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Frank Ocean - Pink + White

yeah,that's the way everyday goes every time,you don't control if the sky is breaking,why if the ground is black and yellow,it's the same way you showed me mad my,head don't close my eyes halfway honest,no more it's the same way you show me if,you could fly then you feel sad up,thoughts getting caught so my weight is,where I land so I have some 100 true,keep it cool and still alive will let,you down in the sorrow just the same way,it's all down,in the wake of our game knocks get,another summer shade nosedive in the,floodlights dart our milk rate it's the,same way you show me,cannon ball up the porch side all the,kids try it all through just the same,way you could die to light up a fool you,kneel down to the trial and kiss the,earth at birth you gave me tools just to,stay alive and make it up when the Sun,is Roy that's the same way you sure,Oh,was,say what up Betty say what up to,is me so sweet,like motor this is life right the motel

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I gave my wife my credit card so she,could buy every ad she saw on Tick Tock,for the past 24 hours and we mean,business you are so lucky that she,bought me this stain resistant Tick Tock,ad shirt oh what is this is it a Roomba,look at the front what does it say let,moose loose but it's a soccer ball I'm,so confused turn it on oh well put on,the ground put on the ground wait a,second what dude this thing slides so,good I've been watching a lot of soccer,anime not enough one of us is taking,this goal oh I love it how much was it,21.99 I'll take another final shot if I,just oh,my gosh,Chase I'm not gonna throw a flag but by,the end of this video we are going to,name one of these ads from Tick Tock the,king and so far moose is deserving on,that what the oh,is it it's a hunk,oh no oh,this is real wait can we launch,something out of him oh like a slingshot,can we get masiel to launch an apple all,right now I'm gonna just stand clear and,let him run oh it works I don't think,that's how you're supposed to use them I,want to break them though how we're,gonna see if Stretch Armstrong is truly,indestructible I feel like I'm Sid from,Toy Story now we're gonna stretch his,arm over the hose put it in there that's,what she said I now zip tie it I brought,this for my car Carter and now we're,gonna leave the water on and check back,in on him oh okay oh,okay do me a favor Chase close your eyes,hands over them I want you to describe,to me your ideal girlfriend oh don't,okay what kind of hair color I like a,blonde what about eye color I got a,sucker for blue eyes what about booty,shorts depends on the day all right,Chase can I look and three two one,okay,finally yeah oh she's amazing what do,you mean by that well Chase,unfortunately I'm at the borrow your,girlfriend we've got a great idea of how,we can use this as a prank oh I like,pranks but if you want to see the,results of the prank you gotta like the,video I'll be right back wait can I like,it now wait seriously I just want to let,you know I want to know what happens we,have live footage of the girlfriend,being in Brie's office,I feel really uncomfortable what she's,beautiful do I touch it don't say that,about chases can I touch that she's,gonna touch your girlfriend hey,so does that beat the thing that was on,there already I mean no I don't get any,value out of the girlfriend I mean I,will but the soccer ball soccer Puck,thing is good for both we like the Moose,butterfly teeth this is something Brie,drinks all the time but it changes the,color of your water when you steep it,okay so chase you have steep dits ahead,of time watch the color of this you,ready for this,whoa oh my gosh dude it looks like you,put a bunch of blue food coloring inside,of it but there's a secret to this tea,apparently when you put lemon juice,inside of it it changes colors yet again,whoa whoa what's changing that is,beautiful look at the bottom it's like a,purple blue this is the differences,nice I actually think this is cool I'm,gonna actually replace this you gotta,let loose loose next item seven dollar,face mask what oh it's thick milky piggy,carbonated bubble clay mask whoa I'll do,you if you do me you want me to do you,or are you the way that you are this is,it's actually really nice whoa Chase,it's kind of changing to like a lighter,gray oh wait honestly you're like pretty,much fully covered Chase all right sit,down let me let me get let me get oh,dude oh it's cold you didn't tell me,this is cold oh you're right but the,light gray oh just like the Subscribe,button when you subscribe you never know,what's gonna happen uh kind of,uncomfortable you know he's probably not,in Comfort the stretchy guy this looks,like me after Thanksgiving,right,I hate it I love it I'm not putting this,one on the pedestal like my face is,flushed and I feel stuffy and apparently,I look like a gay kid Pals just because,your butt's as soft as a gelatin piece,of pillow doesn't mean I like this I'm,washing it off Chase I think it's as,good as the tea bag,s all right I had these as a kid whoever,gets,keeps the girlfriend oh okay primer,No Monkeys were damaged in the making of,this yes one more one more one more,minute and 17 seconds that's just,bananas step up to your plates the plate,has been stepped three two one,monkey,wait I'm gonna go one arm,yeah wait that's way better this is for,Curious George,oh what the is this account yes,eight seven six five four three,one minute and 15 seconds did you beat,me by two seconds you did knock all the,Bananas off that's banana you already,made that joke finger monkeys I think,they're better okay let them fly make,sound,better now that it makes sound oh he's,uh flexible he's Sofie dossi instant,Kane my mom said I couldn't use these,what would we even use them for,has this ever happened to you yeah,and you just don't have a weapon to,impress the robber thus making him give,you your money back don't worry,excuse me what is that whoa whoa whoa,whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa,give me that back

