tiktok ads cbo

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[EASY] My $8k/Day TikTok Ads Strategy In 2022 Q4! - Shopify Dropshipping

foreign,guys really quick wanted to add this,into the beginning if you guys are,interested in a free pdf going over this,whole strategy in writing step-by-step,word for word and how to fix those crazy,one to three dollar cpcs we are all seen,in 2022 Q4 join up on the Discord it's,free and without further Ado let's get,into it in this video I'm pretty much,just going to be going over how you can,take a store from literally zero to a,couple hundred bucks to 5K Plus in just,a few days and for 2022 Q4 this strategy,is literally indestructible and you can,literally scale it to any amount on any,winning offer there is no cap it doesn't,fall off at any it doesn't fall off the,results don't taper this is gonna be the,8K day Q4 2022 strategy I did one of,these last year and you guys absolutely,loved it it actually changed it changed,so many lives since I've seen it,um but yeah times are evolving Strat you,know the way these accounts work it's,evolving so I'm pretty much going to,give you guys everything show you inside,the ad account so if you guys are new,here please make sure sure to subscribe,because in this video I'm going to be,giving out tons of free value and just,the best way to possibly scale your ads,again this method is literally too easy,you can do this you can do this in one,day you can slowly do this,um as you guys saw you know I had a 35,000 one week video This is actually,using the same exact strategy I'm just,showing you guys in a much more,aggressive way how this can be done,because everything with Tick Tock is so,time sensitive so I'm trying to get this,out to as many people as possible change,as many lives as possible so please I,hope you enjoy but yeah without further,Ado let's get into it so as you guys can,see here you know before this we didn't,have any sales so I just wanted to show,you that there were no sales on this,store prior whatsoever I think it was,just some bot traffic or whatnot and you,know just trying to get as approved but,um yeah so pretty much as you can see,here in the three days you know we were,able to take a store from zero to um,eight over eight thousand dollars a day,now again this is a brand new brand this,is something I haven't ran what I love,about showing these a bit lower scale,strategies is this can literally change,people's lives so please pay attention,I'm going to be telling you everything I,did in every single day so before you,run the strategy you have to spend one,day running this testing CBO campaign,the purpose of this campaign is not to,make money the purpose of this campaign,is to build a relationship with the ad,account throttle the ad account properly,and get rid of those crazy two three,dollar cpms that everyone's seen right,now at Tick Tock ads don't get caught up,in that because if you do if you just,try to scale cbo's right off the bat,which a lot of people do it's what I do,I was getting caught up and I had to,find a solution real quick those cbos,with those two three dollar cpms you can,try to scale them but they will just,burn you they're not going to treat you,nicely so we gotta use so instead of,just doing that we use them to our,advantage so as you can see here we're,gonna create for day one it's a test 50,CBO this is going to be mandatory and it,needs to run for at least 24 hours okay,now don't think you're just throwing,away fifty dollars here what you're,doing with this is again building that,relationship with the ad account it's,like a nice little meet and greet hey,nice to meet you and it will ultimately,get rid of those crazy metrics so as you,can see here on September 30th we did,153 dollars right so I spent 50 bucks,did 153,um and that was with a two to three,dollar CPC,um you know ad campaign it was bad very,bad it's always gonna be very bad on,that first day now it's it's just what,Tick Tock is there's a you know surplus,of advertisers rushing in this Q4,um and they're they're not gonna have a,good time I'm just gonna tell them to,tell you that right now they're all,probably going to get this you know,those crazy cpcs this crazy cpms are,like 20 bucks get discouraged fail and,probably leave the platform so but this,happens like every Q4 on every,advertising platform so just be ready,for it kind of always forecast for it,because,um you know with years of experiences,how I how I view it now so,um there's gonna be that first day where,you just run it and then here we go,there's really to get it up to that 8K a,day Mark or whatever Mark you want again,that 8K was only generate was generated,using 1000 dollars so that means we're,running at an 8.5 or Os now the reason,being is we're taking it we're taking,advantage of AD cost here and AD costs,are generally a lot higher right now,even though the ads are still performing,good because hey I I have you know,products with two to three dollar cpcs,right now on cbos that are that are,profitable so it's pretty crazy right,now what's going on with ad costs but,using this we can reduce our cpcs do

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads cbo

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Best Low Budget TikTok Ads Testing Strategy

