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TikTok Ad Agency - Warning Before You Build A Doomed Agency

what's up guys in this video we'll be,talking about how to start a tick tock,agency that's actually going to be built,to last and we are down here i don't,even know what the name of the beach is,for those of you guys who don't know me,my name is frankie finn and i'm the,author of the book beyond the agency box,since about 2007 i've built three,different agencies of my own to 100 plus,simultaneous clients and i've helped,hundreds of people,around the world to build this whole,agency beach laptop lifestyle so let's,get into the magic of tick tock,all right you find tick-tock,i have,a little bit of bad news which is,tick tock is red hot right now,and it can seem really really exciting,there is something that i call the one,year hero run,and i've seen this by the way now two,different times in my life first by the,way when google ads first came out i had,friends who got clicks for five cents,and they would sell like 47 ebooks and,97 ebooks and they basically uh just,crushed it like absolutely,crushed it because at five cents people,looking for the thing you sell,you almost can't lose like you really,literally almost can't lose and so they,were doing a little bit of ric flair woo,action,by the way my dog is just going,mental for the ocean over here that is,banana,okay so that sounds amazing right but,guess what happened give it a year give,it two years marketers ruin everything,thousands of competitors all of a sudden,google adwords got hard and most of,those people were gone i saw the same,thing with facebook ads my actually one,of my friends built the largest facebook,ad agency in europe and he started as,the first one to guarantee return on ad,spend now i have people now in our,mastermind that come in and they say i'm,guaranteeing return on ad spend and,people won't listen to me because,they're now the thousands person person,to say that,and i tell you this because rest assured,that will happen to tick tock,and it will happen to you so if you,still want to be in business in two,years by the way,i'm not saying not to do tick tock ads i,understand it's red hot i understand,there's demand for it but in two years,give it two years max maybe even sooner,and i promise marketers will make it,difficult and hard and it'll be again an,uphill boulder the key is,think about the results that you want to,produce for your clients using tick tock,so there is a huge difference between,saying we're a tick-tock ads agency,for dentists and saying we use tick-tock,ads to generate,veneer patients or we use tick-tock ads,to generate implant patients it's really,the veneer patients the implants the,result that they really want i'm doing a,lot of karate chop action here by the,way that's a beautiful island called the,spiritual santu i know it's a little,windy i hope it's not too hard to hear,me on the,audio,so,if you're selling tick tock ads you'll,probably have like a year of openness,where you'll be able to sell it it'll be,really really easy but i promise what,seems like downhill will eventually,become uphill and if you still want to,be in that,uh where people are paying you,focus on the result that you're creating,for your niche and focus on building a,system and the the best thing you can do,by the way,is ask your clients what their highest,value,type of clients or patients are or,customers or whatever and focus on using,tick tock to generate that and what,you'll find is your tick tock journey,will get a ton a lot easier you'll,get it's like easy squared because,you'll be selling something that's new,and exciting and you'll be producing a,result with it so everybody will want,that and it'll be hot and it'll be sexy,and you'll crush it so hope that's,helpful to you guys i don't mean to,on your parade but i've seen this now,two full times where,it's it sounds really good and exciting,and on the way up everybody's getting,money and then a year later it's hard,and we're all out of business and it's,because they focused on,the tool the tick tock instead of or the,facebook ads or the the google ads which,in the beginning was really exciting but,give it a couple of years and the tool,won't be so exciting and they didn't,know how to sell it after that point so,i hope that's helpful to you guys who,want to do this for like not just like,build an agency for like a year but,actually want to get paid for like the,next 10 20 30 years so hope that's,helpful if you guys aren't already,subscribed make sure to subscribe and,quick question by the way for you before,i let you guys go i would like to to,know are you guys currently offering,tick tock ads in your agency have you,thought about doing or is it for you,just like a shiny object would love to,hear your own experience that's all i,got for you guys in this video like i,said make sure to subscribe and may the,force be with you,you

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Is TikTok The Next BIG Trend For Agencies?

