tiktok ads london

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james come and smell me,little spoiler,and then i realized that,i never pressed record so i'm going to,use this first oh my god it's really,hairy,hello everyone welcome back to my,channel or if you've never been here,before hi my name is sophie and today,i'm going to be testing some more,products that i have seen lots of ads,for on instagram tik tok the general,internet i think this might be my fourth,one of this stuller video where i,basically see somebody do an ad for a,product and then buy that product and,test it out and let you guys know what i,think of it in today's video i've got a,couple like more lifestyle bits and i've,got a couple makeup products as well so,it's sort of like a mixture and also i,just want to say if you're not following,me on my social media my instagram is,just outside if my tick tock is sofas,live my twitter is soft as life and,that's about it so i think we should,just get into it so the first brand that,i'm going to talk about is wild,deodorant hear me out okay this part of,the video is actually sponsored by wild,deodorant but there is a very good,reason that i'm doing a sponsorship for,this particular branding product so not,only have i seen ads of wild deodorant,everywhere i was getting so many ads on,my instagram i then started getting ads,from my family my dad my brother use it,and they were like so if you should try,this i've been testing out for a couple,of months now just so that i really like,know that i like the product i did post,a little instagram story when i was on,holiday of just like a random,recommendation which wasn't sponsored,that was just me giving you guys a,random recommendation from a fellow,sweaty person and so because i've been,using it and really enjoying it when,they offered to sponsor me i was like,okay sure if you didn't know it is a,natural deodorant it is cruelty free and,vegan it has a subscription service,option so you can do that for,convenience or if you don't want to sign,up for a subscription and you just want,to try it you can do it as a one-off,thing as well this is what one of the,standard ones look like so this is the,one that i've been using since august,now actually one of the main reasons,actually why i started using this is,because i was using a new spray-on,deodorant and i'd had a reaction to it,and my armpits were really itchy and so,i started using this because i knew that,it was more natural and just in general,like it's a lot the scents are a lot,less strong so i thought okay it might,not be as irritating it and that is one,of the main reasons why i actually,started using it and it was absolutely,amazing for that this has not caused me,any irritation whatsoever which is,obviously quite important because you,don't want irritated armpits this is,just speaking from my personal,experience obviously oh and i do also,just want to mention i do have a,discount code before i forget my,discount code is soft as life i will,leave it on the screen and i'll leave,the link down below it gets you 20 off,of all wild products so if you did want,to try them there is the code there for,you guys and like i said the link will,be down below i've just dropped one on,the floor this is actually their limited,edition pride case and it has my name on,it you can get your name engraved but i,think it's an extra two pounds but then,obviously once you have the cases you,just keep getting the refills and the,little refills are actually in,compostable packaging so just a little,bit of information about the pride cases,i'm just gonna read it off the screen so,i don't get any of the information wrong,they're selling these to celebrate and,make space for lgbtq plus voices for,every case sold they're donating 50p to,switchboard which is an organization,dedicated to providing a listening,service for lgbtq plus people on the,phone by email and instant messaging and,it says we're working with this charity,to help boost the exposure of the,wonderful work that they do so not only,does it look like a really cute case,it's also raising money and also raising,awareness for pride in general and,switchboard so i thought that was a,pretty great thing and i really like the,case as well so let me just show you how,you actually put this together quickly,so it's got these little like buttons on,the side so you just squeeze those and,then the bottom bit pops out like this,you take one of your refills i don't,actually know which one to go for my,favorite one i think is actually the,coconut and vanilla because it's a very,sort of subtle smell but i just need to,say as well on the actual effectiveness,of the deodorant i took this on holiday,with me to grease where it was like hot,and i kept this is true live guys i kept,making james smell me because i was like,i kept sniffing my armpits and being,like why don't i smell i don't smell and,then if you're like james come and smell,me so romantic honestly i was so,impressed with how well it works and,like i said i've been using it for,arou

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My TikTok Interview Experience in Singapore (and why I accepted their offer)

