tiktok ads connexion

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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

today we're going to cover everything tick-tock  ads we're going to go into shopify we're going  ,to link our store we're going to make sure the  pixel is set up properly we're going to make  ,sure that you can get amazing tick-tock results  for those that are new to the channel i'm davey  ,foggerty my shopify stores have done over 400  million dollars in sales in just four years tick  ,tock ads is the new kid on the blog usually we're  heavily reliant on facebook because it's such an  ,incredible marketing tool but lots of people are  getting heaps of success with the new entertaining  ,nature of tick tock ads so it might be perfect  for your brand this video is perfect for beginners  ,we're not going to skip any steps but i'm also  going to go into some advanced things around  ,content because that is so important to make sure  that you make tick tock ads work the first step  ,you're going to want to do is set up your shopify  store if you haven't set up your shopify store  ,just pause the video click the link in my bio and  set it up now we've got one set up through our  ,lemon scrub series so it's got most of the things  ready we're just going to make sure that we set up  ,tiktok properly so the pixel is firing once you're  in shopify the best way to go is go into apps and  ,just write in tiktok simply download the official  tiktok app and click add sales channel this is the  ,exact same as facebook nowadays this will bring  up this little tick tock section down on the left  ,hand store of your shopify store if you don't have  shopify still carry on watching we're going to get  ,into the nitty gritty in a second once this is set  up we can click this section here setting up the  ,pixel the next step you can see that it's saying  connect tick tock for business this is where you  ,need a new tick tock account already have a tick  tock business account you can just click connect  ,but today we're gonna have to create a brand new  one so i'm just gonna click create new at the top  ,enter my email address get the verification code  sent into the verification code here agree to  ,terms and conditions and just click sign up you  can click connect down the bottom right and that's  ,now created an ads manager business manager under  that email we can click create new ad account and  ,we can select the country and the currency that we  want to be built in this is generally the region  ,that you want to be targeting change the business  name to something a little bit simpler click sign  ,up and connect you'll come to this data sharing  section which we've touched on a few times in my  ,previous episodes just click enhanced or maximum  providing you've got the terms and conditions set  ,up for something and then click confirm maximum  is obviously preferred this is how shopify shares  ,data with ticktock this is referred to as capi  which is a partnership between shopify and the  ,advertising platform click set up enter your final  details make sure you connect automatic payment  ,click confirm and you should be ready to go now  to create tick-tock ads we're actually going to  ,have to go back to the tick-tock ads manager so  we can go ads.tichtalk.com you can see that our  ,ad account has already been created to make sure  that we do have the pixel set up properly what i  ,do recommend is going to your website and just  like facebook there's something called tic toc  ,pixel helper and it's a chrome extension that you  can download and check if your pixel is firing  ,on your website if it's not you may need to go  and fix that initially just download the chrome  ,extension and you can see that our tick tock pixel  is set up here shopify set it up for us and it  ,should be firing this is a page view because we're  on a page when you add a product to cart it should  ,fire the add to cart pixel or if someone purchases  you can test a purchase and it will also fire that  ,pixel in the exact right way so now we're in  the tiktok ads account we can go ahead and  ,create our first campaign campaign structures  are really important to talk about it's what  ,separates good advertisers from bad advertisers  that alongside really effective marketing content  ,the basic structure is you have a campaign which  is what objective you are striving for if you've  ,got something like a real estate business  it might be leads you're trying to collect  ,leads but we've got a e-commerce business  so we want to get purchases then you've  ,got the ad set level which is basically the  targeting that you're setting up to complete  ,that campaign objective then finally you've got  your ads that live within each of those ad sets  ,these ads are different creative types that  you think are going to convert your customer  ,so head to campaign when you're in campaign all  you need to do is click create here and you'll set  ,up your first campaign you'll get prompted with  two options you've got simplified mode and custom  ,mode we're going to w

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads connexion

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Tiktok Ads Manager Tak boleh Login?