Is TikTok The Next BIG Trend For Agencies?

hey everyone it's charlie morgan here,and welcome to another video in today's,video i'm going to discuss whether or,not tiktok is the next big thing for,marketing agencies um it's kind of hard,to,be in the agency space and we've not,heard about tick tock and i don't mean,through the consumer sense and you know,the the sort of um,sense of just normal scrolling through,the app we've all heard of tick tock,but you'll probably have noticed a lot,of people talking about tick tock,agencies and how it's going to be the,next big thing and how to build and grow,a tick-tock agency,it's becoming very prevalent it's,becoming very shiny and there's a strong,well there's a difference between,opportunities and shiny objects and,there's a difference between you know,often um,opportunity and distraction are,synonymous right,um and what i want to do is offer a,perspective,that might help you,decide for yourself and critically think,for yourself as to whether or not tick,tock could be the move for you,um,because,from someone who's not in,like the e-commerce space because this,is obviously um in the e-commerce space,i'm able to observe this from a third,person's perspective and take more of a,potentially rational perspective because,it doesn't have too much of an impact,directly on my income,so i've um,well for those of you first of all who,don't know who i am and how i can lend,this perspective to you um i basically,have built and scaled a marketing agency,already it's called northflow consulting,you can google it if you want we've,signed over 350 clients and i now help,other people build and scale their own,agencies,and i'm responsible right now for about,230 agency owners and their success um,and,you know i've,been aware of this tick tock thing and i,think it's time to to discuss it,so,the premise of this video is to,understand that opportunity and,distraction like i said are synonymous,and can often be switched out for each,other forever for individual like 300,words um but what i want to do is like,offer this perspective so,the premise of it is this it's that,to build and grow a business,whether it's a marketing agency a,coaching business or any business you,need a series of skills,right you need to have skills you need,to have certain character traits that,support the growth of that business and,you also need to have certain,perspectives that allow you to perceive,problems and solve them in the most,accurate and efficient way possible,what i'm trying to say here is that,the platform that you use to run ads,is irrelevant,and you don't want to build a business,and a business model,on,the platform,so ever thinking about facebook ads for,example,or tick tock ads or instagram ads like,you've got to recognize that,the service you provide,is not,actually it doesn't really the service,itself is completely separate from the,platform upon which that service is,delivered,and my point here is that,people are like yeah i run a tick tock,agency on a facebook ads agency it's,like,yeah technically you do but,like you're right you're not the the,platform,can isn't your business and if it is,your business then you really check mate,and snook yourself for some difficulty,down the line,because when you build an agency a,marketing agency what you're doing is,you're providing value to customers and,value to businesses through helping them,with client acquisition and,the acquisition of more revenues you can,see outside looks a little that's better,um,and,the issue i see is everyone the people,are going from like people there's this,trend in e-commerce where everyone's,gone from facebook ads to email,marketing and now it's tick tock and,and like people are just bouncing,between these platforms and these,platforms represent these shiny objects,that people traverse between because,they think that's the grass will be,greener it might be easier now there's,no denying that tick tock ads are going,to be a trend right,they are the new thing right tick tock,ads will be what facebook ads were a few,years ago and capitalizing on trends is,important and it will make you money but,you can't rely,on a trend to continue forever,so my point here is that when you if,you're thinking about moving to title,cards and you're thinking about offering,tick tock ads it helps to understand,that it's a short-term,thing and something else will come along,that will be more important it might not,be for a few years but if you want to,build long-term real sustainable,long-lasting evidential value in the,long term i'm talking 10 20 years you,can only really do that with skills okay,and values and principles and,perspectives that allow you to adapt,your agency and its model to any,individual platform that comes along and,so,what's happening at the moment,is people think that like learning,facebook ads or tick tock ads are an,individual skill but really media buying,as a whole is or is it collective field,of discipline or study,the platform is irrelevant like sure now,don't get

