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How to promote your cryptocurrency - crypto marketing strategy

hi i'm thomas the ceo of big bang,digital we market nfts cryptocurrencies,web 3 companies daos you name it if it's,in d5 we work with it and in this video,i'm going to give you five basic,strategies,that any blockchain or crypto company,can use to get a doctors get roi on,their marketing spend and increase their,marketing outcomes let's jump into it,first and foremost you should work with,influencers influencers already have,individuals who trust them their,followers are ready to listen to them,and buy basically whatever they promote,in their blogs so while it's quite,expensive to work with good reputable,influencers especially in youtube insta,and twitter it's definitely worth the,investment say one viewer on a video,would cost about a dollar and youtube,you can expect two to ten dollars of,investment to flow into your project,from that one dollar spent depending of,course on how good your project is and,how good the video that the influencer,you work with produces,the second strategy that we use with,almost all of our clients is to grow,their discord community with the,cheapest possible promotions the,cheapest promotions are generally in,telegram channels and while there's a,lot of spam and scammers out there if,you are able to identify real telegram,channels with a long list of real,subscribers the roi is massive,usually when these individuals first,come to your discord they're not ready,to invest at that moment,but it's great to build that community,and then work with it over time which,brings us to the third strategy hire a,social media marketing manager who can,produce the right content,for your channels if you produce,interesting and professional content,that brings individuals back to your,discord channel you'll warm them up over,time and move them along that marketing,journey from initial,attention and their first impression of,your company to interest desire and,finally action investing in your nft,blockchain or using some service you,have in the d5 space,the fourth strategy that we often use,with our clients is bitcoin and networks,which basically is a display marketing,channel so like,google banners ads right where your,advertisement will be run as an image in,the side of crypto specific website so,the bitcoin ad network like coinzilla,bit media coin traffic,companies like that they purchase this,ad space in crypto websites which are,usually newsletters or indexes where you,can read about cryptocurrency and then,you purchase that ad placement space,from them this is best for projects,which have a low investment initial,investment that have some adoption,already but are looking to grow and can,drive a lot of quality engagement,through their site,the fifth and final strategy that we,often work with our clients on is pr,so public relations,means just posting sponsored articles or,press releases in crypto news sites,about your cryptocurrency could even be,newsletters that those sites send out,but this pr is,key especially in attracting bigger,investors the higher domain ranking the,more authority that the sites that,published your pr,have the greater your return is going to,be so if you can get into the biggest,names in cryptocurrency or even the,biggest names in technology you'll be,able to attract an entirely different,caliber of investors than if you were,only running ads in influencer,placements who might invest with a,smaller amount so let's say if you run a,youtube ad you can attract a hundred or,a thousand dollars in investment per,investor in your project if you run the,right pr articles and you reach the,right audiences that thousand dollars,would be the minimum up to a hundred,thousand dollars if you attract bigger,investors and if you get the highest,level of pr in really reputable news,sources we're talking about millions of,dollars in investments which you can,attract,i hope you found this video useful and,insightful if you want to learn more go,to our website bigbangdigital.io,i'll put it in the description below,and you can always reach out to me there,directly with telegram whatsapp or,facebook messenger or schedule a call,request,more information from us however you,want us to communicate feel free to,reach out i'd be happy to answer your,questions and learn more about your,project have a great day ciao

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok crypto ads

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How TikTok Crypto “Experts” Make Money From You! (Animated)

How TikTok Crypto “Experts” Make Money From You! (Animated)

