cerebral tiktok ads

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Aggressive ADHD Advertisements On TikTok

all right,so for those of you who don't know,i have adhd i've had it for a long time,all right i was diagnosed when i was,really young,uh i took medication when i was younger,um,came off my meds at around 16.,it was it was a bit of i just decided to,stop taking them is what happened it was,quite it was a bit intense i got it was,it was difficult to manage myself,um,you know i ended up uh,it's difficult to manage myself it took,a long time to finally get to a place,where i have control over it i don't,take medication,um it would have been better if i weaned,myself off instead of going off cold,turkey but you know that's,neither here nor there,somehow though tic toc knows i have adhd,i don't know how the they found out,because they,they've sent me five they've sent me,more than this these are all,advertisements that i have over there's,five of them,for adhd medication,um,and i find it to be incredibly predatory,honestly i find it to be very predatory,so here's my problem there's a lot here,but basically,everyone on tick tock thinks they have, adhd every one of tick tocks,thinks they have autism they think they,have adhd they think that they have like,some kind of disorder it's a bunch of,young kids,who don't know that think that they,self-diagnose themselves with something,and i find it really predatory to try to,harness that as a business,and make money off of it i find it to be,shitty,right now,if you went up and looked let's just go,look up the adhd symptoms,let's go look up adhd symptoms right,um,let's see the dsm hi uh let's see let's,see,all right so there's a lot of shitty i,want to get something that's like really,simple because i don't need to get into,a whole yeah like 14 signs that your kid,is adhd so if we read through if you,went and you looked into something,right,you could probably identify with every,single symptom of adhd,something that people need to understand,is that just because you have markers of,something doesn't mean you need a,diagnosis,the only people who need a diagnosis are,people who can't manage themselves,without medication or some kind of,therapy or some kind of treatment method,um most people don't have that a lot of,people especially now have problems with,just being a person and part of that is,social media i want to explain for one,of the things is like i hyper focus,sometimes i feel like i always need to,be stimulated so i'm always on my phone,well a lot of kids are also almost,always on their phones too and so if you,heard that one of the symptoms of adhd,is that you always have to feel like you,need to be stimulated you'd be like oh,my god maybe i have adhd the reality is,though is that even now the way that i,deal with it is when i've recognized the,behavior i put it down mostly it takes,my fiance to be like hey you,need to stop doing i've always i'm on my,phone i'm tapping,right you need to be aware of your,behavior and you can stop it and this is,coming from somebody that has diagnosed,adhd now i'm an adult so i think it's,easier to manage as an adult,um,but you could easily identify with these,things,right interrupting oh self-focused,behavior like i was just saying,interrupting trouble waiting your turn,impulsivity basically,all these kids are like oh my god those,are my things well no it's because we,also have we're in the generation of,instant gratification where people oh i,want something and here it is you want,something you can go buy it on amazon,it'll be there tomorrow,i know that sounds like a boomer take,but it's really true um we don't we,don't learn to wait in line you guys buy,everything online people don't cook,their own food anymore people just want,to pop something in the microwave or go,out to mcdonald's and buy a bunch of, we have a problem with,uh people wanting instant gratification,and getting whatever they want,instantaneously and i honestly think,that online behavior between that and,anti-social behavior is causing people,to show signs of things like adhd and,autism where they really don't have them,i think that social media or just,internet access,is,creating a generation,of kids,wanting instant gratification,um and having a lot of mental health,problems because of the way that social,media presents itself i mean you could,show the best of yourself and then hide,the worst of yourself,but i think that that's mimicking actual,diagnosable disorders,trouble waiting your turn emotional,turmoil you know what that's from your,dad leaving you okay fidgeting again,these are all look at this,everyone in the chat could be like yeah,problems playing quietly like i on for,instance i have to always have my phone,on the volume when i play a game,right it's unfinished tasks does this,sound like every single teenager,nowadays lack of focus avoidance of,tasks needed,a needing extended mental effort,does this sound like most children,mistakes, mistakes hey if you make a,mistake you have adhd,daydreaming wow trouble getting,organized forgetfulness so do you see,