Tiktok Ads Manager Tak boleh Login?

hai hai semua kuburlah barokatuh Oke,dalam itu nih saya enak tunjukkan kepada,anda untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang,warga the app tipe muka pakai,dia sebab IP ada pengupahan nah daripada,tiktok Okelah mulai terbang itu untuk,menjelaskan tetap lalu ini suhu coba,kamu tanya Iya enggak,bytes agar tetap mereka buka ekor Tito,eps 162 itu choetsu dalam Indonesia ke,Tunjukkan pada anda cari cem-ceman untuk,gua,itu mengatasi masalah nih oke syuting,oppadeul kepada ini,tetap tes manajer,gitu-gitu Oke,kalau,semuanya oke,Hai Academy dekat bohong-bohongan kilap,kalau tokimonsta keluar waktu kita telah,dicabut,ngetik toh oke,Akiko Nippon ada satu lagi jadi punya,You are dia tuh oke memang tak keluar,nih kalau dimakan ini sampai lah sampai,Pilihlah takang jadi apapun Nah kamu,juga ini Tak lupa besok jalur dia punya,saya di adalah ke pergi pada sipenne Oke,kereta sispena nnp lihah Dewi Network,key pilih internet nih henneberg,pengguna Windows pengguna Windows,Oke,internet Protocol,Hai sehingga boleh jatuh,di elus-elus,karena evils,dikit jadi flash kita tengok kalau,celana,HPV di antaranya,Hai untuk x,oke should ktp-nya kita dahulu buka ah,sedia,masalah dikasih tuyul hatiku terluka,kita punya HP nih kita punya sipenne TV,pedas ipene,Oke,internet bagi pada properties,internet Protocol mission,kVA tukadi ne subuh yang bawa nih pada,111 ataupun,88887 yang pelukannya akhir ada juga,challenge the tiang satu kode NS punya,nomor tuh pergi pada,MP3 buta nih ada juga yang meyakini ADB,setengah tempat Tuh Yulia Eneng kini,nuklir browser Oke video,kristoni cookies murni oke clear tapi,calon ini dia akan kok kamu banyak,lesley akhir Simpan itu dia akan,hilanglah jadi Wow gila hati punya,bertanya-tanya Kamboja inilah Oke kita,akan atuh kadie nsfw jesaja oke eh untuk,video kali ini untuk penerangannya,tentang masalah teatring Allah Ike ekor,X dah selesai kita tengok tidak luar oke,tidak keluar di penyanyi kata Kemal,loading sampai lebih lodging tidak masuk,pot oke itu saja,hai

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Cara Menautkan Akun Tiktok Shop Ke Akun Ads Manager || Menghubungkan Akun Tiktok Ke Ads Manager

Cara Menautkan Akun Tiktok Shop Ke Akun Ads Manager || Menghubungkan Akun Tiktok Ke Ads Manager

