tiktok ads editor

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How To Create High Converting TikTok Ad Creatives (FREE COURSE)

tick tock ads are starting to become,really popular in the digital marketing,community and it only makes sense as to,why so many brands are literally,switching over from facebook ads,snapchat ads youtube ads and literally,going to tick-tock because there's so,many conversions happening on the,platform and with all of that attention,gives you lots of opportunities to be,able to get sales with tick tock and,that's exactly what we're going to be,covering but most brands and businesses,are missing this one key mistake that,they continuously make and i want to be,able to show you exactly what you can do,to be able to get high converting tick,tock ads,what's up y'all it's chase chapel here,your favorite digital marketer and we,literally cover content online and help,some of the biggest brands and creators,in the world that you know and follow be,able to generate successful results,using facebook ads and tick talk ads and,even google ads online,and we literally have hundreds of,students taking our online trainings and,programs where we have 600 plus six and,seven figure earners who have literally,taken our trainings and been able to,scale their actual brand or business,using these platforms and by the way if,you haven't already make sure to like,and subscribe because it truly does help,the algorithm so let's go ahead and get,into this video,all right so we're going to be covering,high converting tick tock ads and we've,literally spent 600 000,on tick tock through testing this far in,the last 90 days on the platform and,literally all of our insights in today's,video are recommendations we're making,purely based off of data none of our,personal opinion is in this video it's,100 backed by the actual science and,data that we see with the testing that,we're actually doing on tick-tock with,our platform and being able to,understand what makes the most sense for,our clients business and being able to,generate them results and through that,we're able to identify what tick-tock,ads are really converting best and be,able to give those insights to you so,that way you can be successful as well,you can quite literally see that the 600,000 that we've spent in this amount of,time has literally generated over 147,million impressions 2 million clicks and,we're literally getting cost per clicks,of 30 cents a click these days that is,far and few between on other platforms,so you can definitely see the,opportunities that you have on tick tock,alone so let's go ahead and go through,some of the ads that actually don't work,on tick tock and what we're seeing so,these are just some examples of tick,tock ads that don't work there's a,common misconception that people have,it's that they're running facebook ads,they're getting good results and then,they want to use the similar content,that they have there on tik-tok because,they think it's just copy and paste and,to be honest with you it's not like that,using images or gifs on your actual,tik-tok ads are not going to increase,your conversions if anything it's,actually going to decrease your,conversion rates and actually raise your,overall cost per cpm,and you know you don't want your actual,tick tocks to look like ads and a big,motto that ticktock has is make tick,tocks not ads and that's the main,premise here you don't want to be,creating content that looks like this,where you have these overlays or these,big call outs of the you know specific,offer and like red you know these red,circles here or having you know the,branding on the side of this those types,of ads just don't work on tick tock,people scroll right past those you want,the content to look native you want it,to feel like user generated content in,fact i'm actually going to be covering,ways you can get ugc later in this video,but specifically right here you want to,make sure to avoid you know templated,content even some of the biggest brands,in the world have fault prone to this,where they actually you know use the,branding and they use these basic videos,and while they get engagements they're,not really resulting in conversions so,if you're really looking to drive actual,sales and increase your actual,conversion rate and get more people to,actually convert from seeing your videos,and feel that they're actually a part of,the brand then you're going to want to,create tick-tock ads that are actually,native on the platform and have these,key conversion metrics driven behind,them and so these are just some examples,of tick-tock ads that do convert you,want to focus on actual vertical video,and fast cut you know jump cut videos,that are you know no longer than one to,three seconds per clip maybe,six seconds at the absolute most we're,actually clipping throughout the video,so that way you can keep people's,attention throughout the actual tick,tock tick tock is very fast-paced and,you want to keep that you know flow,going so people stay engaged and this,allows you to deliver way more,information about your product or,service in a much s

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How I Create VIRAL Video ads from TikTok (EASY!)

How I Create VIRAL Video ads from TikTok (EASY!)

