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How to Run TikTok Ads 2023 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

what's up guys jordan here today we're going to  be going through tiktok ads step by step the a to  ,z everything you need to know to launch your first  ad on the platform today now we're currently using  ,tick tock in our marketing agency the affluent  agency and we're generating a ridiculous amount  ,of new revenue for our clients at the moment using  the platform i cannot wait to bring this to you  ,guys today it's been a long time coming i've got  a presentation ready for you we're going to jump  ,onto it in a second but before we do i want  to announce a quick competition on this video  ,now for every one in 100 people that comment down  below with their goals for running tik tok ads  ,right now i'm going to give you the chance to  win a completely free strategy call with me for  ,an hour where we'll run through anything you want  to run through we break down your strategy how you  ,can increase your revenue how you can increase  your roads on whatever platform you're using  ,we're gonna jump on that call we're gonna make  that happen for you so enter that competition  ,let's get started with this no bs implementable  training but do me a favor stop what you're doing  ,right now whatever it is shut down your tabs take  some notes and pay attention and take action on  ,what you learned today let's get started okay  so tick-tock ads training first of all let's  ,start off with some data we need to understand  the opportunity here now tik tok was the most  ,downloaded app in 2020 with 850 million downloads  okay tiktok has 1.1 billion active users worldwide  ,with 90 of users using the app multiple times per  day so we can get ourselves in front of our ideal  ,customer multiple times a day on average now as  of january 2021 tick tock raked in 128 million in  ,user spending marking an increase of 380 from its  january 2020 revenue so it's growing year on year  ,almost 4x in user revenue now take top ranks  as the second biggest app in consumer spend  ,above youtube disney plus and netflix this  is probably the uh the biggest stat on this  ,screen ranking above youtube and netflix in  consumer spend is absolutely ridiculous so  ,it's a monumental opportunity for people and  businesses to sell their products on the platform  ,how many times have you spoken to someone they've  said ah i found that product on tick tock it's  ,happening a lot these days so let's jump on to how  you can actually make the most of that so this is  ,the tick tock ad structure so at the top we have  tick tocks ad manager then we have ad campaigns  ,we have ad groups we have ad creative and then  landing pages to break these down one by one tick  ,doc ads manager is where you manage your ticktock  advertising account similar to the facebook  ,ad manager now a ad campaign is the foundation  of your ad so we're setting up our advertising  ,objectives and formats we then have ad group which  is target audiences ad placements budget and the  ,bidding then we have the ad creative which is  the text and the video that will appear on our  ,apps what we're physically seeing then finally our  landing page and this is the destination url that  ,we are driving our potential customers too this  is the place where they will actually buy our  ,products or service so when you actually have your  tick tock ad account up and running this is kind  ,of what the format will look like we have our ad  manager at the top we have campaigns beneath that  ,then inside an ad campaign we would have multiple  ad groups so we'll be testing out multiple  ,audiences and inside those audiences we may even  be testing out multiple different ad creatives  ,as well so what are the actual creative the the  creative formats that we can use on tick tock well  ,we have top view on the left hand side here which  is like a full-size video which shows up when we  ,launch the app we don't have brand tank takeover  now these are the most expensive tic toc ads and  ,very large brands use these and again these come  up right at the start of launching the app and it  ,takes over the entire screen then have in feed ads  this is what we're going to be going through today  ,and what most businesses are actually using  to generate the most revenue from tick tock  ,we have branded hashtag challenges so if we  want to launch a challenge on the platform and  ,then finally branded event so we want to have our  own branded stickers on uh on tick tock itself so  ,people can use them when they're creating their  own content but as i said in feed ads it's the  ,ad format we use for our tiktok ad clients  at the affluent agency and we're literally  ,generating hundreds of thousands in new revenue  from infeed ads alone so that's what i'm going to  ,show you today so without further ado let's jump  straight on to the tick tock advertising platform  ,okay so the first thing we're going to do is  go over to ticktock.com forward slash business  ,i'm just going to zoom in here so you can see  every

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Million Dollar TikTok Ads (Copy These)