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TikTok is Making us Hate Ourselves (Even More)

TikTok is Making us Hate Ourselves (Even More)

hello my name is Emily as you may or may,not know and today we are going to be,talking about Tick Tock and how it has,affected people's self-confidence and,self-perception first it was Instagram,and Tumblr making people feel like ugly,pieces of and now Tick Tock,newcomer All-Star rookie has come into,the picture and let me say are they,taking the gold okay and you know I'm,sure people have had issues with,self-confidence even before social media,all right I'm sure that maybe there were,even cavemen that were like,wow he fills that loincloth a lot better,than me however as we all know social,media has taken everybody's Baseline,self-confidence issues and given it a,Five Hour Energy and steroids there is,so much more access to see all the,beautiful people in the world and have,them push to the Forefront of our,screens uh the latest medium for this,being Tick Tock when you are constantly,seeing these beautiful handsome just,absolutely gorgine specimens who look,like they were created by an AI I mean,it's kind of hard not to compare,yourself I'll admit that when I see,these beautiful women on Tick Tock with,their perfect face is and amazing bodies,you know of course my initial thought is,something along the lines of like nice,but if I think too hard about it I will,get slightly insecure and I'm a pretty,confident person okay I think that in,the near past I was maybe a little,overly confident because I was,compensating for the fact that you know,I was like maybe I'm unlovable,we can't let other people know that we,think that but now I would say I'm,normal,right I mean I don't I'm like a baseline,level of confidence I don't find it,revolting to look into the mirror but,being bombarded with these physically,blessed people every day I do feel like,it has slightly changed the standard for,what is attractive in the past before,phones and Tick Tock and all these other,social media platforms uh we only had,models and movie stars to make us feel,like we were ugly now we have millions,of regular people being displayed to us,who are just as attractive as these,models and movie stars it's just like,damn you know I mean you know how Tick,Tock has those ads where that guy pops,up and he's like well there you've been,scrolling for a while I feel like we,need an ad that's also like whoa there,you've been comparing yourself to people,online for way too long time to log out,babe,well there whoa what the hell I've been,scrolling for a while,I noticed that seeing tons and tons of,beautiful women on Tick Tock is slowly,but truly depleting your serotonin and,now every time you look in the mirror,you're over analyzing every single part,of your face and your reflection has,become nothing but a cesspool of vile,and heinous flaws great yeah thanks for,pointing that out so it's probably time,for you to put that phone down because,you're actively declining self-worth is,ruining the vibe I'm the only person in,here why does the vibe matter well I can,tell you hate yourself if you don't mind,just wallowing in this horrendous energy,you've created excuse me so let's stop,looking at that gorgeous 511 racially,ambiguous New York influencer because,let's face it you'll never be her well,actually I've been talking to this,plastic surgeon and he said because it,is perfectly fine to be yourself,okay there is nothing wrong with being,completely physically average and not,special in any way shape or form gee,thanks God what the hell kind of ad is,this a brutal one but my apologies uh,you can keep on scrolling looking at,Baddie after Baddie and just keep,feeling worse about yourself I guess,whatever,or you can get on a different app that,improves your self-esteem and personal,growth you are totally right I could,just like many other people I've had,issues with self-confidence and trying,to achieve my best self but Aura is a,great resource to help me with those,things Aura is a new mindfulness and,sleep app which won the best of Apple,award and is used by over 7 million,people Aura is an all-in-one app with,meditation stories CBT life coaching,breath work spirituality there's loads,of content created by hundreds of expert,coaches and therapists around the world,so now you can stop constantly comparing,yourself to other people on the internet,and instead you can personalize your,aura app so maybe you don't hate,yourself as much,seems like it would be a,you know better for your general,well-being,yes,thank you for that,observation Aura has a variety of,resources for all different types of,Wellness goals you know the meditations,and ASMR help me feel peaceful and get,ready for bed whereas the life coaching,helps keep me on track to become the,person that I want to be get started for,completely free on R's website using my,special link in the description the,first 500 people get a free trial plus,exclusive 25 off so make sure to get on,it again click the link to get started,for free on Aura and be one of the first,500 people to get a free trial and,exclus