hai hai dengan ke Hafidz jadi hari itu,gua bakal buatkan tutorial Gimana,caranya menghubungkan atau mengaitkan,akun Tik Tok organik kita ke akun Tik,Tok es kita temen-temen ya contohnya,kalau misalkan sudah berhasil terhubung,itu kayak gini atau Tuhan jadi ke,profile Terus ada yang namanya aku,tiktok terus asatsu ini dia ini Jadi,adalah tanda bahwasanya akun kita,organik itu sudah glukagon tidak kita,jadi kayak gini tentunya jadi ada,beberapa keuntungan kalau misalnya kita,mengaitkan akun Tik Tok kita dan menurut,gue ini keuntungannya salah satu,keuntungan yang cukup apa ya besar,mungkin atau ataupun signifikan ya Jadi,kalau misalnya kita melakukan pencatatan,akun untungan yang paling kontras itu,jadi ketika kita mengiklan ya,teman-teman kita beli dulu deh dia Kunti,toples ya di sini nanti orang yang,diiklankan itu bisa mengunjungi,teman-teman profile kita melihat melike,bahkan bisa Hai memfollow akun kita,teman-teman ya jadi nanti kalau misalnya,sudah menghubungkan si orang itu bisa,mengunjungi profil kita ketika kita,mengiklan sebagai terjadi nih,Nah,sebagai contoh ini teman-teman itu jadi,ini ada iklan Nah ini dia ada Iklan apa,nih,adegan game teman-teman ini dia kami ke,menggunakan Tik Tok aja doyan demokratik,rockets tapi kita itu bisa mengunjungi,profile Dian ini seperti ini tuh bisa,mengunjungi profil dia ya kalau misalkan,beruntung Nanti orang yang mengunjungi,profil temen-temen itu follow akun,teman-teman dari teman-teman iklan,sekaligus bisa nih menambah followers,dan kalau misalkan teman-teman punya,yang namanya tiktok shop Nadia bisa,mengunjungi nih namanya tiktok.com,terhubung dengan PT ngerusak jadi kita,enggak bisa melihat apa namanya,Tetap Sophia Intinya kita teman-teman,nanti sudah mengkaitkan akun Tik Tok,organik teman-teman ketika ETS ketombe,saat maka jika teman-teman itu bisa,dilihat dan bisa dikunjungi ke profile,organik jabatan tersebut kita,teman-temannya itu keuntungan dari,kita mengaitkan akun nah terus Kemudian,yang kedua apa yang kedua ketika,teman-teman menghubungkan akun organik,teman-teman ke akustik topedcc ya tetep,lebih ini Nah teman-teman itu nantinya,bisa melakukan yang namanya spark.exe,teman-teman gaji sport itu apa itu,sebabnya teman-teman kita itu bisa,mengiklankan contoh ya kalau sanggul,terhubung itu bisa mengiklankan video,yang ini nah jadi bisa menghilangkan,atau menggunakan video ini untuk di clan,kan ditiktok at gua ya atau Gua mau,makan ini misalkan nyir ada ada nih ada,kalanya bunyinya teman-teman terlihat,jadi