how to optimize tiktok ads

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Tik Tok Ads Value Optimization Strategy (NEW 2022)

yo what's going on guys team irf here in,this video we're gonna be breaking down,my tick tock ads value optimization,strategy if you're new to this channel,of course we talk about tick tock ads,drop shipping ecommerce how to make,money online pretty much everything of,that nature so if that's something that,you're interested in make sure you hit,the like button subscribe to the channel,and you know it really does show me that,you guys enjoy these videos and i,continue to make them also we have a ton,of free training below and spy talk the,number one tick tock ad spy tool on how,i find these winning products that i,scale on tick tock it's also linked,below you can get beta access and be,grandfathered in at that discounted,price as it releases and as the software,grows but let's get straight into the,video here,and i'm going to show you guys my exact,strategy kind of what i'm working on in,the early stages this is pretty much a,live audit like this is today of my tic,toc ad account of this brand that i'm,scaling and i just started playing,around with the value which is really,cool normally i have a ton of videos,right on lowest cost and cost cap,bidding which i think is super cool i,will show you guys in a second,how they match up and rank but,even if you get the tiniest bit of,information out of this video it's huge,because you can apply it straight to,your ad account,i'd rather make these type of videos for,you,rather than the 14 day drop shipping,challenge or,top 10 products of,july or top 10 products you wouldn't,with like a click bait thumbnail and all,this stuff just to get clout views and,it's all very gorgeous,today junior regurgitated content which,i don't really think uh you deserve and,your time shouldn't be wasted,so let's get right as i said again let's,get right into this value optimization,strategy here,so before if you if you haven't watched,my previous video you know that i was,doing a lot of cost cap bidding inside,this ad account and now we're really,moving on and testing different things,so we're taking the winning ad groups,that we already have our winning ad,groups that perform really well and now,we're testing value optimization,so it's similar to what bids that i'm,testing on value optimization and cost,cap so this was the first bid of value,minimum row as i launched yesterday at,2.77 that was the minimum row as that i,selected and you could see here 14 cents,epc crushed it cpm under two dollars,and the cpa not even tracked correctly,in my opinion,you know,very like 60 to 70 being tracked i don't,know why the pixel's been weird lately,but,cpa amazing,um,compared to even the cost caps cost cap,cpa was like 15 to about 25 cpa and,we're still hitting 30 to 40 margins on,the store,obviously right this is still low scale,but i'm telling you guys almost what i'm,doing and what i'm going to continue to,do into this ad account and across all,the brands that i'm working on and,working with,so we have this one,value optimization at group 2.77 with an,automated creative optimization,targeting us,no no interest super broad 18 to 55 plus,male female,aco and 712 ads is the date that we,uploaded these new ad creatives in like,i said once i get new ads as well i'm,gonna be taking my winning bids,and ad groups and just plugging in my,new creatives and inside this ad ad,group i have three to five add creatives,and three,ad texts okay three ad copies,with,dynamic cta or call to action on so i,decided hey i'm gonna test 2.77 bid and,a 3.33 row as bit just to see how it,goes obviously the 2.77 did better much,better than the 3.3 but it still,performed well and what i'm seeing,is my normal cost per add to cart is,around six to eight dollars on this,product on these ad groups it hit two to,three dollars obviously like,there's only 60 bucks spent on these ad,groups and the significance isn't as,high as i would like to but i'm gonna,keep you guys updated throughout the,days as well on how these are performing,over time,but what i did today was i duplicated,that 2.77 row as one and now i'm gonna,be testing in one cent increments,again if you have watched another,previous video you know i'm trying to,keep this a bit lower scale until the,payment processing can you know get,settled and that should be this week so,after this week i'm going to really,scale this up for you guys and you'll,see like you'll come back to this video,be like oh damn like,look look where he was and where he is,now i'm doing this live like this is,today guys you're in my computer i'm not,faking anything but basically the,strategy is i'm taking this bid at 2.77,don't i mean i don't really have a,reasoning why i started 2.77 it's just a,bit i started with and now i'm going in,one cent increments 2.78 2.79 2.8 2.81,2.82 and i could launch a ton more but,i'm not just because like i said i don't,want to go too crazy with the ad budgets,yet and uh,or else like you know i can't fulfill,the words with the processing and all,will be at a 50 budget d