My TikTok Interview Experience in Singapore (and why I accepted their offer)

today's video is going to be a little,different,i want to share with you about an,experience i had recently,and i hope that it will be useful to you,a couple of weeks ago i was on linkedin,searching for a new job,and then i came across this role that,was posted by ticktop,talent acquisition specialist,i wasn't too sure if i wanted to join a,china-based company due to several,factors,one,cultural differences as i'm currently,working in a local company,and two,stability of operations as they had just,set up their office in singapore despite,these factors i also knew that i wanted,to,one work in a regional role,two,do tech recruitment,and three to find a job in the internet,industry,so i applied for the job,anyway,besides i found on glassdoor that they,paid pretty good money,about a week later i received a whatsapp,message from their recruitment,coordinator in china she scheduled the,interview with me over whatsapp and i,attended the first round of interview,the interviewer was a talent acquisition,lead based in singapore many of the,questions she asked were situational,testing for my problem solving skills,examples would be,if you had to hire 100 developers in one,year what are some of the metrics you,will use,if at the end of one year you have only,managed to hire 30 of your recruitment,targets what will you do next,what are some sourcing avenues you use,to higher niche positions,how will you roll out a staff referral,program,if your quantity or referral,applications are too high what will you,do to streamline the search to improve,the quality of applications,after the first interview,they contacted me again in about two,days,to arrange a second interview but the,thing is,they wanted to offer me a 12-month,contract role instead if i were to pass,the second interview,usually when companies do this,the likely explanation is that they did,not find my experience good enough for,their permanent recruiter role and they,have some doubts about hiring me for,that position,by offering a contract they can observe,my performance for a year,before converting me to a permanent role,this is a great solution for companies,if they have a candidate they are unsure,of,but they believe have potential to be,groomed,i was quite hesitant to say yes to the,contract role mainly because i didn't,want to leave my comfy government job,for something so unstable,but i actually went ahead with the,second interview in the end as i wanted,to find out more about the potential,renumeration they can offer,the second interview was pretty much the,same as the first and they asked similar,questions,a couple of days later i received,another message from their recruitment,coordinator in china saying they wanted,to offer me i waited two days for them,to get back to me and then to my,nightmare they wanted to arrange me for,a third interview with another one of,their talent acquisition lead they told,me the reason is that they have an,overwhelming number of candidates for,this role and we need one more round of,interview to decide,at the end all three interviews i,attended had lasted around 50 minutes,each,they were really thorough in their,questioning,one week later i received a phone call,from their partner recruitment agency,offering me the role,it was a one-year contract with plans to,convert me full time at the end of it,the salary it was a 20,increment from what i was currently,getting,i quickly jotted down the pros and cons,of taking up the row,the cons,it was a contract rule therefore dropped,instability,the benefits such as annual leave and,medical were way less than what i was,currently getting,i knew that this role would be a lot,harder and more hectic as the company,was expanding really quickly in,singapore,but what eventually led me to accept the,job and leave my permanent position,would be,one my boss said tick-tock she was,patient and kind throughout the process,when i voiced out my concerns regarding,it being a contract role and i'm pretty,confident that i would have a lot to,learn from her,number two it's an amazing opportunity,for me to step into the internet,industry,many of the fan companies i applied to,previously were not open to my,background as i did not have the,experience they wanted,and three of course the high salary,increment,it was a really hard decision for me,but eventually i decided that the pros,did outweigh the cons and i knew that it,was a step closer to achieving my career,goals,changing jobs is never an easy decision,to make,lay down your pros and cons like i did,and focus on your personal goals for,your career as cliche as it sounds ask,yourself where do you see yourself in 5,or 10 years time,overall i had an extremely pleasant,interview experience with tiktok and i,hope that this video will help you to,make your decision if you're currently,in a dilemma about changing jobs,you

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How to target specific locations on TikTok (reach the US & UK even whilst living overseas!)

