spark ads is only accepted on tiktok

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How To Make a TikTok Spark Ad

in today's video i want to share with,you a step-by-step tutorial on how to,create a tick tock spark ad what type of,account you need to have a tick tock,spark ad going and what are the,advantages of creating tick tock spark,ads my name is justin and i'm the,founder of voiceo media an ecommerce,marketing agency specializing in,elevating thriving brands by simplifying,e-commerce growth before we get started,make sure to leave a like subscribe as,well as turn on post notification to be,one of the first to know about these,cutting edge ecommerce marketing tips,post on the channel every week,all right first things first what type,of tick tock account do you need to be,able to run spark ads so first and,foremost there is again a separation,between a tick tock ad account and a,tick tock you know profile account you,know what type of profile do you have,versus an ad account so in all cases if,you want to run ads on tick tock you,need to have a tick tock ad account,which that you can create at,,so once you have that set up once all of,that is created then this is where you,get two choices when it comes to,creating ads you can either do spark ads,or regular ads,for spark added to a cure for you to be,able to run a spark added this video,shall be taken only from a personal tick,tock profile it does not work with a,business account so business accounts,are pretty limited on tick tock in terms,of sounds because those sounds are,copyrighted and they may not be again,they may not be copyrighted for a,business license or they may not be,copyright free at least for business,license and it's the same thing,essentially if you want to run a spark,ad that the content in these videos they,may not be best suited for an ad or at,least this is what tick tock says so you,want to make sure you have a quote,unquote personal or creator account on,tick tock for your profile by the way,there is a way for you to switch your,profile over for one to the other if you,go into your settings you'll be able to,actually switch over to a personal or,business profile so if you're a business,that you may want to go back to personal,again for any brand e-commerce you know,e-commerce store or influencers that may,be coming across this video you want to,make sure that you have the right,profile because again you'll be pretty,limited in your capabilities when it,comes to advertising so the first things,first you're going to see on screen,right now the step one which is you're,gonna wanna head over to your settings,and head over to add authorization,settings and all you'll wanna make sure,is to turn on and toggle the switch for,ad authorization then the step two is,you'll want to head over to the actual,tick tock organic post that you've,created or that again an influencer has,created you want to click on that post,you have to be again the tick tock,account owner whenever you perform these,following steps doesn't work any video,out there and i'm saying that because,i've seen people trying to get an,authorization code from other videos out,there it has to be with your own videos,so again you head over to the video that,you want to get an ad authorization code,from so you click on that video you,click on the little three dots,essentially on your video and you click,on the toggle that has a megaphone as an,icon and that says you know add settings,what you're going to want to do from,there is accept the terms and conditions,and then turn on the toggles for sharing,your post as an ad and authorizing,brands to use your post as an ad and,then by default it'll get you an ad,authorization code that will be valid,for 30 days you can also change this,duration if you're planning on using,this for longer than 30 days you can,change it if you're planning on using it,for shorter than 30 days again you can,change that too so you change the,duration that the code is valid for and,then when that is done you can use that,code within the tick tock ads manager to,create an ad let me show you how this,works so you're gonna be seeing on,screen right now a screenshot of,basically tick talk ads manager and what,you're gonna do at the same time is,whenever you create an ad so when you,already have a campaign ad set and,you're now at the ad level you can,basically choose a bit like you would,with facebook where you can choose from,an existing post you can do the same,thing here but instead of picking a post,what you would do is enter that add,authorization code and then,automatically you would see the tick,tock organic post showcasing here as an,ad and this becomes super powerful,because again if you're an ecommerce,brand owner you can do business with,creators out there that's you know,potentially have already shot videos for,free on their own with your products you,may reach out to them and offer to pay,them essentially in exchange for that,code which that basically becomes,influencer white labeling because when,people are going to see that ad going,around you a

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Zero to $16K A Day In 6 Days (TikTok Spark Ads)

