what sells well on shopify 2016

⭐️ TOP 10 PRODUCTS TO SELL IN DECEMBER 2022 | SHOPIFY DROPSHIPPING if you're looking to finish this

Ac Hampton

Updated on Mar 05,2023


The above is a brief introduction to what sells well on shopify 2016

Let's move on to the first section of what sells well on shopify 2016

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if you're looking to finish this year,making some serious money with your,online store then this is the video that,you're going to need to actually make,that crazy money with your Joshua store,you have to have a product that,customers actually want to buy and,that's exactly what I'm going to be,giving you today with my top 10 winning,products of December 2022 so without,further Ado let's go ahead and get right,into it what's going on everyone my name,is AC Hampton and I'm an eight-figure,marketer who gets to help students from,all across the world start and continue,their eCommerce Journey successfully and,some of these products that you guys,will be seeing today in this list of,products that you need to be selling,this December I found through my own,product research methods and I'm,currently selling them where my students,are currently scaling or I found them,currently training on the market today,on top of this I've dug deep into,product research and validation using,methods like ad spy AliExpress Google,Trends and more market research they,give you the best top 10 winning,products that you should be selling,right now and as you can see I'm,currently on this Google Document that's,going to give you all these winning,products and everything you actually,need start selling them today and that's,going to give you the competitor,Facebook ad the ad copy the headlines,the competitor product page the,AliExpress product page profit margins,five interest tests and so much more and,if you smash that like button down below,and get this video to 2 000 likes you,guys will have full access completely to,this cheat sheet and I'm gonna go ahead,and leave it in the pin comment as well,as in the description down below and,before I dive into these products you,guys know I give out a free one-on-one,Consulting call every single week to one,lucky winner who's looking to be able to,get all their questions answered and,streamline their success while doing so,and for you to get the opportunity of,winning this week all you have to do is,smash that like button down below and,also in the comment section down below,comment the word Supreme December with,your goal that you have this December,2022 and I will be announcing the winner,from last week somewhere inside this,video so make sure you stay tuned the,entire way alright let's go ahead and,jump right into product number one,product number one is the magic mat,let's go and check out the competitor,Facebook advertisement and see what,we're working with alrighty this bath,mat is a game changer absorbs water in,seconds huge problem solver no more wet,slippery floors designed with quality,materials I mean I could probably think,of at least 10 people who would buy this,product right now so also has an,anti-slip base which is really nice to,have it stays perfectly in place and,even has a sleek and modern look hey,this product is going crazy on the,market especially if you take full,advantage but you do not have to listen,to me let's check out the engagement on,this ad and see what we're working with,1.8 000 comments 463 shares and it's,only been in the market for a couple,weeks and all these products are things,that are working right now not a month,ago not a week ago but right here right,now and this is how you can validate,that so if you come over here to most,relevant and you come over here to,newest you can see that they're getting,comments on it today I mean an hour ago,two hours ago 14 hours ago 21 hours ago,16 hours ago they are flooding the,comments section and people are actually,wanting to buy this product and when you,all know when there's a demand behind a,product it's time for us as marketers to,give the supply let's go and check out,the competitor potty page and see what,we're selling this item for so on the,competitor product page they're selling,this item for 35 I really like how their,product description shows in images and,in text why people will want to buy the,product in the first place so this is,great right here like prevent slipping,and it shows exactly how that's going to,be done with this picture perfect for,anywhere in the house and it shows that,right here in this picture and so on and,so forth so one thing I'll say is like I,do like the reviews but I want to make,every single one five stars you want it,to be believable so you want a good,range of five stars four stars you can,even maybe add a couple three stars in,there but you want it to look believable,when you're actually adding these,reviews to your store let's check out,the AliExpress link and see what we're,going to be buying this product for on,AliExpress so you can see we're gonna,get this item for 9.87 with free,shipping they're also showing other,colors and variants that are available,the competitor was not doing that so,that's another advantage that you,definitely have over 1200 orders 229,reviews 4.5 star rating the quality is,definitely there with that being said,the competitor was not charging shipping,so the selling price stayed at 39,dollars the product cost was nine,dollars and 87 cents with free shipping,which gives us a profit margin of 29.13,every single time you just sell one of,these and the five interest I would test,out with this product is bathroom Bath,and Body Works kitchen shower and bath,and before I hear about all the long,shipping times or working with,AliExpress check out this video right,here so you have a better understanding,of how to find a great supplier and the,best