why does gooten say this shop is not available when i try to add my shopify store

Sync products from Shopify hello and welcome to guten,my name is kevin and today we'll go over,how t

Gooten Inc

Updated on Feb 24,2023

Sync products from Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to why does gooten say this shop is not available when i try to add my shopify store

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why does gooten say this shop is not available when i try to add my shopify store catalogs

Sync products from Shopify

hello and welcome to guten,my name is kevin and today we'll go over,how to sync products from your shopify,store,to sync products from your shopify store,let's first go to the product hub,click on the shopify tab next,click on the sync product button this,will take you to the product sync page,that lets you see which products you can,sync from shopify,for now we'll select this mug product to,sync and then click on the sync product,button,once we're on the sync a product page,you can answer the question here and,follow the sync process,you're given the option to either sync,your shopify product to an existing,product that we have saved in our,product hub or sync it to a new product,in this scenario we'll click no because,we want to sync this shopify bar to a,new product in guten,now we have the search and select the,product in gluten that matches the,shopify product,you can use the drop down to search and,select your product,below it will display the varying,options for the product that you have,selected,now you need to choose which variant you,want to sync your shopify product to,please note that the next part is,important when syncing your products,as you can see here you need to match,the correct sku for your product,in our scenario we need to select a,match for an 11 ounce mug,the first section will show the,suggested matches of product variants,that you can sync your product to,the second section will show all the,product variants in our system,you can search through all of our,variants for now we'll search all of our,mug variants for 11 ounce mugs,we'll select the wrap around with border,11 ounce mug variant,after all of your skus are synced you,can click on the continue to upload,artwork button,this will take you to our image editor,page where you can upload your design,and edit it on your product click on the,bulk upload artwork button,from here you can upload any new artwork,for your product by clicking the upload,new artwork button,for now we'll upload an artwork that's,already saved in our system,to do this simply highlight over the,image and then click on the select,button,once you upload the artwork you can see,your image displayed on your product,here you're provided with an option to,change the scale of your artwork on your,products,we also provide additional options to,crop your artwork center it,rotate it and undo or redo any changes,let's make some changes to see how our,artwork looks on our products,after you're done editing your artwork,on your product click on the continue,button,on this page you can check out a mock-up,of your product,click on the continue button to proceed,to the final process,this is the product details page where,you can edit your product information,and set the prices,you can change your product name here,and as you type it will automatically,update the name,you can also change the description for,your product and select a wide variety,of other options for your product,here you're provided an option to push,this product to your store as a draft if,you are not fully ready to publish your,products,the pricing section allows you to view,the price of your product set the profit,for your product and view how much it's,going to cost your customer,here you can set how much you're,profiting from your products and once,you change the profit the retail price,for your customer will adjust,accordingly,the variance section allows you to see,which variants are synced for this,particular product,let's scroll up and you can choose to,upload the mock images to your store,after you're all done click on the sync,product button and wait for it to finish,processing,once finished you can see a notification,that shows you that your product has,been synced,you can see the product that you just,synced here in the product hub,now if we go to the shopify tab in the,product hub you will see that the,product was synced for your shopify,store,congratulations you have just learned,how to sync products from your shopify,store,my name is kevin and thank you for,watching

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