belle delphine tiktok ads

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I paid Belle Delphine $0 (she is happy) TikTok part 12

贊助分段Hoke,哎呀。是的,我最喜歡這個頻道的一部分。謝謝大家吧,你跟我說什麼?,那就對了。磚和球不是磚和骨頭磚n球有史以來最偉大的遊戲,完全公正的意見。好吧磚n球很舒服,上癮和比它看起來更難說我喜歡舒適上癮,比你看起來更難,1000智商然後這個遊戲是給你的,因為它需要一個聰明的玩家該死的,你認為你是挑戰磚球?這個遊戲花費多少菲利克斯你可以免費下載它,我是否必須再賣掉它?我不這麼認為,我是否認為這款遊戲已經獲得了8500萬次下載或完全在主要遊戲中,有數千個級別可以擊敗,成千上萬的人將其他遊戲命名為千層。它不存在。還有百球挑戰,我現在正在玩,因為我們會說出百球挑戰,你試著獲得高分,可能有百球一推出我的高分是,558嘗試並擊敗它重力另一個優秀的遊戲模式,這是一個無盡的挑戰模式與引力遊戲神壩,我知道我不應該發表我的意見,因為這是一個贊助的視頻,但該死的看看磚頭,下載打破n球,這個遊戲還有其他有趣的方面可以探索例如Ruby Bank專輯收藏,我認為我不需要說其他任何下載磚n球,鏈接描述,謝謝你為贊助這個視頻打破n球。如果您下載此視頻並在此視頻中評論您的高分,我會在評論中隨機挑選一個人,當然,這將贏得勝利,5000和幸運的獲勝者將被選中,3月8日,Brofist,如果你下載破球,我會給你一個兄弟,做得好,我看到淺藍色,但有時疼 -,哦,是的,那我為什麼要拿顯示器?,這太可悲了。 Umji可以舔我的球。沒有多餘的裝飾,去除罷工你的啞球去除你的鑼鑼攻擊不要讓我走得更遠,現在不用多說了,讓我們來吧,進入它,你太棒了。你在做什麼?你嗤之以鼻嗎?,燦爛的笨蛋,這就是我,當我吐口水咂屁股時,這就是我的字面意思,你知道笨蛋。你在做什麼狗?他在嗅聞。他已經在那裡待了一會兒,多麼好的名字,這是一個充滿活力的美好時光,是不是有南方公園的情節,他們嗅貓,他們讓他們高?,就像貓咪小便讓你很高興或類似的東西。確實如此,在南方公園的一集中,人們使用貓尿高漲。是的,我們走了。你其實可以等人說不,好吧,我想我只是要嘗試一下。好像spunky很開心。好的?,我一段時間沒有過很棒的時間,彈出頁面需要很長時間,什麼時候,當你很可怕的是,你可以和自己的朋友一起自己選擇,此時交叉是不必要的。我喜歡它。我太喜歡了,我的上帝現在每個人都在製作這些,我的意思是它看起來很神奇,看起來真的很興奮,你的全名怎麼樣?,淡褐色恩蘭卡斯特,你是怎麼看待我的,因為你很漂亮,酷妝很甜。人們仍在製作任何電影被稱為她的模因,奇妙,這是動漫女孩,他媽的,用megalovania停止了這些東西,2015年意味著什麼。好的。讓我們,做點新鮮事。讓我們一遍又一遍地停止製作相同的視頻,我正在嘗試創新誘餌,所有這些孩子都在做同樣的事情。我真的在抱怨,但其他人在做同樣的事情時,笑話解釋了每個人讓我們繼續前進,不,我的意思是,我不能笑,因為這不是你失去的生活,這只是我批評孩子們。那就對了。大家。那很棒,非常好的滴答滴答我打你。有時你會欣賞它。至少嘀嗒嘀嗒,這些滴答滴答的孩子遲早會成名,一些代理商會說你需要和我們的工作人員簽約然後他們會去。