suppliers that you should be,working with to get the best results,with your online business and in my,one-on-one mentorship you also get,access to my private supplier who's,going to give you five to ten day,delivery on any product that you sell,and speaking about my one-on-one,mentorship there's now 10 new limited,spots that are now available for the,month of December so if you're looking,at me grab by the hand no matter your,experience level and be taught tested,and proven winning strategies that can,help you generate results with your,online store just like my current,students are doing right here I'm taking,10 dedicated people who are ready to,take action and learn how to create a,side hustle that can bring in an extra,five to ten thousand dollars back into,your pocket every single month if you're,looking to apply for these 10 limited,spots you can deem me the word,mentorship on my Instagram my AC,underscore Hampton or apply with this,link down below alright with that being,said let's go ahead and get right into,product number two product number two is,a full leg massager let's go ahead and,check out the competitor Facebook ad and,see what we're working with alrighty,Muscle Recovery relieve pain encourage,blood flow regain Mobility this,ultimately improves circulation elevates,stiffness and actually helps relax tight,muscles so we already know that this,solves a problem it has a great wow,factor it's being scaled to a mass,audience and there's a high perceived,value behind the product a 10 000 common,7.6 000 shares in only a couple weeks,let's go ahead and check out the,competitor product page and see what,we're gonna sell this item for as you,can see there's selling this item for,169.99 and this is not with shipping,included one thing I really love about,the store is it definitely looks like,it's professionally done I mean it has a,nice clean store layout only focusing on,three colors Max black white in one,separate color there's no real pop-up,all over the place all the text is black,everything is congruent with the images,and ultimately you can see that they put,a lot of emphasis on the store and one,thing I'll say is they're not upselling,anything to even increase their average,order value so I always recommend two,different apps to do that one is,frequently bought together which allows,you to cross-sell cross-related items,and second is quantity Break by discount,which allows you to incentivize people,to buy more on your store by actually,giving them a higher discount and,putting more money back in your pocket,both those apps are available on the,Shopify App Store so make sure to go,ahead and check it out alright so on,AliExpress you can see we're getting,this item for,86.85 with free shipping now this is a,little bit of a higher cost of good but,the profit that comes from this product,is going to be crazy wait till you see,this as you see they do have over 1400,orders 437 reviews and a 4.8 star rating,so we know that the quality of the,product is definitely there with that,being said the competitor was charging,shipping so the selling price came out,to,194.67 the product cost is 86.85 when,with free shipping which gives us a huge,profit margin of a hundred and seven,dollars and 82 cents every time you just,sell one of these I'm telling you you,did not want to miss out on that profit,right there and the five interest I,would test out with this product is leg,extension World Gym well-being Planet,Fitness and physical fitness,product number three is a wood named,piggy bank let's go ahead and check out,the advertisement and see what we're,working with alrighty eco-friendly and,safe for kids it's a piggy bank that,they can play with that can they can,actually spell their name out with now,we already know with the upcoming,holidays that are about to happen this,is going to be an amazing product that,you can gift with we just have to think,like an online Shopper to have online,Shoppers come buy products from us and,here's a perfect example of that you can,do all types of names all different,types of letters and I mean literally,look at this comment section 16 000,comments 16 000 shares I'm not showing,you anything that is not working right,here right now I mean literally someone,just bought this product three minutes,ago 48 minutes ago hour ago two hours,ago the list continues to keep going on,the competitor product page they're,selling this item for,25.55 now one thing I will say is they,definitely have high quality reviews of,this product I definitely like that a,lot and when I say high quality reviews,I mean actually showing people using the,product not just a random picture of the,product but actual people using it to,show that there's real life people who,want to buy this product just like they,do and here's a perfect example of a,here's a perfect example of it and when,you look at that they're also,highlighting the seasons that are about,to come up just like I was saying but,one thing I definitely would not do is,mimic all this stuff up here I mean,having a promotion and emojis and your,title of your product should never,happen countdown timers like this is,like 2018 2019 Drop Shipping I do not,advise this at all anymore there's just,like random offers all over the place,all this stuff I mean all that's got to,go we're focused on a simple High,converting High clean store layout all,2023 do not mimic what you're seeing,right here but what you should mimic is,the product that they're selling let's,go ahead and go to AliExpress and see,where we're gonna get this item for on,AliExpress you can see we're gonna get,this item for 7.84 cents plus four,dollars and 22 cents for shipping hey do,not sleep on these AliExpress images I,mean they have a lot of things that you,guys can work with all of these are very,high quality images that are,non-copyrighted