wholesale ted shopify

TUTORIAL: How To Make $100 a Day with FREE SEO Traffic (Shopify SEO Tutorial) free free free everybo

Wholesale Ted

Updated on Feb 25,2023

TUTORIAL: How To Make $100 a Day with FREE SEO Traffic (Shopify SEO Tutorial)

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TUTORIAL: How To Make $100 a Day with FREE SEO Traffic (Shopify SEO Tutorial)

free free free everybody loves free hey,everybody it's me Syria from Jose Ted,and today I'm gonna be doing a highly,requested video I'm gonna be showing you,how you can get free buyers and free,traffic to your online store it can make,over a hundred dollars a day in profit,and yes as you'll see it doesn't matter,what your store is you could be drop,shipping you could be doing print on,demand you could even be making your own,items this method will work for you so,some of my subscribers who've been,around for a while may remember that I,have a friend yarrow,yarrow is actually the founder and,creator of the awesome drop shipping,plugin Ally dropship while Guerra built,that after creating a portfolio of,aliexpress drop shipping stores they,were making him about six thousand,dollars a month in profit and yarrow,success with aliexpress drop shipping is,something that I've talked about before,on this channel but how is he making his,money was that with Facebook ads or,Google Adwords or Instagram ads well the,answer is none of the above,instead yarrow used free traffic sources,his profit was split between two types,of free traffic his Facebook fan page,traffic and free Google SEO traffic now,given that I was talking about SEO last,week a lot of you will probably remember,what it was but for those of you out,there that don't know SEO stands for,search engine optimization so let's take,this monkey err on aliexpress this cat,face mark is selling for $7.48 well if,we head to Google and do a search for,the phrase cat face monk you will see,that Google found over 40 million pages,on the internet relevant to the search,term and if we scroll down here you'll,see that Google chose to recommend these,websites on the first page of its,results now again Google found over 40,million pages relevant to my search term,you chose these as its favorite ones and,the pages that most recommended so how,did these websites get chosen to be at,the top of Google's search results,well the answer is that they made some,tweaks and modifications to those,websites and those tweaks and,modifications are called search engine,optimization otherwise known as SEO and,every single second Google is purchasing,over 40,000 search results the,st. there is so much traffic to be had,from the Google search engine and you,know what it is free traffic you see,when you do a search on Google you have,two types of results that pop up firstly,at the top you may see these sponsored,ads of people have bought them and yes,to sit here you need to pay Google but,if we scroll down to these results here,the ones that Google's search algorithm,found for us and recommended as the best,pages these websites paid Google nothing,to set here these are called the organic,search results and they don't have the,word sponsored or ad next to them Google,is an algorithm a computer a robot its,mission is to read as many pages on the,internet that it can which is billions,and billions when someone does a search,for a keyword the algorithm looks at all,the pages that's read and figures out,which ones that thinks is best for you,no money required if your page is simply,considered to be the best for that,search term then Google will send buyers,and traffic your way and recommend it,for free so for example let's come back,to that search phrase again I did at the,start of this video Cafe schmuck well on,the first page of recommended results,you'll see that Google is recommending,this website mug 'dom if we click on the,listing you'll see that they are selling,this exact mug for a big markup price,and if we check out the product listing,we can confirm that their drop shipping,it from Aliexpress because of the,shipping disclaimer Maxim is an example,of a hybrid store it has drop shipping,mugs - really from Aliexpress such as,these ones here but it is also creating,and selling its own ones that makes with,print-on-demand services like prenta Phi,in printful such as these mugs here and,every single day it is getting free,customers and free traffic from ranking,highly in Google search results for,example check this out if we come back,to Google and do a search for the phrase,lawyer mugs we will see that they rank,highly for the search phrase as well and,if we come back to the Google search,engine again and type in dr. max we'll,see that again the store is ranking,highly in Google for the search phrase,as well so I can imagine that a lot of,you are saying Sarah I want free traffic,and I want free sales how do I get them,well good question so,in this video I'm gonna be giving you a,four step tutorial that you can follow,so that you can get free Google traffic,to your store but just a warning this,might get a little technical and jargony,at times so