是啊,沒有 這聽起來很棒la很棒然後他們會簽下他們所有的視頻,這樣他們就會開始聲稱這個東西嘀嗒嘀嗒, ,所有這些孩子的彙編,你去嘀嗒嘀嗒,廢墟就是藤蔓發生的事情,我會假裝事實並非如此,好吧,唯一一個可以用tic toc視頻製作視頻的人就是我和你顯然,你在跟我開玩笑嗎?你真的開玩笑吧?用手勢停止它,哦,天哪,因此,我認為值得一提的就像所有的滴答聲一樣,本周剛出現在這個臉上的男人,但是,這是xxx發給我們你自己的。它是受版權保護的音樂背景。我不能用它。好吧,讓我們繼續吧,我只需要你知道一點,你做了什麼。你成了著名的滴答聲。祝賀,下次這是一個沒有版權保護的音樂守護者,那是你的小貓真正累了什麼,在行為中什麼是什麼,傻這是孩子們這幾天所做的事,是吧?這應該是在外面玩,不要伸出舌頭,噁心不是種族主義或任何東西,但代理人貓,該死的,嗯,我認為這是非常可靠的證據,事實上,嘀嗒嘀嗒實際上是葡萄藤,從根本上重新創造了什麼,不要種族主義。啊,你怎麼發出那個聲音怎麼樣啊,你是怎樣做的?我的意思是,我給拉麵印象深刻。有時候他們給我印象深刻。不要引用我的話,嘿,兄弟,Chad J.,校驗,乍得總統的人口正在增加,但是你看到這裡的平均長度上升了,乍得檢查每個人查德搖乍那裡。它看起來像乍得,哦,我從來沒有想過這會改變一切,這就是為什麼chad是Chad,這給meme帶來了全新的視角,停下來,停下來。菲爾博士對我說,並審查任何人。這很像是如果你想要它可以發生,如果有足夠的人像博士一樣粉碎,他就坐在那裡。菲爾會出來主持我並審查,基本上我,好吧,當然,你知道更大的鞋子尺寸更大的陰莖,是的,它是完全成比例的,然後是陰莖小的鬍鬚車好,但你的意思是什麼?,所以小丑有巨大的影響力,實際上今天學到的東西很小,耶穌基督,那是什麼?,大聲笑,為什麼我打高爾夫網絡認為我的房間裡可能有凶手。你能幫我找到他嗎?,對不起,我說他應該說他們,我怎麼知道這是一個我真的很抱歉的人,您應該檢查他們的Twitter個人資料,因為他們會說他或她或其他什麼,好的,因為顯然需要說明萬一有人犯了錯誤。嘿兄弟,判斷一個,判斷檢查,校驗,是的,但乍得的GPD是什麼哦,天哪,乍得,來吧乍得,來吧,乍得。乍得是唯一可以拯救我們印度的國家。讓我們在這裡變得真實,讓我們增加乍得的國內生產總值。一起讓它成為現實,如果這個視頻得到足夠的喜歡那麼它現在可以發生,我通常不會這樣做,但任何咬住商品的人我都會捐出這個完全謊言和錯誤陳述的鏈條,但是我會做另一個不是真正的滴答聲,但仍然有點滴答聲,絕對的男人為死人的保鏢保釋,哈哈。為什麼是我的門?,謝謝你的鈴聲非常酷現在我可以在縮略圖中使用她數以百萬計的額外濫用,謝謝你的地獄費。這也是一種祝福。謝謝你沒有打我的縮略圖。對此,我真的非常感激,非常感謝你,是啊,只有你驚訝一個可惜的鍋,如果女人問你出去,你可以和whamon一起出去嗎?你必須問她以下問題嗎?,哦,你沒有加油,如果她說是,那麼再停一下。啊你的笑話嘿,伙計。謝謝,什麼?,命中或錯過我想他們永遠不會錯過,是嗎?一世,下次你說命中或錯過時告訴你我不會錯過,對於像嘿這樣的技術講座,這是另一個繪畫時間。我要買它 -,不會發生孩子,好吧,這是一個人類,但實際上也會發生這種情況,是啊,地獄,是的,那裡做得很好,我再也不會在晚上玩了。這就是當我說吵鬧一夜時會發生的事情,男人,我打破了我的整個電視節目。哦,畏縮,伙計,這就是發生的事情。這是,後果,好吧,這就是本週的嘀嗒聲,希望你們喜歡這個視頻粉碎像強迫我的主要spunky在這裡幫助我們發現,這一切都適合我。明天見,再見。沒有兄弟會。你知道你有我們自己的目標 - 會有自己的兄弟,你在看嗎?

