tiktok ads to amazon s3

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How To Choose The RIGHT TikTok Ad Objective

there are seven different types of tick,tock ad objectives inside of tick tock,ads and each of them have their own,unique benefit I'm going to be going,over each type and showing examples from,real ads so that by the end of this,video you understand exactly which,campaign type is best for you and your,business and before we jump in if you,really want to get the most out of this,video I do encourage you to have your,Tick Tock ads account open so you can,follow along with me if you don't have a,tick tock ads account I encourage you to,check the link down below and sign up,for a tick tock ads account I've,actually partnered with Tick Tock to get,you a very limited very special deal so,do be sure to click that link down below,and take advantage of this special,holiday offer and sign up for a tick,tock ads account if you don't already,have one this is probably one of the,best chances to get into Tick Tock ads,right now with this limited time offer,so after you've gone through and either,created your account or logged into your,Tick Tock ads account you'll be taken to,a dashboard that looks something like,this today we are going to be coming in,here to this create campaign and then,it's going to ask you if you want to go,into simplified mode or custom mode,we're going to be going to custom mode,and this is what we're going to be,talking about pretty heavily today when,you're going to create a new tick tock,campaign you're going to notice there,are these advertising objectives we have,of awareness consideration and,conversion and I like to look at these,objectives like a funnel so you have,your awareness type objectives where you,can have a very broad Reach This is the,reach right here and then you have your,consideration where you have traffic,video views lead generation Community,interactions and then you have,conversions where you have app installs,and web conversions we're going to be,going over all of these objectives the,difference between them and when you,should be using them for your business,so let's go over these a little bit more,in detail so the first one we have here,in the awareness bucket is reach now,reaches if you want to launch a branding,campaign or just want as many people as,possible to see your ads it helps you,raise brand awareness increase,recognition and build trust the bidding,method for this is based on cpms which,means you'll pay per thousand,Impressions this is typically a campaign,type that is really good for big Brands,such as Coca-Cola Nike Adidas but not,super efficient for a small business,however if you do run a local brick and,mortar store and wanted to Target a,specific geosa maybe you have a grand,opening or something coming up and you,just want people to be aware of your,local store that could be a used case,for using this reach objective and if,you are curious what a reach ad,typically looks like I want to introduce,you to this very handy tool this is The,Tick Tock creative Center basically it,allows you to go through and see Tick,Tock ads based on industry the actual,objectives likes and then duration as,well so if you want to go and see what,kind of companies in my industry are,running reach ads you can come over here,and go over to the objective and then,choose reach and this will show you,examples of ads that are currently,running with the reach objective now one,thing that you should probably pick up,on is these don't really look like ads,that's one of the keys to creating great,Tick Tock ads is to make them not look,like ads but you can come through and,get an idea of what these actually look,like you can see here's one from State,Farm there's a cleaning appliance,company Cuisine all sorts of different,ads inside of here if you wanted to go,through and run the reach objective next,up we have the traffic objective traffic,is if you were looking to get as many,people to your site as possible a few,use cases for this audience type would,be if you have a brand new tick tock ads,account that does not have any data on,your tick type pixel it doesn't have any,conversion data any purchase data things,like that because keep in mind this,traffic objective will do its best to,Target people who are likely to click on,your ad and go to your website but it's,not necessarily optimizing for people,who are likely to purchase on your,website or fill out a lead form that's,where the conversion objective comes in,which we will be talking about later so,most of the time if you do have the,pixel set up and you have conversion,data already flowing through that Tick,Tock pixel I recommend going with the,conversion objective that we'll be,talking about a little bit later but,generally because this is optimizing,more towards getting as many people as,possible to click on your website the,cost per clicks can be cheaper than a,conversion action that doesn't,necessarily mean the cpcs will always be,lower but generally speaking that is the,case now unlike the Reach campaign where,you are billed ba

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TikTok Conversion Ads for Spotify