no that's not what we're doing here,today,today is about viral tick-tock,and utilizing the viral videos from,tik-tok to run as good compelling ads,ads that is shareable likable,viral by going to tick-tock to get ideas,now this,is a new technique that i've been,utilizing and i wanted to be able to,share with you how you can actually,utilize tick-tock,without the fancy or weird dancing i,don't know about you but those kind of,movements,make me really uncomfortable but i'm,going to be showing you how you can be,able to use tick-tock,without the silly moves without the the,the all the fancy production without any,of that,you're gonna be able to see why by the,end of this video there's,just so much opportunity on tick tock,right now not by posting the videos,but by getting ideas and creatives from,tik tok,and how you can extract that and utilize,that in your market,even if you could be in a serious market,even if you could be in,plastic surgery you could be in real,estate by the end of this video you're,going to be able to see how you can,utilize tick-tock,to get one of the best most compelling,viral video ideas,that can be utilized in your ads and i'm,gonna be showing you behind the scenes,to a coaching call that i did to show,you how you two,will be able to do that,one of the things to give you guys a,glimpse before i even begin,is basically add creatives creating ads,that's more interesting,more engaging um and one hack,that i have been utilizing to create,more effective,and engaging ads is basically this one,of the things that i've been doing is,i have been going on tick tock to see,different,music videos that is viral so what does,that mean it means that i would go on,tick tock,to look at videos that's being served to,me on my,for you page okay the for you page is,like the instagram explorer page it's,like the facebook watch,it's the the algorithm feeding you what,they think,you would be interested in what i would,recommend if you're not active on tick,tock,just follow a bunch of people in your,market in industry and,because of that tick tock will start to,see what it is that you like,and they'll try to serve you more of the,stuff based on what they think you like,one thing that i realized made it good,is that it gives us,a framework to see what,is converting and what works and you,will see,that on tick tock there are a lot of,people in serious markets,plastic surgeons chiropractors,that is crushing it on tick-tock not by,doing,stupid dance moves but by creating,content,that is relevant to their market but,my my goal for you guys here is to help,you,walk away from today's session with,one great ad utilizing the framework,that i'm literally using right now based,on,like literally how i spent my day today,okay so choose your character is where,you know it's got a lot of different,themes to it it could be like different,different bartenders different work from,home moms,different ways to wear your mask but the,theme of it,and based on the song it sounds like you,know choose your character so,the market that i'm in it's like you,know choose your marketing guru right,choose your,the style that that resonates with you,okay so this is something that i've been,working on,a lot which is basically not not about,creating videos on tick tock,but rather use utilizing tick-tock,music and themes that is,proven to be viral and shareable and,engaging,and utilizing that as an ad,so how can i connect it to my offer so,if the video is,on choose your guru types i'm gonna,think about what's the story because,that this video is gonna be posted on,facebook when people are scrolling,this is what stops the school this is a,great scroll stopper,but on its own it's not gonna make money,so how can it make money it can make,money,if we can link it with the offer well so,how can we,link this to the offer by having a story,so imagine if somebody is scrolling on,facebook,and they're scrolling scrolling,scrolling and all of a sudden they see,that ad,which is this 15 second choose your guru,video so,it's a great pattern interrupt they're,watching this video,they're engaged but it doesn't mean,anything so now what i need to do next,is to think about what's the right up,and what's the story that connects to,this hook,so for example if the hook is having,different type of gurus,the story would be ultimately there are,a lot of different,teachers and gurus and marketers out,there with different personality types,and you gotta find a method that,resonates with who you are your,personality,and double down on that okay so so that,could be the story,right we all have our own unique way,that could be polarizing,that could be eccentric that could be,weird that could be funny,so that's a story right many different,type of guru types and,i would love to be able to help you tell,that story,that angle in a unique way that,fits your character and if you would,love to be able to do this,in a way that is authentic that is true,to you,then right offer call to

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Brand awareness ads on TikTok | Make effective ads with Canva’s video editor

