self-diagnosis ads on tiktok blur mental health fears with reality

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hey what's up guys welcome back to,another video in this video I decided to,record me having an episode which is I'm,currently having and I am going to talk,about what I'm experiencing so I am,currently hearing voices and they are,telling me that there are communist,spies out to get me,I have not checked the windows like I,normally have because I'm trying to,fight it and not like,go to that dark deep hole yuria,I okay so there's one voice as a man,telling me to turn off the record,recording software and stop recording,I before I started recording I I'm kind,of fading in and out of of what's going,on if that makes any sense at all I,don't know,let me explain more one second I'm just,trying to cope and I'm talking to my,parents about how I feel,and then the next second I'm thinking,they're communist spies and I just don't,even know I don't know I I should have,wrote a script for this but I'm not,functional enough to write a script but,I'm parently functional enough to record,I don't know I,okay this hasn't nothing to do with,what's going on but I ordered this laser,pointer on wish it's like a shopping app,but it's like for cheap things ordered,it two months ago and it came in,yesterday yeah it's a laser pointer see,look at the background,I don't know I'm trying to make light of,the situation when my necklace broke my,I don't know if I mentioned I have this,my security alert or medical alert,necklace it has my name says,schizophrenic my blood type and a phone,number to call so in case I go crazy out,on the streets and someone finds me I,got this necklace wrapped around but it,broke a while back and I need to get it,fixed I don't know who's laying here so,I decided to talk about it but what I,need to be talking about what I mean,what I'm dealing with,I'm sorry I need to get to the point,Oh God freaking,I heard a voice all senators yell I got,you and then I made me jump,yeah they're very like verbal went out,now that I started recording I don't,know if that has to do with anything,they weren't as bad but now that I,started recording they they've gotten,real bad so for those of you watching,you know it's really hard to explain,what I'm dealing with unless she gets a,critic and watching this then you,probably understand but I mean I know,every person is different but I I think,things are mostly the same no I don't,know what causes schizophrenia all I,know is that it can be genetic units or,caused by illness or something like that,but I don't know why,I don't know there's a lot we don't know,to block out the voices I listen to,music really really loud and it helps,block out the voices so I'm going to do,that but I'll still be talking to you,guys,it's just I like listening to music if,you wonder what kind of music I listen,to I listen to everything like I like,all music but my least favorite our,country and rap those are my least,favorite country and rap don't hate me,for that but uh right now I'm listening,to enigma they're 1990 album,that's on YouTube it's like an hour long,I heard an explosion like like like an,old classic footage of a bomb exploding,so I'll make some mushroom cloud that's,what I heard just now I don't know if,that's a message of meaning something I,keep getting these these messages are,these these coincidences coincidence,stuff and and I think they mean,something but I don't know what I don't,know what their message from obviously,someone good I think or bad it could be,bad but I think there's someone good I,keep hearing this phone ring this is a,common occurrence for me I hear this,phone ring and then I don't know,hello,frickin,I just heard a voice on the phone it,told me to kill myself you know I hear,this a lot and you know I really debate,if I should or not but I never do I,guess that's a good thing I'll put my,music back on and I'm gonna grab my,phone again because I threw it across my,room,man I've been recording for 16 minutes,and it feels like only like - I really,like enigma I do doesn't nothing to do,what's going on but I don't know I'm,just listening to him they're awesome,at least the first song over there 1990,album sad in this saternus I don't know,something like that ok so the song is,coming to an end and I'm going to go,ahead and go back to without without,headphones because I'm going to talk,about what I am hearing because I,realized for the video that's what I,should do I should I shouldn't block out,the voices I should listen to him and,talk about what they're saying so I,heard the phone ring I got to the phone,it was quiet for a little bit and then I,heard a voice just say kill yourself and,so I threw my phone,okay they're telling me to look out the,window,I know there's not I know there's not,any spies but I uh I have to look out,the window like it's hard I have to it's,like I need it's like I need to like I,know there's nobody out there but I need,to sew my windows literally like right,in front of me,it's dark though so I can't see anything,yeah I don't see anybody up there

The above is a brief introduction to self-diagnosis ads on tiktok blur mental health fears with reality

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Depersonalization Symptoms: 10 Most Common (+ How To Deal With Them!)

Depersonalization Symptoms: 10 Most Common (+ How To Deal With Them!)