The above is a brief introduction to how to optimize tiktok ads

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TikTok Media Buying 6 Quick Tips: How To Optimize Your TikTok Ad Campaigns

TikTok Media Buying 6 Quick Tips: How To Optimize Your TikTok Ad Campaigns

this video is sponsored by tick tock for,business the content opinions expressed,here are that of savannah sanchez,hey guys my name is savannah sanchez and,i am a freelance tick tock media buyer,and ad creative expert,today i'm going to be sharing with you,my tips and tricks to optimize,your tick tock ad campaigns so let's,dive into it,how to optimize your campaigns once,you're familiar with the tiktok campaign,structure and setup,you're going to want to start optimizing,your campaigns once you have your ads,running,you'll definitely want to keep a close,eye on performance and optimize to get,the results that you're looking for,my first tip is to start with broad,audience targeting and then learn from,the algorithm of who is purchasing,on your campaigns once you start seeing,the results come through from your,campaigns when you're using a broad,audience,then you'll get a better idea of what,demographics are actually clicking and,purchasing on your ads,so start with broad and then let the,algorithm learn,and then you'll get better data who is,actually making the purchases,to inform future audience testing my,second tip,is to test different audiences if you're,not seeing the results you're,looking for when you start with broad,audiences so once your campaigns start,running,you'll start to find what age groups are,performing best on tick tock,you might find that it's a younger,audience that's performing best,or perhaps the older audience is is,resonating more with your ads,so if you're not seeing the results,you're looking for right away using,broad audiences,i recommend then you can start refining,your audience targeting,and also testing different interests and,behaviors that might be closely related,to your product,so in conclusion with audience testing,start broad,get some data back of what's working in,terms the different demographics and,then from there,you can start to narrow your targeting,and also layer in some behavioral and,interest targeting groups,another really great tip to optimize,your ticktock campaigns,is to try different conversion events so,when you have a brand new campaign,your pixel is going to be brand new it's,hard to optimize for purchases right out,of the,gate because the pixel hasn't been,seasoned yet,so i found to perform best is by,optimizing for events like page view,or add to cart because these are lower,level,events and so you'll get more data on,your pixel more quickly,since you're going to get way more page,view events than let's say,for a checkout or purchase eventually,once your pixel gets enough data to,learn,who on ticktalk is responding to your,ads the best,then you'll be able to optimize your,campaigns for an event,like checkout or purchase if i'm,starting with a brand new tiktok account,i'm always optimizing for clicks or page,views first,if you're noticing that your campaigns,are not getting through the full daily,budget,i would recommend to check to see if,your bids are high enough,and see what tick tock is recommending,for your suggested bid,if your bids are too low then your,campaigns may start underserving and,under delivering,you want to make sure your bids are,competitive enough in the auction,so that your ads get enough delivery,another suggestion to optimize your,campaigns is to rotate,creative and copy very frequently for my,clients i like to introduce new creative,and copy variations,on a weekly basis with brand new tests,so i'm always trying to find,new winning creatives and new copy,variations if you start to see ad,performance fatigue,that would probably be the first thing i,look for is is my creatives,burned out and do i need to rotate in,new creatives into this campaign,speaking of creatives it's really,important that you're testing at least,three different creatives within each ad,group,this will allow for tick tock to have,multiple creative options to choose from,when serving your ads,what i've noticed from running my tiktok,campaigns for my clients,is that campaigns tend to perform best,when you have more than one ad group or,audience tested within a campaign,so from my experience always have at,least two,ad groups within a campaign to allow the,algorithm to fully optimize,another thing you can do if you see that,an ad group is,underperforming is check out the age,breakdown and exclude the ages that are,underperforming from those ad groups,and lastly but arguably most importantly,make sure your tick tock creatives look,organic to the platform,using native influencer and user,generated content,this means that all of your ads should,also be in vertical format,and use native text overlays that look,organic to the platform,tiktok also offers a free music library,to find,relevant sounds for your videos because,tick tock is a sound,on environment meaning that most people,when they're on tick tock are listening,to videos with sound,the sound you choose and the voiceless,overlays are really important to your ad,success,so i hope this video was helpful in how,