TikTok Conversion Ads for Spotify

in this video i'm going to go over how,you can use a tiktok conversion campaign,to promote your music on sites like,spotify apple music etc all the,streaming platforms just like how i do,it on facebook ads and i'm also going to,show you how you can set up the tick,tock pixel on your landing page so,let's let me share my screen,so here we have tick tock ads if you,don't have tick tock ads manager just go,to ads.ticktalk.com and make an account,it's entirely free to make the account,obviously it's not free,to run the ads so i'm not going to cover,how to make the account here but once,you have it you can start right back in,this video now before we make a,conversion campaign,you're going to want to make a landing,page service and not every landing page,service,that you can use here i'm using feature,fm that's what i'm going to use for this,video,various platforms like toneden and hyped,it and maybe link fire also support the,tick tock pixel now each of those,services are going to,make these pages slightly differently,but also implement the tick tock and,facebook pixels in a slightly different,way so keep in mind if you're not using,feature fm,things are going to be a little,different they should be able to work,but it's going to be different so i'm,just going to be using feature if i'm,here so i made this page for my most,recent song that i've dropped,and we need to be able to track what,website actions actually occur,on this page and so to do that we use,the tick tock pixel,so over in here i can go to assets,and events and inside of this events,page is where everything with the tick,tock pixels,actually live i'm going to use website,events,now in here you're going to see i have a,bunch of pixels because it took me a,long time to figure this out and tiktok,changed how they do their pixels a bunch,of times in the past year or so they've,had this ad platform available,but i'm using this feature fm pixel,in here,so the pixel itself is just this number,or series of numbers and letters so you,can just copy this,and that is what we're going to install,on feature fm so when you edit your,feature fm page you can install all,these retargeting pixels so here's my,facebook one you're going to want to put,the tick tock pixel in i don't know what,plan you have to be on feature fm to get,the tick tock pixel so make sure you,check that if you want to use feature,time for tick tock but if you want,future fm to try it out i do have a 30,discount code uh for any one year plan,in my description,so i have my tick tock pixel that's just,the same number that we had over here on,tick tock ads,and now i can just save that,now you don't just want to blindly trust,that everything's working you want to,make sure it's working so to do that,we're going to go to test events,and i was doing a trial before this,video so that's why i already had it,there what you do is you just paste your,feature a family so i could just come to,feature fm,and i could grab the link for this site,and paste it here and then we click,generate qr code and i don't know why,tick tock doesn't like this facebook you,don't have to use a qr code in your,phone,but tick tock requires you to do it so i,just take out my phone camera and i just,scan that little code and open it up and,now it's opening up,the landing page that we have on my,screen this is just the feature from,page now we're not seeing anything on,tick tock test events tool yet but as,soon as i click on spotify,it'll take me to the song and start auto,playing and on my screen now we get a,bunch of events that popped up so,there's a bunch of click buttons i don't,know why it's firing all these button,clicks there must just be something with,the way that feature fm is passing data,over to tick tock ads but we do get one,view content and so essentially,what feature fm does is when someone,converts on your landing page and you,know clicks through,they're firing a view content event and,so,if we flip back over to the ads manager,we can actually make a campaign,that's going to become very important,when we decide what to actually optimize,our campaign for because we don't care,how many people click our link we don't,care how many people land on the page,we only care how many people click that,button,and go to spotify or whatever streaming,service in this case now some of you,might be thinking why wouldn't you just,use a traffic campaign sending people,directly to spotify and if you're,wondering that it's the same reason as,it is for facebook but i do have a video,right here that you can learn from to,see why i don't just use traffic it's,exactly the same problem on tick tock,ads as we all experience trying to use a,traffic campaign on facebook ads so,we're just going to use the website,conversions objective,i'm just going to call this test you can,call the campaign whatever you want,then i'm going to click continue,and this is going to take us into the ad,group and by the way i'm going to be,making more content ab

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$1000/day scaling strategy on tiktok ads!