قد يبدو تبدد الشخصية أمراً غريباً جداً,والأعراض التي تظهر معه قد تبدو,مرعبة ومربكة للغاية.,لكن الحقيقة هي أنّ هناك أسباب بسيطة جداً,وراء كل هذه الأعراض، في الواقع،,ليست مرعبة أبداً بقدر ما تتخيلون.,مرحباً يا رفاق، أنا,مؤلف كتاب "دليل تبدد الشخصية",عانيت من تبدد الشخصية المزمن لعامين,قبل أن أتعافى كلياً.,وبعد أكثر من 10 أعوام بعدها،,كتابي: "دليل تبدد الشخصية"،,ساعد آلاف الناس حول العالم,للتعافي من اضطراب تبدد الشخصية.,اليوم، سأذكر لكم أهم 10 أعراض,لتبدد الشخصية، ما الذي يسببها،,ولم لا داعي أن تخافوا منها.,فلنبدأ.,"تبدد الشخصية","دليل تبدد الشخصية",رقم 10: أن تشعروا بالانفصال عن الواقع.,من أكثر أعراض تبدد الشخصية شيوعاً,هو الشعور بأنك منفصل عن الواقع.,وكأن هناك حاجز، أو لوح زجاجيّ,يفصل بينك وبين العالم.,قد تشعر أنك تعيش في حلم،,أو أن الناس والأشياء من حولك غير حقيقين.,قد تكون هذه تجربة غريبة مخيفة.,لكن هذه المشاعر هي جزء من استجابة دماغك الطبيعية,للتوتر والصدمة.,كما ترى، حين تمرّ بتجربة صادمة،,مثل تحطم سيارو، عنف جسديّ، إلى آخره...,تُفعّل استجابة الهروب أو القتال في جسدك.,ويسبب ذلك عدداً من ردات الفعل الجسدية المختلفة.,تقلص العضلات، خفقان القلب، الرجفان، إلى آخره...,لكن يسبب التوتر أعراضاً ذهنية أيضاً,مثل تسارع الأفكار، عدم القدرة على التركيز.,من الأعراض الذهنية الأخرى,الشعور بتبدد الشخصية.,مُصمم لكي يبعدك,ويقيك من الصدمة الحاصلة حولك.,شبّه الأمر بوسادة هوائية لذهنك.,أمرٌ طبيعيّ جداً، وشائع للغاية.,في الواقع، يُقدر التحالف الوطنيّ للأمراض الذهنية,أن ما يصل لـ75 بالمئة من الناس سيعانون,من نوبة تبدد شخصية واحدة على الأقل في حياتهم.,بالنسبة لمعظم الناس، لا تدوم سوى لفترة,الصدمة أو التوتر.,بمجرد أن تخرج من الخطر،,تتلاشى طبيعياً،,وهذا ما يُفترض أن يحدث.,لكن أحياناً، حين يحدث تبدد الشخصية لأسباب أقل وضوحاً,كنوبات الهلع أو تجربة سيئة مع المخدر،,قد تبدو وكأنها مشكلة منفصلة.,تشعر أنك مصاب بالجنون,مما يسبب المزيد من التوتر،,مما يسبب المزيد من تبدد الشخصية،,ويتحول لحلقة مفرغة,كون التوتر هو سببها في المقام الأول.,لكن مهما طالت مدتها،,أو سببها،,شعور تبدد الشخصية,والانقطاع عن الواقع،,هما مجرّد عرضين من أعراض التوتر.,ويمكن أن ينطفي بمجرد أن تتوقف عن القلق,الذي سببهما في المقام الأول.,رقم 9: تشعر وكأنك لست حقيقياً.,يشكو من يعانون من تبدد الشخصية أنهم لا يشعرون أنهم حقيقيون,كأنهم إنسان آلي، يراقبون سيرهم في حياتهم.,وكأن حركاتهم وتصرفاتهم ليست من فعلهم.,وقد تشعر أن يديك، قدميك،,بل وحتى صوتك، ليس ملكاً لك.,وكأنك تشاهد شخصاً آخر يستخدمها.,وكما قلت، تبدد الشخصية ردة فعل طبيعية لدماغك,على التوتر والصدمة.,يمكن أن تشعر أنك منفصل عن العالم،,ومنفصل عن نفسك أيضاً.,قد تشعر بالدوار أو الذهول,وكأنك تشاهد نفسك في لعبة فيديو.,مجدداً، هذا فقط جزء من آلية الدفاع الطبيعي لدماغك,وغالباً ما تتلاشى,بمجرد أن تخرج من منطقة الخطر.,لكن ماذا لو استمرّ الشعور,بعد الظرف الذي سببه، وصار جزءاً من حياتك اليومية؟