Zero to $16K A Day In 6 Days (TikTok Spark Ads)

the biggest problem that everyone,watching this video has is they launch,ads they get some results for one or two,days and then it just flops it just kind,of comes out so like how are you kind of,not in that boat i just did something,really crazy i met someone online that,went from 1k a day to 16k per day in,just six days using tick tock spark ads,i was pretty mind blown by this actually,i've never seen someone like this and so,i reached out asked him if you want to,do a podcast and he was down so for 20,minutes we spoke i asked some crazy,questions i got some answers to that i,didn't even know about so i'm sure you,didn't know about this so just sit back,and get ready for this absolutely value,video and hopefully after you can go on,your own to talks about cats let's go,all right,welcome back to ecom street guys welcome,back to the channel today i'm here with,kevin krieg um as i mentioned in the,intro this guy went from zero to i think,16k day using tick tock ads in only six,days and so for the next 20 minutes,we're just gonna sit here jam out and,kind of figure out exactly how he did,this so kevin what's up,yeah thanks for having me um everything,good glad to chat about tic toc so like,the main way i found you was through,this like viral twitter thread of yours,i was like,to talk ads how we scaled the store from,1k to 16k per day at a 3.6 roads check,this out and replicate everything we did,we only took six days,uh yeah so that obviously really hooked,me and so,um from wherever you want to start i,kind of take us through that process of,like,what like the niche you're in was and,the whole process behind setting this up,and like how you just found scale so,fast like i guess like the golden,nuggets there,yeah yeah no definitely so um it all,started with a client who brought in the,product uh was a very cool product and,um,it was in the in the women's niche it,was more like um,like beauty about like a little bit had,to do a little bit with weight loss but,mostly like beauty and it was slightly,on the edge about like policy and policy,wise um but it was still whitehead,everything was good and we had like a,couple rejections here there but nothing,like crazy um and yeah so it was,definitely like,um,very visual so that's always important,right if you if you can show not tell um,and also show in a way that um,that works with utc right so obviously,we only use ugc style content for it and,um if you can if you imagine like,facebook you can do animations you can,do like some sort of 3d stuff with,vibrating pain point or whatever you,can't do that really on tick tock so we,really stayed native with it and um yeah,that was pretty much that was pretty,much what the product was about but very,broad appeal also so,um yeah it was cool to take it on you,know we saw it and we're like okay,that's kind of,interesting to see how it goes yeah yeah,i kind of like do you think,is your preference kind of to go with,those mass market products versus,something super niche down,yeah um i mean in,definitely yes and because it's it's a,little harder to target on tick-tock,than it is on facebook i always make,this example you know if you have an,ankle pain product on facebook you can,target ankle pain and the audience,getting that pocket of audience actually,going to be like very relevant to that,um but on tick tock you can target like,body or hell something like that,so definitely not nearly as like,detailed um as on facebook right so yeah,the broader the better for us um we're,not shying away from like a little bit,of niche products but,yeah,definitely not uh,possible,for this product specifically that you,guys were like able to scale so much was,was there any kind of extreme aov or,like quantity bundle going on that kind,of made it easier to scale or was it,like a lower,yeah,it's a good question yeah it was around,40 50,price point but we sold,i think the main offer we had was on the,product page selecting like two,the second one i think 50 off um i think,that was our main or like 40,yeah i think that was our main offer um,and because there were two variants of,it and it was like a color thing uh so,most like it converted at like 40 or 50,percent yeah,obviously you know that obviously,yeah it helps a lot with aob and scaling,right because suddenly your margins like,yeah was there any specific app or like,to use like a specific app there or was,it just like a manual thing,so ah we used i can't really remember,what we used but i know it was,um it was a bundle below the ato card so,it's about that yeah one of those ones,there's a lot yeah one of those ones,it's like a second atom card where it,says like buy two for,x off yeah you click you can just select,the variance and that's it yeah we see a,lot of brands do that i feel like people,forget the importance i think that,people forget like the math behind if,you can get half your customers to buy,two instead of one like that margin that,you now have allows you to scale so much,further l