tick-tock and cryptocurrency have many,similarities they are both new kids on,the block in a decades-old space,followed by a vast population of youth,and highly profitable if the tools are,used correctly many people were stuck,inside during the global pandemic and,due to various circumstances including,boredom and job loss day trading became,extremely popular people traded anything,from equities to cryptocurrency coins,regularly seeking to make the most of,the scenario this resulted in a big,influx of financial experts on tick tock,which became known as fintoc and,stocktalk because of the significant,growth in financial related material on,the site,many new traders began to follow these,self-proclaimed financial experts,placing trades based on what information,the bigger accounts were relaying,most of the content is inaccurate or,simply incorrect causing individuals who,follow it to incur significant financial,losses following the advice of the wrong,individuals may be pretty expensive,financially as many first-time investors,discovered all too soon stick to the,video to get more info,how much do tick talkers make tick tock,is all about short 15 second videos that,you may make and share tick tockers who,create intriguing material including,music and dancing typically receive the,most engagement nevertheless tiktok is,not only a musical and dancing app it,also features accounts that focus on,various issues such as personal finance,tick talkers who want to be included in,a tick tock creator fund which allows,creators to commercialize their material,need to have at least a hundred thousand,followers and at least one hundred,thousand views in the thirty days before,the application those who have more than,one million followers will benefit the,most financially the range of money tick,talkers make will vary depending on,several things including the topic on,which tick tocker experts are making,videos,tick-tock experts capitalize on their,large followings to not only sell their,wares but also promote other businesses,products in exchange for payment,everything hinges on how well-known you,are and the type of people that follow,you online forbes reports that a tick,talker may earn anywhere from 100 000 to,250 000 for a sponsored video with,superstars earning as much as 500 000,each post on average the amount of money,you make on tick tock is proportional to,the number of people who follow you on,the platform and your engagement rate,which refers to the frequency with which,other users interact with your profile,by following liking and commenting on,your short videos how do crypto experts,earn on your basis it is essential to,keep in mind that not all ventures using,cryptocurrencies being promoted are,fraudulent it is critical to conduct one,study and familiarize oneself with the,project's foundational elements,nevertheless the following is a list of,ways that crypto experts on tiktok can,make money off of you or others number,one affiliate deals the first method by,which tick-tockers make money off of you,is by receiving a commission on every,transaction made through their links,there are several well-known instances,such as the fact that the ledger hw,wallet offers a fee of 10 and that most,exchanges provide attractive affiliate,schemes you too may be called a mini,tick talker if you encourage your,friends to trade on a particular,cryptocurrency exchange all it takes is,a little bit of promotion one such,illustration is the fdx users are,provided with a one-of-a-kind affiliate,link if your viewer joins using your,referral code you both benefit you,receive 25 to 40 of the fees they pay,and your viewer gets a payback of 5,number two sponsorships companies need a,medium to market cryptocurrencies to the,retail sector and as advertisements for,cryptocurrencies cannot yet be placed on,google or facebook sponsorships are the,only viable option in addition several,countries have laws prohibiting the,advertising of such forms of media,consequently they start looking for,influencers who will work for a set,price in exchange for a mention in a,newsletter or a podcast for instance a,tick-tock account bitboy crypto brings,in significant revenue thanks to,sponsorships a simple focused review,will set you back a whopping 35 000 us,it is also essential to assess these,alpha calls since they are compensated,for recommending a specific,cryptocurrency and as a result their,opinions may be skewed number three,premium content one other way these tick,talkers get income is through curating,premium content such as paid accounts,this is comparable to some individuals,methods of uploading content behind an,only fan's paywall as an illustration,you may give guidance on on-chain,onboarding or advice on your existing,cryptocurrency holdings users have,easier access to more in-depth,information and compilations that are,typically tough to find number four deal,flow,sometimes protocols may seek to tick,talkers for investment opportunities,th

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TikTok HACKS for Crypto and Web3 | Ft. CryptoWendyO