I'm gonna try to do my best,to simplify it as much as possible and,also you're going to discover that if,you want to get free Google traffic to,your site there is a price that you're,gonna have to pay and that is with your,time and if you don't want to spend the,time to follow these instructions in,this tutorial then I honestly understand,and so in that case there if you'd like,to get faster sales and faster traffic,then I recommend that you download our,free ebook the six steps at six-figure,drop shipping stores followed to make,over ten thousand dollars a month and it,outlines a strategy that big drop,shipping stores follow which is to use,low cost Facebook ads and you can find a,link to download the e-book and the,video description below and one final,quick disclaimer as I've talked about,before on this channel I've had success,with this year Yarrow's had success with,this year but just because we've had,successful vcr does not guarantee that,everyone else will everyone's results,will vary,so with those disclaimers out the way,let's look at what makes Google choose,some websites over others one of the,biggest organizations dedicated to,studying Google is a company called Moz,and I'm going to be referencing them a,lot in this video they have studied the,Google algorithm and discovered that,these are the factors Google considers,when choosing which websites it likes,the most now these can be broken down,and simplified into two main ways that,you can keep Google happy one structure,your website in a way that Google likes,so this is going to involve things like,putting lots of words on our pages and,using keywords correctly and things like,that and I'm going to be showing you how,to do these things in this tutorial to,create lots of high quality backlinks so,that's a very jargony word let me,explain what backlinks are for those of,you that don't know a backlink is simply,when another website links to your,website so a href calm has a free tool,that lets you spy on what backlinks your,competitors have if we type hole so Ted,common to it you will see that hole so,Ted has quite a few backlinks and if we,look at what they are you,see that we actually have entrepreneur,and Forbes linking to us now that's very,significant because Google considers,Forbes an entrepreneur very,authoritative websites and so in,Google's eyes the fact that they are,linking to hosts so T it means that they,are recommending it and because Google,thinks of those websites as an authority,it trusts their recommendations ever,since getting those two backlinks our,website has gained more traffic from,people doing searches for keywords and,phrases related to our blog posts why,well because of the fact that Google,likes and trusts our website more now it,considers our website more of an,authority but this just one problem,isn't there using websites like fools to,link tear is very very hard and that's,just the honest truth giving good high,quality backlinks is not easy and there,is actually an easy way the easy way is,to buy them but buying them is very very,expensive unfortunately if we look at,the graph of ranking factors created by,Moz,you can see that these ones here all,relate to backlinks and so for the,Google algorithm they are clearly the,most important factor it considers let's,don't worry because that's why I've made,this tutorial I'm gonna teach you how to,get Google traffic without having,backlinks now that's not to say that I'm,not gonna teach you how to keep,backlinks I am gonna teach you how to,get them later on in this tutorial and,they're gonna be free and they're gonna,be very high quality they're probably,just not going to be what you expect but,honestly that's just going to be more of,a bonus to give you an edge what I,really wanted to try to achieve for this,tutorial is give you a strategy so that,you can get Google traffic without,backlinks and for that you need to do,something first,step 1 identify low competition keywords,and products to target and sell here is,the thing there are some products and,keywords out the event websites that,have lots of backlinks just haven't,tried to target or sell yet so you know,what you should do you should find these,keywords and you should target them,yourself and so that's what we want to,do we want to find products and keywords,to target and so with our store that,people that already have been,links for the page have not tried to,Target or sell yet if the pages that are,currently ranking for these search terms,don't have backlinks either then that is,a great thing that we're going to be,able to compete with them without having,any as well to identify these low,competition keywords and products we're,going to simplify the process and use,Moz comms tool the keyword Explorer now,be cool this keyword Explorer tool free,but it's not free it's free if you only,want to analyze team keywords a month,but we're gonna need to analyze a lot,more of a team luckily most has a free,30-day trial to take advantage of you'll,want to get a free 30-day trial of the,median plan since they will give you,five thousand keyword searches