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How To Run Spark Ads On TikTok

How To Run Spark Ads On TikTok

what's up guys welcome to another tech,talk ad tip video so in today's video i,want to talk about the difference,between custom identity ads and spark,ads right so if you're just getting,started on tick off you may be confused,because it is different than facebook,right with facebook,you're linking a page a facebook page to,an ad account so technically every ad,you're running is linked to that page,right and you can use the existing post,ids to maximize social proof it's not,the case with tick tock out of the gate,with tick tock you can basically just,put whatever page title and page icon,that has matched the landing page but,you can whatever name you want that's,related to that in the title every ad is,basically created at the ad level right,meaning like all the the personalization,the branding element is at the ad level,whereas spark ads is more like a,traditional facebook existing id post,where you can actually link to it it's a,real post it's not a tick tock it gets,social proof people can click from that,ad and you know view everything to your,page so in this video i'm going to talk,about the difference between the two,we're going to dive into the ad account,over here,i'm going to show you kind of the,examples between the two things because,there are some pros and cons to both,listen before we get into that we use,both right so i don't think there's a,definitive best type of ad to run on,tick tock because they're contextual,depends on what your goals are and,what's most important to you right,you're looking to build their brand,looking to build a following in addition,to making money or you're just looking,direct response your affiliate marketer,or something like that depending on,those contexts you may find one of these,more valuable on the other so we're,going to do we're going to come over,here,and hit the the,share screen real quick,and we're going to take a look at here,so what you'll see when you're inside,your ad accounts,is right here where it says identity you,can it's automatically on custom,identity so custom identity gives you,the option to basically set up the,branding you know sort of the profile,everything right here um so you can,easily switch switch it on switch,between it you also reset out every time,um if you're brand new to tick tock you,might not see that yet in which case,you'll have to basically set the uh page,name the profile icon all of that here,before you can have the custom identity,created so again what's happening here,everything else is pretty much the same,on this ad unit you know some weird,things in our account because we're beta,testing search so some things you see in,here are not going to be in your account,but um they will be eventually,so with this type of ad if i go back,over here,the biggest difference between the two,between spark and custom identity,besides the fact that obviously how you,set it up is different,when somebody sees a custom identity ad,in their feed,anywhere they click it is going to take,them to whatever you put in this url bar,right here okay,so even if they click your profile icon,like oh click funnels when i click that,it's gonna take to the website if they,click click funnels here it's gonna take,your website right nothing here is gonna,take them to clickfunnels ticktock,profile okay what that means is you're,almost universally this has been the,case for pretty much every ad we've run,custom identity ads will have higher,click-through rates outbound clicker,rates than spark ads i have seen very,very very very very few exceptions to,that mainly because there's just more,outbound click points right with with,the spark add you basically have the,call to action button that's the only,outbound link with smart guides if they,click here or they click here,it is going to take them to click,funnels actual profile or your actual,tick tock profile where they can follow,you where they can view other videos,right,but again custom identity you have,multiple exit points to your website,spark ads you have one,now again we talk about pros and cons,you might get more clicks with custom,identity but again they might not be all,high quality clicks because you may,people clicking your icon or your name,because they want to learn more about,the business but they're taken to the,website so they might just bounce off,the website right um that's a that's a,negative for custom identity also,the comments the engagement on this post,are not translated to other,ads using the same creative right so if,you have 10 other ad groups running the,exact same creative there are 10 totally,unique ads they don't maximize social,proof i think it's consolidated whereas,spark ads,and breathing is centralized to an,existing post id so if i have 10 ad,groups running the same spark ad all the,comments across all ten of those ad,groups come back to one right so that's,great especially if you get a lot of,great comments a lot of engagement it's,obviously going to be beneficial to you,w

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What Are TIKTOK SPARK Ads? And How To Set Them Up!

