what is a good theme for a mattress ecommerce site on shopify

E- Commerce Store Audit - Mattress Store Based on Shopify let's uh take a look at this uh this is,a,

Inbound Marketing Labs

Updated on Mar 23,2023

E- Commerce Store Audit - Mattress Store Based on Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to what is a good theme for a mattress ecommerce site on shopify

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what is a good theme for a mattress ecommerce site on shopify catalogs

E- Commerce Store Audit - Mattress Store Based on Shopify

let's uh take a look at this uh this is,a,facebook live uh experiment uh with the,blind audit of an e-commerce store uh,i'm looking at this uh video and,hopefully this will be,helpful for the client and of course,this will be helpful for,some of you watching this live or that,watch it later,so let's take a look uh i like the store,overall clean look uh this is good,new year sale 21 percent off uh odd,number but interesting,to know why now,possibility to add maybe the next kind,of call to actions,such as use coupon code this much or,something of that nature so that people,know what to do because,there's no link so it might lead some,users to confusion i understand,it may be implemented at the checkout,but that's,because i'm a shopify uh developer and,my company,does a lot of shopify work but otherwise,important,now this image this is a little bit,lighter,so as compared to the background so,probably use a slightly different image,maybe that is uh,makes your logo stand out more for the,brand perspective i like the fact that,you're not using a,separate uh you know navigation it's,it's unique and it's new,towards new adventures i understand that,this is a catch line but i have seen,most successful stores 90,and let's say 50 best,what we are going to do is we are going,to do 50 best,shopify stores let's take a look and see,what it says so we'll look at the,shopify website and we'll pick any store,at random and see the kind of messages,that they have,on this part let's take a look at this,one,i have never seen this store so let's,see what does it have,okay uh this is selling out a new,arrival so no,not this what i'm trying to explain bib,moss,toys your child will love you see this,connecting with an emotion right of the,bat,now let's come back here towards new,adventures yes definitely an emotion,but what is it are the products i know,that the products are visible here and,it's a large screen,but not every user is going to be,targeted so make it simpler for users,that don't know much,about hiking and may have an interest in,hiking the starting users right,now let's continue uh save i love the,fact that you have the same,tags here automatically uh probably,what's going to help,is uh maybe these you know orange butt,tag or something like amazon does so,that it's differentiates this from a,call to action button,what i don't like however is that there,is no call to action here,now you're giving this and you're,expecting the people will click on the,image,uh or on this text for that matter so,having a call to action,definitely helps so that's important our,brand,i'll define ourselves instead of brand,call it our story or our mission or,what we are about brand is more,methodical marketing side we created,this company to accompany tech hiker on,their next each hiker on their next,journey,uh now,again i'm talking purely from the first,user perspective because it's a blind,test so,i'm thinking do you come with me to this,hi journey do you come with me on a hike,are you organizing hike events are you,just selling,buy one plant one this is good i like,this for every purchase made rt makes a,great effort towards planting new trees,not a good thing,plants are new tree yes remember,marketing,language there is a book called elements,of style if you read that book,one of the important things that talks,about is always be definitive,don't be uh,tentative this is tentative we make a,great effort towards planting nutrients,no,buy one plant one that's what you're,saying right so then we plant a tree,every time you buy a product or,something of that nature,receive is a wrong spelling here so this,is important to note uh spelling,mistakes also,impact your seo so please take care of,that uh you are shipping three to five,free,delivery why is u.s shipping here free,shipping is better than u.s shipping,because this is a benefit 100,satisfaction 30-day money-back guarantee,now i have a money back guarantee here,and then add 100 satisfaction below,worldwide seven day free shipping around,the globe so free worldwide shipping,three to five day free delivery uh free,free shipping just have free shipping,three to five days us let people read us,and 7 to 14 day worldwide,and you can use this for more secure,payment or secure checkout or something,just to add some more uh you know,strength,when it comes to quality and uh this,thing 30 day money by guarantee we're,here to make sure that your hundred,percent,purchase this is good i like this will,your life outdoor level greatest,innovative hiking gear at an amazing,price this is great,use this here why not use this line here,why wait,all the way to this point so this is,good now,that's the store i mean there is a bunch,of other things that you could do,probably now i know that you're selling,one product only the mattress or couples,the outdoor mattress etc but then,is that only the only product you are,selling and if it is then you are not,making the right language because as a,hiker,yes bed is one thing but bed is,something that i probably already have,and not the first item i,want to buy so make it the you can,change this language later look nobody's,asking you that they can't but don't say,you're an all product company,when all i see is this so let's say and,frankly there's no link so you're just,selling these three items so it might as,well be,just these items i love the fact that,you have this and this,these two things people often mistake,and uh you know,don't include i like the fact that,you're using good images here this is,interesting,traveling two is very good many of us,stayed there very good i love this,this is good is there any way and i'm,just thinking out loud here,that you end this and then use the,entire real estate because look,i understand the shopify layout and,everything but there is a way excuse me,there is a way to include this in the,rest of the page,uh giving you an example from let's say,what's that called hey silky skin,let's take a look for a minute one,single product store let's take a look,let's imagine this you see how they're,using the center of the page the entire,page is being used,you don't have to not use that why not,so use the entire page,instead of just one that's important by,the way you're saying airmen do it's a,trademark,i don't see the train who is here okay,good uh,add a couple of uh secure seal checkout,uh,mastercard visa card kind of a logo here,so that will generally always help so,let me show you something hold on file,open project,sorry i'll be recent here,i'm hoping that this is visible but uh,ouch so i'll probably have to go to a,different type sorry so i'll share that,with you separately if you want just let,me know but,otherwise these things should be spread,across the page and different,sections by themselves because this is,wasted real estate,people don't just ignore them trust me,so,these are some of the things that i,think can immediately change,most important why are you not,collecting an email address,you are not even asking for the email,address email automation brings more,than 30,business just by doing nothing so why,haven't you requested for an email,address a coupon or something of that,sort,so that's a big mistake uh i can,understand not having social media links,but i cannot understand not having an,email link,that is a complete no no and that's,something that you should do first,topmost priority,so that that is my feedback uh i hope,that this is useful,and let me know if you have any other,questions thanks

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