tiktok ads targeting us

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How To Get US TikTok Ad Account - Target Any Location In the World

what's up guys welcome to another video,in this video i'm going to share with,you how you can create tick-tock ads for,any country in the world so if you are,based in europe and you want to start,advertising on tech talk to people in,the us i'm going to show you exactly how,to get account and surprisingly enough,you do not even need,u.s phone number like more most gurus,tell you to actually get that done on,the other hand if you are based in the,us and you want to start advertising to,uk australia new zealand or wherever,else that video is going to help you get,the accounts you need to do that stay,tuned,welcome back guys welcome to the channel,if you're new here my name is jacob,wikowski and in this channel i document,my journey of starting new dropshipping,stores basically to see if dropshipping,is still alive in 20 and 22. so on the,beginning of this year i decided to,devote most of my time and most of my,money into creating new stores to see,again if it's possible to make money,with drop shipping and to be honest with,you for the first seven months of my,journey i didn't win anything i've lost,over 18 000,probably tested 20 25 different products,nothing worked for me until about four,weeks ago i found first true winning,product that actually brings me,consistent profit and right now i'm,averaging between two to even 500 profit,every single day so this changed a lot,for me now i'm in the phase where i'm,transitioning or scaling,and not only running ads to us-based,customers but now i moved a couple days,ago to uk as well which is doing great,for me but this basically begs the,question,how did i create multiple different,accounts to be able to target multiple,different countries with tiktok because,as you know tick tock only allows you to,target the countries where you are based,or the surrounding countries if you like,however if you're based in europe you,will not be able,by the default to target us-based,customers and vice versa so in this,video i'm going to share with you,exactly how i was able to create,my first us-based account now it's worth,to mention that my very first us-based,account,i didn't create it myself i've actually,paid 50 for it on app work i found one,person who were was basically creating,those accounts and after he created that,account he didn't even needed my,telephone number or he didn't need us,telephone number for to create my,account so,that was pretty interesting to me,because most of gurus on youtube tell,you that you need to have us-based,telephone number and all those different,things to be able to create your account,all i needed to do is to have a vpn and,change my ip to us,and then,basically,go ahead with an email i had and i used,my uk uh telephone number and that,seemed to do the trick so,we're in my computer right now like i,said all you need is vpn and email,address that have not been used with,tiktok yet so,when it comes to vpn i'm using nordvpn,and fun fact you only need it when,creating an account now,after i create the account i've never,used this vpn to login into my account i,logged in from my normal usual,ip address from my internet provider and,i never had any issues so,even if you have to buy a paid version,of nordvpn i think it will cost you,under 10 dollars per month and you only,really need it once you don't need to,keep this subscription to keep logging,into your account so that's what i did,vpn is nord,vpn i'm connected to united states right,now so go ahead and create a new account,so what you need to do is to go to,ticktalk.com forward slash business it,will redirect you to us,page,but you have to have vpn,active and then basically click click on,create new account so this will take you,to a form that you need to fill out with,your details,and again make sure that you have an,email address that have not been used,with tick tock yet,okay so we're on the sign up page so,what you need to do is to just use your,email 123,gmail.com and then from here obviously,choose your password,and then click on send code and this,will send a verification code to this,email address that you have provided so,let's see,all right there's one more step the,verification to see if you're not a,robot,and that's it so let's go ahead,move on to my email and see if we will,received,email from tiktok there it is,go back here,paste,agree to their terms and conditions and,sign up,okay so us is where we want to target,the country that we want to target,industry obviously e-commerce you can,choose any sub-category in here i think,because you will be testing multiple,products anyway so,choose anything business name if you,don't have a business and then i,probably assume that you would be using,your own name,uh right here,okay time zone and telephone number now,i personally left it as a us plus one,code um just to not give tick tock any,i don't know doubt that i'm based in the,uk and then what i did is i simply put,in my,normal uk telephone number here,three oh,there you go and i left th