you can,use it to create a huge list of low,competition keywords and products and,then just cancel before your trial,expires alright so I'm going to switch,over to my computer now and show you how,to use it okay so I'm over here on,martha's keyword explorer so so let me,first of all just do a search to show,you how it actually works so we're gonna,come in here and type in lawyer mugs and,then go and change the location to be,the USA and in do a search so we're,going to be able to see what the keyword,difficulty is for this keyword when the,data loads up so as you can see it's,given us this data so we can see how,many searches a keyword gets how,difficult the keyword is to rank for,what percentage of the clicks on the,page go towards the free listings and,there's also the priority score which is,Moses overall score it gives to a,keyword so the organic click-through,rating refers to the fact that the some,search terms google clogs it up but the,striking things like ads and image,results so did a search for lure mugs,and google and as you can see this pages,images at the top and it's also got this,ad and so these are going to be taking,clicks away from the free organic,listings below so if we come back to Moz,that used to make that around 54% of,people will be clicking on the free,organic search results so that's okay at,least the majority of the traffic goes,towards the free so let me explain this,number here though the number of,searches a keyword gets each month now,this number looks small and it is,however keep in mind that if you rank,well for the search phrase you'll also,be ranking well for other similar key,and phrases - alright every month there,will be lots and lots of users who are,searching for what called longtail,keywords these are more specific,keywords such as best coffee mugs to,give to lawyers that is very specific,and it will only get a handful of,searches a month but all these longtail,keyword searches are very powerful,combined they add up to the majority of,search engine traffic it's frustrating,we can't calculate how much exists with,tools but we know that there will be a,lot of these that we can't track,in addition keep in mind that with a low,competition SEO strategy your aim is to,target as many low competition products,and keywords that you can Yara had,literally hundreds of products listed,each products may only have gotten the,small amount of traffic but combined it,made for a lot of traffic so what we,really want to be looking at when we do,a search is list about this number over,here and more about this one the,competition rating we want it to be 35,or less now this one is above 35 so it's,a keyword I'd recommend avoiding and so,this is pretty much what you do you just,want to come in here and use this,keyword tool and type in lots of,different product ideas into it and find,a low competition once they may be,thinking how do I do that where do I get,ideas for products to put in here well,there are lots of websites that you can,use you know for example you can go and,browse Aliexpress for product ideas and,then you can go and you can browse,Amazon for product ideas and if you're,interested in print-on-demand you can,browse Etsy and see what designs are,selling on there as well now for me I,got inspiration by looking around the,office I actually saw this guitar mug,it's a staple example Aliexpress item on,this channel and yeah I thought you know,what people often buy this as a gift for,friends and family so what about that,what about gifts bucket iris and so it,came to Maude's and I did a search for,that guess look at iris there you go and,you know what I discovered that yes this,is a very low competition keyword check,it out it has a competition score of,just 26 and it's got a surprising amount,of traffic too so this here this is a,good keyword that means that it would be,a low competition keywords and I thought,well you know what this would be a great,keyword for a product category page,I could have a product category page,that has lots of cool gifts that I found,on Aliexpress and creative print on,demand services like printer fine print,four that are aimed at guitar lovers and,I could also do SEO in the in-depth,targeting different keywords for all the,different guitar products that I end up,selling on my site as well and so my,idea was sparked what if I create a,website that sells novelty fun gifts,aimed at different types of musicians so,I had to go and do a bit of deeper,searching and ultimately I ended up,finding other similar keywords so if we,come in here and type in guess for,drummers and live it loads you'll see,that yes this is a very low competition,keywords with a difficulty score of just,23 which is kind of surprising because,if you look at this it's got quite a lot,of monthly search volume so I decided to,do a key a search for the keyword gifts,for musicians you're too cheap to see if,this was viable and yes she could out,here it is a difficulty score of 34 but,quite a lot of monthly search volume and,so yes this keyword met our criteria as,well which was awesome and so I found my,store