what is personification at shopify

FIREPUSH SMS, Web Push, Email- Honest Shopify App Review by thank god you're here the

Andrew from EcomExperts

Updated on Mar 03,2023

FIREPUSH SMS, Web Push, Email- Honest Shopify App Review by

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FIREPUSH SMS, Web Push, Email- Honest Shopify App Review by

thank god you're here the fire was,almost out of control I mean seriously,there was like fire everywhere and I had,to like put water on it and fire please,swear to God all my beautiful books were,almost on fire,hello lovely Shopify world my name is,andrew FM become experts dog I know but,you subscribed and you already knew this,welcome to you in a week where we review,Shopify apps just for you so we do all,these things with easy Shopify apps so,if there is one specific section that,interests you more than another one just,go to a timestamp below and go straight,to that section otherwise this week we,are looking at is a mess wet push email,from fire push this week we're going to,do things also a little bit differently,we have actually someone that's here to,help us review the app someone that has,used it themselves so you can kind of,hear a first-person experience about it,it is ooh my camera from exporting,leftovers calm so he will tell you,exactly how this app impacted him beside,that this fire brush app has a four,point eight out of 5 star reviews but,we'll see that all the way in the facts,corner it most important of all don't,forget we have a competition going on,where we give four hours of development,work so my bifs come to your store and,optimize it for free but for that make,sure to check at the very end of the,video on what you have to do alright,that's enough,let's go to the watch the app is,installed and we are on the account,creation window so the usual stuff let's,fill it in pretty quickly the second,page is reserved for the focus here we,can choose from three different focus,areas the speed-up sales growth the,improve conversion rate and the,increased customer lifetime value let's,choose the first option and click on,next here you see some information about,the benefits of SMS and also you can see,it in action,on the following page we can see a web,push introduction and that's kind of it,for the start guide pretty clear we are,on the app dashboard orbital of at the,dashboard it looks very nice the,navigation menu is on the left on the,bottom right you can,find a life Chad but we will speak about,that in a later section the first thing,you will see on the dashboard is here,quick analytics you can play with the,time frame for more precise info the,next step is SMS notifications all the,SMS notifications are requiring one of,the paid plans but as you can see here,there are plenty of options and we don't,review pay plans yet because we don't,have enough followers so make sure to,LIKE subscribe and tell your friends so,we can start reviewing those paid plans,the next in line is push notifications,here we have a pro commendations and,progress bar some of the push,notifications are reserved for paid,users but we can test a few right here,let's start with the first one which is,the welcome pushes this is nice on the,right there is a live preview and on the,Left we can change the title description,but also we can add a call to action or,any other type of button actually but,wait there is more,yes that's not all in order to collect,even more subscribers you can add the,discount code with the countdown timer,alright that's a pretty powerful tool,let's activate it and jump to the next,notification maybe we can activate,product delivery updates and price drop,alerts for the product delivery updates,we can set for different notification,payments accepted order dispatch,tracking number and refund confirmation,wow this is a similar template as we had,with the Welcome notification so we can,move to the price drop notifications on,this tab you can customize the price,drop notification big surprise and also,the actual price drop signup box,okay let's activate it quickly and jump,to the email email is as you can see,still in beta and only one time is,available email promotional campaigns,and it's only available for paid users,ok these three types are coming soon and,I'm sure it will be a nice,and overall great to the app so the fire,push team makes sure to let us know in,the comments when it will come out so,maybe if you're watching this video in,the future it's already out so let's go,to our demo shop and see what we have,done the app is working and there we go,we got the Welcome notification so our,next section is okay guys let's use test,my store in order to see how,fast our store is and if this app did,any damage this is a free tool we've,built for you you can also spy on your,competition see what apps they use that,you don't use we already tested our,store before without the app and now,we're going to test it again and we can,easily compare the results in the,history section right here this was the,report before the app was added and in,this one today so the page size went up,what about half a megabyte nine,additional requests on the home page,similar results on all the other pages,so there seems to be some some effect of,having these guys on alright now that,you have a better idea of how the app,looks and feels let's see what the,person that actually used the app in