gue bisa menggunakan video ini,sebagai bahan untuk iklan nanti ketika,teman-teman call kan ada yang komentar,ada yang nge-like gitu ya tetep masuk ke,sini teman-teman gitu tetap Ma the video,ini gitu Terus misalkan jangan follow,juga profil kita bawa teman-teman tambah,juga dan ini adalah kebetulan akun ini,ya teman-teman akun kedua gua memang,selama sedikitnya baru bikin Hah temanya,itu ya makan-makan gitu dan belum sempet,gue kelamin tapi intinya konstanta,mentah udah menghubungkan akun,temen-temen atau organik teman-teman ke,akun Tik Tok Ads ya maka teman-teman,akan mendapatkan beberapa keuntungan,yang pertama tadi dia bisa mengunjungi,profil temen-temen kalian kedua,teman-teman bisa melakukan sporket ya,tol,menggunakan postingan teman-teman yang,sebelumnya untuk dijalankan di tipe-x,dia dewasa basa-basi itu mungkin,penjelasan singkatnya dari gua,kita akan langsung aja masuk ke sini,temenin ikan akun Ya udah gua bilangin,ya ini adalah contoh ya,entah ini akun di teman-teman ngebalikin,dulu,jadi gimana cara mengetahui kadar juga,teman-teman sekarang masuk Bekasi Hai,kebagian ini ya ke sini langsung,teman-teman * user setting begini bakal,sudah masuk ke setting teman-teman akan,disuguhkan dengan yang namanya profile,dan disini ada yg MW tiktok account ya,terus langsung aja link tiktok account,jadi ini,kemudian teman-teman Terserah mau kemana,ya Kenten with Facebook pt.wit Google,kalau masih lebih tangannya you see you,are chord teman-teman gini,nah dia akan langsung,apa namanya menyuguhkan QR code nya,langsung gua disini menghubungkan,tempat-tempat langsung gua kemana nih,kesini nah ke sini,oke,nah teman-teman kalau sudah berhasil,kedeteksi tinggal konfirmasi,dan otomatis dia akan loginnya,teman-temanmu nah,Hai semuanya ke bawah autoray's,nah teman-teman di sini kanan about,link-nya nemu paling terus keterangannya,distrik traill country is us world is,already linked to another account use,another account lockout androgen,teman-teman satu akun Tik Tok Kids itu,hanya bisa dihubungkan oleh satu akun,Tik Tok organik ya sebelumnya juga dan,tanya sama gue Bang gimana kalau,misalkan account with Oke dihubungkan,dengan dua konfirm organik ya atas,sebaliknya itu enggak bisa teman-teman,atau kayak gini nggak bisa karena,koncoku ini udah pernah dihubungkan,dengan akun tipe Selain itu ya makanya,Ketika nanti di loginkan coba di,loginkan akan jadi seperti ini ya ok deh,kita pakai saja,kita analogikan aja sudah berhasil,teman-teman gini kalau sudah berhasil,nanti ak

