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My $25,690/day TikTok Ads Strategy | TikTok Ads Mini Course

hey guys today I'm going to be revealing,the exact Tick Tock ad strategy that I,use to hit days like these,now before I get into this video,I want to say that I'm not going to add,any extra fluff like a lot of other,YouTubers in this Niche do I just want,you guys to get your times worth and get,a lot of value in this video so if you,want that just watch the end and I,guarantee you'll get that please like,And subscribe if you want to see more,content like this it really helps me,um so yeah let's get straight into the,video so this ad strategy completely,relies on one thing it's this ad setting,called cause caps and basically what,cost caps allow you to do is tell Tick,Tock how much you want Tick Tock to,spend in order for them to get you a,purchase now you're probably thinking,how is Tick Tock able to find buyers at,a price that I tell Tick Tock to find,buyers at it just sounds kind of like a,like a money glitch right and in reality,it's not that simple because a lot of,the times when you know you uh set one,of these ad sets or one of these,campaigns to run most of the time Tick,Tock is just not going to spend uh the,money that you wanted to spend because,it just can't find buyers at the price,that you want them to find buyers for,your store at but what I'm going to be,revealing with you today is how to,actually get Tick Tock to find buyers at,those profitable prices for you and it,all revolves around three things it's,your offer your creatives and your store,and your product obviously now in,specific your offer has to be something,very very tempting that you know you,have to pair with a product that you,know is already working very well you,know it has to be something that like uh,you know like a buyer sees and they're,just like wow like this is such an,incredible deal like you know I have to,get this right now in terms of creatives,you want to do something that I call an,urgency style of creative you you,basically say we need all this product,gone in five days so we're doing a buy,one get one free sale click the link,below and get yours today before you run,out that's pretty much the premises of,the creative that's how you want to,structure it and then on your store you,want to have it very quick and easy to,understand with a good description and,you want to just have the whole process,just very flowy and it just makes it,extremely easy for the customer to buy,right so when you have an extremely,Unforgettable and too good to be true,type of offer paired with an urgency,style of creative it's it's almost like,it's almost like two superpowers at once,it's like you have people coming from a,creative that they have the idea that,there's only a limited stock left and,they have this incredible deal in front,of their face so they're a lot more,likely to purchase because there's just,so much good stuff being thrown at them,at once and they're just scared that,they're gonna that this deal is gonna,run out and you know they're never going,to see it again so this creates a lot of,impulse buys and this system is the most,efficient way to get Tick Tock to,actually spend your money because you're,making it extremely easy for tick tock,to find you a buyer now if you guys,thought that was confusing leave a,comment below but I'm gonna get into the,ad strategy and yeah so you there I'm,now going to get into the actual,step-by-step guide on how to create your,campaigns but first I want to go over,what campaigns we're making so we're,making a view content campaign a normal,run-of-the-mill complete payment,campaign and then the cost cap campaign,I'm going to explain which Camp campaign,does what the view content campaign is,only there who spend money it's not,there to get you purchases it's just,there to get the ad account to start,spending money because ad accounts are,very weird now on Tick Tock and even,when you give them money to spend they,won't spend it for some reason and view,content is just very easy to optimize,for on Tick Tock you know it's very easy,for The Tick Tock algorithm to optimize,for so there are a lot a lot more likely,to spend the money or the budget that,you feed to a view content campaign and,what that does is it creates some some,sort of like a snowball effect with the,other campaigns and it starts getting,the other campaigns with a more harder,for The Tick Tock algorithm to optimize,for type of campaign to start spending,the budget that you have allocated,towards that them the purpose of the,complete payment campaign is just so you,can get purchases normally without you,know the crazy super scale cost cap,method that's just you know so you can,have some some sort of consistency on,your store and then the cost caps,obviously is so you can hit you know the,crazy 15 20K days that,um that we all strive for,what I want to do is go ahead and press,create it's going to take you over here,and you're going to press website,conversions,um when you're doing Ecom you only want,to uh you know optimize for website

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I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)

