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An Introduction to Visual SQL

hi everybody uh and thanks for coming to,this session,uh where i'm gonna show you an,introduction to,visual sql uh my name is dave fowler i'm,the,founder and ceo of charity uh here to,talk to you about,a product we we built called visual sql,so,uh we basically made sql a visual,version of it,um just like dos made uh,uh windows sorry windows made dos visual,uh so way more people could use,computers we've done a very similar,thing with sql,uh even uh only about 50 percent of,developers even know how to use sql,it's not hard to learn but uh if the,world was gonna,learn it they would have done it by now,it's been out for a really long time and,so we,are are uh obsessed with with making,that a reality so,um i'm getting a little ahead of myself,um,a little background more on me uh i am,the founder and ceo,charity chariot and uh,i started cardio about 10 years ago now,we're we're close to our 10-year,anniversary,and we are obsessed with the mission,uh the very straightforward mission to,enable anyone not just data teams,to work with and explore and understand,their own data so excel has been out for,38 years now and anyone,it's a great program anyone can work,with data in excel as soon as data gets,bigger than a spreadsheet,and all of a sudden you have to start,using databases and storing it in other,systems,um then you have to learn sql you have,to or,become a data analyst and learn complex,bi products,so it's really locked down for other,people to explore and understand,there's a lot of challenges in solving,that a lot of people have been trying to,solve for a long time,and we are a company just fully,dedicated to the mission of doing that,can we make it as easy as excel is to,use but for people to explore bigger,sets of data things that are bigger than,a spreadsheet,so with that effort we really looked at,a lot of,different landscape things uh looked at,sql,uh sql is the most powerful uh way to,work with data,it's it's um the language of data it's,it's what it's written in i love sql,it's it's,a favorite language i've written several,postgres,sql tutorials you can go to,dataschool.com and we have a free online,sql tutorial we wrote there as well as,even another ebook on,how to teach other people sql and sql is,really really powerful,for fetching data um but,it's not a great way to explore data,it's not quite fast enough to explore,wanting to change the date range or,wanting to change another group buy that,you want to do or change,really just anything uh in in sql,takes a bit of time you end up having to,repeat yourself a few times,uh you end up um you know having to,google that date format again,uh and remembering the different,dialects if you're using more than just,postgres if you're using,uh other sql like they're all a little,bit different and so remembering all the,details of each of those remembering all,the different functions,uh is a lot to remember and google and,find and it's just like,the ease which you can go through you're,not really,browsing you're not really exploring,you're you're kind of,questioning um and it's very powerful,uh but it's not great for that that,speed insight uh and also it's just too,intimidating and tech space for business,users to pick up,i've taught a lot of business users sql,they can learn it if they're really,focused,it's not all that hard but they just,don't,like like i said earlier if they were to,learn sql they would have done it by now,uh it's a really valuable skill to learn,but a very low percentage of the,population,actually knows sql actually can go and,write these queries and,answer answer questions themselves um,so so that's one way to go fetch data in,a bigger data set than excel,is to learn sql um but there i just put,a lot of pros but but some constants,equal as well especially for data,analytics,um so a lot of people try to solve this,in other ways using traditional bi,solutions,things like tableau and,they're kind of this interface on top a,drag and drop ui,to to query and explore data because,data's so complex,because you export and such,you need to export in such flexible ways,uh it's really hard to make a general,product that that can query it so you,end up with pretty monolithic tools we,call tableau the photoshop,charting it's fantastic but it really,requires quite a learning curve it,requires you know,a lot of education so sometimes even a,degree,to really learn it uh and still this,isn't very accessible to,people outside of the professionals who,are going to use it all day and every,day,um and it's not near as flexible as sql,so so that's one answer to this um and,and it's,if this was going to work it probably,would have by now as well uh still again,we really have this problem with that um,the,vast vast majority you know 95 to 99,of a company can't access or query their,data,um and that's more and more increasingly,important,for businesses so uh even with these uh,bi products,it's just falling short especially the,complexities of relationships uh,co