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Live Login - $402,710 With TikTok Ads Since April in Clickbank Commissions?

Live Login - $402,710 With TikTok Ads Since April in Clickbank Commissions?

hey guys how's it going it's it's johnny,here and,i'm just here at the,aflabs hq's quite late at night i'm,actually just working on the final,touches of the first,session for,the,rapid profit tick tock ads 30 day,challenge and case study which is,actually starting tomorrow depending on,when you're watching this,video,and,basically i just wanted to show you a,couple of things in this video right now,the first,is actually something,pretty,uh crazy so,obviously if you've been following me,following along,i've been focusing on tick tock ads uh,over the last,four and a half,months right or just like since the,start of this year but we've really got,seriously into it,around four and a half months ago,and,i'm about to show you some some crazy,proof and results of some of the results,that,we've been getting using,tick-tock ads now,if you're not running tik-tok ads at the,moment,then quite frankly,you're missing out on a massive,opportunity because,you know if you know the formula for,making money on the internet it's simple,it's traffic plus conversions,right and tiktok ads,is,an amazing way to get,super targeted super cheap traffic,right now,and then turn that traffic into,profits now depending on whether you're,an affiliate or if it's your own product,currently i've been doing it just as an,affiliate and over the past few months,i've been producing just three different,affiliate offers i'm about to show you,some crazy results right now what i'm,about to show you now,is are the results of a clickbank,digital product that i've been promoting,and,let's just have a,quick,look uh,log in here so let's just quickly,log in,i'll just sort of,put that here so you can't see the,actual uh,password and stuff,so let's just,give me one sec,the reason i'm doing this on my phone is,so you can see that this is an actual,real video right because,you know some people,some people fake this you know to be,quite blunt uh some people face so,let's have a look at this so,today we're currently at,eight thousand six hundred and twenty,eight yesterday we was we made 14k,the day before that ten thousand,and,before that we went down to like 1.47,1.8 and that's because i'm currently,using an aggressive scaling strategy and,that's something i'm going to be sharing,is one of the methods once you get into,profit i have,three different ways of scaling,now as you can see here we know we do we,were doing that consistent 12 10 12 5k,days which is,that's pretty crazy and,this is,it's affiliate okay look,this is all affiliate commissions this,is not as a vendor,okay,if you wanna you know some people,they'll pretend uh that this is they've,done this as an affiliate but they,actually have done it as a vendor,right,so let's look here,our biggest month so far was 144 000,okay last uh did 77k last month we only,done 31k but,this month we're we're only it's only,like,where are we right now,it's,just like the first week of august and,we're already at 41,k so far,okay so that's around,more than 350 almost 400k,in total and i'm going to just quickly,show you,under the reporting,area so let's go here,one second,okay,let's go to reporting and i'm just going,to go on,because we started promoting this around,i think it was like mid or april i just,show you since like the start of april,today,we have done,where are we okay,in total commissions gross sales amount,402 k thousand,okay,and this is,let me just turn the screen back to me,oops,this is by,promoting,two different click mount products in,two totally weird niches outside of the,im slash make money niche,one of them was a niche that i totally,i never expected this would even sell,and the other one was,so basically both of them the niches,that they're in i can't reveal it here,because i'm saving that for members of,my of my platform aflabs that i'm going,to show you how to get,access to uh in a moment after at the,end of this video however the third one,the third uh product sorry the the third,affiliate,offer that i've been promoting um,i've i've only shown you clickbank the,other one is something called paid on,action where,we get paid between ten dollars fifteen,dollars all the way up to forty dollars,per lead so that's not even anyone,buying anything what i showed you here,this is people buying,the a product through clickbank,after they see our ad on tick tock go,through a specific sequence which is the,reason why this works so well,and also if you're wondering how much we,spent on this by the way,we've spent on ads around 100 and i,think it's a hundred and seven thousand,to bring back,over four thousand okay now,i'll have to look at the total numbers,but that's kind of we've spent about a,hundred to make that 400k basically so,getting like four times so so 100k to,make about 400k and that's because,ticktock ads is,it's blowing up right now it's a,goldmine and if you're not using it then,quite frankly you're missing out and i,mean whatever else you're doing right,now i'd suggest you stop because,the traffic y

