where is settings in shopify

HOW TO SET UP SHOPIFY SETTINGS | Drop Shipping | Zach Hall the devil is in the details so make sure,

Zach Hall

Updated on Jan 26,2023

HOW TO SET UP SHOPIFY SETTINGS | Drop Shipping | Zach Hall

The above is a brief introduction to where is settings in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of where is settings in shopify

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HOW TO SET UP SHOPIFY SETTINGS | Drop Shipping | Zach Hall

the devil is in the details so make sure,you pay close attention to the details,when setting up your Shopify settings,I'm Zack all thanks for watching today,I'm going to be showing you guys how to,set up your Shopify back-end all the,settings all the important things that,you have to have on your store so make,sure to watch this video until the end,because the entire thing is going to be,important relevant information that,you're gonna need to have if you want,your settings on your Shopify store to,be set up correctly so without further,ado let's jump into my computer yeah,anyways today here we're going over the,settings and we're gonna set everything,up here so I'm in the settings tab a,Shopify,right now if you're new to shopping,you're not familiar where this is at I,just go over to Shopify if you haven't,signed up yet I have another video,previous to this one that goes to the,sign up process so you sign up for it,you'll get into the admin side of it,here let's go down to settings at the,bottom click on that and yeah let's,start jumping into this thing so a very,first one we're gonna go through is,general so we'll click on that and this,is just a tryout store by the way it's,not an active store that I'm actively,using yeah I will in the future but,right now it's still in its trial phase,actually as you see down there so all,the settings are fresh,I've tampered with a little bit of them,but I'm gonna show you what I've done so,far to it and yeah let's go through this,and follow along with me take some notes,make sure you guys stick around for the,whole video because everything I'm going,over for however long the remainder of,this video is is gonna be super,important for setting up your Shopify,store back end here so make sure you,follow along until the end it may be,boring but this stuff is important for,your success so very first thing here is,you got your store name at the top you,just open this up right here where it,says store name what you put in this,text box is gonna be what displays next,to your favicon up here in your tab so,that's another opportunity for you to,put a keyword then primary keyword you,should be trying to take over there is,obviously your source name so right,there if my stores name is Zach Hall com,then you know I would just put this as,just just put it as my name and then,maybe put a - you know I'll put on,I store there we go something along,those lines I know all this other,information has blurred out to you guys,here because it doesn't have my personal,information and their phone number and,address everything you get your story,email and you got your customer emails,so these ones right here the first one,would be your primary email that you're,signing up for everything with I just,the main email for your store so we,would put that right there in the store,contact email and the customer email is,where we would put your support email so,in the store address area you're gonna,have a few boxes in here the first one,it's legal name of your business so if,you are using a business license to run,this store which I would recommend is,it's not necessarily something you have,to have in the beginning one on your,store but it does have massive like tax,benefits so I would definitely encourage,that you do it underneath that you have,to have your phone number and your,address there's no way around this you,have to have those on your store like,you can't take off your phone number you,can't take off your street address you,have to have those boxes filled out it's,not gonna be something that customers,are actually gonna be able to see here,unless you want them to see it it's just,for Shopify's purposes or for them to be,able to contact your business and have a,little bit more information about you,within their system time zone pretty,straightforward you want your time zone,beep in your time zone where you're at,so that your timing displays correctly,on your store then your unit systems,imperial if you're in the United States,then it would be metric if you're,literally anywhere else in the world the,u.s. is weird about that and same thing,with pounds and ounces so and down at,the bottom it is important that your,store currency is set to your preferred,store currency so if you're in the US,make sure this is set up to US dollars,if you're in Canada make sure this is,set up the Canadian dollars Australia,officer right just make sure this is set,up your preferred way because once you,get your very first sale can't change,this and you're gonna be stuck with,whatever your store can't see is set on,their next one let's go here to taxes,okay taxes not something that I collect,on my store assess I'm collecting on,that collecting but when you first set,up your store taxes is gonna have your,based on the location that you're in,so for example I'm in Michigan so,Michigan's sales tax is 6% so whatever,location that you're creating your store,from where the physical addresses at,it's gonna automatically be set to,collect taxes from