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Panoply Discusses Data-Driven Insights with NurseGrid and Chartio

Panoply Discusses Data-Driven Insights with NurseGrid and Chartio

good morning good afternoon and welcome,to pan oh please,August webinar we're super excited to,present data-driven insights as we take,a look at nurse grids data,infrastructure and get to know Lorenzo C,achi who is the CTO at nurse grid we're,super excited to present this in,partnership with char do we're gonna go,ahead and get started now so just a few,housekeeping items we are recording this,webinar so if you would like to refer to,it later pass it on to a friend or if,Lorenzo says something that is super,smart that you want to go back and take,meticulous notes on feel free and then,the second housekeeping item is that we,are going to be asking questions or,sorry we're gonna be taking questions at,the end we have a dedicated time at the,end for questions and answers but we so,go ahead and use the GoToWebinar chat,facility there's a questions button on,the right hand side feel free to use it,at any point and if we do have a,question that's contextual to the slide,or the thing that we're talking about,I'm gonna go ahead and ask that question,but we do have questions and answers at,the end so feel free to use the facility,there so let's talk about today's,speakers my name is Jason Harris I'm the,Evangelist at panoply I help tell the,story of how customers are using data,within their organizations and on that,in that vein that brings us to today's,webinar I'll go ahead and introduce or,let Lorenzo introduce himself,go ahead learns Oh morning Lorenzo,chachi I'm the CTO at nurse grid been,here for about a year and a half and,we're a small start-up that's concerned,with schedule distribution for nurses,and to make nurses lives better that's,basically our underlying mission um oh,it's hyper days data focus in daily,driven when coming into a new role and,also working with a small start-up and,basically I'm excited to tell you about,how I own panic we have sort of saved us,over the past year and what we've been,able to do so I'm excited to talk a,little bit more about that in a bit,I'll pass it over to Tracy all right hi,everyone my name is Tracy I'm one of the,data advisors at cheerio,so I'm sitting in the customer success,team,I work with some of our enterprise,customers on data and product related,issues and so anything from advising on,data governance to something going on in,their data to dashboard design so those,are the types of questions I typically,help them with and yeah excited to be,with y'all today to represent radio,great perfect and then as before we dig,into what are to lorenzo's presentation,let's talk about what we're gonna speak,to so first we'll introduce panoply the,idea of a panoply data warehouse and you,know what that means and how your,business could draw draw value from it,we'll go over an overview of cardio and,how you know chario dashboards look and,how they work seamlessly with the,panoply data warehouse we'll introduce,the idea of nurse grid to you the,company the founder or started that the,founding story and and the mission of it,then we'll get into Lorenzo himself and,we'll talk about data and analytics in,an injured software engineering,organization so a bit about panoply what,what is panoply panoply is a place to is,it is a data warehouse that is built for,the cloud and it does three things it,it's a data ingestion engine we are an,automated data warehouse and we have,what we call the query optimization,engine we've been around since 2015 as,you can see we have some nice accolades,we've gotten a g2 crowd from our,customers and also from Gartner being,named a cool vendor few weeks ago and,then we're backed by some really fun,companies who are sorry groups who,believe in this as well so we're in all,at we're basically in one word in one,phrase we're an all-in-one data platform,we exist so that you can connect soap,and panoply I call it a database of,databases you can connect all of your,data sources independently so it doesn't,matter if it's if it's a MongoDB,database Postgres if it's flat files,such as a CSV or or an API so it could,be Salesforce it could be Google,Analytics it could be Twitter ads all of,the data can come into one place so that,you can query it and make sense of it,all in one place and then attach a,business intelligence tool like like,char do to build dashboards to share,data within your organization so there's,three,facets to panoply at the data ingestion,engine which is like a is the tool that,brings all the data in one place,automated data warehouse so we are built,on top of Amazon redshift and if you are,if you've looked into data warehouses,you know that typically an organization,whether it's a small company or a big,enterprise if you want to deploy a data,warehouse it requires either a dedicated,person or a dedicated team a full fledge,data engineer who is going to be sure,that all those quarters are running,running running efficiently the data,warehouse is being optimized and,maintained the way it needs to,so we automate all that for one month,for one low

