what is "shopify reserve accounts"

When will Amazon pay me? | Selling on Amazon 2021 | Account Level Reserve all right so i've been sel

Nhely Designs

Updated on Mar 14,2023

When will Amazon pay me? | Selling on Amazon 2021 | Account Level Reserve

The above is a brief introduction to what is "shopify reserve accounts"

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When will Amazon pay me? | Selling on Amazon 2021 | Account Level Reserve

all right so i've been selling online,for about eight years now,i started off by selling on etsy and,then i opened an ebay store,and i also built my own shopify website,where i sell my products online,and recently in may i actually got,suspended,from etsy my shop was closed etsy,shut down my shop and it was entirely my,fault,because i was selling copyrighted,invitations with disney and sesame,street characters on it and whatnot and,i have a whole video about that,and exactly what happened i'll leave a,link to that up here in case you guys,want to check it out,so etsy was actually my primary form of,income,and when this happened um i started,looking,to sell elsewhere and that's how i came,across,amazon handmade so i've been selling on,amazon for about two months now,fulfilled by merchant which means that i,pack and ship out my own products to the,customer,as orders come in but anyway the amazon,payout system is unlike anything i've,ever experienced,before in my almost 10 years of selling,online,if you've sold on etsy or ebay or any of,these other websites,probably used to having almost immediate,access to your funds in some cases it'll,take two or three days,to transfer those funds to your account,but those funds will almost,always immediately be available to,transfer within the day that the,sale was made or the next day but when,you come over to sell on amazon whether,it be handmade,fbm or fba you'll find that that is not,at all the case this is my amazon seller,payment dashboard,and you'll see on here that the total,balance,for the orders sold recently,is 151 dollars and 64 cents,and yet only 88 88.71,of that is available for deposit which,according,to this down here they will be,transferred,on september 9th and the rest of the,money,is held in this account level reserve,category,which is where amazon holds your money,up until the eighth day,after your product has been delivered to,your customer,and according to amazon the reason that,they hold,your money on reserve for over a week is,to make sure that they have enough money,to cover,any customer returns up until a week,after,the product has been delivered all right,let me illustrate that for you,let's say somebody buys something from,you today,thursday august 27th and you ship it out,the next day,well those funds won't be available in,your,amazon account until eight days after,it's been delivered,so assuming you ship it out tomorrow,which is,the 28th and the buyer chooses standard,shipping,they wouldn't receive it until probably,tuesday,september 1st and then the funds,wouldn't be available,until 8 days after that which would be,on wednesday september 9th and that's,when they become available,in your account for deposit that means,even though they're available you don't,have those funds in your account you,still have to send them to your bank and,that typically takes about three days,so i made the sale on the 27th and,likely won't see money from that sale,until about the 15th of september,and for someone like me who's doing,handmade and i'm not shipping out,you know high volume orders i have a,small budget and i depend,on those sales it's a lot to have to,wait out,a couple of weeks to see the money from,my sales,so that really threw me off guard at the,beginning,because as more sales came in the,reserve amount in my account,increased so i had to do some research,and that's when i came across the amazon,article that actually talks about,their payout system and how that works,and that's,what i wanted to talk about today,because,uh if you're not aware of it if you're,not used to the amazon payout system,you might freak out a little bit,wondering where's my money,when am i going to get paid because i,know i did,but don't worry you will eventually see,your money,it just might take a while before you,receive your first payout,and you're gonna get your money in,installments,if you ask me that waiting period is a,bit excessive,i mean i've never experienced anything,like it before,and there's really no reason why amazon,needs to be holding people's money,hostage for that long,let me know your experience with this if,you've dealt with it and,your thoughts on it i hope you found,this video helpful,let me know if you have any questions or,comments and like and subscribe for,future content

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