what is source in shopify

Shopify Store 2.0 Dynamic Data Source For Section (Part 9) hi welcome to another video in this,video

Code Inspire

Updated on Mar 22,2023

Shopify Store 2.0 Dynamic Data Source For Section (Part 9)

The above is a brief introduction to what is source in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what is source in shopify

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Shopify Store 2.0 Dynamic Data Source For Section (Part 9)

hi welcome to another video in this,video i,i'm going to show you how you can,display dynamic data from meta field,in the shopify section everywhere so,this is one of the coolest feature,without touching your,code you can display dynamic data from,meta field inside the section everywhere,in shopify store 2.0 so let's see how we,can do this one,here i have this nike product which i,imported just for,demo the thing is it has a lot of,description,in here what i want to do is i want to,display more feature or more benefit,inside a meta field and then i will,display it at the bottom of the page if,someone scroll down i want to display it,up there instead of here,so what i will do is i'll go back to the,product in here first i'll find my,product which is this nike product,and this is the benefit that we have,here,so i'm going to create a meta field for,this one currently we have one,excerpt which we added in the previous,videos,but i'm going to add another one called,features you can create as many as you,want but in this video i'll give you,more example of what is possible,we will go to the setting from here we,go to meta field,in the product i'll create a separate,definition for this one,i will call it features since this is,going to,store the features about my product,or the shoes that we have here from the,content type,we will select text you can select every,other one that,like date time color and json or any,other thing from,here which are completely dynamic you,can,store it like here one of the other cool,things that,i saw in here was the,the file which you can upload any type,of file which you want,pdf svg any type of file that you can,select you can directly select from here,so we will select the text for this one,and you can you have the option of,selecting,a single line or multi line which i'll,select multiline,and again you will add some additional,rule for the user,how much like text they can put that way,your website design will look much nicer,if you give them some rule if they,cannot add a long text so they can have,a limited but for this one since we are,just,ex like uh experimenting it is totally,fine,we added this one i'll come to my,product and,let's copy this more benefits i will,just cut everything from,here and you can see,we copy everything i save it,and this time it should load the name,meta field in here,when you click view all this is the,feature now if i open,feature it does not have the visibility,editor,that is one of the missing word i wish,it has this wizzy wig editor,where you can make the product list link,or any,other design but if you put and hit like,we copy the html and,if you paste the html in here it is not,going to look really nice,so what i will do is i'll come back here,i will actually the thing is,if i preview this let's see if it has,still those information yes,it does i'm going to just copy this text,here,i'm not going to copy everything uh okay,i'll be back here and i'll paste the,features,in here now as i said it doesn't have,the visibility editor so what you can do,if you want them to show as a dot line,here are the tips i can show you you can,go to this website,for copying the samples it is not the,best way to do this one but,i can copy the symbol like the dot,symbol and then i'll come to my product,edit here i'll add it at the beginning,of,each of this list so this is one,i don't know what was the second one,okay i hope it was this one,style and then i passed for this one too,and then i will save it we will be back,and let's go to the theme editor and add,it dynamically,so i'll come to the theme customizer,we'll add a section we will use the text,with image,and the data for this one should be,dynamic as i said we will just pick a,random color,this is not the feature of this product,this should be small,so the heading you can of course connect,the heading to a metaphor from here,insert dynamic source,but i'll put this one as features,and for the text that we have here i,want the text to be dynamic so,you have to remove everything you have,here click this,database icon which can which lets you,select a meta field now these are the,meta fields,that that we have here features you can,add more meta field,title winner there the product data i'll,pick the features,insert it and yeah here is what you can,see,this is the data which is coming from a,metaphil,and it will be dynamic depending on,which product you are,which makes a lot of like a lot of,development,features easy you can see it is here,this is also showing here,and if i save it like i as i said it is,very buggy,why is showing here i didn't add it for,you yeah it is gone now,okay fine it's saved it and it is,working just fine,now if you are creating a product and,your product has,a feature meta field this data will be,different based on the template you are,so yeah that's it for the dynamic source,in,store 2.0 i hope it has been informative,thank you for watching and i will see,you in the next video

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