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See Panoply In Action

See Panoply In Action

hey everyone thanks for joining us today,we are going to do a really fun webinar,we are going to do a very in-depth,demonstration of the panoply data,warehouse and we're super excited to get,started we thank you for joining live or,also if you're watching this the,recorded version we also thank you for,watching we hope that today's session,answers any questions you have about,panoply and what a data warehouse is and,what it's capable of so let's go ahead,and get started with just a housekeeping,item next slide please Schuyler so I,guess there's only one housekeeping item,today you can ask questions at any point,in time on GoToWebinar there is a,questions facility in the window go,ahead and ask your question at any point,I will ask your question for our expert,panel at the end so we have a dedicated,question and answer period at the end so,we're going to let both of the gentlemen,speak that are on the on the panel and,then we will do our questions and answer,afterwards next slide please,and to introduce our speakers hello my,name is Jason I'm panoply evangelist and,we also have McKenzie Wyatt who is a,solution specialist will be joining us,to what walk us through panoply and then,Skylar shafts key is one of our data,architects and he will give us an,in-depth demo and talk about the common,questions that customers have with their,painfully data warehouse so with that,I'm going to kick it over to Mack who is,going to speak to us for the next few,slides,go ahead Mack go thanks Jason and let me,let me just begin by introducing myself,my name is Mack Wyatt I work as a,solution specialist at panoply what my,role entails is working with new users,to the platform whether it's demo,request or start taking out a free trial,of panoply so with that being said I,would love to give a quick high-level,overview of about panoply who we are,what we do and then from there I can,hand it over to Skylar for a little bit,of the UI demo so we're that all being,said to give a introduction to panoply,we were founded four years ago initially,out of Tel Aviv Israel and since then,we've relocated our headquarters to San,Francisco so right in the heart of,Silicon Valley still have about half of,the company in,tel-aviv mostly Rd and NSF we have most,of our sales marketing teams and as you,can see on the slide here we're backed,by some of the top faeces in the valley,and to really give you an idea of,panoply growth of the past few years,we've been growing very quickly,especially in the past year and a half,we have over 200 customers today and as,you can see g2 crowd has listed us as a,high performer and ranked us four as the,number one ease of use of ease of,implementation and number one overall,company for small businesses today so,with all that being said what panoply is,all-in-one data platform is is we allow,our customers to leverage their data in,a way that has not been able to in a way,that they have not been able to do so,before and we combine that with a data,ingestion engine as well as an automated,data warehouse and lastly a query,optimization engine so we'll discuss the,three main components of our platform,soon but let's focus on what life looks,like for many organizations today that,do not use panoply so Scott are can you,go to the next slide please,thank you so some of you here may be,more familiar with the pain of managing,a data stack than others so nonetheless,the amount of time and effort spent,managing your own data journey from beta,soars to B I can be very complicated so,I'm looking at the screen here you see,on the far left side you have your data,sources there's a lot of different steps,and just in order to get to the end goal,of business intelligence or,visualization organizations hire teams,of data engineers DBAs and DevOps just,in order to extract load transform data,from their main sources into a data,warehouse and then once the data has,been brought to a data warehouse then,there's the needs of scale to optimize,to model schema and clean the data,stacks and all this is on top of their,other daily responsibilities meaning,that manage and data can be very,complicated,skaar gonna go to the next slide please,thank you however pain ibly customers,know that with our all-in-one data,platform this is much easier and,provides true automation and don't just,take their word for it you can see many,syndicated sources are also noticing how,easy data management is with panoply so,let's take a look at how and why we are,ranked as the easiest data management,platform on the market today and Scott,you can go to the next slide thank you,so looking at this slide you can see the,three main,opponents of the all-in-one Data,Platform again the data ingestion engine,the automated or smart data warehouse,and then lastly the query optimization,engine so I'll go into depth into each,of these pieces so to begin let's talk a,little bit about the data ingestion,engine this includes over a hundred,native data integrations so let's take,it was