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How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

what's up guys jordan here today we're going to  be going through tiktok ads step by step the a to  ,z everything you need to know to launch your first  ad on the platform today now we're currently using  ,tick tock in our marketing agency the affluent  agency and we're generating a ridiculous amount  ,of new revenue for our clients at the moment using  the platform i cannot wait to bring this to you  ,guys today it's been a long time coming i've got  a presentation ready for you we're going to jump  ,onto it in a second but before we do i want  to announce a quick competition on this video  ,now for every one in 100 people that comment down  below with their goals for running tik tok ads  ,right now i'm going to give you the chance to  win a completely free strategy call with me for  ,an hour where we'll run through anything you want  to run through we break down your strategy how you  ,can increase your revenue how you can increase  your roads on whatever platform you're using  ,we're gonna jump on that call we're gonna make  that happen for you so enter that competition  ,let's get started with this no bs implementable  training but do me a favor stop what you're doing  ,right now whatever it is shut down your tabs take  some notes and pay attention and take action on  ,what you learned today let's get started okay  so tick-tock ads training first of all let's  ,start off with some data we need to understand  the opportunity here now tik tok was the most  ,downloaded app in 2020 with 850 million downloads  okay tiktok has 1.1 billion active users worldwide  ,with 90 of users using the app multiple times per  day so we can get ourselves in front of our ideal  ,customer multiple times a day on average now as  of january 2021 tick tock raked in 128 million in  ,user spending marking an increase of 380 from its  january 2020 revenue so it's growing year on year  ,almost 4x in user revenue now take top ranks  as the second biggest app in consumer spend  ,above youtube disney plus and netflix this  is probably the uh the biggest stat on this  ,screen ranking above youtube and netflix in  consumer spend is absolutely ridiculous so  ,it's a monumental opportunity for people and  businesses to sell their products on the platform  ,how many times have you spoken to someone they've  said ah i found that product on tick tock it's  ,happening a lot these days so let's jump on to how  you can actually make the most of that so this is  ,the tick tock ad structure so at the top we have  tick tocks ad manager then we have ad campaigns  ,we have ad groups we have ad creative and then  landing pages to break these down one by one tick  ,doc ads manager is where you manage your ticktock  advertising account similar to the facebook  ,ad manager now a ad campaign is the foundation  of your ad so we're setting up our advertising  ,objectives and formats we then have ad group which  is target audiences ad placements budget and the  ,bidding then we have the ad creative which is  the text and the video that will appear on our  ,apps what we're physically seeing then finally our  landing page and this is the destination url that  ,we are driving our potential customers too this  is the place where they will actually buy our  ,products or service so when you actually have your  tick tock ad account up and running this is kind  ,of what the format will look like we have our ad  manager at the top we have campaigns beneath that  ,then inside an ad campaign we would have multiple  ad groups so we'll be testing out multiple  ,audiences and inside those audiences we may even  be testing out multiple different ad creatives  ,as well so what are the actual creative the the  creative formats that we can use on tick tock well  ,we have top view on the left hand side here which  is like a full-size video which shows up when we  ,launch the app we don't have brand tank takeover  now these are the most expensive tic toc ads and  ,very large brands use these and again these come  up right at the start of launching the app and it  ,takes over the entire screen then have in feed ads  this is what we're going to be going through today  ,and what most businesses are actually using  to generate the most revenue from tick tock  ,we have branded hashtag challenges so if we  want to launch a challenge on the platform and  ,then finally branded event so we want to have our  own branded stickers on uh on tick tock itself so  ,people can use them when they're creating their  own content but as i said in feed ads it's the  ,ad format we use for our tiktok ad clients  at the affluent agency and we're literally  ,generating hundreds of thousands in new revenue  from infeed ads alone so that's what i'm going to  ,show you today so without further ado let's jump  straight on to the tick tock advertising platform  ,okay so the first thing we're going to do is  go over to forward slash business  ,i'm just going to zoom in here so you can see  every

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Are TikTok Ads Agencies the Future of SMMA in 2022? (URGENT)