What Are TIKTOK SPARK Ads? And How To Set Them Up!

how's it going everybody today in this,video we're going to be talking about,everything tick tock spark ads,now this is a new format that tick tock,just announced as you see july 20th 2021,um and in this video we're going to be,talking about what spark ads are how to,set them up because i know there's a lot,of confusion when they first came out on,how to set these up,and then also i'm going to talk about,why i think everybody should be using,this ad format,right now in your digital marketing,campaigns so let's jump right in into,what exactly a tick tock spark add is,so tick tock defines a spark ad as a,spark ad enables brands to amplify,existing organic videos,that fit into their campaign objectives,okay that's great but what does that,mean,essentially it's taking an organic post,and kind of promoting it in a way that,makes it look even more organic,and not like an ad and here's an example,of what that looks like so i created,this on this demo account on the back,end,i basically took one of my tick tocks,and i made it into a tick tock,spark ad now what makes this different,from a normal tick tock ad,is you'll notice here in this right hand,column that it still is showing,organically from my profile it looks,like it comes from there it's not,showing the logo of the advertiser it's,showing my profile inside of there so,zoco marketing and there's still a,little plus follow button,so if somebody sees this ad they can,still follow me as an influencer even if,another brand is promoting the video,also another benefit is it just looks,completely organic right,um there's a small little ad logo right,here and then a learn more button,where the advertiser can kind of control,where they send the traffic to,but besides that this is a very native,experience and goes right in with the,saying of tick tock's kind of business,model of,don't create ads create tick tocks so,this is the this this is a huge benefit,for any advertiser and,influencer out there because it's a it's,a win-win situation right you can run an,ad that also gets the the influencer,more follows and comes from their,profile but at the same time is,promoting the advertiser's product,so now that we kind of have a lay of the,land of what a tick tock spark ad is,i want to go through how to set that up,now there's two type there's two steps,to setting up a tick tock spark ad,the first one is on the creator's end,they have to go through and authorize,the video,and then give the code over to the,advertiser and then on the advertiser's,end they need to go into the tick tock,business manager and apply that code so,i'm going to show you both those steps,right now here are the steps you take to,create that authorization code if you're,the influencer click the top,right there then you're going to go to,privacy you need to make sure that ad,authorization is turned on after that's,turned on you're going to head back,over to your actual videos select the,video that you want to give,ad authorization to and then you're,going to select the click the three,little dots,and you're going to scroll over till you,see the add settings button,once inside the add settings button,agree to the terms and then turn on add,authorization,this is going to tell you that you can't,delete the video after you've authorized,it as an ad hit ok,and then you want to generate your code,and you can give it a certain,authorization period,and then the last thing is to copy that,code and send it over to whatever,advertiser might be running the app,so now once you have that code whether,it's sent over to email or however you,get it from the influencer now it's the,job of the advertiser to take that code,go into tick tock business manager and,actually set up the ad and here's how,you go about doing that so the first,step is you are going to need a tick,tock business manager account,if you need to just google tick tock,business manager and create that account,there,and then from there you're going to,notice you're going to come to a,dashboard that looks something like,this what we're seeing right now as this,loads over just give me a second here,and inside of this dashboard you're,going to see this assets,tab you're going to come over there and,you're going to go to creative you're,going to assets and then creative,and then once you land on this tab right,here you're going to notice there's a,few different tabs up here and one with,this new little feature for tick tock,spark ads so we're going to click on,spark ads here,and then you'll notice this will show,you all of the authorization codes that,you currently have for your account so,say you're working with 10 different,influencers,and they all sent you over,authorizations code this is where you,would plug all those in,and you could run you could run tests,against which influencer is giving you,the more,most return on ads pen so from here,we're then going to click for you it,might look a little bit different if,it's your first time applying a code but,you

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TikTok Ads for Beginners 2021 | How To Create Campaigns and Spark Ads