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Belle Delphine Is Advertising Porn To Kids Now

Belle Delphine Is Advertising Porn To Kids Now

what's up guys hope you're having a,fantastic week as always so today's,topic might make some of the people who,watch this video pretty angry not any of,you guys obviously i mean other people,who come across this video because her,name is in the title and not everyone is,going to agree with what i'm about to,say in this video and that's totally,okay it's about a pretty controversial,topic so i expect that so today we are,talking about bell delphine and how her,content recently has become entirely,catered to luring children into buying,her porn and that sounds pretty ,up to say out loud but it's true her,entire fan base used to consist of 50,year old pedophiles who liked that she,looked like a kid and now it appears to,consist of young teenage children now,personally i have no issue with,belledale fine making porn i honestly,congratulate her for turning herself,from a meme into a multi-millionaire in,less than a year by just having good,business sense she's kind of a genius,when it comes to gaining paying,subscribers,but lately the way she's been attempting,to gain paying subscribers is rather,disturbing almost every single one of,her posts now has a meme or a derivative,of a meme in the caption that only young,children would understand or get for,example on june 1st she posted this,picture no morbid time for you you, degenerate i paraphrased a bit,but that's basically what she was saying,now who are the only group of people on,the internet back in june who would even,know what that caption means or get it,enough to even appreciate it i'll give,you a hint it's little kids so she makes,this post that's obviously meant to be,seen by 12 year olds surfing twitter,looking up the phrase it's morbid time,and then for the picture she posts her,bare ass cheeks now this wouldn't really,be an issue i mean lots of girls on,twitter post porn it's kind of fifty,percent of how only fans gets its,customers but it's the caption of the,picture and the obvious intent for it to,be seen by children that is the problem,now i'm not saying that this means,beldow fine is a pedophile not by any,means at all but i do think that she's,discovered what every internet,personality discovers eventually and,that is that if you convince children to,buy whatever you're selling in this,instance her only fans you're pretty,much set for life so in an effort to,make more millions on top of her other,millions she's resorted to advertising,her sex tapes to little kids and i just,i'd have a slight problem with that,another picture she posted back in may,reads l ratio me again and i'll drive my,g wagon through your house at 140. see,who's laughing then you little,kid now that one is just disturbing once,again it's not the picture she posted,that feels illegal it's the caption the,only people on the internet who,unironically say l plus ratio are like,under the age of 13. no functioning,cognitive adult would be caught dead,unironically saying those two words put,together she even says the word little,kid directly implying that she's talking,to a child and even though she's not,directly saying anything explicitly,sexual the picture kind of says it all,so you see what she's doing here is,she's creating plausible deniability so,if anyone calls her out for blatantly,advertising her pornography to young,kids on the internet she can just say,that's not what i'm doing i'm just being,a character i'm a gamer girl remember,yes you are a gamer girl who is older,than i am so you posting your bare ass,on twitter with a message that's,obviously directed at young kids is,something that you probably shouldn't do,i hate to sound like that guy but if,this was anyone else they would have,been doxxed and swatted to oblivion at,this point they would have been forced,to move to a different country call me,carson almost lost his entire career,because he texted someone that was,barely two years younger than him but,beldell finds totally safe because she's,ironic and she's just making gamer jokes,give me a break every time a,minecraft youtuber dies my boobs get,bigger this was probably bad timing to,post that what's the average age of,people who watch minecraft youtubers and,play minecraft all day ages 3 to 12 3 to,12 that's interesting average age of a,mr beast fan below the age of 18. the,average age of a mr beast fan is around,nine you see the pattern she's forming,here almost every single post she makes,has something to do with an internet,sensation that has an audience of young,children surrounding it if we're being,honest here i'm surprised she hasn't,mentioned quandel dingle in a twitter,post yet or made even one single peaky,blinders reference i mean she hasn't,even mentioned better call saul memes or,tony soprano yet i mean she better hop,on that pretty quick if she wants to get,all the kids that enjoy those things to,buy her only fans because memes only,last about five or six days now but i'm,sure all those things are coming you,know she probably just hasn't gotten,ar

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Belle Delphine | Before They Were Famous | TikTok / Instagram Star

