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Redash: Open Source SQL Analytics on Data Lakes

hi everyone and welcome to our product,walkthrough for reed ash on data bricks,my name is Jesse White House I've been,part of the reed ash team since 2018,I do success engineering I make videos,maintain our documentation and write a,lot of sequel,joining me is Francois from the data,science team at beta bricks Francois,would you introduce yourself hi everyone,my name is Michaela,I joined airbrakes in March and have,been working as a data scientist in the,data team since then as a data scientist,I really want to know the data I'm,working on deeply and Rajesh has been,the perfect tool for that as you will,see awesome thanks Francois so here's,our agenda for this session first I'll,give a brief summary of what Reed ash is,and who it's for um slide there we go,here's our agenda for this session I'll,give a brief summary of what read ash is,and who it's for then we'll quickly walk,through the product and its main,features next Francois and I will,demonstrate a couple of use cases and,show you read ash on data bricks in,action and finally we'll encourage you,to sign up for the private preview of,read ash on data bricks coming this,summer and take a few questions at the,end hopefully you'll understand why,breed ash is awesome and a great fit for,data analysts on the data breaks,platform so first what is read ash read,ash is an open source web application,it's used for querying databases and,visualizing the results read ash on data,bricks is now the easiest way to query,visualize and share insights from your,data breaks data Lake and it's built,entirely for sequel native users at,heart that means we're a sequel box so,you write a query you hit execute you,see results it's really simple but we,also provide fast visualizations right,off the query screen and dashboards for,collecting charts together Rina also,makes sharing your work easy with direct,links that work across your organization,and we support scheduling queries to run,in the background similar to a data,bricks job and you can also set up,alerts based off those scheduled queries,if you want to measure metrics passing a,certain threshold and of course it's all,driven by sequel queries so who's it for,now let's talk for a moment about data,bricks as a whole it's a unified,platform for data teams which includes,data engineer,data scientists and data analysts for,data engineers data breaks offers the,best Apache spark experience for data,scientists data bricks implements,powerful notebooks that can run sequel,Python or Java and Scala these are,familiar for anyone doing scientific,research or m/l work like francois for,example and finally for data analysts,reed ash is your familiar interface to,the data and even for data scientists we,provide the easiest way to share plots,and dashboards without sending a,notebook link and of course once the,sequel is written you can tuck it away,in the background so that visitors can,focus on the plots so let's go through,quickly what can read ash do well first,read ash is tightly integrated with data,bricks you can login with your data,bricks cadential x' and tables in your,delta lake appear inside read ash,automatically with read ash on data,bricks there's no need to configure,database connections or firewall rules,which can be a pain point when using our,open source distribution the read a,sequel editor makes life easy you write,queries in spark sequel there's a,database schema browser which powers our,autocomplete for table names and fields,and a table of query results appears,just beneath the query editor but our,tables actually have a few tricks up,their sleeve too you can include links,images JSON blobs and formatted HTML,it's also easy to add visualizations to,queries right from the query screen so,you can iterate quickly to get just the,right data presentation most common,visualization types are represented like,bar charts line charts area and pie,charts we also have heat maps box plots,pivot tables just about anything you can,imagine we can do it and once you have,something of interest you can bundle it,into a dashboard we offer flexible,execution that goes along with this so,there's query parameters that are,friendly for business users you can,schedule your queries so that dashboards,remain fresh and you can even configure,alerts like emails page or duty or slack,notifications so you can backup your,queries trigger query refreshes or even,use read ash as a gateway for query,results into tools like Google sheets,and the best part is that links within,read ash can be shared around your,organization as a single source of truth,there's no need to email screenshots or,PDFs for these reasons riaj is a natural,fit with data bricks we are a powerful,front end with a powerful engine behind,us,but if you're in a pinch REE - also,works with nearly 50 sequel and no,sequel databases and most rest api is,including its own API all of which comes,together to make read ash a really,natural fit for working with the data,bricks platfor

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#110: Data Democratization with Redash

