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We Paid People on FIVERR To Make TikTok Dropshipping Ads

what is up you guys for this video i,have paid three different fighter,designers to create one sick talk ad,about this product right here they all,had different prices they have all,delivered their ads they are right there,on my laptop let's check them out so,guys a little bit of a backstory as i,told you in the beginning of the video i,have messaged three different guys from,fiverr to make me three tick tock ads,for three different price points what,you see here in front of you is the,result of that they have all delivered,and i have kept the ads in a google,drive file now we're gonna review them,now just for a matter of fact here here,and here are the messages they have all,responded instantly i never see,something like this it might be some,automatic robot stuff but i always get,late messages from fiverr and nobody has,ever responded to me like this all three,of them responded instantly which is a,high thumbs up for me i really like,continuity and working fast so without,further ado these are the adds at number,one this is the cheapest one let's just,play it and let me talk about the ad,after that,they're so amazing,and very comfortable to wear,stylish and modern designs,alright so this was the first and leave,a comment in the comment section below,telling us what do you think about this,ad now in my opinion this is an okay ad,they only had to do a voice over and and,small stuff like that but what i don't,like is the fact that they have only,used one single footage right they use,it i think they use this from aliexpress,they got it from the video section of,the product and nothing more it's,basically the same movie running and,some text in here and uh a voice over,it's an okay ad we can use this it's,only ten dollars that's really worth it,the length of it is really good is is,close to 30 seconds is 20 28 seconds now,they don't have voice over on the call,to action i don't know why didn't they,do that it was just like a 10 second job,extra i don't understand why didn't they,do this they did voiceover on every text,but uh not on the call to action one,overall it's a good ad i will give it a,thumbs up let's check out at number two,at number two this was twenty dollars,let's check it out mid women's shark,slippers,let you relax and enjoy the comfort,non-slip and waterproof,breathable sweat flexible more stylish,lightweight and convenient,use it everywhere,i do gift for your loved ones,shop now alright guys so you can clearly,see that they have put a little bit more,effort into this ad than the first one,they have uh multiple different,scenarios they have different crops as,you can see it has this lady on the,stairs it has this thingy doing it has,them in the bed like checking out the,quality dancing b-rolls crosswork i,really like this crosswalk one so they,they did a lot of crops they did a,really good work they haven't used the,same footage as they did in the first,video so they have put a little bit more,effort into looking for new footage the,voiceover is good i like the fact that,listen to this,shop now they have used the voiceover,over the call to action button which is,really important you want your target,audience to hear that they can click on,the shop now button and shop your,product now also the music is better,because if you're targeting younger,people you would target them with better,music and this is better than the first,one i really like the music in this one,now there is something in this video,that i think is really bad and this,makes this ad for me a little bit below,the first one it's only one detail which,ruins all the video for me the text man,look at the text it's really bad it's,like it's made in everything is made,pretty professionally pretty nice and,and the text,it looks like it's made from paint,somebody just throws some letters in,there on a white background that's not,how you do it man so overall i think,this video is better than the first one,but on a whiteboard i would put it below,the first one only because of the text,so if i were to choose between the,cheapest one and this one i would choose,to use the cheapest one on my tick tock,ads now what i said as a rule for this,video i only gave them one chance i i,have some revisions with these guys i,can make a revision with them but that's,the main rule no revisions i take what,they give me from the first try of,course i could message this guy and tell,them that hey the text is not that good,please change it and i'm sure that they,will change it they would change the,text in something better but uh it's,only one try baby no second tries just,like my ex so these guys fall below the,first one let's check the final the most,expensive and the third tick tock add,from this video at number three here we,go get foot comfort and relief with the,shock slipper,lightweight and thick,great to wear inside and outside,they come in so many different cute,colors and sizes,get yours now now where should we put,this video right here i would say

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How To Get Clients For Your TikTok Agency

