diversion ads tiktok

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Best TikTok Ad/Brand Campaigns You Should Know

hey everyone welcome back to filmora mvp,youtube channel today we will introduce,you to top 10 tick tock ads tick tock,brand campaigns examples worth looking,at,then let's get started,netflix wins with user generated content,netflix is the second most followed,brand on tick tock it has a massive pool,of original content such as interviews,with actors humorous skits and video,clips from the latest shows,averagely three posts per day gain over,1 million followers monthly their user,generated content has worked very well,the hashtag what's your power ar branded,effect got used by over 112 000 people,it is likely the most significant amount,of ugc for any brand on tick tock so far,elf cosmetics sets trends with tick tock,live,cosmetic brand elf is a front runner in,the best beauty brands on successful,tick tock campaign examples it is one of,the first beauty brands to market,through tiktok the beauty brand recently,created an nft collection that promotes,cryptocurrency and the group launched,its twitch channel,amazon track sales through tick tock,ambassadors,amazon is the third most hashtag,challenge brand on tick tock they,recognize influencers potential which is,why they partnered with over 40 micro,and mega influencers in a single amazon,fashion campaign as one of the best,tiktok campaign ideas to carry their,hashtag pajamajam challenge to the next,level,gymshark sets the bar for fitness on,tiktok as an early adopter,the brand posts high quality videos,consistently and has a good,understanding of its audience's desire,it shares workout videos motivational,content and a solid mix of memes which,have helped them earn over 3.3 million,fans on tick tock,marc jacobs perfects tick-tock duets,marc jacobs mastered the art of,tick-tock duets and tick-tock brand,campaigns and propelled it to be one of,the most followed brands on tick-tock,the company launched branded hashtag,challenges in the form of tick-tock,adverts and each time the tock duet,feature is utilized their hashtag,perfect as i am campaign which,constituted duets with ricky thompson,and other three influencers in summer,2020 end it with 10.4 billion views the,challenge aimed at encouraging self-love,celebrating pride and individuality,three massive tick-tock influencers jojo,siwa bretman rock and ricky thompson,were featured,over 13.7 billion views and more than 2,000 ugc accumulated from their campaigns,duncan warms up to gen z with charlie,dimigio,duncan is undoubtedly one of the best,food brands on tiktok it has more than,21 million likes and over 3 million,followers its popularity with gen z on,tick tock comes from their endorsement,with tick tock star charlie demilio in a,smart move a long-term sponsorship with,charlie solidified their influence since,she was already a proud duncan patron,duncan beverages appeared in over 120 of,her tick tocks mostly unsponsored,products,flighthouse is a content powerhouse,the most followed brand account on tick,tock is flighthouse running one of the,successful tick tock campaigns it has,over 30 million followers and it,specializes in producing viral social,media content especially on tick tock,videos from this brand have more likes,than any other branded account ranking,it fourth amongst the most linked,accounts on tick tock for comparison,flighthouse has over 1 billion more,likes than michael lee a tick tock star,with 50 million followers so far,flighthouse has produced 4 300 tick,tocks a greater content volume than any,other brand on the app,readable bolsters brand awareness with,suspenseful footage,red bull is one of the largest branded,content producers with over 2,60 videos which is much higher than,charlie dimiglio and addison ray its,consistent unique and humorous content,helped the brand receive around 1.2,million likes on tick tock every month,they share a hilarious flop for every,terrifying trick,the trick has far been effective at,ensuring their audiences still has,attention for them,blue diamond almonds shows brand it's,not too late to try tiktok blue diamond,almonds brand hasn't been presented on,tiktok till june 2021 this time they,launched an enticing food challenge that,highlighted their new line of spicy,almonds after partnering with three food,influencers the hashtag 28 extremes,challenge got promoted the sponsored,video with food creator at colin creates,received 322 likes and over 10.1 million,views thus becoming his most viewed,video ever so far it has received over,11.6 billion views,dick's sporting goods makes a game time,decision with tick-tock ad features,dick's sporting goods does not have the,most considerable tick-tock presence as,it only has around 42 100 followers,until they launched their first branded,hashtag challenge hashtag new fit felin,involved six influencers and inspired,1136 pieces of ugc it came to pass,without using any branded effects they,utilized tic tock's branded effect,option during their second campaign,welcome back the campaign had,accumulated 7020 ugc despite being

The above is a brief introduction to diversion ads tiktok

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What Are TIKTOK SPARK Ads? And How To Set Them Up!