The above is a brief introduction to cerebral tiktok ads

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Scammy ADHD TikTok Ads | Favorite Snacks | Dopamemes

Scammy ADHD TikTok Ads | Favorite Snacks | Dopamemes

and that's it we're live it doesn't,there's no announcement okay,no that's cool though okay here we go,here we go,yep here we go,hyperfocus podcast,number one,we are here,trying to reach people out there who are,neurodivergent,adhders people who just want to learn,more about adhd bringing you actual,stuff,news,research studies,from the adhd world from the grady adhd,world believe it or not the gradius,greater adhd world,goes beyond tick-tock and self-diagnosed,teenagers,ranting about why uh,the neurotypicals are out to get them,that's that's part of why we're here,we're here to share some of the the,the stories that are happening out there,in the news and the research and the,science and break it down,coming to you from people who actually,are experiencing this on a,day-to-day basis my name is dominic,falando aka hyperfocus dom,i'm here with my co-host magical brandon,what's going on with you brandon how was,your day uh it's been pretty awesome uh,been trying to get things done,uh a true adhd fashion very scattered,but uh,successful so,definitely excited to lead into this and,totally pick up on all this good,information we have today,indeed um,yeah,sometimes it's gonna be adhd style yo,it's not always gonna be 100 polish this,this is the first show thank you so much,for tuning in so for those of you who,would like to get to know me a little,better you can definitely hit me up and,follow me,at don vallando,on instagram um that will lead you to,some other adhd stuff i'm putting out,there in the world as an artist as a,someone who cares very much about this,subject and what the hell does it all,mean because adhd is not simple it's,highly complicated and in fact that's,one of the big things we're going to,talk about today is um large,corporations trying to oversimplify,the adhd experience and turn us into uh,consumers just basically are like,uh like yeah just just pour it in my,mouth,we're not with that and a lot of people,aren't with that including um,this amazing author,who who put out a story for nbc news,talking about tick tock and instagram,and these,bizarre predatory ads that are out there,um,just,turning people's pain into their profit,um i i mean look,i would love to hear more from cerebral,i would love to they haven't really,responded all that much but that's what,that's one of the things we're going to,get into for those of you who are,wondering where are we going with this,i want to talk about snacks dude,adhd used to be snacking snacks um,we we love it we sometimes it and this,definitely,parlays as well into our our topic of,conversation,um because sometimes we get to overeaten,we want to want to raise up the,dopamines we don't have enough,uh so some of us have a go-to snack so i,got two questions for you brandon,one what is your favorite snack,and two what is your filthiest guilty,pleasure snack,if those two are not the same oh,um,usually actually i try to be a pretty,healthy snacker so i like to get um,because i had to get snack attacks all,the time so i like to usually have on,deck like carrots cauliflower those are,like i know it's so weird i've been i,was born a weird kid um,i like to snack in my nose uh,but when you talk about my guilty,pleasure there's these cookies,i know you've seen them before they're,these animal cracker cookies and they're,like frosted and they have these little,rainbow sprinkles on them they're so,crunchy they're a texture extravaganza,they're just lightly sweet enough it's,total junk food and i i love it so much,and i eat them i get the bag and i just,i try to have a couple but i can't have,only a few,it it's totally a guilty pleasure of,mine,yo not only,are they crunchy and colorful and fun,but they're kind of nostalgic aren't,they yes,it's totally like lighting the brain up,in every which way oh yeah oh my god,i'm in the lunchroom again with my,homies yes it takes me back i love it so,much,that's actually a big one between me and,a very close friend who's also diagnosed,with adhd,we shared a mutual love of,those dirty frosted sprinkly animal,crackers,so i'll go next so my favorite tends to,be uh also as a as a fellow weirdo,i like pretzels a lot,and i i like the simplicity of it and i,like the fact that they get me to a,point where i'm just,basically in the,dopamine zone like i'm just grazing,like,it's not like you know you eat too many,hot cheetos,um it starts to get a little much with,pretzels i can just get that like,that drip of dopamine where i'm just,like,and i'm just doing stuff,yeah and the more boring the better,although uh sniders of hanover has a,fantastic honey wheat anyway we're not,at all sponsored by snider hanover,uh shout out to them,probably my filthiest one is,these guys,what is that,um well this i'm just energy drinks in,general,uh,i've i've been kind of a connoisseur of,energy drinks for a long time uh aka,addicted,um,but also,but i have made the attempt to go zoa,um i have a,couple of friends friends who are very,smart and actually disciplined u