$1000/day scaling strategy on tiktok ads!

what's going on guys today i'm going to,be showing you guys my exact scaling,strategy that makes me upwards to a,thousand dollars a day on tick tock so,before we get into the value i'm going,to assume you guys already watched my,previous video on how to set up the,campaigns and also if you guys enjoy my,videos and want to ask me any questions,be sure to follow my instagram and give,me any questions you guys have and i'll,do my best to answer them for you,so first let's get into some of the,criteria that i have,you want to make sure before you start,scaling you want to have at least five,to ten orders on that ad set and when i,start to scale an ad set i make sure,that it has at least five orders and has,a ctr of 1.5 or above,like i've said in previous videos having,a ctr below at 1.5 um after the first,day of scaling is considered a bad ad,set you want to make sure that you have,these criterias to ensure that you won't,be wasting any money because as we all,know money is the goal and the more you,don't validate the more money you're,gonna ultimately be losing so one thing,you guys also want to do is to make sure,your asset meets your break even roads,so before we get into the tick tock ads,manager hopefully you guys are enjoying,the value packed video and if you guys,are please make sure to like as it helps,my channel hit the algorithm and be sure,to subscribe as i never miss a week okay,so now that we know the criteria of what,each asset needs let's move into my tick,tock manager but also,you guys also want to keep in mind that,these are the bare minimum uh criteria,you guys want to look for though these,are just the main ones but you also want,to look for other things okay so now,that we're in my,tik tok ad manager as you guys can see,this is just my old tick tock ads,manager that got suspended sadly,and yes,i don't care who you are i don't care,how good you are following the rules,you are bound to have a suspension,a tick tock ad manager be,completely banned,um and if you honestly aren't going,through these issues you aren't doing,you know drop shipping correctly or,you're not really investing that much,money into it i'm telling you now these,are literally just,problems you're gonna run into and,sometimes you won't be able to get,tick-tock ad managers back just like,this one,so all i got to say for you guys is just,to push through um just cre keep,creating tick-tock ad managers to be,honest and uh yeah just don't do,anything that dumb all right so as you,guys can see i just have a bunch of,these um,and what i usually do to test ad sets is,i create a little test right here a test,campaign,or cloud sense test right here so i just,basically run,um you know really broad ad sets as you,guys can see just a whole bunch of broad,ad sets here so yeah once i figure out,what ad set really wins um then i really,take it for example right here i would,start scaling this one this one has,above five versions,um a 1.7,uh ctr,very very basic,um you guys also want to make sure your,your row as is really good so yeah you,guys also want to make sure you guys,know,your guys's uh row as and there's a,whole bunch of videos online where you,guys can figure out what your robot is,so pretty much when you guys figure out,what a winning ad set looks like which,is right here this was is what i would,consider a winning,ad set as you guys can tell um,my cpa was 10 so every 10 i spent i made,um a purchase which is pretty good so,um,i had a 1.7 ctr so for example if i,wanted to scale this right here all i,would need to do is create a new,campaign,so i'd go here,and i just remember it would be online,and movies i'd go ahead and create a new,campaign,and what i'm going to do is click,conversion,and then i'm going to click,online,and slash movie scale that's what i,would title it,and then i this is really important i'd,go campaign budget optimization and i,clicked that and what i would do is i,would slowly start off to 50 100 and,then i'd slowly each day if it's win if,it's still working i'd keep going by 25,or sorry i'd go by fifty dollars every,day i'd increase fifty dollars every day,but i wouldn't go over four hundred,dollars because um that's where i found,out where it just stops working and,apparently,for me personally for going over 400 i,start getting really low results so i,only go to 400 i don't like putting it,on 400 like off the bat because,um,it it doesn't really work for me and for,me honestly scaling too fast like that i,just feel like really kills my creatives,a lot faster than big talk already kills,them to be honest so you want to go,ahead and and finish that up,and then you want to go ahead and create,the ad set again,so yeah guys when you guys are going,ahead and scaling you guys want to also,be sure to turn this on to automated,creative optimization you guys also want,to have that on it helps me out a lot,during scaling but once you guys have,made that ad set you guys want to go,ahead and duplicate it 10 times,and,and be