What Are TIKTOK SPARK Ads? And How To Set Them Up!

how's it going everybody today in this,video we're going to be talking about,everything tick tock spark ads,now this is a new format that tick tock,just announced as you see july 20th 2021,um and in this video we're going to be,talking about what spark ads are how to,set them up because i know there's a lot,of confusion when they first came out on,how to set these up,and then also i'm going to talk about,why i think everybody should be using,this ad format,right now in your digital marketing,campaigns so let's jump right in into,what exactly a tick tock spark add is,so tick tock defines a spark ad as a,spark ad enables brands to amplify,existing organic videos,that fit into their campaign objectives,okay that's great but what does that,mean,essentially it's taking an organic post,and kind of promoting it in a way that,makes it look even more organic,and not like an ad and here's an example,of what that looks like so i created,this on this demo account on the back,end,i basically took one of my tick tocks,and i made it into a tick tock,spark ad now what makes this different,from a normal tick tock ad,is you'll notice here in this right hand,column that it still is showing,organically from my profile it looks,like it comes from there it's not,showing the logo of the advertiser it's,showing my profile inside of there so,zoco marketing and there's still a,little plus follow button,so if somebody sees this ad they can,still follow me as an influencer even if,another brand is promoting the video,also another benefit is it just looks,completely organic right,um there's a small little ad logo right,here and then a learn more button,where the advertiser can kind of control,where they send the traffic to,but besides that this is a very native,experience and goes right in with the,saying of tick tock's kind of business,model of,don't create ads create tick tocks so,this is the this this is a huge benefit,for any advertiser and,influencer out there because it's a it's,a win-win situation right you can run an,ad that also gets the the influencer,more follows and comes from their,profile but at the same time is,promoting the advertiser's product,so now that we kind of have a lay of the,land of what a tick tock spark ad is,i want to go through how to set that up,now there's two type there's two steps,to setting up a tick tock spark ad,the first one is on the creator's end,they have to go through and authorize,the video,and then give the code over to the,advertiser and then on the advertiser's,end they need to go into the tick tock,business manager and apply that code so,i'm going to show you both those steps,right now here are the steps you take to,create that authorization code if you're,the influencer click the top,right there then you're going to go to,privacy you need to make sure that ad,authorization is turned on after that's,turned on you're going to head back,over to your actual videos select the,video that you want to give,ad authorization to and then you're,going to select the click the three,little dots,and you're going to scroll over till you,see the add settings button,once inside the add settings button,agree to the terms and then turn on add,authorization,this is going to tell you that you can't,delete the video after you've authorized,it as an ad hit ok,and then you want to generate your code,and you can give it a certain,authorization period,and then the last thing is to copy that,code and send it over to whatever,advertiser might be running the app,so now once you have that code whether,it's sent over to email or however you,get it from the influencer now it's the,job of the advertiser to take that code,go into tick tock business manager and,actually set up the ad and here's how,you go about doing that so the first,step is you are going to need a tick,tock business manager account,if you need to just google tick tock,business manager and create that account,there,and then from there you're going to,notice you're going to come to a,dashboard that looks something like,this what we're seeing right now as this,loads over just give me a second here,and inside of this dashboard you're,going to see this assets,tab you're going to come over there and,you're going to go to creative you're,going to assets and then creative,and then once you land on this tab right,here you're going to notice there's a,few different tabs up here and one with,this new little feature for tick tock,spark ads so we're going to click on,spark ads here,and then you'll notice this will show,you all of the authorization codes that,you currently have for your account so,say you're working with 10 different,influencers,and they all sent you over,authorizations code this is where you,would plug all those in,and you could run you could run tests,against which influencer is giving you,the more,most return on ads pen so from here,we're then going to click for you it,might look a little bit different if,it's your first time applying a code but,you