TikTok Ads for Beginners 2021 | How To Create Campaigns and Spark Ads

no conversions overall right,not using tick-tock yet,okay,let's see what kind of ads you have,because a lot of this is going to be,creative dependent so it's really,important we have the right types of,content,for what works,and then if we can scroll over somehow,there we go,so 150,spend here,okay so one thing immediately the text,is going to be covered up at the bottom,right,um by the actual ad,so you'll see here,if we go and look at the,actual ad itself,right here,see how the text is already covered up,we'll want to make sure that text isn't,covering um and then we'll also want to,make sure this is vertical content right,um,and then let's see where this leads,okay cool,and then this is just a standard ad got,it,and then are you able to hear me,yes perfect,so this one's much better but,it's using the actual tick tock logo,which is an issue,um,because you don't want the actual,tick-tock logo in the ad itself as well,let's see if it actually shows up here,though,okay now oh yeah it is so that's another,thing we want removed,okay and then the product's kind of out,of uh out of the,view so like that's another thing we'll,want to end up correcting okay so a lot,of this we're gonna have to really focus,in on the creative one making sure this,is lined up two making the product more,visible in the center,three the callouts need to be more on,the product specifically,or something more exciting,because this part gets cut out and,they're not going to show the rest of,that and then the,i would recommend us doing spark ads can,you pull open your tik tok page real,quick,yes,and if you have any questions along the,way just let me know,okay,all right cool,so,let's see here,was this a video that got 20 000 views,on its own,well that was before i acquired the,store so that was for the previous owner,so i'm not exactly sure,i like this ad a lot more are we able to,use this,yes okay,let's use these specifically because see,how much,more centered up this one is compared to,some of these others,um and assuming well let's just double,check because we already have analytics,access let's see if they promoted it,no they didn't okay perfect so i got its,own views this way great,let's see if they promote it,interesting so they didn't promote,either of them okay cool well that's,even greater news because,this is probably going to really,help us get a lot of conversions so what,we can do is,let's see if we can do it through the,actual app i don't think we can i think,we'll have to go on your phone to do,this part but,okay so do you have your phone on you,yes okay,um so if you have your phone open go to,the tick tock,page,okay,and then once you're on that post of,this lady here specifically let me know,okay i'm there,all right,now that you've clicked on the post in,the bottom right do you see the three,dots yes click that and then scroll down,all the way to the bottom do you see add,settings at the very bottom,no,okay,then,go ahead and at the go back to your,profile and then in the top right do you,see the three bars,yes,click that,and then what you're going to do is,let's see here we'll scroll down,let's see here actually because there's,a specific step,so these are the steps we're going to,have to follow real quick,so you're going to open the tick tock,app let's see if this is the video,so privacy and safety and then,add authorization right there perfect,yep that's it okay i did that okay you,just activated that yes,perfect now,you can go back to that post,on that page,and then what you're going to do is,once you click those three dots scroll,to the bottom again,and then do you see add settings this,time yes okay now turn on add,authorization there,okay and then accept and then choose the,largest time frame it should be like 90,days or 60 days or something like that,okay it's asking me to generate a code,60 days yes okay do you have a code and,then you're gonna copy that code,and then just out of curiosity are you,on a,apple computer right now,yes do you have an apple iphone yes okay,go ahead and have you copied it on your,phone,yes okay go ahead and hit command v on,here,there it is see that good yes that's the,code now that we have that code,what we can do is go to,tick-tock ads manager,we're gonna go to create,this is exciting because,this is going to be a really cool way,for you to get results,i'm so excited,and then we're going to create new,and then how did you set up your pixel,through shopify yes okay great and then,we're gonna choose,purchase,okay,complete payment,we're gonna do select placements we're,gonna uncheck these two because we only,want to show up on tick tock because,that's where your,ad is actually fit for that placement,and also these other ones reach like,globally and like if we're only focusing,on us we really only want tick tock and,that's where you're gonna get all your,social proof,we're gonna remove video download so,people can't steal the content users can,comment that's fine with us because you,can respon