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Ebanie on where "Blonde Bomber" originated from... Ebanie Bridges | Pub Talk

Ebanie on where "Blonde Bomber" originated from... Ebanie Bridges | Pub Talk

ow ow,got him,got everything you asked for assistant,what's this you still want some female,boxers I don't think they're gonna fit,you you know no you're numpty I said,female boxers for the show oh sorry make,my mistake to be fair I think they'd fit,you better than those shorts that you,worried Ipswich probably smell better,too,I said what's the strangest request,really you really want to know a fan,inboxed me and asked me if I could meet,up with him,friend oh no well he,and if I if I wanted to watch is this,gonna afternoon,world champion boxer what don't we know,about,it,yeah,that is very very good you're happy no,one is ever going to turn away your,friend you know what I mean not a burden,you're a burden if you're dead it's such,an achievement still be I'm like I know,I'd still be here I don't quit like I'm,not here for participation you know I,need to be the best,foreign,ebony Bridges with us ebony how are you,lovely to see you Benny yes great to see,you again Ray I am good thank you oh,this is great world champion as well and,you've been in the gym today haven't you,yeah I have I was smashing it out this,morning yeah do you ever have a drink or,you I know you're not drinking at the,moment you're training yeah,you know to be fair probably three times,a year yeah yeah I don't not really into,it no and you know because I'm always,training and I just always feel like,I've have a drink like I'm just smashed,for another couple of days it's not,worth it for me and I don't really fancy,getting drunk and making a fool of,myself and you're a big Leach fan from,Australia yes I'm gonna I'm gonna guess,the Duke oh Duke he's my fave what an,animal yeah but definitely you know,obviously when I played football back in,like the late 90s and early 2000s uh,Leeds was huge in Australia there was a,lot of leaves when you're born and I'm,gonna show my age but you're around my,age group you know my era um a lot of,Leeds fans you know because we were in,the Premier League and stuff so so you,play football yeah I played pretty good,yeah I mean I played we call it,representative football um which is when,you're obviously selected to play for,teams not just like your weekends but,weekend like you know probably yeah well,you'd have seen what's happened here,lately England yeah winning the Euros,you know it's got massive no do you,think that can happen back in Oz with,the women oh I'm not sure you know I,just think in general women's sports,obviously On The Rise,um you know I think what they did is,amazing and it's incredible it's given,so much,um exposure not just to female football,but female sport as a whole you know,because it's just like a ripple effect,yeah how did you start was it ring girl,yes well yeah I was a ring girl so I,wanted to box but,um we couldn't in Australia it was,pretty much illegal for women to fight,until 2008 yeah there was,um laws on on Combat Sports like some,states had a bit leniency but where I,was from it was illegal so yeah um and I,obviously love Combat Sports you know,grow up with it so for me to be at the,fights,um I would do the ring card girl stuff,and um I loved it because I got paid Mad,Money probably more than some of the,fighters to be honest yeah to set,ringside and um yeah walk around,pressure and a g-string but um they,don't do the D strings these days but um,it was back in back in my Heyday that's,how we used to do but um no I used to,get flown all around the country to do,to do ring card going,um what's your thoughts on khabib is it,the uh what do you say they're useless,well I mean I'm pretty much more,exciting yeah 100 I mean look for the,crowd is so good it's awesome like and,it's a job like being an X-Ring girl,like I remember when I tried to get rid,of ring girls I'm like why are people,who aren't even us like trying to take,our jobs away from us we love it I love,being a ring girl I love the,entertainment I love being paid to watch,watch comedians fight and then he got,these people like like the feminists or,whatever the people they are they're,trying to say oh it's objectifying I'm,like maybe I want to be objectified,maybe I want to make money like don't,make my mind up for me you know yeah and,um yeah I definitely don't think it's,useless I think it's part of it it's all,part of the entertainment Combat Sports,is entertainment you know what I mean,but mind you it's quite like I said it's,downplayed a lot now like you want to,see g-strings and stuff but you know,it's,I think it's kind of boxing without a,wrinkles hey buddy I've got a hard shell,you've got to tell Alan how this works,500 pounds for a pair of socks yourself,oh yeah yeah my socks I actually sold a,pair the other day 500 quid yeah 500 yes,I mean I sold just a picture of my socks,on like on the floor for 100 you know so,the actual the actual language,there's still time for you've got socks,on yeah got socks you might get five of,them you know you might have some of my,some of my sock fetish foot fans are,probably goin