,حسناً، ما من خطر في الأرجاء.,لا شيء يهددك بعد الآن؟,لكن تنظر إلى يديك، تسمع صوتك،,وتتساءل لم تشعر بالغربة عن نفسك.,تبدأ التفكير: حسناً، ربما أنا لست حقيقياً.,ربما يداي ليست لي.,أو: أشعر أنني إنسان آليّ، إلى آخره.,ثم يصل التوتر بهذه الأفكار,إلى نتيجة مرعبة مفادها: لا بد أنك تحلم،,أو ربما ميت، أو ما زلت منتشياً ولا يمكنك أن تصحو.,لكن هذا بعيد كل البعد عن الحقيقة.,هذه المشاعر آلية دفاعية.,يفعل دماغك ما يُفترض أن يفعله بالضبط.,لكنه يفعل ذلك في توقيت خاطئ.,أعرف كم هو شعور غريب،,لكن لا شيء يدعو للقلق،,ولن يترتب عليه شيء في تصرفاتك في العالم الطبيعيّ.,أيمكن لتبدد الشخصية أن يجعلك,تفعل شيئاً لا تريد فعله؟,بالطبع لا.,حركاتك وأفكارك,ستظل 100 بالمئة بقرار منك، وهذه المشاعر,ستتلاشى، وتوقف حين تتعافى.,رقم 8: الخوف من الجنون.,يخشى من يعاني من تبدد الشخصية أن يُجن،,أو يقلق أن الأعراض قد تشتدّ،,لدرجة أن تقودهم للجنون،,أو يحدث له انهيار عصبيّ، أو قد تسبب انفصام شخصية.,حين أصبت بتبدد الشخصية لأول مرة،,كنت فزعاً أنني سببت لنفسيّ ضرراً ذهنياً,أنني خربت دماغي بطريقة ما،,وأنني سأجن.,لكن بالطبع كنت مخطئاً.,مجدداً، تبدد الشخصية هو آلية,آلية دفاعية في دماغك، لن تجعلك مجنوناً.,عند الإصابة بتبدد الشخصية، فما يُعرف باختبار الواقع,يبقى سليماً، أي أنه مها ساءت أعراض التوتر وتبدد الشخصية,ستعرف دوماً الفرق بين أفكارك وبين الواقع,لن يتغير ذلك أبداً.,حتى في أشدّ حالات التوتر وتبدد الشخصية.,لا تنسى، ما تشعر به,هو آلية دفاعية من دماغك.,والحقيقة البسيطة هي أن الآلية الدفاعية,موجودة لتبقيك بأمان.,القلق من أن يقودك تبدد الشخصية للجنون,أشبه بقلقك أن يحرق جهاز إنذار الحرائق منزلك.,لا يقتصر الأمر على عدم إمكانية حدوث ذلك،,بل هو موجود لحمايتك في الواقع.,لذا لا تقلق.,دماغك يتصرف بطريقة طبيعية,لما تعتبره أنت خطراً.,لن يتحول تبدد الشخصية أمر أسوأ،,وبالطبع لن يصيبك الجنون.,رقم 7: أعراض بصرية.,الأعراض البصرية شائعة جداً مع تبدد الشخصية.,قد تشعر برؤية نفقية، ثابتة،,نقاط سوداء عائمة، ثلج بصريّ، رؤية مشوشة زائغة،,تغيّر في بعد وحجم الأشياء.,قد تشعر أنك تنظر للعالم,عبر حوض سمك كروي،,أو أن كل شيء مسطح، ثنائي البعد.,حين شعرت بتبدد الشخصية لأول مرة، اقتنعت,أن ثمة مشكلة ما في رؤيتي،,لدرجة أنني ذهبت فعلاً,عدة مرات لفحص العينين.,لكن بالطبع، لم يجد طبيب العيوم أيّة مشكلة.,إذاً، لم كنت واثقاً من وجود مشكلة ما؟,حسناً، ثمة تفسير بسيط جداً.,حين يشعر جسدك بالقلق،,فمن الطبيعيّ أن يجعل عيناك أكثر حساسية,لكي يشعر بالحركات.,كيف يتم ذلك؟,بتوسيع الحدقات، والسماح بدخول المزيد من الأنوار.,حين كان أجدادنا القدماء يعيشوم في الغابات والكهوف،,مُحاطون بالخطر، فإن أبسط حركة,في رؤيتهم المحيطية قد تعني,هجوماً قاتلاً من مفترس.,س