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TikTok Ads Manager Tutorial

TikTok Ads Manager Tutorial

this video is sponsored by tick tock for,business the content opinions expressed,here are that of savannah sanchez,hey guys this is savannah sanchez i am a,freelance tiktok media buyer and ad,creative expert,today i'm going to be showing you guys,my full walkthrough of tick tock ads,manager and how to set up your first,campaign,so let's dive in step one is to create a,pixel,for your business and install it on your,site to track important conversion,events like page views add to carts and,purchases,so some of you may be wondering why use,a tick-tock pixel,number one you'll want to be able to,track conversions and,activities on your website and use the,data to create audiences on tick-tock ad,manager,who you can re-target in the future with,ads number two,the tick tock pixel allows you to,improve advertising performance,optimizing your ad delivery around,conversions and ensure that your ads are,shown to people who are most likely to,take an action,and lastly how does the tic toc pixel,actually work the first step is once you,create a pixel you'll want to install it,on your website,the pixel code can be used to track on,any website,and the pixel will only work once the,code,is installed in the back end of your,website so you may need the help from a,developer in order to install the pixel,code,or if you're a shopify user you can use,the shopify app for tick tock,in order to do the one click pixel,integration,the second step when creating your tick,tock pixel is to set up the rules for,conversions,you'll want to set up rules for a,conversion according to user actions,such as click or purchase events,so essentially what you're going to be,telling tiktok is when someone is at,this portion of my website or clicks on,this button,i want this to track in tic tocs ads,manager as a purchase or an add to cart,whatever it is,so you'll have to first set up the pixel,with installing the code,and second set up those rules for the,tick tock pixel,and lastly you'll start receiving the,pixel data for the conversion events,after the rules are set the data will be,displayed on the tick tock ads platform,once a conversion occurs so once you,have your pixel installed,creating a campaign on tick tock is,actually really straightforward,simply log into the ads manager go to,the campaign tab,and click create here you'll be able,to set your advertising objectives such,as reach and traffic if your campaign,goal,is to raise your brand awareness or,video views if your campaign goal is to,get sales,select conversions you can also set your,daily or lifetime budget at the campaign,level,next head to the ad group level here you,can select the event that you want to,optimize for,ad placements and any audiences you want,to include or exclude,if you want to upload an audience such,as your customer list you can do that in,the asset section of ads manager,at the ad group level this is where you,also select your targeting,this is where you can select different,demographics interests and behaviors,that you want to target on tick tock,you should have a general idea of who,your target audience is,based off of your product offering for,example you can select people who engage,with specific categories of videos,this audience may be more likely to also,engage with your ad content,finally you'll select your ad group,budget delivery schedule,and bidding the bid you select is how,you tell tick tock what you're willing,to pay,per click or per purchase tick tock will,also recommend,a minimum suggested bid in order to get,delivery,so i highly recommend going with those,suggestions all right,so once you set your ad group up you'll,want to have at least three ads per ad,group,in my experience in order for the,campaign to optimize,at its full potential to create an ad,you can simply upload pre-existing,assets that you've made,in the ad group by clicking create here,you'll choose your assets,write in your caption and select a cta,you can also use the create a video tool,to easily make eye-catching video,content from tik-tok's templates,simply upload your images or videos and,create stunning visuals in seconds,there is also a quick and easy way to,find non-copyright music for your ads,with the smart,soundtrack tool simply upload your ad,without sound,and the smart soundtrack will,automatically find one to match up with,your video,or you can browse the library of tick,tock's free sounds,once you've submitted your ad it will go,under review for brief time,in some cases your creative might get,rejected but you can make changes to,your ads,based off of the feedback given from the,review team so that is how quick and,easy it is to launch your first campaign,on,tick tock ads manager for a limited time,you can get a 300 ad credit to use for,your first campaign,so make sure to take advantage of that,offer now