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Intelligence wins: How to build a data informed company with Chartio, Fishtown Analytics, DataRobot

Intelligence wins: How to build a data informed company with Chartio, Fishtown Analytics, DataRobot

here but i will be on mute,all right we are now broadcasting live,i'm going to count you down from five,four,three two,hi everyone um thanks for joining our,workshop on how to build a data informed,company,our panelists collectively worked with,thousands of top-tier,clients on their data strategies and,we're really excited to share,um case studies tactical ways to um,inform your strategies and then also um,you know what the future of business,engineering looks like,so i'd like to um i'm karen moon and i'd,like to welcome our panelists we have,dave fowler,ceo and co-founder of cardio tristan,handy,um ceo of fishtown analytics and open,source platform mdbt,and also daniel brachenko um vp,of business engineering at data robot,so um to start so like why is it,important to,you know be business you know a data,informed business,to begin with um dave let's start with,you,um you know i think what i love about,chardia's visual approach as,you know visual approach to sql is how,intuitive it is and even some of your,clients like doordash,and new york times you know provide,access to everyone in the company,so that's pretty cool like can you share,a case study of how your solution,has helped one of your clients become,truly data-driven and what was that,journey like,yeah so our whole thesis as a company is,that,the more informed your business is the,more everybody,knows what's going on and can experiment,and iterate and improve,uh the more competitive you are the more,you're gonna win,uh and so one of the biggest obstacle we,see to that of people being informed is,there's kind of the people who know the,context of the business the people,running,every day day-to-day marketing,operations sales,product people needing the data and then,there's the people who know the,technical parts of the data,and and there's a gap there uh and so,how do we bridge those together,and so we built a product cardio that,really really is part of the stack of,improving that,and we obsess over that and so we get to,work with all kinds of really great,businesses that are very data driven,one of my favorite kind of stories there,is,all trails um uh you got if you're not,using all trails you should be right now,especially during covid,it's the best way to find great trails,and go hiking uh it's a great app for,that,um and they from from the beginning were,so,data driven the ceo fully adopted,charito,and every group in the company had,a bunch of dashboards and just clear,kbis of what they were tracking,and because of that they could,experiment and,learn more things that any of their,competitors could it was kind of crowded,um and one of the one of the great,examples they did a lot of great seo,examples of like they found things that,worked and,and right now if you search for all,trails they they come up,as the first or second result for like,every trail out there,um and they also found that for the,longest time they thought ads didn't,work,if they bought something on an apple you,know on the apple app store,they thought it didn't work because what,the data was reporting for the app store,they didn't get that many downloads,but they did an isolated experiment and,and i think the first company they chose,with germany and it had like pretty flat,growth,in in app downloads and then they ran,some ads just in germany,and they found also that skyrocketed and,they were able to choose a few other,countries and replicate the same thing,and they found out that they were,getting almost an order of magnitude,more downloads,than the app store was telling them that,they did,so they were getting it other ways so,that their ad dollars were really a lot,more effective than they thought and so,they could use that channel they really,really use that and one with it um so,that,but there's all kinds of great examples,of that in data and the more that people,are informed and can experiment like,that,uh the more you find these competitive,advantages that win,great thanks for that and so and,danielle within data robot,you know you design how to optimize,business functions whether it's,recruiting uh,marketing product development can you,share a success story with us,uh sure and for context uh and this,question in general so,uh most business functions especially in,software companies like ours and like i,think,many people who are present are like,those functions are actually,information processing machines so if,you think about it like people see that,most people see that as their laptops,they consume information they,produce information and are software on,those laptops and on servers that also,consumes from information but you,produce information,so this whole thing is just a giant,information processing machine,it's a like company and uh my job and,my team what we do is we build and,optimize those machines,they all like that's why it's pretty,important to be informed because,all we deal with this information uh and,in regards to successes uh it's hard to,single out one th