Million Dollar TikTok Ads (Copy These)

good artist copy great artist steel,you've probably heard that quote before,and it's partly true so in today's video,we're going to be going through some,million dollar Tick Tock ads so the goal,here is just to show you basically what,ads are working so that you can modify,your videos to fit what's already,working out there so we're gonna be,using a tool here called mine EA or,minia whatever you guys want to call it,this is my favorite ad spy tool out,there so what's cool about this tool is,that we can look at Facebook ads,Pinterest ads and even Tick Tock ads so,we're gonna go to The Tick Tock ads tab,now before we begin here I do want to,say something real quick when we make,these videos or any video just try to,remember to expand your mind a bit like,try to think in a more abstract way when,you look at this stuff like try to use,your creativity to see how you can apply,these things to your business to your,life because honestly e-commerce is not,the only pathway that you can take in,order to make an income online right,like you could become an influencer you,could create a theme page you could use,these methods or these Trends and apply,them to really anything so so just,remember like the power of the internet,is insane and you can apply it in many,different ways not just the,self-physical products however most of,these ads are going to be physical,products and e-commerce and physical,products are an amazing business to,start but I just wanted to mention that,real quick so let's begin now again,we're on the tick tock ads tab here,let's filter by ads that already have a,lot of likes because you know we don't,want to see ads that are just starting,to get likes because that doesn't really,tell us anything right like we want to,make sure that these ads are working,like they're actually getting a lot of,Engagement because if they are getting a,lot of Engagement it means a lot of,people are spending money on them and,nobody in their right mind would spend,money on an ad if it's not performing,well at least you'd think so a lot of,e-commerce brands do do that nowadays so,here we have the first one what do you,want for dinner,Mortadella Pizza,she wants Pizza,and this guy is about to make it in a,really easy way so a few things we can,learn from this I mean you see the Fast,Cuts it's like not wasting any time here,it's just like good hook like oh I want,pizza and then it's just like making it,right away right like super quick,let's skip around here oh okay so look,at that that this is what the ad is for,is this pizza oven super smart ad here,because it doesn't look like an ad so,that's kind of the biggest thing that,you need to take away from this damn,that looks good I'm hungry and look at,the follow for more is placed right on,the profile pic so this is if you've,ever used Tick Tock which I suggest you,do make sure you start using it,regularly obviously not to just like,mindlessly scroll but to get inspiration,this is exactly where your profile pic,is shown so anyways that was honestly a,really good ad keep in mind again that,the ads that do the best are the ones,that don't look like ads let's check,this one out,foreign,do you want a cupcake no I'm allergic,take it from me,so as you see this is a really quick ad,like five seconds not even long at all,and see this is a great example of how,you can use tick tock ads in a different,way because this girl is just driving,traffic to her beacons page where she,has a bunch of different links and she's,trying to funnel people into her private,Community around people that have,allergies and eczema so super,interesting right and she's driving,traffic to this ad I'm guessing what,happened here is she had a viral video,on Tick Tock or a tick tock that was,starting to do well and then she,Amplified it with Tick Tock ads so,that's a super powerful strategy it's,actually called spark ads when you do,that so if you didn't know about that,now you know and that's definitely,something you can do to really increase,your reach so this dog is just like,being bougie,me that's funny people are so funny on,Tick Tock so Something That We're,noticing here is that quick videos are,starting to do better it's so much,easier to get someone to watch like a,five or seven second video than a 30,second video and if they watch it twice,that does a lot for the algorithm that,tells the algorithm that this video is,really good and then it pushes it to,more people so that's definitely,something you should be testing out like,really quick ads do you and Alex break,up what why he just walked into the,party I'm at with another girl om this,is an interesting sure it's him 100 wait,does the girl have red hair wait so this,tells a story go friend hold on I'm,going to kill him and what okay this is,my pretty long install hook to read the,rest wow so this is an app ad right here,so that's another thing getting app,downloads on Tick Tock is crazy right,now the reason why I like to show you,these things guys is

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How To See And Manage Your TikTok Ads Comments