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TikTok Ads For Followers - For Music Artists

TikTok Ads For Followers - For Music Artists

in this video i'm going to show you how,you can run tick tock ads to grow your,number of followers on tick tock and i,just want to clarify up front that i'm,i'm not saying this is like the best way,to grow your following on tick tock,because obviously people have done a,bunch of organic content and gained,hundreds of thousands of followers that,way,and they have you know thriving,communities from going that so i'm not,saying this is the best way this is just,something i tried and it may make sense,for some people to do this and this is,just the first test but it's thought to,make a cool video so you can kind of see,how this works and maybe if you can fit,it into your strategy so,first of all how did i do this obviously,you need access to tick-tock ads this is,what tick-tock ads looks like in general,it's very similar to facebook instagram,ads or even youtube and google ads but,you just go to ads.ticdoc.com you can,make an account and you can get started,it used to be in the past you had to,apply and they might not accept your,application now it seems like they're,letting everyone in because i do know,other people who have just,made an account and and gotten started,so,once you make your ad account um,you know you can kind of continue with,the rest of this video so i want to kind,of pause for a sec though and explain,what did i do,on the tick tock side,so i made a brand new tick tock account,andrew selfworth,music,and i wanted to keep this separate from,my other tick tock which is more of like,music marketing content kind of like my,youtube channel and so i made a music,one and what i did is i posted two,videos,on there they essentially got zero,traction i'm pretty sure they literally,had zero views each,zero followers of course zero likes,brand new account absolutely nothing,happening now it used to be in tick tock,that,you could you couldn't actually run,campaigns through an existing tick tock,account you could only run through like,a ghost account but recently they added,a feature where you can link your actual,tick tock account,to,your tick tock ads and that's how you're,able to actually like promote the videos,on your tick tock and run a campaign,optimized to get,more followers so back to the tick tock,side i'll show you the type of campaign,you would be creating so you would click,create,and obviously there's a bunch of other,setup things to make the tick tock,account like you'd have to link a card,and add money to it but type and then,link your tick talk account but i'll,kind of cover that in the context of,this as well so,when tiktok initially launched,you could only do i think reach traffic,conversions app installs video views and,leads you did not have this community,interaction which is how you get more,page followers and profile visits,so essentially click that one i'm just,going to do start over,now we have,community interaction,now with tick-tock ads,the budgeting is kind of weird so i,normally set a,a lifetime budget you have to do at,least 50 you can stop it whenever you,want though um but so like you know make,this is a nice way to make sure you,don't spend too much if you forget to,come back in the tick tock ads,and then you go to your,ad well i have to go down here and click,continue,and now we're getting into the ad group,which is kind of like facebook and,instagram's ad set,so in here is how you actually do the,targeting now the targeting on tick tock,is pretty,bad,you can't target by music genre you,can't target by artist or anything you,can target by music essentially that's,it so there's you know you can do dumb,locations but it's very limited at the,moment so i normally i think i did u.s,and canada i might have just done us,though,i'll show you the actual campaign in a,sec when we go over the results,um,then i chose i think these age ranges i,chose something in here that i'll show,you and then daily budget you have to,spend at least 20 a day that's the,minimum for tick tock ads in a campaign,so that's another downside of tick tock,compared to other ad platforms i'm,assuming over time they'll lower this,though,now optimization goal profile visit,you can do follow and that'll optimize,for that,and then that's essentially your,your ad group once you add your,your targeting and stuff here now when,you click next this is where you,actually link your your your tick tock,if you um your tick dock account if you,haven't it so here it already shows that,i have it linked but if you don't it'll,say log in with your tick tock account,that's pretty easy i just clicked the,button logged in and it linked it and,that was it so now let's actually go,over the results of this campaign,alright so we're back in the campaign,selection window i'm just going to click,on this campaign so that,the feed here gets a little less,cluttered so we can look at the data so,in total for this campaign we spent 40,dollars,and we can scroll through here and,eventually we're going to get to some,cool,data for results cost

