what is a shopify prototype

Prototyping for Beginners - Product Design for Kickstarter or Shopify hey guys welcome back to the,c

Salvador Briggman

Updated on Mar 31,2023

Prototyping for Beginners - Product Design for Kickstarter or Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to what is a shopify prototype

Let's move on to the first section of what is a shopify prototype

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Prototyping for Beginners - Product Design for Kickstarter or Shopify

hey guys welcome back to the,crowdfunding demonsified youtube channel,my name is salvador briggman and today,we're getting into,talking a little bit about the next,stage after you've created your first,product draft you've sketched it out you,have a sense of how it looks from a,two-dimensional perspective,now we're going to go into three,dimensions we're going into the next,dimension,we're talking about that on today's,youtube video,okay so let's get into this um you have,a bunch of sketches which you've already,done so these are two dimensional,sketches but also could be obviously,from a view,where you're sketching a cube you know,technically it's two dimensions because,it's on paper,but you have a sense of like how it,looks from a three-dimensional,perspective so at least you have,a few different looks and feels of your,products and now it's like okay i want,to go into the next stage,which is creating a three-dimensional,prototype or three-dimensional,model of some kind which is going to,give me a few different answers so first,of all,i want to get into like what questions,this should answer,and how to think about the prototyping,stage of this product,product ideation ideation rapid,prototyping,this is all about it's actually really,in line with lean startup methodology,which is a really good book by,eric reese about the lean startup which,is more for actually you know web,development companies and apps,but it actually really applies as well,to physical products so it's all about,answering questions and solving and,identifying,problems now questions could be,questions that arise,as you come up with this product idea,where you realize oh man i have to,actually think more about,how someone might interact with this,product or other,ideas that come up as a result of you,now having this physical thing,you can try out and you can say this is,really heavy or this holds really oddly,in the hand,or the way that it functions just isn't,the way that i thought and kind of have,to refine things,so thinking about this not just as like,i'm creating the end product,but more so i'm learning as much as,possible about how the user who i think,is going to use the product,is going to interact with this product,let's take one,simple example here so we'll take an,everyday object which is,a pen right a pen is designed to do,something,it solves a problem it allows you to,write things down so you don't forget,them,it allows you to write things down so,you can show them to other people you,can also use it to sketch things out to,draw,things it's turning ideas and concepts,you have in your head,onto a two-dimensional form so you can,communicate it to,other people and you don't think a lot,about pens obviously but that's really,the goal of a pen do you have one type,of pen here and now we have,another type of pen these do the exact,same things,they technically solve the same problems,in that they both have ink they both,write allow us to do things,but there are two different type of,people one is going to be buying you,know a 15 pen or 20,pen versus a you know one dollar pen or,a couple cents in order to buy,this pen let's think a little bit about,that and use this in this example let's,just say that,um in your example you wanted to create,a product that makes people,feel like they're using something that,gives them that luxury feeling,that makes it feel like they're a,professional that makes them feel legit,and when they're working with their,clients,those clients also see them as being,professional and they feel good,and about their workplace it gives them,that kind of a vibe and in,a sense it almost is playing to the ego,like it raises your,perceived social status if you were to,create the first ideation,of a pen and it looked like this and you,saw that it looked the same way that,every other pen does out there in the,marketplace you'd be like,well this does the job right it solves a,problem,but it doesn't change the way that i,feel about this activity of writing,about this activity of,going to work every day and having to go,be on client calls or have meetings and,no one really makes any kind of remarks,about this pen so while i created a,prototype technically,it doesn't achieve the end result that i,was thinking so i have to rethink this i,have to think of,how do i make this feel more luxury well,if you're paying attention to psychology,you'll know that when things are luxury,they typically have much denser,materials that they're made of,if you think of this as watch typically,a really high priced watch is also going,to be pretty heavy,a chain around your your neck which is,made of gold is going to be,really heavy substance tends to be,correlated with luxury,obviously not always but that tends to,be the case so,one problem you could remedy with this,is that it can be made of different,materials rather than,plastic so if you're you created the,first prototype right maybe of some,other materials you're using 3d printing,or something like that,you might then be like okay so we need,to think about the materials here,because i'm not getting that feeling yet,the other thing we can think about is,just the general look and feel this,looks exactly like every other pen out,there on the marketplace,you know it's made of plastic it almost,has the exact same way of solving a,particular problem,so it doesn't stand out in any kind of,way and one of the feelings that an end,user wants to get is they want to feel,like,the thing they bought stands out hence,it is luxury so when we think luxury,we think commands attention we think,luxury we think,stands out is different in some way a,lamborghini,is a luxury car because not a lot of,cars look like a lamborghini right,you instantly notice that that is an,expensive car because of the form factor,because of the way it looks and,obviously also because of the engine and,stuff,you know the the actual inner working,and mechanics but now we'll just stay,with this pen example so let's just say,we go back to the drawing board,and we think a little bit about it and,we create sort of something that's in,the middle right so we think of,okay how can we um create this a little,bit more,weighty right this pen number one we can,change up the materials,number two um rather than just having a,you know grip here,or top little cap here we're going to,make this one uniform device,and finally we're going to make it just,look a little bit more aesthetic a,little bit