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TikTok Ads Worldwide Targeting | Account Setup | Target USA/Canada From Outside The USA

TikTok Ads Worldwide Targeting | Account Setup | Target USA/Canada From Outside The USA

hey guys welcome back to another video,on the channel first things first go,ahead and click subscribe like and,comment but in this video we're going to,be teaching you how you can set up a,tick tock advertising account that,allows you to advertise in the united,states and in canada if you don't live,in,the united states so uh you may know,that i'm obviously from the united,kingdom and this is a video by popular,request from everyone in my disk discord,channel so if you're not in my discord,channel click the link down below visit,my discord channel and you can join that,if you've got any questions you have,about advertising on tick tock or drop,shipping or anything you can send me a,message on there,so without any further ado let's jump,straight into the video and i'll show,you how you can set up a tick tock,account in the united states now before,i do show you the process you have to,know this is not an agency ad account,this is not something that's going to,allow you to advertise worldwide if you,want to do that it's either going to be,very expensive or very time consuming,this is how you can get started,literally today with tick tock ads so,what you want to do is click the link in,my description the top link in my,description will take you to surfshark,surfshark is essentially a vpn provider,which will allow you to set up accounts,in the united states of america now i've,tried about three or four different vpns,before i started using surfshark these,guys are the best and cheapest option,that you can get without actually,getting any advertising bans or banned,by tiktok by creating an account in the,wrong country,and i'll explain why that is in a little,bit of detail in just a minute but first,of all click the link down below in the,description and you will be taken to,this website here,you can get two months free and 82 off,of surfshark if you sign up with a link,in the description you can see here it's,only going to cost you 2.49 per month so,if you are watching this video and you,want a tick-tock account in the united,states and you don't want to set up an,account for 2.49 per month drop shipping,is not for you because if you're going,to be spending 40 a day on tick-tock ads,and you can't afford three dollars or,two dollars 50 per month on vpn to even,get started then click away now,those of you who are still here click,the link down below and set up a surf,shark account and then what you want to,do is you want to come to google and you,want to search for the surfshark chrome,extension you want to get that chrome,extension and then add it to your,browser now you can also use the chrome,the actual app that you can install with,surfshark i just like to have it on the,chrome extension mostly for this video's,purpose,once you've done that it will take you,to this here and you can see what it,will look like there's loads of,different bits and pieces you can do,here now this is why surf shock is,incredibly useful for setting up,accounts in the united states and why,you should use the link below to create,it you want to go ahead and click on,static ip static ip allows you to use a,single location this is a static ip,address a static proxy in the united,states so click here,especially united states and then just,click on the first one whichever one you,find you can scroll through there's,hundreds of them and just choose a,um,choose an ip address in the united,states of america,you can see here this is your ip address,if you want to go and check you can,click this link it will just verify that,for you then what you want to do is head,over to advertising.ticktalk.com,sorry actually ads.com so search for,don't search for tick tock ads just,search for advertising tick tock or,create a tick tock ad account and it,will take you to this website here this,is obviously the sign in sign up page,for tick tock for business now if it,takes you to the sign in page you want,to click on sign up now,and i'm going to walk you through the,process i'm gonna have to pause it every,now and again so you don't see all of my,details so you're gonna have to put in,your email address so we're gonna just,come up with a an email address that i,own,so we're gonna use an email address from,an old story about five years ago,you want to use an email address that,you have access to that you will be able,to log in and use then you want to give,yourself a password so i'm going to call,it,i need to give it a special character as,well,okay now then what you want to do is,click send code,you will then come up with this,verification thing where you need to,prove um your identity,so you want to select two objects that,are the same shape so,m make sure to click these,properly otherwise it won't allow you to,do it,and then it's going to send me a,verification code to my email,so i'm going to put that verification,code in now it's,and then you want to click sign up you,want to agree to the terms and,conditions you don't want to subscribe,to there,everythi

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I Use TikTok Ads from Australia Targeting the USA...This is How...