How To Get Clients For Your TikTok Agency

hello everybody michael gardner here,founder of your,choice for b2b prospecting and in,today's video i'm going to be addressing,a question i get quite a lot which is,how can i get clients from my tick tock,agency whether you're offering ads,content influencer marketing whatever it,may be i'm seeing this giant upswing in,people offering services on tick tock,obviously as the ad platform gets better,more and more people are going on it,meaning there's a lot of money to be,made so let's go ahead and talk about,what i would do if i had a tick tock,agency and wanted to go ahead and score,some more meetings and bust more clients,drop it,so one of my favorite things to do if,cold email is segment my audiences that,way i can tier my messaging to the,person,and really make sure i'm hitting on,their panes and where they're at for,example if you're helping somebody get,onto tick tock who's already on tick,tock well obviously that messaging is,wrong or if you're helping somebody who,has hundreds of ads running and you're,like let me help you start running ads,again it's wrong so you want to go ahead,and make sure the segmentation matches,as it's going to give you the best,results so i've gone ahead and created,three segments but i would consider when,doing outreach primarily on email but,you can also do this on instagram,outreach twitter linkedin or really any,platform so the first one i look at is,facebook power users what i mean by this,is i would specifically target people,who are already doing really well with,facebook advertising this means they,have 10 20 ads running and they're,clearly doing well on facebook which,means they have a website that converts,they have a product people want and they,obviously are ambitious on selling and,if they're not using tick tock well it's,gonna be much easier to transition their,success from facebook to tick tock and,also they're probably easier to sell as,well because they believe in advertising,as opposed to someone who doesn't know,anything whatsoever about online,advertising so how can we segment these,facebook power users,so the first step in finding people who,are likely power users on facebook have,a lot of ads running to me would be go,to store leads if you're not familiar,with store leads i have a video on my,channel explaining it it's essentially a,tool that allows you to segment stores,based off different filters such as your,social followers technologies installed,employees and much more so what i would,go ahead and consider is what is,something that everybody who's doing,really well with facebook ads all has in,common and a great thing that popped to,my mind is tracking software so for,example i'm sorry i could book by people,who have certain technologies installed,and i know there's more than just,high-rose i'm gonna be filtered by high,ropes so i can go ahead and zoom but,somebody who's paying enough money to,have hi-ros installing their website is,likely probably already spending ten to,twenty thousand dollars a month on,advertising and thus if not using tick,tock is very likely to be a good,prospect we can see right here if i move,my face but there's 2 000 stores that,match meaning they have hi-ros installed,now what i would then go and do ahead,and do is segment people who are not,using tick-tock so how would i do this,let me show you,what i would do is go to a technology,filter and put the tick tock pixel and,put not using a tick tock pixel this,means people who do not have a tick tock,pixel installed so we're looking at a,list of people here who have high ropes,meaning we're spending a lot on ads or,at least they intend to and we're not on,tick tock or at least don't have the,pixel set up and if this is someone,who's technically savvy enough to use,hyrus they probably know they need a,tick-tock pixel so but chances are,they're probably not running any,tick-tock ads this leaves us over a,thousand people who are perfect fit for,somebody who is doing a lot of,advertising but has not yet taken,advantage of tick tock,so in my outreach to these people i,would go ahead and make it very clear,that you see her doing well on facebook,and you want to help them transition,versus success to tick tock there should,be a lot of context there it's clearly,done some research and i think this,would be a very successful campaign and,lastly to add if you want to go ahead,and turn those domains and store leads,into prospects just use a tool like,sales ql or io find the emails and,you're gonna be good to go rose brands,either target the owners or the cmos,depending on the size of the company the,next segment i would consider is brands,already on tick tock now there would be,two ways to find brands that are already,on tick-tock the first way is to,actually go on tick-tock and find those,brands probably have your virtual,assistant do this because it would take,you a long time to do it yourself and,the second is to use store leads again,so what can we do with stor

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Affiliate Marketing + TikTok Ads Is Too Easy To Fail? (MUST WATCH)

Affiliate Marketing + TikTok Ads Is Too Easy To Fail? (MUST WATCH)

