القيام بذلك حتى الكل تطبيقاتك المفضلة بالترتيب تفضل,بمجرد الانتهاء من ذلك أن تكون في مكان جيد لحذف الأشياء التي لا تريدها ، يمكنك حذف,التطبيقات التي لم تشاهدها مطلقًا وحتى حذف عناصر القائمة من الشريط الجانبي عند الانتهاء ، سيكون لديك,منزل أكثر نظافة شاشة تحتوي على كل ما تريد ولا شيء لا تريد حذفه ، قم بتمييز,التطبيق ، اضغط على مفتاح النجمة ثم حدد إزالة التطبيق لحذف عناصر القائمة من الشريط الجانبي ، انقر فوق,الإعدادات ، ثم الشاشة الرئيسية ، ثم حدد إخفاء على أي شيء لا تريد رؤيته ويمكنك دائمًا,التراجع عن هذا لاحقًا الآن بعد أن أصبح لدينا الشاشة الرئيسية تبدو أنظف ، يمكننا تغيير المظهر,أو المظهر العام للشاشة الرئيسية للقيام بذلك انقر فوق الإعدادات ثم السمات وتجربة أحد,السمات المجانية المتاحة ، وهذا ممتع في أيام العطلات عندما تقدم Roku بعض السمات الموسمية,لتتناسب مع المناسبة وطالما أننا نغير الشاشة الرئيسية ، يمكننا تغيير شاشة التوقف أيضًا ،,انقر فوق الإعدادات ثم شاشة التوقف لإلقاء نظرة على ما تم تثبيته مسبقًا على Roku أو ما أحب أن,أفعل هو الذهاب إلى شاشة التوقف chann el وإلقاء نظرة على جميع الخيارات الموجودة هناك إذا قمت بحفر,الموقد المتلألئ الذي يتوفر من بين العديد من الخيارات الرائعة الأخرى ، لاحظ سريعًا هنا قبل أن,ننتقل ، لا يزال هناك حاليًا طريقة لإضافة ما يسمى بالقنوات الخاصة إلى جهاز Roku الخاص بك.,ليست قنوات رسمية ، فهم لا يلتزمون بالضرورة بشروط وأحكام Roku ، لذا,ليس من السهل الحصول عليها ولكن هذا عن قصد ، لذلك دعنا نقول أنك تريد أن يكون لديك نشل كقناة على Roku,نظرًا لعدم وجود قناة نشل رسمية ستحتاج إليها لإضافة القناة الخاصة ، إليك كيفية,القيام بذلك ، انتقل إلى حساب Roku الخاص بك باستخدام متصفح الويب عندما تصل إلى الصفحة الرئيسية لحسابك ، انقر فوق,إضافة قناة مع رمز الآن ، وستحتاج إلى معرفة رمز القناة التي تريد,أن تبحث عنها من السهل جدًا في هذه الحالة أن نضيف twitch ، لذا نكتب twitch TV ، سيكون هناك,تحذير ، انقر فوق نعم تريده على أي حال وسيتم تحديث Roku بهذه القناة عليها,الآن ، دعنا نتحدث عن مستخدمي تطبيق Roku الذي سأفعله اجعل هذا الأمر بسيطًا إذا لم يكن لديك تطبيق Roku ،,فأنت تفوت الكثير من الأشياء المفيدة والممتعة التي يمكن لـ Roku القيام بها,كثيرًا مع التطبيق ، لذا إذا كان هناك شيء واحد تأخذه بعيدًا عن هذا الفيديو ،,فسيحصل على التطبيق لهاتفك أو جهازك اللوحي الذي يعمل بنظام iOS أو بمجرد حصولك عليه ، إليك كيف ستستفيد,أولاً إذا فقدت جهاز التحكم عن بُعد ولم يكن لديك جهاز البحث عن بُعد الخاص بـ Roku ، يمكنك دائمًا استخدام,التطبيق كجهاز تحكم عن بُعد ، كما أنه من الأسهل إدخال نص إذا مللت من الصيد و اختر حرفًا واحدًا,في كل مرة باستخدام لوحة مفاتيح افتراضية ، ثم يمكنك استخدام لوحة مفاتيح حقيقية مدمجة في تطبيق Roku,فقط باستخدام التطبيق كجهاز تحكم عن بعد عندما تصل إلى مكان تحتاج فيه إلى إدخال,كلمة مرور لاسم المستخدم أو مصطلح البحث ، فقط إبهام مزدوج طريقك من خلاله في جزء صغير من الوقت,تتيح لك ميزة أخرى رائعة لتطبيق Roku استبدال شاشة التوقف بصورك ، لذا توجه إلى,علامة تبويب الأجهزة في تطبيق Roku ثم انقر فوق الوسائط وحدد شاشة التوقف ، واسمح لـ Roku بالوصول إلى,مكتبة الصور الخاصة بك ثم حدد الصور التي تريد أن تتألف منها y شاشة التوقف الخاصة بنا الآن إذا قمت بذلك,وترغب في العودة إلى شاشة توقف عادية ، فأنت بحاجة إلى العودة إلى قائمة مشغلات Roku,، انقر فوق الإعدادات ثم الموضوع ثم شاشات التوقف واختر ما تريد من هناك,الآن دعنا نتحدث عن مشاركة المحتوى في حين أن Roku ليس جهازًا قادرًا على تشغيل Chromecast بالكامل ،,يمكنك إرسال المحتوى إليه من تطبيقات youtube و netflix ، لذلك إذا كنت تشاهد شيئًا ما على,هاتفك أو جهازك اللوحي من Ne

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