I Use TikTok Ads from Australia Targeting the USA...This is How...

back in 2014 when i first started print,on demand we found the teespring,platform don wilson was sharing,incredible screenshots of the amount of,money people were making when they were,running their t-shirt campaigns it took,me six months to actually get started,and when i did it didn't take very long,before we started making some serious,money with facebook ads we did three,hundred thousand dollars in three weeks,and a hundred thousand dollars of that,was ad spent we were making monumental,cash and it was all because we were able,to get into facebook at a time when the,ads were cheap people had never seen,print on demand products and the time,was just right to make a lot of money,with these age campaigns now we have a,very similar opportunity showing its,face over on tick-tock the cpms are,stupid cheap and the success i'm seeing,from some pretty big players in,print-on-demand jewelry,curse there i'm looking at you mate the,numbers are insane check this out,that's in the past seven days that is,taken from mid-november last year we,weren't seeing numbers like that until,the first week of december now i'm going,to show you exactly how to get set up,with particularly if you're in an,international location where you can't,actually advertise in the united states,on tick tock there is a way that you can,do it we're going to be using a vpn to,locate us in new jersey or from a server,somewhere else in the country so we do,get set up with the usa advertising,which is where all the opportunity is,second we're going to need a phone,number and i'm going to show you how to,set that up and then i'll show you how,to create the ad account just so you can,get started in your own testing let's go,all right so you can see here on the,screen that we're on the tick tock ads,platform so that is tick.com forward,slash business forward slash en hyphen,us now unless you have a vpn installed,you're not going to see that url so we,must go and find one for you to be able,to set up correctly so first thing you,want to do is go to,storehacks.com forward slash vpn it's,not an affiliate link yet i am trying to,get set up with one but,uh it's taking some time but expressvpn,is the vpn that i used and that allowed,me to get set up very very quickly uh,there is a cost involved it's pretty,cheap it's like six to seven dollars but,you need to get that set up asap,and then install the software on your,mac or your windows machine,and it's very very simple once it's,installed,you are going to see,a little expressvpn window and it's,going to allow you to connect to a,different or any server that they've got,available over in the states so once,you've got that set up super super,simple i was actually impressed with how,simple it is there's no around,with your routers or any of that stuff,it's literally once you've got it,installed you're good to go you just,choose your server you connect to it and,then you can go and surf the web you may,even get a bigger netflix catalog,i don't spend much time there,unfortunately i really want to see,yellowstone,and then the next thing you're going to,need because you're going to need to,verify your account on tiktok you're,going to need to get a cloud-based phone,app and the one that i've used is air,cool they're absolutely fantastic it's a,very very clean platform i love clean i,love aesthetic these guys do it so go to,storehacks.com forward slash air call,and get your number there,that,is the bones of how we get started so,once we're in air core we need to create,a classic number the country we want is,obviously the united states,down here,select type just local,and i chose new jersey,whichever,name your number let's go tick tock,and go create number,six dollars per month for the number,after you sign up what looks at that,sweet there we have it so once you've,got this number you're going to have to,add yourself to it and you come over,here and you click add a user and select,yourself in that top one once you've,done that we need to go and get logged,in on our,computer,okay tiktok done,so once you've got your phone number we,need to come back over to sign up for,tick tock so we're gonna put in here and,move that one,send code,and now we wait for the code to come,through,messages there we go,make a tick tock,sign up,and there we go we've got a us-based,advertising platform on tick-tock so we,need to go through and fill in all our,details,e-commerce am i selling,jewelry,american new york right right,click here register,fantastic look at it chrysler,put your website in,sweet,entry billing address,you don't have one get a virtual address,and once you fill it all in go next,go custom mode,for your ads manager you don't want,guided you want to be able to do,everything,so quickly do a crash course in how to,set up your ads make sure you give it a,name and convention it's the first one,and we're not doing a split test and,we're not doing a cbo which is a,campaign budget optimization go continue,no limit on your budget,

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How to target specific locations on TikTok (reach the US & UK even whilst living overseas!)