I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)

in the last 90 days i've spent over 600,000,on tick tock ads with our clients and,every day we're migrating more and more,budget over from facebook to tick tock,and in today's video i'm going to be,covering the top five ways you can learn,from the lessons that i have after,spending six hundred thousand dollars on,tick tock ads,hello everyone my name is chase chapel,your favorite digital marketer here,let's get into this video so these are,the lessons from spending 600 000,dollars in tick tock ads and i would,have been far better off if i had,already learned these lessons in advance,or had somebody to really guide me,through the process of understanding,what it is that make tick tock ads,convert how to structure the audiences,and all of the learnings that we've had,from other platforms to be able to be,successful on tick tock ads and that's,exactly what i'm going to be doing today,is i'm going to be walking you through,the top five things that are going to,allow you to be successful with tick,tock ads from the things that we've done,after spending 600 000 on tick tock ads,so let's go ahead and jump into the,first thing and start covering some of,the things you can do to actually,increase your overall conversions and as,you can see here we spent a little over,six hundred thousand dollars on testing,this far just in the last 90 days that's,about 148 million impressions from that,amount of spending about 2 million,clicks overall and so let's go ahead and,go over the tick tock adds creative best,practices so number one is videos with a,duration of 21 seconds to 34 seconds,have a 280 percent lift and conversion,yes you heard that right 21 seconds to,34 seconds if you literally just have,tick tock ads that are at least 21 to 34,seconds long,you automatically have a competitive,advantage over other tick tock,advertisers and the reason for this lift,and conversions is because that's enough,time for you to deliver information in a,concise way to the actual consumer that,might be purchasing your product or the,business that might actually be you know,choosing to work with your service and,you want to time it between 21 to 34,seconds you don't want it to be overly,long you don't want it to be overly,short,so definitely try to be within this,range because you are going to see much,better conversions by doing so and this,is data that ticktalk actually has from,you know hundreds of thousands of,advertisers that are actually already on,the platform and we're seeing this with,our results too videos that are between,21 to 34 seconds do actually convert,better,and we also see that the 9 16 aspect,ratio does help with lifting conversions,that is vertical video y'all you'll want,to make sure you have vertical video you,don't want to try to apply square video,and have these black spaces in between,the actual video you want to make sure,that these videos are actually vertical,tick tock is a vertical placement so you,want to make sure your content actually,fits for tick tock so make sure you have,a 9x16 aspect ratio in your actual,videos that is simply filming on your,phone that's the best way to do it to,actually keep the vertical video in,check and that resolution is actually,going to be higher and that actually,leads us to the next point if your video,is actually above 720p you're going to,see a 312 lifting conversion so if you,just apply these three things you're,going to see you know 280 lift and 91,left and even up to a 312 percent lift,in conversions by having hd video if you,upload a very low quality video the back,door is this you're likely going to get,much less conversions than other,accounts would and if you have ads that,are actually converting now with a low,quality video well if you just upgrade,the quality you could be seeing much,better conversions at the exact same,cost the next thing is number two and,that's tick tock user generated content,this is very big because you have,branded ads and you have spark ads,branded ads are essentially what you see,here this is an ad by go clove and you,know their shoe brand and they have,these actual you know branded outline,where it has the colors of their blue,they're green and the actual ad and it's,very branded and when you come across it,looks very much so like an ad these,types of ads do work to some degree and,you know do have good conversion rates,depending on you know how they're,actually flexing their brand and,actually driving you know consideration,and actually having people make the,conversion based off of what's actually,in the actual ad and you can see has 57,likes you know people are commenting,that they are interested in the product,which is a good thing but overall we're,seeing much better results with tiktok,spark ads and ugc content where we're,actually using user generated content in,the ads and that is a form of raw video,and user generated content is,essentially content that is created by,people or users instead of brands or,businesses now you can have pe

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Best Low Budget TikTok Ads Strategy | Shopify 2022