How to target specific locations on TikTok (reach the US & UK even whilst living overseas!)

let's talk about how to influence,specific countries on Tick Tock and get,your audience seen in specific countries,without having to spend hours trying to,change the algorithm this works,instantly so keep watching I'm a,business and marketing coach who travels,full-time as a digital Nomad so I have,to be able to find ways to reach,audiences in the UK the US Australia and,Europe I found the perfect solution and,I'm going to show you how in this video,the first thing that you need to know,about influencing specific countries on,Tick Tock is this you need to get hold,of a SIM card from the specific country,that you're trying to Target this works,instantly as soon as you put the SIM,card in your phone you will notice that,your content will start getting pushed,out to people in that country and when,you're scrolling the for you page you'll,also see people's content from that,specific country so for example if,you're trying to Target the US you'll,need a Us phone number in your phone it,might sound like a hassle to get a SIM,card from a specific country especially,if you don't live there or maybe you're,not even from there so I'm going to show,you how you can do that and how that is,possible later on in this video and just,a quick note vpns do not work I've tried,multiple different vpns and they don't,tend to work on Tick Tock no matter how,hard you try the other thing that,doesn't work is in The Tick Tock,settings there is an option to change,your region that doesn't seem to make,any difference either so the SIM card,option seems to be the only way right,now to influence specific countries,trees on Tick Tock now before I tell you,how you can easily get your hands on a,SIM card from a specific country such as,the us so that you can reach the right,people on Tick Tock if you want to learn,more about creating a full-time income,online by monetizing your skills and,your knowledge then you're going to want,to head to the link in my description,because I have a free MasterCard that's,going to teach you exactly how you can,turn your skills and knowledge into a,profitable online course so you can,teach your audience what you know and,you can scale your income whilst you,travel this masterclass will walk you,through how to choose a profitable and,in-demand course topic as well as launch,it to your audience and then make sales,on autopilot again make sure you go to,the link in my description to grab this,for free now with that out of the way,let's move on to how you're going to get,a SIM card to Target specific audiences,on Tick Tock there's a couple of options,I'm going to run through the first one,is not my favorite but it still works so,the first option is to keep your,physical SIM card from your home country,if that's the country that you're,targeting keep that Sim in your phone,and whenever you need to use data from,the country you're traveling in you're,going to have to switch out the physical,SIM card for the one that you want to,use so for example if you're living in,Thailand like I am right now you'll have,to take out your UK Sim put in your Thai,Sim when you're out and about and you,need to use the data and then when you,want to use tick tock you're going to,put your UK Sim back into your phone and,use tick tock as you usually would make,sure data roaming is turned off when you,put your home Sim back in your phone,because you could rack up a huge bill,I've done that before like I said this,way is not my favorite because it,requires a lot of effort having to,switch the SIM card every time so I'm,going to give you a much better option,the next option is to get an e-sim for,your phone e-sims are basically like,digital SIM cards so you download,straight to your phone no physical card,is needed I did a whole video on what e,Sims are so if you want to know more,about that you can take a look at that,video right here and if you do want to,grab an e-sim I use olive fly and I have,five percent off code which you can grab,in the description so there are a couple,of ways you can use an esip so what I,personally do is I keep my UK physical,SIM card in my phone I'm mostly,targeting the UK and I have a Thai e Sim,that I switch on when I'm out and about,and I need to use data when I'm not,connected to Wi-Fi whenever I need to,use tick tock I switch off that e-sim,and you can do that in the settings you,can switch it on and off whenever you,want to so I switched it Thai esim off,when I'm using Tick Tock so that I'm not,reaching Thai audiences and then I just,switch it back on again when I'm out the,next option is again e-sim with a phone,number of the country that you're,targeting so for example you can get an,e-sim with a Us phone number and Target,the us or you can get a new sim with an,Australian phone number and Target,Australia you could see if these,particular Sims allow data roaming so,that you can use the data of the country,that you're in they don't offer data,roaming you can get a second easy that,works in the country

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TikTok Ads for Lead Generation for Agencies and Coaches with Matt Johnston, Guide Social