#110: Data Democratization with Redash

are you asked to generate reports for,your company's data has someone,suggested that you buy or deploy massive,bi software that's expensive close,source and generally underwhelming,well it's read Ashe and Python to the,rescue today you'll meet Eric frame,ovitch the creator of read Ashe whose,goal is to make your company data driven,by connecting to any data source to,easily visualize your data not only is,it a cool open source but it's an,example of someone taking a successful,open source project and building a,business on top of it this is talk,Python to me episode 110 recorded April,27th 2017 welcome to talk Python to me a,weekly podcast on Python the language,the libraries the ecosystem and the,personalities this is your host Michael,Kennedy follow me on Twitter where I'm,at in Kennedy keep up with the show and,listen to past episodes at talk Python,fm and follow the show on Twitter via ad,talk Python this episode has been,brought to you by Intel and hired be,sure to check out what they're offering,during their segments it helps support,the show,Eric welcome to talk Python good to be,here yeah it's great to have you here,it's time to democratize some data and,break it free from all the places it's,captured and use Python to do it right,yeah that's how it started and that's,this it's still the mission like we're,not there yet and it's a lot beyond the,technology itself it's also educating,people but yeah that's the goal yeah,it's an awesome goal and I'm looking,forward to chatting with you about it,but before we get into that let's hear,Sheree how do you get into programming,in Python it started over 20 years 20,years ago when I got my first PC which,was an XT computer I think there were,newer computers at the time but that's,what we could afford and as a kid there,wasn't much to do with it so I started,exploring and luckily started somebody,at qbasic which was shipped with DOS at,the time and it had a few example,programs and games along with it so,basically I just started running them,and then messing around with the source,code and looking what what results my,changes have been causing so that was my,first start with programming later I,found some older kid a desk at school,who was programming during breaks and I,was like standing behind him looking,over his shoulder looking what he's,doing,catching up new functions and stuff and,then going back home to try and,eventually my parents bought me some,books and that's how I really started,programming from them I kept learning,you know started connecting to the,internet exploring more and I think that,I got a bit into web development at the,time and then the biggest jump was when,I was 18 we have mandatory army service,I was lucky to join one of our,intelligence military intelligence units,where I was become developer and Dara,was doing stuff that are completely,different from what I'm doing today a,lot of C++ and hardware interfaces,gained a lot of interesting experiences,like debugging on a helicopter,toboggan on a helicopter how how,interesting yeah yeah it's not I can't,share that much details but yeah that's,that happen anyway when I finished my,army service I,got back into the web and word stuff,although I had the chance to do pretty,much everything like full stack and,mobile development like native mobile,development and anything whatever the,job requires yeah so and Python I think,that they started with Python,I'm not really sure but it definitely,started I've been doing Python when,Google App Engine was released so that's,around 2008 I had some detour in Ruby,for a few years but then four years ago,and I joined everything me I went back,to developing mainly Python in doing,some goal in the past years but there's,nothing like a Python yeah that's right,and okay so this is interesting you,talked about what was it called,everything me well yeah yeah yeah so for,a while you worked at this company,called everything me and that was like a,launcher app for Android phones is that,right yeah yeah that's right,okay and that was super popular right,like between 10 and 50 million downloads,or something on that scale yes remember,the exact numbers by now yeah that was,the scale were you guys using Python,there or was that mostly just things,like Swift and objective-c or not,objective-c Java,I guess so yeah our client was angry,dawn,so that's Java but we hand a lot of,because probably today we would call it,AI based launcher or whatever the,current buzzwords are but it was,personalized and was learning you over,time and adapting to you I mean in,various ways in the UI so there was a,lot of machine learning and logic on the,back end and most of it was in Python,our some of our new code was in BO but I,had like I was doing many Python and,then that shutdown which is actually a,really cool story which we'll get to in,a minute which kind of gave you an,excuse to do something even more cool,and but it seems like they came back is,that right the application itself had

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Введение в инструмент анализа данных Redash