the state that your,business is listed in or your address is,listed in so I'm in Michigan,my address is Michigan so it's assuming,I want to collect 6% sales tax here what,I'm running in is drop shipping stores,so they're not necessarily a physical,address and it's not something we,actually ever handle so I don't collect,any sales tax here a period I just take,that off altogether when it comes to,taxes I take that out of the profit of,my products I don't charge my customers,that I assume responsibility for that in,my own when it comes to doing my texts,with with taxes taking a leave how you,will it probably depends on how you're,setting up your store you know if you're,doing a physical brand where you,actually have your own store and you're,only selling within like a certain area,or you're doing homemade crafts or,whatever you're doing would probably,determine how you would want to charge,for your taxes drop shipping instance I,wouldn't recommend it my instance I,don't do it keep in mind the more things,that you're gonna have popping up on,your checkout screen prior to the,customer clicking purchase is gonna,drive them more and more away from the,sale and I'm gonna be teaching a video,in the future teaching you guys how to,get sales tax exempt and that's gonna,save you guys a ton of money when it,comes to paying Uncle Sam so definitely,make sure you check that one out I'm not,sure exactly on the schedule here where,it's gonna fall but I just make sure you,guys check that out here in the near,future when I release that video next,thing we have to go over here is your,sales channels so a sales channel allows,you to integrate your Shopify store with,other platforms so for example you can,add an eBay here Amazon sales channels,that allow you to utilize other,platforms traffic to bring to your store,so I would definitely recommend,integrating your store and doesn't,matter what type of selling you're doing,here I would and then look into other,additional channels to see if they make,sense for you because you can utilize,traffic from other platforms that are,going to bring you more sales and when,you get a sale through those other,platforms they they still integrate over,here to your Shopify admin and they,appear in your order section over here,so if you get a sale through ebay it's,still gonna pop up in your shop,fight store and then you can integrate,the information back and forth it,doesn't cost you anything extra this is,an awesome thing to use especially in,the beginning if you're on like a tight,budget you can't necessarily drive a,bunch of traffic to your store and then,sales channels is gonna allow you the,opportunity to get your products in,front of potential customers to start,earning money and getting those sales,payment providers is going to be one of,the most important parts to this video,that I really really want you guys to,listen to you because I have some very,important things that are gonna save you,tens of thousands of dollars I don't,know one of the big controversies in the,e-commerce world is should you use,PayPal with your store my answer is yes,even though I've had a very bad negative,experience with them where I had twenty,five thousand dollars on hold and I was,only able to get back I was at it was,all of it but but around eight thousand,there's around eight thousand was what I,haven't gotten back I don't want to say,yeah because I probably won't get it,back I've showed you guys a couple,tricks in here that you should be doing,so that doesn't happen to you so this is,a very important part make sure to watch,this so before you can start actually,getting paid out from Shopify for your,orders you're going to have to select a,plan down here at the bottom if you're a,brand new store people can still place,orders and pay you but you're not gonna,be able to get paid out until you select,a plan and integrate your bank counting,everything there when starting out you,don't need to do anything more than just,the basic plan of $29 a month when it,makes more sense for you to go up to a,higher plan ultimately is when you start,doing more and more volume with your,revenue more and more sales because the,next plan I'll just click here real,quick the next plan after the $29 a,month is a $79 a month so $50 difference,there but the benefits of upgrading your,plan is gonna be your your rates your,percentage rates your online rates gonna,be 0.3% difference there so you would,upgrade when it would offset so when,your fee is an additional three percent,difference you know break down the math,there how much money do you have to be,doing in order for this to offset to,actually save you more money when you,upgrade your plan you know what I mean,as once you start doing a really high,volume does make more sense for you to,use a larger plan because you actually,save more money so the two payment,I would recommend a little bit like I,was saying before was PayPal for sure,down here and Shopify payments and,you'll get the gurus out there that are,saying don't use shots by famines don't,use PayPal integrate with somebody else,like chase merchant for example don't do,that guys because if you use another,payment gateway shop fights still gonna,charge a two percent gateway fee,regardless on every single order Shopify,with with the base package is already,charging you a two point nine nine,percent PayPal is a direct partner with,Shopify so they don't charge any,additional on top of that unless it's an,out of country