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30 SECRET Things I Learned On TIKTOK!

30 SECRET Things I Learned On TIKTOK!

closer yeah yeah a little bit closer,these are some secrets on Tick Tock that,YouTube doesn't want you to know I was,today,you're supposed to tear it apart I,actually think that's an awful idea they,know it's for bigger dipping volume Oh I,thought it was going to be messy I love,ketchup so much why don't you just pick,it up and and since we love Tick Tock,secrets so much at the end of this video,we're going to be revealing some secrets,of Our Own,oh wait what,Lizzy is not a slot bracelet,s back in the day they had these awesome,wrist things and you'd do like and then,wrapped around like a snake whoa you all,still have them is this just a specific,one yes you can measure the girth of,something for example a Coke can all,right I'm really bad at cutting fruit,and stuff no she has opened it like a,pineapple I want to try this if it works,that's the coolest thing ever if this,works you have to like the video,You're terrifying I thought it was like,really sharp all right ready and then,she just kind of,oh it's a squirter that's what he said,how does she do it I love one shoes oh I,don't know if we did this right guys,wait a second you can make portable ACs,oh I have a headband like that that's a,lot of effort but I guess not if you,don't have an AC right how did she find,the perfect fans for this no that is,just to make your hair look fabulous no,glowing in the wind here's something I,wish I knew before I was in my third,piece okay,I knew this secret oh I did it I didn't,know that I didn't even break the,vertebrates no I can't tell if it's,working wait but which flavor is the,best favorite flavor here's the rainbow,choose one purple you ever go to a shop,but it hasn't got the drink you want no,one knows about,I found this out at Sephora because they,were out of my favorite list,never seen this you gotta be absolutely,kidding me I used to shop for my family,that never existed I want this guy I,watch him I don't know this guy but he,knows ketchup,how much Ranch bottles I've wasted,technically that is so true whoa Cheetos,Cheetos oh my gosh she's smart wait a,second but then how do you suck your,fingers to get all the sauce off that's,the point I think this is a nice house,it's a haircut,Bree I've actually been wanting to try,this on my favorite blonde YouTuber just,give me a second,you look so pretty you're Shrek in your,hair,with today here's old way well there's,nuts is she pumping nuts,that was a race no no I don't believe it,because it turned green and that's,purple everybody knows this is real,it's common knowledge everybody knows,that pump up a racing with an air pump,and it's gonna turn into a break,inside out wait what you put the bag on,it and then it goes in,I don't know if I can even go back to,doing bags the same way again,small trash can filled it with water to,clean off their feet but then they use,all their bags on the corners of a bed,sheet to then create a safe environment,wait how is a fitted bed sheet just,doing that you don't see these four,heavy bags I don't think it's possible,why so that kit is going to be the new,Albert Einstein I just always avoided,that when I was on The Jungle Book,because I was like I don't know what,this is oh my gosh ah wait don't do that,oh no but I do that wait okay so was,that a real crack did he