what does active carts mean on shopify

Add To Carts But No Sales?? Here's How To Fix It | Drop Shipping & TikTok Ads what is going on guys

Noah Brewer

Updated on Feb 06,2023

Add To Carts But No Sales?? Here's How To Fix It | Drop Shipping & TikTok Ads

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Add To Carts But No Sales?? Here's How To Fix It | Drop Shipping & TikTok Ads

what is going on guys noah brewer here,back again with another video now today,we're going to be talking about,something that i've been seeing an,increasing amount of on my youtube,channel and also other people's youtube,channels that i've came across recently,and basically a ton of people have been,asking me noah i'm getting a ton of add,to carts but i'm not getting any sales,what's wrong or some sort of variation,such as i have super low cpms but i'm,still not getting sales or i'm getting a,ton of clicks and i no add to carts you,know any of these types of questions and,in this video i'm going to debunk this,and tell you exactly why you're wrong,for even asking this question and how,you can fix it so that you never have,this question ever again this one's,gonna be a banger guys so leave a like,and stick around for the end because the,answers to these questions are very very,simple and i feel like i've beaten it,into you guys before in the past but you,guys need to hear it again so here we,are now number one thing that i want you,to understand is that this is a false,question this would be the equivalent of,calling your doctor telling him that,when you woke up this morning you,coughed three times and then you sneeze,twice and you're wondering what the hell,is wrong with you of course the doctor,is going to have absolutely no idea what,the hell the problem could be and the,truth is the reason is because there's a,million different things that could,cause that it could be something that is,just as simple as you had a little hair,sticking out of your nose and it tickled,your nose making you cough and sneeze or,you could have a deadly disease that,requires you to be sent off to some,third world hospital where there's only,one doctor in the world that could solve,the problem the reason i use this,analogy to compare to this problem is,you're basically coming from the angle,of like oh i'm getting a lot of add to,carts but i'm not getting any sales what,could be the problem first of all you're,asking me a question that has a million,potential answers to it which we're,going to be going over in this video,second of all you're focused on the,wrong metrics the number one signifier,that you have a winning product or,losing products is purchases it is not,add to carts it's not cpms it's not your,click-through rates it's not any of,these things the only thing that,signifies that you have a winning,product is the amount of money that it,generates so as a baseline feature that,you need to have in your mind is if the,product doesn't make money then it's,probably not a winning product and you,just need to move on to the next product,however it does go a little bit deeper,than that so in this video i'm going to,be giving you the million answers that,you're looking for so i'm going to act,like the doctor here and i'm going to,tell you all the different things that,could be causing this i have them on the,screen now i think i'm just going to,show them up here so i don't have to you,know i'm reading from it as well there's,no way i can remember all these i was,sitting here for like a few minutes,typing these out basically your traffic,could be low quality maybe you have a,distraction in your sales process your,prices are way too high you're charging,for shipping your checkout button is,broken the product you're testing is,saturated maybe your ads are only,showing the people that are 14 years old,you probably haven't even spent enough,money on ads yet to tell if it's a,winning product like maybe you only,spent 15 and you got an ad to cart big,whoop it's not enough money your website,is just flat out bad your ad strategy is,wrong the ad itself is terrible you,don't have enough social proof on your,website maybe your website is in a,different currency or maybe your,checkout page is in a different currency,than your product page something that's,a lot more common than you may think or,your messaging is not congruent by the,way these are this is literally just the,tip of the iceberg of all the things,that could be causing you to get a bunch,of add to carts with no purchases and i,don't even want to dig into it and the,reason i don't want to dig into it is,because if you ask me this question,genuinely the only way that i would be,able to give you a straight answer is if,i analyzed literally everything that,you're doing and pointed out the things,that could be causing you to be having a,lot of ad cards and no purchases but at,the end of the day it could be any of,these things and instead of sitting here,and nitpicking and going through a,million things that you're doing to see,if you're doing anything wrong or,anything like that i have an even better,solution for you how about you just not,have any of those problems at all well,no how am i supposed to not have any of,these problems how am i supposed to know,essentially you follow a proven strategy,you follow something that you already,know works and you follow it to a t so,that when you're getting out of the,carts and you're not getting sales you,know that it's not your store it's not,your