Are TikTok Ads Agencies the Future of SMMA in 2022? (URGENT)

welcome to a brand new video and today,we're going to be answering one of the,juiciest,questions and that i'm getting uh quite,a bit uh and that is absolutely vital,for your success if you are looking to,start a digital marketing agency in 2022,if you're looking to either scale your,digital marketing agency or you're,looking to pivot into this incredible,business model and that is,the big big question facebook ads,or tick tock ads,what is better for 2022,it's a it's a really big question um you,know what makes more money what what do,clients actually want and we are going,to be answering we've got my ceo my,right hand man uh our head supporting,coach that's cool vcom tao,and myself and uh yeah this is what,we're seeing uh you know,we're back,okay so we had a little accident but,camera is good uh and uh yeah without,further ado let's get right into it this,is what we're seeing from actively,running our agencies to this day my,agency doesn't run 200k per month hey uh,he went ahead and uh skills agency don't,went completely broke so he's currently,sleeping on my couch uh here in miami,but uh uh no he uh he went from zero to,six figure plus in record breaking time,and um,the first thing that we've noticed is,you know yes tick tock ads is an,incredible opportunity especially,because facebook ads just has not been,performing amazingly well i do think,that um,the people that are struggling with,facebook ads are the people that don't,know about tracking don't know about,conversion apis the fact that we're,moving into,essentially you know long story short,we're moving into a server-based,tracking instead of browser based,tracking which is great because we own,more data as a client,but um the people that are not having us,as much success with facebook ads are,the people that don't really know how to,navigate the new tracking system or the,new tracking methods uh but having said,that right i think one of the reasons,why uh there's a big argument for,techdog is simply because where the,content is heading right um you know i i,know the platform quite well i've been,able to to build up a pretty large,following uh uh in tech talk and i think,short form content is here to stay and,that is why i think tick tock ads is a,great offering because,that's really where the content is,heading right and so if you're able to,create organic um native content on that,platform i think you can have a lot of,success uh with it right um,obviously we're gonna talk about the,pros and cons but that is one pro which,is the fact that it plays to,the uh you know the sort of content that,is popping right now which is the short,form vertical content,yeah no you i think you're you're right,you hit it on the head with the,the people struggling with facebook,maybe don't understand the tracking but,also like,i think they just the ones that are,really struggling just don't understand,creatives and you're right like tick,tock the short form vertical style,that's why they came out with facebook,reels they're pushing that really hard,i think facebook is still you can still,succeed on it again it um you just gotta,have the content strategy right content,the copy the offer itself like if you,have,i think a lot of there's a lot of noise,in the space i think,um by just a lot of you know agencies,out there people that,you know maybe have worked with a client,or two and didn't see success because,again they didn't have those things,dialed in and then they just they start,screaming after oh this ship is sinking,but then there's the,you know the i won't name drop anyone,from mentorship but there's the mentees,just out there killing it because they,they do have that fundamental,understanding yeah yeah and i think that,that's that's the catch here right like,the pro is the fact that tick tock has,you know placed to the the content that,is working right now but if you're able,to,take inspiration from that content and,apply it to facebook ads facebook,inevitably has a more mature a more,seasoned platf platform right they have,more targeting methods right uh whereas,stick talk is a little bit on if on that,at least that front the media buying,front the data front is a little bit on,its um infancy right,so if you're able to take the learnings,from the content that is working on tick,tock right and apply it to facebook,that's really where you hit the nail on,the head right and that's what we've,been doing for not only our clients but,my brands as well right a lot of the the,ads that we actually like to run are,obviously vertical real ads but we also,take the exact same formatting literally,the tick tock font right the short you,know short form kind of like quick paced,um style and we do that for horizontal,videos and we put that on the feed as,you know our top of the funnel strategy,right and so if you can match the pro of,of tiktok which is the content right,and then you know the know-how of the,tracking methods and understand that,facebook at the end of the day is goi