Best Low Budget TikTok Ads Testing Strategy

today i'm gonna teach you if your new ad,campaign or product is a winner for a,hundred dollars or less so starting off,with how i like to personally test my,products i always will spend at least a,hundred dollars one benjamin franklin is,enough to understand if your product is,a winner in my eyes how i actually end,up testing products is i'll go into,tiktok i have a conversion campaign and,i will have five ad groups each spending,twenty dollars a day so let me show you,the settings in one of these ad groups,so you can see exactly how to set it up,so as you saw we had conversions on our,campaign objective now you're gonna make,sure to select website i know they got,apps now which is great because you're,boys dropping an app soon i'll leave the,link down below but when we're scrolling,down we're gonna have our tick tock,pixel so make sure you select the one,that is for your store now once you do,that we're going to do complete payment,it's all about making money it's not,about add to carts we don't care about,no god dang ads of cards we don't want,to attract these window shoppers that,are wasting your time and wasting your,money so when we scroll down user,comment i do leave off i know they're,going to give you this little warning if,you're selling something that you know,is going to get a lot of engagement then,sure go for it i sold some party,equipment that i know for instance it's,going to work really well if i leave on,user comment now for locations i know,some people do united states and canada,i prefer united states i've seen better,results there people just tend to have,more money and in the united states,we're dumber we're more impulsive we,like to make decisions on ads we just,see instantly because we're like damn i,got so much money i'm just raking it in,right now with crypto and everything,going on my nft collection boomed so,yeah i can throw 30 and whatever you're,selling scrolling down for gender and,age i typically like to leave this broad,the only thing i'll change depending on,the product is the age i never will mark,it to 13 to 17 because they just don't,have disposable income you know these,people are in high school,yeah it's just not great so if your,product is though specifically for a,gender like male or female definitely,specified by that now when i'm scrolling,down a lot of times when it comes to my,interest i will have one ad group that,has no interest whatsoever and i've seen,that perform very very well now i also,do still like to test interest i know,some people are just totally going away,from that but based on the product that,i'm selling i do like to do two,interests so one main interest right,here and then i like to add a behavior,so if i'm selling this standing weed,plant remover right here as you can see,you just simply pop twist and get rid of,those intruders from your garden in,instance if i'm doing that i will,probably have something along appliances,or household products let's see if,there's anything for outdoors so we got,cleaning supplies we got laundries,cleaning,i think this could definitely go under,appliances or household products home,appliances,it's tough it really is tough i think in,this instance i would just go with,household products now when it comes to,behaviors we're not going to get an,exact interest but people that are,interested in keeping their garden tidy,i'm sure are very interested in nature,so those would be the two interests i go,with now scrolling down,daily budget i always do 20 bucks now if,it's not spending then you can,definitely increase your bid now when it,comes to day parting i leave this on all,day conversion lowest cost and then when,it comes to setting up ads i will always,have around two to three ads that i make,for every single product so when you set,that all up you'll have your five ad,groups as you can see right here one of,them has no interest whatsoever which is,why it's no detail and i'm editing my,home appliances and lifestyle ones so,the only difference is that we change,that behavior interest so as you can see,right here everything is the same,settings only difference is that we have,the lifestyle so that's what i would,recommend for making those changes to,the other ad groups now if you have a,little bit more money what i would,recommend doing is split testing a day,party campaign versus an all-day,campaign now when you're setting up the,all-day campaign you're doing the same,exact thing that i just taught you so,let's see that short-term memory,recollection now i know you're not a,goldfish with a seven second memory span,but if you need a little refresher again,it's the same settings that i'm showing,right here where we have our interest,you know all again for ages you want to,make sure to exclude those good deemed,teenagers but when we scroll on down,again same thing daily budget it's going,to be 20 targeting expansion you can,leave that off i wouldn't worry about,devices so the only way to know hey is,this an all day versus

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How To Analyze & Scale Your TikTok Ads Like A Pro