How to target specific locations on TikTok (reach the US & UK even whilst living overseas!)

let's talk about how to influence,specific countries on Tick Tock and get,your audience seen in specific countries,without having to spend hours trying to,change the algorithm this works,instantly so keep watching I'm a,business and marketing coach who travels,full-time as a digital Nomad so I have,to be able to find ways to reach,audiences in the UK the US Australia and,Europe I found the perfect solution and,I'm going to show you how in this video,the first thing that you need to know,about influencing specific countries on,Tick Tock is this you need to get hold,of a SIM card from the specific country,that you're trying to Target this works,instantly as soon as you put the SIM,card in your phone you will notice that,your content will start getting pushed,out to people in that country and when,you're scrolling the for you page you'll,also see people's content from that,specific country so for example if,you're trying to Target the US you'll,need a Us phone number in your phone it,might sound like a hassle to get a SIM,card from a specific country especially,if you don't live there or maybe you're,not even from there so I'm going to show,you how you can do that and how that is,possible later on in this video and just,a quick note vpns do not work I've tried,multiple different vpns and they don't,tend to work on Tick Tock no matter how,hard you try the other thing that,doesn't work is in The Tick Tock,settings there is an option to change,your region that doesn't seem to make,any difference either so the SIM card,option seems to be the only way right,now to influence specific countries,trees on Tick Tock now before I tell you,how you can easily get your hands on a,SIM card from a specific country such as,the us so that you can reach the right,people on Tick Tock if you want to learn,more about creating a full-time income,online by monetizing your skills and,your knowledge then you're going to want,to head to the link in my description,because I have a free MasterCard that's,going to teach you exactly how you can,turn your skills and knowledge into a,profitable online course so you can,teach your audience what you know and,you can scale your income whilst you,travel this masterclass will walk you,through how to choose a profitable and,in-demand course topic as well as launch,it to your audience and then make sales,on autopilot again make sure you go to,the link in my description to grab this,for free now with that out of the way,let's move on to how you're going to get,a SIM card to Target specific audiences,on Tick Tock there's a couple of options,I'm going to run through the first one,is not my favorite but it still works so,the first option is to keep your,physical SIM card from your home country,if that's the country that you're,targeting keep that Sim in your phone,and whenever you need to use data from,the country you're traveling in you're,going to have to switch out the physical,SIM card for the one that you want to,use so for example if you're living in,Thailand like I am right now you'll have,to take out your UK Sim put in your Thai,Sim when you're out and about and you,need to use the data and then when you,want to use tick tock you're going to,put your UK Sim back into your phone and,use tick tock as you usually would make,sure data roaming is turned off when you,put your home Sim back in your phone,because you could rack up a huge bill,I've done that before like I said this,way is not my favorite because it,requires a lot of effort having to,switch the SIM card every time so I'm,going to give you a much better option,the next option is to get an e-sim for,your phone e-sims are basically like,digital SIM cards so you download,straight to your phone no physical card,is needed I did a whole video on what e,Sims are so if you want to know more,about that you can take a look at that,video right here and if you do want to,grab an e-sim I use olive fly and I have,five percent off code which you can grab,in the description so there are a couple,of ways you can use an esip so what I,personally do is I keep my UK physical,SIM card in my phone I'm mostly,targeting the UK and I have a Thai e Sim,that I switch on when I'm out and about,and I need to use data when I'm not,connected to Wi-Fi whenever I need to,use tick tock I switch off that e-sim,and you can do that in the settings you,can switch it on and off whenever you,want to so I switched it Thai esim off,when I'm using Tick Tock so that I'm not,reaching Thai audiences and then I just,switch it back on again when I'm out the,next option is again e-sim with a phone,number of the country that you're,targeting so for example you can get an,e-sim with a Us phone number and Target,the us or you can get a new sim with an,Australian phone number and Target,Australia you could see if these,particular Sims allow data roaming so,that you can use the data of the country,that you're in they don't offer data,roaming you can get a second easy that,works in the country