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I Doubled My Sales With TikTok Agency Ad Account (Shopify Dropshipping)

I Doubled My Sales With TikTok Agency Ad Account (Shopify Dropshipping)

in this video I'm going to show you how,I doubled my Drop Shipping business with,the help of tick tock agency ad account,stay tuned,okay welcome back guys and for those of,you who are coming here not for the,first time thank you so much for tuning,in again and watching yet another video,I absolutely love the entire support I'm,getting from you guys and thank you for,all the questions all the comments,please keep them coming if you're new,here however my name is Jacob wikowski,and at the beginning of this year I,decided to put a Drop Shipping business,model to test I wanted to see if it,really is as easy to succeed with Drop,Shipping as all the people on YouTube,make it look like now to be honest with,you the first seven months of my journey,was a complete disaster I lost over,eighteen thousand dollars tested 25,different products if not more and then,nothing literally worked for me I made,mistake after mistake and just things,were looking very very bad however in,July I found my first lucky winner and,two months later I was able to recover,all of the losses and right now I'm,still making huge profits with the same,product and my business is just booming,in fact last week was the highest weak,or the biggest the most profitable week,I have ever had since starting Drop,Shipping today alone I have made already,550 something dollars in profit I'm,going to refresh that to show you that,it's actually true and it's only 11 am,here in the UK now the best part is that,this month is actually the most,profitable month I have ever had again,since starting Drop Shipping it's only,14th of November today and I am already,at 31 000 in sales for this month alone,now why this is so good is because when,you take a look at my profit and loss,spreadsheet this is basically a,spreadsheet where I tracked all the,expenses basically my entire business is,tracked in this spreadsheet and by the,way if you want it you can find the link,to this spreadsheet in the description,of this video all you have to do is is,to open it and then copy it to your own,Google Drive I as you can see I have,found this first winner on in July end,of July so the the last couple of days,of July were my first profitable days,but it wasn't anything crazy however,when we take a look at August and,September this is when things got really,really good in August alone I made over,nine thousand dollars in profit but,that's not important here what's,important is that over the entire month,of August I have made 30 almost 5 000 in,sales when you take a look at September,almost forty thousand dollars in sales,for the entire month so as you can see,the average is about 36 37 000 however,right now after I started using Tick,Tock agency ad account as you can see,it's all only two weeks we're only two,weeks within the month and I'm already,at 31,000 in sales hey very briefly while I,have you here if you like Drop Shipping,and you're trying to succeed but you,don't really know how to start or maybe,you simply have questions that you need,answers for but you can't find the,answers here on YouTube I would like to,personally invite you to my private,Discord server where I am on daily basis,answering all of your questions in a,simple to understand video format so if,you ever get stuck in your business you,don't know what to do I guarantee you to,help you move past those issues now I,can't guarantee that you're going to,succeed in the next day or two but I can,definitely guarantee that I'm going to,do everything I can and tell you,everything I know to help you keep,moving forward so if you want to join in,there's a link in the description of,this video join in ask questions and,let's start moving forward together now,back to the video now if things continue,going the way they are right now this is,going to be basically pretty much,doubling to what I was making in the,first two months of me running the this,business now I'm not talking about the,October because it was very very hard,and tough month for me I had problems,that I was facing with Shopify paying,out my money for the first week of the,month then my product did actually slow,down in sales by a lot I had to work on,it to make it work again test it in new,offers and eventually made it work but,what really contributed to me being able,to double my sales with this same,product is Tick Tock agency ad account,and the reason I say that is because,previously I would be only using a,regular personal Tick Tock ad account,and I was only targeting US market,because with Tick Tock as you know when,you have a personal ad account you can,only target your location so if you're,based in the UK you can only target UK,and Europe if you're based in the US you,can only target US and Canada however,when I switched to tiktok agency ad,account this opened up an opportunity of,targeting more countries than just us I,started targeting us UK Canada and,Australia I did try to Target New,Zealand as well however I didn't get,many sales in New Zealand

