what will shopify be worth in 2023

Is Shopify Worth It 2023? (Don't choose WRONG!) if you want to start a successful,e-commerce or a Dr

Proluxer - Grow Online

Updated on Feb 02,2023

Is Shopify Worth It 2023? (Don't choose WRONG!)

The above is a brief introduction to what will shopify be worth in 2023

Let's move on to the first section of what will shopify be worth in 2023

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Is Shopify Worth It 2023? (Don't choose WRONG!)

if you want to start a successful,e-commerce or a Drop Shipping Store it,is also very important to choose the,best e-commerce platform to handle your,online store because if you choose run,your Ecommerce platform your business,can fail and that's the reason why 80 of,online stores doesn't succeed now if,you're watching this video probably you,might have heard about Shopify but the,Shopify is still worth it and that's,what I'll be answering in this video,because if you choose wrong I guess you,already know what's gonna happen your,eCommerce business can fail so first,let's understand what is Shopify for,those who don't know Shopify is a,self-hosted only in one platform used by,21 of online stores on the internet and,when I say only in one platform it means,that Shopify has all the tools and,features to set up your online store in,less than 24 hours without hiring a,developer like you can use their drag,and drop Builder to design your online,store accept payments track your,inventory create many Integrations to,use 30-party apps or softwares that can,help you grow your business and so many,other features you can also use another,important thing to note here is that,Shopify is a self-hosted platform,meaning that you don't need any kind of,technical skills to manage things such,as web hosting security backups and so,on because Shopify automatically does,all of that for you so the only thing,you have to do with Shopify is to focus,on creating your online store by using a,web browser and a great part is that you,can literally run your online store from,anywhere in the world as long as you,have access to Internet Shopify gives,entrepreneurs the main features to build,a successful e-commerce website like you,can have access to highly customizable,themes also known as templates payment,gateways a Blog to Market your product,for free on Google and free email,marketing tools okay now what kind of,products you can sell on Shopify when it,comes to create a Shopify store many,people think that it's only possible to,sell Drop Shipping or e-commerce,products but many people don't realize,that you can also sell digital products,like courses ebooks nfts or any sort of,downloadable file oh I was just,forgetting to say that it's also,possible to sell coaching services for,example or any kind of services you can,provide to your audience,now getting started with Shopify is very,easy and here are the six steps to get,started one get a free trial by the way,in the description of this video you'll,find a link to get started with Shopify,2. connect the domain 3. create or,import products for choose a Shopify,theme and customize it five set up,payment gateways and shipping and then,finally on the last step Drive traffic,and start selling so as you can see it's,very easy and straightforward to get,started with Shopify I personally made a,lot of free complete step-by-step guides,on how to store the Shopify eCommerce,store any Drop Shipping Store for,complete beginners so if you want to,start a success with Commerce store,definitely make sure to click the link,in the description of this video to,check those tutorials because other,creators charge hundreds and even,thousands of dollars to show you what,I'm showing in those videos okay now I,want to give you some reasons to use,Shopify so the first reason is that,Shopify is very easy to use Shopify was,built for non-technical users meaning,that you don't need to learn about,coding because you can use many themes,and also use their drag and drop Builder,now for those who don't know a theme is,a page layout that is going to Define,how your online store is gonna look like,and also a theme defines the,functionalities of your website for,example when you click on the card of,this theme the card automatically pops,up as a sidebar and when I click on a,card of other website with a different,team the core pops up as full width now,another thing you should also know is,that Shopify provides free and premium,paid themes and the main differences,between those is that a free theme,already gives you all the features to,create a beautiful and high converting,e-commerce store while a Pay theme,allows you to create a unique and,complex site with a lot of dynamic,features like you can have advanced,filters animations you can have product,details on Hover and so many other,features that are not available on free,themes now another reason to use Shopify,is that it's perfect for Drop Shipping,Drop Shipping lets you sell product,without having any sort of inventory you,can basically take an order through your,online store set it to a supplier and,then the supplier ships the product,directly to the customer now Shopify is,one of the best e-commerce platforms for,merchants who want to drop ship because,it offers a lot of apps to sell any kind,of products for example you can do print,on demand to sell merchandise like hot,t-shirts mugs and many more without,having any sort of inventory another,amazing thing is that Shopify also gives,you the possibilities of selling your,products through your social media,channels like you can sell your products,using Instagram and YouTube storefront,to increase your Revenue if you have a,lot of followers another amazing feature,is that Shopify also lets you accept,payments in your physical business,location by using POS,now when it comes to setting up payment,gateways and shipping with Shopify you,have a lot of possibilities here you can,use payment processors like Shopify,payments tribe PayPal to check out,Google pay and other thousands of,payment providers,now when it comes to shipping you can,sell your products in your country or,you can enable International selling to,sell products worldwide and you can also,sell using multiple local currencies,well Shopify has many incredible,features to set up your online store but,there are also some cons which we should,pay attention to so the main con is that,you need to buy and install ad to gain,features because some features you might,expecting to be available in Shopify may,not be available so you need to add an,app to gain some features you are,looking for example of these include,creating gdpr cookie notices to,facilitate digital downloads and letting,users upload files at checkout now the,main question is does Shopify is still,worth it well here's the answer yes,because the platform is getting better,and better because it's making things,easier to launch a professional online,store in less than one hour and you,don't need any technical skills to build,your store now if you want to start,building an e-commerce store or a Drop,Shipping Store by using Shopify,definitely make sure to watch these,videos right here because you can build,your store in less than one hour and,start selling today,foreign

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