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How to create a Tik Tok Ad account outside the US

How to create a Tik Tok Ad account outside the US

hey guys welcome to this video in this,video i am going to quickly show you how,to create an us-based phone i mean,my phone number tick-tock ad account so,there's various use cases for this and,various benefits one of the main,benefits is that if you're based in,dubai for example right um if you create,an ad account from there you won't be,able to have or target everyone else in,the world but if you're creating a,us-based ad account you're able to,target a wider network of people not,just based in your country um,the other benefit of this is if you're,outside of the us like me if you stay,outside of the us whether that's asia,africa europe,australia you want to have a us-based,account to benefit from this this is the,video for you so keep watching i'm going,to show you in quick simple steps how to,do it and how i did it for myself so,just to show you um this is my personal,ad account from um this is my company,athena consulting,so let's start what do you need what,exactly do we need for this,number one you need a vpn with a,us-based location,you need a us phone number and you need,a us-based location so there's many,works work around for this and you need,a gmail and account or business email,right let's start with the vp end,the various options i would say,my top options are expressvpn based i,haven't used this one but based on the,reviews this one's pretty good nordvpn,seems to be the best um and then there's,this one avast av,avast i don't know how you say this um,but i started using this one because i,wasn't sure if it would work so i went,on the free trial,and this is how it looks like,if i put on my location but i don't want,it off it's super slow so i'm,not gonna use this uh i'm gonna move on,to nordvpn but yeah that was just to see,how everything works so,this is the pricing you get a free trial,for this one try it free for seven days,no credit card needed i just needed to,try it um,but yeah that's basically how i created,the ad account so let's go on to the,interesting bits,u.s phone number if you have another um,option uh this is my option open phone,i've been using it for a few months now,and it's been stella,um just go to openphone.com you'll see,business phone reimagined um trying for,free i think for seven days or 14 days,you get a free trial you get a us-based,phone number you can use it,i've been using it then um,you go on to the pricing,so be sure to click on the monthly,section of this um for the yearly it,looks very enticing but then you go to,checkout and obviously it's going to be,a bit of a higher bill so,i use the 13 per month i've been using,it ever since and this is how it looks,like inside,um so this is the,my us-based phone number,um you'll see over there by primary,um i'm not sure if i can add another,number,but i haven't added it i've just stick,stick to this one also i also use it for,sms marketing which is what i use and,i'm able to see what um other brands are,doing for their sms marketing which is,really really cool there's some b2b,marketers using sms marketing so i,subscribe to their list also it's not,just e-commerce brands during sms,marketing,so i like to see what other brands are,doing but you're not here for for that,so let's stick to the main thing,um,so this is the tick tock ads,verification that i got just to log in,just to show you guys that it is,possible it is doable it's very easy to,do it usb location um,so i have a u.s based bank account,using wise you can use transferwise,once you go to your us um account i just,use that location you can use any,location to be honest it's not like,they're gonna go to your foot i mean to,the front door um knock on your door and,you know confirm your location,um you can,you can even google us um,us-based address,residence addresses,anything honestly works i see a lot of,people being afraid of this um i saw a,few videos on youtube where people are,afraid of this and i was like oh god,nothing has happened to me don't be,afraid guys,then a co-working officers like wework,that's also an option i saw it in one of,the youtube videos but i didn't use that,i used transferwise so,go ahead use co-working spaces just to,be safe right then,but there's nothing to be afraid of by,the way um gmail business email,you need that one also so then you're,pretty much done you enter all of this,information you can use via email you,can use phone,i'm not going through this because i,don't have a second number to try this,with again,um,so,use this go through it and then you will,literally have access to the ad account,if not they usually take about two days,to review it they took two days to,review mine and they were like you're,good to go,um use the ad account burn your money,so that is done guys literally in under,six minutes,boom boom,shakalaka let me know if you've done it,in the comments um,this is so easy just do it,and don't be afraid guys,put your shell out there the world is,waiting for you to run your ass