Brand awareness ads on TikTok | Make effective ads with Canva’s video editor

- هل أنت جاهز للبدء أو الارتقاء إلى المستوى الأعلى على TikTok؟,أنا Cherie من TikTok ،,وفي هذا الفيديو ،,سأشارك بالضبط كيفية إنشاء إعلانات لا يمكن تخطيها,لـ TikTok باستخدام Canva.,(موسيقى مبهجة),عندما يتعلق الأمر بالإعلان على TikTok ،,فإن الأمر كله يتعلق بإحضار نفسك الأكثر إبداعًا,إلى المنصة,وإيجاد عملية قابلة للتطوير تناسب علامتك التجارية.,TikTok هي عبارة عن منصة تسويق كاملة التحويل,تمكّن علامتك التجارية من الوصول إلى أهدافك في الوعي,والمشاركة والاستحواذ.,في هذه السلسلة المكونة من ثلاثة أجزاء ،,سوف نوضح لك كيفية إنشاء إعلان TikTok المثالي,لكل مرحلة من مراحل مسار التسويق.,في الفيديو الأول ، سنستكشف بناء الوعي بالعلامة التجارية,وإنشاء إعلانات في Canva وقياس النجاح ،,وسنغطي جميع نصائح فيديو TikTok المفيدة.,(موسيقى مبهجة),فقط لتعيين المستوى ، دعنا نحدد الوعي بالعلامة التجارية.,بعبارات بسيطة ،,يؤدي الوعي بالعلامة التجارية إلى خلق معرفة بالعلامة التجارية,لدى جمهور معين.,إذا كانت علامتك التجارية جديدة,أو أقل شهرة من منافسيك ،,فهذه هي استراتيجية التسويق المثالية,لمساعدة الأشخاص على اكتشاف علامتك التجارية.,أو إذا كانت علامتك التجارية راسخة ،,فهذه أيضًا طريقة رائعة للاستفادة من جماهير جديدة.,(موسيقى مبهجة),من المهم الانتباه إلى المقاييس الصحيحة,حتى تتمكن من تتبع أداء إعلانك.,هناك ثلاث إحصاءات أساسية يجب أن تقيسها.,الأول هو الوصول.,هذا هو إجمالي عدد الأشخاص الذين تم عرض الإعلان.,التالي هو عدد مرات الظهور ،,والتي تقيس عدد المرات التي شوهد فيها إعلانك,دون أن يضطر المشاهد إلى التفاعل معه.,وآخرها هو التكلفة لكل ألف ظهور ،,وهو ما يعني التكلفة لكل ألف ظهور,يتلقاها إعلانك.,ما يميز TikTok هو أنه يمكنك الحصول على جميع الأفكار من,خلال أداة Ads Manager الخاصة بنا في لوحة المعلومات الخاصة بك.,من هنا ، انقر فوق علامة التبويب "الحملة",حيث يمكنك الاطلاع على إحصائيات الحملة.,إذا لم تكن متأكدًا مما تعنيه المقاييس المختلفة ،,فيمكنك تحريك مؤشر الماوس فوق اسم المقاييس ،,كما هو موضح على الشاشة ،,وسوف يعطيك وصفًا.,إذا كنت غير قادر على رؤية المقاييس ،,يمكنك النقر فوق علامة التبويب "الأعمدة الافتراضية," وتحديد المقياس الذي ترغب في عرضه ، مثل مدى الوصول.,حسنًا ، الآن بعد أن عرفنا ما هو التسويق التوعوي,وكيفية قياسه ،,دعنا نتعمق في أفضل الممارسات,لعمل إعلان تيك توك للتوعية الناجحة.,فيما يلي ثلاث نصائح يجب أن تضعها في اعتبارك,عند إنشاء إعلان TikTok للتوعية بالعلامة التجارية.,النصيحة الأولى ، قم بالبناء على الصوت.,اجذب انتباه المستخدم,بصوت عصري سلس.,TikTok عبارة عن منصة صوتية تعمل دائمًا ،,مما يعني أن الصوت يلعب دورًا حيويًا,في إشراك جمهورنا.,في TikTok ، وجدنا أن إضافة أي نوع من الصوت,ينتج عنه زيادة بنسبة 16٪ في مرات الظهور,مقارنة بمقاطع الفيديو التي لا تحتوي