the,past says about it let's go find out,ready,afterwards basically it's a spinoff of,my father's textile business my father,has been involved in textile industry,for the last 35 years and he was with,some of the world's top brands and he,was working for a company in December,2013 and he had made their clothes but,the company went bankrupt to recover the,money we couldn't sell those clothes to,anyone else because it had their label,on it we just made a website on Shopify,and just posed to those for us and it,starts selling really quickly and that's,how export afterwards evolved so it's,zero carbon emission we don't make any,new fabric when we are producing,everything we use is whatever is lying,around in our Factory and our mission,for 2022 is to have zero text templates,so there would be no textile waste so we,used fire push after researching for,quite a long time for alternative,options but we stayed too far apart,because of Thomas's amazing support and,the easiest fix on Shopify to send push,notifications we needed push,notifications because we believe it is,very engaging for the customers for,example abandon bar and telling,customers about new offers we need,enough for maybe we could do it and,farkles does it very nicely,I think fair approach is pretty simple,to set up it's relatively cheap and it's,very affordable it's but you know like,setting up a campaign is super super,easy and if we get into any trouble we,just get in touch with Thomas and he,helps us and you know obviously the rich,are is the money we made using that,that platform the customer engagement,you know people using the fire,personification to buy stuff so far,which has certainly improved our,business quite a lot like when we look,at our roas it's consistently between,five to six when we use fire push the,numbers once again it gives in okay okay,okay so you know what section we go max,right,so we are on the demo shop am here is,the opt-in message let's allow it and,here is our welcome notification alright,looks good maybe we should have,customized it a little bit more but I,guess now you have the whole picture of,how the app looks then that was fast,time to look at,these support is available via live chat,and we love that you can search further,answer in the Help Center if the,customer support is not currently,available but you know what let's send,them a message and see what you can,expect as answer,the message is since now we need to wait,and when we love an answer immediately,after few seconds alright that's a,shout-out to fire pool,welcome to the facts corner so first of,all integrations with which other app,does this app integrate when they,integrate with two apps that we have,already reviewed a Luke's to give me the,look remember when I made that awesome,joke,super popular it was a great joke and,grow where that we also already reviewed,so make sure to check out those reviews,then let's look at pricing there is the,free pricing Apple these are all the,options right here to start with there,is the free plan which has a hundred,thousand emails for a three months it,has a thousand pushes unlimited,subscribers on SMS email and push there,is promo campaigns and there is delivery,updates and also apprised up and,back-end store options for the basic of,five dollars per month you have access,to all of the features from that I just,mentioned but you also have 2500 pushes,you have the abandoned cart automations,which you didn't have before the power,push notifications the segmentation of,email and SMS and the SMS optimization,then you have the advancement for $19 a,month you have 10,000 pushes for that,amount the amount the abandoned cart,autumn is a ssin the power push,notifications these segmentations and,the SMS automations as well okay cool,but who are the competitors so let's,start with push out which we have,reviewed you should check it out,otherwise there is push monkey which we,have reviewed that check it out there is,the announcement bar and web push which,are these guys,there is Intel these guys there is Omni,sense,sounds familiar there is AB an email,cart notification by the booster app and,then there is abandoned cart recovery,email by care cart and in regards to D,rating this app has a four point eight,out of five rating in SE,723 reviews so that's pretty impressive,this is what the breakdown looks like so,the vast majority 604 are five stars now,there are a couple of one stars,let's overlay the one star reviews on,the screen right here just maybe because,there might be some specific issue that,you have as well that they reviewed in,there so just pause it and check it out,and then that is it guys thank you so,much for watching but wait before you go,there is our competition so the question,is how many likes will this video have,24 hours after posting it just make your,guess in the comments below and the,person that's closest to guessing it,right gets four hours of dem work so my,team will just jump on your store,optimize it do all the little porky,stuff that has been bothering you about,your store and has been hindering your,conversion rate so just leave a comment,below about how many likes you think,this will have there you go guys thank,you so much for watching our video,please subscribe please make sure you,check out the next video I love you and,see you in the next one ciao

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