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How To Target USA TikTok For Dropshipping (Step-By-Step Guide)

How To Target USA TikTok For Dropshipping (Step-By-Step Guide)

is it actually possible to Target the,United States on Tick Tock from other,countries well yes it is and I did it,and in this video I'll show you three,different methods you can use as well as,a step-by-step guide to how I did it and,also you should stick around to the end,because I'll show you a very important,step when it comes to drop shipping to,the United States so let's get started,so I've spent a ton of time researching,how to actually do this and let me show,you the three methods I found in which,one of them I tested method one the,first method I looked into was getting,an esim instead of getting a physical us,SIM card since I heard that it would,have the same effect because then I,didn't need shipping and switching,between my normal SIM card and the US,SIM card but when I went to order I,realized that I couldn't get an e-sim,because I have an iPhone x you are a,Brokey you're broke method two,so I needed to get a physical SIM card,instead even though it was a bit,complicated but it worked and this is a,screenshot from my analytics before the,US SIM card I got 34 viewers from,Denmark which is where I live 34 from,Sweden 17 from Norway and then 9 from,Finland and six percent from Iceland,this is because Tick Tock usually,targets your country and the closest,countries around you so it makes pretty,good sense that when I'm posting from,Denmark that I get exposure to these,countries as well and this other post at,the exact same except I somehow that 10,percent from South Korea but after,implementing this strategy I got 99,viewers from United States and one,percent from Mexico so you can,definitely say that this strategy works,and also this is the same account so if,you already have an account you don't,have to create a new account to Target,the US so here it is the step-by-step,guide to targeting the US on Tick Tock,so the first thing I did was go to,Amazon and order a US SIM card and if,you live in Europe you can use,amazon.de which is the German Amazon,because then you don't have to pay a lot,for shipping wait like two weeks or pay,import tax I'll have a link in the,description to the exact SIM card I,bought now it is twenty eight dollars,and only work for a month but I saw in,the comments that you could actually,extend it as long as you want so I went,on to like a Mobile's website and,clicked quick recharge then I added my,Us number I tried picking the ten dollar,plan but you could only get 12 months,but on the 19 plan you could get only,one month so I picked the 19 plan and,clicked continue then I found out that,you can get Auto renewal so you don't,have to order a new SIM card every,single month so after I received the SIM,card it all started I removed my regular,SIM card from my phone then I deleted,both Tick Tock and nordvpn which is the,VPN I use then I changed my phone's,language to English then I went into,location settings and turned off all,locations then I activated the SIM card,on this website then I inserted the Sim,into my phone and waited for it to,become active when the SIM card got,active which took about 30 minutes I,went to the App Store and downloaded,nordvpn which by the way is twelve,dollars a month then I connected to,United States went back to the App Store,and downloaded Tick Tock then the first,time I made a new account but since I,didn't warm up the account properly I,instantly got Shadow band which resulted,in a total of nine views on the first,four videos and since you need at least,a hundred views on on a video to see the,demographic in the analytics it was,basically useless then I decided to try,posting on my old multi-bottle account,since that account had existed for about,a month then I started posting on my,multi-bottle account and after some time,the demographic analytics became,available we now had a video with 99,viewers from the United States another,thing I actually noticed by changing to,a US SIM card is that I unlocked the,feature to change the text-to-speech,voices usually I use this website to,generate the common Tick Tock voices but,two of them actually appeared I got the,text-to-speech option and I also got,access to some different effects and,emotions well let's just say some are,better than others,but there are still more voices on this,website that aren't available on The,Tick Tock app method three now this last,method seems to be the easiest way to,Target United States you don't need a,SIM card or a VPN this means there,aren't really any expenses with this,method with this strategy you get,someone in the United States to make a,tick tock account for you and then send,you the details this should work since,Tick Tock should be targeting the,country where the account is made and,not where the account currently is sadly,I didn't have enough time to test this,method so I'm not 100 sure it works but,feel free to test it out yourself and if,you don't have a friend in the U.S you,could probably pay someone like ten,dollars to make the account for you all,this st