How To See And Manage Your TikTok Ads Comments

whether or not you're new to tick tock,advertising one of the things you,definitely want to know is how to see,and manage your ad comments to be quite,honest it's very easy if you're running,a spark ad because you'll see them under,your post but if you're running a,regular tick tock ad you may have to do,a little bit of digging to be able to,see those comments and you definitely,want to monitor all those nasty comments,you may get when advertising my name is,justin and i'm the founder of voiceover,media an e-commerce marketing agency,specializing in elevating thriving,brands by simplifying e-commerce growth,before we get started make sure to leave,a like subscribe as well as turn on post,notifications to be one of the first to,know about these cutting edge e-commerce,marketing tips post on the channel every,week,so first and foremost what you're going,to want to do is head over to,ads.ticktalk.com or tiktok.com forward,slash business,and then you'll want to log into your,ads manager which you can do so by,clicking the button create now at the,top rights and then logging into your,ads manager once you're logged in you'll,want to go to your ads manager when when,you do so this is pretty much the screen,you're going to be greeted with this is,the tick tock ads manager dashboard so,the first part which is how to access,your comments is going to be very simple,you simply want to hover around assets,and when you're on assets you're going,to see a drop down with comments so,click on that now once you click on that,you're going to be able to see all of,your tick tock comments and then this is,where it get interesting you'd be able,to see the replies that you've made to,any of these comments the block users,the block words etc so what i also want,to spend some time on is not to simply,show you where to access these comments,because that's the easy part that's what,i just,showed you right here even though it,requires a little bit of digging,nonetheless it's pretty easy to get to,it so what else can you do with these,tick tock comments and how can you,monitor and make sure you can almost,automate the process of managing your,comments because the truth is if you,have been advertising for a while or not,you may or may not know that,you'll get a lot of nasty comments,whenever running ads would it be on tech,talk or on facebook so you want to make,sure that you can,moderate these comments and make sure,you only showcase the comments that are,either positive or genuine questions,that you can then use as an opportunity,to reply to that so if you're doing tick,tock then you could reply to these,comments as you know a separate video or,simply reply to them text wise if you're,on facebook and instagram it would be,the same thing essentially you just want,to reply down below under their comment,it shows that not only you're active but,you also care about your audience and,that you're there to answer and respond,back to them so block words is a very,interesting place where it's pretty,straightforward you can just go and add,now and add any words which would be,automatically blocked so any of these,words that would be found below one of,your ads would automatically get flagged,to tick talk and get deleted off of the,comment section at least hidden so that,way nobody else than you would be able,to see that comment so they will not,show publicly and then if you see,somebody repeatedly commenting some bad,stuff on your ads then you can,definitely block a single user so that,way they can never see your ads again or,see any of your posts whatsoever and,lastly is replies which if you find,yourself repeating the same thing over,and over again which some people you,know may ask the same questions about as,an example you know what sizes do you,guys offer with your products or what,models or what colors are available so,then you can add preset replies in this,section so that way you can just pull,from these templates whenever responding,back to any of your comments so let's,send back the tick tock comments right,there and then let's see as an example,there is a comment right here that has,not been addressed so far and that,happened within the past seven days now,the tick tock algorithm is honestly,miles ahead of the facebooks so on,facebook it's much harder to find your,comments it's also much different when,you want to answer your comments because,facebook doesn't really tell you is this,a good or a bad comment you don't really,know right,whereas here first of all it tells you,what is your response so far so okay so,far nobody else basically if you have,multiple team members i can see that,nobody else on my team replied to that,comment or pins or nobody took action on,that comments so okay that's the first,thing then tick tock says is this you,know is the sentiment positive or,negative for that comment it says the,positive comment so okay cool let's take,a look at that in a second then it tells,you does that comment contains a,question no

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How to Use TikTok Ads to Get Leads For Your Business