idea I was going to have a shop,with novelty items aimed at different,types of musicians and so this was going,to be my store theme now when you are,trying to do SEO for a store and he have,very few backlinks it is very important,that you pick a theme rather than just,going with a general store and that's,for many reasons but one of the more,important reasons is that down the road,when we are adding backlinks to our,website we want to have our backlinks,coming from another site that is,relevant to the items that we are,selling in our store Google wants to see,that you're not getting backlinks from,random sites but other web sites that,are an authority and that are relevant,to the items that you're selling in your,store and so because of this we want to,keep our store themed around one central,idea and so of course for me this was,going to be gifts for musicians speak to,create and optimize your store for the,Google search engine and of course they,need to actually go out there and create,your store so that you can list the,items in it for sale and while you're,creating your store you want,making some tweaks and modifications to,it to make it Google friendly now it's,part of this tutorial I'm gonna be,showing you how you can optimize each of,these pages using Shopify I know a lot,of my subscribers prefer WooCommerce and,that's totally fine unfortunately though,in this tutorial I simply don't have,time to show you how to optimize both,types of online store platforms and,since Shopify is my favorite and the,ones that I've got the most experience,with I'm gonna be using it as part of,this tutorial but you can still apply a,lot of us to WooCommerce as well and if,you would like to get Shopify for,yourself so that you can follow along,with me in this tutorial I have a link,to how you can get a 14-day free trial,in the video description below,please note that as an affiliate link,your hosts out here all of our youtube,videos are free and affiliate links help,us keep their videos free so let's start,out by switching over to my computer and,showing you how to optimize your product,pages so here's an example of a product,page I created this is a flute poster ie,opposed to aimed at flute players this,product had relatively low competition,which was great again not much traffic,but given we're planning on adding lots,of products and having it go wide,strategy combined with ranking for,related keywords and longtail keywords I,don't mind this and this product was,actually one that I created on printful,doin her flute posters on Aliexpress so,I had to make one myself I didn't know,what to create so week two Etsy and I,looked up t-shirts for flute players,this shirt was the most popular I,thought it was pretty funny it's a joke,about Harry Potter and wizards and there,are other t-shirts featuring the same,joke too so I took inspiration from them,and turn them into this poster now there,are several ways that are optimized this,product page from a chosen keyword very,importantly this page features over 400,words for product pages 400 to 500 words,is what you should aim for something,else I did was they use my primary,keyword flu posters throughout the,product page but I didn't overdo it,I used it four times I recommend using,it four times but don't use it anymore,if you use it too much you Russ Google,finding your page spammy in addition if,you've read the description you'll see,that it's just that it's highly,descriptive it isn't just fluff or fella,I talked about the quality of the paper,I talked about the quality of the ink I,talked about how to best users poster by,writing a descriptive description,you'll naturally use what is called LSI,keywords without even trying and Google,loves our lycée keywords and so it will,like your description too and something,else I tried to do was I tried to use my,knowledge of writing engaging copy to,make this description engaging and fun,to read,now I had a very limited amount of time,to write us unfortunately so it could,certainly be better but I did my best to,make it engaging for the reader Google's,algorithm is pretty smart and I can tell,you it can tell if your tix is engaging,so that's what I did with this text now,let me show you how I updated the,websites code and the backend of my,Shopify admin page and don't worry it's,easier to do than you might think so the,first piece of code you could say I edit,is the image alt tags you see when you,upload an image to your site Google,can't see it it doesn't have eyes and,what it can do is read code and tick so,what we want to do is add a piece of,code to our image so click this button,and then type in your main keyword so of,course mine here was flute posters and,so I put it as the image alt text and,then all you do is click done and so,once you've done that to go ahead and,just mouse over each image and click,that button and then type in different,keywords you can see for this one I use,the tag funny will print for flute,players and once you've done that for,all your images we'll just go in and,edit the search engine data code first,though let me explain