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How To Setup TikTok Spark Ads: A BETTER Way To Advertise On TikTok

How To Setup TikTok Spark Ads: A BETTER Way To Advertise On TikTok

if you are running Tick Tock ads and not,using spark ads well you need to start,using them right away what's going on,guys my name is Neil from links digital,and in this video I'll be breaking down,exactly what spark ads are why you need,to start using them right away and then,I'll be going onto my computer and,showing you how to set up spark ad,campaigns all right so let's get started,with What spark ads are essentially they,are the organic version of the infeed,ads that you see on your for you page,now the only difference between spark,ads and infeed ads are that spark ads,are organically uploaded onto the tick,tock ad platform now once you run spark,ads videos as ads you will also be able,to add a call to action and the ad will,actually function just like any other,infeed AD however some of the big,differences between spark ads and infeed,ads that we've seen is in the,performance spark ads tend to convert a,lot better than your regular infeed ads,and the reason for this is because of,social proof because you are promoting,organic content you can actually,piggyback off of the social proof with,the form of engagements on your videos,that you are getting organically and,double it up with paid promotion now we,all know how far social proof can go,when it comes to actually driving,conversions so this is a very powerful,method for you to get some very cheap,social proof on your ads now one of the,big reasons we here at Lynx digital are,really hyped about spark ads is because,of the tick tock algorithm on the,organic side the fact that you were able,to upload a bunch of ads organically and,see which one does well because the tick,tock algorithm sends out all of these,organic videos to at least a few hundred,people so what you are able to do is,cheaply test out ad creative at scale as,an Advertiser this is awesome because,you can test out your creatives even,before running them as an ad so you can,start to notice the ads that go viral,organically and and what this basically,means is the ads that go viral,organically will have a higher,likelihood of being better converting,ads than the ones that didn't so this is,very cheap way for you to test out your,ads even before running your ads now one,of the other advantages of using spark,ads is the fact that you can use other,people's content organically on Tick,Tock you are allowed to re-upload and,repurpose other people's content either,in a form of a stitch or a duet or even,in certain cases actually just re-upload,other people's content without getting,penalized for a copyright strike so this,is a really powerful thing if you are,somebody that's struggling to come up,with creative you can actually just take,inspiration from what's on Tick Tock,launch it organically and then be able,to run ads from those organic videos so,that's a very powerful thing that you,can start doing right now alrighty now,that we are in the tech talk ads,dashboard we can create a brand new,spark ads campaign from scratch and hey,guys before we continue with this video,I quickly do want to take a second to,talk about today's video sponsor which,is me more specifically The Tick Tock ad,Smasher class that I put together now a,lot of you already know this but Tick,Tock ads are the hottest thing in,advertising right now and rightfully so,I would kind of compare them to say,Facebook ads in 2015 2016. they're that,good so I put together this master class,which is designed to bring anyone up to,speed and set them up for success with,Tick Tock ads and right now you can take,advantage of our special introductory,launch pricing and get the master class,at a massive discount if you are,interested check the link in the,description below and with that let's,jump back into the video for the most,part this is going to be like setting up,any other campaign so we're gonna hit a,brand new create button and we're just,going to start over let's go in with,going with conversions and this is going,to be Spark,ads test,and then no campaign budget optimization,in our case and let's just quickly move,on to the ad group settings for the most,part this is going to be the exact same,as setting up any other AD campaigns so,you do want to be following all of the,traditional Sops and best practices but,for our case right here we are just on a,test ad account so we will just zoom,right through this now one important,thing is when it comes to placements,sometimes your spark ads don't deliver,when they are on some of the other,network types so make sure you are,limited to tick tock now when it comes,to the user comments and video downloads,I'm going to leave this up to your,discretion if you are somebody that's,getting a lot of great positive social,proof on the organic side but not so,much on the paid ad side this is,something you might want to toggle with,or if you want to just like lock in a,lot of the user comments this is again a,great place to do that and if you want,to allow people to download your video,and you can he