just go like,this like,oh I don't,pops a day is the sound of good health,let's go Preston I always knew that my,ripping capabilities were a positive,thing for the world I'd let it rip like,a Beyblade you know what I'm saying,one two three,no all Knuckles are not created the same,oh no he's got a ruler does everybody in,the entire world those are so expensive,how does he have one of those I don't,know how many of my Knuckles are put me,a side by side on your knuckle oh wait,no you have a different knuckle size,than me I don't know if I would trust,this measurement of units,the light pack you randomly saw one day,no wait does this work with firepods,Pros or only airpods,everybody knows this dude right yes,you're supposed to keep all of the velor,yeah she looks like she's got rabies,whoa I could watch that on Loop for,hours that is a good snack that's a,thick snake don't call it sick we'll,just body shaming the snake every single,odd number has the letter e wait let's,do it one three five seven they didn't,teach us any of these,practice at least twist these off like,this,okay Bree try this cut it off that's,really cool well well careful not to get,it on the brand new merch on the fire,merch app that you can get downloaded,for free on Iowa,oh Preston it tastes pretty good though,oh I do know those okay so yeah there's,wait what keep them collapsed is that,really necessary yes some people need it,flapped for them are these crinkled,typos and potatoes that's a little nice,half moon going on so I can't tell if,it's a scissor hacker this is golden,don't act like you ever have done this,before I haven't but I knew you could,nice toast realize it was spelled wrong,stand for minutes n

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Legally Blonde (2001) | Elle Woods' Harvard Video Essay | MGM Studios

Legally Blonde (2001) | Elle Woods' Harvard Video Essay | MGM Studios

oh,hi my name is elle woods,and for my admissions essay i'm going to,tell all of you at harvard,why i'm going to make an amazing lawyer,as president of my sorority i'm skilled,at commanding the attention of a room,and discussing very important issues,it has come to my attention that the,maintenance staff is switching our,toilet paper,from charmin to generic,all those opposed to chafing please say,aye,neither type of opera or neither type of,wrap is on sale,b neither type of jazz neither type of,opera is on sale,c neither,i'm able to recall hundreds of important,details at the drop of a hat,hey l do you know what happened on days,of our lives yesterday,why yes margo i do once again we join,hope in the search for her identity,as you know she's been brainwashed by,the evil stefano,143,i feel comfortable using legal jargon in,everyday life,i object,bye,is,now,and that's why you should vote for me,elle woods,future lawyer for the class of 2004.,she does have a 4.0 from c-u-l-a,and she got a 179 on her lsats,a fashion major well sir we've never had,one before and,aren't we always looking for diversity,her list of extracurricular activities,is,impressive she was in a ricky martin,video clearly she's interested in music,she also designed a line of faux,fur panties for her sororities charity,project,uh-huh she's a friend to the animals as,well as a philanthropist,l woods,welcome to harvard,you

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Reese Witherspoon Reacts To Kim Kardashian's 'Legally Blonde' Homage