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How I Grew My TikTok Ad Agency From 0 – 7 Figures | Full TikTok Agency Roadmap | Ammar Sulthan

How I Grew My TikTok Ad Agency From 0 – 7 Figures | Full TikTok Agency Roadmap | Ammar Sulthan

so what's up guys,I thought I'd create this little video,here just to go through the roadmap that,I created how we took our agency from,zero to seven figures and this is the,world map that you guys can follow,now let's go through all of this here,together let's start with pre-launch,now,with pre-launch,cool look,although the barrier of Entry is quite,low right now,I still suggest acquiring some sort of,skill set first before you start scaling,your agency or at least make an effort,to improve your existing skill sets,because you're going to be competing,with other people in the marketplace or,even though it's still a blue blue ocean,okay,sales is the most important skill set,you can have you will always need to,know how to negotiate you'll always need,to be able to communicate what you're,offering to the clients make it resonate,to them,and yeah that's essentially the most,important skill set in order to make,money right cool,media buying you don't have to know a,lot of media buying in order to make,this successful but at least the basics,of it of how the ads work how their,creatives work would would suffice so I,recommend watching some YouTube videos,or purchase a course so that you have,the necessary understanding in order to,close the deals because conviction is,the number one thing that's going to,help you land clients when you're in the,sales calls right cool let's talk about,their niches or niches still I'm not,certain which one's the right way to,to pronounce now in terms of the niches,most people focus on e-commerce and,there's nothing wrong with it but why,not explore other niches like high,ticket Legion solar Insurance health,care right those kind of niches are,often neglected and especially with Tick,Tock it's a blue ocean right now so yeah,another one I can recommend would be,coaches and Consulting,so coaches and Consultants are uh very,very high ticket as well and you can get,good results for them through Tick Tock,ads in fact we have one of our clients,uh one of our former clients wealth,assistants we've helped them scale,um massively through Tick Tock ads in,fact there's a case study on my on my,Twitter profile that you can have a look,at cool,Tech setup now this is the boring stuff,and unfortunately this is stuff that,most people focus the most time on when,they start the agency you don't need,more than a day our website took us 30,minutes to create on leadpages okay so,don't over complicate it just create a,normal landing page simple vsl talking,about what the offer is what you can do,in the marketplace and then a simple,call to action to book a call with you,all right cool next let's go to the,offers,okay I've divided this into four,different kind of offers now the last,one is more it doesn't really count,because it's like an individual,kind of one-off thing but let's talk,about Tick Tock ads so,in our experience like when I when I,sell Tick Tock ads to clients,is oftentimes we study together with the,creatives because you can't run Tick,Tock ads unless you had the creatives,sometimes you have clients that just,come for media buying by most cases we,just upsell them to the creators as well,okay so,yeah Tick Tock ad is the best kind of,tick tock offer that you could that,could sell sell to clients because it's,measurable for the clients and,um yeah if you do it the right way you,can make a lot of money from it based on,like the ad spend for example right we,make most of our money through ad spend,deals when we manage your clients so we,have a base retainer for the creatives,and then we take a percentage of the ad,spend as as a fee right you can go,anywhere between five percent to 15 you,can negotiate those terms with your,client but we recommend typically,anywhere upwards of 10 and and set a cap,because obviously you don't want to be,managing 500k and then you know demand,what 50k or something,um they probably won't they probably,will fire the next week right so yeah,you need to be reasonable with that cool,ugc,it's one of the most important Services,right now more sought after service and,the best part about selling ugc is that,clients are not necessarily bound to one,agency like with ads because only one,agency one agency can manage the ad,account at a time whereas the creatives,there's always an evil creative so they,can always look for more agencies to,supply them with more creative split,system XYZ so,yeah,we recommend selling it together with ad,management but if you're just selling,UDC like we do at times you can sell it,for anywhere between 2K to 16k really,depends on what your offer is and how,you package it okay,and then a guarantee,um look stay away from from giving too,many guarantees like oh we'll give you,if we don't hit the 3x row as in in a,month or t we'll give you a full refund,and a thousand dollars just ignore that,you've been seeing all of those ads all,over social media right of of of,agencies promising,um uh a return or else they'll go,they'll refund you like ignore th