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Tik Tok Ads Do Nothing But LIE

Tik Tok Ads Do Nothing But LIE

hey,remember when i regrettably watched tick,tock ads and realized there's just,way more scams than there should be what,do you think our odds are on a second,run i think we're hitting the over the,under today we will find out over the,past couple months i've been gathering,tick tock ads that are odd trashy or,just a lie so let's not waste any more,time and let's go watch some terrible,ads together,after a really good ad first whoa,another white whale sponsor in the books,boys i'm happy to say that hellofresh is,today's sponsor i've used hellofresh,while not being paid by them this is the,preferred way but i can tell you that,i've always liked this model i can't,cook but i love to cook it's honestly,like therapy to me i like when i can,turn all of this off i know that sounds,straight out of a script but i'm just,that corny i put out some music or,youtube videos on the tv and then i just,follow the easy directions provided with,all the pre-portioned ingredients and,after my therapy session i enjoy a,delicious meal that i made and the meals,are really good there was this spicy,spaghetti i made like two years ago i,don't even know if it's still in their,rotation i still think about it to this,day i can't stand grocery shopping it,feels so gluttonous filling up my cart,knowing half of that is gonna be,moldy in like five hours with the,package hello fresh sent me i made some,delicious costada supremas and even more,delicious meatballs with bulgogi sauce,did i say that right so don't throw in a,pizza for the fourth time this week,treat yourself and treat yourself right,go to hellofresh.com and use code mr,gg16 for up to 16 free meals and three,surprise gifts that's hellofresh.com use,code mr gg16 for up to 16 free meals and,three surprise gifts thank you all fresh,for sponsoring this video,if you're bored making new friends has,never been easier download soul and take,a quick personality quiz and let the,soul algorithm work its magic it'll,match you with like-minded people all,across the world in your own,personalized metaverse i've met so many,cool people from my metaverse that are,now friends so what are you waiting for,download today what the did he just,say what were these questions you think,of yourself as a determined person,soft-hearted person those aren't even,opposites can't you be both your friends,always say that you stupid little, text box in the bottom is,blocking it do you like people who tell,the truth i'm guessing that's just yes,no who the would say no to that,what no no i like dirty stinky liars at,work you are a blank and enthusiastic,person blank and soft-hearted what's,with the soft-hearted thing why is that,why is that the trigger word for you is,everyone you meet just gonna be like oh,you're soft-hearted too dude this is a,soft-hearted metaverse,everybody you need to hear about this so,if the last two years have been rough,for you and stem checks aren't covering,it you got to hear about this look at my,bank account from this morning february,23rd 810 check it out here the 24th 50,000,my best friend told me about this 2022,personal loan program a few things this,is gross and very suckish of whatever,k95 solutions the the caption is use,your 50k however you want you're just,gonna have to pay back 75.,but the 50k gonna be balling out,baby get yourself a tesla go to costa,rica first class come back first class,and then be in crippling debt lose your,house and be on the streets personal,loan program where they give up the,fifty thousand 000 on a personal loan,dog if you're struggling like this why,would you ever take out a 50 000 loan i,am not a financial advisor this is,important nowadays,don't do that don't take out a 50 000,loan to do whatever the you want,with it if any of you have whatever went,to uh what's that thing called,yeah college,even though you're 35 you're still,paying back your student loans this is,what he wants you to do again 2.0 the,reckoning this is my husband,he threw away all of his old tees as,soon as he got these and he keeps buying,more,okay i i haven't bought the teas but,true classic teas just destroy my tick,tock ads like none other if you've never,heard of them that's good that means it,hasn't found you in the demographic,because the demographic is for guys with,dad bods it's supposed to be tight,around the chest area and around the,arms so you look buff but then,it's loose around the stomach so it,doesn't show your fat beer belly girl,i've never worked out a day in my life,it's tight around your chest and arms so,you look built and then it's like never,worked out a day in my life this ,piece of that's not even a flex i,can tell he's not flexing my guy,casually lifted up his and it's,bulging through the shirt that's not the,shirt my god never worked out a day of,my life you know as he sniffs,creatine off his knuckle in between sets,what a douchebag the things i hate the,most when the sleeves roll up as you can,see they're sitting nice no more pulling,sleeves down wh