Reese Witherspoon Reacts To Kim Kardashian's 'Legally Blonde' Homage

Tim Kardashian recreated Al Woods's,Harvard submission video from Legally,Blonde for Halloween but first let's,take a look at her family Halloween pic,there are the Flintstones ahead so,there's Kim holding mom there's North,after st. and Chicago wait a man and yep,that's Kanye and the Dino suit that's,commitment right there,there is now do you notice something,weird about Chicago who's down on the,ground there I was just gonna say she's,actually photoshopped into the photo she,was so petrified by Dino even though,Kimmy tried to explain it it was daddy,under there she was having none of it so,the photographer had to photoshop her in,the family forever yes okay I love that,that's like a real like that's what,happens you try and do a family photo,yeah one kids not cooperating and I'll,just agreement about do you know we'll,just drop Jesus King but this is my,favorite thing he's ever done yeah okay,now it's a Kim's Legally Blonde,let's first remind you of that original,submission video in the movie played by,Elle Woods played by Reese Witherspoon,hi my name is Elle Woods and for my,admissions essay I'm gonna tell all of,you at Harvard why I'm gonna make an,amazing,as president of my sorority I'm skilled,in commanding the attention of a room,and discussing very important issues it,has come to my attention than the,maintenance staff is switching our,toilet paper from Charmin to generic all,those opposed to changing please say aye,I'm able to recall hundreds of important,details at the drop of a hat hey L do,you know what happened on Days of Our,Lives yesterday what yes Margo I do,once again we join hope in the search,for her identity as you know she's been,brainwashed by the evil Stefano I feel,comfortable using legal jargon in,everyday life I object,okay so here comes in Ches recreation of,that Reese went on multiple platforms,you react to this so on Instagram she,put on her story and said 100% at Kim,Kardashian with some hearts I'm writing,Elle Woods forever and she did the same,thing on Twitter writing oh it's forever,she actually wrote me and said I'm gonna,do it and I was like go for it and yeah,it turned out great she did a great job,I'm impressed with that,yeah she did a full video which although,she did scene she had extras they were,all in costumes I gotta see the whole,thing,that's incredible you've just hired,camera crews and different moves and,that's a really big commitment yeah for,Halloween for Halloween here's Kim's,Halloween Oh Maj,oh hi I'm Elle Woods and for my,admissions essay I'm gonna tell all of,you at Harvard like I'm gonna be an,amazing lawyer as president of my,sorority and dispel the commanding the,attention of overly discuss some very,important it has come to my attention,that the maintenance staff is switching,our toilet paper from Charmin to generic,all those opposed to take things say I,I'm able to recall hundreds of important,details at the drop of a hat,hey do you know what happy Monday than I,realized,yesterday why yes Marco I do once again,we joined Koch and the search for,identity as you know she's been,brainwashed by the evil stefano very,good it's pretty good production value I,was gonna say they got the budget they,got divided their missing love with the,dog woofing this is on barking yeah Fox,was working out people are still finding,away to bash Kim Kardashian with her,comments saying Kenneth says I thought,you did a great job at Reese's out woods,Kim is it trying to take the role from,Reese just notices no thanks Reese for,the win like who says yes I'm with you,Noah Reese all the way not a fan of Kim,Kardashian or Kanye Noah says Kim has no,feelings are fun in it and like this is,so boring when it comes to get Kim can,get more lame Mike says funny and clever,yeah I guess this Kim looks cute Paulus,is not funny appearances that was great,kudos to her it's just a Halloween thing,I mean Kim Kardashian well and people,have their feelings about the,Kardashians absolutely but I mean come,on study for the bar it all makes sense,that was all right it's just for,Halloween people,you

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TikToks That PASS The Vibe Check

