what i cannot sell on shopify

Why Your Shopify Store WONT MAKE SALES! I am NOT going to be giving you the,answer that you are look

Hayden Bowles

Updated on Mar 04,2023

Why Your Shopify Store WONT MAKE SALES!

The above is a brief introduction to what i cannot sell on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what i cannot sell on shopify

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Why Your Shopify Store WONT MAKE SALES!

I am NOT going to be giving you the,answer that you are looking for I'm,going to be giving you the answer that,you need to hear yo what is going on,everyone hey and you're coming back at,you with the brand new video and then,this one what are we talking about,specifically why your Shopify store,won't work all right what plays a role,into that how can you fix it how can you,be different how can you actually make,it work,almost as I'm gonna explain no matter,what you're doing so first of all I'm,gonna explain this more in a moment once,we jump inside of my computer but the,odds of it actually being your stores,fault is extremely slim I see a lot of,people who make absolutely drop-dead,gorgeous websites congratulations,they're beautiful but if you don't have,any of the other pieces in place if you,have that for I don't even know an empty,gum pack it's not that great of a,product it's not a good offer it's not,gonna sell you need the right product,you need to structure that the right way,which can kind of relate to the website,you know I mean more so the layout the,colors like what your logo is all of,that stuff yada yada I'm talking about,like just the site itself not,necessarily the Nitty Gritty psychology,in the product descriptions for example,so the website itself while it,definitely is important do not,underestimate that that will help with,conversions that's something that in my,opinion if you don't already have don't,spend a crazy amount of time or money,doing that just get it up get it going,because once you're testing with the,marketing as I'm gonna explain then,you're gonna get to understand the,pieces that you need to change because,how do you know fully I mean unless,you've made a hundred successful stores,back to back even then you don't fully,know to the team what you have to change,you need to let the data speak and let,the people tell you if it needs to be,changed so that's one of the things just,know that right away it's not,necessarily just gonna be the store,itself so gonna kind of build off of,this topic for you guys but if there's,any other questions you guys however on,building a store I might make a video,going through kind of showing you guys,how I'm build out how I structure it I,actually have a team that now fully does,it for me so I went through training,them how I'd build my storage somewhere,to get logo set them up with the team,show them what layouts we use both paid,and free themes how to set it up and,they're struggling with this but write,in product descriptions so there's,anything along that process that you,guys have questions,about dropping the comments down below,would be more than happy to help you out,and with that being said let's jump,inside of my computer and start going,through this so it's almost kind of,weird in a video where we're talking,about why your Shopify store won't work,we're actually not really gonna talk,about your store so this is interesting,I want you to stay with me here for the,next eight minutes or so as we fully,dive through this I have no idea how,long it'll take it will take as long as,it takes but the odds of it being your,store like I said extremely low and it's,because it depends on the two main,variables we're not gonna fully dive in,with these but I want to explain how you,should be structuring your focus and how,I would recommend doing that kind of in,the beginning because obviously once,you're extremely experienced with,something you just kind of know like,you're gonna get it done you're gonna,get it done you're gonna get it done the,right way it doesn't become a problem,but in the beginning all right how much,percentage of your attention,roughly obviously nobody's gonna put 36,percent into it you're not gonna track,that but you know roughly where should,your attention be right what should you,be focusing on when it comes to actually,setting up your store and building it,into something that makes money so the,first thing is marketing how are you,marketing this and I relate this one,first to actually the store itself,because that comes into the store so,obviously you need a store to sell on,Shopify but I recommend once you have,the store just a basic store doesn't,have to be anything crazy you would be,surprised by how bad I'm not gonna say,that for how bad some of these stores,that we're marketing and they work they,make a ton of money how bad they look,because here's the thing you start,obviously with the store first then most,of your attention goes to the marketing,and that's the main phase and based on,that what happens with that that's when,you change the store not redo it that is,when you change little variables at a,time to see what's gonna increase your,conversion rate so that is going to help,increase that conversion rate alright if,you guys want to screenshot this again,go ahead and feel free let me know if,you want these as like downloadable PDFs,I don't know we don't usually write too,much I just use this as guidelines cuz I,didn't know it's otherwise I'm gonna,ramble on but so marketing this should,be the primary focus so store initially,should be like let's call it somewhere,around 20 percent and by the way I'm not,gonna I don't even like to give that a,percentage value the store should be,something where you spend,more than three days I do one day three,days one week max okay this should not,be a three-week project where you like,research and watch all this stuff just,get a store out there make sure it's,functional of course go through make,sure you can actually order make sure,the price and set up the ship in every,thought everything is set up,alright make sure you have a basic,product description stuff in place and,then with the marketing that's where you,need immediately need to flip your,attention because that's where you're,making money so even with the terrible,sight as long as it's a good product,which we're going to talk about here in,a second it will sell even if it's a bad,site even if it's not that attractive if,it's a good product,you market it not only to the right,people obviously but in the right way,which is how you structure the offer,specifically not even just the winning,product itself then you will have a,winning app okay you will have a store,that makes money even if it is the,crappiest looking store that's how you,flip around from that so why your,Shopify store won't make any sales to,kind of tie this around you don't know,how to do the marketing or you haven't,done so effectively yet and even with,that even if you know how to do the,marketing if you have the wrong offer,you lose okay you can still make money,let's say for example if I write this,out you're gonna do a free Plus ship in,vs. retail with free shipping alright so,if you want to do a retail on a discount,versus a free plus shipping let's just,say free plus shipping basic ten dollars,alright or a retail where it's normally,twenty-five you're selling