Best Low Budget TikTok Ads Strategy | Shopify 2022

hello everyone it's chase chapel here,and i'm going to be showing you exactly,how to recognize if your campaign is,performing or not on tick tock how to,set up a campaign and how to do it if,you have a low budget for testing so by,the end of this video not only will you,be able to learn how to set up tick tock,ads for 100 or less per day but be able,to truly understand exactly what,strategy works how to get actual,conversions from the get go and be able,to successfully identify winning,creative styles that actually convert so,without wasting any time today let's get,into the training,so with tick-tock ads during the testing,phase if you have under a hundred,dollars per day as a testing budget we,like to actually test three to five,audiences at most so that way you can,truly understand and identify if your,actual ads are going to convert and not,only that we like to actually have only,one or two tick-tock ad creatives for,those campaigns so that way they can,optimize effectively and distribute,budget to one or the other ads that are,actually converting better that way you,don't have to spend a lot of money,trying to figure everything out and you,can have earlier success without having,to spend a lot of money and in fact we,literally do this so many times that,most of our clients actually launch,their campaigns and start seeing,immediate results and in fact right here,what we're looking at is,a few audiences here and literally,within launching this campaign on the,26th within three days this campaign had,already gotten 19 conversions and was,averaging a 2.28 x row s now while that,roads might not sound a lot to you but,this is literally within three days of,launch on tick tock ads getting 19,conversions for less than 100 dollars,per day and immediately it was already,roi positive and very profitable and in,fact once we actually optimize this,campaign over time we're going to be,able to raise that overall return and ad,spend to a three to four to five x roads,and be able to get really consistent,results at scale so we're actually,creating our own budget for ourselves,through this campaign and you can see,here we have audience breakdowns where,we're using an actual open audience,which is just a wide open audience with,no actual targeting and we're allowing,the tiktok algorithm to identify who to,go after for us and then we have other,audiences that we're more specific and,actually guiding the algorithm by giving,it a little bit of data that i can test,with that way it can optimize and get,efficient results and we do that with,interest hashtag audiences where we're,targeting specific hashtags around,videos people are watching on tick tock,and then we have actual interest,categories where that could be you know,actual brands like target or walmart,where we're targeting actual retail,stores where you know other similar,products are located,and then we have another open audience,which is you know actually in a,different country and then we have,interest in hashtag audiences once again,so i'm gonna go ahead and break this,down for you so you can see exactly how,to get results because literally within,launch of this campaign we're paying,less than you know 20 cents an actual,click we're getting cpms for around two,dollars around a cpm and even launching,these actual campaigns and being able to,get conversions within the first three,days so let's actually go through how to,set this up so that way you can launch,this campaign for yourself all right,we're in a brand new ads manager and,what we're gonna do is we're gonna hit,create,and this is actually how you set up the,actual testing campaign and what you're,going to do is you're going to actually,choose conversions if you're optimizing,for purchases if you have an e-commerce,store if you set up the actual tick tock,pixel you're going to want to optimize,for ultimate conversion objective and if,that is purchases then you're going to,want to optimize for purchases so let's,go ahead and name our campaign and we,can name it conversions testing and this,is the conversions testing campaign,where you can literally spend less than,100 per day and start making your money,back immediately that way you can,recycle that cash to actually grow your,overall results and achieve success so,once we have our campaign here what,we're going to do is we're going to,choose placements we're going to choose,tick tock specifically because that's,what our video is optimizing for and,that's where the actual attention is,we're going to choose our location in,our case it's going to be united states,and we have an age limit 18 plus for us,so we're going to choose that age range,so what we're actually going to do is,we're going to choose a specific,audience in the interest initially,we're going to start with going after,the clothing space,men's clothing and then what we're going,to do is we're going to find another,audience in here it could be apparel,pair on clothing,we can choose streetwear where

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Tik Tok Ads Value Optimization Strategy (NEW 2022)

