who recordms shopify stock

STOCK MARKET CRASHING..SHOPIFY RECORD BLACK FRIDAY🚀 well folks Shopify stock is one of the,only gree

Stas Talks Stocks

Updated on Mar 31,2023


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well folks Shopify stock is one of the,only green stocks on my watch list right,now and I think it's actually the most,green yes the most green stock right now,up 2.7 percent after they reported,record-breaking Black Friday sales I,think of about 3.5 roughly maybe a,little bit less than that a billion,dollars so we're gonna break that down,in this video we're going to talk about,the stock we're going to break down some,charts so sit back relax take a sip of,your water stay hydrated guys hit that,like button subscribe and now let's dive,into the video so again Shopify is is,you know it's you know one of the only,green stocks today as we are seeing an,overall red day when I'm filming this,it's about 2 p.m on the east coast and,the markets just keep on going down,spies down about let's see 1.5 percent,we have the NASDAQ down about 1.3 the,Russell's down 1.6 as the Dow is down,1.3 even the Dow today guys is getting,nailed and typically on you know heavy,red days the Dow I mean sure still goes,down but maybe not as bad as the other,ones but today they're all bad all the,indexes are getting destroyed we have,the vix up about eight percent at the,time that I'm filming this video and at,one point earlier in the day Shopify was,actually over 40 bucks a share you guys,can see that here on the five day five,minute and a lot of the uh obviously a,lot of the momentum came in the,pre-market you can see on Friday shop,closed at about,36.75 something like that and it ran,again all the way to 40 bucks all of,that coming in the pre-market about nine,percent nine point two percent of a move,up here in the pre-market and now,obviously we've given back a lot of that,it's only up 2.5 percent right now when,again at one point it was up nine,percent,and we're noticing it looks like it's,coming down to test this trend on the,five day five minutes so the Bulls are,still in charge even though it is,pulling back pretty aggressively here,um in trade and if this were to continue,Trend guys if we're just looking at this,five day five minute this would need to,hold uh right around here see buying,pressure come in right around 37,37.50 you know that general area so,before we dive deeper into the chart,guys which this again Bulls are still in,charge on the five day five minute,before we dive deeper into the chart,let's talk about what is going on with,these sales which we got some crazy,numbers out of Shopify guys and you know,it's uh you know we had a,record-breaking Black Friday across the,board so we're gonna break this down,right now you can see here at its peak,merchants on Shopify well actually,before I mention that's that let me tell,you this that right here Black Friday,sales were a record-breaking 3.3 36,billion from the start of Black Friday,in in New Zealand,through the end of Black Friday in,California so however long uh that is,this marks a 17 increase in sales over,Black Friday in 2021 which is good 17,growth year over year is is a good,amount of that inflation probably yeah,but still 17 19 on a constant currency,basis and get this this is the crazy,stat let me make sure uh you guys can,see it yeah you guys can see it this is,the crazy freaking stat I almost lost my,mind when I saw this at its peak,merchants on Shopify saw sales of 3.5,million dollars per minute at 1201 pm on,the East Coast on Black Friday,collectively which is just insane could,you imagine a minute go by and then boom,3.5 million in sales well if you think,about it each second that goes by,companies are making money so you could,think about that and and to be honest,now that I'm thinking about it I would,love to know what Amazon's per minute,sales is I mean holy smokes that would,be unbel believable if I if there's just,3.5 million if Shopify is 3.5 million,what would you what would you say,Amazon's is I mean I don't even know,what I would guess 100 million I mean,per minute is that too much 50 mil I,don't know 200 million what do you guys,think let me know in the comments drop,me some guesses Down Below in the,comments and if we come down a little,bit more here you can see some other,2022 Black Friday Global highlights Peak,sales again per minute 3.5 million top,selling countries and cities where,Shoppers made purchases from included,the United States as expected United,Kingdom Canada with the top selling,cities being London New York Los Angeles,and top product categories included,apparel and accessories followed by,Health and Beauty home and garden with,trending products including uh whatever,this stuff is I don't know what any of,that stuff is uh snacks um road I don't,know what this crap is uh but uh you,know looking down here the average uh,average cart price was a hundred two,dollars and 31 cents US dollars or a,hundred five dollars and ten cents on a,constant currency basis and fifteen,percent is the cross-border orders uh,worldwide on Black Friday as percentage,of total orders fifteen percent of them,were cross border orders and 27 growth,in POS sales made Shopify made by,Shopify Merchants by uh globally over,last year's Black Friday so we're seeing,growth all across the board,record-breaking sales here from Shopify,and again I'd love to know the number,for Amazon I mean that's got to be,um you know a crazy number and it makes,sense I mean a lot of people at this,point obviously it's 2022 guys are,shopping online sure a lot of people are,going in stores still I was in Philly,this weekend at the Macy's I mean it was,pretty dead,um you know personally I was like what,what the heck is going on here I was all,around the city it was pretty dead uh,but you know it depends it depends where,you are you know it depends on,um you know where you are and,how how much you know what am I trying,to say or depends on where you are and,you know the percentage of people,shopping on online versus going in,person but overall we all know that the,percentage of people shopping online has,been going up right you know I kind of,butchered that but you guys kind of know,what I mean it all depends on where you,are in terms of traffic foot traffic,um you know and of course online,shopping is going up across the board,which is a reason why maybe people,aren't going in as much to these to,these