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Breakout Session Presented by AJ Welch of Chartio at PGConf Silicon Valley 2015

Breakout Session Presented by AJ Welch of Chartio at PGConf Silicon Valley 2015

there you go okay,all right everyone my name is AJ I'm a,data engineer at ER do so Cheerios a,cloud bi tool just by show of hands who,uses the BI tool today is it's mainly a,sequel crowd,I'm guessing everyone's pretty familiar,with sequel in the room you use a bi,tool anyone else use the bi tool whether,you can use sequel in it drag and drop,okay so a little bit of background then,on what I do at char do and some of the,problems that I run into so when chardee,was a smaller company I worked I was,basically like a first sales engineer,there so my goal was to get people to,sign up with us which are do doesn't do,any data storage or data warehousing,ourselves so the product really relies,on how your database is set up and how,well optimized it is but the interesting,thing is we got a lot of people that,were at smaller companies 30 to 50,person companies where they hadn't,really settled on a technology yet they,weren't sure if they were gonna go with,a relational database or something like, or something like a dupe and it,was really up to us to try and help,guide them so Postgres is my favorite,database obviously I wanted to guide,them towards Postgres used to have a lot,of people choosing for application,reasons but then after a little while we,see more people choosing or Hadoop,or basically anything for analytical,purposes as well even if they weren't,planning on building their main,application on top of it so this talk,kind of came from that and that we were,getting like 10 to 15% of our leads that,were not looking at relational databases,and chario is very relational oriented,because we strongly believe in it and so,I want to kind of cover why these people,were choosing to go the opposite,direction and some things that Postgres,can offer to bring them back basically,so we're going to talk about that,problem we're going to talk about one,possible solution that first possible,solution is going to tie us into this,concept of nearness and then we're going,to talk about the but I think it's the,true solution which is the Postgres,extension system so there's this,prevailing view out there amongst some,cohort of users that relational,databases are kind of stuck where they,were in the 90s,it's rows and columns its scheme on,right it has the nice things like acid,referential integrity constraints you,know all that good stuff but that leads,to painful migrations the non-relational,world has documents it's schema on read,you lose all the nice properties with,acid and and relational integrity but,you get a nice not clean but easy,migrations I'm gonna breeze through this,so basically I broke this out into eight,different dimensions and it's it's not,important you could argue some of these,either way it's just basically how I,broke it out so everyone's familiar with,sequel and that being the query language,for relational databases because it's,declarative it's easy for exploratory,analysis and it's easy to teach to,non-technical users so you can get,someone up and running with sequel,pretty quickly the non relational world,used to have to do a lot of low-level,programming maybe if you're using Hadoop,it was something like Java and now,there's more systems on top of it today,that are sequel like exploratory,analysis so that's basically your joins,and that's you know that's where the,relationship relational database excels,less so in the non relational world and,data signs of machine learning this was,the big one that people would come to us,not even true data scientists you know,I'm not a data scientist myself I don't,really know that much about the advanced,statistical stuff and I can kind of tell,when the person on the other side of the,phone doesn't know either but a lot of,people wanted to go with different,systems because they were interested in,the data science capabilities and they,viewed the non relational world as being,a little stronger so that was sort of,the logical that's like the query layer,that's what you can do analysis wise,then there's the physical layer this is,kind of where I work in the ETL data,warehousing space and devops kind of,I'll breeze through this basically,parallel query processing people tend to,think still that databases are single,server and there's no paralyzed ability,on them whereas they here MapReduce and,they instantly think parallel,concurrency relational databases get a,stronger effort a Chinon concurrency,basically because people have used them,as the backend of their applications,forever obviously like gets that,as well but people get a little,concerned when they move to some of,these,distributed systems about concurrency,high availability and replication so,that's something that relational,databases have also done pretty well,same on the other side of the fence,the sharding sharding is one thing that, just we get killed on people just,thinking that has sharding built,in which it does and that was very smart,of them to do these are not very,analytical focus that those are kind o

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Big League SEO, SEO Tools, and more!