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I can’t stop falling asleep - I spent a day with NARCOLEPTIC PEOPLE

I can’t stop falling asleep - I spent a day with NARCOLEPTIC PEOPLE

Narcolepsy,,a chronic sleep disorder that causes,overwhelming daytime drowsiness,,sudden extreme muscle weakness,,or hallucinations just before falling asleep or waking up.,The first descriptions of narcolepsy,were reported in Germany in the late 1800s.,Shortly after, French physician,,Jean-Baptiste Gelineau, coined the term narcolepsy,and recognized it as a medical diagnosis.,Today, narcolepsy affects an estimated,1 in every 2,000 people.,That's 200,000 Americans and approximately 3 million worldwide,,but it's estimated that only 25% of people,who have narcolepsy have been diagnosed.,My name is Anthony Padilla,and today I'm going to be sitting down,with people living with narcolepsy to learn the truth,about this highly misunderstood disorder.,Do those with narcolepsy tend to live their waking hours,with little to no hindrance,or does this disorder leave them feeling paralyzed,by the fear of what might happen,if they're suddenly overwhelmed with drowsiness or,muscle weakness at the worst possible moment?,Hello, Lauren.,Hi.,-Nate. -Hi.,-Janise. -Hi.,Thank you so much for coming on here,and teaching me about the world of Narcolepsy.,I'm excited to share it.,What do you consider yourself, someone with narcolepsy,,someone who is way more tired than they wish they were?,Generally, a person with narcolepsy.,People living with,narcolepsy.,Yes, but thankfully I am on medication,to keep me awake and productive,,but it's also my excuse to not have to stay,at work in the office till 10 PM because I need to drive home early.,Smart.,Can you explain what narcolepsy entails?,Narcolepsy is a rare sleep disorder.,The body fails to regulate its sleep-wake cycle.,There are boundaries between,sleep state and wakefulness state,,but because a person who has narcolepsy,the boundaries are so blurred,,the person cannot regulate their own sleep-wake cycle.,They sleep when they don't want to fall asleep.,For the average person, it takes them about 90 minutes,to get into REM and they're there for about 15 minutes.,For me, during a sleep study that I took, I can get in there,in five minutes and stay there pretty much all night.,I look like I'm dead asleep.,My brain is actually super active, so I wake up exhausted,,even if it looks like I got a solid eight hours of sleep.,What type of narcolepsy do you have,,specifically? What symptoms do you have?,I'm like a zombie all day,,sort of disoriented, dizzy.,I could fall asleep while standing up.,So you constantly feel like you have just pulled all-nighters,and ragers the previous nights?,Yes, a lot of ragers.,Great, you got to have that experience without,-the fun. -For me,,I can sleep,seven to eight hours a night,,normal hours of sleep at night,,and I still fall asleep,in the daytime and then cycle repeats,again and again and again.,It's like I'm chronically sleep-deprived.,A lot of people,don't really understand this symptom.,It's called cataplexy.,Cataplexy is the loss of muscle tone.,During your REM sleep,,your muscles are supposed to be paralyzed.,Your muscles are supposed to lose muscle tone,because it prevents you from acting out your dreams.,Flailing, fighting someone,,punching the person that might be sleeping next to you in bed.,Cataplexy is,almost always triggered,by strong,,positive emotions.,So one minute you're laughing, the next you can't control your arms?,Yes.,Cataplexy is not necessarily,a full-body collapse.,It can just be your hands,feeling floppy or even your eyelid drooping,,your knees buckling,,or it can be generalized.,The full body collapse that you usually see.,I have narcolepsy without cataplexy, so for me,,it's just excessive daytime sleepiness.,When I'm not on my medication,,I will fall asleep whenever, wherever.,Sometimes I'll be in that weird sleep-wake state.,It's happened to me in class and even while driving sometimes where,I'm completely aware of everything going on,,but my body is just,not really there,and I'm also hallucinating.,That just suddenly happens out of nowhere?,One of my most,vivid memories of it happening,,I was in class and I remember sitting there taking notes.,I saw my professor writing things on the whiteboard,,but I also saw people coming in and out of the doors and,the things on the whiteboard moving. I was just zoning out,and I knew this is not right,,but at the same time, I couldn't move my body enough to,stop it from happening,until one of the guys sitting next to me, he's like,,"Are you good?",Can you recall the first time you experienced what you now know,to be narcolepsy?,Elementary school.,Teachers used to tell me,,"Get up, Nate. You're not supposed to be sleeping in this.",Originally we thought, "Oh, it was just me sleeping.,Being really tired and stuff I just need to be more,physically active, but in reality,,it was just literally me not being able to stay awake.,In middle school, I also got strep throat a lot.,I remember being sick in bed sometimes,and having that same kind of hallucination.,I was dreaming, but I was also awake

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What Having Anxiety Feels Like

What Having Anxiety Feels Like

from the outside it's easy to think that,somebody's got it all figured out,because my hair is curled and my cheeks,are intentionally flushed I must not,have a care in the world as if it were,expected for my demons to be worn like a,Scarlet Letter pin to my chest and they,assume if you cannot see it then it's,not really there as if pain does not,exist unless you're bleeding or slowing,in a cast or staggering with a limp but,sometimes the most painful demons are,the ones that can't even see so we learn,how to smile how to grin and bear it,because nobody likes to talk about the,tough stuff hell I don't like to talk,about the tough stuff,I have anxiety,it feels like every cell in my body is,moving so fast that my veins are blurry,that despite the constant metronome of,my heartbeat inside my ears it's like,listening to a drumline feels,like bees in my ears like a broken white,noise machine playing all of the sounds,at once and I don't even realize I'm,gritting my teeth or cracking my,knuckles or rubbing my forefinger,against my pinky or twisting the gold,band on my middle finger holding on to,myself like I'm the only lifeline,bridging the gap between reality on my,own two feet and the atomic cloud abyss,of noises and sounds and feelings of,fleeting rushing through my veins and,I'm avoiding eye contact not because I'm,not listening to what you're saying,because I'm listening to the sound of my,own voice hoping that through your ears,you can't hear that it's two octaves too,high and on the verge of breaking,because my palms are sweating and I,somehow forgot to speak with anything,behind my words other than insecurity my,anxiety feels like fire I'm explained,ibly hot and rash and frustrating as I,not the inside of my cheek as if the,solution to this feeling is buried,between my teeth and gums it feels like,drowning but it feels like burning and,it feels like forever I imagine,my feet moving with trails of dust,behind them like those cartoons because,somehow it feels like I'm moving faster,than the 60 seconds they've allowed in a,minute all the while I'm just playing,catch-up on the stopwatch it doesn't add,up like it did in high school,mathematics I can't carry the one and,find the square root of the problem,because most of the time there is no,problem there's no life-or-death,situation there's no rhyme or reason,there is just feelings and I'm feeling,all of them at once,some days are better than others,some days are worse,but they're just days,and I've got more where they came from,you