hey everyone chad here so today is an,exciting day because i'm gonna be,showing you a brand new method you can,use to make sales with affiliate,marketing now if you're in this space,i'm sure you've been told a million,times that posting tick tock videos is,the absolute best way to get traffic and,make sales and i do agree with that it's,one of the best ways to start getting,traffic for completely free but what if,instead of having to post a new tick,tock video every single day to get,traffic you can make one really good,tick tock video or have someone else,make it for you and run it as an ad for,weeks if not months while it brings you,in passive commissions every single day,like this so that's exactly what we're,gonna be doing in this video so i'm,super excited to test this method out,for you guys so without further ado,let's dive straight into it all right so,what we're going to be doing today is,we're going to be combining tick-tock,ads with affiliate marketing now for,this method we're going to be using a,very specific type of tick-tock ads and,this is going to be called tick-tock,spark ads now if you don't know what,spark ads are they're basically taking,one of your tick tock videos and turning,it into an ad so it has a super organic,feel to it and it's really not made to,look like an ad so what we're gonna do,in this video is i'm gonna show you all,the steps i'm gonna set everything up go,inside of my computer so you guys can,see exactly what to do and i'm actually,going to launch a real campaign so you,guys can see the actual results in a few,weeks from now all right so the first,step of this is you need some type of,video ad that you're going to run with,some kind of product that's going to be,linked to it right so obviously you guys,are affiliates watching this video,you're doing affiliate marketing what,product are you going to promote and how,can you make a tick tock video or find,another person's tic talk video that's,going to be a good video to promote that,product now tick tock actually has a,saying for their ad creators it's,basically says you know don't try to,create ads create tick tocks because the,secret to advertising is not to be,annoying and just sell and you know try,to get them to buy right away it's to,provide some kind of value in the ad,make it entertaining right everyone on,tiktok is there for entertainment maybe,to learn some stuff right so make the ad,like that so the best approach to this,is go on your tick tock account see what,video did best right go to the most,viewed video on your tiktok account and,honestly just use that and you just have,to make sure it has some kind of call to,action at the end so maybe you can,remake that video if you don't have a,call to action but anyways i'm going to,share my screen here and you can see,this is one of my accounts right it's a,work from homegirl account now basically,what i do is i pay a freelancer to,create all these tick tock videos for me,so this is another option you can use if,you don't have a tick tock account or,you don't want to create tick tock,videos yourself you can actually go on,fiverr type in tick tock video and,there's a bunch of freelancers that will,make your tick tock ads your tick tock,videos for you and they'll basically you,know do whatever you want on the video,so,um anyways this is the account here and,as you can see we've we have a decent,amount of videos on here we have a,decent amount of views and followers so,what i'm going to use is i'm going to,find a video that i want to use for this,ad so for example i'm going to click on,this video right here and as you can see,the hook of this video is the easiest,and highest paid online jobs and,basically,during this ad we're not selling the,product right away we're going to,provide some value to them right we're,going to hook them in,so anyways she kind of walks through you,know the different ways to you know,basically just earn an income online so,she has freelance writing right all,these different ways and then as you can,see the very end the call to action,is click the link in my bible to learn,the best work from home jobs and yes you,guessed it the product we're promoting,is a work from home jobs product right,it takes them to a quiz funnel that's my,affiliate link and that funnel,eventually goes to sell them a product,where we actually make a commission if,they buy so i think this is a good video,it has a good amount of engagement has a,good amount of views good amount of,shares so i think this would be a good,video to actually use as our ad for this,so once you find a good video you want,to use for your ad you know you,basically just want to make sure it's,already done good in organic right so i,can see this video has already gotten 51,000 views just from organic so if i run,it as an app it's probably going to do,well on there too and the second thing,is you just want to make sure it has,some kind of call to action for whatever,product you're promoting all righ

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TikTok Copycat: Make $55K Per Month (Without Lifting A Finger!)

TikTok Copycat: Make $55K Per Month (Without Lifting A Finger!)