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Best Low Budget TikTok Ads Strategy | Shopify 2022

Best Low Budget TikTok Ads Strategy | Shopify 2022

hello everyone it's chase chapel here,and i'm going to be showing you exactly,how to recognize if your campaign is,performing or not on tick tock how to,set up a campaign and how to do it if,you have a low budget for testing so by,the end of this video not only will you,be able to learn how to set up tick tock,ads for 100 or less per day but be able,to truly understand exactly what,strategy works how to get actual,conversions from the get go and be able,to successfully identify winning,creative styles that actually convert so,without wasting any time today let's get,into the training,so with tick-tock ads during the testing,phase if you have under a hundred,dollars per day as a testing budget we,like to actually test three to five,audiences at most so that way you can,truly understand and identify if your,actual ads are going to convert and not,only that we like to actually have only,one or two tick-tock ad creatives for,those campaigns so that way they can,optimize effectively and distribute,budget to one or the other ads that are,actually converting better that way you,don't have to spend a lot of money,trying to figure everything out and you,can have earlier success without having,to spend a lot of money and in fact we,literally do this so many times that,most of our clients actually launch,their campaigns and start seeing,immediate results and in fact right here,what we're looking at is,a few audiences here and literally,within launching this campaign on the,26th within three days this campaign had,already gotten 19 conversions and was,averaging a 2.28 x row s now while that,roads might not sound a lot to you but,this is literally within three days of,launch on tick tock ads getting 19,conversions for less than 100 dollars,per day and immediately it was already,roi positive and very profitable and in,fact once we actually optimize this,campaign over time we're going to be,able to raise that overall return and ad,spend to a three to four to five x roads,and be able to get really consistent,results at scale so we're actually,creating our own budget for ourselves,through this campaign and you can see,here we have audience breakdowns where,we're using an actual open audience,which is just a wide open audience with,no actual targeting and we're allowing,the tiktok algorithm to identify who to,go after for us and then we have other,audiences that we're more specific and,actually guiding the algorithm by giving,it a little bit of data that i can test,with that way it can optimize and get,efficient results and we do that with,interest hashtag audiences where we're,targeting specific hashtags around,videos people are watching on tick tock,and then we have actual interest,categories where that could be you know,actual brands like target or walmart,where we're targeting actual retail,stores where you know other similar,products are located,and then we have another open audience,which is you know actually in a,different country and then we have,interest in hashtag audiences once again,so i'm gonna go ahead and break this,down for you so you can see exactly how,to get results because literally within,launch of this campaign we're paying,less than you know 20 cents an actual,click we're getting cpms for around two,dollars around a cpm and even launching,these actual campaigns and being able to,get conversions within the first three,days so let's actually go through how to,set this up so that way you can launch,this campaign for yourself all right,we're in a brand new ads manager and,what we're gonna do is we're gonna hit,create,and this is actually how you set up the,actual testing campaign and what you're,going to do is you're going to actually,choose conversions if you're optimizing,for purchases if you have an e-commerce,store if you set up the actual tick tock,pixel you're going to want to optimize,for ultimate conversion objective and if,that is purchases then you're going to,want to optimize for purchases so let's,go ahead and name our campaign and we,can name it conversions testing and this,is the conversions testing campaign,where you can literally spend less than,100 per day and start making your money,back immediately that way you can,recycle that cash to actually grow your,overall results and achieve success so,once we have our campaign here what,we're going to do is we're going to,choose placements we're going to choose,tick tock specifically because that's,what our video is optimizing for and,that's where the actual attention is,we're going to choose our location in,our case it's going to be united states,and we have an age limit 18 plus for us,so we're going to choose that age range,so what we're actually going to do is,we're going to choose a specific,audience in the interest initially,we're going to start with going after,the clothing space,men's clothing and then what we're going,to do is we're going to find another,audience in here it could be apparel,pair on clothing,we can choose streetwear where