TikToks That PASS The Vibe Check

hold still do you think you passed the,vibe check are you down for just about,anything in life stick around until the,end of the video to find out to call me,copston oh all right add passive objects,that's right that's 100 bypass,all right dude if you don't do this when,you graduate you do not pass the bible,well i can't backflip so 100 000 likes,josh is gonna backflip practice for his,graduation and we'll record it,no does this individual pass the object,oh,stage does not pass the vibe check,agreed they're just like fake little,zombies now i think this is what bree,and i did before we got married when you,see your best mate at the window this,guy passes a vibe though that's a big,the beat goes so hard she got like,popped,this is definitely britannia i mean,britain whatever britannia double vibe,check i don't know if that's possible,but double pass,left hand oh he's gonna raise his left,hand obviously,same i'm a big fan of where not this one,oh there we go yes we love blondes,holy cringe ah does not pass the vibe,check so i don't want to watch this,doesn't it oh that's so cringy and now,they have to sit in silence on the rest,of the freaking plane trip oh window,cleaners or something else man i miss,when this dance is popular this is a,more simple time on tick tock they both,pass double pass that time on your,mother would you marry her no what's,wrong with it you just don't like,blondes or what no she's she's not my,an face,oh my gosh wait,can you guess that i am he's a,firefighter,big pass on the vibe check double pass,is that a double pass let's give her a,double pass that's pretty funny okay,dude there's no way you're gonna walk in,the store and not realize that this is a,real person no way what do you mean guys,wearing a balenciaga hoodie stage it's,safe but i don't know why they staged,this i got such a tight booty oh stop if,there was an appetite for saying things,so you're telling me it passes the vibe,check oh yeah dude okay turn it up with,minnie this is a dream oh goofy don't,come okay yeah get goofy with it no,they're really getting into it i mean,although he scared our way minnie and,you know she's a little shoddy all right,both of them have wait pluto pluto joins,in pluto looks lost they all pass,themselves pluto's like he's like john,travolta oh my that has a high ollie a,fellow brother very very nice once a,skater always a skater experience,passing the bike yep whenever the music,comes on the kid,he passed the vibe check dad does not,pass the bike his hair is just like mine,all right,okay that got me two okay twice no bro,what's it though yeah it doesn't pass my,judgment is always right you're shooting,blanks at least i'm not shooting boy i'm,only i only shoot blanks i like to hurt,people,not a huge fan of the song i hate it,that's the thing that's keeping me from,passing the vibe check neutral vibe,check what the heck's going on,uh all right i mean okay what do they,expect it's new york city he was like in,the middle that all center was like oh,yeah i'm going to give that guy a pass,is she balling eggs what the fricking i,want to take a picture are those shelled,eggs also what is this shirt chilling in,the pandemics no chilling in the,pandymic hey duh,you're the only one looking down there,what dude it's the entire screen the,cheeks past the vibe you don't pass the,website i am the vibe when your team is,losing but you stay one and oh yeah i,love people like that let's get into it,that bro is such a bro you'd love to see,it and he could be a bench warmer,i got that acro,it's the player every coach pew pew easy,pass passes that dude's like eight foot,four wait is this a double staring he's,gonna be like happy birthday no this is,a double staring contest why are all,three of these guys such chats,you know neutral it was a strange,situation material,that's a pass come on dude like he,straight up was just like he served,whoa why is dallas not passing the vibe,check no i mean i don't like cowboys,they're all a bunch of like copies the,people that are curving her are,respectable because they'll probably,have a wife to get back to you that guy,was married he passes the vibe check we,got a bunch of respectable cowboys i,think this lady doesn't pass the vibe,show i agree i don't know about this,you're too old for this house ah this,does not pass the check of the vibe this,is negative vibes please don't do this,that's a very sense this is bad i don't,want to be talked to like baby even when,i have my child and i'm cradling it,brayden i know you got a beautiful baby,right here yeah i'm not gonna talk you,and you you you,no,vibe,it's hard to do that that's a vibe does,she just flip with her toe yeah she's a,toe flicker taking pics from people in,public oh yeah they're one for one oh,wait he's got the uh he's got sass,saskatchewan they're two for two okay,that pink guy just blocked her but the,guy that was rocking the itachi hoodie,on the back,five i'm pretty sure sasuke,hide packages from husband no don

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