How to Use TikTok Ads to Get Leads For Your Business

i've been talking a lot in my videos,recently about how i'm finding facebook,ads a lot less reliable when it comes to,lead generation and reliable in general,when it comes to advertising,but advertising helps fuel the fire if,you watch my video subscribe to go and,get that if you if you watch my video,the other day where i talked about my,new campfire methodology,which talks about the new way to grow,with video in 2022 and beyond and you,can get the blueprint for that by the,way at mattjohnsononline.com,free blueprint um i talk a lot about how,instead of ads being the major,structure that drives everything it's,going to be i believe and what i'm,seeing in testing you're going to have,to spend a little bit of money on ads,and using organic to sort of blow,everything up there's a whole,methodology and training on that in that,blueprint if you grab it there,and what i'm using lately and having,success with is tick tock and,i've been testing facebook ads right,alongside it just to make sure that i,wasn't seeing the wrong numbers or,whatever it might be and while my tick,tock ad numbers are not exactly,mind-blowing,they are massively better than facebook,and they also are much more in line with,what i was willing to pay for similar,ads on facebook before so what i'm going,to show you in this video today is how,to run a lead generation campaign on,tiktok to build your email list i'm,going to show you exactly what i'm doing,all right okay so let's jump right into,it um so basically what i'm doing is i'm,driving leads to a very specific offer,it's just a download just a regular lead,magnus lead magnet thing and they're,going into my crm i use drip and then,they're going into an email sequence,to book a call with me obviously you,know to help join my ignite program to,help people build their videos their,build their business with video,and so what i'm doing on tik tok is,that's where i'm drawing like driving my,cold traffic here and i'm going to take,you inside of that,right now and then we'll go through um,after i show you the what what it looks,like here i'm gonna take you inside and,give you an exact process that you can,copy and paste and follow for yourself,so that you can start driving leads,through,uh through through tick tock ads so let,me show you what i'm seeing here,so this is my tick tock ads account,and,um i've been that's the ad level let's,go to the campaign level and i've been,doing a lot of testing and i'm still,testing to be honest with you,but here are the numbers that i am,looking at,so,fourteen thousand impressions on this so,far point four five percent clicks your,rate i'm actually seeing that tick tock,click-through rates are much lower than,the sort of regular one percent,benchmark that we're used to looking,used to looking uh used to looking at,used to be looking at what's wrong with,my what's wrong with the way that i'm,speaking,um,and you see it's a 11 cpa that's,relatively normal in business to,business um and i'm i'm not i'm not in,love with it i'd rather it was somewhere,close to seven or eight,but,on facebook you're lucky to get 20 21 22,these days because of the cpm and look,at my cpm number for b2b here,12.51 usd in all of my tests on facebook,and instagram ads over the past month i,have struggled so much to get cpms which,is the cost of advertising costs to,reach a thousand people,under,literally 60 70,and we're talking about 12 on tick tock,and i actually think this could be quite,improved and it probably it's better as,you drill down so this is the camp this,is the uh this is the campaign and i'm,running this to my you guys can get it,for free here if you just if you just,click the link this is what i'm running,a lead magnet to,but um,you can see here i tried a few different,audiences wasn't loving what i was,seeing and some of the other stuff tick,tock is very touchy about things getting,approved or not and what they like to do,is this,they like to half approve things it's,really weird but i don't see any impact,myself i'll let you know if i do see,impact but i'm actually not seeing any,impact from this partial,it's very strange it's very strange,um so you can see for this,um i spent 138 dollars here two dollar,cost per click or 267 cost per click,12 cpms 52 clicks point four six percent,ctr,uh 13 conversions at 10 68 right and,it's actually more than that because,data and ios 14 and all this stuff um,which is a 25 conversion rate et cetera,et cetera i'm also split testing landing,pages on the back end as well because i,always do that usually very different,landing pages and again as i said we're,sort of early on in this,and the numbers are not blowing you away,i'm sure but they are,really good compared to it's similar to,what you used to be able to get running,facebook and instagram ads,um and you just like you can't do that,now,um 2.40 costs so now as we drill down in,the creative so i tested a very short,creative,um,can i pre i can preview here i tested a,very very short creat

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How to Run TikTok Ads to Generate Leads & Sales