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BOOST Click Rate on TikTok Ads

BOOST Click Rate on TikTok Ads

what's going on everyone welcome back to,another video you read the thumbnail so,let's do the Montage,all right today we're gonna be trying a,different type of style of video we're,actually going live so you guys can see,my Tick Tock ads manager and can't call,cap on any of my numbers stop the cat,I'm gonna be showing you my best ads,from this year I'm going to show you the,actual video and then we're gonna go,through the targeting I set for that ad,so you can get some ideas for yourself,on white your ads might best performing,and who may want to actually see your,ads so without further Ado let's get,into it oh wait also at the end I'm,going to show you guys an actual ad that,I'm gonna run and campaign that I'm,gonna set for tonight so maybe by the,end of the video I'll have some results,for that too anyways I hope you enjoy it,let's get into it now we're here in my,Tick Tock ads manager account I'm going,to show you a couple different examples,from different websites I've made this,year so let's jump into the first one,this is the best CTR that I've had so,far you guys actually saw it in that,little Montage there the 44 don't worry,it's actually real I wasn't messing with,you I just got to find it here here it,is 44 on never give up V2 as you can see,it's had 4000 an Impressions almost 2,000 clicks so almost half the people who,saw it and ended up clicking on it which,is like just incredible stats I'm sure,if you're watching this you've tried,doing this yourself and 44 is crazy as,you can see like it's not like I hit,this every time 0.51 0.93 six percent,zero percent,really it's all about testing and going,through and making sure that your,targeting is set up properly so let's go,ahead and look at the actual ad that I,set for this Tony T,lost in the way you move the way you,feel,like,abilities,all right I hope you guys like that song,Because all my ads ended up getting made,to the same one anyways uh yeah so it's,mobile phone cases kind of retro theme,so let's go ahead and look at what I set,for the targeting in,uh number two here we go view data,all right all right so coming down here,we can see that I actually only showed,this to males between the ages of 18 and,34 that live in Canada the general,interest I selected were cell phones and,Apple iPhone because I think I was only,selling iPhone cases at the time but as,you can see that's the pretty like,niched in category of people as yeah,actually it says narrow here on the,available audience so yep I really was,focusing on a certain select group of,people and I guess I was right with that,getting a 44 let's go ahead and check,out this 29 I bet you it's the same,video,just because,it's the same video I didn't make that,many for this website because we didn't,get any sales as you guys can see Zero,conversion zero conversion uh these were,add to carts so no sales again don't get,it twisted so let's see the data I had,for the 30 here,all right so the only differences here,was that it was specified for English,and there was one more general interest,which was online fashion shopping and as,you guys can see it didn't actually do,as well it only had a 29 but in total it,was cheaper for more clicks so I guess,it was actually better anyways let's,take a peek at a different store,Highline Fabrics which was a men's,clothing store that I made that was,selling these kind of nice shirts from,AliExpress I'll show you the video here,Justin the way you move the way you feel,possibilities,all right and as you can see we ended,off with a oh hold on let me pull it up,and as you can see we had a 12 CTR rate,on that video which again is really good,apple is known to have around an 11,click-through rate on their ads which is,like,World known as the best so getting a 12,is super good I remember I was pumped,like I was over the moon excited for,this let's go ahead and look at the data,okay as you can see obviously the store,was only made for guys so it males,between the ages of 18 and 44 a little,bit older because it was nice dress,shirts you know I was going for that I,should have put it to 45 and 54 as well,but whatever uh and actually I didn't,set any interest or be haters for this,so Tick Tock really just did its own,thing it has recommended categories so I,think that it was trying to show these,type of people this ad anyways which,probably led to it being so good at a 12,but uh then again,could have been better so let's take a,look at another store triple dock this I,feel like will be the most relatable,store as it was a product that I pulled,up from Etsy and it was one of the best,selling products last year for Christmas,as well so maybe you guys are actually,selling this and you want to do this ad,itself let's go ahead and type in the,lifetime so you can see,click rates all right so 23 and 22.,let's take a look at the video,the way you move the way you feel,possibilities,all right I'm sure you're getting tired,of this song and YouTube's probably,already on my butt trying to