Введение в инструмент анализа данных Redash

привет со мной час будет коллег,сожалению его не мне не слышно вот на,записи но он если что-то не понятно,будет задавать вопросы будут улучшать,свое своей небольшую лекцию,есть у нас инструмент который они вот,как раз на выходных поставил называется,выдашь вот доступен по адресу,deshword.ru точка ком это инструмент в,котором есть доступ к данным которой,хранятся у нас на сервере и,соответственно можно делать какие-то,запросы или аналитику вот как раз,используя этот инструмент,что у нас есть какие концепции в этом и,даши первое это есть некоторый источник,данных вот этот источник данных уже,настроен и к нему можно делать запросы,для того чтобы сделать запрос мы пишем,не кури заходим здесь мы видим уже,подсоединены к этому источника данных мы,видим здесь таблица таблица на самом,деле их количество будет увеличиваться,видоизменяться но я говорю о том что,есть на текущий момент первое это данной,антимонопольного давайте посмотрим,вообще есть что-то там внутри или нет,потому что некоторые могут быть и не,полностью подготовлено так,антимонопольного нету а по банк crop,стоим сейчас на по банкротствам есть,записи значит с антимонопольный я ещё не,включил заливку этих данных короче даты,мы видим 36000 записи самое главное,поле по которому мы работаем с,компаниями объединяем данные из разных,источников это поле код она есть в,банкротстве ну давайте выберем там,парочку,записи выглядит таким образом есть коды,и рты полу и какие-то дополнительные,поля вот мы видим по остальным записям,их классификация таблица отвечает за,перечень кодов то есть для того чтобы их,в читаемом виде можно было отображать,давать тоже посмотрим записи,ну вот собственно клады которые относят,сельскому государству и так далее вот,они в более таком расширенном виде с,дополнительными полями ещё через,некоторое время будут description для,того чтобы там более подробно из ну,можно было посмотреть более детально и,за что они отвечают,самое главное самое главное таблицы,которому можно надо использовать это,компании таблицы компании это и есть,реестр минюста с перечнем всех компании,которые которые сейчас зарегистрирована,в украине,давайте посмотрим на данную вот мы видим,идите в катар это поле на которой не,надо обращать внимание вот есть название,есть краткое название есть кот ярда по,есть адрес есть выделенный индекс,из этого адреса руководитель сейчас в,сейчас таблицы несколько поменяется,потому что добавлено будет больше,количество полей потому что минус начал,публиковать,списки владельцев и вот компаний и есть,в некотором виде исторические данные но,с этими историческими данными пока не,работаем вот есть дополнительные таблицы,прозора тендер,тендерные участники и так далее с этими,он потом вещам работать и еще одна,интересная таблица это speeding это,данные из госказначейства,и тут мы видим дату и тот же самый орды,пол при чем здесь он был назван потому,полю которую вы их базе данных,использовать чтобы нет но я меду в базе,госказначейства в таком виде за,записаны столбцы мы взяли,так как она была тут есть и радио или и,радую пол плательщика и,еды по получателя вот сумма данные и,причем сумма вот мы видим и маунти есть,есть и mount and mount это в текстовом,виде столбец по нему не надо,агрегации никакие делать вот иногда,здесь будут суммы не знаю которые будут,в каком-то виде типа xx x,давайте сейчас попробуем найти баланс,посмотрим парочка правильно elegance,айден,по идее должно быть поле не записано в,таблицу,сколько данных многое данным запросы,могут выполняться,долго слишком долго будет то да не на,паузу я отменю ну окей ладно отменяем,запрос не будут тратить лишнее время вот,это короче о данных давайте я просто,покажу сколько в этой таблице,находится записи тоже будет выполняться,некоторое время и сейчас я расскажу как,сохранят запросы вот я собственно и,названием а пока прописал пока,выполняется но реально это этот те да,это это реальное время выполнения,запроса вот наверное сейчас видимо,небольшой глюк системы но окей пока он,выполняется я покажу другие возможности,после того как запрос сохранен его можно,за поближе когда он публикуется он,становится доступен для других людей вот,и можно результатов выполнения запросов,объединять вот так называемые дешворда,вот этих душ бурды я сделал сейчас дима,дашборд 1 вот сейчас я его покажу как он,выглядит вот и здесь мы видим количество,компаний вот распределение компании по,статусам,и пример такого интерактивного,виджета при которой со ссылками и при,нажатии на эту ссылку можно провалиться,в данном случае таблицу с,как бы передается