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TikTok Ads Worldwide Targeting | Account Setup | Target USA/Canada From Outside The USA

TikTok Ads Worldwide Targeting | Account Setup | Target USA/Canada From Outside The USA

hey guys welcome back to another video,on the channel first things first go,ahead and click subscribe like and,comment but in this video we're going to,be teaching you how you can set up a,tick tock advertising account that,allows you to advertise in the united,states and in canada if you don't live,in,the united states,so uh you may know that i am obviously,from the united kingdom and this is a,video by popular request from everyone,in my disk discord channel so if you're,not in my discord channel click the link,down below visit my discord channel and,you can join that if you've got any,questions you have about advertising on,tick tock or drop shipping or anything,you can send me a message on there,so without any further ado let's jump,straight into the video and i'll show,you how you can set up a tick tock,account in the united states now before,i do show you the process you have to,know this is not an agency ad account,this is not something that's going to,allow you to advertise worldwide if you,want to do that it's either going to be,very expensive or very time consuming,this is how you can get started,literally today with tick tock ads so,what you want to do is click the link in,my description the top link in my,description will take you to surfshark,surfshark is essentially a vpn provider,which will allow you to set up accounts,in the united states of america now i've,tried about three or four different vpns,before i started using surfshark these,guys are the best and cheapest option,that you can get without actually,getting any advertising bans or banned,by tiktok by creating an account in the,wrong country,and i'll explain why that is in a little,bit of detail in just a minute but first,of all click the link down below in the,description and you will be taken to,this website here,you can get two months free and 82 off,of surfshark if you sign up with a link,in the description you can see here it's,only going to cost you 2.49 per month so,if you are watching this video and you,want a tick-tock account in the united,states and you don't want to set up an,account for 2.49 per month dropshipping,is not for you because if you're going,to be spending 40 a day on tick-tock ads,and you can't afford three dollars or,2.50 per month on vpn to even get,started then click away now,those of you who are still here click,the link down below and set up a surf,shark account and then what you want to,do is you want to come to google and you,want to search for the surfshark chrome,extension you want to get that chrome,extension and then add it to your,browser now you can also use the chrome,the actual app that you can install with,surfshark i just like to have it on the,chrome extension mostly for this video's,purpose,once you've done that it will take you,to this here and you can see what it,will look like there's loads of,different bits and pieces you can do,here now this is why surf shock is,incredibly useful for setting up,accounts in the united states and why,you should use the link below to create,it you want to go ahead and click on,static ip static ip allows you to use a,single location this is a static ip,address a static proxy in the united,states so click here,especially the united states and then,just click on the first one whichever,one you can find you can scroll through,there's hundreds of them and just choose,a,um a view,choose an ip address in the united,states of america,you can see here this is your ipad,address if you want to go and check it,you can click this link it'll just,verify that for you then what you want,to do is head over to,advertising.ticktalk.com,sorry actually ads.txt.com so search for,don't search for tick tock ads just,search for advertising tick tock or,create a tick tock ad account and it,will take you to this website here this,is obviously the sign in sign up page,for tick tock for business now if it,takes you to the sign in page you want,to click on sign up now,and i'm going to walk you through the,process i'm going to pause it every now,and again so you don't see all of my,details so you're going to have to put,in your email address so we're going to,just come up with a an email address,that i own,so we're going to use an email address,from an old store i did about five years,ago,you want to use an email address that,you have access to that you will be able,to log in and use then you want to give,yourself a password so i'm going to call,it,now you need to give it a special,character as well,okay now then what you want to do is,click send code,you will then come up with this,verification thing where you need to,prove um your identity,so you want to select two objects that,are the same shape so m and m make sure,to click these,properly otherwise it won't allow you to,do it,and then it's going to send me a,verification code to my email,so i'm going to put that verification,code in now it's,and then you want to click sign up you,want to agree to the terms and,conditions you don't w