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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

today we're going to cover everything tick-tock  ads we're going to go into shopify we're going  ,to link our store we're going to make sure the  pixel is set up properly we're going to make  ,sure that you can get amazing tick-tock results  for those that are new to the channel i'm davey  ,foggerty my shopify stores have done over 400  million dollars in sales in just four years tick  ,tock ads is the new kid on the blog usually we're  heavily reliant on facebook because it's such an  ,incredible marketing tool but lots of people are  getting heaps of success with the new entertaining  ,nature of tick tock ads so it might be perfect  for your brand this video is perfect for beginners  ,we're not going to skip any steps but i'm also  going to go into some advanced things around  ,content because that is so important to make sure  that you make tick tock ads work the first step  ,you're going to want to do is set up your shopify  store if you haven't set up your shopify store  ,just pause the video click the link in my bio and  set it up now we've got one set up through our  ,lemon scrub series so it's got most of the things  ready we're just going to make sure that we set up  ,tiktok properly so the pixel is firing once you're  in shopify the best way to go is go into apps and  ,just write in tiktok simply download the official  tiktok app and click add sales channel this is the  ,exact same as facebook nowadays this will bring  up this little tick tock section down on the left  ,hand store of your shopify store if you don't have  shopify still carry on watching we're going to get  ,into the nitty gritty in a second once this is set  up we can click this section here setting up the  ,pixel the next step you can see that it's saying  connect tick tock for business this is where you  ,need a new tick tock account already have a tick  tock business account you can just click connect  ,but today we're gonna have to create a brand new  one so i'm just gonna click create new at the top  ,enter my email address get the verification code  sent into the verification code here agree to  ,terms and conditions and just click sign up you  can click connect down the bottom right and that's  ,now created an ads manager business manager under  that email we can click create new ad account and  ,we can select the country and the currency that we  want to be built in this is generally the region  ,that you want to be targeting change the business  name to something a little bit simpler click sign  ,up and connect you'll come to this data sharing  section which we've touched on a few times in my  ,previous episodes just click enhanced or maximum  providing you've got the terms and conditions set  ,up for something and then click confirm maximum  is obviously preferred this is how shopify shares  ,data with ticktock this is referred to as capi  which is a partnership between shopify and the  ,advertising platform click set up enter your final  details make sure you connect automatic payment  ,click confirm and you should be ready to go now  to create tick-tock ads we're actually going to  ,have to go back to the tick-tock ads manager so  we can go you can see that our  ,ad account has already been created to make sure  that we do have the pixel set up properly what i  ,do recommend is going to your website and just  like facebook there's something called tic toc  ,pixel helper and it's a chrome extension that you  can download and check if your pixel is firing  ,on your website if it's not you may need to go  and fix that initially just download the chrome  ,extension and you can see that our tick tock pixel  is set up here shopify set it up for us and it  ,should be firing this is a page view because we're  on a page when you add a product to cart it should  ,fire the add to cart pixel or if someone purchases  you can test a purchase and it will also fire that  ,pixel in the exact right way so now we're in  the tiktok ads account we can go ahead and  ,create our first campaign campaign structures  are really important to talk about it's what  ,separates good advertisers from bad advertisers  that alongside really effective marketing content  ,the basic structure is you have a campaign which  is what objective you are striving for if you've  ,got something like a real estate business  it might be leads you're trying to collect  ,leads but we've got a e-commerce business  so we want to get purchases then you've  ,got the ad set level which is basically the  targeting that you're setting up to complete  ,that campaign objective then finally you've got  your ads that live within each of those ad sets  ,these ads are different creative types that  you think are going to convert your customer  ,so head to campaign when you're in campaign all  you need to do is click create here and you'll set  ,up your first campaign you'll get prompted with  two options you've got simplified mode and custom  ,mode we're going to w