transaction then it's a,four point four four percent rate I,think through PayPal just PayPal but,Shopify payments is a two point nine,nine percent rate plus a 30 cent,transaction fee but you don't want to,use another payment processor because,Shopify is going to charge you a gateway,fee regardless there so if you're using,Chase merchants and let's say you've,negotiate a really good deal with them,you can get it from one point five,percent for the credit card rate then,you've got to account for Shopify's,gateway fee as well so it's actually,gonna be charging you a three point five,percent and you know they're pretty fair,system the way they're charge backs and,everything work is it's pretty awesome,significantly less than PayPal obviously,so just because some other places,showing a better credit card rate,doesn't mean it's gonna be a better deal,for you so the controversy Ronda is,people say don't use PayPal because it's,gonna take your money it's gonna lock it,it's gonna hold it and let me explain,this on why they do this everybody,thinks that they're perfect and are not,doing anything wrong,when in reality it's it's because of,your own doing on why your PayPal,account is getting locked up and that,they're holding your money,PayPal just wants to make sure that you,are sending out your orders they want to,make sure that you are a legit business,because they don't know who you are when,you're starting out so what we have to,do is we have to make sure that the,tracking numbers on all of our orders,integrate over in the PayPal system to,match every order otherwise they will,lock up your money because they can't,prove that you're shipping out your,products to your customers even though,you might be they can't prove that on,there and so they hold your money until,it can be proven this was one of the,things I didn't realize starting off in,this space and it ended up resulted in,me getting $25,000 put on hold,through them there's in the beginning is,definitely a massive kick in the face,but once I learned this trick I haven't,had any problems with it son but we can,use an app to directly integrate all of,our tracking information over into,PayPal so we don't have to do any manual,work with it it's it's pretty,inexpensive to use too but it's,definitely necessary if you're going to,be using PayPal with your store you have,to make sure you do that and then the,other reason why PayPal would lock your,money on you is after a week or two of,doing business with them once you start,getting some sales regardless of if,you're putting the track numbers over,there or not,PayPal will lock your money they're not,gonna allow you to withdraw it after,that second week but don't freak out,every single PayPal account goes through,this they just want more information,about you they just want to make sure,that you're a legit store or legit,person sending out legit stuff and,you're not trying to scam anybody don't,go out of your way they'll say this,don't let it your way with PayPal to let,them know that you're a drop shipper,because drop shipping there's nothing,wrong with it but payment providers,think they kind of look down on it,providers they they just look down on it,but after that one to two weeks when,your money gets locked up with PayPal,and they're requesting more information,just go through there and put all your,information that it's asking for and see,if it after 72 hours you can get your,whole PayPal account back to reinstated,and everything's a hundred percent again,and you can start withdrawing all your,money so worst case scenario when that,happens after that 72 hours is they,might put like a 5% hold on your money,just because when you're a large large,retail you're naturally going to be,getting more and more charge backs to,your store so PayPal just wants to have,money in the bank I guess you can say,that doesn't come out of PayPal to just,offset those charge backs that kind of,makes sense to you so with Shopify,payments if you're a brand new store go,through the complete account setup,section here don't have to be an,official business to do this it just,makes it a little bit better for tax,purposes another thing we want to touch,on while we're in this screen is where,it says customer billing statement here,you can't see what it says but the name,of what your statement is and your phone,number this is a part that a lot of,people skip over so the phone number you,sign up with your Shopify account is,automatically going to be put in your,customer's billing statement which means,that your phone number is going to show,up on the description on your customers,bank account so this is another thing,that I didn't realize in the beginning,customers are going to be the biggest,headache in the world and they're always,going to be calling and complaining,about something customer service is,probably the most annoying part about,running a store so when you have your,phone number there and it goes over to,your customers banking information then,if you don't change this part right here,you're going to get lit up with phone,calls like all the time especially when,you start to in high-volume so what I,would recommend there is to go over to,Google create a forwarding number from,Google Voice and then put that Google,Voice number in there and then also,below just add your bank account,information in there so you can start,getting paid out from your orders let's,go back over let's finish up the,settings section here that was just,really the