Big League SEO, SEO Tools, and more!

hey everybody Welcome today we're,talking to Jeff Luella who's a SEO,expert Jeff's worked for a number of,large agencies over the in the past,decade plus and uh by extension has also,worked with quite a few Fortune 500,companies and Jeff you're now at New,York Times wire cutter which you know a,couple people may have heard about I I,yeah I don't know you know it's not,well-known brand or anything,so welcome Jeff and thanks for joining,me today oh thank you,yeah New York Times uh is a nice size,brand to work on you know when yeah you,need to visit today it's great for sure,for sure and we'll talk a little bit,more about that too but give us a little,insight into your background and kind of,your experience with the whole world of,SEO yeah sure so I started off back in,the mid 90s as a web designer,um kind of went to a community college,took an HTML class,helped build the school's website from,there got hired right into into,um the world of I guess design and,development um back then if you were a,designer you're a developer too because,there really weren't separate kind of,fields at that time,um but once there came a good field for,designers people leaving design school,would work on web design I realized I'm,not a very good designer I I could copy,people's designs but I'm not very,original,um it but I had a whole bunch of,um experience doing kind of,HTML CSS well back then it wasn't CSS,everything was table layouts but right,um and also doing some back end,um using Java and things like that so,moved into that world for a while,um worked for a few different agencies,out there I was at an agency called,razorfish,um and sure as a software developer and,our um the head of SEO came over to me,and you know one day was like hey how,would you like to come over,um to the SEO team after some,discussions I was like I don't want to,deal with keywords I'm more of a,technical person so,um that was kind of my where I was born,as being a kind of technical engineer,they called it an SEO engineer then,um and not a technical SEO but,um over the years moving to different,agencies I've met up with you at you,know ages called Rosetta and yeah I was,looking at the language really really,yeah it's really really big con it's,like some awesome clients there um a,good team that was like the biggest SEO,team I've ever been on which was there,was a lot that was amazing,um kind of from there went to smaller,agencies because I was like I'm done,with these big ones um and then I,realized sometimes,smaller anchies,um while you wear many hats right,sometimes you wear too many hats and the,one I went to uh I was like the janitor,slash SEO,um so like I would take the trash out,every day out to the dumpster and make,sure,um yeah so we went a little too small at,that point,um but I happened to find like a happy,medium at another company we kind of,shared was uh sort of Discovery where it,was like nice size where I didn't have,to take out trash but also small enough,where you get to wear many hats um,very large companies that you wouldn't,think are such a small agency yeah yeah,that was that was some great clients,there too that was awesome kind of like,going to some of these uh clients uh,offices really made me jealous sometimes,um wait covet hit you know we had uh we,had some downsizing and um I luckily,fell forward and started working for New,York Times wire cutter division,um as a technical SEO now moved over,more into the product management role,was still doing technical technical SEO,up to about a week and a half ago where,I'm still a product manager but kind of,shift over to another team where we are,focusing more on experience so I'm still,coming at things technically still,coming at them,in a way Google first,um making sure that we are when Google,hits our Pages everything is indexable,and things like that but I also get to,play a little bit more now with,conversions and conversion rate and and,actually really focus on our our readers,and not necessarily focusing on,um on Google first now so that's that's,actually a little bit of a nice switch,even though it's only been a couple,weeks so,well and that's always like a fine wire,to to walk right like the the balance,between you know is this a usable,website or is it completely just for,Google's purposes like there's,trade-offs that you make with design and,functionality like you know the people,companies want that really nice looking,video in the background of their home,page but yeah if it slows it to a halt,then Google's not going to index the,page or the experience is bad and you,know like so I think ux and and SEO have,always had kind of a dance going on the,oh yeah we definitely have and it was,really nice being able to use those,years of experience kind of working with,all the other teams now and learning,what I learned from from some really,great teams over there and just I'm kind,of leaning a little bit on my you know,20 year old design and and um,experiences there but it's been gr