على صوت.,لذلك لا تنسَ دمج هذا العنصر في إعلاناتك,لتتوافق مع علامتك التجارية,لأنها تساعد في إنشاء هوية صوتية.,النصيحة الثانية ، استخدم واتبع الاتجاهات.,عندما يتعلق الأمر بالاتجاهات ،,لا توجد منصة أفضل لاستخدامها,للإلهام بخلاف TikTok ،,خاصة عندما تحاول تنفيذ بعض أهداف التوعية.,يمكنك البقاء على اطلاع على الاتجاهات الحالية,من خلال استخدام صفحة "إلهام المركز الإبداعي" الخاصة بنا,لمعرفة الاتجاهات الشائعة,وما هي بعض إعلاناتنا ذات الأداء الأفضل للإلهام.,النصيحة الثالثة ، البقعة الحلوة من 21 إلى 34 ثانية.,مدة البقعة المثالية للفيديو ما بين 21 إلى 34 ثانية.,يتعلق الأمر بكيفية إشراك جمهورك,في المكان المناسب.,يُظهر بحثنا أن مقاطع الفيديو بهذه المدة,أدت إلى زيادة بنسبة 2٪ في مرات الظهور.,لذا اجعل إعلانك قصيرًا واجذب الانتباه لجذب انتباه,جمهورك.,لتلخيص هذه النصائح مرة أخرى ،,استخدم الصوت واتبع الاتجاهات,واحتفظ بها بين 21 إلى 34 ثانية.,سأقوم الآن بتسليمها إلى Jordi من Canva لأوضح,لك كيفية الاستفادة من هذه الأفكار,واستخدام Canva لإنشاء,إعلان آسر للتوعية بالعلامة التجارية بسرعة وسهولة.,(موسيقى مبهجة),- مرحبًا ، أنا جوردي ، أنا مصمم حركة هنا في Canva.,في البرنامج التعليمي اليوم ، يمكنك تنزيل القالب,إما عن طريق مسح رمز الاستجابة السريعة هذا هنا,أو يمكنك العثور على رابط في الوصف أدناه.,حسنًا ، لنبدأ.,أولاً ، سأبحث عن إعلان TikTok ضمن الخلاصة.,(موسيقى مبهجة),حسنًا ، هذا يبدو جيدًا.,إنه بسيط ونظيف وبهيكل رائع ،,لذا سيكون من السهل تطبيق علامتنا التجارية عليه.,هذا القالب له جمالية صفراء جميلة.,إنه يحتوي على موسيقى وفي الأسفل هنا في لوحة الفيديو الصغيرة ،,يمكنني أن أرى أنه لا توجد انتقالات مضافة بعد.,حسنًا ، العلامة التجارية التي سأستخدمها اليوم,تسمى Active Apparel.,إنها ماركة ملابس رياضية مستدامة.,لقد تقدمت بالفعل وحصلت,على شعاري وألواني وخطوطي ،,وألقتهم جميعًا في Canva Brand Kit ،,حتى أتمكن من,تبديل كل شيء بسرعة وسهولة بلمسة زر واحدة.,لذلك عندما يتعلق الأمر بتصميم إعلان للتوعية ،,فأنت بحاجة إلى التأكد من أن علامتك التجارية وشعارك يشبهان,حقًا المقدمة والوسط.,هذا يعني أن يكون لديك شعارك,في الثواني الثلاث الأولى من أي قطعة تقوم بإنشائها ،,وبهذه الطريقة يمكن لجمهورك حقًا,الحصول عليه في أسرع وقت ممكن.,الشيء الآخر ، نصيحة احترافية صغيرة لك إذا أردت ،,هي أن الأمر يتطلب ما يصل إلى ثماني مشاهدات لأي إعلان لتتذكره.,لذلك تحتاج حقًا إلى التأكد ،,ليس فقط من اتساق علامتك التجارية ،,ولكنك حقًا تجلب الأشياء في,أسرع وقت ممكن,حتى تكون أول شيء تراه,وتتذكره.,الخطوة الأولى هي حذف هذا المقطع الموسيقي.,الخطوة الثانية هي إضافة شعاري من علامة تبويب الشعارات هنا.,(موسيقى مبهجة),الخطوة الثالثة هي تحديث النص,إلى ألوان وخطوط علامتنا التجارية.,(موسيقى مبهجة),من المهم أن تبدو إعلاناتك أصلية في النظام الأساسي ،,لذلك يعني هذا أنها محمولة باليد,ول