How To Analyze & Scale Your TikTok Ads Like A Pro

oh man that really hits us,oh geez louise guys none of the middle,of my wii sessions uh i mean how badly,do you guys really want to learn how to,analyze your tick tock ads i mean,understand the data the the kpis the,metrics you really want to understand,how to react to your data so you can,scale your ecommerce brands that badly,well if that's the case then kudos to,you i tip my fedora and let's get right,into it so first off how do you even,test products with tech talk now for me,personally i always do one campaign five,ad groups 25 a day not 20 not 30 because,for me when we did 20 budgets the bare,minimum tick tock tends to not spend,that often so 25 dollars seems to be,that golden mark and then once you set,that up go down to your ad groups i have,my five ad groups identical from always,being united states always doing all,broad for the ages and the demographics,unless it's specifically for a gender,and then when we scroll on down i never,do interest i have not done interest in,months for me personally going broad,just works better for my cpms and my,results overall and then i always will,depart from 7 to 11 pm so that's pretty,much what i like to do very simple,lowest cost also i don't really do cost,caps anything else until i get some,purchase data and then when it comes to,the creatives i usually like to have,three creatives in each ad group and,it's the exact same creatives i like to,give my creators five chances of being,successful compared to only having one,ad in each ad group and sure yes that ad,gets 20 of ad spend but if that audience,sucks and the cpm maybe is inflated then,that ad could be a winner but it was the,audience's fault so i like to give each,creative five chances all right it's,time to get serious so after you've set,up your campaign you really need to know,one important metric what is your,breakeven cpa that is the most important,thing that you will be using to analyze,all of your ads and if you're not using,it to analyze your ads right now,frankly i think you're an absolute idiot,so when we go down to this specific,brand we can see that buying one is 34,for this product and let's say,hypothetically it costs four dollars to,fulfill so that means our breakeven cpa,is 30 so if an ad group is under 30 25,20 that means you are profitable and,that is the main thing i'm always,looking at and when evaluating a,campaign so when we go down here and we,look at our columns we can see right,here i got cost cpc one of the ads were,scheduled all these other things are,extraneous they are not the most,important things so i would get straight,into the meat and potatoes whenever,analyzing a campaign after a day and i,would say all right which one of my ad,groups are profitable which ones are not,and as we see right here this ad group,is absolutely going off three complete,payments eight dollars we are looking,good and this is the most important,thing you should be focusing your,attention right in this space but when,we look at the other ad groups we can,see another one is profitable perfect,then when we go to the other three i,would say would i turn off something,that's not profitable after the first,day,sometimes yes and that's typically if it,has very little add to carts so from,this first one i would see okay this one,has one add to cart i'm gonna kill it,but this one at the bottom that has,seven add to carts it just didn't get a,purchase because hey sometimes it can be,unlucky i would definitely leave it on,and see after one more day if it can get,a purchase now if it doesn't get a,purchase after another day yes we're,gonna turn it off it's probably just bad,traffic and with this one that has three,add to carts i would say in general,usually three after cards will lead to,one purchase and that would have made,this somewhat profitable so i actually,would have left this on as well and,getting into day two of the data we can,see that if we left the bottom one on,that had some add to carts it actually,was our best performing ad group on the,second day so for me yes if it shows,some signs of life i do let ad groups,spend for two days now let's say if this,campaign after one day had no purchases,whatsoever but a ton of adds to carts,i'm still gonna let it run for another,day i know with tick tock it sometimes,takes an extra day to optimize it's not,as fast as facebook some people need a,little bit of time and with tick tock,it's a brand new platform it's still,figuring out a lot of things and that's,why we like to keep it very broad so,that tick tock has a large audience that,he can eventually narrow down on and we,can also see on day two that our best,performing ad group is still performing,very well this one right here is still,getting one conversion still a ton of,ads cards but how would i break down,this data and try to scale next now when,it comes to scaling with take tock ads,it's really easy to over complicate and,focus on bid caps and surf scaling and,all this crap but for me the most,consist