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Webinar : "TikTok Ads - Réussissez vos premières campagnes"

Webinar : "TikTok Ads - Réussissez vos premières campagnes"

donc bienvenue à tous merci de nous,rejoindre,aujourd'hui pour ce pour ce webinaire on,est on est ravi de vous voir aussi,nombreux donc webinar qui a pour sujet,Tic-Toc ADS réussissez vos premières,campagnes je laisserai pierre notre,intervenant détaillé le,contenu exact de ce binaire mais notre,objectif il est clair c'est de vous,fournir un maximum d'informations un,maximum d'Inside pour que,vous soyez le plus autonomes possible et,que vous soyez en mesure d'évaluer si,Tik Tok est une opportunité pour votre,marque ou pas alors au niveau du déroulé,je vais me présenter peut-être d'abord,j'ai oublié ça pardon donc je suis,Mathieu je suis le co-fondateur de,l'agence KKM et je suis en charge chez,quelqu'un de tout ce qui est stratégie,a pris bien sûr au cours des derniers,mois des dernières années une place de,plus de plus en plus importantes dans,ces stratégies et celui qui va nous,donner toutes ces informations,aujourd'hui c'est Pierre qui est ici,voilà vous le voyez qui est senior à,qui manitiktok à la perfection et qu'il,l'utilise énormément,à titre privé je pense et à titre,professionnel en tout cas ça j'en suis,certain,on est parti pour 35 minutes de,présentation,qui se compléteront d'une séance de,questions-réponses une dizaine de,minutes comme ça tout le monde sera,libéré pour le lunch vous pouvez bien,sûr pendant la présentation posez vos,questions,par l'intermédiaire du chat,moi-même ainsi que Victor,qui est spécialiste qui expert médias,chez mkkm nous font un plaisir de,répondre autant que possible dans le,cadre du chat et à la fin je,sélectionnerai les questions qui sont,peut-être revenues le plus régulièrement,celle à laquelle on a peut-être qui,nécessitait des réponses un peu plus,développées et je reprendrai la parole,donc après la présentation de pierre,pour lui poser ces questions,et enfin avant de rentrer dans le vif du,sujet petite considération technique,donc je vous demanderai si ça n'est pas,déjà le cas de couper votre son pour que,tout le monde profite de la meilleure,expérience auditive possible et je,j'attire votre attention sur le fait que,ce webinar est filmé à des fins de,Replay bien évidemment donc voilà ravi,encore une fois de vous voir ici et je,cède la parole tout de suite à Pierre,bon épinard,voilà bonjour à tous je vais mettre en,plein écran,voilà donc dans un premier temps je vais,d'abord rapidement vous parler de mkkm,pour savoir qui vous faites face,actuellement ça va être très rapide et,puis on va rentrer dans le vif du sujet,Mkm notre mission c'est très simple il y,en a que une c'est vous aider à,exploiter le plein potentiel des réseaux,sociaux,et pour cela nous le faisons de manière,assez simple également au travers de,trois services,le premier c'est social media management,il y a aussi links marketing et le,social commerce c'est vraiment ces trois,services là qui englobe la totalité de,ce qu'on fait pour la totalité de nos,clients aujourd'hui,Mkm c'est également une agence qui est,dans le top 50 des agences digitales et,aussi sur cette liste l'une des,meilleures agences qui est la mieux,référencée aujourd'hui nous sommes,évidemment certifiés Facebook blueprint,et Google partner ça va de soi et pour,quelque chose qui nous tient fortement à,coeur nous sommes une des seules agences,digitales certifiées CO2 notre âme c'est,le petit geste on essaye de faire,en tant qu'entreprise pour la planète,nous sommes assez fiers de le faire,bientôt depuis maintenant un an avec un,objectif jusque 2025 pour y arriver,voilà pour la petite présentation de Mkm,passons au vif du sujet nous allons voir,lors de ce webinar 5 grands points le,premier qui est Tik Tok et ses,utilisateurs en chiffres donc vraiment,TikTok en général les chiffres ils sont,impressionnants vous allez voir dans le,monde et pour la France nous allons,aussi voir comment faire de la pub sur,TikTok il y a quatre étapes pour cela,nous allons aussi après avoir les cinq,conseils pour un contenu publicitaire,efficace on va parcourir ensemble deux,caisses que nous avons nous-mêmes faits,pour que vous puissiez mieux vous,projeter en termes de résultats que vous,pouvez obtenir sur Tik Tok et pour finir,on va parler des tendances actuelles sur,la plateforme,on commence donc Tic-Toc et ses,utilisateurs,Tik Tok c'est avant tout la plateforme,pour les vidéos courtes il y a d'autres,plateformes pour les vidéos comme,Youtube et là c'est beaucoup plus long,ici vraiment pour du cours et très bref,c'est TikTok le meilleur sur le marché,son objectif il y en a qu'un c'est le,divertissement c'est différent des,autres plateformes également que,Facebook et Instagram par exemple ou,c'était plus des échéances sociales,c'est pas sur TiK ToK on va envoyer des,photos de famille ou des photos des,vacances ou du petit garçon qui vient,naître à sa famille on est vraiment sur,du divertissement du fun de la musique,de la joie par du partage des moments un,peu fou dans la vie etc mais pas du des,échanges sociaux familiaux en tout cas,Tik Tok c'est aussi u