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La diversion de berta

La diversion de berta

hola,así que a hugo ahí vamos a hacer un,traje de magia vamos que desde aquí,quería enseñar primero calendario de,nuestra escuela,se quiere ser tú sabes bien así lo desee,ver a vecinos,sabéis que ustedes son la mejor mejor,sensación detrás mundo,dinero primero,febrero segundos marzo tercero,y yo aquí price,y está bien trabajo,sé que tú quieres probar mi bien,desde mikel drive,sin qué,me,si sé,yo,visita,a gusto,si tiene hambre,qué triste,octubre de 2,noviembre de 1,siempre,de 0,vamos y puesto demás,ahí se lo veis un rotulador espectacular,detonadores espectaculares,mira este truco,ya pasa a morir,y también,más,y,mi boca,que quema un aura youtube,yo no soy yo,a mi facebook,y esto duele,de todo,y,n,es confusión o no,los cerramos todos,dónde estamos hola,hola,a los hay a alguien,hola

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Conan Gray - Maniac (Official Video)

Conan Gray - Maniac (Official Video)

万圣节前夜 10月30日,- 柯南和杰斯在电影院里,完成工作,星星与鲜红的月亮相互辉映,杰西的前男友从坟墓里复活了,誓死要赢回她,柯南和杰西需要钳制住前男友,他们能够活下来吗?,♪你和你的朋友们在派对狂欢♪,♪酒精开始上头 ♪,♪你说你想要我死♪,♪所以,你一个人来到我的家里♪,♪带着铁锹和玫瑰♪,♪你以为我在开玩笑吗? ♪,♪因为像你这样的人,总是想要♪,♪他们无法得到的东西 ♪,♪但是我不再如此,你知道的♪,♪所以你应该回到你的巢穴♪,♪告诉他们,我很垃圾♪ 柯南,♪告诉你所有的朋友,我发疯了,让你发狂 ♪,♪我是极端的跟踪狂、窥探者和精神病患者♪ 前男友 - 他们回来了,♪告诉他们你恨我,和我约会只是为了耍戏♪,♪好吧,你为什么给我电话,告诉我你还要我? ♪,♪你疯了♪,♪你疯了♪,♪你疯了♪,♪你疯了♪,♪你走得太远了 ♪,♪毁坏了你的车♪,♪让我在黑暗中哭泣♪,♪现在我被你伤透心♪ 呆瓜 - 在大学里不守规矩,♪然后,我悄然出现在你的面前♪ 喝太多酒 - 在淋浴时痛哭流涕,♪擦去你脸上的泪♪,♪你求我留下来陪你 ♪,♪因为像你这样的人,总是想要♪,♪他们无法得到的东西 ♪,♪但是我不再如此,你知道的♪,♪所以你应该回到你的巢穴♪,♪告诉他们,我很垃圾♪,♪告诉你所有的朋友,我发疯了,让你发狂 ♪,♪我是极端的跟踪狂、窥探者和精神病患者♪,♪告诉他们你恨我,和我约会只是为了耍戏♪ 嗨,白痴!,♪好吧,你为什么给我电话,告诉我你还要我? ♪,♪你疯了♪,♪你疯了♪ 真正的好男人 - 只想要一个拥抱; 在去年夏天求婚,♪你疯了♪ 艺术男孩 - 写了关于Jess的诗;他只听唱片,♪你疯了♪,♪精神病患者,不要戏精附身♪,♪我们相互吸引,但你却搞砸一切♪ 梦中人,♪你现在已经发疯,坦白地说,我已经受够了♪,♪看你胡言乱语♪,♪但愿有人点醒你♪,♪告诉你所有的朋友,我发疯了,让你发狂 ♪,♪我是极端的跟踪狂、窥探者和精神病患者♪,告诉他们你恨我,和我约会只是为了耍戏♪,♪好吧,你为什么给我电话,告诉我你还要我? ♪,♪你疯了♪,♪你疯了♪,♪你疯了♪,♪你疯了♪,柯南·加里 《你疯了》