Tik Tok Ads Value Optimization Strategy (NEW 2022)

yo what's going on guys team irf here in,this video we're gonna be breaking down,my tick tock ads value optimization,strategy if you're new to this channel,of course we talk about tick tock ads,drop shipping ecommerce how to make,money online pretty much everything of,that nature so if that's something that,you're interested in make sure you hit,the like button subscribe to the channel,and you know it really does show me that,you guys enjoy these videos and i,continue to make them also we have a ton,of free training below and spy talk the,number one tick tock ad spy tool on how,i find these winning products that i,scale on tick tock it's also linked,below you can get beta access and be,grandfathered in at that discounted,price as it releases and as the software,grows but let's get straight into the,video here,and i'm going to show you guys my exact,strategy kind of what i'm working on in,the early stages this is pretty much a,live audit like this is today of my tic,toc ad account of this brand that i'm,scaling and i just started playing,around with the value which is really,cool normally i have a ton of videos,right on lowest cost and cost cap,bidding which i think is super cool i,will show you guys in a second,how they match up and rank but,even if you get the tiniest bit of,information out of this video it's huge,because you can apply it straight to,your ad account,i'd rather make these type of videos for,you,rather than the 14 day drop shipping,challenge or,top 10 products of,july or top 10 products you wouldn't,with like a click bait thumbnail and all,this stuff just to get clout views and,it's all very gorgeous,today junior regurgitated content which,i don't really think uh you deserve and,your time shouldn't be wasted,so let's get right as i said again let's,get right into this value optimization,strategy here,so before if you if you haven't watched,my previous video you know that i was,doing a lot of cost cap bidding inside,this ad account and now we're really,moving on and testing different things,so we're taking the winning ad groups,that we already have our winning ad,groups that perform really well and now,we're testing value optimization,so it's similar to what bids that i'm,testing on value optimization and cost,cap so this was the first bid of value,minimum row as i launched yesterday at,2.77 that was the minimum row as that i,selected and you could see here 14 cents,epc crushed it cpm under two dollars,and the cpa not even tracked correctly,in my opinion,you know,very like 60 to 70 being tracked i don't,know why the pixel's been weird lately,but,cpa amazing,um,compared to even the cost caps cost cap,cpa was like 15 to about 25 cpa and,we're still hitting 30 to 40 margins on,the store,obviously right this is still low scale,but i'm telling you guys almost what i'm,doing and what i'm going to continue to,do into this ad account and across all,the brands that i'm working on and,working with,so we have this one,value optimization at group 2.77 with an,automated creative optimization,targeting us,no no interest super broad 18 to 55 plus,male female,aco and 712 ads is the date that we,uploaded these new ad creatives in like,i said once i get new ads as well i'm,gonna be taking my winning bids,and ad groups and just plugging in my,new creatives and inside this ad ad,group i have three to five add creatives,and three,ad texts okay three ad copies,with,dynamic cta or call to action on so i,decided hey i'm gonna test 2.77 bid and,a 3.33 row as bit just to see how it,goes obviously the 2.77 did better much,better than the 3.3 but it still,performed well and what i'm seeing,is my normal cost per add to cart is,around six to eight dollars on this,product on these ad groups it hit two to,three dollars obviously like,there's only 60 bucks spent on these ad,groups and the significance isn't as,high as i would like to but i'm gonna,keep you guys updated throughout the,days as well on how these are performing,over time,but what i did today was i duplicated,that 2.77 row as one and now i'm gonna,be testing in one cent increments,again if you have watched another,previous video you know i'm trying to,keep this a bit lower scale until the,payment processing can you know get,settled and that should be this week so,after this week i'm going to really,scale this up for you guys and you'll,see like you'll come back to this video,be like oh damn like,look look where he was and where he is,now i'm doing this live like this is,today guys you're in my computer i'm not,faking anything but basically the,strategy is i'm taking this bid at 2.77,don't i mean i don't really have a,reasoning why i started 2.77 it's just a,bit i started with and now i'm going in,one cent increments 2.78 2.79 2.8 2.81,2.82 and i could launch a ton more but,i'm not just because like i said i don't,want to go too crazy with the ad budgets,yet and uh,or else like you know i can't fulfill,the words with the processing and all,will be at a 50 budget d

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How much does it cost to run a TikTok Ad Marketing Campaign?