TikTok HACKS for Crypto and Web3 | Ft. CryptoWendyO

what is up guys welcome to the crypto,marketing show i'm your host ty smith,today we are discussing marketing crypto,brands on tick tock uh with my favorite,crypto tick tocker crypto wendy yeah,welcome wendy,thanks for having me i'm excited to see,you even though we missed each other um,at the last event but happy to be here,yeah there'll be more we've been going,to these things forever so it'll be more,it won't be our last,um all right so to people in the world,of crypto you probably know who wendy is,uh definitely needs no introduction,she's been making content for,as long as i've been in the game,um for those outside the world of crypto,wendy is one of the most popular crypto,content creators on social media um over,a quarter million subscribers on tick,tock quarter million on twitter over 150,000 on youtube,um featured in amazing places like wall,street uh sorry washington post,uh wall street journal wall street,journal is israel okay is washington,post correct though,yeah okay awesome,yeah i can't even keep up with all the,places you've been you've been featured,lately last week we were featured in,like a bunch of stuff so i have to like,we're doing press releases on everything,for the website but yeah it's the list,is getting pretty low that's awesome,um yeah so i want to focus on on this,podcast specifically on tick tock as,much as possible just because it's,something that so many people come to us,with questions about uh and it's,something honestly i don't even,understand that well at least as it,pertains to the world of crypto i hear,about it working really well for a lot,of brands but i'd love to hear kind of,from an expert um,how their experience with it being them,being you,um so first of all let's kind of go back,to when you first joined tiktok when did,you join tik tok and what first got you,into it,so i got on tick tock i think like,sometime in 2020 and it was because,bitboy was on and he's like you have to,get on tick tock i was like no this is,stupid i don't want to get on tick tock,so i created account but i didn't really,post on there because i felt weird,because it's like very tick tock is,super personal you have the camera,literally in your face like it just,doesn't necessarily feel like super,great i don't know so bitboy did really,really well in tik tok and i finally,right when i graduated college i'm in,summer 2020. i was like you know what,i'm just gonna do it i have the extra,time i need to do it my youtube channel,was doing okay like but tiktok really,helped boost my youtube channel tick,tock is a great place to merge traffic,over um but joining tick tock was great,and you know it took me a while to kind,of get used to the algorithm how things,work like whatever but it's been the,best decision i've made and all my,mainstream media appearances i've gotten,has been because of tick tock,that's awesome um so regarding i,obviously i know about you i know about,bit boy i know about a lot of other ones,you know that are crypto web through,focus that are on tick tock who would,you say are some of the best accounts to,follow or some of your favorites,so my favorites i got to shout out my,kryptonite family so it's comprised of,myself joshua jake crypto weatherman and,blockchain boy and there's a bunch of us,that get together and we kind of just,make really really cool content we've,got a discord we've got to do a lot of,really cool stuff but those guys all,give very interesting um ideas regarding,the market and different you know nft,plays or cryptocurrencies or just their,personal opinions and it's just a great,way to track your you know track your,crypto journey,cool what are the what are the uh the,handles of those guys,um exactly how i said it,okay perfect easy enough um,so every content creator seems to,nail one thing and that's the algorithm,of their respective channels um with you,crushing it on tik tok i'd love to hear,from you like what does the tic toc,algorithm like do they dislike crypto,content more than other content do they,like it more what's working,right now they're pushing 15 second,videos so a lot of my video my content,has changed from the 60 second,informative stuff to like very very,short concise so i'll just basically,present a news story um to my audience,and the reason why is because that's,what's getting pushed and for me as a,content creator i want to make sure when,i'm when i'm spending time doing,something i want to make sure i'm,getting rewarded for it and a lot of,times it's not via compensation because,most of my tick tocks well all my tick,tocks are just me talking about crypto,stuff but it's a great way to push,people to my youtube or push them to,other platforms or you know if there's a,charity i want to raise money for or if,there's an initiative like if i want,them to reach out to the sec for,something that's happening crypto,related i can push a video out and it'll,drive traffic to whatever it is so it's,a really really great tool,but 15 second videos

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Huge Update to Logan Paul Scam