How to Run TikTok Ads to Generate Leads & Sales

process is simple let me go to this list,so this is our paid advertising lead,list for all the leads that come in in,the last 30 days for paid ads right so,you can see here 258 results,um so we're generating a lot we're,generating 250 to 350 leads per month,using um advertising okay,and then we close those deals now how do,we make sure that these are all really,good opportunities,a question the answer to your question,yet is all here okay it's all in the,contact record okay so i'll explain it,to you,so,right when and i'll pull up the zap for,this too make sure like i'll record this,call to and upload it to the coaching,calls just so you guys have it but yeah,just like pay close attention try not to,take as many notes right now because i,have this recorded um just focus on what,i'm doing right like learn what i'm,doing like learn the skill of what i'm,about to show you like don't don't worry,too much about the specifics like if you,learn the overarching skill you can do,anything you can automate anything you,can do anything you want you can even do,more than i can do right,so that's and that's what i'm trying to,get you guys to do so let's uh let's go,over that detail okay,here is a campaign that i'm running okay,i'm going to pull it up so that you guys,have full,scope of what this is okay and this ties,into tick tock facebook google doesn't,matter where you're running your ads,it matters what process they're being,sent through so for example,we generated 32 leads today,right,off of 250 cad spent,so those 32 leads let's just say we,transact and close 20 of them that's,about six new customers right six new,customers two three four five thousand,dollars a month customers,what's the 250 when even if i close one,customer of the of the 32 leads you know,we immediately get an roi right,so that's exactly,what this is,and you need to have the unit economics,built into your advertising so that it,all makes sense like if your pricing if,my pricing was like let's just say 50,bucks,per item right,or per service or whatever then i have,to sell five of these people,in order to even just break even on my,aspect,right so the unit economics aren't,really so good in that situation right,so it's very important that you your,pricing of your service or product,like is a lot higher ticket than you,know what we're looking to spend here on,ads because these 32 leads if even 10,close which is three new customers,then we now get about eight grand,returned in the first 30 days of running,these ads off of today's aspect right,so and then next month the day after,like the next month after we're building,again for more monthly right so it's,your unit economics need to make sense,okay so that's first and foremost,but let's just say we have a campaign,right so this is our campaign this is,what we're running our ads through and,this could be like i said on youtube,facebook you can run ads anywhere it's,very simple running ads you just click,create campaign and then you go through,the steps which i'll walk you through,today um so you're not gonna be left in,the dark i'll show you exactly how to,run tick tock ads but to answer your,question it's like here is where i'm,getting the traffic right so i'm,acquiring traffic here,okay,and then my goal is to send the traffic,from tick tock using my tick tock ads,to,my crm right with within my paid ads,list but not just my crm right like what,else am i doing so new tick tock lead,comes in you see this this is zapier,okay for if you have any questions you,don't know what i'm talking about just,let me know,but this is zapier a zapier is a tool,that lets you automate lots of different,tools together at the same time which is,exactly what you need when you're,running any kind of paid ads campaign,you need to connect your crm you need to,connect your email marketing tool you,need to connect your notification tool,right and any other tool that might make,sense when that lead signs up right,so look new leads signed up right and,this is for tick tock i could have said,new lead in facebook ads yes it could it,could have been you know the trigger,could have been new lead in facebook ads,it's really easy to do,you go choose app an event here it's,saying tiktok i could type in facebook,lead ads do you see that,so it's right there you know,all this is very turnkey and easy none,of this requires coding technology or,any kind of knowledge in that in that,realm right you just need to be logical,when you do this right so new tick tock,lead the trigger event is new lead right,great that's the only trigger event,that's available so when a new lead,comes in great let's automate some stuff,off of that right the first thing i want,to automate,is adding them to my active campaign,create or update a contact in active,campaign which is my email marketing,tool right so let's pop that open,that's this right here right so like if,i pop open like an automation for,example this is the exact,automation they go through they go,throu

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How To Get Clients For Your TikTok Agency