How much does it cost to run a TikTok Ad Marketing Campaign?

hey guys what's up in this video I'm,going to unveil the cost to advertise on,tic-tock tic-tock is the fastest rolling,up in the world as per today with more,than 60 million active users in the US,with a lot of meaning uses currently in,India in Turkey in Germany but is,getting more more and popular also in,the West Europe country lights UK Italy,Spain Germany and Poland are increasing,a lot the active users on tik-tok,so in today's video what I'm going to,unveil you is the ad format and country,in which the ads are available to,purchase and what kind of cost,associated to each ad format you,according to the top you have to pay and,we wrap up with what's next so what,basically t-top is is now working it and,when we can get it but let's start from,the t-top value proposition so real,users behind tic toc uses that I you,know have between six eight years old up,to 20s doesn't mean that if you don't,have like myself don't have anymore that,age you shouldn't be there it's a it's a,perfect tool to stay a perfect tool to,increase your Ganic reach and perfect to,communicate through social media so I,know that all of you say this is a new,tool there is only new tool bar guys,this is one of the most performing tool,and the most engaging and now today we,are going to unveil the cost to,advertise early so the first thing is,real the second phase I showed so the,video that you can post on,tik-tok are between 15 and 60 seconds,per length and the first thing is about,video so it's mostly video obscene,ninety-five percent of the content is,based on video for another question I,received in the last few weeks is to,whom is T talk which kind of brands,should be on tick tock which kind of,brands should invest on advertisement or,tick tock in my opinion that's my,personal opinion there are two main,types of brands I should invest in tick,tock today,one is the the brand are in an,e-commerce space so all the brands that,want to sell online the products and,they want to do you know engaging a,perfect target audience that could be,again between the eight years old up to,the 20 years old is the perfect is a,perfect place to be and again guys don't,think that you know those guys those,kids will not buy your product those,kids are probably the greatest,influencers for you know their parents,to purchase your product so advertise on,tik-tok means that you will have you,know eyeballs on your on your on your,shops eyeballs on your product and it's,highly likely the most of the guys most,of the kids learning in this app will,then he'll fly instead parents to,purchase your product the second thing,that is very very worthy and it's,working very well,and I see a great results with the app,downloads so companies that have their,own application and they want to target,specific segments of users now they can,do it thanks to tick tock so it's,extremely powerful especially again if,your goal is to increase their app,downloads so let's see let's see what,are they the main the main are for my,use party dog I'll say that I'm mostly,true one is as you can see in this slide,the splash page ad so the splash page ad,is basically a free free second image or,between three and five seconds video,splash page so when you open up you know,for for the first time the application,normally on daily basis you will see you,know that the first add user can see,when opening the app so you can see you,can see that heart format is pretty,aggressive format because it's pretty,intrusive but you know can be can be,extremely effective one is about,impacting with your brand dan uses the,second earth format and I yeah see that,is very variable is the in video feed,art so the in video feed are is probably,the,Organic and and most used at format as,per today on tick-tock it basically when,you scroll when you when you swap up for,the next video you will see between,probably a frequency for instance here,you ki see between five and six,swipe opps I see one one ads so this is,a pretty organic reach and it's fairly,effective and it's very effective again,for e-commerce spreads or you know,company that want to increase their,installs rates in which countries,especially in Europe is getting,extremely popular tick tock so as you,can see United Kingdom Italy Russia,Spain Poland Germany in France are the,country first of all that is probably,the most popular in Europe and the,second were is possible to buy you know,those two ad formats that I showed,previously on tick tock there are two,types of privacy that is now available,on tick tock you can buy ad format as,cost per mile of impressions so this is,the most you know use let's say KPI and,the most use effective metrics that,indicate you the cost per miles so per,thousands of impression that you can add,on on tick tock and the second one is a,pretty not very standard one is a cost,per time so these two kind of format are,available today on tick tock and a woman,and value today what are their the price,so the price as per the rate card,

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How to get ROI with TikTok ads