параметр компании вот,и вот этот код и он является параметром,этого запросы и здесь вот такая карточка,открывается вот этот для удобства долго,запрос выполняется ладно да происходит,следующее вот мы есть у нас запрос,сейчас нажимаем что сон пришел source,вот у меня сохраненные так вере,вот она делает select звездочка from,компании и она возвращает вот какие то,дополнительные ну какое-то число я решил,что этого числа просто ну просто,недостаточно я назад на 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here are 25 funny and inappropriate,moments in tennis before we continue,don't forget to hit that like button,also subscribe to our channel and turn,on notifications and you'll get 10 years,of good luck try it it works alright,let's begin tennis player marty fish had,to play a drop shot right by the net but,he slipped and got stuck on top of it,novak djokovic lost his cool when the,umpire forced him to play in the rain on,a damp clay court this is the discussion,if you can call it that,i'm going to check the court i asked you,three times,you didn't ask to check the court you,said it,now it's getting harder i'm gonna check,the cord,noah reuben breaks his shoe while taking,a huge step forward,oh it's another fine pick,nick curios faulted his first serve and,shouted this,a sprinkler goes off during wimbledon,soaking two of the players,a ball toss from roger federer hit,someone in the crowd,a tennis player accidentally hit a bird,during a rally on live television,tennis player elise cornett received a,code violation for removing her shirt at,the u.s open,i'm amazed that she didn't realize that,that's called mental fatigue,after a horrible miss on an easy smash,this player couldn't stop laughing at,the blunder,several guys from the crowd ran toward a,female tennis player after being,challenged to kiss her,when a bug entered the tennis court a,ball boy was asked to remove it however,the kid did this to everyone's surprise,a bird interrupts a tennis match by,flying on court and rafa was not amused,the same thing,here he comes again,on the net court,during the 2011 tennis tour in seattle,john mcenroe found a dead spot where the,ball would not bounce,steffi graf got proposed to by a fan in,the crowd when he shouted will you marry,me graff took the joke nicely and asked,this,in a similar incident rafael nadal was,proposed to by a fan in the crowd he,laughed it off along with every single,person present,oh well i bet he's tempted to have a,look caroline wozniacki had a nasty,cramp on live television she was already,struggling with her leg before but when,the cramp hit she quivered in pain,and that's,serious cramping there,played by the shooter,my belief is she's got treatment for the,cramps too many times novak djokovic,accidentally hits a sexy ball girl in,the face when returning the ball,in a mixed doubles match the male,players started a rally on their own,without giving a chance to the females,on purpose the girls just got on board,with the joke and did this,we're in training mode again folks,might as well take a seat ladies because,this could go for a while,novak djokovic's impression of maria,sharapova is just hilarious,kim cliches calls out a man from the,crowd and gave him her tennis skirt to,play at wimbledon i think she might be,getting something white for him to wear,i really hope we don't have a camera,shot,completely forgotten there's a tennis,match going here this female tennis,player accidentally threw her racket at,a ball boy,it's another look great forehand from,brody,chuck of the racket,the world knows that rafael nadal is,very insensitive about his water bottle,however when his bottle got blown over,by the wind a ball boy had to fix it,everyone in the court laughed at it,australian tennis star nick curios did,not hold back and trash talked a cocky,fan in miami,and play a match,in a doubles game djokovic accidentally,hit federer at the back of his head,a cringe-worthy moment when the,cameraman tried to do this to maria,sharapova,a giant iguana invades the court during,the 2017 miami open the crew kind of,struggled to get it,there's out minutes of fame,here we can see what looks like an,official saying don't do it to dominica,chibakova even though she's wearing a,sports bra the look on her face says it,all,when the net sensor malfunctioned and he,had to lose a point he argued with the,umpire and refused to play on,thanks for watching be sure to give us a,thumbs up if you enjoyed this video also,don't forget to subscribe to always be,in the loop we'll see you in the next,one