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The Best TikTok Marketing Agencies on the Planet Reviewed 🌎

The Best TikTok Marketing Agencies on the Planet Reviewed 🌎

right now tick tock is spreading so fast,governments across the world are,debating a lockdown that's right,tick tock itis is real and it's here to,stay it's no longer just an app of,people mind they either legitimate a,threat to Facebook and Instagram for,screen time and with this new platform,comes a whole new set of rules and,influences which means working with them,will require some outside help in the,form of a tick tock marketing agency so,here's a rundown of five tick tock,marketing agencies they'll help you,spread your message across the planet,number one fan boys band wise is the,world's largest tick tock influence,network they work around like Warner,Atlantic and Universal with a large,amount of staff made up of Millennials,and Generation Z they totally get that,tick tock culture too in fact their gen,Z expertise a sort of investment from,the families of boo-boo and pretty,little things and these guys have nailed,marketing to the young crowd BAM white,snow what type of content you should be,producing and have produced campaigns,that hit the tick top trending page -,what's fantastic about this agency is,they actually guarantee results for,every campaign they'd run which in,marketing is almost unheard of Bravo,number two up fluence keeping on the,virus theme we have a company with full,openness name he just couldn't make this,up up fluence manages influencer,campaigns both for brands and outsourced,for agencies they launch products,increase brand awareness exposure,educate audiences their service is a,premium influence that campaign,management service which includes,product placement outreach and influence,that event management and they offer a,creative skill set to design,state-of-the-art brand,turn up fluencies influencer marketing,and partner relationship management,ensure smooth communication and high,response rates number three that,influencer marketing Factory on the,website of the influencer marketing,Factory you'll find they state tik-tok,as one of the main core social channels,with amazing ROI and results they came,to this conclusion because tick tock is,the most downloaded social app ever and,because the viral power generated by the,younger generation outperforms YouTube,and Instagram I remember the good old,days when a video of a sneezing Panda,would send the world into a frenzy or an,act of cannibalism from a child now you,need to learn an entire dance routine,Mac since Hut crowd the influencer,marketing factory stars will have to by,concentrating on your target audience,whilst looking at both your current and,potential customers once they have,determined your audience they then match,your audience with development,influences on tick-tock they select tick,tock influences create trendy and viral,videos generate awareness of a product,or service that in track every heart and,comment to produce an extensive report,at the end of the campaign number four,we have violation the violation cover,all the major platforms and I have a,tried and tested full-service six step,system they start with a tick top,strategy source and contract influences,oversee context and scheduling ensure,their company is like and then measure,track and optimize Myra Nation makes a,point of including category exclusivity,and content licensing and all of their,campaigns one thing they stress is the,importance of adding paid boosting to,the influencer campaigns to reach the,entire influences audience another,offering they provide is experiential,marketing and working with tik-tok,marketers to promote or attend or even,broadcast event something to take note,of fear next launch baby number five,poplar now takes up the porn in Asia a,plow is an influencer marketing agency,for China where the app has been,prevalent for much longer than the rest,of the world meaning they should know a,thing or two about using it anywhere,they have built a community of over 700,marketers and more than 500 influences,and a posted events in place,to Singapore Hong Kong Shanghai and New,York the burg decimate startups and,corporates active in tourism beauty,fashion real estate of sports blockchain,and more so the unlimited potential of,tik-tok entices you then wine will check,out some of these agencies are another,ten on the link below in the description,to capitalize on the morality of the,network before race drops and you which,should going to see them talking of,getting in sooner make sure you can,subscribe to stay up to date with all,things social media and influencer,marketing because we produce three,videos a week to help you get better,results with your marketing and make,sure you check out this video here to,learn more about marketing on tik-tok or,our latest release right here