TikTok Ads for Lead Generation for Agencies and Coaches with Matt Johnston, Guide Social

all right folks this is one you've got,to pay crazy close attention to it's,about Tick Tock ads three dollar leads,right now Matt Johnson Matt say hi,hey I had mad on two and a half years,ago talking Tick Tock organic you missed,that boat don't miss this boat we're,gonna talk about everything cracking the,creative how you went from six dollar,Elite to Three Dollar leads four point,five percent click through rates all the,nerdy stuff 115 booked calls he's,getting clients B2B clients uh we're,talking about his training how to get,access to his free training how to work,with him how his five T's of ads The,Secret of hooks and his Facebook real,success all on this garlic marketing,show you do not want to miss it and of,course it's brought to you by,videocasestory.com one of the best,creatives for almost all of your ads is,your customer stories go to,videocasestory.com to learn more how to,collect craft and deliver those all,right let's get started,foreign,so,tell me what you've done with them,before we get into how to do it how like,successes what have you managed to do,with Tick Tock ads yeah like I'm very,much like a direct response marketer guy,when it comes to this kind of stuff and,I'm running a pretty typical vsl funnel,in there so we're talking,um,um and I've also done a lot of uh I've,done I've run a lot of lead magnets in,there as well it's been pretty,successful B2B I've I was seeing about,six to seven dollar uh leads B2B right,now I'm running a B to C off and those,are with and I was getting 12 cpms too,that's in B2B and I knew I was on to,something I hadn't had the creative,totally crack though I remember this is,why I've been so vocal about it lately,because I've totally cracked the,creative wide open now and it's totally,opened it up for me at the time when I,was running when I was doing in early,tests and I was doing,um,you know like I tried I was doing PDFs I,was doing blueprints like lead magnet,type stuff I was doing um and this is,the first big lesson for your audience,everybody thinks that like ugc and,selfie videos does the best because it's,native to the platform let me be clear,about this the best way to win with,video creative on a platform is to not,be native you need to do exactly the,opposite from what you see in the feed,it's called pattern interrupt and it's,just marketing 101 right yeah so the ugc,videos and everything like I was getting,point five point six percent,click-through rates on those and,everybody running Tick Tock ads that I,would talk to would be like yeah that's,about normal and I just came to figure,out that we were all just doing it we're,all just doing it wrong so,um I was getting but I was still getting,six dollar leads and it was 12 cpms,which is really good like if you're on,Facebook ads and you're doing B2B lead,magnets you're looking at 40 cpms same,with YouTube ads by the way they've,gotten expensive like it's it's not,ground floor time anymore for YouTube,ads so,yeah they've gotten expensive there too,and forget about Google ads you know,yeah and then I started moving into okay,well what if I just try High ticket vsl,funnels and,um I I tried a different type of,creative I've been and um I don't know,if cinematic is the right thing you know,I'm a video guy right yeah so you know,I've got a studio here and everything um,so we I just shot it with a very good,camera,um shot it with a 14 millimeter lens you,know so it has that YouTube look a,little bit of fisheye,um and I made it you know it's hard to,say in podcast terms but maybe Ian can,find a way to splice in or link to the,ad or something so you can see this ad,it's bananas,um so,um it uses a scripting formula that I've,developed and I'll share it with you,later but essentially it it's a one,minute ad it's not a short video don't,listen to tick tock when they say 10 to,15 second video ads do the best it's not,true it's not a short video it's about,it's one minute long and it's constantly,pattern interrupting like there's a cut,every two seconds in the video and every,time that the cut changes I shot it in,4k and I was just cropping in and out,and changing me all over the place and,every 10 seconds I would add like what I,call like a personality hit which is,just like almost like a joke that I Slam,in there with a sound effect and a crazy,thing and this is just to keep the add,people on tick tock,it's attached to it and I'm telling you,right now it was a point five percent,click-through rate on like the ugc,selfie stuff I have a 4.5 click-through,right now and that's its scale like uh,so this stuff works and I'm getting,three dollar vsl opt-ins three dollars,wow,and booked calls at about 1 15 or so and,and yeah and I've closed sales from it,as well so I mean the leads are good I,mean like these are good calls so I'm,just so excited about it because anybody,that was running Facebook ads in 2015,knows what it was like and this is like,that,you know this is like that there's so,much more to say but that's um tha