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Guide To Profitable TikTok Ads

Guide To Profitable TikTok Ads

it's really important that you actually,get quite specific with hey everyone my,name is chase chavel and we're going to,be covering the tick tock,ad updates and changes and what you need,to be doing to make sure that you're,successful,on the platform so first things first,tiktok now has cvo campaigns which,if you're familiar with facebook ads and,it's essentially campaign budget,optimization,meaning that you wouldn't set your ad,budget on the ad set level you would,actually put it on the campaign level,this allows the actual campaign to,decide whether or not it wants to spend,the budget,in a specific audience depending on the,results so if you're getting really good,results and,audience a but not so good in audience b,well,the campaign budget optimization is,going to move that budget out of,audience b,and put it into a since it's working,ultimately resulting in more conversions,for your actual ads which is great,because your ad spend gets more,efficient,now another thing is is the lowest cost,per,conversion now this is huge because used,to you'd have to stick to cost cap but,now finally they're rolling out the,lowest cost conversion,meaning you can optimize for getting the,lowest cost per purchase that you would,like or the lowest cost per action,this is really great because now you're,not capped to how much you can spend,and if it's actually working it's going,to be a lot more scalable for you,which in the long run makes a lot more,sense as a conversion objective,especially when you're getting started,and if you're wanting to maintain a very,low cost over time,the next thing is your campaign data,this is probably one of the most,important things here,because with campaign data what you're,going to be able to see,is a lot more detailed information about,your audiences,the actual age of these individuals you,can see,exactly what age line is getting the,most results now with a platform like,tick tock because there's so many people,on here and there's so many different,ages and there's so many different,things going on,and it's so new it's really important,that you actually get quite specific,with who you're going to be targeting,so if you find out that you know 18 and,below,has no purchases but you spend a couple,hundred dollars well you probably don't,want to be going after that age range,anymore,if you're getting conversions you know,18 plus at 10 per purchase,so therefore you want to look at your,age data you want to look at the gender,data,because algorithm on tick tock hasn't,yet fully optimized or it doesn't fully,understand how to get the best result,for you,and because human behavior naturally,people aren't used to purchasing on tick,tock yet,and their you know overall servers just,aren't as fast as loading a site just,like facebook and instagram have been,so you want to be able to get really,specific and knowing who your audience,is and going after those individuals,that leads to being able to look at,information like wi-fi seeing how many,people purchase on wi-fi versus not,you would probably be amazed at how many,people actually use their wi-fi to,purchase,and it only makes sense because if,they're not home the purchase decision,is probably going to go down because,they might be in the car they might be,on the road they might be,you know traveling or with their friends,and they're not really in a buyer,situation where they're thinking about,making a purchase but that doesn't mean,you shouldn't show your ads during those,times because you can,show an ad then and then retarget later,on to get the conversion when they are,home so those are some of the things to,consider especially when you have this,data you want to look through it and,find out which metrics make the most,sense to pay attention to and then,adjust your audiences,and see how that reflects in your,results the final thing is being able to,look your ad group data and finding out,which on,interests actually work so let's say you,launch,an audience that's entirely open it's,broad it has no specific age range,you know no specific interest selected,well you can actually go in there and,see which interests that tick tock,showing it to and which behaviors people,follow they might you know really be,engaging with news,and entertainment type tick tocks and,they're categorized to sell,and you can actually see which ones are,getting conversions so that way you can,actually end up just choosing the,interest based off what you're learning,from there with your conversions,which gives you much more robust data,and gives you a better picture of what's,actually working,since you are so limited to only a,certain number of interest behaviors,and types of creatives that people,follow the other thing is actually,making tick tocks not ads when you're,going after a cold audience,you want the tick tock ad to blend in,with the feed,that essentially means that you want to,feel more organic than you do,as an ad now they might sound,counterintuitive because you want