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I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)

I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)

in the last 90 days i've spent over 600,000,on tick tock ads with our clients and,every day we're migrating more and more,budget over from facebook to tick tock,and in today's video i'm going to be,covering the top five ways you can learn,from the lessons that i have after,spending six hundred thousand dollars on,tick tock ads,hello everyone my name is chase chapel,your favorite digital marketer here,let's get into this video so these are,the lessons from spending 600 000,dollars in tick tock ads and i would,have been far better off if i had,already learned these lessons in advance,or had somebody to really guide me,through the process of understanding,what it is that make tick tock ads,convert how to structure the audiences,and all of the learnings that we've had,from other platforms to be able to be,successful on tick tock ads and that's,exactly what i'm going to be doing today,is i'm going to be walking you through,the top five things that are going to,allow you to be successful with tick,tock ads from the things that we've done,after spending 600 000 on tick tock ads,so let's go ahead and jump into the,first thing and start covering some of,the things you can do to actually,increase your overall conversions and as,you can see here we spent a little over,six hundred thousand dollars on testing,this far just in the last 90 days that's,about 148 million impressions from that,amount of spending about 2 million,clicks overall and so let's go ahead and,go over the tick tock adds creative best,practices so number one is videos with a,duration of 21 seconds to 34 seconds,have a 280 percent lift and conversion,yes you heard that right 21 seconds to,34 seconds if you literally just have,tick tock ads that are at least 21 to 34,seconds long,you automatically have a competitive,advantage over other tick tock,advertisers and the reason for this lift,and conversions is because that's enough,time for you to deliver information in a,concise way to the actual consumer that,might be purchasing your product or the,business that might actually be you know,choosing to work with your service and,you want to time it between 21 to 34,seconds you don't want it to be overly,long you don't want it to be overly,short,so definitely try to be within this,range because you are going to see much,better conversions by doing so and this,is data that ticktalk actually has from,you know hundreds of thousands of,advertisers that are actually already on,the platform and we're seeing this with,our results too videos that are between,21 to 34 seconds do actually convert,better,and we also see that the 9 16 aspect,ratio does help with lifting conversions,that is vertical video y'all you'll want,to make sure you have vertical video you,don't want to try to apply square video,and have these black spaces in between,the actual video you want to make sure,that these videos are actually vertical,tick tock is a vertical placement so you,want to make sure your content actually,fits for tick tock so make sure you have,a 9x16 aspect ratio in your actual,videos that is simply filming on your,phone that's the best way to do it to,actually keep the vertical video in,check and that resolution is actually,going to be higher and that actually,leads us to the next point if your video,is actually above 720p you're going to,see a 312 lifting conversion so if you,just apply these three things you're,going to see you know 280 lift and 91,left and even up to a 312 percent lift,in conversions by having hd video if you,upload a very low quality video the back,door is this you're likely going to get,much less conversions than other,accounts would and if you have ads that,are actually converting now with a low,quality video well if you just upgrade,the quality you could be seeing much,better conversions at the exact same,cost the next thing is number two and,that's tick tock user generated content,this is very big because you have,branded ads and you have spark ads,branded ads are essentially what you see,here this is an ad by go clove and you,know their shoe brand and they have,these actual you know branded outline,where it has the colors of their blue,they're green and the actual ad and it's,very branded and when you come across it,looks very much so like an ad these,types of ads do work to some degree and,you know do have good conversion rates,depending on you know how they're,actually flexing their brand and,actually driving you know consideration,and actually having people make the,conversion based off of what's actually,in the actual ad and you can see has 57,likes you know people are commenting,that they are interested in the product,which is a good thing but overall we're,seeing much better results with tiktok,spark ads and ugc content where we're,actually using user generated content in,the ads and that is a form of raw video,and user generated content is,essentially content that is created by,people or users instead of brands or,businesses now you can have pe

