what to sell on shopify 2018

Shopify | What Should I sell Online (2018) all right welcome I'd went again here,from resolutions de

Rezolutions Design

Updated on Mar 29,2023

Shopify | What Should I sell Online (2018)

The above is a brief introduction to what to sell on shopify 2018

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Shopify | What Should I sell Online (2018)

all right welcome I'd went again here,from resolutions design everybody thank,you so much for subscribing to the,channel I'm noticing a lot of people,subscribing they're gaining a lot of,interest on my channel so again thank,you so much I will continue to provide,good content kindly go ahead if you,haven't subscribed to this page,subscribe like add some questions you,know I'm always active here too or go to,my website here resolutions,and if you're interested in a new,website definitely we can help you out,let's get right to it alright so one of,the most popular questions that,everybody is going through is that they,want to sell something on e-commerce,they want to start the business,excuse my background you hear like,what's what's called Shark Tank,everybody gets it inspired by a shark,tank I got inspired by Shark Tank in,order to start my own store when I first,started so if you want to start your own,business but you have absolutely no idea,what you should be selling this video is,to kind of give you an inspiration,please is just an inspiration as to the,right direction of what you should be,selling okay and I'm going to show you,two websites as far as what could give,you an idea now remember what I'm going,to show you today is based on today's,date right if you're looking at this a,year later things might have changed but,what should I sell,first of all I'll tell you what not to,do okay don't do what everybody else is,doing the reason you don't want to do,that is because if you do what everybody,else is doing then you're just entering,into the world of a saturated business,where you will have a very hard time,sticking out from the rest you want to,do something that is unique but you want,to get your feet wet so let's get to it,here one of the best websites that I,like to go to is Amazon but not just,regular Amazon go to and why,don't you type here Amazon,bestsellers and yes you might have seen,this information before but the question,is really how to use this Amazon,bestsellers as everybody knows Amazon is,the leader of ecommerce and they have,tons of data right and out of all of,this stuff right here out of all the,best seller categories the first thing,that comes out is toys and games pause,let's think about that for a second I,personally have a philosophy when it,comes to selling you could sell one of,two things in my opinion and,successfully one of two major things,something that takes pain away or,something that is fun so that's very,generalistic right that's very general,something that takes pain away think,about something that people get very,frustrated on the day to day life oh my,goodness,I'm brushing my hair and I hate it when,this happens,or just the common thing that we go,through let's say us men we shave right,we're in the bathroom we're shaving our,face and all this hair gets into the,sink and our wives don't doesn't like,that right it's a pain right so if you,come up with a solution to a pain you've,got a product right then it's your job,to figure out where to get it the,manufacturers good deals that's the,business side of you the other part is,fun so fun as we get older the toys get,more expensive right but everybody likes,to have fun so fun can be subcategories,and tons of things and that's why I,overhear toys and games is like one of,the lead ones because it's fun and it's,for adults cuz we're the ones that are,buying it it's for us right,so I remember looking at this almost a,year ago and I think the number one was,cards against humanity' or if you guys,have played that that's very good but,now look at this this is like the number,one thing now so maybe you want to start,a business that has to do with I don't,know board games or something that sells,things like this or you make up your own,right or what's another thing that's,considered fun hobbies people who love,hobbies so you have to think about okay,well what's my demographic who do I want,to target you know am I in Venezuela or,something that I want to target only,those in Central and South America and,according to Central and South America,we all love to do this for fun or this,as a hobby well let me solve this,according to this niche if I live in,North America based on Americans that,love to purchase the most popular hobby,is this and based on that I am going to,sell this right that's how you start,connecting the dots that's how the,inspiration begins but again according,to the Amazon toys a game's number one,right after that comes electronics but,this is exclusive things right,proprietary or whatnot but over here,based on anything that you want to get,into you want to get into the clothing,fashion industry well according to,Amazon you click on this and the number,one item is a woman product which is,understandable,I personally believe women are the,shoppers they love to shop more than us,men and according to Amazon this product,seems to be very popular according to,this time of the season,which we are ending in November entering,December this is what's trending so,maybe you want to get into that field or,you want to make your own version of,this and you want to make a shoe store,whatever it is that you want but again,that's just focusing on everything mixed,together if you say nah I want to make a,men's fashion line well I want to see,what's Amazon bestsellers when it comes,to men according to Amazon it's an,accessory that's an electronic so maybe,you want to create your own business,that sells nothing but accessory,electronics for men because that's,what's appealing the most according to,this look at that seven thousand seven,hundred and twenty one reviews and,they're shipping in two days according,to the Amazon so you have to kind of,figure out a business to beat that right,that's just an idea now let's talk