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How To Make A USA TikTok Ad Account (Be Able To Target The USA From Anywhere)

How To Make A USA TikTok Ad Account (Be Able To Target The USA From Anywhere)

what is going on guys noah burr here,back again with another video and today,we're going to be talking about,something that has been frequently,discussed in my youtube comments,and that is how to make a united states,tick tock ad account now let me explain,so,if you are in the us and you make a tick,tick-tock ad account you are able to,target pretty much every country,that is possible to target with,tick-tock ads but if you're in europe,you're actually not able to target the,usa you're not able to target canada,tick-tock actually has a list of you,know what countries can target what,countries i don't know exactly why,they're doing this but it is a little,bit annoying and if you want to follow,my tick tock strategies then you have to,have a usa ad account,essentially is what i'm trying to say so,in this video what i'm going to be,talking about is if you're in europe,if you're in france you know germany,belgium if you're in india you know any,of these smaller countries,that you're unable to target the usa in,how are you supposed to get your hands,on a tick tock ad account from the usa,so that you can actually target the usa,and canada and pretty much any other,country so we're going to be going,through,the different steps that you can take,today and kind of just doing an overview,of how you can accomplish this,how we've been able to do it for our,agency clients by the way if you're,interested in working with us,directly having us give you products,build your store,run your ads and scale your ads once a,winner is found on tick tock ads then,there will be a link in the description,to schedule a call with one of my team,members and discuss,whether or not it could be a good fit,for you so we obviously figured this out,for our clients because we had people in,europe that wanted to join the agency,and obviously,in the agency we want to follow the,methods of what we know works,and what we know works is targeting usa,and canada of course there's you can,make it work in other ways as well,we've also been testing around in,different countries but for now,we really wanted to figure out a way,that we can kind of like rinse and,repeat usa tick tock ad accounts so,there's essentially a few things that,you need to do but let's go ahead and go,over a summary,of what i'm going to be talking about in,this video so number one thing that,we're gonna cover is what exactly you,need to get a usa tick tock ad account,and then number two is how to actually,get what you need,what's the best way to do it what,websites how have we been doing it so,far so now that we got that out of the,way let's get right into it so there's,only a few things that you really need,to create a usa tick tock ad account as,of right now,um the first one is a usa ip address,just this is just so that you know tick,tock,doesn't automatically flag you for being,in europe and they they might know that,you're not actually,in the usa and another reason you may,need this is if you're in india or china,or like any of these other countries,you may not actually be able to access,tick tock in the first place,so if you use an a vpn or a proxy or rdp,this could be a way around that one,thing i would recommend is looking into,a static vpn or a static multi-login,which this essentially makes it so that,every time you sign,in you're using the same ip address that,way you don't get flagged for having,like different ip addresses,all over the place this is like one of,the issues with like just like a base,level vpn,but you can in fact get away with a base,level vpn but i would highly recommend,going with a static multi login instead,another option that you can do is a rdp,which is essentially,a remote desktop protocol and this is,going to be like a little browser,it's essentially a computer inside of,your computer and the location of that,computer,can be in the us so that way if they,look even deeper than just the ip,address they can see that,you know not only is your ip there but,your whole location is there right like,all the foundations are there so,this is another option and if you do do,an rdp i would also recommend,doing a static multi login just to be,super extra safe,so we got that covered obviously i don't,need to use ips because i'm actually in,the us but if you're outside the us,chances are you're already decently,familiar with these kinds of things,i'm definitely not like an expert in,vpns and rdps and static multi logins,and stuff like that but i know that they,exist and i know that we have had to use,them with clients in the past,the second thing is a usa phone number,now i know that this kind of seems,intimidating or whatever,but it's super duper easy to do you can,use google phone numbers there's,different iphone apps and android apps,that will essentially allow you to,create like a secondary phone number,using any area code in any country code,in the world,so yes it costs money i think google,phone number is like 15,something along those lines and then,different

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