wholesale shopify apparel supply

How I Find Apparel Manufacturers & Suppliers For My Clothing Line (Fashion Production) what's up bud

Apparel Success

Updated on Jan 31,2023

How I Find Apparel Manufacturers & Suppliers For My Clothing Line (Fashion Production)

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How I Find Apparel Manufacturers & Suppliers For My Clothing Line (Fashion Production)

what's up bud it's rob this is apparel,success and if you don't know who i am i,run a canadian clothing brand called,k-bud that's doing well into the six,figures in sales so i help clothing,brands like yours get really good,results and what i'm gonna talk to you,about today is how i found all the,manufacturers and suppliers for my,clothing brand i'm gonna take you on a,bit of a journey here sharing with you,how it all started how i was making my,clothing from the very beginning who i,was working with and what that looked,like to what it looks like today where,everything's much more efficient,much more simple and i'm gonna break all,this down for you so that you can,potentially do the same thing for your,own brand,apparel success is sponsored by my buds,over at design crowd if designs are,something that you struggle with i,really recommend that you try them out,these are seriously some of the best,selling designs on my website and i got,them all made through design crowd if,you're interested head over to, forward slash apparel to,learn about the special offer that i,have for you or simply use the discount,code apparel when you post a project on,design crap all right when we first,started up our clothing brand we worked,with this company out of toronto that,was absolutely garbage,we,worked with this company that screwed up,our first 400 t-shirts so they literally,printed them all wrong they took way,longer than they said they were gonna,take and literally they wouldn't,communicate at all like they're they,just wouldn't answer emails they,wouldn't answer their phone it was just,an absolute hell so if i can prevent,this from happening to you and i can,make this process much easier for you,that will make me very happy because i,remember just how frustrated i was when,i started up my clothing brand trying to,figure out all this so,basically the way that,it worked for a really long time for my,clothing brand is,i've never been,printing my own stuff at home i've never,been heat pressing my own stuff at home,i've always been working with,third-party suppliers when it comes to,creating all of my inventory and making,all of my clothing and the big reason,for that just straight up here is that i,don't have any real passion for actually,creating the articles of clothing,themselves like,it doesn't fire me up at all it doesn't,get me very excited to,be heat pressing all day anytime an,order comes in and actually making the,garments,that just isn't something that fires me,up and it also didn't really fire up my,partner at the time so we've always just,been more interested in building the,brand building the business and the,marketing sort of front-end side of,taking all the pictures creating all the,content things like that so you know i,don't think it's a bad thing to be heat,pressing and doing it all on your own if,that's something that you're into if,that's something that fires you up,definitely go for it and learn all that,because that's what all this is about,it's about enjoying the whole process,but for me it just it just wasn't,something that i ever really wanted to,do so our thought process from the very,beginning around all of this was,probably very similar to yours which is,we have this clothing brand that we want,to start up,we've never done this before we've never,made any clothing where do we go to,actually get this made so you hop on,google that's exactly what we did and we,found a place that was pretty close to,us that had really good reviews online,and we were like let's just try these,guys out we went and visited them we,checked out their spot everything looked,legit turned out that it was actually,all built on a house of cards and it,really wasn't that good of a company,that we were working with because,everything from the top down was a whole,bad process and i would never work with,them again so after that horrible,experience working with them,we decided to actually you know let's,take a look at the type of t-shirt that,we want to make make sure it's really,nice and we'll order some samples first,and that's when we ordered the all-style,tee the first time because we looked,online and everybody was saying you need,to use these all style tees they're the,best for starting your private label,clothing brand so we ordered them we,said you know what these are actually,really nice t-shirts,so what we ended up doing from there is,ordering all of our t-shirts from,directly from all style,and we'd literally like pick them up at,the warehouse that was in mississauga,pretty close to toronto and canada,and then we'd take them to this screen,printing facility that we found in,toronto called astro screen printing now,these guys were absolutely amazing,they answered all of our emails all the,time they always answered the phone,calls they were really good at,communicating they had really good,turnaround time and so for the next,while the next few years that's who we,were using to make all of our clothing,for our clothing brand we would order,the t-shirts from all style,um,other suppliers that we just found found,online and we'd order them to astra,screen printing who would then print on,them put all of our labels on them and,then we'd literally drive over with a,truck back into their spot pick up the,inventory that we just had made bring it,to our place and then we were ready to,go when it comes to sorting out our,inventory and sending out orders for our,customers,since that point this is maybe only a,year or two,we've realized that,although this process was great and,everybody that we worked with we loved,and we found that it was really smooth,um it was still a little bit too,inefficient for us,so we ended up working with this other,company called avid apparel out of,toronto and avid apparel is another one,of these companies that does basically,everything in-house so they supply all,the shirts they print on the shirts they,do the labeling they do a lot of,customization if you want it,bagging,folding,um and barcoding because now we work,with a fulfillment center out of toronto,and so you can imagine how much more,efficient