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Quick $2k/Day TikTok Ads Scaling Strategy Breakdown

Quick $2k/Day TikTok Ads Scaling Strategy Breakdown

what's going on guys noah brewer here,back again with another video and today,we're going to be talking about how to,quickly scale your winning product with,tick tock ads and shopify to 2 000 per,day in around a week now people have,been going crazy in my discord if you,haven't popped in my discord yet,definitely check it out the link will be,in the description about tick tock ad,scaling strategies and people that are,struggling to get past you know two to,three hundred dollars a day in revenue,and i just wanted to make a quick video,basically running down my exact strategy,on what i do after i actually find a,winning product because we talk a lot on,this channel about how to find a winning,product but we don't talk enough i feel,about what to do after you actually find,that winning product so this is a very,quick and easy strategy i don't think,scaling tick tock ads is that,complicated here's what i would like you,to do watch this video save it for your,next winning product on the next winning,product you find if you're following my,methods follow this scaling strategy,i've done it many many times over the,last one or two months and scaled,numerous stores past a thousand bucks a,day even in even a few past two thousand,dollars a day with these exact,strategies so let's have no more delays,and get right into the strategy itself,so i'm going to break this down by day,one step one however you want to look at,it the first thing that i want to say is,that how you launch your initial test,campaign matters which is why i said,that this video is great if you're,following all of my other strategies,because my testing strategy perfectly,lines you up to be able to scale using,this method so if you're testing,products using any other person's method,i don't know if transitioning into this,method is going to work but if you are,using my testing method which you can go,back and watch one of my previous videos,and learn what it is,then you can definitely follow this,strategy but i did want to say that that,you can't just start implementing this,you know mid wherever you are with your,campaigns if you're doing cbo's or you,know anything that i don't normally do,you can't really jump into this so,ideally you want to start with a,campaign a test campaign of five ad,groups at twenty five dollars per day or,five ad groups at forty dollars per day,now if you've been following this,channel you know that i was testing,products with 25 daily budgets on the ad,group level like i said if you want to,know more about my strategies i have,other videos on my channel that go in,depth on how i test products but more,recently i've been saying that testing,with 40 daily budgets is a little bit,better i think it allows you to make a,decision quicker if an ad group is,winning or not and you can turn them off,you know basically on the first day and,end up with multiple successful winning,ad groups halfway through your campaign,so this is a strategy that i really like,doing and this is what i recommend uh to,use to actually test your products um so,let's say that you ran your initial test,5x25 right let's just assume that you,did 25 daily budgets if you did 40 daily,budgets on day one you can just skip to,uh step two or day two of the scaling,strategy but if you started with 25,daily budgets the first thing that i,would probably do is make a new campaign,and try a five by forty dollar so same,exact thing the only thing different is,you're going to start with 40 budgets as,opposed to 25. honestly if it works with,25 budgets it's probably also going to,work with 40 budgets but i still think,that you should do it as an initial test,or an initial proof of proof of concept,to basically prove that 40 daily budgets,are actually going to work before you,try to scale them now how do you,actually analyze your 40 budget campaign,when an ad group hits 20 with no sales,so this is going to be about halfway,through uh the first day,just turn it off and just let the ones,that do have sales run,and the reason i make decisions so fast,is because usually in the past i've seen,winning products uh usually like two or,three of the ad groups will pop a sale,within the first 10 to 15 spent so in my,eyes if there's an ad group that has 20,spent without sales it's probably best,to just turn that off the only exception,that i would make to this role is if,you're halfway through your campaign and,your your average row as for the whole,campaign is really really good,then it might be smart to just let,everything run for a full day but most,of the times you're gonna have two to,three good ad groups and two two bad,ones no big deal just cut them and let,your good ones run for the rest of the,day now let's go into day two or step,two by the time you get to this point,you should have at least one five by,forty campaign that was successful and,profitable in some way and ideally you,have maybe one or two ad groups that are,actually profitable and remaining,profitable but i would

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Profitable TikTok Ads Strategy - Tested and Explained