How To Get Clients For Your TikTok Agency

hello everybody michael gardner here,founder of donefreemeetings.com your,choice for b2b prospecting and in,today's video i'm going to be addressing,a question i get quite a lot which is,how can i get clients from my tick tock,agency whether you're offering ads,content influencer marketing whatever it,may be i'm seeing this giant upswing in,people offering services on tick tock,obviously as the ad platform gets better,more and more people are going on it,meaning there's a lot of money to be,made so let's go ahead and talk about,what i would do if i had a tick tock,agency and wanted to go ahead and score,some more meetings and bust more clients,drop it,so one of my favorite things to do if,cold email is segment my audiences that,way i can tier my messaging to the,person,and really make sure i'm hitting on,their panes and where they're at for,example if you're helping somebody get,onto tick tock who's already on tick,tock well obviously that messaging is,wrong or if you're helping somebody who,has hundreds of ads running and you're,like let me help you start running ads,again it's wrong so you want to go ahead,and make sure the segmentation matches,as it's going to give you the best,results so i've gone ahead and created,three segments but i would consider when,doing outreach primarily on email but,you can also do this on instagram,outreach twitter linkedin or really any,platform so the first one i look at is,facebook power users what i mean by this,is i would specifically target people,who are already doing really well with,facebook advertising this means they,have 10 20 ads running and they're,clearly doing well on facebook which,means they have a website that converts,they have a product people want and they,obviously are ambitious on selling and,if they're not using tick tock well it's,gonna be much easier to transition their,success from facebook to tick tock and,also they're probably easier to sell as,well because they believe in advertising,as opposed to someone who doesn't know,anything whatsoever about online,advertising so how can we segment these,facebook power users,so the first step in finding people who,are likely power users on facebook have,a lot of ads running to me would be go,to store leads if you're not familiar,with store leads i have a video on my,channel explaining it it's essentially a,tool that allows you to segment stores,based off different filters such as your,social followers technologies installed,employees and much more so what i would,go ahead and consider is what is,something that everybody who's doing,really well with facebook ads all has in,common and a great thing that popped to,my mind is tracking software so for,example i'm sorry i could book by people,who have certain technologies installed,and i know there's more than just,high-rose i'm gonna be filtered by high,ropes so i can go ahead and zoom but,somebody who's paying enough money to,have hi-ros installing their website is,likely probably already spending ten to,twenty thousand dollars a month on,advertising and thus if not using tick,tock is very likely to be a good,prospect we can see right here if i move,my face but there's 2 000 stores that,match meaning they have hi-ros installed,now what i would then go and do ahead,and do is segment people who are not,using tick-tock so how would i do this,let me show you,what i would do is go to a technology,filter and put the tick tock pixel and,put not using a tick tock pixel this,means people who do not have a tick tock,pixel installed so we're looking at a,list of people here who have high ropes,meaning we're spending a lot on ads or,at least they intend to and we're not on,tick tock or at least don't have the,pixel set up and if this is someone,who's technically savvy enough to use,hyrus they probably know they need a,tick-tock pixel so but chances are,they're probably not running any,tick-tock ads this leaves us over a,thousand people who are perfect fit for,somebody who is doing a lot of,advertising but has not yet taken,advantage of tick tock,so in my outreach to these people i,would go ahead and make it very clear,that you see her doing well on facebook,and you want to help them transition,versus success to tick tock there should,be a lot of context there it's clearly,done some research and i think this,would be a very successful campaign and,lastly to add if you want to go ahead,and turn those domains and store leads,into prospects just use a tool like,sales ql or io find the emails and,you're gonna be good to go rose brands,either target the owners or the cmos,depending on the size of the company the,next segment i would consider is brands,already on tick tock now there would be,two ways to find brands that are already,on tick-tock the first way is to,actually go on tick-tock and find those,brands probably have your virtual,assistant do this because it would take,you a long time to do it yourself and,the second is to use store leads again,so what can we do with stor

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Find Your Contact on Tiktok 2022 // Must Improtant Settings for Tiktok // Tiktok Settings Bangla

Find Your Contact on Tiktok 2022 // Must Improtant Settings for Tiktok // Tiktok Settings Bangla

foreign,number will be used to improve your tic,toc experience included contacting uh,contacting you with people you uh make,no personalities your ads experience and,more people,english composite,foreign,no

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TikTok Ads FULL Beginners Guide in 20 Minutes (PROFITABLE TikTok Ads)