the process is when,everything's getting done in one place,versus having to order the t-shirts from,somewhere else to go to another place,and then driving over to pick them up,and it just it's just so much more,smooth the way that we're doing it now,so i want to show you right now exactly,what the process looks like for my own,clothing brand,making a product from start to finish,with this company avid apparel because i,think you're going to be able to see,just how smooth and efficient it really,is,basically we have the conception of the,idea for,a product that we want to make we email,avid apparel a mock-up that we did on,our own of exactly what that would look,like the type of hoodie that we're,looking for,they hook us up with the exact hoodie,that we're looking for and they create,the sales orders where it basically,shows us exactly what the product will,look like when it's finished printing,how much each item costs so inside of,one of the sales orders that i'm showing,you right here we had this way she goes,hoodie made where we had 135 hoodies,made,15 smalls 25 mediums 45 large 25 extra,large 15 double extra large and 10,triple extra large and you can see the,pricing right beside it laid out just,like that so it's 1999 for the small,through extra large hoodies and 21.99,for the double extra large and triple,extra large hoodies and these prices are,actually jacked up a little bit just,since covet hit with the supply chain,and everything everything's gone up,because of freight charges and things,like that for this other company so,they've slightly raised their prices,hopefully temporarily,but this price that you're looking at is,not just for the hoodie but for the,printing and for the custom labels that,we have on the necks of our hoodies and,then there's one more little cost added,in,which is we pay for them to,bag all of our hoodies that we have made,and all the products that we have made,we pay for them to fold all of the,hoodies that we have made and we pay for,them to barcode all the products that we,have made that is 75 cents each for each,product to bag fold and barcode and what,you end up getting at the end of the day,is the total cost of these 135 hoodies,is 3 220 and 38 cents after taxes,divide that by 135 which is how many,hoodies we had made and you're looking,at about 23.85,per hoodie that we just had made we sell,our hoodies for 64. so this is slightly,on the bit of a bit of a higher end for,us because normally we get them made for,just slightly cheaper than this but,honestly that's pretty good landed with,everything being done all the printing,all the custom labeling,folding bagging barcoding 23.85 and we,sell them for 64 is pretty reasonable so,the reason why i'm showing you this is,so that you can compare this process,with how your own process is going right,now and if you feel like this is much,smoother than what you're currently,doing then this is the type of thing,that you want to be working towards,you want to be looking for three main,things when it comes to the,manufacturers and suppliers that you're,working with the first one is you want,to make sure that they have high quality,products and that they print really high,quality and then everything that you're,getting is high quality the second is on,top of the high quality you want fast,turnaround time so you want the high,quality products mixed with the fast,turnaround time so,you like everything that you're,receiving and they get it to you quickly,and the third thing in my opinion is,communication,you absolutely need really high quality,communication where people are answering,your emails they're answering your phone,calls if you have any concerns any,questions we've got black friday coming,up here and it would be so much more,scary and frustrating dealing with,stocking up my inventory for black,friday if the people that i was working,with weren't answering my emails and,things like that i need them to answer,my emails i need them to answer my calls,because it's such a big time and,big time of the year it's really,important for us and a company that,recognizes that and what you're doing is,so important so,high quality turnaround time,and communication are the three things,that you want to be looking for so,ideally what you're looking for is a,full-service end-to-end provider that,can handle all the manufacturing all of,the things that you need to get done in,one place and where they have great,communication so that is the type of,thing that you want to be filtering out,local to you avid apparel is a great,resource if you're in canada here,although their minimum order quantities,are likely too high for,a lot of,new startup clothing brands because,every,piece every piece that you have made has,to be over 100 units so you know every,hoodie that you have made you have to do,at least 100 of those hoodies,when you got 15 hoodies or 12 hoodies,that can be a lot of money for a lot of,new clothing brands that are maybe just,looking to make 50 hoodies just to start,up and that's when maybe working with,something like when i first started up,with the astro screen printing and the,t-shirt dot ca type thing where you can,just make as many as you want and keep,your quantities down might be a better,option for you until you can work your,way up to a higher quantity but just,generally that's what you want to be,looking for and there are companies out,there like that that are really,professional that do it right so don't,settle for a company that's not handling,it well that has slow turnaround times,that doesn't answer your emails it can,be so frustrating and just basically you,know really discourage you from wanting,to keep running your clothing brand,moving forward you don't want this part,of your clothing brand to be a huge,hassle for you so i really hope that,this video gave you a lot of insight and,that you got a ton of value out of it,and if you did please hit the like,button for me it really helps me get,these videos out there and let me know,what you think about all this in the,comments below and if you haven't,already check out my free clothing brand,marketing master class all you have to,do to get access is go to,,masterclass and you can watch the whole,thing for free you've made it to this,point in the video i want to tell you,about the closed facebook group that we,have for apparel success link in the,description follow that link join us in,the group and i'll see the next one,peace

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