How to get ROI with TikTok ads

okay so i'm kevin um my background's,primarily in mobile gaming so i was uh i,ran,the user acquisition function and,retention and product marketing at a,mobile game company,up until the company got acquired in,june of 2019,and then from there i started uh founded,this company headlight where i'm,currently a vice president and we do you,know kind of full stack growth marketing,from everything from bi work,to you know managed media to creative,production for,kind of a a broad bucket of clients both,web and mobile,um and and some of that of course is,running tick tock ads and and uh for me,let's see,for for netflix over,the quarantine we really liked this show,marcella which i hadn't heard of before,it's a british show,uh yeah it's a crime kind of mystery,type show,okay that's a new one i've not not heard,of that one i have to check that out,everyone in the uh comments if you also,like to share your,go to uh netflix stroke,you know hbo max or whatever binge,watching,series let us know and over to natalie,hi i'm natalie rosenblatt i'm a senior,performance marketing consultant,at feature we're a mobile growth,consultancy,i've been working with apps for,a little over three years and primarily,specialize in,new user acquisition for fate social,channels including tick tock,thanks for having me here today i'm,super excited to be part of this,panel and talk all things tic-tac with,you guys,um my netflix binge,show for some reason the first thing,that comes to mind,is emily in paris that's probably one of,the ones they binge,um kind of cheesy but it was a good show,great we're seeing much more diversity,now initially we were doing this and,people were always naming the same thing,ozark was a common one but i guess,people have cut to branch out this has,gone,so long now good well welcome and uh oh,great we've got bradley just in time so,uh hi welcome bradley and how are you,doing,great well we will we're perfect time to,introduce you next,in the meantime uh justin uh,maybe you can let us know a bit about,yourself yeah hey guys i'm pleasure to,be here,um calling you guys from amsterdam so,it's a bit late in the day so i hope you,don't mind if i'm,enjoying a beer yeah i run um two,agencies uh here,uh one of them is a digital designer,production agency,and then recently we launched their,zenser um actually just before the,lockdown and we,are a social media campaign agency,we sort of jumped on tick tock um as,soon as we,saw it exploding and people were dancing,in the back gardens doing some routines,um i've got to be honest i don't watch,netflix,um i've been binging on reading books,during the lockdown,so that's my admission so i can't say,anything the last the last netflix,series i watched was stranger things,series one,so that says something about me,stephanie boy you've been very,disciplined to avoid watching any,television during the uh,last 12 months that's for sure uh well,welcome,and uh bradley great great you could,join us quick in time,and uh yeah if you just uh maybe,introduce yourself,and uh we're also sharing uh,our um go to uh netflix uh,binge lockdown uh series,oh yeah well i've been watching bosch on,amazon prime it's kind of like a,detective show,kind of gritty kind of nice interesting,but my name is bradley kincaid and i'm,the creative director at opera event,we specialize in putting influencers and,actors,into creatives for brands and mobile,games,uh we have worked a lot with tick tock,facebook,uh instagram and snapchat we're,partnered with,facebook and tick tock as creative,partners and we worked with,several different companies to help them,kind of create a voice on each platform,great okay so i just got a follow-up,question,uh for each of you i think we're all set,now i'm gonna,close down this uh slide there,and let's just close that there great so,well let's kick,off so uh let's start with kevin so,kevin you working at headlight you've,got some great clients people like,disney,and you've worked across a whole load of,different uh paid platforms,and uh yeah how has tick tocks that have,found its way into your sort of channel,mix,yeah i'd say kind of one of two ways you,know either it's a top of funnel sort of,brand awareness type play,or it's increasingly becoming you know,viable as a as an actual,roi positive performance channel and i,think that you know clients at scale,can expect anywhere from five to fifteen,percent of spend to go,to there and in comparison with,something like facebook um,so we've been seeing that you know,improve over the past year or so so it's,been exciting to see,tick tock sort of grow as a performance,channel but you know we do consider it,to be,a bit of you know marginal scale i'd say,right so this is a kind of uh you know,you've got your kind of facebook google,and this is a kind of uh,alternative right now right right,and uh bradley is that sort of your,experience,the same this is you've got kind of this,is a you know,how big a deal is this feat for your,creative platform,s