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How I would Grow a TikTok Agency

How I would Grow a TikTok Agency

hey,lampham in this video we're gonna see,how exactly to grow a tick-tock agency,with kane lewandowski who reached out to,me on linkedin saying that he was,struggling to find new customers for his,tick-tock agency i asked him for his,website to look at it so that's the,first thing we're gonna review the first,thing is i like the video the video is,quite interesting because it looks very,human and kane is describing you know,what he's doing how he's helping,customers i think this is great the only,thing i could say is be careful with the,glasses whenever you're using like a,ring light or a phone or something that,could reflect on your glasses because,that's a bit disturbing for someone,looking at it but the rest is really,great the energy is great i like it in,my opinion what could be improved is the,targeting here it's like we craft and,optimize tick-tock ads the question i,want to say is who do you craft,tick-tock ads for and what is the result,so for example it could be we craft,tick-tock ads for e-commerce website to,drive more sales if i have an e-commerce,and i'm on your website then i'd feel,like i'm the right fit the idea is not,to pick e-commerce it's just to pick a,niche you're passionate about and really,focus on that niche so whenever people,are on your website they will convert,much higher also always make sure to,answer the question what's in it for,them we craft an optimizing talk ads yes,that's fine but what is the end results,what am i getting from it focusing on,the benefit is really really important,then here you have tons of logos walmart,sculptor record etc so like really like,big names and then i started like to,scroll down scroll down i was waiting to,get like some testimonial from the big,brand because obviously they're great,and here samuel demon generation another,guy here rita et cetera so when i was,looking at the photos i was like it,looks a bit weird you should always be,careful with it because for example here,i'm just opening the image in a new tab,and as you can see here we can see that,the image is actually coming from,shorter stock which means it's like,three images and this is a stock photo,so technically in one click i can tell,that the testimonial is not the right,one no offense it's not like a huge,issue i know what you do whenever you're,a startup sometimes you fake it etc etc,but in my opinion it's always best not,to fake it and be honest about like,those type of things because directly if,i were on the website and i would think,about working with you and i see a,testimonial that is wrong i kind of lose,the trust and the trust to me is,basically like the foundation of the,relationship so if you lose this trust,you lose a relationship and you lose the,business i'm sure that kane didn't do it,on purpose it's kind of like the startup,mindset of faking it but it's something,that i believe could be changed and i'm,sure that kane will get in the coming,months tons of new testimonials so that,would be fine let's look at kane's,linkedin profile so here automating and,optimizing tick-tock ads on the bio i,would say who i'm targeting and what i'm,doing this for and what's the benefit,from it so it can be like creating,tick-tock ads for b2b sas companies so,it drives more sales or more signups or,whatever just focus on one niche and,focus on one benefit in the about,section it's all about what spark ads is,doing which feels a bit weird to me like,the about section should be about the,person you're talking to so it should be,about your audience in that case once,you found your niche you should just,focus on that so for example let's say,you are talking to b2b sauce funders or,let's say like traffic managers in,startups i would say something like if,you're on my profile it means that,you're a traffic manager in a startup,and you're trying to increase your,return on ad spends on tick tock well,that's what i've been doing for the last,five years and usually the results i get,is,then you can share like a bit of,successes that you've got and numbers,and all the numbers that you have shared,actually like cocaine are like really,great but i would go even deeper and i,would try to really like talk to my,audience rather than just saying what my,company does so once you've got that i,think the goal is to provide value and,here kane is doing something great he's,giving a lot of tips on how to improve,and increase your tic toc ads i've been,looking at the last months of content,that he wrote and i can see that the,engagement keeps increasing so really,this is the best strategy initially when,i had my agency i was really scared to,give the best tips you know about how to,do cold emails that convert how to do,sales etc because i was afraid that,people will steal my secret sauce but,actually as an agency owner the thing,you should do is give away for free all,your knowledge about a specific industry,one it will allow you to build trust two,most people actually never implement,what you are talki

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