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yo let's go to let's go back to the,video,let's go back to the oh i accidentally,exit out the video,okay,so you have your viral video let's just,say this is your video your video has,288 000 likes and that's a viral that's,a viral video right now what you're,going to do is you're going to run,sparks so you're going to go to tick,tock for business,you're going to go to tick tock for,business,take talk,for,business,you're going to go to tick tock for,business,you're gonna go to create now,and you're gonna run sparks,okay so what you're gonna do is you're,gonna put however much you can afford,into your viral video,so that video that too has 288 000 likes,is already on the algorithm so now that,is on the algorithm you mix the organic,traffic with the paid marketing,you get me so you mix the organic with,the paid once you mix the organic with,the paid it creates a spark that's the,reason why it's called spark ads because,it creates a spark in the algorithm that,now pushes it,on the algorithm a lot harder now if,you're just trying to run regular ads on,tick tock you can still make a lot of,money i'm not going to lie but if you,already have a viral organic product,that has a lot of trending views and a,lot of organic views then you're going,to want to mix that organic traffic with,the viral potential of the ads which,creates that spark that's the reason why,it's called spark ads so what's,happening right now is i'm going to tell,you what's happening so this one that i,just showed you right so the one that,i'm that i'm doing today,and the one that is on today,so what's happening is i ran spark ads,fifty dollars a day i run spark ads so,that's the reason why i'm at,forty five hundred dollars today because,not only did my video hit the,for you page but i also put ads,in that video so today when i posted,that well it was two days ago when i,posted that video only started going,viral today,it was,at a million views now when i was at a,million views though still on the,algorithm so i put money sparks into,that ad so that it could continue to,boost it on the algorithm and that's the,reason why right now we are experiencing,uh forty five hundred dollars a day from,fifty dollars mine i only put 50 bucks,50 bucks,i put 50 bucks in ads bro like it's it's,the is the combination of the organic,and the paid marketing that creates that,spark and then you have potential to,start making five thousand ten thousand,and you know crazy amounts like that i,mean i my my best day on one of my shops,was literally like i can literally show,y'all,let's see,i can show y'all some of my better days,so this day this day this day we did 3k,we did 3k,we did another,4k almost like a 4k day,so that's that's that's basically what,spark ads are,and,a lot of the times when you're in my,discord,right this is what's really going to get,you booming right so this is the smart,bulb,uh this is one of my students right here,and look,he has a video with,697,000 views but he didn't get any sales,because he didn't have enough followers,so i also give you methods in in the,discord in order for you because he,could have i told him when he was on the,call,i have training classes every thursday,when he was on the training class i told,him look that video would have made you,so much money like he has viral videos,on here he has one with 77k he has,another one with,670k,those are some stocks gains but,another example of sparks would be this,so one of my students right here he made,4k in a day now whatever product he's,actually using the pocket amp so he's,using the same product that i that i've,been using,a lot of people in my discord are using,the same product that i'm using right,now which is the pocket amp now if you,want to get into the pocket amp and you,want to start making videos with the,pocket amp i do not i have no problem,with you using this product but you have,to understand that this product is,getting more and more saturated okay so,in order for you to stand out you are,going to have to run ads on this but i,believe that you're going to have to run,ads on this product the only reason why,i'm getting so much organic traffic,right now is,because i was the first person with i,was literally the second person with,this product so i found the product i,seen the product and then i i was,literally the second person and then i,started making videos about it then of,course i started making rails and tick,tocks and telling y'all how i made this,product and stuff like that and this,product is very very highly saturated,right now but then you have to go back,and ask yourself how saturated is the,product how saturated really is the,product if we still got people who he,just made this story yesterday listen,look,it ain't bad for a weekend,what do you mean ain't bad for a weekend,bro that's great for what look at this,first day,first day of this brand new account,you get me so like,we got people in here who are making a,crazy amount of followers he said what's,the solu

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