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Post Malone - White Iverson

Post Malone - White Iverson

يقصد Iverson لاعب كرة سلة,Iverson اسم لاعب كرة السلة المفضل لديه يحمل رقم 3,saucin  تعني swag و هي الملابس الانيقة التي يرتديها مغنون الراب,انا ازحف ازحف ازحف اووووthikhåu6u وه,انا ارمي انا ارمي افيرسون عليك. (يقصد بالرمي انه ينفق اموال باهظة على السيارات و النساء و ....),انتبه انتبه انتبه هيي,انها رميتي انها رميتي انها رميتي يياه,انفق,انا انفق كل مصاريفي اللعينة,عندي اضافر وعندي عاهرات,بدأت احتفل بالكم لا استطيع الرمي من دون الجوز (جوز = نوع من الأحذيم اكرمكم الله),تعرف كيف افعلها ,أقف على اصابع قدمي,(هذا صعب جداً),لست ثرياً لكن لست مفلس انا.,اذ ارأيتها ا,و اعجبتني,اشتريها من المحل. أنا,مع بنات بيض ويحبون الكوكا *كوكاين*,كانهم OT (يقصد O.T Genesis "مغني i'm in love with the coco"),دبل OT كاني KD ادخن الحشيش (KD = Kevin Durant لاعب كرة سلة),وتعرفني بـ 2-3 و اسناني الذهبية,ي عاهرة انا ابتسم , اراهن انك تريني من نزيف الدم (يقصد بنزيف الدم أواخر المدرجات),انا جديد بالثلاثة وسأغير ل3s,وايت افيرسون.,حينما بدأت بالرمي كنت صغيرا,وانت تذهب تفكر عني حينما انا ذاهب.,اريد المال كالخاتم الذي لم اربحه, اربحه.,هذا أنا أنأ و في وجهك (Saucin معناها ان تكون ذاتك و يقصد بوست ب Saucin on you ان تفرض شخصيتك على الأخر),انا ازحف انا ازحف انا ازحف اووههه,انا ارمي انا ارمي افيرسون عليك.,انتبه انتبه انتبه يااه,انها رميتي انها رميتي انها رميتي ياهه,انفق انا انفق كل مصاريفي اللعينه,اوه منتشي,سجائر و أربطة رأس,فواصل في رأسي (يقصد بالفواصل الفراغات الناتجة عن ضفائر شعره),سقطت كرجل ميت (أثناء تعاطيه للمخدرات),احمر واسود عن نقودي (Bread تعني أموال طائلة),أنا الجواب لا تسأل,قف مجدداً و تعلم الدرس,يا عاهره هذا انا أفعلها كثيراً لا أثرثر,قراراتي وانا اسير اقفز بالجوردانز (احذية مايكل جوردان المصممة من قبل نايك),انا ارمي,الاموال تقفز.,كاني دايفس من نيو اورلينز,او ي عاهره انا هاردين(لاعب كرة سلة) انا لا أضيع.,تبا للتمارين لقد حدثت للتو اعرف انكم لا تسطيعون التحمل,هي لدي لن امررها اشغل سحري,بالقمة الرمي على الحثالة يشعرني بالسعادة,أنها مأساوية أجلعها تحدث و انتم تضحكون (يقصد بهذا السطر ان شاكير اونيل كان يقدم برنامج للمواقف المضحكة التي حذثت بالNBA),وايت افيرسون,حينما بدأت بالرمي كنت صغيرا,تفكر فيني وانا ذاهب,اريد المال كالخاتم الذي لم اربحه, اربحه.,هذا أنا أنأ و في وجهك (Saucin معناها ان تكون ذاتك و يقصد بوست ب Saucin on you ان تفرض شخصيتك على الأخر),انا ازحف انا ازحف انا ازحف اووههه,انا ارمي انا ارمي افيرسون عليك.,انتبه انتبه انتبه ياهه,انها رميتي انها رميتي انها رميتي ياهه,اصرف انا اصرف كل مصاريفي اللعينه., ,اسف بس هذا الي قدرت عليه ^_^ الترجمه من طارق العتيبي.,قام بالتصحيح Xxx_Naruto_xxX, ,

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Why plants grow better in the toilet /indoor plants /diversion for pandemic/gardening is life