what we'll be,editing we'll be editing two things the,title tag and a description tag all of,these tell Google what they should show,when they list you in the search engine,results,the title tag tells Google what your,title should be and the description,tells Google what description they,should show to preview potential,visitors to your site so to edit your,search engine code just come down to the,bottom of your product page and click,this button edit website SEO so for your,title I recommend you use 55 to 60,characters do not use any Cuban more,than once and try not to reuse words,more than once I did reuse the word,flute a second time and this should be,fine because there's no other word for,flute but if you can avoid repeating,words and also try and put your primary,keyword as close to the stock of your,tie,as possible just like I did now the,description is interesting google,doesn't actually use this or so they say,when choosing whether to wreck your site,or not however people as an actual,humans using Google use that when,picking which website they'll click on,so try and make it engaging because one,of the benefits of picking a low,competition keywords there's often times,your competitors are pages that market,places like it see automatically,generate and so they have terrible,descriptions that are not engaging at,all so this means you have an edge over,them in that way I recommend you have a,maximum of 300 characters otherwise some,words may get cut off on your search,result and there's something else you,need to update in it is the URL so come,in and change it so that it's your,primary keyword and separate the words,with dashes so for me mine's going to be,flute - posters and once you've done all,of that just click Save and you'll have,created a Google friendly product page,here's the kicker though you need to do,this for all of your product pages and I,mean all of them,so yes doing this will take time however,it is an investment into your future I,think one of my most favorite quotes of,all time has to be do something today,that your future self will thank you for,tomorrow I have no idea who said that,probably a lot of people have said that,but at the very least those words are,very very wise so now we've gone ahead,and we've optimized our product pages,let's move on to our product category,pages remember that for my store my,product category pages are going to be,aimed at keywords like gifts for,drummers and gifts for guitarists your,category pages can be an incredible,source of traffic for mugdha it's their,category of pages not the individual,product pages themselves that we're,ranking for a lot of their keywords so,let me show you how to do this okay so,here is my category page they optimized,this is kiss for guitars now with the,product category pages they are a bit,different one of the differences is that,Google doesn't expect to see as many,words on the page because check it out,here is a category page and what it,would look like if it had 400 words on,it,absolutely terrible right it would be a,very bad user experience and so product,pages rank fine without lots of text,some text helps but we don't need 400,words a hundred words of optimized,descriptive text should be fine,in addition you'll see that I have links,to other products using keywords related,to them this is called interlinking it's,something that Google likes to see on,your category pages and so add one to,three of them as well so what we should,do now is we should come on over into,the admin area and I'll show you how to,update the code on your product pages as,well so something a lot of people don't,know is that you can add an image to,your category page so if we switch back,over to the page you'll see that it,shows up here so make sure that it's a,big high-quality image so that it,doesn't look pixelated so go ahead and,upload a picture and once you've done,that you can click Edit and then you can,click the Edit image Ultratech tag,button and of course and here be sure to,put your primary keywords and of course,after that you'll want to edit the,search engine data code to come down to,the bottom of the page and click it you,know the SEO button and just like before,including optimized title between 55 to,60 characters and have your primary,keyword at the start of it try not to,use any word more than once and you'll,want to create an engaging description,that will entice users to click on your,site and you'll want to update the year,out to match your keyword as well so as,you can see this URL here is gifts -,four - guitarist's and while effects,that you're done that's how you optimize,your category pages just click Save and,we can move on to the next step,alright so now I'm going to show you how,to make one more page google friendly,and that is your home page since your,home page is just going to be your base,URL we will not be editing that aspect,as part of our home page optimization,tutorial something to keep in mind,though when you are choosing your domain,name for your store is to pick one that,signals to Google what types of items,you're selling