bulk of this video guys if,you made it through that you've made it,through a lot of the importance of this,but there's still some important stuff,here we want to go over as far as,definitely in checkout we want to go,over some important stuff there but,what's not short of success let's go,into the next step locations you don't,need to click on this locations is just,gonna be a place where you can manage,the different locations of your store,like if you have multiple different,retail physical locations this is where,you would place them all and then it,would help you differentiate,differentiate orders over here to plans,and permissions click on that so within,your plans and permissions here this is,another important screen so as you grow,your store you're going to be getting,more and more hands on deck so when you,hire out like virtual assistants to do,different things with your stores this,is where you would come in and add them,onto your store so you would add a staff,account and then you can delegate what,permissions you want them to have on,your store so if you don't want them to,have full permissions you can unselect,that and you can choose what it is you,want them to do pretty straightforward,you send the invite in their email and,then they sign up from there so in the,future also when you're looking to,upgrade your plan this is where you,would do it and your plans and,permissions so right now it's still in,the trial mode I haven't selected any,plan as a trial store just for an,example it would pop up right here and,then you could upgrade your plan it,would be a button where you can upgrade,it but if there I guess isn't that bad,you could just click over here on,compare plans and it brings you back to,the same plan screen you can upgrade,from there let's say things go south,with your store or you just want,take a break you come to this screen you,go to the very bottom and you have the,option to pause your store or to close,your store also you can work with an,expert right here too for that I guess,is if you decide not to check out any of,my future videos as I pretty much cover,just about everything to do with Shopify,and running an online e-commerce stores,like all the tips tricks and secrets I,throw it all out of my youtube for free,so link went all right it's a little bit,more back to settings next one's,checkout this is exactly how you're,gonna want to set up your checkout,because some of this stuff is legally,required to be like this so your,accounts set that to optional reason you,want to set that optional is because it,would display a login section up here I,would actually give a customer an,account it's just a good lead generation,area where you can capture more,information from them so they're,optional rather than just as guests like,you can capture their emails and their,phone numbers a lot easier than we have,this is optional which is good for your,retarget marketing it,checkout customers can check out using,either phone number or email correct,they can use both full name yep you have,to require a first and last name company,name I always hide that I don't put,anything to do with company name in,there so company name I keep that hidden,line address - optional shipping phone,number I leave that one set to optional,as well and then we got well the,customer is checking out yep we're gonna,use by default it'll automatically put,the shipping address over to the billing,address people can change that if they,want to after it's and then they'll have,the option to autocomplete yeah that's,good so after orders been placed we,don't wanna we don't automatically want,to fulfill any orders in the line,because that's gonna mess up our order,exporting process for fulfilling I trust,me on that that's a song for another,time in another video but make sure this,is set to do not automatically fulfill,automatically archive yup this is,important part within the check out here,the pre select to sign up option you,think would be good but you can't,actually have this thing set up to,pre-select because it's actually illegal,to do it when you dig into it for for,your email marketing your text message,marketing purposes so legally standing,we can't pre select the sign up option,here if we're going to be doing retarget,marketing with,email and text message marketing so,definitely definitely definitely make,sure that you don't have that selected,you're going to be throwing yourself,into a potential disastrous situation in,the future so and then also with,checkout language this is where we would,come to in the future when we're setting,up some of our apps on our store we,would come back here and we have to,change around some of the checkout,language like for our text message,marketing our email mark and you'll see,that in future videos cell settings head,back after that we got notifications so,we won't dive too deep into,notifications because there's about a,million and a half of them so the main,thing we have to focus on here your,order confirmation notification that,rhymes make sure you put in here,somewhere,where people can go and track their,orders so what I use is 17 track dotnet,so I would just put in here you can,track your order status 17 track dot and,that so the reason I used 17 track and I,promote 17 track for people to use to,track their order status is that 17,track integrates with every single,shipping provider in the world so the,status with every single shipment in the,world is going to be through 17 