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8.15% ROI With Tiktok Ads And Shineone Message Cards

8.15% ROI With Tiktok Ads And Shineone Message Cards

hey just thought i'd shoot a quick video,this morning last night i launched a,campaign on tick tock using tick tock,ads to sell a nice little message card,from shine on which is a place that i,use quite a bit and,i found that i got a sale so i thought i,would show you real quick i know it's,early but,tick tock ads are kind of a new beast,for print on demand especially using,platforms because there's a couple steps,that you have to take,in order to uh get this to work but,anyway there's my sale,the revenue was 74.90 they showed total,profit of 42.41 because that's after the,base cost so if you're looking at this,uh the way that works is 74.90 minus,42.41,so,the base cost on this product is 32.49,that means shine on uh charges me that,in order to sell it and it's because,it's it's a message card inside a um,nice mahogany box that actually has an,led led light so when you flip it up the,light shines on the necklace and the,message card is super cool um there's a,lot of examples out there of this i can,show you guys if you want to see some,examples just let me know,in the comments i'll show you,anyway so my,profit from them is 4241 but i did have,ad costs right so what did it cost on,tick tock in order to get that sale well,let's go to tick tock and let's hit just,hit reload so you guys know i'm not,messing around here,i actually probably went up a little bit,now,here we go,so i just have a filter on all the,active campaigns this is one that i,launched last night and the spend,is 5.97,you can see that's canadian too so i'm,in canada my ad account is in canadian,but my shine on account is in the us so,if i take,um 597,minus let's just go like this,take 4241,which is my profit from them,minus my ad cost,oops,so i should probably ship that to us but,let's do that,so let's take 597 to us,597 c80 to usd,it's actually 4.63 so let's go with that,let's go back here,so my actual cost was four dollars and,63 cents so if i take,42.41 minus 4.63,my profit my true profit after the base,cost of the product and after my ad cost,is 37,and 38 cents,so that divided by my cost of 4.63 cents,is actually an 8.15 roi,that's really really good that's really,good now i know,this isn't really statistically accurate,yet because i just started the campaign,last night and i just got the first sale,but the good part is it actually just,shows you that stuff what is possible,with this which is really good um i i've,made uh well over well i've sold over,seven figures online in print on demand,doing stuff like this,but i haven't really done much with,shine on so this is using the shine on,platform if you're interested in hooking,up with the platform go here i'll show,you go to uh,ppc,dash coach,oops let me get my mouse out of the way,what kind of type yeah,slash,shine on,,shine on,go there,and you can actually get in here it'll,take you to page where you can sign up,for the platform uh you have to hook up,a domain to the platform in order to use,it it's super simple to do if you need,any help with that let me know too,because i can walk you through it they,also have videos on how to do it so the,the platform means you don't have to do,any customer service which is awesome,that's a huge huge benefit versus having,your own etsy store which you can do,with shine on two or shopify which you,can do with shine on too if you go the,etsy route you're in charge of customer,service if you go to the shopify route,you're in charge of customer service and,everything else to do with the store so,there are benefits to all of them um i,actually do use all of them and and i,like them all i just,i really keep going back to the platform,because i don't like customers bugging,me and you know after i make a sale and,they'll bug me like on shopify uh it's,been it's been 24 hours have you sent it,out yet and it's like come on man you,just ordered it but anyway um if you're,interested if you have any questions let,me know it is possible to make money,with shine on with their platform still,and this stuff does work and tick-tock,ads i think,are the future so you're going to be,seeing a lot of content on tick-tock ads,for me because that's where i'm shifting,basically everything to for my paid,traffic well not everything i got some,other things i use as well but the bulk,of it is going to be tick-tock going,forward all right have a great day we'll,talk to you later

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TikTok Ads Manager - How to get ROI