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Strata Summit 2011: "Startup Launchpad: Startup #4 and #5"

Strata Summit 2011: "Startup Launchpad: Startup #4 and #5"

we're going to continue our startup,launch pad session so i'd like to invite,alistair cole to join me on stage again,thanks so uh we've seen three,interesting startups this morning we,have two more to look at this afternoon,uh the two remaining companies are,mindful,and chart i o and we tried as a as a set,of judges to find things that would give,you a variety of different perspectives,on how,startups would work without further ado,i would like to call it jaime from,mindful,please amy,good afternoon everyone my name is jaime,brugeras and i am the ceo and co-founder,of mindful,there's a big problem and that is that,we're all crunching data,we're analyzing all the information but,it's not,giving the business revenue any,really big impact on it i personally,experienced this,i was a marketing analyst for five years,for fortune 500 companies,and i would do what any marketing,analyst would do i would collect the,data,analyze it present it get my powerpoint,presentation up,give it to higher vps executives but,month after month the results were the,same we were losing 20 to 25,of our customers it would cost us seven,more times to retain our customer,and we knew that a small increase in,retention could increase profit,significantly,and part of the problem was what we were,doing we were that we were dashboarding,we were,charting we were doing powerpoint,presentation and we weren't closing that,gap between benefits and analytics,and so um i got an idea,and i called jose the saw the smartest,software engineer that i knew he came in,with,10 years experience handling big data,for blue cross blue shield and other,companies,and now recently with the help of a,startup accelerator,accelerator tech wildcatters we've,launched,an application that takes action when it,identifies patterns of disloyalty and,dissatisfaction,so let me show you how it works step one,you connect your data source we connect,with major crm solutions,ecommerce platform if you have your,proprietary system you can send us data,through the api,step two is where the magic happens we,use our predictive algorithms,to detect customers that are at risk,customers whose purchasing pattern is,off track,or customers who are dissatisfied with,your product third step is the output,and as you can expect we're not going to,give you a chart what are we going to,give you,we're going to give you an alert that,says by customers sorted by how,important that customer is for your,company,that says hey john smith's purchasing,pattern is off you need to communicate,with him,and we close that gap by actually,helping you take action,you can tweet call email that customer,basically entice that customer to,come back to your store so how do we,charge for this,revenue making machine we've built,simple,just like email marketing the more,customers you upload the more you pay,it's a monthly subscription risk-free,you can cancel any time,so we recognize that there's companies,out there that do bits and pieces of,what we're doing but nobody really is,closing that gap better than us,why well we have the algorithms,pre-built so there's no coding required,we send you alerts that are important,you don't have time to be looking at,that report every day,we'll tell you what you need to know,right now and we help you take action,plus as you saw it was easy and quick to,set up so if you didn't like us,in two days you used it and you,cancelled it,so the opportunity is big last year,alone,the company spent 10.8 billion dollars,in business intelligence services,and it's growing pretty fast and that's,just the top down bottom up it looks,even better,so what really gets me excited about our,technology,is that it's not only applicable for,customer retention like we're doing,for any kind of business for example you,could get an alert,maybe when your online ad is not,performing and so now you know to go and,change it or maybe even take action,right there or your inventory levels are,low etc,in healthcare imagine if your,cardiologist gets an alert that says i,need to call tim because his heart is,really really fast,and calls them and says tim you need to,see me right now,in education if a student goes on a,pattern of,a dropout then a teacher a parent can,get an alert,and say let's intervene before it's too,late so what we built really built here,is a mathematical layer that stands in,between data,and these actionable oriented alerts so,that we can be more,proactive about our customers about our,patients and about our students,and i was asked to say what we're,looking for we're,we're looking for what any startup will,look for more clients,and capital if you know e-commerce,clients,if you know people that are using,salesforce telecommunication industry,manufacturing b2b etc please send us my,uh send us,recommend them to us and you can contact,us you can contact me at ceo,mindful.com any of these twitter handles,and if you have wanna know more about us,you can visit us at mindful.com,and try it out thank you,t