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How We Make TikTok A Safe Advertising Platform

How We Make TikTok A Safe Advertising Platform

hi,everyone welcome to joining today's tick,tock happy hour,this is our webinar series where tick,tock employees talk about their live,work and personal perspectives i am,select from vulnerable integrity team,and i will be the host for today's,episode with a topic as,how we build a safe advertising platform,this is a topic i,actually personally have most passion,for and i also have two,amazing teammates here that will share,more insights and,experience with me today so hello arjuna,mike and guys i just,noticed like we just chose black,t-shirts together right,it's a good look it's always meant to be,lying exciting,cool thank you so much so i journeyed,why,i'm wondering like if you can help to,introduce yourself a little bit,as well as like your rose and team maybe,mike you can go first i know that it's,quite late for you how is texas,texas is great it's hot it's beautiful,i'm based here in austin and i'm from,denver colorado,uh the fact that we're all wearing black,is actually like a 90,chance of me wearing a black t-shirt my,wife is a nurse and she works a night,shift so i have a drawer,where i know everything in this drawer,matches everything else in this drawer,so i can get dressed in the dark,when we're trading places in the night,so i'm pretty much in a black t-shirt at,all times,but um it's it's beautiful here in,austin and i'm really excited to be here,i work on the ad policy team and we're a,part of,monetization integrity and our focus is,understanding risks and harms on the,platform,and designing policy to keep users safe,cool thank you mike and adrian i know,you are dealing in singapore right,yep that's right so well uh as always,it's a bright sunny morning here in,singapore,and i won't be surprised if this,transforms into a very cloudy rainy day,uh as the day progresses so hi folks my,name is arjun,uh i was born in india grew up in west,africa and singapore has been home for,the last uh 10 years,i'll leave the monetization integrity,operations team globally,i've been with tiktok for about 11,months and i'm based here in singapore,uh the fundamental role of my team is,ads policy enforcement,and we moderate all types of ads using,an in-house as well as an outsourced,team,cool thank you arjun so to help the,audience,know more about you maybe we can share,more about the personal,interest so the next question i will be,i will be interested is like,what's on your tic tac for your feed so,i personally got music,dance piano pads those are all my,interests,and i'm wondering like arjun what is,your setting there,uh well recently i've got exercising at,home uh,for the last one and a half years which,i think is pretty uh fair and natural,uh i've got innovative cocktails which,is also reflective of the fact that,we're always at home,uh can't go out in singapore uh sports,is something i've been getting,throughout and most recently i'd say,babies as,soon as a month back i started getting,how to get rich videos,so i'd say the talk in my feed really,understands my passion and my mood,cool how about you mike yeah so um i'm a,musician i love producing music i get a,lot of,um content creators who are showing how,to how to produce music,but my favorite stuff from my feed is,all these really eccentric,comedians like people taking the format,to the,max of how to spend 45 seconds,creating an eerie weird sketch like my,there's an account pd usa is one of my,favorite creators he plays every,character in this house and he just,interacts with himself,in these super bizarre short form movies,and i love that tiktok gives people the,ability to create content like this,because i don't know how it would be,created otherwise,so mostly weird esoteric comedy,cool thank you so much so um,as everyone know that monetization,integration is a global team we have,different offices and team members in,austin mountain view dublin london,singapore tokyo right a lot of locations,so how to help the audiences to better,understand our team,i'm wondering like maybe a journey mike,you can share more about your,understanding of our,mission and vision and maybe would you,mind to go first,yeah sure maybe i can start with the,overall uh mission of the monetization,integrity then i'll move into operations,so at the core for monetization,integrity we unblock and unlock good,revenue,uh while we continue to focus on user,safety advertiser experience and our own,brand safety as well,and from an operations perspective you,know we we moderate,all of these ad contents uh on our,platform,so we have round-the-clock moderation in,all of our monetized markets,which essentially means taking the right,decision at the right time because,quality is,one of our most important and critical,metrics to support our users and,advertisers,i see so mike would you mind to add more,maybe delicately from the policy,perspective,sure yeah um,advertising gives people an ability to,reach a large audience,beyond what users would naturally um,uh be exposed to in in the course of,your