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TikTok - Advertising Cuts Through

TikTok - Advertising Cuts Through

hello everyone my name is nadia and,today i'm very excited to have this,opportunity to share with you the latest,research which we conducted in marketing,science team,so,over the last two years uh we spent a,lot of time on trying to really,understand,what are the underlying mechanisms of,tick tock what makes tick-tock so,special and what is the what are the,unique opportunities for advertisers on,tick-tock platform,i think all of us can agree that,tick-tock is no longer a new kid around,the block,our user base is growing and what is,most importantly is the time consumers,spend on our platform is also growing,basically meaning that consumers on our,platform are really leaning in,and having this engaged experience,so,before i start talking about our latest,research in the area of attention i,would just like to step back a little,bit,and think what is going in the industry,right now i think we spent quite a lot,of time today and really observing,different trends and,how it's evolving in the industry but i,think there is one important point to,highlight today is that consumers are,spending more and more time online,and there is really a competition for,this time so consumers spend time online,both and work and during their free time,and that creates this overall clutter,because at the same time there is also,continuous positive trend,uh in terms of the digital spend,so unless creates a clutter and what the,most challenging for advertisers what it,means is that it's really difficult to,grab consumers attention but also what,is also important is to build in,long-term trustful lasting relationships,and this is especially challenging for,jnz consumers we know that and this is,something that has been shared already,today it is really difficult to reach,our younger audience it's really,challenging to build this long-term,connection with them,and this is something that we really,wanted to understand with our latest,research which i want to share with you,today,so we conducted a study in the uk,and it's been an in-lab experiment with,300 respondents aged 1845,and for this experiment we created three,mock-up environments so which has the,tick tock facebook and youtube,and basically how it looked like,consumers came on uh in lab and they had,experience with one of these work,environments so they browsed for videos,basically watching both utc content so,content which is created,by creators on our platform but also,they were watching some ads which we,embedded into this content,and what we see,so first of all uh we see that consumers,on tick tock platform spend more time uh,sorry this one,consumers on tech talk platform spend,more time,watching ads while they're playing so,actually 75 percent of the time,consumers spend on the platform are,watching ads in comparison with 45,percent,so this is a statistically significant,difference where we see that actually as,on the platform really effective in,grabbing consumer's attention,what we also see specifically when we,start going more into details,of the uh ads and how they are effective,in attracting attention is that uh,consumers of uh looking at the products,in ads on tick tock 41 percent faster,than on other platforms on average,and i think this is really related with,the key fundamentals of tick-tock,platform so as you can see here,what is really special on tik-tok as a,platform in general that is definitely,sound on full screen experience so that,makes consumers to lean in it's also an,experience where entertainment is a key,part of our dna actually one of the,latest studies showed that consumers 75,percent of consumers come on tick tock,to be entertained so again this is,showing why consumers really spend uh,more attention on the videos,and what is also important that this,platform creates this overall engaging,experience which is driven by creators,on our platform but also providing the,space for consumers to really express,themselves and to consider the platform,as a source of creativity and,inspiration,and this is why we see the strong,results where really allows us the key,fundamentals which allows us to really,drive consumers attention both to,advertising language and specifically to,the product what i think is also,interesting here is that consumers on,tick tock platform is six percentage,points uh difference between uh watching,on the products so like more consumers,see ads on tiktok platform versus other,platforms on average so it's really,again showing this engaging experience,and then consumers are really leaning in,and really observing the ads and the,details of this ads,and this is what we see in terms of the,overall attention let's now have a look,on what we learned from the,follow-up service,so after this experiment then consumers,had,this experience with the work,environment we also had a series of,follow-up surveys so the first,questionnaire was right after the,experience and then we had a series of,similar surveys in the week one two and,three,and this is

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I bought things from *TIKTOK ADS*... LET'S TEST THEM