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galera olha isso aqui eu gastei 69 tá,igual vocês estão vendo aqui e eu vendi,1.800 né isso cara aqui ó 1841 e se você,só vê sabe na onde só no Tik Tok você,nunca vai ver isso no Facebook você,nunca vai ver isso no Google nem nada E,além disso cara olha o que é mais,interessante aqui nessas métricas né,CPAD 3 e 29 aqui ó r$ 3,29 para vender,um ticket de 87,você não vai encontrar isso nunca em,Facebook Google e nada olha o CTR CTR de,11% né olha o CPM cara 72 centavos e o,CPC um centavo Beleza então bora para,cima vou mostrar para vocês como montar,a campanha da melhor forma possível na,rede vizinha mais conhecida como Tik Tok,fechou Fala galera beleza seja bem-vindo,cara aqui ao programa de muito drop se,você caiu de paraquedas aqui cara eu me,chamo Luiz e eu sou um dos caras que,mais está esse conteúdo gratuito para,você tanto no Instagram tanto aqui no,YouTube hoje eu vou mostrar para vocês,a minha fonte tráfego 100% que eu uso,hoje hoje não usei mais Face nem mais,Google né usava pouco Google mas o meu,foco de três anos fez sempre foi,Facebook e hoje é totalmente Tik Tok,porque aquilo é o ouro lá é o Facebook,2016/2017 lá você paga um centavo no,Clique cinco centavo no Click eu vou,mostrar como você vai subir essa,campanha da melhor forma possível para,vender fechou vamos lá cara olha só eu,tô aqui dentro do gerenciador do Tik Tok,e a primeira coisa que você deve fazer é,instalar seu Pixel Lauro como é que eu,faço para instalar meu Pixel cara é a,coisa mais fácil do mundo beleza vamos,lá galera é o seguinte se você quer ter,uma loja totalmente pronta pela minha,equipe né para quem não sabe eu tenho,uma gente chamado drop como nós Montamos,uma loja para você de 10 a 30 para,outros vencedores com tema rápido,exclusivo logo banner cara se chamar,aqui no Instagram tá aqui no Instagram,da dropecon é só chamar beleza aqui,vamos entregar uma loja pronta e você,vai anunciar beleza vamos que vamos,voltar para cá,Olha só deita aqui do gerenciador,primeira coisa que eu vou vir cara vou,clicar aqui em eventos né O que seria,esse eventos cara aqui é onde eu vou,criar o meu Pixel para quem não sabe o,Pixel é o banco de dados a minha loja é,onde eu vou pegar todos os dados de todo,mundo que entra na minha loja e ele vai,utilizar certinho para aquelas pessoas,compradoras relacionadas àquele produto,fechou vamos lá primeira coisa você vem,aqui webvente ok web eventos manage e,aqui cara simplesmente CBV que eu tenho,um pixel criado você tá com Pixel criado,Mas vamos criar um do zero aqui você vem,aqui ó em setup eventos Ok e aqui vai,dar duas opções Primeiro vou dar o nome,desse Pixel vou chamar ele de pixel loja,nova eu vou lá buscar um Tik Tok Pixel,vou em next tá E aqui tem duas opções,manual está lá né vou instalar uma forma,manual automática essa automática cara,quando você quer integrar com o Shop,Fire nós não vamos nessa opção Porque,você só consegue entregar uma conta com,Shop faz só,muito bem que a minha escala e com,várias contas de anúncio né que me segue,no Instagram sabe muito bem sobre isso,ok então vou botar aqui a opção manual,estável Pixel code vou dar um next tá E,vai vir duas opções eventos seria criar,eventos,aba aqui cara,quando chega Nessa aba aqui ele vai,querer que você pegue esse código está,levando htm do seu site você vai fazer,nada disso tá esqueça opção pizza já tá,criado Você vai vir de novo aqui em,Assis né É vem tá você vai pegar esse,código seu investe lá no seu checkout é,o único local onde você precisa instalar,o seu pixel no seu check-up você precisa,instalar mais nenhum local Beleza vou,vir aqui de novo webventes eu vou pegar,esse código aqui seja,tá criado já aqui ó esse daqui tá ativo,porque eu já tava nessa conta Ok Isso,aqui é o Pixel novo né que vai acabar de,criar você vai pegar esse código aqui,olha só como é simples Você vai no teu,checkout exemplo vem antes você vai,marketing cola lá e dá um salvar,Ok E aí o que que eu vou fazer você,gerar um boleto na sua loja para que,para ele ser ativo tá se não na hora de,você criar campanha ele não vai aparecer,para você na hora de criar a campanha,então você vê que tá ativo aqui vai,aparecer só Esse você vai fazer todo,esse passo a passo aí beleza vamos lá,você vê que é simples agora vamos aqui,para a estrutura da minha campanha Lauro,aqui no Tik Tok usando CBO para deixar,produto cara hoje em dia para tanto para,teste tanto para escalar eu uso CBO,CBO é o que dá bom aqui no Tik Tok não,roda bo principalmente para escalar,senão tu vai ter raiva escalar em Abel a,linguiça por experiência própria vamos,lá primeira coisa vou aqui em campanha,Crate é muito parecido cara com o,dashboard do próprio Facebook é muito,parecido aqui na opção custo modo,e aqui vamos subir a nossa primeira,campanha então aqui Website conversa ou,seja eu quero vendas no Tik Tok não,precisa crescer conta tá você não,precisa que você paja não precisa nada,disso só seguir o par agora vou botar,aqui o nome do meu produto então aqui eu,separo como o nome do produto você q

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Von 0 auf 2 Mio. in 70 Tagen - TikTok Ads Skalierung (Full Guide 2022 + Winning Product)

