what is my repeat purchase rate shopify

Low conversion rates? Follow these steps to fix your shopify store you're getting a lot of visitors

George Stock

Updated on Mar 25,2023

Low conversion rates? Follow these steps to fix your shopify store

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Low conversion rates? Follow these steps to fix your shopify store

you're getting a lot of visitors to your,store but none of them actually buying,anything it's really annoying right but,here's four reasons why your store isn't,getting any set okay so the first reason,why your store isn't converting is,because of the traffic source so the,traffic source is really really really,important because you can begin like,tons and tons of people to the store but,if they don't have the money or they're,not actually interested in the product,there's no point so at the moment lots,of people are doing tick-tock organic,and tick-tock okay you have no choice,really of where your traffic is from or,that's what people think there are,strategies behind it to get the right,people to your store and the right,people seeing your videos but lots of,people don't know how to do this so,ideally when you're posting a video you,want to be posting to one of the five,top countries so that's the uk the us,canada and new zealand and australia so,these five convert a lot if you're,english that's great if not then if,you're spanish promote to spain if your,germans are promoted to germany it's,it's simple like that so when promoting,lots of people they do it just for,entertainment purposes all they want to,do is get views because i think views,equals sales but that's not always the,case sometimes you can get a live viewed,video that really converts well because,it's attracting the right people to the,page and the right people to the store,which leads to a higher conversion rate,and you can check this from a three-step,method do is go over to shopify go to,your analytics and it will show your add,to cart your reach checkout and then,your conversion see the drop-off rate,there if there's tons of people going to,the store but they're not adding to cart,there's something wrong with your,product page they don't trust it if,they're adding to car but they're not,going to the checkout process there's,something to do with the price that,they've seen maybe it's too high of a,product price and if it's checkout and,conversions that's most likely because,your shipping cost is too high or your,checkout page looks like a scam just to,bear in mind if you're using ticktock,organic,you should see like a 0.5 to 1,conversion rate it's much lower than,paid ads because this traffic is,normally low quality and there's not,much you can do about that if it's lower,than 0.5 that's something to worry about,and you need to change some things on,your store however for paid ads you,should be looking at two to three,percent if you're targeting correctly,you're using an agency it should be,around two to three percent possibly up,to five percent is what we aim for our,agency so the second reason why your,store isn't converted is because of rush,store design bad logos it can be a,multitude of things to do with your,store that makes it look like a scam so,if you're rushing your logo and you,click onto your page like that and it,all looks pixelated all the text is,copied from alibaba nobody wants to know,that your bracelet is two percent made,of zinc they don't care about that you,need to sell them on the fact don't copy,the description from aliexpress or,alibaba because a lot of the time it's,just to do with serial numbers product,code that doesn't build any trust it,doesn't convert people doesn't get,people excited they think oh yeah,they're drop shipping and now lots of,people are figuring out what drop,shipping is and they know when they see,a drop ship in store so you really need,to work around that also another thing,that worked a few years ago is trust,badges and nowadays trust badges look,like scams like these ones here from,this site it doesn't build any trust,people just think oh that's copied off,there they're trying to take my,information they tried to take my,details so keep it simple keep it to two,three four colors at max,just really keep the design clean simple,straight to the point have key points,laid out and then,maybe some trust badges keep it simple,though keep it all in one design,keep it as one sometimes doing less is,more with drop shipping still take the,time and detail and effort to write out,the product description yourself type,out key points so then people can,quickly read through and see if they,really want this product or not another,thing that a lot of people miss out when,they're creating a drop ship install,from scratch really quickly is reviews,and reviews are really really important,if you only have one or two reviews or,sometimes no reviews at all,that automatically loses trust having,some of these reviews you can you can,import them in with the app like,ali reviews and then just write them out,translate them all keep it nice and,clean some with photos some of that have,a real mix not just all five star five,star five star because that's,unrealistic and that could also lead to,the opposite effect so get some reviews,in just to build up even more trust,between your company and the buyer,because at the end of the day drop,shipping is the fulfillment model not,the business and lots of people think oh,drop shipping it's a quick business i,could set it up i'll get rich instantly,oh this is so easy it's not you're using,shopify as your platform it's a real,business but you're fulfilling by drop,shipping so set it up take your time,don't rush in don't try to sell too many,products as well if you have a drone,store don't sell pet products as well if,you're selling a phone case maybe a,screen protector would be a good,complimentary product or an upsell at,checkout but don't try to sell too many,things stick to one product brand it,well and then if that goes well move on,to another store and expand don't try to,do 20 stores or whatever at once it just,doesn't work once you've learned once,then move on to another one and see if,you can repeat it again and again then,expand don't rush onto it spend your,time on one store and do it right a good,way to keep your store design clean as,well is using like custom theme like,davey fight or solo drop and i'll leave,these in the description below so you,can just download them it's just click,plug in,you can just copy your stuff into it and,you can keep your current theme as well,so you can just change and see it see,how that affects the conversion rate but,there's definitely something to do,most of the time it doesn't cost much,and it can really really boost your,conversions the third key reason why you,aren't getting any sales in your store,is because you don't use enough gifts,photos or videos if you're posting on,tick tock use that tick tock shop feed,and then just have all of your past,videos in there that really builds trust,it links with your product so then,people don't think oh they're just,promoting them so it really links it,together have some custom photos if,you're doing well and even at the start,just order the product lots of the time,the aliexpress alibaba photos,everybody's using them most of the time,they're not very good,you could go on to canva as well get a,background remover and then set another,background to keep it clean and keep it,all the same on the whole website so,just do that maybe order the product up,take some photos take some videos you,can go into a gif converter just resize,your tick tock videos and then have it,as a gif as well so just carry on,building that trust lots of people they,don't want to see just a wall of text,and they're just reading it through no,bullet points break it up with buildup,points uh maybe a larger bit of text,then a video then a photo then a gif,have it all mixed up and then reviews at,the bottom so really think about how,you're going to lay out your your,product description and i've left the,template down below it's nice and simple,and you can just follow the steps and,almost fill it in as you like it works,with all products and i've seen great,success using this template with product,photos there's no need to really buy a,camera these days phones are fine so,only put investment back into the,business once you've made more but if,you really implement these strategies,and you take your time to go over each,one watch the video back make sure,you've done it use the template as well,you will see an increase in checkouts,and you will see an increase in,conversion as simple as that if you take,the time and put the time aside to work,on it hard and look through not rush,things through because these days you,need to be ahead of the competitors,really design redesign your website,maybe do a one product store instead of,a general store and just refine it down,have it from the tick tock page nice and,simple,limit the clicks because the more clicks,there are the less your conversions are,going to be,so just keep it simple on the store,design as well and i hope that helped,you out with your your shopify journey,and any questions leave them down below,apart from that i think that wraps up,the video thank you for watching

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