Belle Delphine | Before They Were Famous | TikTok / Instagram Star

Before Belle Delphine would have over 350 thousand followers on Facebook, a couple thousand over on,Patreon account, over 2.7 Million followers on Instagram and over 225k followers on her,2nd Instagram at the time of this recording...,Before Belle Delphine would give us such classics including smashing a cupcake on her face...,Before Belle would get someone to pour eggs all over her body,Before that video would get this video demonetized,it also racked in 6 million views for her instagram account and the girl seems to have,something against eggs.. I guess they were all the rage in early 2019... anyway.,Before Belle would show off her incredible dancing skills,Before popular YouTubers Will Ne, Pyroncynical and PewDiePie would make videos where they,pay Belle Delephine some insane amounts of money,Okay, to be fair, PewDiePie paid her zero bucks.,But you know.. he got some views out of it,Belle Delaphine blew up online through her provocative cosplay pictures and videos of,her, well, unique videos on Tik Tok. She used food and costumes to create an online persona,that has gained her close to 3 million Instagram followers in a short period of time. But it’s,the controversy that surrounds Belle that has taken her fame to a new level. And after,popular YouTubers found out about her Patreon account, which includes some interesting rewards,for becoming a member, well, everybody seems to want to know the story behind Belle Delphine.,On her Patreon account, she begins her bio by saying:,If you're into weird elf kitty girls who try too hard then you have come to the right place,<3 On this page you will find all of my lewd, NSFW and other content which isn't on any,of my other pages. All especially for you. Please read through this page before you decide,to pledge. ILY,And she apparently makes some good money by selling pictures and private Skype calls online.,According to online reports, the girl is worth close to $500,000 from that patreon account,alone… Crazy. I just hope she can pay someone to teach her how to properly eat her cereal…,Because she definitely needs some help.,What's going on guys? It's your boy Michael McCrudden taking a crack at documenting the,life and career of Belle Delphine prior to internet fame, here for you on Before They,Were Famous. If you like this video, a few other recent uploads include The Fiji Water,Girl and The Toronto Chair Girl. If there are any other internet celebrities,or really anyone else that you think we should cover for this channel, let us know in the,comments down below! Now let's get down to brass tax.,Belle Delphine was born Belle Kirschner on October 23, 1999, which makes her 19 years old at,the time of this recording.. According to she was actually born,in South Africa but she later moved to London, England, where she currently resides with,her family of hamsters. You can see those Hamsters in some of her NSFW Instagram pictures.,She is also the #1 most famous cosplayer on the Now for those few,of you out there who still don’t know what cosplay is, it’s basically the practice,of dressing up as a character from a movie, book or video game.,There isn’t a whole lot of information available online about who Belle is, or was... but let’s,go through all of the things we know. She loves painting, drawing, ice-skating and designing,according to her Patreon. She also enjoys DDLG and pet play. According to urban dictionary,,DDLG is cosplay where one person is the caregiver or “daddy” and the other is childlike.,It does clarify that it’s not an actual relationship between a father and daughter,,but still… sounds pretty creepy...,Before rising to fame, Belle worked various jobs like waiting tables, working at a coffee,shop and baby-sitting.,Her first Facebook picture dates all the way back to 2013 and her first documented selfie,posted on Insta comes from 2015,It would be 2 years later before she started posting more intense cosplay pictures that,began gaining her some online fans. What’s odd about Belle’s Instagram is, well there,are many odd things, remember the eggs? But One weird thing is that in all of her recent,pictures and videos she’s wearing braces… Fixing your teeth is commendable, but what,makes it strange is that back in 2016, she posted this picture where she has completely,straight teeth!,This lead some people online to believe that she is trying to look younger on purpose to,attract a certain type of audience. But her likes really jumped up on Instagram when she,posted videos, wearing braces and making a face with her eyes rolled back and her tongue,out.,Bella blew up online because of her videos where she is doing the Ahegao,face. The term is used to describe an expression that’s often drawn on to faces in Japanese,anime of the adult variety. Characteristics of the face are having your eyes rolled back,and sticking your tongue out and it’s used to denote the face extreme pleasure for women.,So you can see how her audience

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Belle Delphine's acquired a few new skills ft. Susu

Belle Delphine's acquired a few new skills ft. Susu

is it weird to ask if you want to do mx,or better with us sure that is strange i,mean well she's a part of like the,channel now you know that's true oh my,god i am,she's like our third leg the biggest one,i have a third leg as well they don't,operator quick demonstration oh we're,starting off with a cultured video,oh,why is she actually like,so fast,to protect the boobas from disrespectful,lookers i love the the armor too she's,very well protected keeps all the,important places secured,wait okay you don't have to put this,part in the video but that was a dude,what no no no,no look at the forearm no look at the,forearms hold on look at the forearm see,that it could be a muscle uniform,forearm that hand is exposed and they,got them arm veins,the arms that's a titty plate no,i think we just got i think you just got,debated but you know what that's the,absolute the dick makes it better it's,okay no sexist or anything but like have,you ever seen a woman like him wow okay,okay henry,yeah i know that's what i was it's okay,i was thinking the same thing,like what a woman is like you know that,like hot was like nice titties and like,you can also like sling an m4,like that only men men make the best,women i need to see how many people got,up,phoenix got you maiden you got ,genie we gotta step up our game men are,becoming better women i know sucks so,that means we gotta be better men,futanari well i do got a bigger dick,genie has the third leg,if a,furry,wants to legally identify as an animal,what is stopping,me from shooting one,susan right now i was looking at the,laws like wait a second what what is,stopping me do you not like furry susu i,don't mind them i think um a lot of,fairies are really nice and the furry,community as a whole has been really,nice um i just thought that was it's,just funny i bet even furries would find,that funny too sushi doesn't kink shame,yeah she welcomes everything and not all,furries do it for a kink some people,just have a fun time dressing like a dog,or whatever return to monkey but return,to doggy wow,you look so cute,who is that victorious secret model on,that yacht oh my god i'm going to self,combust please you both look so cute oh,i like that picture thank you now i have,to go meet you and we have to take a pic,like this we do we need to get a yacht,oh oh,have you seen this we're not watching,this no i haven't oh my god why can't i,why is he trying to hide this from me,it's so good,like have you seen my silhouette,i like it and then great transition,right just,and then it's henry and i'm like oh my,boner's deflated now but,i can't do tick-tock no you did great,you did a good job no it was really cute,that was the best one see susan liked it,which was that easy,i do,she said yes,whoa,one simple trick poachers heat them,kazuranga's ruthless rangers have,reduced rhino poaching by simply gunning,down poachers at sight oh wow jesus that,is pretty effective poaching the,poachers yeah get poached poachers,deserve to get poached um how did you,know i'm a red dead redemption 2 pro,player,oh,oh where did that go oh,gun pockets oh that was a quick draw,over here yeah that's actually sick,see this is what i don't understand in,zombie movies everyone's always with the,shocker like,like they're struggling and they drop,the bullets they always die but only not,everyone's played red dead too you know,have you played susu no,i like different types of games i guess,i like games with waifus,what is she saying to him get in the,robot,get in the way yeah because he's shinji,is this an anime,it's from evangelion oh,we just got outcultured henry that's hot,oh my god she was fake wow,first comment we're uncultured the,actual people from that meme ten years,on okay i'm a little disappointed that,the girl didn't let down her hair yeah,she at all you you that up,that's why he's looking at the other,girl yes that other girl had dedication,she actually wore a red dress let her,hair down dang i feel old they're not,the same people they're just some random,people recreating that meme wow,i've gingivated,op is a liar oh,dear next gen jiggle physics,they always have these at like asian,baseball games now they do booba master,what would you rank this booba those are,really nice boobas it's kind of hard to,say like because they're a little more,covered up you can still tell by this,shape these are some quality booboos i,could tell from the way the buttons,holding on for like somewhat dear life,any size is great it's all about the,shape,ah,have you ever like you know when you run,down the stairs without a bra and you,have to kind of hold your boobs,yeah,never had that feeling yeah i know,exactly what you mean yeah yeah henry,would know well i mean from then it's,more so you know,the balls,they just be flailing around in there,damn when henry walks down the stairs,all you hear is the slap of mine do you,meet keanu reeves or do you take the,option of pp growth i'm sorry little one,i mean i feel confident in my size bu

