what happens a customer uses a credit card on shopify

5 Benefits of Using Store Credit on Shopify hi there it's Noah from rice today we,will speak about t

Rise ai

Updated on Mar 23,2023

5 Benefits of Using Store Credit on Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to what happens a customer uses a credit card on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what happens a customer uses a credit card on shopify

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5 Benefits of Using Store Credit on Shopify

hi there it's Noah from rice today we,will speak about the five major benefits,of using store credit on your Shopify,store,what is store credit what does it look,like and how does it benefit both,merchants and customers these are all,important questions you might ask,yourself well answer all these and more,so stick around,store credit is a value that you offer,your customers that they can use in,their next purchase in your store this,value is approval up to a currency in,your store and can be sent out on any,occasion you see fit,a loyalty reward birthday / compensation,or even as a refund instead of returning,the cash to your customers credit card,for example if I sell in my store in,u.s. dollars then I can decide to give,up a 15 dollar reward for each purchase,above $100 customers can then redeem,their store code at checkout this way,I've awarded them without ever,cheapening my brand by using discounts,the first rule of thumb name to every,savvy merchant is that repeating,customers are a huge asset to any store,not only is the acquisition of a new,customer up to seven times more,expensive than having a customer come,back but a satisfied returning customer,is also more likely to be an advocate,for your brand bottom-line rewarding our,customers with store credit incentivizes,them to come back and make their second,third or tactic which is that your store,knowing they have a good reason to do so,now that we've agreed that giving your,customer is a good reason to come back,is worth while you might think it can,more than with points so why store,credit well just think of how you would,treat an award that you can't see its,direct value whereas a word that you,understand right away a thousand points,can mean different things in different,stores but 15 dollars are always 15,dollars,studies show that when customers receive,rewards that are,with currency they tend to treat it as,free cash and if they have free cash,lying around don't probably want to use,it another benefit is reducing friction,simply put the less time your customers,spend in the checkout the greater the,chance they finish the purchase process,we want your customer to make as few,decisions as possible during checkout,having them trying to figure out whether,they want to spend 50 points on a $5,discount or 100 points on free shipping,substantially reduces their chances of,making the purchase having a one-click,button that automatically applies our,store credit creates a seamless,experience that reduces their time at,checkout and it increases their chances,of completing the purchase even if your,customers initially returned only to use,this for credit you gave them in most,cases,they'll spend much more their award is,an incentive to come back for a second,purchase but customers will still want,to purchase the products that they love,whether their store credit covers it or,not just think what a huge ROI this,generates for you with store credit,refunds and compensation can be an,opportunity to increase revenue how so,instead of returning the cash to the,customers credit card you can give them,an amount to use at your store then they,will come back for a second often larger,purchase that way you can manage to keep,the money at your store instead of,taking the whole amount out of your,revenue so we're talking about a tool,that has a substantial impact on your,stores retention rate reward claim,conversion rate ROI and revenue loss to,operation sounds like something that can,help you rise if you need any further,assistance you can reach us at our,website or info at resi

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