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FREE $2300 From TikTok

FREE $2300 From TikTok

hey what's up guys ali here from my,sociality.com and welcome back to my,channel so,you can get up to 2300 free,ad credit from tick tock let me show you,how,inside this video before we jump into it,you know what to do subscribe hit the,bell icon and also like this video,alright now let's talk about how to,claim your free,ad credit from tick tock so i'm sure,uh you may have seen ads like this on,your facebook tick tock from,business they're giving away 300,for just signing up and also then,they're matching,up to two thousand dollars in tick tock,ads now how do you create your ad,account how do you sign up how do you,claim these,credits let's talk about that so a,couple of ways,the first thing is if you do see an ad,like this,you can just click and open that ad i'm,going to open that in a separate window,i already applied so,i'm going to open in the incognito,window so you're going to see,something like this tick tock for,business it's back to business program,and actually if you want to learn more,here's more details yeah it's,it's real,so up to 300 or 300,one-time ad credit that you can use by,december,31st 2020 and then they're also matching,one-on-one,uh up to two thousand dollar ad spent,so you can click on get credit,and then fill out the form another way,to do this,is let's say if you don't see that ad,because i clicked on the ad to open this,link but what if you don't see that ad,in your facebook,ads manager so what you can do is let's,go to,ticktalk.com backslash business right,here,and you're gonna it's the same process,so ticktalk.com,backslash business click on get started,and then you're basically going to fill,out this form united states,business so here's uh interesting thing,if you select,individual from my experience they're,going to put you in a queue in a waiting,queue so make sure you,select business from here hit next,and then you will see again the,confirmation tick tock for business is,working with you,and then you have basically the whole,program is 100 million,dollars for small medium businesses why,not get a small piece of that,so click on this complete your account,information and get your 300,right now so click on that and then,basically you're going to sign up so put,your email,create your password and then they're,going to send you a verification code to,do that i've already done it i'm not,going to do it again,but you basically just fill out this,information,and then let me go back here what,this will do is it's going to create,your account just like how you have,facebook ad account or instagram account,or maybe like twitter ad account this is,going to create your,tick tock ads account,and then you might get an email from,them,which is going to look uh something like,this once i created an account,they sent me an email a reminder get,back to business with twenty three,hundred dollar,uh usd worth fees and add credit from,tick tock,you will click on claim your ad credit,and now it's going to,log directly into my ad account so this,is my ad account,on tick tock ads.ticktuck.com,so what's the information that they need,for you to be able to,fill out or claim your,credit so i'm going to click on the this,icon right here,and then the account info and then we,are going to click,on basic information and this is,everything they're going to need it's,very very simple guys so,do not miss out so here's my,business information my business name,website just basic information,and primary contact that's me um,right here and then for verification,they just need a couple of different,things,so i'm going to click on learn more and,let me show you what they need so here's,the,your business verification id so in my,case i gave them my,ein number because my business is based,in the united states business name,phone number uh name of legal,representative and more documentation so,if you have,a documentation like this verification,id,legal rep company phone number text,notice,vat business license that's what you,need,to to complete your uh application,and the review process will take one to,three days and then you can check your,status so very very simple uh process,and basically click if you have an ad,click on the ad and go fill out the form,if not go to ticktar.com backslash,business and fill out that information,and then you can just kind of enter your,business information,inside your ads account under the basic,information,and apply for that verification get that,300 one time and then up to they're,gonna match up to two thousand dollar of,your ad,spend free money go claim it,right now if you have any questions,leave those questions below in the,comments before you go,make sure you subscribe hit the bell,like and also like this video i will see,in the next one bye for now

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Is This The Best TikTok AD Strategy For 5X ROAS?