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Belle Delphine Tik Tok - Patreon Created This (Tik Tok & Instagram Patreon Snapchat)

Belle Delphine Tik Tok - Patreon Created This (Tik Tok & Instagram Patreon Snapchat)

oh you are this my hunger all you need is my pain nothing in between ever met,realized when you were born there was thunder fire in the sky has to lead,astray now if you rating points out of you and me come back,so what do you get if you add a normal girl and elf ears,well this apparently so who is belle delphine and what is this video about,well basically belle delphine as an instagram / tik tok thing if you can call her a creator,she's gonna be a key study for something that's gonna go a bit deeper into the,world of patreon which I'll go into and the second half of the video because I,want to show you the world of patron and what is going on and how they're actually,breaking their own communities guide lines. now some people may not know,this but belle delphine has actually been on YouTube for over two years now and it's,only just became very active on views and subs but she wasn't always that's,crazy little pain control who tries to sell herself on patreon or Instagram,she was actually initially just a normal girl just what L feel so she was so,we're gonna look at the reason why she's possibly changed from what she was then,to this,in fact let's not waste a time we know what the reason is,it's simply money and picture on basic allows people like Bill to sell,pornographic material out well no I'm going T to the patreon community,guidelines I'm gonna look for this fairly carefully because it actually,states something really interesting so this is a text from the official patreon,community guidelines lastly you cannot sale pornographic,material or arrange sexual services as a reward for your patrons no this is going,to highlight one thing that is very wrong with bail and all the wrong a lot,of other people's pledge page they're keeping the community gate line that we,just read in mind this is one of Bale's reward tiers if you like it's quite,expensive and you can see that with vent Ness you get the sexist,naughtiest social media snapchats naughty videos and not so well for what,pecs no these are quite easy to find if you just google them I'm not going to,show them less because it will get demonetized,this is basically the sale in pornographic material and as I said,before there wasn't the only one it's quite widespread across the platform as,a whole now if you go to any streamers on Twitch just chatting page there's,some prominent people on now some of which I'm sure and just know they do it,quite a lot it basically is patreon as a sex shop,for them they know that people are gonna show general interest in them go to,these tiers and want to see more so how did bail and pressure will Carol get to,the point shares no well what she's doing isn't anything new the people on,the screen know I've been doing it for quite a while,they basically trained lutheran local virgins,lead them to different lengths will be Instagram or snapchat all of it peach,one in the past some of the lights of some are confined but the user as a way,of looting money and again no I can't comment on the tears that of God it's,more of the strategy of what they do and it's basically selling himself on the,screen trying gain extra views extra traffic it's a bet Grammy if I'm being,totally honest no Anna pressure will get all who sees s wants to make it big on,YouTube or Instagram they're gonna follow it but not just gonna follow that,they try and better because they know they can better they're gonna be a,beggar and probably more money so for me bail could be a classic case of just,trying to follow her who she's seen in the past and now in the possession where,she's hidden poem and patreon which personally as a father of a daughter as,a very shitty place to be no I just wanted touched on patreon just explained,for anyone who doesn't actually know water as fully or why it's a thing and,why it could possibly damage other people if this is seen to be selling,palm because the pedigree area no picture on as a way of supporting a,content Korea I have one I don't use it I don't really need to support I've had,it for a while and I've never really mentioned it to be honest it's just,something that most creators have know within that you have different tiers as,I've shown where you reward people who Denis it to help support them in what,they're doing no they can be anything from someone who,please music videos draws art varies and always shapes and form no the people,that we've mentioned bail included as I said I use earnest know is more of a,shop to try and bring people and who didn't know are going to try and buy us,because what we see more as Amex waiting for,it's just not really helping other cradles who possibly use si because in,time people may actually think Picchu and it's just some scummy sex shop when,it's not it's actually a very good thing to use that's a good way and a lot of,people use it to support themselves to do their job which is create content now,as I mentioned before the twitch kettles really push this but the very quarry and,how th