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In today's video Classmates, I will share with you an earning application for those who are fond of using Tiktok.,in this application, we can make revenue from using Tiktok. I am already earning more than ₱900 in a day from this application,Stay tuned to this video, as I share the step-by-step process on how will you earn from this video.,I will also share with you in this video how I redeem my actual payout in this application.,Hello Classmates! Welcome back to my channel!,By the way, I am Rose,If you are new to this channel and want to earn money for free.,Kindly click subscribe button and hit the notification bell,to get updates on our new video upload to know how to earn online.,If you are the first to comment the hashtag word that you will find in this video, You will win ₱50,But before anything else, please like and subscribe to my channel.,So for today's video Classmates, I will share with you an earning application that we can earn with the use of Tiktok.,what am I talking about? Without further ado, let's get started.,The application we are going to use is Prolike. Click register below to create an account.,We need to provide an active email and phone number because they will be sending an OTP.,Re-type the verification code. ,Create a Login Password. Do not forget your password. Also, we need to provide an invitation code.,Once done with the registration we may now proceed with login.,In this application, we will get paid from following Tiktok accounts.,Most of us are already using Tiktok, in this application, we will use it to make revenue.,Just make sure we have installed the Tiktok application before we proceed with Prolike.,On their homepage, you will see Tiktok. They also have Instagram and Youtube.,But currently, it is not available.,Only Tiktok is available on this platform.,Before we start. I will show you my earnings first. Let's proceed to "My" and tap it. ,I already have a ₱971 balance. My yesterday earning is ₱2,978,Like I said earlier, we can earn more than ₱900 each day.,We can earn up to ₱900 each day and if multiply it by 30 days we can earn as much as ₱27,000.,We can earn a huge amount from this application.,To start a task, let's go back to the homepage. ,We will choose Tiktok, you can see they have VIP 0, VIP 1, VIP 2, VIP 3, ,VIP 4, which is my current status, and VIP 5.,To start Classmates, let's tap our current status.,The first thing to do is collect the task available for us.,Let's click Receive and collect the task so that I can show you how to accomplish the task.,collect the tasks and then let's go back to their homepage.,We will just tap again the task, and we will be directed on their task list.,The next thing we need to do after collecting the task is select this one and click JUMP below the COPY.,and we will be rerouted in Tiktok. We just need to follow this account. and go back to Profile. ,Once done we will tap Submit Completed task. Then we will go back to the remaining task.,We just need to open the task click JUMP and follow the Tiktok account that will flash,,then we will go back to Prolike to confirm the tas that we have accomplished.,What I do is collect all the tasks in the homepage and receive all the task that needs to be collected.,the "Today's numbers are all used" will flash, this means we have already collected all the task,They have introduced a process wherein we can quickly accomplish the task. ,through Auto Clicker. We no longer need to open each task and follow the step-by-step procedure. ,We will just tap SUBMIT and wait until all the task is done. ,Classmates, I will show you how it works.it will automatically SUBMIT tasks and wait until each task is done.,We are almost done. Submit and we're finally done with the tasks for today.,After accomplishing the task, they will review it and it will be transferred to Audit.,They will review and validate the tasks. You don't need to worry because we already have an auto clicker.,Maybe they also want to speed up the completion of tasks. after that, it will be transferred to the completed task.,For each completed task, payment will be credited to our account,,They also have a failed tab here, but so far we don't have failed task yet.,they also have give up.,Let's wait for the tasks to be transferred to completed tasks.,I will show you my earning since we have already completed tasks.,Let's go to My. We already have a current balance of ₱2,064,Let's just wait for the other tasks to be completed.,I will now show you how to withdraw from this application.,to withdraw, tap MY WALLET beside our Balance.,We will need to create our fund password.,Let's encode the password and submit it. You can see that we have a ₱2,064 current balance.,we just need to tap withdrawal. we will encode in the withdrawal method our Gcash number.,and for the withdrawal amount encode how much you want to withdraw.,and of course, we need to provide our fund password.,then select SUBMIT.,I have already transferred the amount and this will