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How To Create WINNING TikTok Ecommerce Ads That CONVERT - Shopify Dropshipping

How To Create WINNING TikTok Ecommerce Ads That CONVERT - Shopify Dropshipping

oh,i'm on my dying breath,it's you,you've returned,but,why already taught you,everything i know,all the scrolls you've read,you must fulfill,the prophecy,i can no longer help,i'm no longer the babyface tick tock ad,agency assassin you once knew,i've all shriveled up in bones,you need my help,making tick-tock creatives that will go,viral,well for you my friend,i can do this last favor,but that's all you'll get,from me,yes guys today we're going to break down,how to make winning tick tock ad,creatives for your ecommerce brand the,do's and don'ts so let's get into it,right now if you want to create a,winning tick tock ad creator for your,ecommerce brand by far the easiest way,of doing that is creating native ugc,content to the platform so if you're,already an established brand that has,customers using your product and you,have clips you can use i would say the,smartest way of using that content is,stitching together different customers,that are raving about your product into,one easy fast-paced ad now typically the,ads that convert the best are all under,30 seconds now if you're selling,clothing or jewelry it's even faster,it's under 15 seconds of three customers,typically raving about your product so,you want to disguise your ad as a tick,tock by having these random faces by,having these people that clearly aren't,affiliated with your brand talking about,how great your product is that always,converts the best or just following,trends by saying hey three ways you can,style your outfits using this shirt or,having an information style tick tock,about how great your problem solving,product is i've even seen ads do really,well that are just one clip that's about,seven eight seconds long that showcases,the product doing an amazing thing or,just looking really cool it's that,simple with tick tock but you just don't,want to make it look like some harmon,brothers level of professional ad now,the next key to creating a winning tick,tock ad creative for your ecommerce,brand is using familiar music to the,tick tock ad platform now when you're,editing your ads right here as we can,see in the tick tock ad manager you can,open the tick tock video editor to see,popular music and sounds that you can,use and the background music for your,ads which is absolutely amazing they,have different categories so you really,need to figure out which song has the,right pacing and the right emotion for,your product because obviously if you're,selling a baby product it doesn't make,sense to have some hard rock and roll,super fast paced energy inducing music,it would make sense to have something,that's a little slower pace so as you,can see right here in the ad editor we,have most used tracks genres with,highest spend etc now lazy sunday this,is a very common music that i know,you've seen in a few of these ads so,i'll just play it real quick and let's,see here lazy sunday,so obviously much slower paced so you,need to figure out how does that,actually work with my ad is my ad a,little slower paced than it would make,sense to use so i'd recommend going,through these to figure out what works,the best for you and if you want to have,options for more music that's really,going viral on tiktok then what i would,do is download your ad put it on your,phone go into the tick tock video editor,for normal tick tocks and see what music,is going trending and download that ad,send it back to your computer and upload,that as your ad a little bit of deja vu,you can see me there you can see me here,you can see me there you can see me here,you can see me there you see i'm sorry,guys but let's edit our ad in tick tock,so you can see all the amazing,customizations you can use to make a,winning ad so right now i'm just,uploading my ad and the main things that,you really want to do when you have your,ad in tiktok is look through all the,amazing music options that you have so,that you can disguise your ad as a tick,tock so if i go to sounds obviously you,can save different sounds but we can go,through here and see what's really,trending,so we got this,super fast pace lazy sunday again is a,great piece of content i love feel the,groove i think that's a great music,sound for a lot of your ads,i think that just fits really well so,let's say for instance that we use field,of groove for our ad right here,i honestly think that works uh that's,which is great so when i'm adding music,in the tick tock app i like to do it as,around 10 to 15 as the added sound so,once we do that the next thing that we,can do is add the narrator voice that's,another key way to really split test,your different ads to see hey if i have,my narrator doing the intro for my hook,let's see how that converts compared to,no narrator at all and i've really seen,a lot of winning ads use the narrator to,amazing effect which is either reading,all the benefits of the ad or at least,reading that intro and obviously if you,have customers that are raving about,your product use those clips in your ad,because they

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How to create TikTok Ads for brands consideration | Make effective ads with Canva’s video editor

How to create TikTok Ads for brands consideration | Make effective ads with Canva’s video editor

- Hi, I'm Lucy and I'm a Creative Partnership Manager at TikTok.,I've got a quick pop quiz for you,,so get your fingers warmed up,and ready to put your answers in the comments.,Alright, we all know that advertising's been around,for a long time,,but did you know when it was first seen to the modern world?,Was it A) the 18th century, B) the 13th century,or C) the 15th century?,Write your answers below.,(upbeat music),The answer is C, the 15th century,when the printing press was first introduced.,Congrats if you knew that.,Advertising is still woven throughout our society today,and it isn't going anywhere anytime soon.,And there are so many different types of ads.,So it's important that your brand considers making ads,to cater to each stage of the marketing funnel,to ensure they have the desired impact.,TikTok is a full-funnel marketing platform,that enables your brand to reach your awareness,,consideration, and acquisition goals.,And the good news is that Canva makes it simple,to create scroll-stopping TikTok ads,with eye-catching and easy to use templates,to suit every stage of the marketing funnel.,When it comes to advertising on TikTok,,it's all about bringing your creative self to the platform,and finding a scalable process that works for your brand.,In episode one of this series,we examined how to create an ad for top funnel campaigns,,an ad to grow awareness for your brand.,In this episode, we're exploring how to use Canva,to create ads for the second stage of the marketing funnel,,consideration.,So what does the consideration stage mean exactly?,The middle funnel is where you need to build trust,with your captured audience,by creating further understanding of your product,or service features to help your audience prepare,to take another step towards purchasing your product.,Many marketers will launch mid-funnel campaigns to:,get more consumers to shortlist the brand,,reinforce or change brand perceptions,to increase brand relevance,,drive deeper emotional engagement with consumers,,differentiate the brand from competitors.,(lively music),There are five key metrics to consider,when running a middle funnel campaign.,Primary metrics are:,number one - completed video views,which refers the number of times,the entire video was watched.,And number two, click through rate,,which is the ratio of the number of users,who have seen your ad,,to the number of users who have clicked on your ad.,Secondary metrics are:,number one - viewable impressions,and number two, cost per click, CPC.,This metric should be monitored,and kept within a healthy range.,Tertiary metrics.,Number one: conversion, which is an action that is counted,when a user interacts with your ad,,for example, through a click and then takes an action,to put an inquiry, add to cart, or purchase.,This is something we will explore more in-depth,in our next video to explore the lower marketing funnel.,Now that we have learned about the key metrics,that drive success for your campaigns,,let's explore the creative tips you should consider,when generating middle funnel campaigns.,Tip one: add in offer text and ,amplify through using a voiceover.,By adding in an offer it will engage your audience,because, let's get real here, who doesn't love a deal?,At TikTok, we found that by adding in a real voiceover,to help illustrate your product or service,and also incorporating offer text,,indicated an 87% lift in conversion,and a 9% lift in impressions,compared to videos that did not have a voiceover,and offer text.,Tip two: add in closed captions.,At TikTok we found by adding in closed captions,or text on the screen that clearly displays an offer,,or a call to action, not only did it,make the creative more engaging for users,,but it also showed an 80% lift in conversion,and a 16% lift in impressions,compared to videos that did not have any closed captions,or displayed any offer or CTA text on screen.,Tip three: add in an end frame.,At TikTok, we found that by including an end frame,that summarizes key information on your product or services,gave a 47% lift in impressions compared to videos,without an end frame.,So that's our three tips,for making an effective middle funnel marketing ad.,And now Jordi, an expert motion designer at Canva,,is here to show you how to put all this knowledge,into making a scroll-stopping TikTok ad.,- Thanks, Lucy.,As we're creating an ad,for the consideration part of the funnel,,our audience already has a really good idea of who we are,,so now's a really good time to hook them in,with all of our possible offerings.,And we're going to cover this in today's tutorial.,Continuing on from our last ad,,I'm going to use the same Active Apparel brand,,which specializes in making,sustainable activewear for everyone.,The first step is to find a Canva template,that will suit the style I'm going for.,I think this one looks pretty good.,Now I've got the template,,the second step is to record the voiceover.,You can record your own voiceover,in the Canv