step number one copy this link step,number two come over to this website,paste it over here and click on generate,step number three you can get paid money,online for this incredibly viral Niche,right now you don't need a camera for,this we're not going to be creating any,of our own content in fact we don't even,need any social media following,whatsoever on Tick Tock Instagram,YouTube Facebook I'm gonna teach you how,to do this without creating any single,content of your own,thank you,all you need is the ability to copy this,link over here whether it's on your,mobile phone or your PC and then come,over to this website where we're going,to paste this exact same link and click,on generate both these platforms are,completely free and anybody can do this,and make multiple streams of income,online in fact every second of this,video is bringing you closer to ten,thousand dollars a month utilizing Tick,Tock without even creating your own,content I suggest pay close attention to,this video and watch every single step,that I'm going to be showing you because,I'm going to lay out this entire,tutorial in the most simplest,step-by-step tutorial for you guys so,that you can easily understand this by,the end of this video and get rolling,and do this yourself you'll see this,person over here called worldlock is,approximately making anywhere between,five hundred and three thousand dollars,a day through their Tick Tock content,that they're not even recording their,own as you can see over here most of,these videos are simple views natural,videos from stock video websites that,they haven't even recorded their self,and all they're doing is is putting,their simple text over these videos,making their own simple little,motivational videos posting that on Tick,Tock and getting hundreds of thousands,even millions of views which they are,using to go and which they are using to,generate Tick Tock ad Revenue affiliate,commissions and to grow their YouTube,channels which also holds a lot more,YouTube ad Revenue so on top of tick,tock being the backbone of the entire,business it opens up various different,streams of income which is exactly what,I'm going to be showing you today and,this is really easy also because it,doesn't take a lot of time to put a tick,tock like this together maybe takes 5-10,minutes that's all it requires out of,your day and then you can continue with,whatever you're doing whether you work,on idle five still a student so this is,a great side hustle and become a main,income stream as well that hardly takes,up any time of your day here's another,good example of another page just taking,stock videos and creative comments,videos on YouTube and adding their own,motivational quotes over different,speeches that they've found off YouTube,You'll see over here if I click on the,link in the bio it will take me up to um,let's just click on open this link,anyway it will take me to some kind of,affiliate link over here so here you can,see uh they've got their Instagram,they're obviously promoting different,music albums so they're obviously some,kind of artists they're using music to,make money off of their Tick Tock I see,also over here they've got different,affiliate links to games such as,wallpaper engine bus Road Runner uh one,of the games on the Play store and the,contact button over here so they're,making various streams of income through,music and affiliate links in the link of,their bio on their Tick Tock page that,again is getting hundreds of thousands,even one or two videos over a million,views and I can actually show you one or,two smaller pages also doing this such,as this page over here called the,inspirational daily with only 33 000,followers and they are pretty much,getting way more views than the amount,of followers they have their third,latest video had over 400 000 views,seventy thousand views yes only one or,two get five thousand or six thousand,but not every single video is going to,take off but as you can see if you,remain consistent at this you will get,to a point where the algorithm is going,to push you and every single video is,going to be getting more views than,actual followers you have and the best,part about this you don't only have to,do this on Tick Tock you can replicate,this on Instagram Facebook reels which I,really recommend YouTube shorts to get,monetized on YouTube and all they do is,is copy and paste and post the same,video that you made on all these,platforms and how you open up to four,different platforms helping you go viral,so this is another great example of a,smaller page doing this and more or less,what you can expect in the beginning if,I click on one of these videos take a,look at this let's just have a look at,their latest video as you can see this,is a simple stock video of a snowy,mountain and all the quote they've got,is here is there are people in this,world,uh who faces lights up when they see you,and that's not because of what you can,do or what you can provide or how they,can

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How I would Grow a TikTok Agency