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Belle Delphine is finally on Twitch

Belle Delphine is finally on Twitch

Henry yes you know what time it is it's,time for live stream fails,Prime videos got banned is that allowed,yeah wait a second that's Amazon got,banned on Amazon streaming site even,they themselves don't have immunity to,themselves that's great I love that,that's fair what if twitch bends itself,oh wow twitch is like turns the bunk on,this like oh no,The Duality of anime,uh,bro,must watch,dude if I wasn't already hyped up on,this before this has now gone into a,must watch holy let me let me see,what oh,oh,mustard wash must avoid must leave must,run which is what just came out of his,mouth,shook oh God I was disgusting it makes,sense because like like what is this,like a Shonen anime like it's not like a, hentai so what are they doing,like showing a makeout scene like that,straight up like erotica unvaccinated,with Dwight long gets on a plane knowing,he has covet symptoms probably blames,old people for being on the plane with,him if you,if you've covered then you don't go on a,plane you don't infect I didn't,know I had covet I didn't know I had it,I got tested yesterday I did you said,that you had covid last week and I,thought I had covet last week I didn't,get tested though I didn't know okay so,you probably should have if you thought,you had it and you decided to delay your,test because you didn't want to know you,had it nope not true I tried to schedule,it as early as possible that was the,earliest one available you streamed it,and I tried to stand in line but there,was a two-hour line and I said that,I'm going home I had I had I had a fever,and uh muscle aches so I wasn't standing,in no two-hour line those old,people didn't give a bro they were,on the plane yeah okay if you have a,fever and your body is cold and shaking,during this time with Omicron being so,contagious contagious that's the,stupidest decision I've ever heard,that's just dumb it's just very selfish,just even in general if you have,flu-like symptoms shouldn't you just,stay home yeah because what do you do,no no she's going to bed yourself in and,feel a little better you go to like a,hotel and then they have they're like,they have like a little roped off area,for like a smoking area like the,dedicated smoking area in airports right,it's like roped off,why don't they why don't they ,have that for obese people,I'm sure I know they don't have that for,like heroin users but like right why do,we not shame people who are morbidly,obese like it's bad for them it's not,shaving because them being fat is not,endangering other people whereas your,smoke literally is giving secondhand,smoke to asthmatics and heroin there is,no coordinate off area because they'd,all be taken to jail if you were taking,heroin if you have like that thought to,yourself then then uh fine sit yourself,at night but why would you say that out,loud I'm not trying to catch that second,at obesity get that away from me,twins 69 says woman wearing booty shorts,are asking to get silly assaulted oh,that's too much okay because then it's,like there's some people drive there,where you like I mean that's dude you're,just asking to get actually assaulted by,some back in the day yeah right,when I was 16. I cared about it again,just having these thoughts and then,don't open your mouth these are not the,hottest takes no but like he did say at,the end he means just like actual,psychopath criminals like you're,tempting those people he's not saying,like you're tempting like normal people,right so there's a stipulation is that,if somebody is deranged then you're,making it yourself more vulnerable which,means that's the same argument as like,if you're gonna have like,yeah don't go to like Compton yeah and,deck yourself out in the richest thing,yelling rob me we're gonna get cancer,Swedish men's take on Turkish man's,tweet absolutely insane that twitch,banned two of my mods for using the word,cracker one of is black and the other is,brown does twitch actually believe,cracker is a slur okay but what I don't,understand is I thought the c word was,racist against uh white people why does,it matter if his mods are black and the,other is brown that's like,saying one has a car and the other one,has a bicycle,like it has nothing to do with this,doesn't that make it worse because,you're just saying that they aren't,white therefore they cannot say that,thing about white people yeah that's,like oh he he used the N like my mods,use the n-word one of them is white and,one of them is Asian,reaffirming why you shouldn't use the,end I think what Hassan is trying to say,is because my mods are ethnic it is not,possible for them to be racist which I,don't believe in just because someone is,black Asian or brown doesn't mean they,cannot be a racist or shouldn't be held,accountable for being racist hot cake I,am going Ramsay responds to xqc Gordon,said hey at twitch can I get a lesson on,what you are hashtag Next Level Chef xqc,responded I'll give you a free rundown,call me on my cell America's Next Master,streamer paus