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Reviewing 10 Best TikTok UGC Ads in 5 Minutes! (Copy THESE Ads!)

Reviewing 10 Best TikTok UGC Ads in 5 Minutes! (Copy THESE Ads!)

so in today's video i'll be reviewing,the 10 best tick tock ugc ads in under,five minutes so let's start the timer,right now my name is justin and i'm the,founder of voiceover media an e-commerce,marketing agency specializing in,elevating thriving brands by simplifying,e-commerce growth before we get started,make sure to leave a like subscribe as,well as turn on post notifications to be,one of the first to know about these,cutting edge e-commerce marketing tips,posting on our channel every week,so in today's video i'll be utilizing,the addison software which is great been,loving that app in the past couple of,days been using it a lot when it comes,to advertising and making sure that i,couldn't create swap files so let's get,started with the first ad i'm just gonna,put that on mute real quick and let that,play right here so this is a very,interesting ad i mean anything that,talks about sex on facebook or on tech,talk i mean always converts you know sex,is sort of the old the oldest form of,creating desire essentially within a,audience so that one first of all is a,little bit you know my parents left me,this fancy chocolate is is pretty,interesting and again keep in mind that,is a six,second video so it's a super super quick,video right there that gets straight to,the point and what is nice about,utilizing under seven second videos on,tick tock is that usually people don't,get the points within six seconds but if,you can make it very interesting they'll,probably rewatch the second time which,increases watch time a lot which for the,algorithm they like that that kind of,flags to the algorithm that this is a,great video so it'll push it to more,people so essentially just playing that,one right there as soon as he says you,know my parents left me this chocolate,you seen eggplant emoji you see like a,little water emoji you see a peach emoji,so again kind of instant sex so it is a,bit of a funny angle like my parents,left me this but it talks about you know,it's some sex stuff you then see a kid,or you know young adult at least you,know presenting that product and you,know it's reminded to read ingredients,before you eat stuff guys so anyways it,just leaves you with a little bit of a,smirk in the face and wants you to,actually go ahead and check it out and,second one right there it's just a meme,right it starts with the meme starts,with something that's been pretty you,know accurate in the past couple of days,the meme of you know again will smith,sort of slapping chris rock and tells,you know this is better than that and,here's a quick switch over to the actual,main point of the video where he talks,about you know getting money essentially,those proof shows again it uses a green,screen effect so it actually looks like,it was a real organic tick dock and not,just an ad looking at this one right,there that's an a minute and eight,second ad that i really recommend that,to anybody to go to that length when it,comes to ad but that one was a,masterpiece i mean that guy basically,did a skit it was a pretty interesting,and funny skit and you know you can kind,of see at this point here that there is,a big focus on a specific product so it,does you know you know it's an ad but,the fact that it's funny and the fact,that it's well placed i would personally,want to keep watching that so he,basically did a skit with that and made,something relatable essentially for this,his type of audience of you know just a,kid working during the weekend with his,dad on you know constructing something,and i want to quickly go over it this is,you know it has the text-to-speech audio,in the background which you cannot hear,right now text-to-speech works great,just shows you know fast cuts every,second shows how quick it is shows a,quick way for you to try out you know a,bit of a tattoo first that is within 60,minutes you know ready and looks pretty,real so love how fast-paced this is,again they're using text-to-speech which,is great that one right there again it,kind of looks like it was just somebody,recording a regular video setting up you,know drinking furniture kind of looks,like a vlog a lot of people are doing,these style of videos on tiktok where,they kind of showcase themselves doing,something around the house it kind of,shows like she's doing chores,essentially but at the end of the day,they're actually selling the furniture,that is being showed in the video but it,just is a pretty satisfying video to,watch and it's also a very nice house so,kind of has this lifestyle aspect to it,that essentially helps create some value,and desire out of that video darwin is a,very nice thing that i see quite a lot,there's a second one of those in the,next couple of seconds but it's more,about the style of ad he responds to a,comment and makes an ad out of that so,that is a spark ad right there but again,it just looks real it looks like a,regular organic post because he is,responding to an actual comment and you,would see the same thing here with that