ad strategy it's not your ad,creative it's literally nothing else,except for the product so essentially,what we're doing is we're taking the,million variables that we had before and,we're isolating it down to literally,just the product because when you follow,a proven strategy with every product,that you test every step of the process,is going to be the same your product,research method is going to be the same,the way you built your store is going to,be the same the way you put together,your advertisement is going to be the,same the way you price your products is,going to be the same the apps you use is,going to be the same so when a product,makes sales or doesn't make sales you,know that the only variable that you did,differently with that one product is the,product itself so the real answer to,this question and the real solution to,your problem is to just start following,a proven method and stop doing random, do not be one of those people that,is completely not following my methods,right like you built your store however,you want to do it and your ad is,something completely random and you had,no pricing strategy no pricing structure,you got a bunch of random apps on your,website that nobody recommends don't do,those things and then come to me and ask,me why you're getting add to carts and,no sales because i guarantee you it's,one of these million reasons and inside,of those million reasons i've already,built them into my strategy if you,follow my strategy for building the,store and making your ad and doing your,product research and pricing and apps,and basically everything that i do if,your product is getting add to carts but,no sales it is simply just the product,i've already optimized my ad strategy to,bring in good quality traffic i've,already optimized my sales process to be,super simple i've already figured out,the best pricing structure for pricing,your products i've already realized that,doing free shipping is the best way to,have the highest conversion rate i've,essentially already looked at all of,these million reasons and solved them as,a part of my strategy so if you're,following the correct strategies in the,first place there should be no question,of whether or not you're doing something,wrong unless you don't trust me or my,methods which in that case i recommend,you find somebody else that you do trust,and follow their methods and actually,stick to them put your faith in the,process trust the process i built these,strategies based on what works so they,might be different than what's out there,for other people because i did not build,it based on what i learned from somebody,i built it based on my own experience,out there in the trenches testing,hundreds of products on tick tock ads,and finding tons of winners if you are,one of the people that's following me,and following my strategies and you are,in that situation where you're getting,ad to carts and checkouts but you're not,receiving any purchases you can,confidently say like 99 of the time it's,probably just the product that you're,testing so i wanted to make this quick,video on this subject because like i,said numerous times on the past videos,that i've uploaded i've seen people,asking this exact question like why do i,have 10 add to carts but no sales or,whatever and it just really frustrates,me because i need you guys to understand,that if you want to get proven results,you need to follow a proven strategy and,i can tell that a lot of you aren't and,even a few weeks ago i offered to get on,a free coaching call with a lot of you,guys and you guys had my ebook you had,my youtube channel you had everything,that i put out there and some of you,still weren't following the methods to a,t and you still came to me with these,questions that are similar to the one,that we talked about in this video so,the resources are out there if you want,to follow my entire strategy and you,want to know exactly what i do so that,you can literally follow it step by step,make sure that you subscribe to this,youtube channel because i'm constantly,posting updates and i've talked about,every single step of the process from,product research getting ad creatives,building your store launching your test,campaigns analyzing your test campaigns,and if you have questions and video,ideas that you want to know feel free to,leave them in the comments section i'm,constantly trying to find new content,ideas that are valuable for you guys so,that you can keep on getting better,results another option that you have or,if you don't want to watch all these,youtube videos and figure out the,strategies on your own you can come and,work with me directly and have me,implement my proven strategies with you,on your store so that's another option,as well and if you are interested in,working with me there's a scheduled call,in the description you can always,schedule a call through there and me and,my team will be happy to talk to you and,see how we can help you out anyways it's,a simple question but it's not such a,simple answer super complicated millions,of potential answers but if you just did,this one thing it would solve all of,your problems and that one thing is,following a proven method so i hope you,take that to heart and i hope that this,video answered your question on what you,should do if you had 10 add the carts,and no sales that's pretty much it for,this video hope it was valuable this is,no burr and i'm out peace

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