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Parallel Lives; The Effect of Maladaptive Daydreaming (ep. 1)

Parallel Lives; The Effect of Maladaptive Daydreaming (ep. 1)

hello welcome to,parallel lives a podcast about,maladaptive daydreaming my name is levi,and i am joined by dimmer hello,right so this is episode one and the,topic,at hand is how does maladaptive day,dreaming affect your life,so our guests today are nymph 25 year,old software engineer,red halo from north carolina and wolfie,a criminal justice,uh graduate and just so we're all on the,same page we're gonna,quickly define maladaptive daydreaming,it's,a persistent fantasy activity that is,vivid and fanciful,and causes distress or dysfunction,today we're talking about the distress,and dysfunction,the proposed diagnostic criteria,outlines,mild moderate and severe so mild would,be,experiences mainly distress but no,obvious,functional impairment moderate would be,one area of functioning affected and,severe,more than one area so with that in mind,how would you guys describe the severity,of your maladaptive daydreaming,i think mine has changed throughout my,life kind of starting,mild and then kind of ramping up into,moderate i think for a short amount of,time was severe,and luckily it's been ramping back down,from,back down to moderate and i would i,think i'm down to mild now,but it's uh i would say mild currently,uh nymph um so i think for most of my,life it has been moderate,maybe severe and really distressing,situations but mostly moderate,um i think lately it has been mild as i,have brought it more and more under,control and have been able to limit,how much i engage in that activity still,affects me though,i think mine is actually,pretty mild it also depends on what's,happening in my life i think as a child,it was,especially as a as a young child maybe,around before,my pre-teen age it was probably,considered severe but,as an adult especially right now i think,it's mild,let's say in the past like five years,let's give ourselves that window of time,to work with for the moment,so in the past say five or so years,what areas was your daydreaming,interfering with,the most probably,going to in person classes,when i would have to pay attention to,what the professor is saying,my attention span was really short,and the professor had to be either,talking about something,really interesting or or addressing the,class,directly to get me to pay attention,because it was a hard time for me to,keep,focus without just going into,daydreaming about something whatever it,is something even something i don't like,it was a problem because i would be,listening and then i would be not,listening i would be like what did this,guy or a lady just say right now i wish,i didn't have to go through all that it,would have made college a lot easier,yeah because you're actually a recent um,graduate you just got your master's not,too long ago yeah so for the for the,past five years you've probably been,deep in your education so don't how do,you think you stacked up to your peers,like did it take you,longer than would probably be normal to,get your masters or were you able to to,stay on track,uh i think i did pretty well because,the only thing that really hindered my,education,and made me kind of graduate like a year,later than most people,was i took a semester off,for for my parents business thing they,wanted to do another country,in like 2013 so i lost a semester doing,that,and also just when i first started,college it was community college and i,didn't know what i wanted to do,yeah all that stuff stacked together,gave me an extra year,college and ironically none of that had,to do with md,it was just that's education stuff that,i had to go through,same to you nymph last five years or so,i think the biggest areas where mild,after daydreaming has affected me is not,really my,education because i was able to finish,masters a year early,by keeping my grades high so that it,hasn't affected my education or my job,but it has affected my functioning as a,person,so a lot of times i would skip food,lose weight really badly um not sleep,enough,go to sleep at like ridiculously late,hours and wake up ridiculously early,and have a headache constantly,so it has affected me more in my,personal functioning where,i feel like i'm giving up a lot of,self-care and self-nutrition,time to amount up to daydreaming so so,be to be able to do,you know daydreaming while also be able,to keep up with social,and finance financial,student um responsibilities,i feel like i have been cutting off a,lot of my personal,health because of this that's where it,personally affects me the most,it and i think it's it's easy for it to,be brushed under the rock because it's,like oh you're just not,healthy you know you but as a young,person but,in the long term i can see a lot of side,effects,because of it yeah they kind of they,kind of can snowball on you so,getting just just a static snapshot of,five years might not be the best,approach,right but i think i think in in last,five years that,like a lot of the times i would fall,asleep in the middle of the day because,my body was just that exhausted,

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The Grim Reality Of Life At 800+ Pounds