TikTok Ads FULL Beginners Guide in 20 Minutes (PROFITABLE TikTok Ads)

hey there andrew here hope you're all,well today we're going to learn how to,use tiktok ads effectively something i,haven't yet spoken about,on this channel so naturally you're in,for a value-packed one today,last year 74 of marketers,and businesses had no plans to invest,into tick-tock ads according to,a social media marketing industry report,so you're already two steps ahead of,your competition,watching this tutorial we'll be going,over five things today,why should you use tick-tock ads,examples of winning tick-tock ads,account setup tick-tock pixel setup and,creating,your ads as usual i'll leave timestamps,for all five sections for your,convenience and,any tools or resources i mentioned,throughout the video,i'll leave in the description box below,so go ahead and check them out below,so why should we use tik tok ads i mean,there are so many other ad platforms out,there right now,but because tick tock is so new there's,definitely pros and cons but let's go,over why you should use tick tock ads,and i'll be talking to also the,downsides of tick tock ads throughout,the video,arguably one of the biggest reasons,though to use tick tock ads is because,it's currently a,platform that is relevant in the world,of social media marketing it's really,important,to stay ahead of the curve and,experiment,within reason with new tools tick-tock,as is,exactly that it's a new and relevant,platform as of right now,tick tock ads has an extremely engaged,user base but this,may change in the future tick tock was,the most downloaded app on the apple app,store and has 2 billion total downloads,across apple,and google's app store now obviously,this doesn't mean,anything if the users aren't actually,engaged,but 9 out of 10 tick tock users access,the app,on a daily basis and spend on average 52,minutes on the app per day be careful,though because the cost per click of,tick tock ads is extremely high right,now,in comparison to let's say facebook ads,or snapchat ads,so the barrier to entry to just,experiment with tick-tock ads alone,isn't exactly low that being all said,it's worth at the very least,experimenting with tik-tok ads you can,use tick-tock ads to grow your business,get more customers leads or even just,grow your tick-tock profile and get,your engagement and following up in the,next few sections i'll show you a simple,strategy you can use to see if tiktok,ads works for you,and your business okay so before we jump,into creating our tick tock ads,if you're enjoying this video tutorial,so far be sure to give this video a,thumbs up,and also subscribe to this channel if,you're looking for more lessons around,digital marketing e-commerce and general,online business,i've got my phone here and before we,jump into those talk ad creation,i want to go over winning tick tock ads,you know,tick tock ads that actually work well on,my phone here i'll also leave it on,screen so you can,follow along and break down why exactly,these ads,actually work so well so let's start,with the first one and the first one,is a slurpee ad from 7-11 i believe,so as you can see here you've got your,standard,dancing tik-tok here with a brand and,product,integrated into the video so,you can see in the caption they called,it the slurpee,shimmy and the point here is to create a,social dance that gets picked up by,other tick tock users and becomes tied,you know to a product if the dance gets,picked up by a whole load of users well,the product also gets picked up too the,product being a slurpee in this case,if you have the creativity and the moves,you know this is a great way to promote,a brand or product but creating a,dance that goes with it but i know this,isn't for everyone,personally not my cup of tea so let's,move on to the next example,so the next example with this one it's,also straight,pretty straightforward they have,literally just,shown their apparel products overlaid,with a popular song and they've added a,direct,call to action button as part of the ad,which i'll show you how to do,later in this tutorial they have a,buttload of likes,at 200k plus for this specific ad alone,which means they most likely,ran an engagement campaign on tick-tock,but the point here is you don't always,need to have a really fancy you know,dancing tick-tock video to succeed so,this is an example of an ad that works,and it's just a very,simple uh you know apparel video the,next one is,from nike this one's pretty interesting,have you watched this,you know ad loan by itself you're,probably going to wonder,how the heck is this working how does it,drive customers to,buy anything or do anything wouldn't,blame you but,what's going on here is also genius and,can drive virality the goal here is to,get,as many users to repost this as a duet,as you can see here they've reposted it,you know they've got some,engaging dancing going on more people,that repost this as a duet the more,eyeballs,that see this ad and the more traffic,that comes through to your website,so as you can see here with tho

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