what does the duplicate order option in shopify do?

Remove duplicates from Shopify you have in your Shopify store this,unpleasant surprise that you have

Remove duplicates from Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to what does the duplicate order option in shopify do?

Let's move on to the first section of what does the duplicate order option in shopify do?

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what does the duplicate order option in shopify do? catalogs

Remove duplicates from Shopify

you have in your Shopify store this,unpleasant surprise that you have your,product duplicated you see as for in,this example I have three even three,copies of the same product duplicated in,my store and now how do I get rid of,those duplicates I will show you how to,do it with the Excel if I act,what I want to do is basically I'm,selecting here to export only products,without any inventory variants or images,just the product because this will allow,me to have Excel file where one row is,one product basically yeah so let's wait,a couple of seconds for it to export and,then I will show you how to get rid of,those duplicates with the excel file and,then we'll go import this file back,which will delete those doctor kits okay,the export is finished I'm downloading,the file and now here you see each each,line is just one product even if they,have very many variants we have just one,line and now first what we want to do is,we want to sort them sort those products,using this sorting by many columns at,the same time so at first the sorting,should be done by the title because we,want all the same titles to be together,and then we add another sorting criteria,by Handel and let's see what happens you,see now I'll make this bigger,now all the all the same titles are,together and by the handle with,see that first one is the correct one,and then comes - one - two the same here,and the same here see this the same,product just it's duplicated three times,and now basically what we need is we,need to create a formula that would,allow us to keep only those first ones,and get rid of of the other ones and,what I'm suggesting is to create excel,formula which basically answers to the,question is this row a duplicate of the,previous one or no so it goes like this,let's let's create it here we create a,formula that says if this current title,of the current Row is equal to the the,one previous row and if it is then we,return true otherwise we set false and,that's it,so this one is duplicate and now if we,just copy and basically paste it here,you see this one is not duplicate,because the previous one is different,than this one now what we do we just,double click here so that it copies all,the way down and now we have the false,true true false true true just as we,need and now basically what we do we,apply the filter we are interested to,have only the duplicates so we uncheck,the checkbox for the false and we just,have the true one checked and here now,we see all the only those rows that are,duplicates and basically those are the,rows we need to delete to delete them,we just need to copy basically those,three,they ID'd the handle and the command,column let's copy it and create a new,file I paste them in a new file and you,see now in this file we have just the,products we want to get rid of so,according to excel file we need to name,this sheet as products so that the app,knows that there are products in this,sheet and we just change this command to,delete and again just double click here,and copy all the way down command to,delete those products and name it,delete dupes and this will delete the,duplicates and now just go to the import,section and upload this file that we,just created,we found 20 products in it and we just,click import and allow it to it's,basically it's now pre loading,everything that you have in your store,and then it will find each of the,products by the ID or by the handle and,you see now it deleted 20 products now,if we go here and refresh we see nicely,that all the duplicates are gone and we,have only one copy of each product so,yeah this is how you remove the,applicants

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