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5 Crazy Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain Right Now

5 Crazy Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain Right Now

لكون مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي مستخدمة من قبل ١/٣ الناس حول العالم,لقد كان لهم تأثير عظيم على المجتمع,لكن ماذا عن أجسامنا؟,إليك ٥ طرق تقوم بها وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والإنترنت,بالتأثير على عقلك في الوقت الحاضر,لا يمكنك التوقف؟,من المفاجئ أن ٥-١٠٪ من مستخدمي الإنترنت,غير قادرين في الواقع على التحكم بكمية الوقت الذي يمضونه متصلين بالإنترنت.,رغم أنه إدمان نفسي وليس إدمان مخدرات،,فحص دماغ هؤلاء الناس,كشف عن ضعف في مناطق مماثلة لمناطق الضعف التي يمتلكها مدمني المخدرات.,بالتحديد، هناك تراجع واضح للمادة البيضاء في,المناطق التي تسيطر على المشاعر، الانتباه واتخاذ القرار.,لأن وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي توفر مكافآت فورية مقابل القليل من الجهد المطلوب،,عقلك يبدأ بإعادة تركيب نفسه، فيجعلك ترغب في هذه المحفزات،,وأنت تبدأ ترغب في المزيد من هذه الإثارات العصبية بعد كل تفاعل.,تبدو كالمخدرات.. أليس كذلك؟,نرى أيضا تغير حين ننظر إلى تعدد المهام..,يمكن أن تظن أن أؤلئك الذين يستعملون وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي,أو يقومون بشكل دائم بالتبديل بين العمل ومواقع الإنترنت,هم أفضل في تعدد المهام،,لكن الدراسات كشفت أنه عند مقارنة من يستخدمون وسائل الاتصال بكثرة بغيرهم،,فإن أداءهم أسوأ بكثير خلال اختبارات تبديل المهام.,زيادة تعدد المهام عبر الإنترنت تنقص من قدرة عقلك على تصفية التداخلات،,ويمكن حتى أن تصعب على عقلك تعلم المعلومات بشكلٍ يمكِّنك من تذكرها,مثل أن يرن هاتفك في منتصف عمل منتج..,أو انتظر.. هل هو حقا رن؟؟,متلازمة الاهتزاز الوهمية هي ظاهرة نفسية جديدة نسبيا,حيث تظن أنك شعرت بأن هاتفك يهتز, بينما لم يهتز.,في دراسة، ٨٩٪ ممن خضعوا لها قالوا,أنهم يواجهون هذا على الأقل مرة كل إسبوعين.,يبدو أن عقولنا الآن تفسر أي نغزة على أنها اهتزاز حقيقي من هواتفنا.,بقدر الجنون الذي يبدو عليه الموضوع،,التقنية بدأت بإعادة تركيب نظامنا العصبي,وعقولنا باتت مثارة بشكل لم تكن عليه مسبقا,وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي أيضا تحفز إفراز الدوبامين-,المادة الكيميائية التي تعطي شعور بالتحسن.,باستخدام جهاز التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي، العلماء وجدوا أن,مركز المكافأة في عقول الناس نشط أكثر بكثير حين يتكلمون عن أرائهم الخاصة،,بعكس حين يستمعون للآخرين.,ليس من المفاجئ.. - نحن جميعا نحب أن نتكلم عن أنفسنا، صحيح؟,لكن اتضح أنه بينما ٣٠-٤٠٪ من المحادثات التي تكون وجها لوجه,تشمل التحدث عن تجاربنا الخاصة،,٨٠٪ من التواصل عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي,هي فقط عن أنفسنا.,نفس الأجزاء من عقلك المتعلقة بالذروة الجنسية، الدوافع والحب,يتم تحفيزها عبر استخدامك لوسائل التواصل الاجتماعي-,وحتى أكثر عندما تعلم أن لك جمهور.,أجسامنا فسيولوجيًا تكافئنا للتحدث عن أنفسنا عبر الإنترنت!,لكن الأمر ليس كله عن أنفسنا.,في الحقيقة، الدراسات حول العلاقات وجدت أن,الشركاء يميلون للإعجاب ببعضهم البعض أكثر إذا ما تلاقوا للمرة الأولى بواسطة الإنترنت,بدلا من الالتقاء وجها لوجه.,سواء كان لأن الناس مجهولون أكثر أو ربما لأنهم أكثر وضوحا عن أهدافهم المستقبلية،,هناك زيادة إحصائية في نجاح العلاقات التي تبدأ عبر الانترنت.,وبالتالي بينما قام الإنترنت بتغيير تواصلنا الشفهي مع ازدياد المسافات الفيزيائية،,ربما الأشخاص الأكثر أهمية انتهوا ليكونوا حتى أكثر قربا.,بالتحدث عن وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي,,لقد قمنا بجعلكم تسألوننا أسئلة على تويتر، إنستقرام، فيسبوك، تمبلر، جوجل+,وكل شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي التي وجدناها،,وقمنا بعمل فيديوهات "سؤال وجواب" على !AsapTHOUGHT,لذا إذا كنت تريد أن تكون مطلع أكثر على AsapSCIENCE وخلف الكواليس,جربه باستخدام الرابط الموجود في الوصف!,لديك سؤالا يثيرك وتريد جوابا؟,اسأله في التعليقات أو على فيسبوك وتويتر,أخيرا أيضا أصبح لدينا صندوق بريد لكل عشاق العلوم المذهلين,الذين طلبوا إرسال بريد أو أشياء أخرى على مر السنين.,سنحب أن نسمع منكم جميعا!,لذا اشعروا بالارتياح لاستخدام العنوان الذي على الشاشة أو في صندوق الوصف.,وقوموا بالاشتراك لمزيد من الفيديوهات العلمية الإسبوعية!

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No one can stop me from buying weird ads (not even you)

No one can stop me from buying weird ads (not even you)