for ten and,they get free shipping same price which,one will do better,sometimes it's the retail on the,discount free shipping which is a really,long name and sometimes it is the free,plus shipping okay I do both I do even,more than that there's not one get one,buy to get this buy three get this buy,this get that by X get Y half off,whatever the case is okay there's so,many different ways in the upsells on,top of that that's how you structure,your offer so you're getting to test one,or two of those things and usually I,like to start off a little bit low I'm,gonna be honest I'm not gonna obviously,fully dive right now into the marketing,end of things but I like to start with a,lower price so if I'm selling a necklace,and it cost me a dollar fifty yeah can I,go to a free plus shipping for $12.99,gonna be that hard but I'm gonna start,it at like seven ninety five or even,sometimes six 95 maybe eight nine,dollars where it's extremely low because,when people get,there it's gonna naturally increase,their conversion rate right more people,get a lot because it's extremely cheap,most people have seen a free plus,shipping they're gonna expect it to be,10 to $15 somewhere in that range so if,you undercut that not just Oh 995 know,if it comes at six ninety five seven,ninety five people don't really think,twice about swiping their card they're,just gonna go swipe swipe swipe even,though this is a water bottle not a,credit card or a debit card,they're just gonna select so you're,gonna get that sale and what this does,this allows you to essentially hack your,pixel which rocking a to technical on,right now but that's gonna allow you to,get a lot more sales a lot faster and,that's gonna tell you who your target,customer is based on that you're gonna,continue the marketing phase of things,and that's what's gonna tell you alright,let's try and do this on my store people,are responding to this offer not this,one so we're gonna focus it on this now,it's working we have three ads working,let's change this on the site you know,what let's put this picture first or,change this is the app or a different,color theme on the entire site or a,different product description different,everything slowly you don't want to just,bang out every variable like at once you,want to change one at a time over a,couple day to a week period depending on,how much money you're spending to,actually see okay I do this one change,how does that affect my store does the,fact that conversion rates is it,positive is it negative and especially,when it comes to the offer if you're,gonna be raising the price slowly which,is typically what I end up doing the,reason I do that first of all is to find,what's called the optimal price point,okay all right there is the OPP you,wanna abbreviate things the optimal,optimal but another the optimal price,point all right that's what's gonna let,you know how you're starting to sell it,for seven dollars then you brought it to,eight then 10 then 12 is still kind of,working naturally a little bit of people,will drop off but at what price point,does that take a severe hit you might be,surprised you might have been selling,something for $11 that you can sell for,17 before it really takes a hard hit so,that right there will significantly,increase your margins even though you're,getting less orders so it's a little bit,higher ticketed value that would be like,a 40% increase so there's a lot of,little things you can do but you have to,test that with the marketing so that,doesn't all come back to your Shopify,store now just to bring it up because a,lot of people ask what Shopify plan,should you have you guys,it depends on what you're doing first of,all look at the credit card rate with,the amount of orders you're doing yada,yada yada,basically I'm either gonna use the basic,one or the $79 one the event there the,shop flight plan whatever you want to do,it's gonna be one of those first two,anywhere in that range I don't think you,need the three hundred hour one,especially if you're starting off and,especially if you have a budget start,with the basic one if you have a little,bit more money and you want to really,get it going you want kind of all the,additional analytics and features go for,the $79 package it's not that hard,either right there's a free trial link,down below always plug it's really not,that hard to actually get that going so,I want to point that out because do not,over think mmm Hayden what shop if I,plan do I do I'm gonna sit there I'm,gonna grab this water bottle I'm gonna,tell you go pick one it doesn't really,matter guys that's something you should,do quick pronto immediate vite that's,French for fast do it quickly get that,stuff done like I said three days max to,build a site and get everything set up,it really shouldn't take you any more,than that lower timeframe of three days,so get that stuff banged out and then,you should start focusing on the,marketing obviously before you do any of,this make sure you have a good product,you know I picked a product before I,obviously build the store because the,store is gonna be built specifically,around the couple key winning products,that I want and around that nisha itself,which fun fact is off topic of this,video I don't really pick products or,excuse me I don't pick Mischa's I pick,products first and I build a niche,around that so I'm like alright this,products been doing well so is this one,that relate let me look into those,figure out you don't do some research,what's gonna be the best product you,know the Banger as I like to call it,then you find what's called a filler,product a lot of other filler products,around that to fill up your website,right you're really only going to be,marketing one two three of them anyways,so you start with that any kind of,branch out but you need other products,on your site too so that's a fun little,off-topic tip for you so I hope that's,like a fun little way to flip that,thought process around people are always,like why isn't this gonna work or my,stores and working a lot of this is a,very common one you know I'm getting so,many visits but no sales it's the,marketing okay it's either the marketing,or the offer it's most likely those two,combine the traffic source does not,align with your offer and maybe it,aligns with that niche and another good,there would work but that specific offer,maybe it's a crappy product maybe it's,just not in the right no you're,advertising a basketball on a soccer,page come on you know you got to make,sure that all correlates because if,you're getting a thousand visits 10,000,visits and no sales over five sales that,needs to change there's something wrong,there's something off on that ratio so,definitely make sure you pay attention,that but it is most likely not just the,store itself that's gonna be why you,don't get sales so keep that in the back,and in the front of your mind as you're,going through this and again if you guys,have any questions when it comes to this,drop in the comments down below I'd be,more than happy to help you guys out and,if you got any value I would very much,appreciate it if you drop it like down,below and of course join the family on,the gang by heading out nicely again,subscribe button and I post every single,day on this channel so obviously you,guys tomorrow the next one bees

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