How I would Grow a TikTok Agency

hey,lampham in this video we're gonna see,how exactly to grow a tick-tock agency,with kane lewandowski who reached out to,me on linkedin saying that he was,struggling to find new customers for his,tick-tock agency i asked him for his,website to look at it so that's the,first thing we're gonna review the first,thing is i like the video the video is,quite interesting because it looks very,human and kane is describing you know,what he's doing how he's helping,customers i think this is great the only,thing i could say is be careful with the,glasses whenever you're using like a,ring light or a phone or something that,could reflect on your glasses because,that's a bit disturbing for someone,looking at it but the rest is really,great the energy is great i like it in,my opinion what could be improved is the,targeting here it's like we craft and,optimize tick-tock ads the question i,want to say is who do you craft,tick-tock ads for and what is the result,so for example it could be we craft,tick-tock ads for e-commerce website to,drive more sales if i have an e-commerce,and i'm on your website then i'd feel,like i'm the right fit the idea is not,to pick e-commerce it's just to pick a,niche you're passionate about and really,focus on that niche so whenever people,are on your website they will convert,much higher also always make sure to,answer the question what's in it for,them we craft an optimizing talk ads yes,that's fine but what is the end results,what am i getting from it focusing on,the benefit is really really important,then here you have tons of logos walmart,sculptor record etc so like really like,big names and then i started like to,scroll down scroll down i was waiting to,get like some testimonial from the big,brand because obviously they're great,and here samuel demon generation another,guy here rita et cetera so when i was,looking at the photos i was like it,looks a bit weird you should always be,careful with it because for example here,i'm just opening the image in a new tab,and as you can see here we can see that,the image is actually coming from,shorter stock which means it's like,three images and this is a stock photo,so technically in one click i can tell,that the testimonial is not the right,one no offense it's not like a huge,issue i know what you do whenever you're,a startup sometimes you fake it etc etc,but in my opinion it's always best not,to fake it and be honest about like,those type of things because directly if,i were on the website and i would think,about working with you and i see a,testimonial that is wrong i kind of lose,the trust and the trust to me is,basically like the foundation of the,relationship so if you lose this trust,you lose a relationship and you lose the,business i'm sure that kane didn't do it,on purpose it's kind of like the startup,mindset of faking it but it's something,that i believe could be changed and i'm,sure that kane will get in the coming,months tons of new testimonials so that,would be fine let's look at kane's,linkedin profile so here automating and,optimizing tick-tock ads on the bio i,would say who i'm targeting and what i'm,doing this for and what's the benefit,from it so it can be like creating,tick-tock ads for b2b sas companies so,it drives more sales or more signups or,whatever just focus on one niche and,focus on one benefit in the about,section it's all about what spark ads is,doing which feels a bit weird to me like,the about section should be about the,person you're talking to so it should be,about your audience in that case once,you found your niche you should just,focus on that so for example let's say,you are talking to b2b sauce funders or,let's say like traffic managers in,startups i would say something like if,you're on my profile it means that,you're a traffic manager in a startup,and you're trying to increase your,return on ad spends on tick tock well,that's what i've been doing for the last,five years and usually the results i get,is,then you can share like a bit of,successes that you've got and numbers,and all the numbers that you have shared,actually like cocaine are like really,great but i would go even deeper and i,would try to really like talk to my,audience rather than just saying what my,company does so once you've got that i,think the goal is to provide value and,here kane is doing something great he's,giving a lot of tips on how to improve,and increase your tic toc ads i've been,looking at the last months of content,that he wrote and i can see that the,engagement keeps increasing so really,this is the best strategy initially when,i had my agency i was really scared to,give the best tips you know about how to,do cold emails that convert how to do,sales etc because i was afraid that,people will steal my secret sauce but,actually as an agency owner the thing,you should do is give away for free all,your knowledge about a specific industry,one it will allow you to build trust two,most people actually never implement,what you are talki

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TikTok Ads Manager Tutorial: Pixel + Campaign Set Up

TikTok Ads Manager Tutorial: Pixel + Campaign Set Up

this video is sponsored by tick tock for,business the content opinions expressed,here are that of savannah sanchez,hey guys this is savannah sanchez i am a,freelance tiktok media buyer and ad,creative expert,today i'm going to be showing you guys,my full walkthrough of tick tock ads,manager and how to set up your first,campaign,so let's dive in step one is to create a,pixel,for your business and install it on your,site to track important conversion,events like page views add to carts and,purchases,so some of you may be wondering why use,a tick-tock pixel,number one you'll want to be able to,track conversions and,activities on your website and use the,data to create audiences on tick-tock ad,manager,who you can re-target in the future with,ads number two,the tick tock pixel allows you to,improve advertising performance,optimizing your ad delivery around,conversions and ensure that your ads are,shown to people who are most likely to,take an action,and lastly how does the tic toc pixel,actually work the first step is once you,create a pixel you'll want to install it,on your website,the pixel code can be used to track on,any website,and the pixel will only work once the,code,is installed in the back end of your,website so you may need the help from a,developer in order to install the pixel,code,or if you're a shopify user you can use,the shopify app for tick tock,in order to do the one click pixel,integration,the second step when creating your tick,tock pixel is to set up the rules for,conversions,you'll want to set up rules for a,conversion according to user actions,such as click or purchase events,so essentially what you're going to be,telling tiktok is when someone is at,this portion of my website or clicks on,this button,i want this to track in tic tocs ads,manager as a purchase or an add to cart,whatever it is,so you'll have to first set up the pixel,with installing the code,and second set up those rules for the,tick tock pixel,and lastly you'll start receiving the,pixel data for the conversion events,after the rules are set the data will be,displayed on the tick tock ads platform,once a conversion occurs so once you,have your pixel installed,creating a campaign on tick tock is,actually really straightforward,simply log into the ads manager go to,the campaign tab,and click create here you'll be able,to set your advertising objectives such,as reach and traffic if your campaign,goal,is to raise your brand awareness or,video views if your campaign goal is to,get sales,select conversions you can also set your,daily or lifetime budget at the campaign,level,next head to the ad group level here you,can select the event that you want to,optimize for,ad placements and any audiences you want,to include or exclude,if you want to upload an audience such,as your customer list you can do that in,the asset section of ads manager,at the ad group level this is where you,also select your targeting,this is where you can select different,demographics interests and behaviors,that you want to target on tick tock,you should have a general idea of who,your target audience is,based off of your product offering for,example you can select people who engage,with specific categories of videos,this audience may be more likely to also,engage with your ad content,finally you'll select your ad group,budget delivery schedule,and bidding the bid you select is how,you tell tick tock what you're willing,to pay,per click or per purchase tick tock will,also recommend,a minimum suggested bid in order to get,delivery,so i highly recommend going with those,suggestions all right,so once you set your ad group up you'll,want to have at least three ads per ad,group,in my experience in order for the,campaign to optimize,at its full potential to create an ad,you can simply upload pre-existing,assets that you've made,in the ad group by clicking create here,you'll choose your assets,write in your caption and select a cta,you can also use the create a video tool,to easily make eye-catching video,content from tik-tok's templates,simply upload your images or videos and,create stunning visuals in seconds,there is also a quick and easy way to,find non-copyright music for your ads,with the smart,soundtrack tool simply upload your ad,without sound,and the smart soundtrack will,automatically find one to match up with,your video,or you can browse the library of tick,tock's free sounds,once you've submitted your ad it will go,under review for brief time,in some cases your creative might get,rejected but you can make changes to,your ads,based off of the feedback given from the,review team so that is how quick and,easy it is to launch your first campaign,on,tick tock ads manager for a limited time,you can get a 300 ad credit to use for,your first campaign,so make sure to take advantage of that,offer now