Von 0 auf 2 Mio. in 70 Tagen - TikTok Ads Skalierung (Full Guide 2022 + Winning Product)

was geht ab herzlich willkommen diesem,video in diesem video jetzt darum diese,zwei millionen in 70 tagen umgesetzt,haben dabei mehrere hunderttausend euro,tage gemacht werden und am ende so hat,eskaliert haben dass et le monde,berichtet hat in kurzen worten der,politik talk erzählt 2022 wie wir mit,diesem produkt bei rtl gelandet sind und,wie wir mehrere hohe fünfstellige und am,ende sogar sechsstellige tagesumsätze,fahren konnten das hier ist ein auszug,aus unserer tracking software eines wir,haben das rechtlich etwas falsch laufen,lassen deswegen sieht man hier nur eine,million arbeit hier ist ganz klar,ersichtlich dass wir über 1 mio,innerhalb weniger tage in diesem sturm,gesetzt haben und in diesem video will,ich dir erklären warum trägt ob es für,uns aktuell die größte chance bevor,marketing darstellen jedoch definitiv,nicht so wie es aktuell von allen seiten,dargestellt wieder propagiert wird bevor,wir noch zum kern der präsentation,kommen eben zwei sätze zu mir einfach,damit du entscheiden kannst ob die,nächsten sekunden aufmerksamkeit,schenken möchtest oder halt nicht meine,beste was der schlimmste ich bin,gründete eine media gmbh sind darauf,spezialisiert im haus performance und,medien teams bei etablierten e commerce,unternehmen aufzubauen meine,firmengruppe hat unseren e commerce,portfolio 300 millionen euro umsatz 20,21 umsetzen können und dafür haben wir,über 40 millionen euro experten,verwaltet ich persönliche mitglied das,tuch komma klartext awards für zehn,millionen verifizierten umsatz über,click wandels und gehört damit zu den 17,besten markt an weltweit als sag ich mal,angeben zu fordern und einfach um den,kontext zu geben dass du selektieren,kannst ob man informationen hier,wertvolle sind oder nicht wir wären,letzten jahr mit über 250 kunden,zusammengearbeitet und ich habe dir,nichts zu verkaufen wirklich überhaupt,nichts in der sinne präsentation ist es,die marktsituation die jetzt gerade,herrscht zwingt die gesamten unternehmen,zu der maximalen kapital und die meisten,ecommerce unternehmen sind dabei maßlos,unter ihren möglichkeiten geblieben und,wenn das der fall ist könnte sich,insoweit wird uns gar nicht leisten dass,wir deren tipps aufbaut das heißt im,großen stile durch diese videos und,durch die emails sich schicke für mehr,umsatz zu sorgen erweitert also unserem,marktsegment um ein vielfaches und,darüber hinaus wollen wir aber,unternehmen arbeiten dass sieben bis,neun ständige umsätze im jahr machen und,diese unternehmen sind so marketing,blind für typische claims ist man,vertrauen aufbauen muss und deswegen,gebe ich hier einfach so viel value und,vertrauen weg machen kann durch echte,berichte aus echten at accounts mit,richtigen kunden dem er gearbeitet haben,einfach damit hier klar wird dass das,was wir machen sind zwar für die plätze,wer sollte sich diese position auf jeden,fall angucken nun erstens ecommerce,brands mit starken meter und google apps,die bereits heftig tobt werben aber oft,mehrfach fünfstellige expand bei,vertretbarem rauskommen wollen frischen,start ups die auf der suche sind nach,kapitaleffizientes wachstum oder dropp,hat die einfach verdammt viel geld,machen wollen warum ist jetzt die beste,chance sich mit tik tok personal zu,setzen nun erstens der algorithmus kommt,so richtig in seine blüte die,nutzerzahlen steigen stärker als es die,app wird heißer zahlen das ist eine,situation die wir uns bei keiner etwa,von der fall ist die ctm preise sind,noch verdammt niedrig bei drei bis vier,euro pro cd und das finde ich sogar am,geilsten die erste welle an goldgräber,ist vorbei weil sie gemerkt haben dass,es doch nicht so leicht ist wie geplant,und wenn du einen das stereotype,niederbiel ist über die wir gesprochen,haben soll dass du jetzt zu sehen vor q4,alles in richtung skalierung,aufzustellen um dann den vorsprung zu,haben wie man aufs knöpfchen drücken,muss letzteres claim wir loslegen es,gibt da draußen 100 verschiedene,meinungen,diese philosophie ich teile in diesem,video lediglich dass das für uns und,unsere kunden funktioniert hat wenn du,andere erfahrungen gemacht hast als das,was ich hier sage ist das vollkommen ok,und ich hoffe du kannst trotzdem einen,nutzen aus dem ziehen was ich hier mache,ich berichte hier nur von eigener,erfahrung ich habe keinen anspruch auf,irgendwas dass das der beste weg ist,oder irgendwas vorschreiben möchte ich,berichte nur von dem was wir bekommen,gemacht haben und hoffe du kannst du,eine map daraus ziehen also die,skalierung die wir auf tipptopp hier,gemacht haben auf über 100000 euro am,tag und zwei millionen euro und 70 tagen,verdammt viel prophet hat sich in 5,steps widergespiegelt und wir fangen,jetzt der null an mit dem technischen,setup worum es hier nicht gehen wird ich,werde keine technik teufel machen ich,werde denen nicht der stil wie man ein,pixel integriert ich habe hier in dem,dokument was du unterhalb des videos,siehst einmal einen link zu der,erstellung eines technischen setup,reingepackt ich habe da noch ei