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How to Run TikTok Ads 2023 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

How to Run TikTok Ads 2023 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

what's up guys jordan here today we're going to  be going through tiktok ads step by step the a to  ,z everything you need to know to launch your first  ad on the platform today now we're currently using  ,tick tock in our marketing agency the affluent  agency and we're generating a ridiculous amount  ,of new revenue for our clients at the moment using  the platform i cannot wait to bring this to you  ,guys today it's been a long time coming i've got  a presentation ready for you we're going to jump  ,onto it in a second but before we do i want  to announce a quick competition on this video  ,now for every one in 100 people that comment down  below with their goals for running tik tok ads  ,right now i'm going to give you the chance to  win a completely free strategy call with me for  ,an hour where we'll run through anything you want  to run through we break down your strategy how you  ,can increase your revenue how you can increase  your roads on whatever platform you're using  ,we're gonna jump on that call we're gonna make  that happen for you so enter that competition  ,let's get started with this no bs implementable  training but do me a favor stop what you're doing  ,right now whatever it is shut down your tabs take  some notes and pay attention and take action on  ,what you learned today let's get started okay  so tick-tock ads training first of all let's  ,start off with some data we need to understand  the opportunity here now tik tok was the most  ,downloaded app in 2020 with 850 million downloads  okay tiktok has 1.1 billion active users worldwide  ,with 90 of users using the app multiple times per  day so we can get ourselves in front of our ideal  ,customer multiple times a day on average now as  of january 2021 tick tock raked in 128 million in  ,user spending marking an increase of 380 from its  january 2020 revenue so it's growing year on year  ,almost 4x in user revenue now take top ranks  as the second biggest app in consumer spend  ,above youtube disney plus and netflix this  is probably the uh the biggest stat on this  ,screen ranking above youtube and netflix in  consumer spend is absolutely ridiculous so  ,it's a monumental opportunity for people and  businesses to sell their products on the platform  ,how many times have you spoken to someone they've  said ah i found that product on tick tock it's  ,happening a lot these days so let's jump on to how  you can actually make the most of that so this is  ,the tick tock ad structure so at the top we have  tick tocks ad manager then we have ad campaigns  ,we have ad groups we have ad creative and then  landing pages to break these down one by one tick  ,doc ads manager is where you manage your ticktock  advertising account similar to the facebook  ,ad manager now a ad campaign is the foundation  of your ad so we're setting up our advertising  ,objectives and formats we then have ad group which  is target audiences ad placements budget and the  ,bidding then we have the ad creative which is  the text and the video that will appear on our  ,apps what we're physically seeing then finally our  landing page and this is the destination url that  ,we are driving our potential customers too this  is the place where they will actually buy our  ,products or service so when you actually have your  tick tock ad account up and running this is kind  ,of what the format will look like we have our ad  manager at the top we have campaigns beneath that  ,then inside an ad campaign we would have multiple  ad groups so we'll be testing out multiple  ,audiences and inside those audiences we may even  be testing out multiple different ad creatives  ,as well so what are the actual creative the the  creative formats that we can use on tick tock well  ,we have top view on the left hand side here which  is like a full-size video which shows up when we  ,launch the app we don't have brand tank takeover  now these are the most expensive tic toc ads and  ,very large brands use these and again these come  up right at the start of launching the app and it  ,takes over the entire screen then have in feed ads  this is what we're going to be going through today  ,and what most businesses are actually using  to generate the most revenue from tick tock  ,we have branded hashtag challenges so if we  want to launch a challenge on the platform and  ,then finally branded event so we want to have our  own branded stickers on uh on tick tock itself so  ,people can use them when they're creating their  own content but as i said in feed ads it's the  ,ad format we use for our tiktok ad clients  at the affluent agency and we're literally  ,generating hundreds of thousands in new revenue  from infeed ads alone so that's what i'm going to  ,show you today so without further ado let's jump  straight on to the tick tock advertising platform  ,okay so the first thing we're going to do is  go over to ticktock.com forward slash business  ,i'm just going to zoom in here so you can see  every