that are readily,available for you to use on your store I,mean these people even videos too with,that being said the competitor was,charging shipping so the selling price,came out to 34.80 the product cost was,7.84 cents plus four dollars and 22,cents for shipping which gives us,another great profit margin of 22.74 and,the five interest I would test out with,this product is grandkid Christmas Lego,gift and Toy Story,number four is an absolute Banger it's a,heated vest perfect for the time frame,that's happening right now let's go,ahead and check out the Facebook ad and,see what we're working with all right,this is a very aggressive advertisement,but it definitely caught my attention I,mean this dude is literally in the,middle of a water with a heated vest,still not cold it beats a cold this,winter with this heated vest it's good,for camping fishing outdoor activities,there's three different heat settings,again another product that solves a,problem which is the easiest way to sell,any product and another one that's still,going absolutely crazy as well fifteen,thousand comments 10 million views 40,000 likes again these products are going,crazy it's up to you to take advantage,of them on the competitor website they,are selling this item for 95.99 with,free shipping now this is what I mean by,cross-selling cross-related items they,are doing an amazing job of this and you,should be mimicking this same type of,thing so they're selling a heated vest,but they also have a comfortable,electric heated socks and waterproof,heated gloves all things that go really,great together but one thing they,definitely should improve on is by,having a compare price so you see how,this product says 95.99 well this is,great and all but we're telling,customers hey we're giving you a sell,for the upcoming Seasons so to actually,use this to your advantage you want to,have something as a compare price so,this wouldn't just say 95.99 but it,might have like 191 dollars next to it,because that will show that this product,is now 50 off even if you're going to,sell it at this price anyways on,AliExpress we're getting this item for,14.93 with free shipping again they have,so many different videos that you guys,can use you just need to take full,advantage of it same with the pictures,as well hey another product with 4.9,stars as well cannot hate on that either,with that being said again the,competitor was not charging shipping so,the selling price stayed at 95.99 the,product cost was 14.93 with free,shipping which gives us a great profit,margin of 81 dollars and six cents every,time you just sell one of these and the,five interest I would test out with this,product is clothing apparel heated,clothing Walmart health and fitness and,Dick's Sporting Goods,pie number five is a Montessori,Christmas tree let's go and check out,the advertisement and see what we're,working with alrighty so great for,children great for toddlers you can,decorate over and over and over again,and just be able to have fun with this,and customize it a thousand different,ways honestly this would be great in a,Montessori great in an office great for,your kids at home even great in An Early,Education school as well I mean honestly,I probably wish I would have had one of,these when I was a kid it has over 2 000,comments 2.5,000 shares you see that they're,highlighting Christmas to their,advantage same thing that you should be,doing as well with your advertisements,and you can see that people are already,loving it and loving it every single,hour with that being said on the,competitor's website they're selling,this item for 24.98 one thing I really,like is how once I actually scroll past,the add to cart button you see this,thing come at the bottom it's called,sticky add to cart now this is a great,app to have on your store because it,allows customers at any moment of being,on your page add the product to the card,and continue to increase your customer,experience this is the app that you can,get from the Shopify App Store something,I would definitely recommend you have,but these trust badges right here this,guaranteed save checkout buyer,protection remove this from your store,again the biggest brands in the world,like Target Walmart Amazon they are not,doing this because they know their,customers should trust them just like we,should know our customers should trust,us so I do not recommend this on our,store at all with that being said on,AliExpress we're getting this item for,seven dollars and 81 cents with free,shipping you already see the ratings on,this again the quality of the product is,definitely there white background images,like this are all great images I would,definitely recommend having on my store,and with that being said the competitor,was charging shipping so the selling,price came out to,31.46 the product cost was 7.81 with,free shipping which gives us a great,profit margin of 23.65 and the five,interest I would test out with this,product is Montessori early childhood,education teacher education nursery and,primary schools don't forget if you're,having any questions about this video or,questions about how you can get started,my DMs are always open to help you out,as much as possible just head over to my,Instagram at AC underscore Hampton and,DM me the word YouTube so I I can reach,out and help out with any questions that,you may be having and don't forget to,smash that like button and subscribe to,my channel so you never miss out on a,single week of this value that will help,you towards your success with your,online store all right let's jump right,into product number six product number,six is an electro plating magnet case,for iPhones let's go and check out the,advertisement and see what we're working,with again another great product for,this upcoming Christmas it's an electric,plated PC case it covers with HD glass,and