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[TOO EASY] My TikTok Ads *TESTING* Strategy! - Shopify Dropshipping

[TOO EASY] My TikTok Ads *TESTING* Strategy! - Shopify Dropshipping

listen,in the first two days if after i've used,my product testing strategy to validate,the product and simply scaling up the,budget that is what we're left with 32,000.48 hours using this exact strategy,that's current time but here's the,kicker on a brand new store for this,video i basically am going to be showing,you guys my bulletproof product testing,strategy that i've been using for a year,now at any time you see you know me,doing big numbers i mean today you know,we did 17 000 and i wanted to show you,guys this example just to prove to you,that it's still working in current time,and it's a great foundation for people,starting out to spend,the most minimum budget possible and,know how and when to scale if you're,looking for everything everything,completely unleashed there will there is,a pdf as well as all of my other,strategies for tick tock ads and scaling,between 25 and 50 000 per day,consistently you guys can get that all,my black hat discord group down below,it's the best investment you'll ever,make and i can guarantee you there's,nothing like it in the space i've,literally made millions of dollars using,this foundation so um yeah you're,welcome all right guys so it's just past,midnight and as you guys can see in the,last two days on this store with the,store is brand new here you see,congratulations on your thousandth order,store is brand new in the last two days,um you know we've done about thirty two,thousand dollars in sales and all but,yeah so as that being said you can see,here the month today um you know this is,fully brand new store this is literally,putting myself into your shoes i did it,for the video um and just showing you,guys how easy it is because there's so,many complications people are asking how,do i breathe what do i drink what do i,eat um and,you know i'm pretty much gonna give you,guys all of that my average day what's,going on inside of my head uh you know,when i'm running ads drop shipping,stores etc i know a lot of you guys are,really asking all about that so anything,i can do to help i'm here but yeah so,pretty much but yeah so pretty much this,all goes into tick tock ads and now tick,tock ads has been killing it lately um,this is something i recommend to use for,your drop shipping store it's what i use,um and this is ultimately where i'm,gonna be holding down the ad strategy,mainly because i believe it's the best,opportunity it's what's making me crazy,money uh and why not share with you guys,but yeah so tick tock ads as we know and,i only use agency accounts right now,agency accounts have problems sometimes,but lately they've been rocking you know,this is april 22nd they are rocking i,love the agency accounts these are what,the more blue chip advertisers such as,you know amazon doordash um this is the,the accounts that they use they're more,favored and you basically buy into that,relationship but they don't agency,accounts don't cost anything linked down,below but other than that guys um you're,gonna need to understand the basic,fundamentals because i'm guessing a lot,of the guys and gals here watching this,video,you know they're testing they don't know,much about actually running it and then,some people are very advanced and some,intermediate so i'm trying to hit,everything here guys bear with me but,yeah so we're going to go ahead and,create campaign um and then our,advertising objective obviously is going,to be conversions we're going for,conversions here um you know tick tock,has its own list of people who buy,and then we're going to go to cbo i,always turn it on and this is my test,strat so with this i'm going to set the,budget here to 50,uh we're just going to start with 50,bucks again guys i'm going to be showing,you for the most minimal amount that you,can spend and we're not even going to,need to spend the full 50 bucks to where,you know,you can hike that price up and scale it,and this is pretty much how you can take,it from 50 bucks to,whatever you'd like is what i'd say i,say a nice range to play with is 5 to,10k if you're new um you know there's a,lot more processing complications that,come into it when you go a bit higher,and yes if you are wondering about all,that stuff uh you know subscription,based business everything like that,where you make the wealth in ecom hop in,my black hat discord i have everything,that you need to know with processing,chargebacks uh this this one's always a,big debate um,for pixel,again i recommend personally what i do,is i create a pixel,um that's not actually attached to store,how do i do it i simply hit create,set up web events,um tick tock pixel next i just give it,any name automatically set up shopify oh,dope,dope dude okay shopify um and then click,next,super excited to be bringing you guys,this this is like going to change lives,this is one of those ones that changes,the lives the product testing strat uh,this is what i do again,next next,complete setup,and yeah so now we can simply go back to,our campaign hit the refresh

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5.5X ROAS TikTok Ads Dropshipping (Pixel Cloak CBO) Testing Method 2022