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TikTok Ads that convert | Make effective ads with Canva's video editor

TikTok Ads that convert | Make effective ads with Canva's video editor

hello we've arrived at the last episode,in our series on how to create,compelling Tick Tock ads in canva,this is a big one how to create ads that,convert ads that translate into sales,for your brand it's no secret that,creating eye-catching content is crucial,here so I have a question for you which,of these two ads do you think is the,most effective ad and why,foreign,gotta get it,write your answers in the comment below,and later in the episode we'll explore,why one of these is a clear winner,hi I'm Cherie a creative partnership,manager at Tick Tock and now if you,thought ad number two was the most,engaging you're totally right as it,follows the two golden rules of,conversion ads not sure what they are,we'll be sharing those later in this,episode in episode 1 we showed you how,to create Tick Tock ads in Canberra to,help you grow awareness of your brand,that's the first stage of moving your,audience through the marketing funnel,in episode 2 we showed you how to create,ads that move your audience into the,second stage considering buying from,your brand today we're going to explore,how to take your audience through the,last stage in the marketing funnel,conversion encouraging your audience to,take steps towards buying your product,so what does conversion mean and what,metrics should a conversion campaign,measure all that info is coming up in,just a moment along with Tick Tock,creative best practice tips make sure,you watch till the end we'll show you an,easy tutorial on how to take all these,insights and create an effective,conversion ad in Canberra so let's start,with part one with the million dollar,question what does conversion actually,mean conversion is when your audience,engages with your advertisement then,purchases your product or service we,assume at this stage that your audience,is familiar with your brand and products,thanks to your awareness and,consideration ads,so this last stage has one job to get,people to buy,now that we understand conversion let's,explore the metrics that help you,measure the success for your ad it's,pretty easy to hear the word metrics and,think of this,so we're going to try and simplify it as,much as possible,some common metrics to determine the,success of the campaigns are,Landing or cost per lead these metrics,are often the key performance indicators,used for conversion campaigns as it is,commonly the closest available metric,prior to purchase,Landings are a sign of interest and,potential conversion number two,number of purchases,this is a number of sales or leads you,have generated which you would gather,from your platforms external to tick,tock alright now we know what we should,be measuring how do you make sure your,ad stands out amongst the 6 000 to 10,000 ads Americans are exposed to each,day luckily we have a couple of key,insights to show you what performs well,as a conversion ad on Tick Tock remember,this side,we'll share two best practice Tick Tock,tips and examine exactly why this ad,works,tip number one,add in varied scenes,videos showing five plus scenes indicate,171 percent lift in conversion compared,to videos that show fewer than five,scenes with a total of five scenes our,effective ad certainly adhere to this,best practice tip,tip number two,video resolution ensure your video,format has a resolution of 720 pixels or,higher we found that advertisers who had,created with a video resolution of 720,pixels or higher had a whopping 312 lift,in conversion compared to videos with a,lower resolution so while you may have,heard it over and over again resolution,really does matter and it can help have,a huge impact on the success of your ad,and with super crisp visuals you can see,our effective ad was certainly more,eye-catching than the alternative we,showed you at the start of this video,and very shortly we'll show you how you,can create an ad like this easily in,canva but first we'd love to know have,you already applied these two tips to,the content you create,do you have any other tips for,successful conversion ads we'd love to,hear them so please share in the,comments below,up next we have Jordy from Canberra who,will show you how to apply all this,knowledge and make a breathtaking Tick,Tock ad hey I'm going to be creating an,ad for a clothing brand called active,apparel which creates sustainable,activewear for everyone in today's ad,we're going to have a release which will,be a drop of our brand new clothing line,all right let's get started,to kick things off I'm going to start on,the canva home page and we'll type Tick,Tock clean video Centric into the,template search bar and see what comes,up,this one will work for what I'm after,keeping our messaging Simple and Clean,is the priority for bottom of the funnel,ads I'm going to search here for another,template that I can add to this one,I'm looking for something along the,lines of sustainable fashion Tick Tock,so that's the search term I'm going to,use,this one is great click to add a new,page and then drag it t

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