Is This The Best TikTok AD Strategy For 5X ROAS?

ladies and gentlemen media buying is,dying and creatives are thriving like,never before as the brands that put more,emphasis into their creatives and making,them at scale are sailing past their,competition without fail and I don't,want to leave you like a frail male,whale that's out to jail because you,left your tail out on the trail and,before you comment in Braille that I'm,just some pale stale white male that's,out to sail with his pet snail I want to,let you know that I will reveal the,secrets of making high quality ugc,content at scale so that you can sell,any product like it is the Holy Grail,if I don't get a like And subscribe for,that then I don't know what I have to do,but let's cover creatives and media,buying real quick I really do believe a,lot of people in drop streaming put a,huge emphasis on media buying they think,it's everything and that great media,buying can outperform a bad creative but,I am a firm believer that is never the,case if your creative sucks you can do,all the surf scaling all the crazy black,hat strategies pixel manipulation it,will never work for you if you have a,crappy crater that is the whole point of,bad platforms they will give you higher,cpms if your creative sucks and,obviously higher cpcs so you should be,focusing on obviously your creatives but,where do you start when you need to make,a high quality creative for any product,well I believe the first way to sell any,Ecommerce product is to assume nothing,that you know absolutely nothing as to,why someone would buy that product even,if it seems like the most basic thing in,the world like a phone case or a water,bottle you should go into it with a,blank mind and do the research of,reading reviews online of similar,products read the reviews online of,competitors see the ads and get,inspiration from your competitors on,different platforms like the Facebook ad,Library The Tick Tock creative Center,and see what are the main angles the,main reasons the main problems and,objections as to why people are buying,certain products versus not buying,others maybe it's the price maybe,they're looking for a specific feature,that another product doesn't have but,you can't come up with an ad creator for,a product if you don't understand the,objections what are the problems what is,the desired result that your customer,wants what are the major benefits that,they truly care about because when,you're first selling something you're,just guessing you're going with your gut,as to okay I think they're gonna want,this because it's easy to use or that,it's ergonomic or whatever buzzword that,every single beginner copywriter puts,into their creatives and it just means,absolutely nothing to anyone no one,cares the more specific you can be with,your benefits the better and you can,only be specific after you've done the,research so again reviews are a great,way because you can't really talk to any,customers of a product directly unless,you know people have bought those,products but you can read the reviews,it's easy to do online and then you can,also look at videos and video reviews on,YouTube on Tick Tock of those products,you're willing to sell to see why are,people buying and what are they,expecting when they get this product so,here's a quick example of some benefits,and notes that I wrote for this facial,sauna so this thing helps you exfoliate,your skin better absorb skin care,products obviously help you with your,acne your skin care and really what is,the desired end result people are hoping,this exfoliates their skin after doing,the research and that it helps them,clear their acne it helps them clear,their skin get rid of Fine Lines there's,a lot of different reasons but they just,want the desired result of healthy,natural looking clear skin so that is,what I should really Harvest on my ad,the features are something that I might,put in the product description but,frankly no one cares about features if,you're going to mention a feature talk,about the benefit that comes from that,feature so let's say you have a specific,ingredient in a skincare product let's,say it's coconut water I don't really,know but if you have coconut water in,your skincare product you need to,explain why that matters so it helps you,exfoliate your skin because we use,coconut water it helps hydrate your skin,whatever it is you have to explain why,so that people actually care now after,you figure out what are the major,benefits and the major angles you can go,with with approaching your product,because there's only going to be a,certain amount of reasons usually three,to five in my eyes as to why people will,really buy your product but after you,figure that out you need to explain in a,variety of different ways that benefits,so maybe your major benefit is okay it,helps you get clear skin well you need,to figure out three to five different,ways of saying that exact line and I,know it takes a little bit of brain,power so all right it helps you clear,your skin again so that al