I bought things from *TIKTOK ADS*... LET'S TEST THEM

teeny tiny little they look like pills,oh boy oh boy oh boy oh my God,this on their boobs it's just not gonna,work,well this makeup is a little bit,dramatic this is a lot for me if you're,new to my channel I don't wear my makeup,like this all the time I just filmed a,real slash Tick Tock of me recreating,Megan the stallions Grammy's makeup look,which I absolutely was in love with and,I just did this on there and then I,thought you know what while I've got,this makeup on I'm gonna sit down and,film a video I mean it does look pretty,cool if I do say so myself but I would,not leave the house with this one anyway,in today's video I'm going to be testing,some things that I bought because of,tick tock these things that I've,purchased came up as an ad on my Tick,Tock feed you know every so often when,you're scrolling you keep going you keep,going and then an ad will pop up for a,random thing it seems to be the most,random things for me sometimes it's,beauty stuff and other stuff is like,cookie dough or a mattress or something,and these are some of the things that I,was genuinely curious in and so I,ordered them I think I've done something,like this before where I bought stuff,that was on Tick Tock lives I can't,remember if I've done an ads one but,here it is today let's just get into it,by the way if you want the details about,if you want the details this makeup it's,on my Instagram I listed all of the,products that I used okay so this first,Tick Tock ad that came up I actually had,a few different brands or accounts,posting the same product and basically,what I have generally found is that a,lot of the products that come up on Tick,Tock ads are sort of like Drop Shipping,type things so the company will purchase,a load of a particular product that's,just like a wholesale type product that,buy loads of them and then like Mark up,the price loads and sell them on their,website and I mean loads of stuff is,done by Drop Shipping anyway but just a,little hack here if you click on a,product on Tick Tock it comes up say,it's like 20 quid look at the sort of,brand name that's actually written on,that product in this example it is a lip,Plumping product and type that in on,Amazon or Ebay and it will probably come,up with loads of Cheaper things because,it's all the same brand and it's just,like bulk bought and then marked up for,higher prices on people's Tick Tock,shops but the brand in particular I,ended up seeing is called at syrup,cosmetics and in this ad it looks very,extreme there is a woman testing this,and this is no more lip fillers watch,till they end she's put this on half her,lips and the side that she's put it on I,mean to be fair it looks like she's had,an allergic reaction it's definitely,very plump on the side that she put it,on but it does look a little bit,dangerous so I clicked through to their,website it was a us-based website I,believe and it said it was the syrup day,and night lip plumper reduced from 50.95,to 28.95 lies it was never 50.95 in the,first place I can guarantee you sorry I,really feel like I'm going in on this,particular company like so many other,companies do this but they'll put like,was 50 now 28 dollars to sort of entice,you and be like oh it's a good deal it's,on sale when in reality I went on Amazon,typed in the roll lip plumper because,that's what's actually written on it and,I got the exact same thing for nine,pounds this one seems to be the daytime,one this one seems to be the nighttime,one but I don't know what the difference,is I think honestly I'm just gonna put,both of them on and hope for the best I,might actually try it on one half of my,lips they're very small teeny tiny,little they look like pills in the,information it just says daytime use,ginger Essence lips plump use at night,mint Night Repair moist lips double,effect unification collocation is used,for plump lips,I'm confused let's try the daytime one,so these are my lips before,well I mean I guess you'll see if it,does anything because I'm just gonna put,it on half,oh Christ,guys it's already starting to tingle,okay it's mildly tingling right now,should I put some more on,oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh God okay,it's starting to burn it's really,starting to burn it's starting to burn,ow oh you know what I've done my,lips are uneven anyway and I've just put,it on the bigger side does anyone else,have ever slightly uneven lips oh crap I,got it on my tongue I got it on my,tongue I got on my tongue why does this,happen every time I've got to say this,does not feel Pleasant it feels not nice,like it's really tingling it feels like,it's burning a bit it feels like I've,like rubbed hot chilies on my lips it's,getting worse like it actually it really,is uncomfortable okay it's been a few,minutes I just had to go and answer the,door oh my God I felt like,you I feel like I've got loads of saliva,in my mouth oh wow you know what guys it,is actually working my lips are becoming,more red on that side and I can,definitely see it's Pl

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I bought things from TIKTOK ADS... I have been CATFISHED 😂😭

