where to put subscribe to code to my shopify blog

How to add Table of content to Shopify blog - Increase the CTR and your sales by 40% - NO APP NEEDED

Marouane RHAFLI

Updated on Mar 20,2023

How to add Table of content to Shopify blog - Increase the CTR and your sales by 40% - NO APP NEEDED

The above is a brief introduction to where to put subscribe to code to my shopify blog

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How to add Table of content to Shopify blog - Increase the CTR and your sales by 40% - NO APP NEEDED

this is marwan again,and today's video i'm gonna share with,you one of the great ways to increase,your seo,and increase your sales,this feature that i'm gonna show you,today has been used on black team and,some of my clients using black team have,seen an increase of about 40 percent,after enabling this feature and one of,my client was uh making about 20,k,dollar a month which is about 20,000 a month,and after using this feature,his sales increased to about twenty,eight thousand a month so he earned,eight thousand dollar amount just by,enabling this feature and the feature,i'm gonna share with you today and i'm,gonna show you a step by step how to,enable this feature on,down theme is called,the table of content,so what's the table of content i'm going,to show you an example here,about table of contents so i wrote on,google how to rank a shopify store on,face first page of google,and the first article that pop-up is my,article that i wrote by myself for,shopify merchant,and,this article is a grid,or has great golden advices for you to,follow if you would like to rank your,shopify store on first page of google,so the table of content is this,once you click for example on optimize,your shopify store speed it's going to,take you to the paragraph,which has the title optimize your,shopify store speed this is the table of,content so,when you write your blog post you're,gonna give them uh h tag or hidden tags,so if you give uh,your article uh,h2 tag,is gonna be extracted automatically,using the table of content so,how to rank shopify store on first page,of google on site seo this has h2 tag,and the ones here has h3 tags,so,this article was written on wordpress,and,there on wordpress it's it's much easier,on shopify because i was the first to,develop this feature on shopify,uh i think it's back to march,2021 there was no third party apps for,table of content and no theme have been,used in this feature so i developed it,for the black theme client and it was,such a great success,so what's the important for uh the table,of content before i went to uh,the step by step how to do that on the,dawn theme,so the importance of disable of content,first of all,it's gonna give your user a,like a summarize about your article so,if someone,land on this page is gonna see,all the paragraph titles here summarized,and he can,know what the article is gonna be about,this is the first thing and the second,thing you can jump directly to the,paragraph,this is why sometimes you call it jump,link for example if you would like to,know what's internal linking you just,need to click on internal linking it's,gonna take you to the,to uh the paragraph containing,internal linking this is from the user,experience,side so it's going to make your article,more readable,um,more funny to read more funny to to see,and this is from the user experience,side,and from google side or from other,search engine side it's gonna,increase your click-through rate,once you search for something on google,you will have a lot of website that's,gonna pop up,and,if you have a table of content like this,people are gonna see,the exact paragraph that they are,looking for,and this is going to increase your,click-through rate and increase your seo,and increase your sales by 1 seconds,so let's take an example let's for,example,just copy this phrase,if we would like to go to google,if we search this page as you can see,here,uh google gave me the exact paragraph,that,was in the internal linking hidden,so if i click on it i will go directly,to the,the paragraph i was looking for like you,while you see,so this is what's calling,a the passage link that google recently,added to its algorithm is called the,passage link,so,the table of content is very very very,useful for user experience side and for,google site and other season giant site,so,in today's video i'm gonna show you how,to do this on down theme,and that's gonna increase your,click-through rate and your seo by about,40 percent let's watch,so in this tutorial i'm gonna use the,free down theme,and i have already prepared a tutorial,here with step by steps so you can,easily copy and paste the codes from it,so,the first step we need to do is to go to,edit code,then we're gonna add a,snippet,we're gonna call it,toc which refers to table of content,snippets add any snippet,toc,then we're going to copy the code from,this file,and pass it in the new,uh created snippet,and we can close the file,okay,the second step,we're gonna,add a,the gs code for the table of content,just copy the name from here,then you go to assets add a new set,create a blank file change this to gs,copy and paste the name,then we're gonna copy the code,from this file,and past it in the new created file,table of content this one,click save,you can close this,so now we're gonna open the file,that contains the blog post codes,which is,main,article.liquid,then on the top of the file we're gonna,copy this one,past it here click save,after that,we're gonna look for this code,we're gonna change this one all this one,i'm gonna remove it here,and replace it with this one,then we click save,now we're gonna add uh the code,that allow us to customize the table of,content from the theme editor,so we're gonna,look for this one,and we're gonna change all this one,we're gonna remove it so you can see it,with,this one,then we click save,and that's all,so,let's check it now from the theme editor,go to the theme editor or the team,customizer,you,you will need either to click on the,blog post directly from them from the,theme editor or you can go from here,blog post,default blog post,the table of content is here and it's,working fine as you can see here and in,order to customize it you just need to,click on content,and from here you can customize it you,can change the name here table of,content,we're gonna,write,example,here we can change the text size,the hidden size this one the background,you can change the colors etc you can,choose to enable it or disable it so let,it be enabled,i'm gonna refresh the page and as you,can see it's working fine,the users will have the option to show,it or to hide it by clicking this button,so all the h2 tag will appear on here,and h3 tag will appear here if you add a,no for example,uh h4 tags is gonna appear,here,as you can see this is the text,if you click for example you have a,title here,it's gonna um,it's gonna scroll directly to the,paragraph which contains the title that,we have clicked on for example this one,and you can make it more user friendly,if you can add a scroll to top button,you can check my youtube channel i have,also added this tutorial to add a scroll,to top button so you can add it with,this one and it's gonna make it really,looks awesome so people can scroll the,top just by clicking on the button,so this is,extremely uh powerful feature that's,gonna increase your organic traffic,and you can,by consequence reduce your paid ads and,increase your sales,like my customers did and as i said,the average is my customers,increase their sales by about 40 percent,thank you so much for watching have a,nice day

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