TikTok Ads Manager - How to get ROI

all right,oh my god this is really bad,what's holding this,nobody having somebody not having a,headset,maybe just um can can it,everyone talk now hello,hello okay,there's still there actually i'm still,happening we can,we can mute one after the other and then,check it out so i will go on mute and,then you test it,that's that kind of seems okay yeah i,think that's a bit better now,um i think just everyone make sure your,your,volume is down on your knowledge yeah,um,okay um no one's accidentally clicked,studio sound or anything like that,they no um okay it seems,i seem to settle down now a bit actually,we sort of had this before,so um seems like it's,it's okay now all right who knows um,that sounds like it's okay so all right,well let's,let's get going someone has two devices,connected it says oh yeah just no one,has two browsers,open um andre you haven't opened up,another,browser or okay everyone just checked,you've just got this one open,i think it sounds like it's going okay,so,okay he says it's a lot based on my,investigations,all right i think we're okay now sounds,right so,let's go all right okay,another try um let's see if it is really,you,up um so hello welcome everybody,to the um interactive,um panel that i'm happy to um to lead,today,um about tick tock with some very nice,people,i'm actually super excited um about this,and uh after i think,um also if you have already checked out,the the great content,that was going on previously i'm happy,about this uh,a nice little panel here um i think,um we will learn a lot of things about,um tick tock well big surprise,um but uh i think we also got a bit into,the politics about it,um we will talk about you know campaign,strategies uh maybe some revelations,here and there about demographics,i'm so very much pumped about that um,and for the panel here with me i got,some,uh awesome speakers um which i,uh would like to ask for a little round,of introduction,uh first um so i'm christian i'm just,the host and i will uh,hand it on for a run of introduction to,uh wavy shallot to see if the audio is,all sorted now,awesome so hey everyone i'm charlotte,i'm the,senior marketing digital marketing,manager um at dpop,i run um everything that's in that's,paid ads essentially,cool yeah whoever feels like chris where,are you,okay i can jump on so hi everyone uh,glad to be back here on the app,promotion summit,uh in the panel discussion um,maybe also first just quickly a shout,out to james and the team for organizing,it,i wish we would have been all there in,person uh but glad to see that we're,doing this,initiative and excited to talk a bit,about tick tock,like you mentioned uh christian i think,there's a lot of buzz about the channel,so short about me i'm working for a,company called spock,if you're not familiar with book it's a,it's a classified app so it's uh,i would say it's the platform to buy and,sell with others but i think charlotte,on the panel has something to say about,it i've been working with companies,since 2015,i'm a marketing manager running online,for spoke,and at spoke we've been running tick,tock for,a bit over a year we will follow the,early,advertisers to to try out the beta on,the self-serve platform,which you typed which is basically i,think why i always invite them here to,them,nice what's your name,yeah maybe we tag each other,um yeah hi i'm andre founder of admiral,media a small,performance marketing agency based in,spain we run,ticktock ads since i mean we are just,one and a half years old,but we basically run tick tock ads since,i think,since one year or something for multiple,clients across the globe,um mostly united states and europe,obviously,wherever it's available and with very,mixed results on their self-serve ad,platform,um but yeah i'm happy to share some,insights uh later on in the panel,yes nonetheless kevin maybe yeah,yeah yeah so uh i'm kevin young i'm the,founder of a growth,services company um headquartered out of,the united states so thanks for,letting me join this conference um it is,it's pretty early over here,um so what we do we do you know a number,of things for clients like building,ltv models dashboarding we craft kind of,the underlying data models that clients,use to understand their business and,what you know their ad dollars are,actually driving,but our bread and butter is definitely,managed services so we've been managing,buys on tick tock,for about a year now and and and to your,point,um you know very mixed results i think,across that time a lot of change,over the time um but that's kind of kind,of our bread and butter there,um also across a variety of clients on,tick tock,and then prior to headlight i was a,director of growth,at a gaming company called kicks eyewear,i oversaw ua,and crm and uh product marketing until,we got acquired,in mid-2019 awesome,thanks a lot guys um great to have you,here um i will go,less than uh very briefly so i'm,christian as said before i'm,ceo and co-founder of company called,custom lytics um,we

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