Huge Update to Logan Paul Scam

for the purpose of this video we're,going to pretend that all of crypto,isn't a scam because I live in a world,where 99 of it is it's bad faith factors,selling speculative assets making value,out of nothing pretending it somehow has,real world good while actually hoping a,greater fool comes along to buy it at a,higher price at the bottom of the,pyramid to the people at the top of the,pyramid can sell it and make money from,them that to me that doesn't seem like a,good thing but but we're gonna ignore,that and not act like every single,crypto is a scam so we can talk about,today's drama which is about Logan Paul,and of course his cryptocurrency that he,made crypto Zoo he's the majority owner,in it and it was exposed a couple weeks,ago by coffeezilla to be an alleged scam,in a three-part docu-series now you can,go check that out but we are talking,today about the update which is Logan,Paul's response to coffeezilla now,before we jump into the actual video I,think it's important to read this tweet,from Logan Paul which says while I,generally appreciate Steven that's,coffee Zilla they're close like that and,his creative genius and exceptional work,ethic I'm mean that this one is simply,not true all right wow he really likes,him creative genius and exceptional work,ethic let's take a look at the video,more from an investigator to a gossip,Channel you see coffee Zilla tried to,work with law enforcement in the past,but his work was described as not,anchored to truth and often speculative,he is a lopsided journalist with an,agenda and he's nothing more than the,keemstar of crypto in finance but okay,wow we went from creative genius to the,keemstar of crypto in finance which if,you haven't picked up on yet is an ad,hominem attack a logical fallacy so that,instead of arguing the actual points,like hey Logan I think the crypto you,made is kind of a scam he's able to say,no the person who's arguing against me,is a cringe idiot so none of it matters,and I don't have to argue it which,happens a lot in this video and was and,was wildly disappointing now it is worth,noting that this isn't Logan's first,rodeo he doesn't really bring it up in,his video at all but he's he's done a,little bit of crypto scamming before,specifically with an nft called dink,doink that he was a part of it I'm going,to show you just five seconds of it and,I'm sorry that I'm gonna show you but,watch on drugs if you think oh you ready,dink doink let's do this,incoming,I'm so sorry I'm so sorry that I showed,you any of that anyway that that's dink,doing oh it has all gone to right,yeah because it's because it's a scam,anyway this is Logan Paul's second,attempt it's crypto Zoo but let's,actually listen to Logan Paul's real,arguments against coffeezilla and the,first one has to do with his argument,against coffeezilla's reporting about,the actual creator of the technology of,crypto Zoo coffee you interviewed the,developer who stole the game code Fleck,to Switzerland and held it hostage for a,million dollars well his name is Zach,Kelling surely as the internet detective,that you Proclaim to be you would know,that he spent time in prison for,multiple felonies one for aggravated,robbery armed robbery at a liquor store,and the other four surprise obstructing,the legal process I can see why you kept,him anonymous well wait to be clear you,hired this guy to develop the app like,that was that was his job he was,developing the tech so you're making fun,of coffee Zillow for not reporting that,but you you you hired the guy also,what's wrong with hiring a film and,sometimes they need jobs it's a really,difficult thing to get a job after being,a felon who will be calling Z here I,guess among many things it doesn't,surprise me that he lied about having 30,engineers and a 50 000 a week burn rate,which side note is how this delusionist,landed on the million dollar code Ransom,but it turns out he only had three,Engineers wouldn't someone with,journalistic Integrity know their,credible Source had not only an agenda,but a fondness for orange jumpsuits so,okay we're supposed to be mad at Coffee,Zilla for not knowing that this,developer was a scammer in a fraudster,but shouldn't we be mad at you Logan for,hiring this fraudster and getting,millions and millions of Impressions on,your new technology that was being,developed by a fraudster and the,hundreds of people who watch your videos,to invest in a project led by a,fraudster like okay fine we can say,coffee Zilla is a bad journalist if we,are also allowed to say that Logan Paul,is so inept that he hired a fraudster,and scammed his viewers from ineptitude,which she does kind of address or did,you just hear what you wanted to hear,and moved on because even if you're,lying to yourself Steven you still have,to keep it going keep it going and I,know what you're thinking what type of,idiot would work with an unsavory,individual like Zach Kelly yep me I'm,wondering that I guess that's what I get,for trusting the team that I reli

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YouTube Ads, Crypto and Web 3.0: What You Can and Can Not Promote