or watch your store theme,s my store is called musical note gifts,that's clearly signals to Google what my,store is about it is gifts relating to,music so let me switch back to my,computer and show you how to do this,alright so here is the home page for my,store remember my primary keyword for,this page is Gus for musicians as it had,surprisingly low competition so let's,start out with the,by now you should know that adding ticks,is important to any website and yes I've,done that here I've added four hundred,words of optimized text on my homepage,now it doesn't look like I've added four,hundred words of tips and that's because,the way I've done it is kind of sneaky,I had the tick so that it wouldn't make,the homepage look clogged with walls of,text so of course yes you can see that,down here I added in about 200 words of,text this has the added benefit of,adding our keyword guests for musicians,and to what is called the h1 title tag,we haven't talked about them before,because your product pages all have us,included by default it's your product,title and your product category pages,have this included by default as well,again it's the title of the page but our,home page doesn't have one so what I did,was inside the home page editor I added,in a rich text block and made sure to,use our primary keyword inside the title,but there is another way that I added an,extra text and that was stir the image,slider so if we scroll up you can see,that there is text on the slides and,combined it comes out to just over a,hundred words this is an easy way to,slurp extra words them to your home page,so to do it is really simple just make,sure that you have an image slider,widget edit and then when you add a,slide come into it and then scroll down,and you can put your text into these,text box here see the heading and,subheading boxes and this is also a,great way to add in your image alt data,so just come to your first image and,then you want to come and click the edit,button and then in the image alt tech,text box put your primary keyword like I,did here and then you just want to click,Save and of course you should add an,additional secondary keywords for your,other image about tags as well just like,I did and so the additional way that I,added in text was I put in for featured,product collections and yes the ticks on,these counts towards the total ticks on,the page - each of these was about 25,words and so combines this page has just,over 400 words and we've got to edit our,search engine data code so come back to,our Shopify admin area and click online,store and then click preferences in the,sub menu and the Preferences page you'll,be able to update your,description Shopify will tell you your,title can be up to 70 characters I,strongly recommend sticking to 55 to 60,otherwise words can get cut off in your,listing and it'll say your description,can be up to 320 characters but gano,recommend sticking to no more than 300,so that words don't get cut off in the,search engine and optimize your title,just like before put your primary,keyword at the start of the title and,try not to reuse keywords and for your,description focus on making engaging and,enticing so that viewers will click,through to your store and of course just,click Save and you'll have an optimized,home page and it's quick bonus tip when,you're going through and optimizing your,store for Google if you've got an about,Us page then I recommend that you add at,least 800 words of text to it and that,you add two images and why is that well,it's because the fact there and about Us,page actually has a lot of similarities,to a blog post and when it comes to a,blog post Google expects to see a lots,of text and a lots of images which leads,me to the next part of this tutorial,tip 3 add a blog to your store there is,a little bit of a passion that you may,have noticed while watching this video,and that is text text text Google likes,text which again makes sense it's an,algorithm a computer a robot a machine,it processes text not images and so that,is what it processes the best and in,addition to seeing that you've got pages,with lots of text Google also likes to,see that you're adding new text to your,website and that is for two reasons one,it indicates to Google that you're,dedicated to making your website better,so Google's algorithm tends to assume,that new content is up-to-date and,relevant and so the easiest way to add,new valuable content on an ongoing basis,is to use the blog feature within,Shopify and so that's what we're going,to do we're going to add a blog and,we're going to add at least one new blog,post to it every week unlike with our,product pages images at home page we,don't need to pick low competition,keywords for our blog posts so you can,pick any relevant topic to write about,as long as well yeah it's related to,your source thing,and that's because honestly the traffic,that will come in through our blog posts,is going to be very untargeted so it's,very unlikely that people who come in,from it are going to buy our items,anyway instead what we're going to be,doing is we're going to be