Why plants grow better in the toilet /indoor plants /diversion for pandemic/gardening is life

and once again and uh,it's been a while,i never had a video so,here in the uk it's winter so it's,called we cannot go gardening outside so,instead i'm going to show you the,our indoor plants actually,so,and one more thing i discovered,and i realized actually,that,around in the living room the plants,grow is okay they grow well they're okay,but,i noticed that in the toilet,better,especially the orchids,i'll show it to you today and,i'm just wondering why,you know it could be the fumes or,probably the,or the poo smell probably,so,i'm going to show it to you later on but,for the meantime,i'm just going to greet you happy new,year in advance,happy new year everyone so stay put,and i'll show you where it is,i'll show you the toilet,so guys this is our bonsai,it's three years with us already,snake plants which is really common in,the philippines,looks good here together with the teddy,bear pool,presenting our,small rubber tree with the,palm tree,indoors,not too bad,combined with the purse,nest form,mini palm tree,introducing our legal garden,this is where we hide our,drinks,with some succulents and cactus,and other ornaments,cool stuff,and some of our waters plants,it's been with us for quite a while,probably five years already,i don't know the name actually but,it looks beautiful,and this is one of my favorite,i made it long time ago and it grows,still,well and these are the plants uh,ornament plants actually in our,stairs landing,not too bad not too bad,check these plants you know,they grow pretty well,seems healthy actually,i don't know what's the reason why,i'm just wondering really in the toilet,so i'm thinking it's probably the fume,or the smell of the human the poo,because at the end of the day,i'm urinating,you're in urea,so it's a fertilizer,check this out they're so beautiful,angela,you know it's the reason why you never,know,but if you bought in the context you,know,you're in produce urea too so it's like,a fertilizer,so it could be,could be it,check this beautiful flower and look at,these roots,they drop every pretty well,plus there is a,flower,coming out,beautiful,you see the difference,i mean,i'm just really wondering why,they drew it pretty well here,so,it's time for you to think about,you know,if you like to put a comment probably,would be great what do you think,just don't forget to put a comment in,the uh comment section,look at this chap look,the roots beautiful,grab you,know,so guys what do you think,do you think it's the smell no wonder,smell the urine in the poo,carbon dioxide in the urea,could be it but it could be not,well i'm just sharing that actually but,uh you never know,it could be right or probably not,all right,you see,so astana and rima toolbox,i hope you enjoyed the video,uh,any comment you want to,to say just,type it in the comment section,you know any suggestions or anything or,any,anything,comment section please,i'll see you around next time,bye for now,cheers,this is my favorite part,so that's the,thing there,i

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The Unspeakable Things Genghis Khan Did To His Enemies