I bought things from TIKTOK ADS... I have been CATFISHED 😂😭

how many celebrities does she know it's,a little spoon,I decided to wear it to the wedding or,not spoiler alert I did not here it is,I have been catfished and I was just,like,hello everyone welcome back to my,channel we're testing The Tick Tock ads,today and by that I mean you know when,you're scrolling through Tick Tock an ad,will pop up and I thought you know what,I will buy one of those things and just,try it in a video because some of them I,swear to God will not leave me alone,until I have visited that website and,bought something from it and even then,they still popping up his ads oh by the,way if you're wondering what my lip,color is because I don't usually wear,red lips this is the Fenty Beauty zesty,bestie palsical which is one of like the,lip stains where you can leave it glossy,like this or wipe it off and it's a,stain I just feel like doing something a,bit different today and let's just get,into the video okay so the first ad that,I'm going to be testing from this video,is from a skincare brand a very very,bougie skincare brand called torture or,tatcha I think it's tatcha I had two of,these ads and it was basically saying,that toucher is now available in the UK,because we didn't have it that easily,accessible before and the first ad is,this one,skin cream has just hit the UK it's the,best hydrating moisturizer every,celebrity I know uses it magic in a tub,every celebrity she knows uses it how,many celebrities does she know then they,also posted another ad which was by a,user called Miss Cali Jane but they were,sort of boosted by the brand as an ad,and then you could shop the products at,the beginning sometimes brands do that,where they will sort of like purchase,the rights of the video off you to then,use it as an ad this one in particular,hooked me in because our skin looked,bloody amazing guys I am so buzzing to,tell you that tatcha has finally,launched in the UK now it's created in,the Tokyo Institute with Japanese,fermented superfoods and I'm going to,show you my two favorites okay so this,is The Dewy skin cream it is packed with,antioxidants it's made with Japanese,purple rice and look at this gorgeous,little gold spoon you get in the top to,apply it to your face I'm going to show,you now no way guys I'm gonna be real,with you I knew that this was one of the,products because I'd written it down,that I wanted to test from The Tick Tock,ads I didn't go and re-watch the video,before I filmed the clips of me applying,this that has just blown my mind I,thought this was part of the packaging,apparently it's a little,what that is genius I thought it was,like a little bow on top so I didn't use,the little Scoopy spoon in my little,segment where I was testing this but,just so you know so she's testing both,the toucher dewy skin cream and also the,water cream they both have absolutely,beautiful packaging I've just got to say,I was sent these not not to be included,in this video this is not a sponsored ad,touch I have no idea that I'm featuring,them in this video but because I was,sent them in PR I thought you know what,I may as well test them but to purchase,these I believe they are 63 or 64 pounds,each which is a hell of a lot of money,for a face cream it's not quite on the,levels of Lemaire which is like a,hundred whatever it was you do get 50,mil in these and the packaging is,beautiful I do love it I think they look,so stunning I will insert me from the,past about two hours ago setting up to,film this video and here are my thoughts,and I've just washed my face so I've got,nothing on at the moment and I will,include a few little close-ups but you,can even see like on the front camera,that probably here I've got an area of,dry skin like a few little flaky bits,and also on my cheek here like at the,bottom there's an area of dryness here I,have a little bit on the side of my head,basically whenever I have eczema,flare-ups they tend to be sort of on my,cheeks on my forehead and like round the,sides of my face which is kind of random,and maybe that's to do with like their,hair products I use or something I'm not,really sure I do have oily skin,naturally but then because of my Eczema,I get dry patches and this one the,lightweight hydration poor refining,cream is supposed to be good for sort of,oily combo skin and The Dewy skin cream,is supposed to be good for dry skin I,have both and in the ad the girls seem,to put this one on first and then she,put on this one but I'm gonna give The,Dewy skin cream a try first because this,is the one that I've seen the most hype,over to be honest so let's just take a,little oh it smells kind of cucumbery,smells very fresh so weirdly at the,moment the driest patches of my skin are,on this side of my face so on that side,of my face I'm going to use this dewy,skin cream it smells kind of spa like oh,wow oh this does feel,get it all up in that patch of dry skin,I've gotta say I do tend to avoid,products that have an overly sort of,floral fragrance just because usually I,fin

