what does bfcm shopify

Your guide to BFCM || Shopify Help Center welcome to the busiest shopping season,of the year black f

Shopify Help Center

Updated on Mar 10,2023

Your guide to BFCM || Shopify Help Center

The above is a brief introduction to what does bfcm shopify

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Your guide to BFCM || Shopify Help Center

welcome to the busiest shopping season,of the year black friday cyber monday,keep watching to learn how you should,prep your business for this holiday,season,hey everybody ally here so let's get,right into it,last year shopify store owners,collectively made a whopping 5.1 billion,usd in sales between black friday and,cyber monday,those are some serious sales figures,black friday and cyber monday are,shopping days that take place after,american thanksgiving it marks the start,of the christmas season where shoppers,take advantage of the sales and,promotions,each feature i mentioned today has,different eligibility requirements so,always be sure to check the help,articles listed below to see if it's,available for your business,let's start with how you can personalize,the shopping experience for your,customers and really connect with them,start by giving customers direct access,to you and your business through chat,tools,shopify inbox lets you easily add chat,to your online store so customers can,message you while they shop shopify,inbox also receives messages from,facebook messenger and apple business,chat so all of your conversations are in,one organized place,when store owners engage in conversation,with visitors through shopify inbox they,are 70,more likely to convert from visitors to,paying customers,you can also use shopify email to engage,with customers by creating an email,marketing campaign let customers know,about new products and upcoming sales,events,you can try creating a personalized,discount for existing customers to,reward their loyalty and encourage,repeat purchases,then include the discount in your,shopify email,another fun way to personalize a,shopping experience is to customize your,theme for the holiday season,duplicate your existing theme and then,use,to find free holiday themed photos to,use throughout your store,you can even use the theme customizer to,liven up the color scheme,then when the holiday season is over you,can switch back to your everyday branded,look,and of course don't forget to explore,the marketing section built directly,into your shopify admin,things like facebook targeted ads google,smart shopping campaigns pinterest ads,and much much more,you have so much data available right in,your shopify admin that you can use to,learn more about your customers and make,more sales the reports section of the,admin gives you valuable information,like product analytics so you know what,products are selling the most and where,they're being purchased from you can,also read through your behavior reports,to see what terms your visitors use to,search for products in your store,reports help you make informed decisions,about what products to offer at a,discount,what customers you should be targeting,or what products to bundle together to,increase sales,you want to deliver flexible and fast,fulfillment options to help you ship,more orders to more places,what about buy online pickup in store or,local delivery based on shopify research,conducted in 2020 shoppers were checking,out with a 25 higher cart size when they,opt for local pickup or delivery this,has become a very popular option over,the last year for coveted safety,practices it's also perfect for last,minute shoppers who need to pick up,gifts fast,or if you're looking for a more,traditional shipping option you,definitely want to check out shopify,shipping for discounted shipping rates,bulk printing shipping labels,and the ability to set up pickup times,with a specific carrier,and if shopify shipping isn't available,in your area you can always add,calculated shipping rates to your,shopify subscription,or you can offer free shipping on all of,your products and then build the average,shipping cost into your product's final,price,a lot of times abandoned checkouts are,because of unexpected shipping costs but,all of these options just mentioned are,a great way to set clear shipping,expectations,and if you're looking for more storage,and more power to handle the surge in,demand this time of year consider a,third-party logistics provider like the,shopify fulfillment network also known,as sfn,by outsourcing your fulfillment you can,hire experts that will pick pack and,ship your orders so you can save time,and costs to ship your orders faster,and if sfn isn't available in your area,yet be sure to check out our shopify app,store for more third-party logistic,providers,regardless of how you ship your orders,it's absolutely essential that you set,proper shipping expectations with your,customers,this means creating a shipping policies,page where all shipping questions are,already answered,include details on the countries you,ship to how long shipping takes how much,it costs and if you cover the cost of,return labels,next you want to think about how you're,going to drive conversion and turn,visitors into customers the first thing,you want to consider is your payment,options,you can add accelerated checkout options,like shop pay shop pay installments or,apple pay to create a speedy checkout,experience,accelerated checkout options are a,fantastic way to lower cart abandonment,customers are able to move through the,checkouts so quickly since their,personal information like shipping,address and payment details are already,saved,you could also take your business to the,next level by offering subscription,services so your customers can make,scheduled purchases regularly,this is a great option for products that,need to be replenished like coffee or,pet food,you should also consider selling gift,cards according to google searches for,gift cards spike this time of year,in fact a 2020 shopify survey showed,that 41,of black friday cyber monday shoppers,were looking for gift cards,they're a great alternative if you're,sold out of popular products the,increase the average order value and,they bring in money now not to mention,it's a great option for those last,minute shoppers who might have missed,the shipping window another way to,improve the shopping experience for your,customers,increase your google search ranking and,drive conversion is to optimize your,online store speed,the online store speed report can tell,you details like how your store performs,against the industry average then you,can improve your store speed by,disabling apps or theme features that,you don't use,no matter how you plan to sell during,bfcm just know that you can always,depend on us here at shopify we have,tons of available resources to help you,get ready for the busy shopping season,be sure to bookmark,for all of the help articles you'll ever,need,then check out, to chat with other,entrepreneurs just like yourself,and of course we offer 24 7 support to,answer your questions any time of day we,can't wait to make this another,groundbreaking bfcm for you,you

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