stores I don't know what do you,guys think in the comments and if we,come down here and look Black Friday,online sales which goes to kind of what,I what I just said right tops nine,billion and new record and again people,are just staying home they're shopping,they might not be going out to the mall,like they used to 10 15 years ago you,know 20 years ago they might be they,might not do all that crap wait in line,you know at midnight in the freezing,cold when they could just do it at home,if they want a specific product right,you know I don't know it depends on on,what you guys want right so but you know,but again that leads to to this online,sales top nine billion and new record,overall online sales for Black Friday,were up 2.3 percent I mean that's not,that crazy and think about the,comparables on that though guys I mean,we're comparing this year to last year,where I mean kovid wasn't crazy last,year uh but still we were off that,coveted year where people were more more,prone to to shop online maybe even there,was I mean there was for sure a spike in,online shopping in 2020 and 2021 uh so,the fact that we're still up against,those years or at least 2021 that's that,goes to show the strength overall is,still obviously an online shopping maybe,it's not growing as much as it did uh,but you know 2.3 percent year over year,not too bad and another thing worth,mentioning here which goes to show the,state of the economy that we're in the,state of the consumer buy now pay later,payments and increased by 78 percent,compared with the last week that is,insane with the past week beginning,November 19th as consumers continue to,Grapple with high prices and inflation,so by now pay later I mean you guys see,those when you're at the checkout line,right you guys see the stickers on the,register or you see them around around,the store it says clarina or whatever,um what are the other ones I don't even,know I mean I've never used buy now pay,later so I don't even know exactly,there's a couple uh what's it called I,mean they're the one that everyone uh,all the YouTubers used to talk about oh,my god well uh after no no not that uh,either way right there's a bunch of them,and you know they're all over the place,and at this point people rather pay in,in payments and installments over you,know a couple months or however the heck,it works then buy it up front and that's,it goes to show the state of the,consumer right these people uh still,don't have you know the average American,doesn't have 400 bucks I mean you guys,saw that stat 400 bucks in savings and,still at this point I mean with all the,inflation the high prices people are not,doesn't seem like they want to pull back,on spending it looks like they're still,going out they're rank cranking up these,credit cards and now they're doing the,buy now pay later they're like screw it,you know I'm gonna I'm gonna push this,out a couple months and I'm gonna make,it work and that's why it's up 78,percent I mean that's that's what's,going on guys that's what's going on,people are going to stores they don't,actually have the money but uh you know,buy now pay later why not let's do it,that's what they're doing guys at the,end of the day that is what is going on,so it looks like overall online sales,for the day after Thanksgiving we're up,2.3 percent year over year Electronics,were a major contributor as online sales,surge 221 over an average day in October,toys were another popular category for,Shoppers up almost 300 percent as,exercise equipment was up 218 that's,pretty insane uh if we come down here a,little bit more let's see anything else,worth mentioning the record break and,spending comes on the heels of a strong,Thanksgiving shopping in which consumers,shelled out an all-time high of 5.29,billion online yada yada uh let's see,anything else worth mentioning not,really all I want to really talk about,uh from this article really was that 78,buy now pay later and the overall 9.1,into billion online record uh you know,shopping during Black Friday which you,know it's pretty it's pretty good that's,a pretty good number,but then again you look at that buy now,pay later and you're like oh you know,can people actually afford this probably,not what do you guys think let me know,your thoughts in the comments down below,as always and if you guys are still here,and you haven't gotten your free money,from MooMoo yet what are you doing use,that link down below or go to, MooMoo deposit at,least 100 bucks and you could get up to,15 stocks each up to 2 000 bucks and if,you want 12 stocks from Weeble those are,linked down below as well and feel free,to check out my patreon if you guys want,to join it you get all my call outs,exclusive content if you like the way I,break down charts that's how we do it on,patreon as well and you get more access,to me throughout the day if you guys,want to check it out all of those are,linked down below and now let's quickly,look at the chart on Shopify on the four,hour time frame let me show you guys,this before we do wrap up this video so,on the four hour chart here we have a,clear resistance at 42 bucks which you,can see that was from back in the early,days of August throughout the mid middle,of August and you know we also fell,there earlier this month in the middle,of this month about two weeks prior to,me filming this video so needless to say,42 low mid 40s here on shot that's a big,level of resistance right and honestly,now that I'm looking at it 48 is as well,48 75 roughly 49 bucks,um that was the high from the beginning,of May so if this starts gearing past 40,dollars and mind you right now it's at,37.60 and it's actually again moving in,a downtrend intraday here from where it,was earlier in the day where it was over,40 bucks but,if this is able to break back over at,1.40 42 a lot of upside could come from,there I'm talking mid High 40s like that,this stock could shoot up to that 48,high and there's going to be at that,point another big test which again 48,was that high from the early days of May,so Shopify is definitely one that's on,my radar I like it guys pretty decent,news good Catalyst here moving it now,let's see if it has you know let's see,if it Fizzles out or it has the legs to,continue this rally that's the million,dollar question so what do you guys,think let me know your thoughts in the,comments I'll catch you all in the next,video peace out

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