The Grim Reality Of Life At 800+ Pounds

my 600 pound life i'm curious how it,compares to the other show that we've,watched family by the time hate the,names of these shows but let's see what,it's got huge thank you to ziprecruiter,for sponsoring this video,one,two,one,repositioning is of utmost importance,especially when you're uh overweight to,this degree because you start putting,pressure on certain areas of your skin,your muscles your bones you could,develop pressure ulcers those can get,infected becomes very very complicated,to treat i have no life,my legs can't even hold my weight,anymore that's why it's so important,when we talk about someone being obese,or being overweight we talk about their,quality of life being equally as,important as their state of health and,their risks that they face,my weight,has condemned me to this bed,i can't do anything,i can't even bathe myself it's really,important that you clean within the skin,folds as well because bacteria can get,trapped there it's a dark moist,environment most of the time and as a,result fungi thrive in that type of,environment so not only do you have to,wash it well but you have to dry it well,as well i have arthritis,gout,lymphedema diabetes i wouldn't be,surprised if this is all a result of,metabolic syndrome which can develop,from being overweight to this degree you,know a lot of people when i even talked,about bariatric surgery on some of my,past videos were quite critical of me,for saying that that bariatric surgery,can be an option for somebody but for,somebody like this who is struggling to,move around because of arthritis because,of legitimate medical conditions she's,unable to take care of herself on her,own so yes bariatric surgery can be a,life changer a lifesaver in many cases,while i don't think it's appropriate in,all cases far from all cases i think,you need to be open-minded that in,medicine the selection for the treatment,depends on the individual patient in,front of you and this patient for now at,least it makes sense,as a kid i was never overweight,it wasn't until my early 20s that my,weight,started to be a problem,i tried to break up with my boyfriend at,the time,he lost it and he took me hostage,he helped me at gunpoint,and i thought i was gonna die a lot of,folks rush to judge people many,feel like fat shaming is appropriate,because they view someone who,is obese as lazy people have true,problems medically related and,psychologically related this person,dealt with a traumatic situation and,perhaps that is the cause of the start,of this condition so to judge someone,unfairly just by simply writing them off,as lazy is unfair and that's why we're,against fat shaming on this channel i,was too scared to leave the house,i lived in constant fear,and i just ate,i'm a junk food junkie a lot of times,when you eat those types of foods they,can increase temporarily some,neurotransmitters in your brain that,help you feel good so it almost becomes,a type of self medication when you start,binging foods like that especially the,junk foods she don't lose the weight,i'm afraid,this shall pass it's a very reasonable,concern to have when someone is of that,size because you're putting tremendous,strain on you every organ in your body,and it's an unnatural strain as well,we're expecting arrival of marlon,mccants,from what i understand she may be close,to 800 pounds,if she's that big and she should have,used bariatric ambulance with medical,care to go with her,she should not have come to eastern she,said i waited for a safer option yeah i,agree but at the same time that safer,option may be unaffordable to most,people that's why as a doctor you can't,just make recommendations you have to,make recommendations with the patient in,mind do they want to do this can they,afford to do this is this service even,available to them i can already see that,she is in one of the worst condition,headquarters i ever seen for a prolonged,trip like that with lack of mobility her,chance of developing a blood clot goes,through the roof and why is that,dangerous because a blood clot is more,likely to happen in the lower,extremities then if that clot travels in,the circulation back to the heart and,then to the lungs and gets stuck there,you develop a pulmonary embolism which,cuts off blood supply to the lung and,essentially that part of the lungs,starts dying you could see how that,could quickly become fatal okay,your leg hurt,look at that a little bit swelling huh,well that swelling could be as a result,of the dvt that clot we just talked,about or it could be her lymphedema,acting up we're gonna run some tests to,find out what may be going on with you,the test that they're usually running in,these situations would be a doppler,ultrasound of the lower extremities,which is an ultrasound to check for,blood flow in the lower extremities to,see if everything's opened if all the,blood vessels are open and then also a,d-dimer test and sometimes if they,suspect that the pul the clot has,already traveled to the lungs we

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Surviving Severe Burns (Doctors Say He’s a Miracle)

Surviving Severe Burns (Doctors Say He’s a Miracle)