YouTube Ads, Crypto and Web 3.0: What You Can and Can Not Promote

so a question i'm frequently getting,nowadays is can you use youtube ads to,promote crypto or web 3 or blockchain or,nfd projects so in this video we're,going to answer that but before we do,make sure to smash that like button,maybe even subscribe so you get my,videos before the competition,so,google is a little vague about,advertising crypto projects right so if,we look at what they say you are allowed,to promote businesses that are not,pertaining to the purchase holding,exchange of cryptocurrencies so for,example businesses that accept,cryptocurrency payments cryptocurrency,mining hardware is allowed tax and legal,services are allowed and that's a big,one especially considering how,complicated nfts are making people's tax,returns platforms that rely on,blockchain for operations and do not,market or sell cryptocurrencies or,tokens so there are a lot of projects,that don't have tokens but they are,involved in the crypto world and then,educational materials now if you are,licensed you can also advertise,cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets so,for example if you're licensed by the,local authorities in whatever country,you're advertising in you can advertise,cryptocurrency exchanges so,if you meet the requirements you can,apply for certification with google ads,for that and then you'll have to do a,separate application for each country,you want to advertise in now what's not,allowed you're not allowed to run ads,for icos d5 trading protocols,cryptocurrency loans dex offerings token,liquidity polls,unhosted software wallets and,unregulated apps right so essentially,tokens and d5,icos especially anything to do with icos,is pretty much no go in google's eyes,and it defy as well now they also don't,like cryptocurrency trading signals,cryptocurrency investment advice,aggregators or affiliate sites and,essentially anything that pertains to be,either trading signals or investment,advice the gist of this is certain,projects are good as long as they're run,in a clear manner they don't use words,that could be potential triggers so for,example i would advise not using uh,wording on your landing page that's you,know investment advice or crypto trading,signals or icos,now nfts are in a gray area right so,i've seen nft ads run done in a safe way,they can totally be run i wouldn't,basically be trying to sell nft right on,the landing page because i think that,could lead to potential issues i've seen,ads do that right however to be on the,safe side i think it's better if you're,doing any kind of crypto project is to,get them into a landing page get them,some sort of free resource or some sort,of video and then through the email list,or through discord that's where you can,start selling them now same thing with,crypto infrastructure projects right,even if you're going to do an ico in the,future even if you do have a token don't,mention that on the landing page because,google does not like token sales as long,as the landing page is compliant i think,you can sell through email quite easily,even if you have a plan for an ico in,the future again like i said build that,email list build that community use,youtube ads to do that and then after,the fact you can do it however on your,landing page don't mention your ico,don't mention that you can buy a token,don't mention you have a token i think,the that's one of the keys to ensuring,you don't get into trouble with google,ads policies now let's look at some,actual examples right so if we look here,we actually see a video ad for the,sandbox game honestly this is kind of a,crappy,ad in my opinion,it's not that great,there's no voice over,they're just throwing a bunch of money,at it however if you look at the landing,page,so,they have an email opt-in here makes,sense,they have a game maker so they're trying,to get developers onto this i guess so,they're essentially building their email,list here um,and they're talking about how you can,build games and so on,and getting people involved in the,platform and then they have a video here,you can download the sandbox as well,over here they have their nfts,so,i think it's all right to mention the,nft that's not too big of a deal,i think this is where things can get a,little sketchy where you're telling them,about land and becoming a land owner,uh,again as la it doesn't seem like they,have a direct link to buy land so it's,all right so that's probably why there,haven't been you know,had run into issues with google but over,here they mentioned their utility token,again this is a little sketchy right,what i would have done is literally just,focused on this part right here and then,on the thank you page i actually created,a video,that explains the ecosystem the nfts and,the you know basically the token much,more right versus putting it on the,landing page where in my opinion if,there was a manual review and they look,you know saw this they may consider this,as them trying to sell a token even,though they're not it's it's still a,little bit borderline

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crypto traders be like...

crypto traders be like...