The Unspeakable Things Genghis Khan Did To His Enemies

in the 13th and 14th centuries the,mongols established the largest land,empire in human history at its furthest,extent the mongolian empire stretched,from the coast of china along the,northern border of the himalayas,encompassing much of today's middle east,from persia to the black sea much of,south central russia and ukraine and,europe to the gates of vienna this was,done on foot wagon and most famously on,horseback by the time the mongols,reached the eastern borders of ukraine,in the late 1200s some of their armies,numbered one hundred thousand but it was,not their numbers that were the mongols,primary weapon terror was that policy of,terror started with their first great,leader the infamous genghis khan he is,not infamous everywhere the great khan,as he is also known is still a national,hero in mongolia today,if you're interested in more topics like,this please like and subscribe to our,channel and hit the notification button,to see more brutal and unusual content,khan means ruler or chieftain genghis,khan means a universal ruler the,mongolians ruled such a vast empire that,the name is barely an exaggeration even,before the ascension of genghis to the,leadership of all the mongol tribes,mongol society was a brutal one like the,vikings on the other side of the globe,the mongolians were often known for the,brutal murders of their kin especially,when it came to the ruling class or,those who wanted to rule,eliminating all other lines of one's,family ensured their children would,inherit their positions and power,genghis's real name was tamagen which,means of iron like a certain soviet,leader some 700 years later temujin,needed to be made of iron to survive,unlike stalin temujin killed his first,person at age 14 and that was his,half-brother many stories about this,episode have it that genghis's older,half-brother better stole a fish that,temujin killed for the night's meal and,ate it all himself refusing to share,with his family soon after temujin,secretly followed better waiting for him,to be alone and then shot him with one,of the famous mongol recurved bows,another version of the story adds that,better as the oldest brother began to,order people around and this caused,resentment on the part of temujin and,his younger full brother kassar there,may or may not have been food involved,but in this version temujin simply used,bettar's greed as an excuse to kill him,and move to take control of the clan,himself this was not unexpected or,unusual finding out about the death of,better the boy's mother basically gave,her murderous son a scolding life was,hard in the time of genghis khan who,lived from around 1162 to 12 15 a.d,genghis did not become the khan of all,the mongols until he was about 44 years,old but at the age of 20 he was an,up-and-coming military leader in command,of his own clan army one of the first,things he did with that army was to seek,revenge for his father's murder you'd,better get used to it there is an awful,lot of murder in the life of genghis,khan and the mongols temujin's father,was killed by a group of tatars who have,an unfortunate history they were driven,west by the mongols settled in southern,russia ukraine and crimea and were,deported on mass by stalin for their,refusal to follow his dictates to his,liking hundreds of years before they got,on the wrong side of another dictator,genghis khan whose father had been,poisoned by the tartars at a wedding,eleven years later temujin cornered the,main tata army and camp slaughtering,many in battle and taking thousands of,prisoners men women and children as,collective punishment for the murder of,his father yasuge genghis ordered that,all people over a certain age were to be,killed,to illustrate what he meant he strolled,over to a wagon and marked the height on,a wheel three feet everyone was killed,except some young children and infants,yes there used to be pyramids in china,they were built so to speak by the,mongolians as a lesson for all who,thought about opposing them the mongol,pyramids were erected by order of,genghis khan in 1215 and they were built,outside of the city of beijing after a,three-year mongol siege genghis's siege,caused the people of beijing to turn to,cannibalism to survive they likely,wouldn't have survived anyway for,genghis put tens of thousands of them to,death travelers and diplomats who saw,them swore they saw pyramids in the,distance they were indeed pyramids of,human skulls perhaps 50 feet high or,more and there were many of them,during genghis's life and after the,mongols followed a regular pattern when,approaching an enemy city they would,send an offer along with a warning which,essentially said surrender and you will,be relatively unharmed resist and we,will kill you all,it's estimated that just during,genghis's life and his time at the top,was relatively short that between five,to ten percent of the world's population,was killed or died as a result of his,campaigns remember the mongols traveled,on horseback and

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Lioz Shem Tov: Comedy Magician 'Telekinesis' Auditions America's Got Talent 2018

Lioz Shem Tov: Comedy Magician 'Telekinesis' Auditions America's Got Talent 2018

მე ვარ ლიოზი,მე ვარ ისრაელიდან,და რა უნდა გააკეთო დღეს,მე ვარ მენტალისტი,მე შემიძლია კენეტინეზი,რას ეძახი?,ტელეკინეზის,ტელეკინეზი,ტელეკინეზი,ეს სწორია?,ებრაული აქცენტი უნდა,ტელეკინეზის,მე გადავაადგილებ საგნებს ჩემი გონებით,კარგი,შენი აზრით ეს მილიონ დოლარიანი აქტია?,თქვენ შეაფასეთ,გასაოცარია,მიდი დაიწყე, აღარ მაქვს შეკითვები, , , , , , , ,მე ვფიქრობ რომ ეს ბრილიანტია,მე ვფიქრობ შენ ხარ სასაცილო,და მიყვარს ეს ყველაფერი და ვამბობ კის, ,ვეთანხმები ასი პროცენტით,შენ ხარ ბრილიანტი,შენ ხარ ვარსკლავი შენ ხარ სასაცილო,მე მეორე კის გაძლევ, ,ეს მხოლოდ იუმორია, ,არას გეუბნები,საიმონი გადაწყვიტავს ყველაფერს,მიდი საიმონ,ეს ძალიან სულელურია. მართლა სულელურია,მაგრამ ეს მართლა სასაცილოა,ეს არ არის კომედია,თუ შეიძლება წაშალეთ ჩემი იქსი, ,მე გაძლევ კი-ს გადასული ხარ შემდეგ ტურში

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