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Belle Delphine mailed ME HER *********!!!!!

Belle Delphine mailed ME HER *********!!!!!

wait hold on i missed hold on there's a,detail here,these are covered in paint and dry paint,and if i remember correctly you didn't,do a video where you did dry,are you telling me cut it out you have,to leave right now,walk down here,i can't be burned,all right here's the story of bel,delphine i sent her a beautiful photo of,this,i don't very i will give you 1 000,paypal right now if you damn me a heart,emoji,i asked her are you actually an african,yep lived there almost half my life,she's a brother,by my calculations and she gives me uh,then i offer to send her my play button,because i'm a massive sim that she says,yes wow i'm i'm sending her my play,button she sent me her address boys,where are we dropping,then she sent me this photo and then i,sent her my foot then,she says spit on it first okay,any 14 year olds who are alive,does it make babies,there is quite literally a trillion ways,to play this game my archer man,clifford boom,look at this green thing oh he's shaking,now we kill him then,we got him i win it's a big-ass 124,tower with secret challenge rooms and 12,badass bosses and it's live now so go,to get a head start rangers giving a,special champion bull mark bull,but if you want that if you want to,climb to town,got a free champion actually booster 50,gems energy refills,and you'll find those gifts and rewards,in your inbox right here oh my god,it do be melting though,yep that's rancid that's,disgusting i can't i can't,i can't so we got jim in there he's,rotting,i'm gonna give it another spit,all right what am i going to include in,there ah,perfect i don't know i'm gonna give you,windows,out for night for dummies,well because you're so special me i,think i'll just give you one of these,i'll give you okay,i'll give you one of my treasured,pictures of painted beautiful thousand,million dollar brooklyn,type b could auction it off for millions,but i'm getting it to you for free queen,look at them rolls,take that i know you didn't expect this,button i bought you the month,wow,the 911 operator about my father and my,wife how beautiful she is,oh it's almost in there like a let's,take,a video for belle mcqueen,i hope this message reaches you well in,wherever the pop-up africa,the police are knocking at my door i,can't believe i called them,please call me,and now queen i will write you,a love letter you keep it in my surprise,surprise,bella let me be clear and honest i love,you,my sunshine your skin looks like,marshmallows,it was up blotting man,my lady could even read that,text bottom left text unreadable text,joe nuts one two two three on your only,part xxxtentacion we're in,please make sure this this reaches my,wife belle safely i love her very much,oh yeah she goes she goes to a different,school though,do you believe,is,big mac chicken nugget what do you want,better,please tell me what you want,cut it out you have to leave right now,large fry often,sir i'm gonna have to ask you to leave,please i'll use my credit card,can i get a travis scott burger you,wanna travel,yes please three try to kill burgers,three we ain't got money like that,y'all got my burgers,hey yo y'all got my burgers and water my,stomach growling son,i'm trying to eat good out here y'all,delaying my burgers yes please,wait wait just follow me do you do you,know what can we get free food,yeah yeah like a fried mint chicken,let's go thank you bro what's your,guys's youtube channel,it's uh jay paul,thank you very much i appreciate it ah,travis scott miranda,you see belle sent these other youtubers,uh mystery boxes with these,interesting items but in this video i,will show you that my box,the one she sent me is the most shocking,out of any of them you will be charged,yeah so uh bella sent me the package i'm,gonna go get it now,holy she probably mailed herself,she probably mailed herself like her,torso or something,we got something to do,there you go you can just see my address,on there and grand unveiling,all right this is a leg so yes we did,get a body part now if i'm correct,this this seems used damn,unfortunately there's no leg in there,god damn i got,what is that a dog donkey what,is this,ugh this is my play button she sent it,back i don't think i can show this,bob did you clean it well you've cleaned,it you are some extra terrestrial,cleaning services fly ,there's another sort of animal in there,and that one was dirty had to do it to,him all right we have a box the hell was,that,monkey i'm getting the whole african,safari experience here thank you belle,and what the ,is that oh hey i know i'm,jeffrey break out lucille are you,weird,yo this has some good ass,dimple though thank you appointments,fujifilms this monkey has been through,many things photos so cute,the absolute algae what the hell's,yeah that noise kind of red box in a bag,what a nintendo switch wow,they'll feed this edition,real switch boys yeah wait what is this,a real switch,yo i'm actually about to be gaming whoa,it's like an actual anime switch my,simping has paid off