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Review of Dashboard Tools for Startups 2019

Review of Dashboard Tools for Startups 2019

Hi there! I'm Melinda Elmborg and I'm the previous venture capital investor,who got tired of saying no to startups. So I started coaching them instead!,I've spent the last one-two years coaching startups especially in data,analysis and just understanding their users through data, metrics, and KPIs.,I would say that the most important tool for doing this is having a dashboard tool.,So instead of sitting and updating your excel sheets manually,,which takes a lot of time, you can get all this data automatically,updated in these beautiful dashboard tools.,It also makes your data accessible because you don't need to ask your tech team,"Hey! Can you get this information out for me?",It's also especially important for startups,because you're moving so fast, you need to have access to facts and to insight about,your users. That you can actually make decisions on that rather than guessing.,So, if you just want to find out who my winner of best dashboard tool is,,you can just skip ahead to the last few minutes of this video.,Otherwise, if you want to see a review of a couple of different tools,and how I got at picking exactly this winner, I recommend you to tag along.,So first of all, when I started looking,at different dashboard tools I had a couple of requirements that I needed to,be fulfilled for me to be happy with it with the tool.,So first of all, I wanted to have easy, general dashboards that also, the startup can share,with for example investors or other stakeholders.,Second of all, I wanted the startup to be able to connect all different kinds of APIs,,and their SQL database, and whatever data they needed to get in there.,So flexibility around that as well.,Number 3, it needed to be pretty cheap.,If you're a start-up, you can't spend like thousands and thousands of,dollars on a dashboard tool every month. That's just not doable for most startups.,Number 4, I didn't want SQL to be required to be able to perform any analysis within the tool.,I want it to be more easily accessible.,And 5, and this is weird that I have to say this because you don't think,about it in advance. But you need to have flexibility around dates and not all,dashboard tools allow this. So for example, they let you look at your,metrics for last month or last week, but not last seven days.,So some flexibility around that is very important as well.,Number 6. Very important to be able,to combine data from different places. So for example, if you want to calculate,your customer acquisition cost, a super common metric when you're a,startup. Then you want to pick up some data from for example Facebook if you're,spending money some marketing money on Facebook, for example, Google AdWords as well.,It's an important one. Then, you want to take all that marketing spend,and divide it by your number of new customers.,That number probably comes from your back-end or your database. It's,important to be able to take these different data sources and combine it,and calculate one metric. So you have real-time access to, for example, your,customer acquisition cost.,Finally, 7, I can't imagine that I need to say that this is a requirement.,I want the dashboard tool to be in the cloud.,I don't have to download a desktop app and then it's stuck on my computer.,Just be in the cloud! Because the startup has maybe remote teams,or they want to have the dashboard up on a screen on the wall.,It shouldn't be stuck in someone's computer.,Hello! 2002 called and said they wanted their data on-premises back.,So, also very important to pay attention to that.,So, I looked around. I googled around and I found all of these tools that you can,see here on the side. I had a look at their demo.,I found 3 tools that fit these requirements and that was Databox, Chartio, and Klipfolio.,Those three I went along with. I tested them with my actual startup clients and I,applied it on their data. So now we're gonna look at a more in detail review,of those three tools. So let's start with Databox. Come along!,Databox, it looks like this. They have a very nice design I would say. Nice brand.,Let's look at their pricing. Like this. So if you're a startup,I recommend you to get this 119 dollars per month package. With this one you,can connect SQL databases, which is a requirement for all startups I work with.,The limit is 10 databoards.,Let's take a look inside. This is how the databoards, or what they call dashboards, look like.,So, I just connected my Google Analytics account and then the next,screen was basically this. It's really smooth to get these standard things up,and running. That's very impressive. However, I want to show you, here in the,data manager. I've connected a couple of my accounts.,I want to show you how to get some data from your database. So, you go in here to the,query builder and create a custom metric. Then go in here.,As you see, you need to write an SQL query to get any information out of your,database. Which is not very accessible for many people, especially busin

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