lens cover which you really don't,see in iPhones a lot you either have to,buy the case and then buy the cover but,this is all in one as a plated hard Edge,and honestly just has a very clean Sleek,design and I'm not gonna lie I may know,somebody who's really scaling the heck,out of this product right now and again,look at the comment section that is all,I'm going to say on the competitor's,website they are selling this item for,19.99 plus shipping one thing I really,like is that even though they have a,bunch of variants it actually shows what,bearing I'm choosing once I actually go,ahead and choose it so for example if I,go ahead and choose black it shows me,the black variant if it shows if it's,going golden it shows me the golden,Alpine green so on and so forth and,though this may seem small this could be,the make or break of you getting a Cell,by just making the customers experience,better but then as I scroll down this,whole entire section needs to go these,products don't even go together and they,don't even have any reviews at all so,easy way for you to wipe out your,competition on AliExpress you can see,we're gonna get this item for six,dollars and 12 cents with free shipping,they've gone crazy on these orders I,mean the demand behind the product is,definitely there hey in this video on,AliExpress might be better than the,advertisement we just saw so take,advantage of your resources with that,being said the competitor was charging,shipping so the selling price came out,to 26.98 the product cost was six,dollars and 12 cents with free shipping,which brought the profit margin to,twenty dollars and 86 cents and the five,interest I'll test out with this product,is consumer electronics mobile phones,iPhone mobile phone accessories and,iPhone and Apple we're officially on,product number seven product number,seven is LED Christmas candles let's go,ahead and check out the advertisement,and see what we're working with alrighty,so again another product I've been,seeing scaled everywhere I mean Tick,Tock Facebook Google Instagram this,product has shown up everywhere great,for audience great for the Christmas,theme great for the holiday that's,coming up honestly this is a product,that works every single year as a drop,shipper and out the other end of things,this is a product that people are buying,every single year as well and again look,at that engagement on the competitors,website they are selling this item for,29.99 one thing I really like that they,did was bundle some of their packages,together and actually increase their,average order value while doing so so,instead of choosing gold or silver or,blue or red you can actually put all,four colors together for a higher price,which is only putting more money back in,your pocket but besides that there's no,real features or benefits in their,product description it's really just,images so this isn't something that I,would recommend building mine out like,and again no reviews I don't know why,there's so many people not taking,advantage of the reviews but again this,is a maker breaker someone buying from,you or buying from someone else is if,you can convince them well enough and,reviews are going to be a huge huge part,of that let's go ahead and check out,what we're going to be getting this item,for you guys been talking to me about,other suppliers so here we are on CJ,Drop Shipping as you can see we're,getting this product for three dollars,and sixteen cents with an eight dollar,shipping fee which is basically bringing,this Drop Shipping price out to 12.25,hey you can even get all the way down to,8 to 16 day delivery with this product,as well with that being said the,competitor was charging shipping so the,selling price came out to 36.98 the,product cost came out to 12.25 after,shipping which gives the profit margin,of 24.73 every time you sell one of,these and the five interest I would test,out with this product is Christmas,shopping Christmas holiday candles Santa,and Holiday,we're officially on product number eight,you're not going to want to miss out on,these last products product number eight,is Led beanie let's go ahead and check,out the advertisement alrighty Christmas,gift for your loved one beanie that,makes everyday life so much easier being,in the dark great for construction,workers great for people who work,outside great for people who are walking,their dogs and this is not a regular,beanie but a problem solving beanie,which only makes it so much easier to,sell like I mentioned earlier even if,you want to go on runs or ride your bike,at night this is going to be a great,product for that I just can't get over,these engagement because I work so hard,on this list I mean 10 000 comments 19,000 shares these are all products that,you can scale literally today on the,competitors website they're selling this,item for 24.98 see how it says free,shipping over 39 over here we already,know that they're basically charging,shipping as well now I do like how they,highlighted the season that is happening,right now with saying Christmas sell now,but I would go ahead and put this in the,announcement bar up here and not go,ahead and put that in the actual name of,my product but they still did a really,good job highlighting this season right,here honestly this would throw me off,and I would leave you most likely would,leave so I would change this whole,entire color scheme around I mean for me,being Peach up here to the logo being,blue and white so then a pink bar red,purple down here it's honestly just,doing a little bit too much simple does,more you can go ahead and beat this,competitor by doing so on AliExpress you,can see we're getting this item for,eight dollars and 19 cents with free,shipping I mean they have so many,different colors available as well,something that you could take full,advantage of and with that being said