- Been testing resistance at 32 for a while now.,(distant car horns beeping),(clicks),False break.,Wait, no.,(inspiring orchestral music),RSI's at 30.,Tight build up.,30 to 32.,No way.,(paper rustling),(marker squeaks),Holy shit.,It's coming.,(orchestral music intensifies),(music fades away),I'm 29, I used to be an equities trader at Citadel,,when I used work in TradFi.,I used to be a math major at Princeton,,olympiad medalist,,and now I trade crypto full time.,(heavy bass music),Wagwan people, I'm 19 years old,,and I trade cryptos and NFTs full time, baby.,(laughing),You probably know me as KryptoPapi on TikTok,,where I bless you pagans with masterclasses,,free of charge.,These are my top five coins...,(overlapping chatter),(shuffling sounds),When you're balling like this,,you have to share it you get me?,Yeah, I do yield-farming on Eth and Solana,,so, providing liquidity for stablecoin pools,on Curve and Solend.,Basically borrowing from one lending protocol,and then lending it at another lending protocol,with a higher APY to maximize my yield.,(phone dings),Essentially...,essentially it's just basic interest arbitrage,Just a minute.,- You trynna ball like this?,Shiba. Nah.,Dogecoin. Nah.,Safemoon... (laughs) is mooning. Safely. (laughs),Shee!,(computer keys tapping),- And what is your trading strategy?,- Ooh ooh ooh. Ooh ooh ooh.,(monkey noises intensify),(shouting),Yes, yes! Yes!,Cut.,- I don't really share my net-worth,,but let's just say when I worked at Citadel,yearly bonuses can range from $300,000 to seven figures.,I've been there for like 6 years now,,but I trade crypto full-time now.,And I mean I do have my down days from time to time,,but I make about 30 to 40% yearly on crypto, so,you can kind of deduce my net-worth like that.,- Ten million. No, wait.,It's got to be at least 13 million.,But who can really say,,the US dollar is on a mad one of these days,,You get me?,- Wait, sorry, who else are you talking to?,KryptoPapi?,Are you serious?,(laughs incredulously),Dude, he's my mentor!,Holy shit!,Oh my god, let me call him right now.,Oh shit.,Fucking phone.,Dude, this is such a coincidence, it's crazy.,- What's good, YG?,- Ayo, yo yo, what is up? (giggles),Yo, are you doing this interview, too?,- No way, you in there as well?,No cap, yeah?,- Wait, sorry, what does that mean?,Like, cap as in marker cap? Or cap as in, like, limit?,- Hold on, big man, I just remembered something.,(ominous music),I just got a message from a little birdie.,There's gonna be some serious action on New IDO.,You good for a little pump and dump, yeah?,- So which coin are we flipping this time?,- Now you didn't hear this from me,,but the buzz is on Blindrcoin.,- Hey, yeah.,Is this the IRS?,Okay, cool.,Uh, yeah, I have it, I have it.,Um, so on the fifteenth, I bought some Simp coins.,Yeah, 20,000 of them.,Yeah, which I used as a collateral,to borrow 10,000 of Cumrocket. C-U-M.,Which I leverage yield-farmed with the Shitcoins,to buy some Solanaslut NFTs...,Hello? Hello?,Shit.,Every fucking time. (sighs),(paper flipping),Hope you enjoyed that video!,In case you don't know, I am starting an NFT project,to fund my video production,so that I can make videos without sponsors,,because some of them do limit my creative freedom.,It's called Vaxxed Doggos.,There's 2,500 of them.,They're all unique,,and I drew on every single one of them.,Crazy thing,,we did a special auction for Lunar New Year,,and we got 69.69 Sol for this auction,,which is amazing,,which means my community is quite juvenile,,but it also means we were able to raise $6,350,to a non-profit organization called,Asians Fighting Injustice.,So thank you, Ventex1000, who won the auction,,you are helping a great cause.,But yeah, follow Vaxxed Doggos on Twitter,,and join the discord to learn more,,and also to learn how to support me as a creator.,Also, I wanted to give a special thanks to Current,,who was kind enough to let us use their amazing,space for filming.,They are also growing super fast,,so if you're an engineer and looking for a job,,Current is an amazing place to work at,,with amazing people.,I have a link to their job board,,so apply if you're looking.,Peace!,(ominous music)

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TikTok BANS Cryptocurrency! (AND ALL Financial Advertisements!)