track,and it's really one of the most powerful,systems in my opinion for tracking your,orders,so when your drop shipping like I do a,lot of my orders typically tend to come,from overseas you know so it's just an,easy way to track tracking numbers from,out of country or for me so 17 track,down that's definitely an awesome one it,check out so make sure you look into,that,okay so notifications one over that,billion so the billion is where you're,gonna be able to manage your credit,cards that you have on file here so this,is where you would add your card on your,Shopify store and they charge in a,30-day cycle so that means all the,charges that your store has acquired,within the past 30 days they're gonna be,charged once a month so it's not like,you're gonna get charged every single,day that you spend something on your,store it's a 30 day period so all your,charges a little display here in your,billing section but if you want a full,financial overview of all your billing,you can click over here on view,financial overview and it's also going,to show you the payouts you can view all,that there is,within your financial overview just as,important spot to come in the future for,your bookkeeping keeps you a little bit,more organized so back step okay,shipping I'm gonna set this one up live,time with you to set up our shipping,policies we would come over here to,manage rates okay and to create a new,shipping zone click on that and then we,would name our zone and this can be,whatever you want to name it it's not,going to be displayed to the customer,right here and then select rest of world,or you can go through if you're only,selling specifically to the United,States just select the United States or,but wherever you want to ship to done,and then scroll down to it and on your,shipping zone that we just created there,you want to add a rate and we want to,make sure it's set up with our own rate,and our rate name is going to be,shipping and handling for the first one,and we're gonna set the cost this is,just a little it's worked best for me,$5.99 there's not gonna be any,conditions any order that somebody,places with us unless that's over $75 is,gonna be $5.99 so add the second rate,again set up your own rate this is going,to be called priority insured,so this is our priority insured option,here will people have the opportunity to,purchase that just a little Borah first,a little more security and expedite the,process a little bit so that's gonna be,a 999 option okay and again that works,with anything it doesn't matter what,price it is on the store unless it's you,know it's always something people can,purchase additionally even if it's over,275 and the next option we're gonna set,is our free shipping so just name that,free shipping and the cost is going to,be free let me add a condition here it's,based on the orders price of $75 so in,order to qualify for free shipping you,have to have a minimum price of your,order for 75 bucks okay great,and then we said it's that simple to set,up your shipping policy back to settings,we need to click on this one as well,files it's just where you're going to,upload your images videos and your,documents like it says there this is,where you manage all the media on your,website so if you want to delete a,picture for example you can't do it in,any other place except here and last,step here's your legal and your and your,legal needs to be and your legal needs,to be set up because all of these pages,even if you have a refund policy page,separate from here or if you have a,privacy policy separate from your terms,all this stuff even if it's separate,from here you stuff to set these up,because they're in a link over into your,checkout page at the bottom in the,footer area but have your refund policy,and your privacy policy in terms all,that stuff there on your checkout page,when your when the customers checking,out it has to be presented to them so,it's pretty easy to do all we have to do,within here is created from a template,the same thing here is created from a,template create from template and then,shipping policy based on whatever your,shipping policy is you would paste that,in there I have a shipping policy,available I think in another video and,there's a couple things within here that,you'd have to change like your address,or a phone number or or whatever just go,through and read and a change what needs,to be changed within here and then yeah,you would save it this wasn't exactly a,short video but your settings are a very,important part,the success of your store there's a,couple times we're gonna have to,reference back to your so I just wanted,to make you guys familiar with the,settings so that you know what I'm,talking about in future videos is now,that that's set up it's time to start,making some money with so let's jump,over the more fun stuff like setting up,your store and how to mark and how you,can find massively profitable products,now taking up any more of your time guys,I really appreciate you watching this,video today I hope it helped you out if,you have any additional questions make,sure to drop them in the comment section,below give this video a big thumbs up,make sure to subscribe and turn on that,post notification bells,you always get notified when a new,videos coming out because in most of my,videos here I'm dropping tips and tricks,that you really can't find anywhere else,on the internet it will see over on the,next video

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