5.5X ROAS TikTok Ads Dropshipping (Pixel Cloak CBO) Testing Method 2022

so with this exact method I spent 17 and,I generated ninety four dollars and you,know just very quickly calculate that,out 94 divided by 17. it's like a 5.5 X,rows so I'm going to show you exactly,what I did to do this okay so this,method will work on any Tick Tock ads,account,um I usually do two campaigns for it but,uh you know you can get away with one if,you don't have any AD account issues add,account spending issues,but normally what's going to happen is,your ad account won't spin and you're,gonna have to make like an add to cart,campaign to actually get it to spend so,you can see here I had an add to cart,and a complete payment campaign,one spent six dollars one spent eleven,dollars and I wish it spent more but it,usually just won't spend in full on,these budgets and uh like for example,normally I'll just make the complete,payment campaign but the add to cart,campaign will actually push the complete,payment campaign to spend so that's why,you're going to make two campaigns but,going through looking at the metrics,you know super high cpms right so most,people will tell you that anything above,20 cpms is terrible uh that's actually,wrong very wrong because if you're doing,this method correctly when testing you,actually want to have really high cpms,because if you have high cpms you know,you're targeting the right people that,are really likely to buy,so why cpms are not a bad thing so we,got 20 cpms uh around a 3.41,click-through rate which is really good,and uh you know CPC of around 62 cents,so all that's pretty decent and uh,conversions over here are not going to,track and the reason for that is because,with this method you're not going to,have any of your conversions tracking on,the tick to on tick tocks back end but,on shopify's back and you can have them,track and I'll show you how to do that,so I'm going to take you guys into an ad,account that I'm no longer running it,was a a brand that I made around q1 or,Q2 last year or something like that and,I don't run the store anymore so,I don't mind if you know you guys see,some of the ads or anything like that so,basically what you're going to do is in,your Tick Tock ads manager you're going,to come here and click create,from create You're Gonna Go custom mode,and from custom mode go to website,conversions campaign name just call it,whatever you're optimizing for and so,for example this will be CP for complete,payment,I'll say like cloak number one,uh really doesn't matter though so but,this this part does complete budget,optimization or CBO you're going to want,to have on,and you're going to want to do 50 to,start out,this method can work at higher budgets,but I've noticed that the higher or the,highest return on ad spends are going to,be at the lowest budgets and especially,for this fifty dollars performs,you know it'll perform very very well,and uh I've done this method with up to,eleven hundred dollars per day but 50,will definitely give you per yield the,highest return on that's been for it so,just test it for your product and see if,it works and just up the budget pretty,much if it works,so we have all this fifty dollars CBO,click continue,and when we get to the ad set level,you're going to want to come down here,to tick tock pixel and normally you,should have a pixel already installed on,the uh on the ads manager and connected,to your store,what you're going to want to do though,is you're not going to want to use that,you're going to come over here and click,create,and it'll take you to events manager and,from here you're going to want to click,set up web events,and just create a brand new pixel so,we'll see,cloak number one 2022,dude Tick Tock pixel click next click,automatically set up web events via,partner platform,do Shopify,and that should take you through,and it'll say like connect account and,all that you just want to click next on,all this but it doesn't matter just,click complete setup doesn't matter,and once all this is done go ahead and,exit out of both of these,and it'll come back here to the ad set,level of your campaign and click this,refresh button,and now you're going to have your uh,your new pixel that you just made and,you're going to want to select that,so you have cloak one 2022 which is a,brand new pixel you set up and it should,not be connected to your store or any,store that you're running it should be,completely fresh and just not connected,to anything,and when you have this you're going to,want to go to optimization event and,click uh complete payment,the bottom,so we have complete payment for this new,pixel we created just quickly running,through the rest it will be Tick Tock,only for placements I don't mess with,ACO on this I go us and then 18 and up,come down here you can add interest if,you want but to be completely honest,with you open targeting performs really,good with this method as well so usually,just keep all this super Broad,if you have open targeting on obviously,targeting expansion won't make any,difference

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Campagne tiktok ads en CBO Standard et ACO Broad