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How To Give & Request TikTok Ads Access in 2022 (+ Set Up Tik Tok Ad Accounts & Business Center)

How To Give & Request TikTok Ads Access in 2022 (+ Set Up Tik Tok Ad Accounts & Business Center)

Hi there in this quick video, I'm going to show you how you can easily,set up a TikTok advertising account and share access to this account,with your agency or freelancers.,And if you are an agency I'm going to show you how you can request access to your,clients' TikTok accounts, super simply.,Let's do it.,In order to run TikTok ads, you first need a TikTok advertiser account.,If you don't already have an account, the first thing you need to do is,set up a TikTok business center.,So go to and then create a new account.,You can log in with your existing TikTok account, but then you have,to still authorize, TikTok business to have access to that account.,Once this is done, you will see your new business center in front of you.,On the left-hand side, you can see a menu called assets, click there,,and then go to advertiser accounts and click add advertiser account.,You will then have to choose whether you want to create a new,advertiser account or request access.,Select" create new" then go next.,And then fill out some information about your business.,Once that's done confirm, and you should have your advertiser account ready.,If it's not ready straightaway, then TikTok will approve,your account very quickly.,So, how can you give access to someone within TikTok again, go,to your TikTok business center.,And then on the left hand side, you will see a menu item called users.,And the first one is for members.,Members is if you want to add someone from your organization to your business,center account and to your ad account.,So to do that, click on invite member, type in the email address of,this person, and then confirm which access to this person should receive.,In order to give access to a freelancer or an agency to work on your advertising,account, you need to click on partners and then click add partner.,Now you need your partners' TikTok Business Center Center,ID, you to type that in here or paste it in and then continue.,Then you can assign permissions to the advertising account to this partner.,If you don't have your partner's business center ID, then ask them to use Leadsie.,We make it as simple as two clicks for you to give them access to your TikTok assets.,Are you an agency or a freelancer, and you're looking for the easiest,way to request access to your clients' TikTok advertising account?,Then do the following.,Go to your TikTok business center.,And then on the left, go to assets and select advertiser accounts.,Then click on add advertiser account and select "request access".,Continue.,Now you need to paste in or type in the advertising ID of your client.,You may have experienced the clients often do not know this,ID and that's causing friction.,We at least have solved this problem and made it super simple,for you to request access and for your clients to give you access.,And I'm going to show you how Leadsie works just at the end of the.,Once you have requested access, your client will receive an email and,they have to approve the access for you to start working on the account.,In order for you to use your client's profile for your ads,,there's one last step we need to do.,go to your business center again, and then select TikTok accounts on the left.,Then click on request access, and select the access level that you need.,Now you will be presented with a QR code alongside with instructions,that you can share with your client.,Your client needs to open their TikTok account and scan the,QR code with their TikTok app.,This will give you access to be able to run ads through their ad,account, using their TikTok profile.,And once the process is completed, you will be able to see the TikTok profile,added in your TikTok business center.,With Leadsie requesting and giving access to TikTok advertiser,accounts is super simple.,You just log into a Leadsie account and then you can create,a custom request for TikTok.,You just select which level of access you need and that,you want to get TikTok access.,You save it, and you send it to your client.,Your client simply opens the link and then logs in with their TikTok account,and selects which TikTok advertising account to give you access to.,Then they click confirm and it's done.,Our tool Leadsie makes client onboarding hassle-free.,Not only can you get TikTok Advertiser Access.,You can also request access to Facebook assets as well as Google accounts, such,as Google analytics and Google ads.,You can try us out for free under Leadsie dot com.,And please leave a comment if you have any questions Thank you.