TikTok BANS Cryptocurrency! (AND ALL Financial Advertisements!)

welcome everybody my name is michael and,today we're discussing about,tick-tock banning cryptocurrency,and related financial content,which could be a good thing but as,always when it comes to social media,censorship you already know which stance,i'm on it is bad in my opinion,in general for any social media platform,to censor an influencer or a user,for any reason that is different than,their terms of service if it's a terms,of service violation i get it you are a,user of their website,you have to agree to their terms of,service before you're able to,upload before able to post anything and,if you go against that every single,website every single company,they have their set of rules but outside,of that,it gets very murky because a company is,at any point in time,legally able to change their terms of,service,and the rule book but then we get into,this complex situation of censorship,and tick tock is one of the world's,largest social media platforms at the,moment,it has been one of the fastest growing,and despite,most of the content being rather,childish and the average age of most of,the users being,you know teenagers and young kids it,still,is a powerful platform that some people,are using to make millions out of,and for cryptocurrency it was rather,easy for some,influencers to monetize or at least,build an audience on there that they,were able to redirect to other social,media platforms,we have to look at this in terms of not,just tick tock because there's always,going to be another platform to replace,tick tock,but if this is setting a precedent and,also we have to look back at what,happened with donald trump,with our ex-president he was banned from,twitter from facebook from snapchat from,basically all the large social media,platforms for posting controversial,content,and controversial content can always,change,year to year what controversial means,and then this year,just like facebook did ban,cryptocurrency advertisements and now,they've unbanned it because they created,their own cryptocurrencies and,they're making a lot of money from it,and the tide has changed,around blockchain institutional,investors are now getting on board,i look at the pros and cons list for why,tick tock would do such an action,and i see that many people were abusing,ticks hawk and making money from pumping,dumps and promoting,really bad crap coins through tick tock,but this is not a good,precedent because we need to look into,exactly,what they ban this isn't going to just,affect cryptocurrency,influencers and every single case of,censorship whether,it's related to crypto or not in the,future,may affect me may affect you may affect,every single person,out there so even if you don't use tick,tock and never will,what happens if this starts to this,movement,this mentality starts to shift over,to well facebook already had it in the,past but let's say facebook decides to,ban cryptocurrency advertising in the,future again,to twitter even though jack dorsey is a,cryptocurrency promoter,and investor himself what happens if,there's a ceo change and suddenly the,new ceo hates cryptos,just like there's some senators that are,pro cryptocurrency and some senators who,are,absolutely against it and will try and,do everything to get regulation,to smash crypto which they're going to,fail they're never going to be able to,ban bitcoin,what if it shifts over to youtube what,if there's going to be a big google,cryptocurrency censorship where they own,most of the internet they own not only,youtube but a lot of,the traffic that goes through every,single day they don't just ban,influencers but they ban all sorts of,advertisement and they ban,all of these websites all of the,backlinking all the seo,everything suddenly boom you're unable,to access your favorite,websites unless you have their link and,you're using for example bing,it seems like this crazy far-fetched,idea but we don't know what's going to,happen in a few years all it takes is,for one powerful company to decide to,censor something and if we don't do the,preventative measures to try and,stop this from growing who knows what,will happen,that's a pretty crazy thought what,happens if reddit bans crypto what,happens if discord bans crypto what,happens if telegram,youtube twitter all of these platforms,that you use most likely on a day-to-day,basis,that there's thousands and thousands of,these influencers making millions of,dollars and there's tens of millions of,people,watching these videos these posts these,content pieces every single day,interacting with it,and that suddenly disappears in a few,years well some people may think it's,silly to,get a little panicky over this but i,always view,these events in a very bad light it's,something to be,very very careful you can't celebrate,this stuff i know there's some people,that were celebrating our ex-president,getting banned but if the president one,of the most powerful people on the,planet can get banned for some,controversial stuff that means that

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Crypto Token + TikTok Video Style Platform?!