Campagne tiktok ads en CBO Standard et ACO Broad

ma stratégie de fait à pau vinolas un,petit local après la première fois de,dessin en six duels on verra ça tout à,l'heure dans cette vidéo avant d'aller,dans le vif du sujet,si vous êtes nouveau sous-marin du tout,alors là qu'est la vidéo est abonnée la,machine tour on se dit juste après m,salut ais système mcdonald's,entrepreneurs et coach en commun 3gp,fondateur ce maquignon universités et,spa en titre cas je suis le compte de,plus de 400 étudiants du pas à pas vers,le monde ayant pas mal de résultats,grâce aux tic toc al karkhi top est la,venue d'une trappe chez p on lui disait,tonton dans cette vidéo je vais partager,avec vous mes stratégies gagnantes a qui,m'ont permis de générer 60 mille dollars,en 30 jours après la première phase de,test ainsi bio et jacques et si cela,cible aussi bio s'est fait quelque peu,bouger optimization avec kita cadre de,la possibilité de démarrer le terrain,soit aussi bureau chacun à biot est ici,dans cette vidéo je partagerai avec vous,les meilleures stratégies ou une heure,les stratégies que jouera quoi partager,avec vous ce sont des stratégies ou non,qui m'ont aidé à pouvoir voir du très,bon résultat encore cette stratégie,consiste à pouvoir le tester son produit,ainsi bio un essai augouard et un stand,à groix je sais que c'est du chinois,pour cette personne avec le thème et si,aux gloires et stendhal vouloir vous en,faites pas on sur tout tout tout de,suite sur mon écran et là je vais vous,expliquer comment tester un produit à,sibiu instant d'avoir et indécis au noir,alors là je suis mon décor,jamais vous de comprendre que cette,étape vous avez la possibilité de tester,votre produit soit on a bu au 66 bio ok,maintenant,pour tester un produit en cible vous,devez avoir un budget entre 50 à 200,dollars ok donc je ne recommande pas de,mettre directement un budget de 200 $,sur la campagne de sibiu mais 50 dollars,mais sans cela c'est déjà bon ok à ces,craintes et 107 japon est en fait de ce,qu'elle est vous pouvez augmenter depuis,juillet chaque 2 3 jours voire un peu,d'accord,ici,vous aurez à pouvoir faire deux types de,campagnes hockey toujours ainsi bio,temps pour tester si vous voulez tester,le produit ainsi bio vous devez fait,deux signaux un style est possible un,stand à bois et la seconde cible,initiaux blois ok on verra ça tout à,l'heure nous en fait n'est pas pour,lutter stands à blois et si au roi ton,corps après ça le type de convention et,le type de campagne c'est toujours,conversion hockey et les accords,initiaux en et sio gloire ça soit 5 et,aussi en standard pour s'assurer le mans,5 à voile un peu dans cet add on jouera,tous à tout à l'heure pour que vous ne,serez pas bleue c'est le type de copains,ici ses explorations jeu qui succombent,et sion ok je descends ici donc on veut,relancer compréhensible bio dans l'arc à,6 volt/mètre connaître le nom du produit,ok ici tu vers notre jeu vers le messie,bio,jeune homme sensible bio suppose en,restant à bouali là je sûr que peut-être,campagne c'est un seul standard bank,était hâtive non ici c'est la steve huot,que je vais faire dans ces bio ce défi,cap un budget au petit musée sur ok,temps du christ celui-ci bio je viens et,c'est ok et là j'ai même eu lieu de 50 $,us à ok ouais,j'appuie je continue,quand tu viens ici,à entretenir vous prenez en main,standard roi protestant,darrois,standard,doit hockey sans avoir au niveau du,website christophe s'agissait sur les,pistes,ici,je vais t'assure complète terrain ok le,placement sa part soit sur automatique,la classe mode dessus manjari ça le dira,je ne parviens tu aurais,et ne laissez pas le genre à commenter,votre pub s'il ne vous n'aurez pas à,et d'être bon engagement,ok pas réussi c'est la décision de,mauvaises expériences avec les autres à,savoir le mans a,simplement joué sur vous récemment je,suis sous contrat si votre campagne web,danser ça,un passager descend,je descends je touche à regret la voyais,hier leurs questions je peux ajouter,canada aux états-unis sauf etats unis,canada,hockey cela qui sort en europe et qui,peut être ciblés pays urbain dans le,métier tous les pays européens voire un,peu mieux sur la cuisson royaume uni,vous pouvez mettre yuki australia et au,delà donc,si c'est un produit pour faire cela,serait fait mais si c'est mal sur elle,même elle était et c'est bon le,producteur,gmt la simple du coup femmes dans et,pour faire déjà pu suffire mais après,tant l'aja pu suffire mais je descends,langue ça ça le dérange pas encore mais,ça tu as su refaire mon mieux et vous,pouvez ça c'est sûr aigle et je veux,laisser ça comme ça si votre boutique et,en français et si vous aimez les pays,français dont vous admettez de mettre ça,sur frêche ok d'accord la 7e boutiquière,sur le marché un nouveau cas le maire à,cherbourg sur le marché en le refondant,j'ai pu mais sa survie ok tu des stars,au niveau d'intérêt je le mérite de,danse et la différence à la différence,de cette cible avec un look si bio,confère dans cet idiot on ne m'aime pas,d'intérêt enlever ça comme

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