writing and,optimizing our blog posts in a way to,signal to Google that it is valuable,contents that we are adding to our site,so let me switch back to my computer and,I'll show you how to add an optimized,blog post okay so here is a blog post,that I've uploaded to my site it's a,blog post it's all about the history of,the guitar so this article is around a,thousand words because blog posts are by,nature supposed to be long and wordy,Google expects out so make sure all of,your blog posts are at least 800 words,aiming for 800 mm does a good range,longer is fine but it's not you know,usually necessary and no I really didn't,care when uploading this article about,keyword did see my main focus wasn't,uploading and engaging article and so,thus I made sure that it was formatted,correctly and spelt correctly plus they,added on to photos Google can't really,see photos but it knows that they're,there and it likes photos because it,knows that users like photos so make,sure you add at least two to your blog,post and something else that you'll want,to do is to find a relevant YouTube,video and embed it in your article as,Wow now it doesn't have to be your video,it can be someone else's video and yes,before anyone asks this is perfectly,legal so let me show you how to add in a,video by going into the admin area so,here is a new blog post and I'm in the,process of editing or adding to my site,it's the history of the piano that's,what I did was a week to YouTube and I,found a video relevant to my topic and,to embed it just click share and then,click a beard and then you want to copy,all of this code here and then come back,to your blog post and then find where,you want to add in the video and then,click the insert video button and then,it paste on the code and click insert,video and then you're done so in,addition you also want to add a featured,image to your blog post so be sure to,get an extra image for that and I,recommend keeping everything else on the,page as near its absolutely fine,don't add tags because this can,what's called duplicate content,penalties it's just safest to avoid tags,and once he creeds your optimized well,post just make sure that you come up and,you see it to be visible rather than,hidden and then just click Save and in,that search you'll have uploaded a,Google friendly blog post over time as,you add more and more high quality blog,posts Google will become more and more,impressed because it will see that you,are essentially giving back to the,Internet Plus over time as you add more,and more blog posts they will attract,more readers and if you put effort into,creating high quality blog posts then,they are more likely to be shared which,creates free backlinks for you however,there is another faster way of getting,high quality backlinks to your site and,that is fit for create backlinks with,social media accounts so here's the,funny thing let's come back to the free,backlink checker with a href and do a,search again for house out head and see,which is our most powerful backlink now,you'd think it would be Forbes or,entrepreneur right but nope the most,powerful influential backlink that we,have is this YouTube channel this,YouTube channel that we created for free,and so this is how you get free powerful,backlinks from scratch you pick a social,media platform like Facebook and scram,or YouTube and you create a page on it,and you build it up by posting high,quality content and you build up your,fan base and if you don't want to spend,time creating videos I understand the,lazy way to quickly build up a social,media account is to create a jerk or,mean page on Instagram related to your,niche and in your bio link back to your,store reposting jokes or memes doesn't,have any copyright issues and so you,don't have to create your own original,content you can feel free to repost,already popular images and because of,the fact that the funny it increases the,chance that they're gonna go viral and,the more fans your social media page has,the more of an authority that Google,will consider it plus keep in mind you,don't just have to create one because,these are cert easy to make you could,create super oh I could create one for,khatam memes and I could create one for,violent me,and so on and so after you create your,store it doesn't India for me but each,week add at least one new blog post and,build up your social media accounts I'm,not gonna lie it's gonna take time but,as your presence on the internet grows,so will your authority with Google which,will increase the amount of traffic they,send you which will increase the amount,of sales you make which will increase,the amount of money that you make so,thanks for watching this video and if,you liked it and you're not a subscriber,here a whole so team,you should totally become one because we,are constantly releasing new videos with,actionable advice on how to build your,own money-making business so be sure to,click the subscribe button and then,click that little notification bow next,to it so that you don't miss out on any,of our videos

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