i think i might have too much stuff i,gotta stop making these videos where i,just buy the first slightly interesting,piece of garbage i see advertised on the,internet what the hell am i supposed to,do with this or this i spent like 200 on,this tracksuit and i literally only use,it to muffle the sound coming from my,room when i'm yelling at fortnight at 2,a.m where did you go i'm getting shocked,just because i have a lot of fun making,these videos and people seem to really,like watching these videos and it's my,favorite series to do on my channel,doesn't mean i should keep doing it oh,my god,i've gotta buy this hey guys welcome,back to mr magorium's wonder emporium so,as it turns out the man cave sign that i,was really excited about in my last,video flashes at all times and that's,gonna be really distracting,so,i'm gonna have to turn that off there's,a fun game i've started playing that you,too can play if you want to with,advertisers a little bit instead of,ignoring an ad for a product that you,don't want uh click on it i know that,sounds counterintuitive but hear me out,you're gonna wanna scroll around for a,bit just maybe 10 20 seconds enough to,establish a presence there and then,exit out of the ad and go about your,debt the algorithm is going to make note,of that and they're going to show that,ad to you again don't be alarmed this is,all part of the plan next time you see,it you're going to want to repeat steps,one and two until you get the ad for a,third time and do the same thing so on,and so forth forever now it's important,that you never actually buy anything,from the website that is not the point,of what we're trying to do here what,we're trying to do is get this company,to waste their entire ad budget on you,without ever getting a sale in return,it's the perfect prank but unfortunately,this is not a series about getting,advertisers to waste their money it's,about me wasting my money for your,entertainment so let's start i'm going,to show these to you in order of most,promising to most confusing first up is,the cozy band i love relaxing in bed,with my cozy band headphones,they're perfect for netflix music,podcasts meditations white not gonna lie,this is very intriguing to me i've,noticed i fall asleep much faster if i'm,listening to music and obviously i can't,just blast some speakers right next to a,bed that i share and it also kind of,hurts to wear my giant headphones to bed,unless i'm laying face down but every,time i do that i suffocate and die but,this thing i can just have on my head it,even doubles as an eye mask to be fair,yeah you technically could just do this,with regular headphones but i know if i,did i wouldn't be able to go to sleep,because i'd be distracted thinking about,how cool i look not really much else to,this it's kind of on the cheap side,which actually worries me i know that,sounds weird obviously if something ends,up sucking i'd rather have not spent a,lot of money on it but uh now i'm just,expecting these headphones to sound like, so we'll see another thing i'm,genuinely curious to try is this garlic,ejector you don't have to peel your,garlic you don't have to chop it nothing,it scrapes itself clean which is crazy,and then it pings away the peel all in,one go you don't have to touch your,garlic at all healing and mincing one,little clove of garlic is the most,annoying detour to have to take while,cooking it's not the cutting part i,dislike it's the stickiness of the,garlic it gets all over your fingers and,now you gotta wash your hands again even,though you already did hopefully please,tell me you washed your hands but maybe,the garject tool from dreamfarm.com,is the answer to all my problems,normally i would be put off by the odd,font choices they've made here a font,that i could only describe as comic sans,trying to clean up his app but after,seeing so many websites in the series,that all look the same this is actually,kind of a nice change of pace i guess,you gotta be a little silly when you,have a product called brizzle or a fliss,or a mini supoon am i having a stroke,i'm having a hard time telling the,difference between the regular and the,light version other than the price,so i guess i'll just buy the cheaper one,sorry dream farm you got to make the,premium version look more enticing now i,don't know if you guys know this about,me but i'm something of a content,creator,i like to make videos on the internet,and then do nothing for three weeks but,maybe the thing i need to help boost my,productivity is a little tripod that,follows me around that way i don't have,to sit down and set up my camera i can,just be passively recording myself at,all times i can be washing dishes here,in the sink,checking on my pie crust,opening the oven blending,tying my shoes petting my cat getting,scratched by my cat berating my cat make,an impression build a following you know,i don't think they can guarantee that,you're not definitely gonna get famous,just because you bought a spinning,tri

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How Cerebral Trivialized ADHD and Overprescribed Millions | Corporate Casket