more ergonomic so we come,back to the drawing board we're like,okay,we created this version of the pen so,this thing is silver,it you know it's well it's obviously not,silver it's metal it looks like it's,silver kind of looking,it's a lot more ergonomically designed,it's all in one it doesn't have a cap or,anything like that,so you just kind of turn this thing in,order to get the pen to come out,so this feels a little bit more luxury,and serious than just this kind of,plastic cheap pen that everyone has,which doesn't really give any kind of,feel whatsoever it's just ordinary gives,a little bit more feel it looks a little,bit more interesting it's a little bit,more eye-catching,you know just when it comes to also the,color of the silver so it's going to,capture a little bit of attention it's a,little bit more high quality let's just,say that,we wanted to take this even a step,further right so with prototyping,then thinking a little bit about okay we,have the material,which is doing giving that feel but like,we actually want to go even more we want,to go a little bit deeper,so we'll think about what are the,situations where i'm dealing with,someone,where they have a pen that makes me feel,like this person really is legit that,it's an expensive um transaction that,it's a serious transaction a lawyer or a,doctor or something like that,we're trying to make a pen that a lawyer,or a doctor would use,not someone who's like a product,designer or someone who's like a,millennial right we really want like,almost an older feeling kind of a pen,that's a little bit more,serious when i think of serious i think,of colors,because colors connotate different,emotions,one color of silver is going to give you,a different feeling based on,you know instead of a color of white,versus a color of gold versus pink,all of these these colors give you,different emotions and different,feelings so what we could do,is we could change up the color of this,pen and also,we could change up the look and feel so,it's a little bit more traditional maybe,it's a little bit actually too modern,looking and then it doesn't have a cap,so we'll just go with the third,iteration let's just say and we go back,to the drawing board,and we come up with this third idea now,this third pen,is a little bit more weighty it also has,a cap but it's a really ornate looking,cap,this is something that can if you have,like a a button-down shirt,you could easily put this into one of,your pockets,and just looking at this is obviously,black when i think of black i'm usually,thinking more of lawyers,doctors accountants those kinds of,intensive professions,we open up the pen here it's already,very weighty,it's very easy to write with here i'm,seeing and it just kind of feels a,little bit more,luxury and high class something you,might would associate with a real estate,broker,or when you're making expensive,transaction you'd probably be more,likely to use this kind of a pen,than this kind of a pen because we,naturally would correlate if you're,using like a cheat pen it's probably not,a,super serious person or professional if,for some reason they've gone through,enough decision to buy a pen like this,they're probably serious about the,profession they're probably very,used to making transactions and this is,why they actually bought a pen that,looks so nice,so it gives you a different feel now,obviously when it comes to prototyping,you don't always make the prototype out,of the end materials right,so you might be just answering the,question of the color question when,you're productive you'll be asking the,question of,the weight uh question or the look and,feel do i want to have a cap on the pen,or not um how do i want it to hold in,the hand do i want it to be kind of more,of like a glossy look,so this obviously catches the eye glossy,look or do i want to be more of like a,silver,um this is almost like a little bit more,um,rough kind of i don't know as blurry,like when i'm looking at this,it's more of a great i don't even know,the word i would say for this versus,this is more like shiny kind of looking,whatever the opposite of shiny you would,say,would be this kind of obscure kind of a,look but this is more like modern,looking to me,this is a little bit more traditional,and then you have this one which is just,cheap it doesn't stand out at all right,aside from maybe like white maybe,catching your attention,but it just doesn't give you a second,thought so this would be just a very,simple example,of how you would psychologically start,to ask yourself questions,as you're going through the prototype,phase how is it someone would use this,what does it look what emotions are they,attaching to the product,how does it feel what are the colors,eventually,you're going to get into the next stage,which is the cad designs the blueprint,the engineering so for example,engineering the actual ink that goes,into this how is that going to work,um or if you're using this one how is,you going to you know,twist this and have the the little,nozzle come out have a little pen come,out,um you're gonna get more into that into,the cad design phase with engineering,and that's really when you have the,blueprint which you're then gonna hand,to the manufacturer or the factory to,mass produce,lots and lots of pens i hope that that,kind of example,was a little bit helpful for you i also,want to thank the sponsor of today's,show,the gadget flow gadget floor reaches,over 28 million people and they've been,around since 2012 they're indiegogo and,kickstarter experts,they featured over 000 crowdfunding,campaigns if you have a tech or design,campaign it is a great platform to,generate awareness,and get backers check them out at,,submit and list your project today this,is the process you're going to go,through before you launch a kickstarter,into yoga pain or a crowdfunding,campaign,so this is really when once you have the,prototype and once you have like a,relatively finished prototype,that's when you can start to take,product photos of it you can start to,take marketing videos,and that's when you're going to want to,start a kickstarter in duo campaign and,you would do that,in order to get the funds necessary to,purchase the minimum order quantity for,this product and also to get social,proof to get pre-orders to get traction,to get backers and customers,there's a lot that goes into a,kickstarter campaign if you are,interested in that go and check out the,link down below to book a one-on-one,coaching call with me an intensive,hour-long call,in addition go and join the free course,i have out there on how to launch a,successful kickstarter campaign i also,got the book the kickstarter launch,formula which is available on audible,and amazon etc,and finally give me a thumbs up if you,liked the video come subscribe to,youtube channel if you want more videos,like this my name is salvador bregman,and i will see you,next time

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