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I Tried Dropshipping on Tiktok With $0

I Tried Dropshipping on Tiktok With $0

so we all know that drop shipping is a,heck of a lot easier when you have money,access to top quality suppliers roadmaps,and strategies for success content,creators for ads and all those resources,but today i'm not here to talk about all,that because there's a new kid on the,block and that is tick tock it has never,been easier to launch a brand new store,with a brand new product and start,seeing profits in as little as 24 hours,and i am going to walk you through my,exact process on how to do so,what's popping youtube welcome back to,the channel if you're new here if you're,old here my name is nathan nazareth and,just before i get started i do want to,announce the weekly giveaway all you,have to do is go ahead and smash that,like button down below subscribe to the,channel comment one thing insightful,those three things you're automatically,entered for your chance to win a custom,built drop shipping store built by me,and my team at outright ecom in which,i'll announce in next week's video all,right so no time to waste the first,thing we have to do for this challenge,is to select our product now we need a,product that's going to practically sell,itself because for this challenge i,don't want to spend any money i want to,show you guys the power of organic,marketing and how you can take a brand,new product from zero to profitable,within just a matter of days so where's,the best place to look for that,probably tick tock we're gonna start,with the hashtag method if you've seen,it before it's basically where we look,up hashtag ticktalk maybe by hashtag,amazonfinds hashtag unboxing and we find,product reviews and testimonials of,different products and we see which ones,have gone viral on the platform already,now if i wasn't doing this for this,challenge and not trying to spend a,single dime i would probably also,sprinkle in a little bit of research on,mania and pp ads which are tick-tock ad,spying tools just for your information,but again for this challenge i'm only,going to be using three methods because,i want to show you guys how to do this,without spending a single dime out of,your pocket but first quick shameless,plug to your boy go ahead and follow the,nathan nazar on tick tock if you're not,already i drop daily tips tricks side,hustles all things ecommerce so go ahead,and give me a follow so let's get,straight into this i'll probably toss it,on a quick time lapse you don't have to,sit your board as i sift through all,these products,yo this product's actually pretty sick,look at that thing,all right guys so i think we got,ourselves a winning product for this,challenge let me explain all right so,you may have seen this before here's the,product,now i actually sold these color changing,swim shorts two summers ago but the,thing is i wasn't really using textbook,at the time tic toc was very very new,and i did not advertise on this platform,at all with this product the good thing,is i already know a lot about this,product because i've sold it before but,i'm completely new to it on tick tock a,simple video like this,already gets a couple hundred likes just,for the fact that these things change,color and it's so cool and so unique to,see for the first time in a tick tock,video hence why i think it'll do very,well on these short videos because it'll,catch people's attention almost,instantly if you guys have landed on a,product or you know you're looking at,some products or particular hashtags,i'll actually show you guys a cheeky,little way to see the most viral videos,for the product so all you have to do on,tick tock is go up to the top right here,with these little bars and then what you,want to do is you want to scroll down,and click on most liked and then you,want to go to all time okay so this is,basically going to show you the most,liked videos or the most viral videos of,all time under that particular hashtag,so what i went ahead and did is i looked,up hashtag color changing swim shorts,and instantly i can see videos with 200,000 likes on here which have gone,absolutely viral i can see you know the,most viral videos for this product,already and honestly it doesn't look,like there's a whole lot which means,there's a lot of room to run with this,product i know it's a viral product i,know it could sell well i know the first,three seconds of this are gonna be,extremely catchy and hook people in it's,just gonna come down to how well i,actually create the ads but there are,tons of viral pieces out there already,in which i can take inspiration from so,this is a perfect start i'm excited all,right guys so now i've just pulled the,product up on aliexpress as you can see,it's going for about 12 usd and it comes,in a bunch of different colors now last,thing i wanted to do was plug it through,my winning product checklist real quick,to make sure that it checks out with all,the pieces of a winning product to sell,on tick tock so does this product have a,wow factor can it catch people's,attention in less than three seconds and