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Make $500 / Day With TikTok Ads Shopify Dropshipping 2022

Make $500 / Day With TikTok Ads Shopify Dropshipping 2022

how can you be making over five hundred,dollars per day through e-commerce drop,shipping using tick-tock ads selling,viral e-commerce products well in this,video i'm going to take you through a,step-by-step process how you can start,testing products how you can start,building your campaigns and eventually,start scaling those products now if you,want to know how you can find these,products i have got some product,research videos on my channel so you can,go ahead and look at those or you can,leave a comment down below and i can,film some more videos now my name is,sebastian i have been doing e-commerce,marketing for a very long time and this,channel is all about e-commerce,marketing drop shipping and business,related stuff so if you're interested in,that do hit the like button and,subscribe and stay until the end if you,want to see some really in-depth,information,so like i said in this video i'm gonna,be showing you how you can start,creating your campaigns to start testing,products now we're going to come back to,tick-tock ads in just a second but first,of all i wanted to take you through this,strategy that i have built and if you,want to get access to this there will be,a link down below in the description you,can get it for free you can download,this for free,just click the top link in the,description it'll take you to my website,just put in your email and we will send,you this download so let's get started,this document is basically showing you,the setup that you need to start testing,your campaigns now i've had a lot of,requests i have done a video like this,in the past on how you can start testing,your product campaigns but some people,wanted an actual physical copy that they,could keep on hand when they're creating,their campaigns so i have listened and,that is available for you or top link in,the description,so first of all this let's take you,through this document this is day one,product testing now this is set up for a,different budget you can change the,budgets that you're willing to use it,really depends on how much budget you're,willing to test but i've set this up,with,four ad groups at forty dollars per day,so that's 160 per day testing now i'm,going to go through some high tech,advanced stuff towards the end of the,video which will limit how much we,actually spend we won't actually spend,that we'll probably be quite profitable,by doing this strategy but if you do,find that's too much for you you can,reduce the spend now one thing i will,say is each ad group has to have a,minimum of twenty dollars per day in,spend so at least set aside forty,dollars per day if you can but we can,get around that,so the first thing you want to do is,create a campaign you want to follow,this audience testing structure the,first campaign is going to be audience,testing and our second campaign is going,to be creative testing now this is more,of an optional thing you have to you,know within at least seven days or once,you start making sales you want to start,setting up this campaign but you don't,have to set this up on day one if budget,doesn't allow but it's definitely worth,setting up at some point,so what is the audience testing campaign,structure well you can see here this is,just a bit of a breakdown we have a,conversions campaign with two to four ad,groups forty dollars a day and three or,four ads per ad group,now here is the actual structure so when,you download this you can have this you,can sort of follow this in more detail,but we're going to have one campaign and,we're going to have four ad groups,within that campaign this is going to be,an we're not using cbo so that one,campaign will have the budget set on the,ad set level each of those ad sets will,follow this structure we'll have a broad,ad group which will have no targeting 18,plus age ranges male and female,tick-tock placement only,and then add group two and three are,going to be interest but they're gonna,be behavior interests so that's the,seven day behavior i'll show you we'll,set up a test ad group for this one just,to show you what i'm talking about we're,gonna do 18 plus age ranges male and,female tick tock only and then add group,four is going to be interest three,uh and this is going to be 18 plus ages,male female 2 only but that's an,interest ad group so we're going to have,three interested testing and one broad,which has got no targeting at all now,the reason for this is we want to,identify whether broader is going to,work for us or whether we need to go,more specific with our audience testing,typically you'll usually find that broad,is the best way to go when you're,starting testing just the way that,tiktok works but i always like to add in,some more tests there just in case you,know a lot of people say out there that,you only want to be using broad but,sometimes i found some seven or eight,row as interests that i've actually run,alongside my broad uh older units,testing as well and that can do,incredibly well for your account and,obvious

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