Wanneer iemand je voor het eerst ontmoet...,Wat hoop je dat ze denken?,Ik hoop dat ze denken dat...,Ik aardig ben en niet zoals een zombie.,Of zoals een verschrikkelijk wezen wat probeert om mensen pijn te doen.,Hoe hoop je dat ze zich aan je voorstellen?,Ik hoop dat ze eerst ''hoi'' zeggen.,En...,Ik zal hun de hand schudden.,-Hallo. -Hey.,-Aangenaam om met je kennis te maken. -Ook leuk om je te ontmoeten.,Waarom wilde je vandaag dit interview doen?,Om mensen te vertellen...,dat...,wonderen bestaan.,Voel je je als een wonder?,Ja.,Hoe hoop je dat mensen reageren wanneer je je verhaal deelt?,Nou...,Ik weet dat ik ze verdrietig zal maken maar ik hoop dat...,dat het ze aan hun hart gaat en...,Ik hoop ook dat het ze hoop en vertrouwen in hunzelf geeft.,Ik weet dat ze zich slecht voor me voelen enzo maar...,Ik wil dat ze denken...,''Nou hij heeft het gedaan. Ik kan het ook.'',Dus moed en kracht.,Waarom is het zo belangrijk voor jou om anderen van moed en kracht te voorzien?,Omdat...,deze wereld dat nodig heeft.,Ik denk dat liefde het meest waardevolle ding is.,Ten minste voor mij.,Hoe zou je liefde willen definiëren?,In mijn gedachten...,denk ik dat liefde is...,Iemand die zorgzaam is.,Aan jouw zijde is,,naar je luistert.,Jij luistert naar hen.,Zo mogen je van streek maken als ze iets verkeerds doen,,maar jij vergeeft het ze.,Wat is het allereerste ding waaraan je denkt als je 's morgens wakker wordt?,Het zal een mooie dag zijn.,Waarom is dat je eerste gedachte?,Omdat, als je denkt dat het een slechte dag zal worden, dan zul je geen goede dag hebben.,Wat ter wereld geeft je de meeste vreugde?,Mijn familie.,Eigenlijk dacht ik dat op een dag...,Op een dag dat ze...,Dat ze me zou verlaten of zoiets.,En dat heeft ze niet gedaan,en ze zegt ''Ik zal dat nooit doen want jij bent mijn zoon, wat er ook gebeurt.'',Is het goed als ik je vragen stel over het ongeluk?,-Zeker.,-Wat gebeurde er?,De kaars viel.,Het vuur spreidde zich snel over mijn laken.,En toen...,vatte alles vlam.,*Zaid vertaalt zijn moeder's Spaans*,Toen het ongeluk gebeurde...,Voor mij was het pijnlijk omdat...,geen moeder wil dat dit gebeurt met hun zoon.,De dokters vertelde me dat ik op het punt stond om te sterven...,toen ik kwam.,Nou er was gewoon geen hoop.,Als je iets kon veranderen aan de wereld, wat zou je dan veranderen?,Ik zou willen veranderen...,Dat mensen elkaar beter begrepen.,Voel je je onbegrepen?,Soms.,Hoe zou je jouw rol in zijn leven willen omschrijven?,Hoe zal ik het zeggen, ik ben een soort van...,Ik voel me als een soort van mentor.,Weet je wel, iemand waaraan hij alles kan vragen,en hij krijgt de waarheid.,Maar op een dag zei dit kind...,Oh uhm, hij noemde me een soort van wezen,in zijn verbeelding.,Ik kan het me niet herinneren wat het was, maar wat ik deed was...,Ik maakte hem bang en hij rende zijn hele weg terug naar zijn huis.,En toen zei mijn moeder: ''Niet doen!'',Ik had zoiets van ''Mam, voor mij was het anders wel leuk.'',-Dus je had dat kind opzettelijk bang gemaakt?,-Nou, soort van.,Op een manier, ja.,Ik hou ervan hoe je lol hebt.,Krijg je nooit last van deze dingen of,incasseer je het gewoon?,Ik incasseer het gewoon omdat...,ik kinderen nu begrijp.,Hij is een grapjas. Ik denk een van de eerste keren dat ik hem ontmoette...,Ik was zo van ''Wacht even dan help ik je een handje, ik ga je eruit helpen.'',Hij zo: ''Kun je dat?'' Ik zo: ''Wat bedoel je?'',En hij zo van: ''Ik heb er geen.'' Ik zo van: ''Echt Zaid?''',''Moest je dat nou echt doen?'',En ja hij is een grapjas.,Ik gedraag me net zoals andere tieners en andere kinderen. Dat doe ik.,Ik praat en...,en ik maak grapjes met hen.,Voor even vergeet ik dat ik mijn beperkingen heb en...,dan ben ik net zoals zij.,Hij is ook een beetje een charmeur.,Hij houdt wel van de meisjes en soms vraagt hij ook om een klein beetje advies...,met de dames.,Maar ik heb hem ook in actie gezien en...,hij heeft niet echt mijn advies nodig.,Hij is goed.,Wat zijn enkele dingen die je voor de lol doet?,Ik hang wat rond met mijn vrienden en soms...,met mijn vriendin.,Vroeger toen ik klein was...,Ik was vroeger wat men noemde...,een player, maar uhm...,Maar toen begreep ik dat dat voor de toekomst niet het beste ding was om te doen.,Heeft hij je dat geleerd?,Ja. Op een manier, ja.,Maar vorig jaar vroeg ik hem:,''Hé Lee''" Ik zei: ''Ik heb nog nooit een meisje uit gevraagd, dus hoe vraag je ze uit?'',Hij zei: ''Nou, weet je...,Dit, dit en dit en dit en dit.'',En ik zo van ''Oh oké, dus dat. Oké.'',-En werkte het?,-Ja.,Ben je momenteel tevreden met je leven?,Ja en nee.,Wat zou je willen verbeteren?,Eentje die ik heb...,Zicht en handen zoals een normaal persoon dat heeft.,Is hij populair op school?,Hij is heel populair...,en ik denk dat op de school waar hij zit dat...,ik wil zeggen dat de meeste van zijn leeftijdsgenoten hem niet beoordelen.,Weet je, ze nemen Zaid om wie hij is.,TSBVI staat voor ''Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired'' (Texas School voor Blinden en Slechtzienden).,En het lo