How Cerebral Trivialized ADHD and Overprescribed Millions | Corporate Casket

kyle robertson was about 16 years old,when he started feeling different,according to kyle he consistently felt,isolated alone and extremely lethargic,even getting out of bed was an immense,struggle and he wasn't sure why his,parents were extremely supportive,throughout his life but talking to them,was still a challenge,kyle once stated that he was far more,nervous telling his parents about his,depression as opposed to his sexuality,he knew that they would accept the,latter but the former was terrifying for,him to talk about,the stigma around mental health while,improving remains extremely present in,the lives of those with depression,anxiety and other mental health-related,problems the american psychiatric,association says that about half of,workers are concerned about discussing,mental health issues while a third worry,about some sort of consequence if they,do speak up,at only 16 years old kyle was facing,this exact same fear despite being in a,position where he had parents whose job,it was to understand,kyle's father was a psychiatrist and his,mom a psychotherapist you might think,that kyle was in the best situation to,get help he could just muster up the,courage to tell mom and dad about his,loneliness that they'd be able to,diagnose him or you know get him a,referral pretty easily and that he'd get,the type of help he needs in no time,right,no,even with such close ties to psychiatry,kyle claims that he had to deal with the,absolute chore that getting treatment,can be here's just how painful this,process is for so many americans,a 2015 study showed that the average,wait time to see a psychiatrist is about,25 days though some patients might have,to wait as long as three months seeing a,psychiatrist can cost you 100 to 300 per,session if you're paying out of pocket,medications too can be hundreds if not,thousands of dollars for things like,antidepressants or adhd medication so,yeah the mental health system is broken,and we kind of all know it it's not like,there's anything we can really do to,change it so for many of us we just have,to deal accept it try to make the most,of it whatever we can,but kyle like so many others became,absolutely sick and tired of the mental,health industry in the us and he aimed,to change it he met with dr ho-ann a,medical director of hims a telehealth,company that aimed to promote self-care,and personal wellness for men,as dr ho-ann had experience in,telehealth and kyle closely understood,the frustrations associated with seeking,mental health treatments they seemed,like a perfect match to actually take on,this industry together,and in 2019 they launched cerebral to,give people the help they needed online,in a timely manner for cheap so they,began helping people diagnosing them and,writing prescriptions after prescription,after prescription,after prescription,hello and welcome to the corporate,casket i'm the illuminati and today,we're discussing cerebral,now their business model is pretty,straightforward you complete an intake,form schedule an initial video,consultation have meetings with a,prescriber every month get your,prescription mailed to you or filled at,a pharmacy nearby and message when you,have concerns it's easy convenient and,relatively inexpensive as you can get a,prescription and counseling plan for,only 85 a month if you want the,counseling each week instead of each,month it'll cost 259 dollars but either,way cerebrals seem to offer everything,that traditional counseling and,prescribers do but from the comfort of,your own home they also have therapy,with no medication as an option too and,as you can tell from the prices and what,we mentioned earlier this seems to be,way more affordable too now they just,happen to be it seems at the right place,at the right time because once the,pandemic hit this service and plenty,others like it exploded as mental health,went down more and more demand for,companies like cerebral went up their,chief growth officer of md live said,that their services increased five-fold,from 2019 to 2020. cerebral itself was,launched just a few months before,lockdown began and within two years they,raised almost half a billion dollars in,funding even hitting unicorn status,which means that it's a privately held,startup with a valuation of over one,billion dollars,and this is all just to make it clear,that their impact can't be understated,cerebral was in essence right on time to,help a world that desperately needed,them kyle said that this success was,just the beginning and claimed that,their rapid growth was a testament to,the education that the cerebral team has,to our mission to transform access to,high quality mental health care,most importantly they were actually,achieving this mission and truly helping,people that needed them so it was a,win-win all around as the company gained,traction more and more people,recommended it and began posting their,reviews one article on forbes health,written by victoria clayton and fact,checked by elena hall deta

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CELESTIAL WHITE NOISE | Sleep Better, Reduce Stress, Calm Your Mind, Improve Focus | 10 Hour Ambient

CELESTIAL WHITE NOISE | Sleep Better, Reduce Stress, Calm Your Mind, Improve Focus | 10 Hour Ambient


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