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How to Develop a Creative Strategy for Facebook & TikTok Ads in under 10 minutes

How to Develop a Creative Strategy for Facebook & TikTok Ads in under 10 minutes

hey team welcome back to the channel in,today's video we're going to be walking,through our creative strategy when it,comes to launching facebook and tick,tock ads we'll discuss everything from,understanding your audiences do's and,don'ts for brands and also how to start,your own creative sprint if you're new,here please give the channel a sub and,comment below any videos that you'd like,to see on this channel with that being,said let's get straight into it now,throughout this video i'm going to be,covering a lot of content so i will try,to timestamp as much as i can in order,to help you guys out so when onboarding,a new client the first place we actually,start is looking at the reviews for the,current customer so the best place to,start when we onboard new clients is,actually going through their own reviews,go through amazon and also their d2c,listings check out all the reviews both,positive and negative once you've got,all these reviews add them into a word,cloud now what we want to see here is,actually keywords that are used across,these customers,both on positive and negative reviews,once we've got all that information we,can add these to a doc or a notion board,that i've actually set up which i'll,link down below now this will help us,use particular keywords that the,customers have mentioned directly into,our ads now carrying on this trend of,reviews let's take a look at some of our,competitor reviews in this case we want,to look at their bad reviews so anything,from one to two stars we want to make,sure we plug it into a word cloud,straight away now this key insight is,actually going to tell us what to,improve on or what we can improve on,based on those negative reviews how can,we use those reviews and better our,service to the customers when we're,looking through all these reviews we,want to make sure we're including things,like facebook ad comments as well,as well as pr articles that are,mentioned by the brand these along with,other social media channels like tiktok,are going to be really helpful to really,understand the audience and how they,actually engage with the brand in my,opinion the best place we've found,customer feedback has actually been on,post purchase surveys as well as,facebook ad comments now these places,are actually providing us feedback like,asking questions or things they want to,see improvements on the product or the,brand and the last part of this section,is actually looking at the brand,guidelines itself they're going to have,a bunch of do's and don'ts that you want,to make sure you're following when,you're creating your ad a lot of brands,have some type of humor or some type of,words that maybe aren't allowed to be,used so make sure you're following these,guidelines throughout your process now,the next part of this is actually,looking through the ad account i'll,bring up the ad account on the right or,left hand side of the video now what we,want to look through here is our top,performing ads pick out key elements and,think of ways we can actually iterate on,these ads or even reuse them with some,slight changes if we find an ad that's,been running for a really long time and,has a great on platform metrics let's,see if we can take it apart and iterate,on it ways you can iterate on it could,be including,adding captions increasing the speed a,little bit or adding a different type of,voiceover some of the on platform,metrics we actually look into are things,like hook rate thumb stop ratio click,through rates and cost per clicks the,main thing you actually want to focus on,when you're going through this is you,want to make sure you understand your,audience try and get as much feedback as,you can and learn from them in order to,see how you can improve your ads so now,the third part of this video is going to,be walking through how we create a,hypothesis and how we actually kick off,these creative sprints after we've,learned a bit more about our audience,from parts one and two we'll go ahead,and start thinking of some angles that,we can test these angles are going to be,something we call a hypothesis the,purpose of this is we want to run it for,one or two weeks and split test our,ideas against each other now we don't,always have to test our angles as our,hypothesis we can also say we want to,test videos against images if that's,going to be a hypothesis we let it run,for one to two weeks depending on the,budget and we come to a conclusion at,the end of the test our hypothesis would,look something like,we assume that videos are going to drive,a lower acquisition cost than images now,what we do from here is run videos and,images that are quite similar in concept,but the only differentiation is the,media type let it run for one to two,weeks depending on your budget and come,to a conclusion on what works best for,your account from here we can go ahead,and create a new hypothesis on a new,test we want to run and now these can be,more deeper angles that we want to dive,into some brands that

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