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Doctor Reacts To Dangerous TikToks

Doctor Reacts To Dangerous TikToks

my tick tock game got stronger check out,my videos but we're actually going to,watch other people's videos be whoa,you are at risk of type 2 diabetes i,think it possibly might be a yeast,infection yeast infection imagine that's,how i delivered news to my patients the,best treatment option is probably fungal,cream and bunker cream for what for the,yeast infection i mean we could just,give a single pill here i don't know,what's happening but it is good musical,theater what's the musical theater,diagnosis you could give a patient,pneumonia,benign prostatic hyperplasia,knock knock big house what's up big dog,so look the abdominal pain you came in,with little sus right so we sent you,down for the scans right and i mean the,scans came back and they're certainly,not busting,i'm not gonna lie i've seen residents,talk like this amongst each other and i,kind of laugh because i'm getting too,old for it bussing yeah new cap like,high key big yikes,dude i don't know what you're saying all,right bet big facts uh but no we're,gonna get you down to the or big facts,no printer even on like conversations,with like patients it doesn't get this,crazy i'm doing dpr2 oh she's doing,chest compressions chest compressions,chest compressions,oh how did she know that's so good she's,watching the good content it doesn't,work on ipads fantastic,don't use q-tips in your ears,because you push the earwax further back,and then i'm gonna have to operate on,you like i did jen selter check out my,tic-tac of me doing so two tips just,push all the earwax in deeper right i,mean yeah but what else am i supposed to,do well you could let me put this straw,of hydrogen peroxide in it,why it melts it and then allows it to,naturally come out or sometimes you,could just,shoot a little soapy water in there or,something and clean it out because it'll,actually loosen up the ear wax and clean,out your ear,no this is the weirdest thing ever,you don't actually have to put the straw,in your head you just let the fluid leak,out into your ear when i was a kid i,discovered this crazy talent and i was,examined by doctors they said it was,almost superhuman-like when i drink a,glass of water and i move my lips up and,down i can heat it up into water beta,what no,i don't believe that you can't trust,anything you see online unless it's,happening directly in front of me and i,know his name is not david blaine or,he's a famous magician water vapor like,that's boiling he boils it,oh my god no i'm hopeful that that is,just an x-ray of a buzz lightyear behind,a person because inside of a person,it has edges his his his wings,to infinity and beyond oh,oh my god what is happening here is this,acupuncture this feels largely,unnecessary no you can't put the thing,on his head when you can't do that,don't do it oh man that doesn't look,comfortable,the problem with this is like it's going,through the muscles so if you're trying,to make some kind of facial expression,imagine like you're trying to move and,all the needles,if you put two arms up,then put one arm down,and then push that arm backwards twice,that arm will become much longer than,the other arm,no it didn't work,you can't see it but i promise you it,doesn't work unless you just like,loosened it up or the other arm got,tired or something i don't know this is,medical misinformation if you pinch your,arm 10 times,close your eyes and then touch your,elbow,you won't feel anything,oh,these are i don't understand one two,three four five six seven eight nine ten,i still feel everything i feel my hand,it doesn't even make sense the body's,quite capable of feeling pinches and,touches,before kita,sad,after,no keto is not a miracle potion yes it,does help people get some short-term,weight loss some people really love it,but medically it's not miraculous as,people say all right let's just talk,about it who's the most important organ,it's definitely me because it's the,brain we did the pull the brain,everything to do y'all can't think for,yourselves that's true hey if i didn't,pump blood to you you wouldn't be able,to function though but i have that,blood though but you wouldn't be able to,tell me to punt blood if i didn't pump,blood to you yeah but that's like the,chicken before the egg without the brain,the heart's not pumping and when the,heart pumps the brain can continue to,function but the brain needs to be there,to start the process first yes in trauma,protocol we try and save the lungs and,the heart without the brain nothing's a,cooking i like the brain i think the,brain is magical i think it's beautiful,i think it's a fun organ i like to touch,it not like while it's in people's heads,but like in cadavers when you're,learning about you've been using your,ears wrong right and left actually have,different functions no they don't if,you're somewhere loud and trying to hear,what someone is saying you're more,likely to succeed uh no all of this is,nonsense this is i,cool,that looks,like a ganglion cyst and i have drained,those i've

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