Profitable TikTok Ads Strategy - Tested and Explained

I went from losing money on Tick Tock,adds to massive profit in just one week,with this simple Tick Tock ads strategy,hey guys it's the economy here lately my,Tick Tock ads performance hasn't been as,good as I like it to be so I tried this,new strategy and let me tell you that it,performed amazingly I'm going to tell,you how to set it up also how it,performed day by day and also how to,optimize it so let's get started in,three two one yeah alright guys so I,have the strategy right here so we're,gonna invest a budget of a hundred,dollars per day all right and we're,gonna create two different campaigns one,is gonna be a conversions campaign and,we're gonna put eighty dollars on it but,it's gonna be an A B test forty dollars,in one asset and forty dollars in,another asset the first asset is gonna,be with custom targeting I'm going to,Target my ideal customer and the other,AD group is gonna have automatic,targeting okay I'm gonna let Tick Tock,decide which one is the audience that,will convert the most if this was four,months ago I will tell you to just,Target customer behaviors but Tick Tock,has changed lately and my ads are not,converting as well as they used to so I,want to give Tick Tock the chance to,find a new audience now I'm gonna put,six videos on this campaign right six on,the a test and six on the B test they,are gonna be the same exact videos the,only variable will be the targeting,these videos will be short they will be,8 to 15 seconds long and they are meant,to be the first impression that people,will have to my products and my brand,now we're gonna spend the other 20 on a,retargeting conversion campaign Target,only people that have clicked on the ads,or have viewed a hundred percent of the,ad so the 80 campaign is gonna be,feeding the 20 retargeting campaign the,retargeting campaign will have other ads,that are gonna be completely different,than the first impression campaign right,they are gonna be longer they're gonna,be more detail we will show the process,of making the product shipping the,products we will appear on the ads and,the objectives of this ads is to create,trust because on the first impression,they either click or watch the entire,video so they are interested right now,the other videos the retargeting ones is,gonna be to convince them that we're a,true company our products are made in,United States we're gonna ship it to,them they're gonna receive it it's gonna,have great quality we also have on the,retargeting campaign videos of people,actually wearing our products right so,ugc content to create trust even though,I'm advertising this specific product,this strategy works for everything all,right so whatever you your product is,follow the strategy look at what things,you have to pay attention to and change,it accordingly now I'm going to show you,how to create these two campaigns so we,will go to The Tick Tock ads manager and,create a new campaign in custom mode for,the advertising objective we will choose,website conversions give it a name to,the campaign conversions automatic and,general targeting and we're gonna create,a split text and click on continue the,first ad group is gonna be first,impression ads custom targeting all,right the link is gonna go to an,external website we choose our pixel we,choose our optimization event which will,be complete payment we want to optimize,for full conversions so the placements,we're gonna put select placement we're,gonna remove Pango and news feed apps,and then for the demographics I'm Gonna,Leave gender to all and I'm gonna choose,my ideal customers ages so household,income I'm not gonna change anything,here I'm just gonna add behaviors,hashtag interactions and I'm gonna put,the two hashtags that really convert,when I'm doing organic content which are,gym talk and also workout motivation all,right I'm just gonna Target these two as,you can see here the available audiences,from 27 million to 33 million and this,is only in United States so the audience,is big enough now we're gonna leave,targeting expansion off all right and,the daily budget is going to be 40 for,the optimization goal we are gonna,choose conversions a bit strategy is,going to be lowest cost,now click on next and just import all of,the ads or upload all of the videos make,sure that you point whatever product you,are advertising Point directly to the,product page okay in some cases you can,use a landing page but normally on Tick,Tock people when they see something and,they like it they are ready to buy right,away okay so don't make them go through,a lot of friction a lot of steps they,already like your product let them buy,them instantly and if they want they can,explore your website but you know give,them the option to buy right away we,leave the rest as it is and we click on,continue now we are on the split Test,Section so what is the variable that,we're gonna choose so we want to choose,a variable of targeting okay the,creatives are gonna be the same and also,the bidding optim

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