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Belle Delphine has something to show us down there

Belle Delphine has something to show us down there

welcome to blurst images I need my hand,if you want to do butter sandwiches,there you go a blurst pistolver oh,it kind of Curves in but like why,because all right you're gonna shoot the,guy so like either way like does it,matter if you're shot by a revolver or a,pistol what's the point of revolvers,anyways is it like slow the crosses down,oh it's faster if you know how to do it,is that the point where's the card,approved they,that the soul of that card the monster,inside was you as payment oh it uses,attack and defense okay that's,okay 1 500 is in one card it used the,heart of the card oh my,oh mine is this I need to go dude for a,minute I get that swollen is incredible,I bet they don't have much testosterone,right I don't think they have balls so,girl how massive that dude's,neck is he skipped like they though in,the list today okay can I check out the,women's forces instead I don't need a,joint I just need a watch I wonder uh,what kinds of things you're smelling,right now could you imagine if there was,a woman there and they say all right,form up and every guy's like I'm working,fine,I'm behind her and they're like no I'm,behind her I'll pay you 10 bucks I'll,pay you 20.,blurst indoor swimming pool the shallow,end oh this is my kind of pool this is,my kind of water the one that's not,water that's not very comfortable though,around you is marble she invited me to,swim on this I'd swim on here all day,baby yeah I don't think you know what,swimming okay florist cabinet you know,what's crazy is that his face actually,kind of resembles Snoop Dogg right here,yeah are you racist are you just saying,that because he's black no he's like,channeling his inner Snoop Dogg snoop,cat it's Snoop cat imagine dying in the,minion themed ambulance who made this I,mean I guess it'd be like a happy death,they used a gamer chair Henry they did,what I see this for kids because you,know like you don't want to make them,Panic that's so if you make it like oh,no don't don't focus on your bleeding,arm my focus on the minions we're here,to patch you up we're gonna take you to,group I mean I kind of like it before I,die I want to be in a nice happy place,uh I think this is like someone's,parents but they use like the filter,Henry that looks like a parent to you no,I I could totally see that being like a,dad but like he was like the kid filter,that's a little Timmy oh wait he put on,makeup in a week yeah holy this is,my girlfriend I am in love with myself,stupid honestly you pull it off though,but then again he is like 12 so like,it's pretty easy like mix up the Sexes,you know Polaris Doom running in Nepal,wow yeah that's that's uh unmistakably,Doom you can tell by the life bar and,the you know 3D Graphics back in the day,but yeah is it okay to like desecrate a,cactus for that or nobody cares like no,one cares about cactuses I mean as long,as it doesn't impact the cactus's,ability to take in the sun and water so,how would you feel if someone just came,up to you and started like etching Doom,into your skin you know kind of Hardcore,I feel like okay,okay blurst hood ornament oh that's,gangster why that goes hard man it looks,kind of stupid no it doesn't I want to,turn it might even work too you probably,like supplies water from the no it's,true it's oil like and it's just oil,um I'd eat that yeah it's it's basically,just Spam with soupy with hot dogs,Instead This is actually very viable as,food it's like American Sushi you know,like sure what you find in the South,like oh you got the Asians pull fish and,we can do that too and we they just,stick sausage in there dip this is some,soy sauce maybe a little bit of Wasabi,and this would be killer what you use,ketchup or ketchup too mix in some,ketchup where's that one my eyes but,actually I think it's because in the,animation that's how her eyes are drawn,oh yeah that is actually completely 100,accurate to the anime so you can't even,argue with that worst accident oh no,oh no honestly the amount of time they,spent on this is probably pretty,tremendous rate and for what it I mean,you could pretend like you're eating out,of deer's guts worst beekeeping ah okay,okay kid has no protection exactly but,the,bees I bring you a sacrifice maybe he,just knows that bees actually don't go,for the young and that he says every,animal yeah,yeah he's understanding yeah,nah nah you you don't with that,first portrait oh yeah I saw this on,Twitter oh what,why would they draw you like that it's,so Savage dude it's kind of,accurate,no because you can't say that what's,more memorable you know like the,character traits that they've got she's,got big teeth and he's got a big ass,forehead yeah man that's how like,cartoon styles are you know they take,like your one notable feature and then,they just dramatize the out of it,what do you think boom that's your,character oh my eyebrows the eyebrows,are just beautiful,a good V oh it might be,your face would take the expanse of the,entire paper is that what you want to,say n

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