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How To Use TikTok Marketing To Make Your Business Go VIRAL

How To Use TikTok Marketing To Make Your Business Go VIRAL

tick tock is growing fast and it is set,to,dominate this year in 2021 so if i could,give you,one single piece of advice for social,media it would be,this immediately start using tiktok,with relatively little competition on,this platform growing tik tok,is pretty much accessible to everyone,tick tock has become the ultimate way to,grow an audience very fast,and to promote your business in a very,authentic and engaging way,so if you lack the capital to invest in,facebook or instagram ads,then building a following on tick tock,might just be the key to skyrocketing,your sales,i mean just look at the massive impact,that the dreams challenge had on ocean,spray sales right,but the rules for success on tick tock,are a lot different,than any of the other platforms and,that's why in this video you're going to,learn marketing tips and strategies,that are going to help your business go,viral,hey guys what's going on my name is,michelle and if you're new welcome to,learn with shopify,this is a channel for small business,owners and entrepreneurs,so if that's you make sure that you are,clicking subscribe our videos are going,to give you the knowledge,you need on every step of your ecommerce,journey,we even offer free business tools to,help you find your way forward,so make sure that you are subscribed to,our youtube channel and you will always,be,one step ahead of the competition in the,early days of instagram it was,so much easier to grow and i'm sure i,speak for a lot of us,when i say that i wish that i would have,put in the time,and energy to grow my instagram account,back then,so it almost feels like tick-tock is a,second chance,and growing on tick-tock right now is,much more accessible,so i would urge you to follow these,steps because,who knows this window of opportunity,might not be around forever,so in this video we're going to cover,two things first we're going to talk,about how to use the app,and then i'm going to teach you how you,can make your content go viral,now i have time stamped these two,sections below so if you want to skip,ahead,you can do that um but other than that,let's get into it,what are the benefits of being on tiktok,so,since this platform is pretty new i,think a lot of people are still,struggling or fighting with the idea you,know should they be on tick tock,would they benefit or not and i know for,me in my business,i was definitely a little lazy i already,had instagram i already had facebook to,worry about and i didn't want to worry,about another platform,but it was recommended by a friend and i,decided to try it,and i am so glad that i did so,here are the benefits that you can,expect from being on tick tock,firstly and probably most importantly,you can take advantage of,exponentially fast growth reaching a,massive audience and growing your,following is easier than on any social,media platform,right now so if you're looking to be an,influencer industry expert or a business,owner this is a very great place to,start,tiktok allows you to link out to your,other social media profiles,so if you're looking to grow on,instagram or youtube then tick tock is,going to be that perfect gateway to do,so,and of course expanded reach is going to,lead to more sales so if you have an,e-commerce business or maybe you sell,services then tick-tock is the place to,reach your niche audience,i also find tick-tock pretty liberating,because people come onto the platform,expecting to see content that isn't,overly produced,so that means you can quickly and easily,make videos that aren't,perfect and still be successful,on that same note this is still a really,fun feel-good platform,whereas i feel instagram can be a little,bit flashy,um tick tock is still a place where,people come to be educated,inspired or entertained it's a very,light-hearted place to be,which really does take the pressure off,how does tick-tock work,okay so i'll really quickly glaze over,the interface and how to make content,but if you do want an entire video on,how to use tick tock maybe you're,looking for something,a little more in depth then just make,sure that you're leaving me a comment,in the comment section down below and,that way i'll know to film it,how to set up your profile so first,things first you're going to need to,make your account,you can make an account using your email,your phone number,or a third-party platform like facebook,to change your username,tap the icon in the right bottom corner,it kind of looks like a little person's,body,so you'll hit that and then you'll hit,edit profile,here you can change it to your branded,business name now make sure you're,adding a bio that sums up,who you are as a business so that people,are getting it in two seconds or less,and of course you don't want to forget,to link out to your website,that way if people are interested in,buying your products or services,they have a place to go how to navigate,the app,so now that your profile is ready to go,it is time to understand how people,consume content so

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EH BABA ( IL EST HORS DE QUESTION) Enock Bahwere feat Past Henri papa & BENDI [Clip officiel]

EH BABA ( IL EST HORS DE QUESTION) Enock Bahwere feat Past Henri papa & BENDI [Clip officiel]

il est hors de question que tu passes ça,me toucher,il est l'heure de questions que ça finit,ce comme ça,car je n'ai jamais vu un homme te,chercher sans te trouver quand je n'ai,jamais vu un homme chercher sans te,trouver et les les Baba,il est hors de question que tu passes,sans me toucher,comme ça,car je n'ai jamais vu un homme te,chercher sans te couper quand je mets,jamais vu un homme te chercher,moi je n'ai peur de rien,dans les hommes mirent ils me disent moi,je t'aime encore,je reste là je sais qu'il va me toucher,quelque chose va se passer il est hors,de question,jamais jamais,finira pas comme ça,il est l'heure de,je suis là pour toi,je suis venu te prier,ma vie,les lots,aujourd'hui c'est mon jour c'est le,temps de la loi le temps de la guérison,le temps de miracle le temps du revers,de l'esprit la guérison la victoire le,succès,alléluia je ne confesse pas ce que je,vois je confesse je sais que je crois et,je sais que tu agira,alléluia je me détache de ce que je vois,que je m'attache à ce que je crois,quelque chose ou pas,nous ne peut le voir et rester le même,alléluia,aujourd'hui le jour de ma guérison

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