we,already knew the competitor was charging,shipping so the selling price came out,to 33.98 the product cost was eight,dollars and eighteen cents with free,shipping which gives us a great profit,margin of 25.80 the five interest I,would test out with this product is,hunting camping running hiking and,construction we're officially on product,number nine and I have something special,for you because I know you guys been,asking for tick tock products product,number nine is a shark fluffy boot let's,go ahead and check out the advertisement,and see what we're working with all,right these shark boots right here have,been going crazy I mean every single,time I get on Tick Tock I see these,things I know a couple people who are,scaling these right now as well and,everyone's buying these for the,Christmas season as well let me just,tell you so if you're looking for,something to take full advantage of on,Tick Tock now this is going to be the,product for you even look at the,engagement on this 5 000 likes on it 250,comments on it it's only been about a,week that has been on the market with,that being said on the competitor's,website they're selling this item for,35.90 I really like how they're using,nice high quality images when they're,actually showcasing the product I mean,none of these are pixelated at all every,one of these products have a white,background behind them as well and,honestly this is a good example of how,your product images should look like I,would definitely simplify the title,though you only want this to be on one,line two to three words Max and there's,really no product description or reviews,so they definitely need to work on that,as well on CJ Drop Shipping you can see,that we're gonna get this item for four,dollars and 61 cents right around eight,dollars for shipping fee which comes out,to a total dropshipping price of 13.63,oh yeah being delivered in 7-15 days so,this competitor was charging shipping so,the selling price came out to 43.85 the,product cost after shipping was,13.63 which gives us another amazing,profit margin of thirty dollars and 22,cents every time we sell one of these,and the five interest I would test out,with this product is kids animals zoos,Christmas and sharks we are officially,on product number 10. product number 10,is a flying orb let's go ahead and check,out the advertisement and see what we're,working with oh you thought I was done,with Tick Tock look at how this product,is going crazy on the market today again,another giftable product that can work,really well in the upcoming season is,problem solving by entertaining you for,hours and if you probably even open up,Tick Tock before you have seen this,product with that being said on the,competitor's website they're selling,this item for 24.99 one thing I really,like is that they actually named the,product they didn't just name it a UFO,spinner or an orb spinner but an iFly,orb spinner this just allows them to be,more customizable and actually stand out,from the competition one thing I would,definitely not do is have my entire,product description looking like text,right here nobody wants to feel like,they are reading a novel you should be,having a main feature a benefit and then,an image or GIF right under there and,then just cycling and repeating after,that but seeing something like this is,something you should never do on,AliExpress you can see we're getting,this item for eight dollars and 75 cents,with free shipping okay they have videos,you can use on here as well so take,advantage of it so many different clips,so many different things that you can,play around with with that being said,the competitor was charging shipping so,the selling price came out to 29.99 the,product cost was 8.75 with free shipping,which gives us a nice profit margin of,22 dollars every time we sell one of,these and the five interest I would test,out with this product is children toys,holidays fun and light show and you have,officially made it through the top 10,winning products of December 2022.,weekend,but before you just start jumping right,into these products check out this video,right here so that you don't waste any,time money effort or energy into the,wrong direction and avoiding any,mistakes that can happen along the way,but the products that we just went over,are just some of the products that are,going to get your jobs from your store,off the ground and running and you need,to be taking advantage of them right now,but before I leave you all to it you,know I cannot forget to announce the,winner of the free one-on-one Consulting,call from last week's video and the,winner from last week's video is Tanner,Barco Tanner congratulations on winning,reach out to me on my Instagram at AC,underscore Hampton we can hop on a,one-on-one Zoom call look over your,products look over your ads and help you,head into 2023 the right way and,remember if you want the chance of,winning next week all you have to do is,smash that like button down below and in,the comment section down below comment,the word Supreme December with your goal,this December 2022 and you officially,have the keys to your success with your,online store with these 10 different,training and winning products and right,now is it time to take full advantage of,it but don't forget if you want this,product list this cheat sheet Giving You,Everything to start selling these,products today smash that like button,down below get this video to 2 000 likes,and I'll go ahead and put it in the pin,comment and in the description down,below I can't wait to see you all go,crazy with these products this December,this is AC with Supreme Ecom and I'm out,man,to get it right back stack that internet,money to the site crash stay on IG try,to get a life back see they don't talk,that talk they just type fast

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