about,another big,centage of people who want to start the,business people want to start the,business they always want to get their,products they don't want to dropship,right they want to get one look for a,company that could drop to ship,themselves right and for those who don't,understand the terminology of drop,shipping it's when you have a business,and you have a manufacturer create the,product but then at the same time you,want that supplier to ship the product,out to your customer on your behalf,right so when a purchase comes in you,know they pay you but then you go ahead,and you pay the supplier to have them,pick pack and ship the product out to,the client and if that's the case the,most popular website is Aliexpress here,on Aliexpress you could go ahead and,let's get right to it best selling,what's the best selling thing out right,now well according to this time let's,look at the number one product maybe you,want to build a cellphone accessory,business because the new iPhone came out,or the new this came out that you Samson,Kino and everybody's buying these phones,and everybody's in the market with these,new forms so it's only logical that,what's going to be in a man you own,accessories so maybe you want to get,into the business of that and here it,goes this one company from China that's,selling you these cases for eighty eight,cents you will go ahead and sell it,yourself for maybe a dollar ninety nine,and get yourself a profit the other,business of course would be Fitness,fitness is an amazing business,especially after January first new year,new me right so everybody gets into the,wave of fitness and maybe you want to,get into that business of fitness folks,these are just ideas right this whole,video is what can I sell but I'll tell,you what the gold nugget is okay what,I'm just telling you right now is how,just to get your feet wet I'll tell you,what the gold nugget is really like,what's,really gonna put you on the map remember,what I told you earlier that you can't,do what everybody else is doing,so everybody what they do is that they,either go to Aliexpress and they just,choose everything and they're like well,I'm gonna be this multi general store,and I'm gonna sell a hat and then I'm,gonna sell a baby bottle and then it's,just all over the place it's like okay,what are you are you a dollar store or,you're a flea market what are you all,right,and and and what people tried to do is,that they you know the metaphor let's,just throw all this spaghetti to the,frigerator and let's see which spaghetti,sticks that doesn't go that way right,that's desperate and you clients know,you guys shop online if you guys go to a,business website that looks like that,and you want to buy something would you,buy something if it's all over the place,no like no this store is is,jack-of-all-trades they don't know what,they got locals over here in this,company and something from China I don't,know how I feel about that and as,consumers you guys wouldn't do it so,don't pitch it out there then the gold,nugget is you have to sell something,exclusive exclusive meaning that it's,not easily found on Aliexpress I'm sorry,this this tip that I'm giving right now,it's not for those who want to get their,feet wet and they just want to start,selling the first intro that I just gave,it right now that's if you want to get,your feet wet and start selling you want,to make a few bucks and understand how,ecommerce work and kit and gain a few,bucks for the holiday that's what that,is,I'm talking about this tip that I'm,giving you right now is more for,long-term businesses you guys are in it,for five years plus you want to sell,something exclusive proprietary,something that no one can easily get and,I'll give you an example,let's say you want to sell I don't know,ice cream and you want to sell ice cream,Aliexpress is not gonna sell you that,right but you want to look for a,manufacturer that could build or that,could create this ice cream for you and,they could bottle it for you package it,for you and then next do you know they,could either send it to your warehouse,that refrigerates it so that whoever,purchases it goes ahead and delivers it,or let's say it's the fashion line you,don't you want to get something,exclusive you don't want hexans name on,it you want this to be exclusive to you,perfect example I told this one client,to go to rather than flying over to,China why don't you go over to New York,Queens in Northern Boulevard go to,Queens in Northern Boulevard on that,strip which is nothing but Koreans out,over there so hold on chief,manufacturing companies that are just,that's as basically as if you were in,China who would do that who would now go,out over there and actually start,knocking on these manufactured source,asking them for a deal well you don't,have to necessarily do it that way all,you have to find out is when is the next,Fashion Expo and participate on the,local fashion Expo and inside of that,fashion Expo guess who's going all of,those manufacturers looking for people,like you who want to start your business,so you just don't go there empty-handed,go get yourself some business cards,because you're gonna be giving a lot of,them and if you're a shy person oh boy I,recommend you become very outgoing and,just smile and just try to make deals,I'm looking for someone who can make,shirts exclusively for me right or this,type of garment or exclusive hats and,you shake hands with that manufacturer,take them out to lunch write it off on,your taxes tell them that you need a,good deal but tell them that you mean,business that you want great prices if,he says well you know I have to give you,these high prices negotiate say ok I'll,do those high prices but for the first,six months and if after the first six,months I start making more sales I want,you to guarantee me to lower the prices,the more that I order that's all about,negotiation all right folks this is my,video to you guys I'm sorry it's like,very low low quality or whatever but I,really hope that this helps motivate you,guys to find the right products this is,everyone again for resolutions design

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