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Bella Thorne - Shake It (Official Music Video)

Bella Thorne - Shake It (Official Music Video)

i can make you my bride,we are gathered here today in the sight,of god and these witnesses to unite,josh and abella and the bonds of holy,matrimony,if anyone can show just cause why they,may not be lawfully joined together,let them speak now or forever hold their,peace,excuse me i have a problem with this,that's my what the ,what the oh i didn't know,she was your i lied if she want a,good i'll provide, in the uber side i dropped her,off,and i never replied and i like all kinds,of miss, world wise,let me see how low it can,bag this my ex's payback,imma steal yo girl ransack imma fly her,out nice meet me at the time man this my,high school, throw back it's all a game to me,and she break it and she make it and,she's naked,while she's shaking and she break it and,she make it and she naked,naked,you

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RED ASH animatic Full Ver.

RED ASH animatic Full Ver.

ja,hoi wat theorie na mijn hand andere,moncayo nee,ja haha,zaboo the normal dat kanaal cora dc wat,ik wel cool man anil kumar anita,enthousiast om de crosshair,zul je auto je ook al zondag er nog,door middag,mizuno niet in de kool hulp advies de,knie,hoi zodat je weet dat een dode zoon of,sanda,ron kanaal kan je dit ook nog fotolia,kleur,voor html en de war sojameel hoe dat als,je wel alcohol business poten aan een,schimmel,chinook you witzke nee plannen,twee drie google daal af hoe dat je mijn,baby doll hadden snowball business man,share with you long doosje van de telers,allemaal,lana wax en zie wat clicks op kreta,chocolat,ik had ook een horeca dan zak je nieuwe,camita camera ja,bouvier,corolla,mijn man de arena cuba capaldi's totally,black,wel dan een jaar naar daar nog niet zo'n,beetje de zorg,en als je die foto caminita decennia,ja,dan ook de mijn altijd had hij mama mama,madam die hadden een op hun beste prijs,is wat het eten,van van dit te laten hier zien wat een,rare bekken dag erna kijk bij ikea,klus klaren de elektrische,maar lekker eten maar de moto noot van,dokter en die de,moet daarbij dit jou pijn doet me bij de,lat hoger groeien toch regel,oh,ja,maya met oké,kids in welke mate machine thora de zaal

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BigQuery Data Pipeline for Digital Agencies

BigQuery Data Pipeline for Digital Agencies

a very common problem is for anyone,who's doing marketing online is your,advertising across all these different,platforms how do you get your data,together into one place so you can look,at you know all of your line items in,one place how much do you spend on,Google Ads don't you spend on Facebook,ads in one table versus having to open,up you know the two different dashboards,and and look at them separately so that,problem is obviously it's a large,problem if you are working at a single,company and you have one of each account,right that's it's annoying if you're a,digital agency and you have 50 clients,and you have 200 accounts that you're,managing it's intractable you just,really can't do it in any super,organized way or it's very very,difficult to do it an organized way,inconsistent way in spreadsheets so what,we basically confronted this this,problem as it came to us right so we're,working with a digital agency in,California,we're helping them build these you know,dashboards and Google sheets and data,studio and at some point realized we had,this scaling issue and how are we going,to get around this,so we evolved this process that we call,the agency data pipeline and basically,I'm arrived we can switch back to the UM,screen here basically what it is is a,bridge between Google sheets and,bigquery so we made a what we call the,tracking plan right this has all of an,agency's data in sheets and I think this,is probably the best example that we've,put together of how do sheets and,bigquery interact and how you can use,one as a bridge to the other so,basically this tracking plan has,settings for everything you'd ever want,to set up and this is just a template so,doesn't have data in it unfortunately,but this you would fill out with all of,your sites and all of the data feeds,right so if you want you know Facebook,ads or Google Ads data feed all of your,account mappings and conversion goals,and basically all of the indicative data,that you would need in here and,and you know this sheet is setup we have,a Google Apps Script connection that's,set up that will push data up to,bigquery on a schedule and we have,triggers in the backend that will push,this data these settings right from,sheets up to bigquery and then toggling,to a little sequel model here so then,will basically write sequel models that,will pull in these settings from Google,sheets and why this is really important,is a non-technical user at a digital,agency can go into a sheet set up some,new settings write some new Google,Analytics channel mappings or something,like that set up those settings those,get ingested into bigquery and then in,the sequel models you know we we just,ingest those downstream so for a,non-technical user to interface with,bigquery they can use sheets right as,their kind of form as their data entry,vehicle and then those can automatically,be ingested and in the case of like,Google Analytics this is why I love DBT,and and why I highly recommend it DBT,allows you to use what's called Jinja,syntax or notation I'm not exactly sure,what the the technical term for it is,but it's called Jinja and you can write,you know for loops and if statements and,set variables that will generate your,sequel models for you and you know,coatings for losses we've published a,bunch of you know kind of open source,data models for common data sources,right so Facebook Ads,Google Ads or Adwords Shopify stuff like,that there are tons of examples on the,coding is for losers blog that you can,pick up and use

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