Crypto Token + TikTok Video Style Platform?!

youtube is the video king but tick tock,is challenging them and to be honest,being a crypto youtuber it's kind of,terrifying in a way and i'm starting to,feel like a boomer when it comes to,tick-tock i mean honestly i think my dad,who's a boomer uses tic toc more than i,do putting me at a disadvantage but what,about this,there's another alternative to tiktak,that is also launching their own,cryptocurrency token that's what we're,going to be talking about today after we,finished checking out the owner of the,vosscoin youtube channel that's tails,our furry pup our resident sheep and,dozers slap that subscribe button my,name is boss we're chasing a million,subs i'm just trying to make some crazy,crypto videos so,let's jump into another fun one,are you interested in earning some easy,passive income mining bitcoin well,thanks to our monthly sponsor compass,they can make that possible they're,based out of the us they can ship miners,to your house or connect you with big,farms to have them co-located there and,they even service the entire world learn,more about compass with our link out in,the video description below,as always nothing in this video is,financial advice but other than the,simple investment play that we will,review today there's also a play to earn,aspect watch to earn aspect and an,engage to earn aspect whatever that even,means okay so,let's let's run it back here for a,second so youtube is still ahead in time,spent overall no doubt because it's two,billion users but tick tock is gaining,you know let's let's paraphrase this,rapid ground whatever,um tick tock band in china kind of,rebranded under do you um so you know,you have basically two apps all within,the same parent company and realm here,and with that you may be thinking boss,why aren't you on tick tock because i'm,a boomer man i don't know i mean we're,on there and my goal here is actually to,start trying to make some funny videos,and just behind the scenes stuff and,everything else but,you know it's i don't know i work all,day every day making youtube videos i,don't really have time to open up,another video channel on something else,because these aren't really things you,can copy and paste moving forward though,chingari is the sponsor and focus of,today's video it's a video sharing,mobile app,and you look at the app icon you're like,tender no sun settled down it's chingari,and with tingari they want to set the,world on fire with your flaming talent,or so they say,and uh you know you click around through,it it looks kind of like tick-tock and,that's really a no-brainer right and so,they've been gaining buzz mobile,viewership on the east growing because,tick-tock was banned,in,india right and this is basically the,indian tick tock rival chingari raises,15 million in a round led by multiple,investors which i'll jump into here,shortly,but this is leading to their own,cryptocurrency token gary that's already,lined up to list on ftx huobi q coin i,believe gate io mexi global and okex or,just simply ok x as they have rebranded,and so,what's what's the deal here changari's,focus has turned towards enabling users,to monetize their content with the use,of crypto tokens and non-fungible tokens,yeah nfts are at play here as well my,friends and as part of his previous,funding round jagari plans to launch its,gauri token and with i'm really excited,to see on the solana blockchain we will,see many exciting projects launched on,the solana blockchain this year this is,going to be one of many,so,content accepted globally creating a,creator-based economy helped onboard,millions of new users to the web 3 space,they're growing aggressively claimed to,have 10 million new users,every month that's if you don't know,that's a lot that that's a big growth,rate,and so,yeah kind of crazy so i was like explain,guard to an eight-year-old and just like,many people in the crypto space they,absolutely failed do you think that you,could wrap your head around this our,platform interconnects to the changari,app and the gary token opening the,changari app users a wider blockchain,world where creator can directly control,their assets and can use their tokens,both in and out of the app to connect,and transact with their counterparties,place governance votes and catalyze,platform engagement and user base growth,um,okay this token rewards you for using,their app you can earn some digital,money for watching tv you can earn some,coins that have a real value by playing,games on this app that's an eli 8 which,is really just a cooler form of eli 5.,so this is their whole pitch here right,become a part of the future take part in,gary own and govern the world's first,wave 3 social media short video app with,100 million plus downloads i mean,honestly out of everything that's kind,of in this realm so far this is the most,interesting and has the most use by far,and they have some pretty serious,investors which really lead to a lot of,this initial exchange support and you're,like wow that is k

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