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How to Get Clients for Your TikTok Ad Agency

How to Get Clients for Your TikTok Ad Agency

how to get clients for your take top ad,agency hello people welcome to the,laptop lifestyle youtube channel once,your business owners begin to lose their,competitive edge that's when you can,step in and show them the benefits of,teaming up with you they'll realize they,need someone to keep track of all their,social media activity look for,opportunities and lead them in the right,direction with social media tools,constantly changing and new marketing,trends popping up 2022 is a good time to,start your own agency with these,ever-changing platforms it's important,to have a balanced strategy and be able,to scale when needed it's also important,to have a plan in place from the,beginning if you want more of this,content subscribe to the laptop,lifestyle youtube channel and hit the,notification bell with social media,tools constantly changing and new,marketing trends popping up 2022 is a,good time to start your own agency with,these ever changing platforms it's,important to have a balanced strategy,and be able to scale when needed it's,also important to have a plan in place,from the beginning with most decision,makers making a judgment about social,media based on perceived value the,benefit of doing this work in-house is,not widely seen it's more common for,individuals to post about themselves on,social media platform rather than,generate new business from these,platforms you're in the right place to,help increase engagement traffic and,leads on social media business owners,often realize that they don't have the,time or resources available to run their,social media effectively throughout,their business they become frustrated,when they're unsuccessful at driving,meaningful interactions with their,audience traffic and leads this is the,ideal time for you to step up and take,control of their social media marketing,campaign we've got you covered when it,comes to finding high quality clients,for your social media agency here are,our top tips for finding that perfect,fit your network is your network having,strong relationships helps build your,network therefore it's important to,connect with people in your personal,networks like friends and family to get,referrals for your digital marketing,agency start by letting your friends and,family know that you've decided to,launch your own social media agency you,can garner referrals from people who,know and trust you letting friends,family and social media followers know,about your company is a great idea,because word of mouth is powerful in,digital marketing,compile a list of your 10 closest,contacts then input their email,addresses where they work their job,titles and phone numbers into a,spreadsheet invest in some assets that,will aid in the connections you're,making such as links to your website and,socials for a business card with a qr,code that leads to your website's home,page sending personalized emails to your,list of contacts is one way to start,building your clientele a brief email,that includes a check-in and explaining,the problem you're solving will help,give your potential clients a preview of,what they can expect from you it'll help,to build a relationship that eventually,benefits them as well if they give you,some names it gives you a good start,connect with other agency owners and,find other businesses within your niche,a collaborative industry social media,marketing requires a variety of service,providers one way to get potential,clients is by partnering with firms,outside your niche the uptick in demand,for certified business owners is an,example of this impact think about who,your potential clients are before,focusing on their needs reach out to,partners with what they want like seo or,website design services set a weekly,target number of people that work in,related services and then schedule a,coffee date or zoom meeting to get,connected you can also agree on each,other referral business if you believe,they do quality work create a value,offer like a complimentary social media,audit the best way to get clients for,your social media agency is by offering,a free social media audit,your impending client review will not,only point out areas where they need,improvement but it also be a clear,indication of what you do best start by,offering to audit one platform for them,such as their instagram for no charge,and telling them how to improve the,product,this works best if you offer to discuss,the results with them on a phone or,video call and elaborate with more,detailed solutions following up with,your sales pitch at the end when you,offer potential client support they will,be more likely to hire you for guidance,or investment in social media services,when they are ready for an investment,they will remember the support you,offered and trust your expertise other,examples of value offers include create,a quick start social media guide share a,white paper that's relevant to your,clients industry offer a content,calendar template for your clients to,use create a quic

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