what can't you sell on shopify

Why Your Shopify Store Isn't Making Sales (Easy Fix) we're going to be talking about exactly,why you

Jeremy Ray Holst

Updated on Feb 21,2023

Why Your Shopify Store Isn't Making Sales (Easy Fix)

The above is a brief introduction to what can't you sell on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what can't you sell on shopify

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Why Your Shopify Store Isn't Making Sales (Easy Fix)

we're going to be talking about exactly,why your Shopify dropshipping store,isn't making sales okay you guys so I,just wanted to come on here real quick,and say welcome to the Daily uploads you,guys if you ready these daily uploads,are going to be absolutely insane you,guys,all right you guys so right now we got,Target right behind us the reason that I,brought you here is actually also the,first reason why your Drop Shipping,Store might not be making sales and that,is simply because you're selling two,general of products you guys products,that can be sold at Target or at Walmart,products that you see in places like,this are not products you should be Drop,Shipping simply because people could,just go inside to a store and buy them,you want to be selling products that are,only online as seen on TV sort of,products right remember back in the day,when they had those as seen on TV ads,for all these viral type of products,right those are essentially the type of,products you're going for when you're,Drop Shipping especially when you're one,product Drop Shipping because you're,going for something that's just viral,and hitting something that's just gonna,hit and smack and go crazy and that's,exactly what those type of products are,sell products that are only seen online,only able to be bought online those type,of products are what do well because,otherwise people are just gonna walk,into Target and buy the product that,you're selling,another reason why you might not be,making sales on your Shopify Drop,Shipping Store is simply because you're,not taking custom content if you guys,are not taking the time to actually,order your product get it in person and,take pictures and videos with the,product yourself what are you doing you,guys you're literally burning your,chances up at being massively successful,with Drop Shipping and you're just not,going the extra mile to go above and,beyond and if you don't do that in,business somebody who's willing to go,the extra mile is going to beat you out,and they're going to take the place that,you could have had and not focused on,just going for the quickest money grab,that you possibly can get do not do not,do not just use the AliExpress images or,the AliExpress videos to promote Court,to show your product on your website you,guys want to be ordering the product off,of Amazon to your house and taking,custom images just like ones that I'll,throw up on the screen from past videos,that I've done I've got a lot of videos,on my channel that teach all about how,to make custom content I know some of,you guys are probably gonna say I can't,order my product because I'm in another,country and it's going to take a long,time I know know that's going to be in,the comments section so I wanted to also,solve that problem real quick for those,of you guys who are out of the country,and it's going to take three weeks for,you to order a product from Amazon and,it to arrive I actually do have a,Content creation team that does film,content for drop shippers specifically,and for The Tick Tock platform so if you,want my content team to go ahead and,make content custom for you with,whatever product you want you guys and,you don't want to wait for it to arrive,to your country if shipping times are,slow there make sure you just DM me on,Instagram and I can get you hooked up,with an amazing content team that does,all my content for my Brands and I can,do your content for your brand as well,alright you guys so another way to,ensure that your Drop Shipping Store is,literally gonna make no sales is by,pricing your products way too high I see,this way too much you guys there's tons,of websites out there that are selling,products you could literally find not,only at a grocery store but at a grocery,store for cheaper you guys if you're,selling a product and it is not at least,priced competitively with the rest of,the competition or the product is too,expensive for you to source so you have,to charge a lot of money for it just,don't sell it you guys High ticket,products are good but not if it's just,an overly priced average product if you,guys are selling a item and you're Drop,Shipping please keep in mind that,although The Branding matters more you,do want to make sure that you are priced,fairly or priced competitive enough to,where people don't go Price shopping on,Amazon for your item I don't mean to,undercut yourself but what I mean by,this is selling your product for the,actual value that it's worth the best,way to do this is just to go ahead and,look at other competitors who are,selling your product as well and get a,good idea based off of them now don't,get me wrong you also don't want to sell,your product for too low because,obviously if you're selling your product,for too low then your profit is going to,look like this and it's going to be,slowly declining when it should really,be slowly up trending and with that,being said you guys you want to make,sure that you get that nice price range,that's perfect not only for your profit,margin but also makes it very very,easily accessible for the customer base,in which you're marketing to all right,you guys so one thing I wanted to talk,about is making content and actually,taking your content seriously you guys,as you can see we've got the Drone out,here and this is just how far you guys,need to be taking your content and how,serious you guys need to be taking your,content for your brand make sure that,you guys are making your content unique,and marketing in a unique way not just,the same as every single other person,yes you guys you hear me say all the,time to recreate other people's viral,content but it's also just as important,that you throw your own unique twist,with that being said I have a product,right here and a little soda can right,here basically this little can thing,that you slide on and it essentially,makes any can look like a little soda so,basically this would be commonly used,for alcohol obviously but it's not being,used for that for the sake of the,YouTube guidelines you basically put it,on your beer and it makes it look like a,Coke so then you can basically conceal,whatever and people don't know about it,right if I just go ahead and take this,product and show a bunch of videos of me,putting the can on and that's it nothing,else on the video just me literally,sliding this on the top right it's not,that interesting you guys if I go and,put this on and show the same video but,instead of it just being a video of the,product working I add text I tell a,story that's going to actually give my,content a little bit of a viral factor,and give it the opportunity to actually,go viral the video needs to grab,attention needs to grab viewers,otherwise it's just not going to get out,there and it's never going to make you,sales or convert at all learn how to,make things engaging you do this by not,only watching other videos as I said but,you also just pull out your phone and,you take videos and practice yourself,over and over and over again until you,get stuff that's engaging a couple easy,ways to do it just to give you guys a,couple tips and tricks number one is,just grab your iPhone and practice just,moving it up and down and quick and,doing little transitions for example on,Tick Tock when a new video comes on and,you move your phone down super quick at,the beginning of the video it instantly,is a moving frame and people instantly,get you know caught on watching it right,it's something that is eye-catching and,engaging so when you're making your tick,tocks and you have your product right,adding little things like that little,you know movements in and out stuff like,that it really really helps and I know,that looks funny with me just doing it,right there you guys and for those of,you guys who don't have the most,aesthetic backdrop or the most aesthetic,place to take content all you need to do,is simply invest in something like this,just a bunch of little fake plants you,can just literally buy these on Amazon,for a couple bucks just invest in a,couple of these you guys and you can set,up a little backdrop in five minutes it,is not that hard to have a backdrop and,by no means doesn't need to be,professional you guys could simply just,take a blank wall put some fake plants,there and maybe a little poster or,something that just makes it blank and,turn that into a Content Studio you do,not have to have a lot of money to do,this you just have to be creative the,best things that you guys could be doing,to ensure that you're making good,content or at least getting better at,making your content is just buy this,little thing that I call try learn and,then react so all you're going to do is,try posting something learn from what,you posted learn what happened and then,react accordingly with that being said,what I recommend you doing is each time,you make a tick tock for your product,products write down in a notebook or in,your notes on your phone why you think,that video is going to go viral once you,write that down in your notes then you,post the video and you see what ends up,happening and you write right underneath,that what actually happened and then you,write why so then you not only know what,you expected to happen but you also know,what actually happened and then you know,why it either did turn out the way you,expected or it didn't turn out the way,you expected I've literally given people,this tip and within a week they started,making sales when they've never made,sales before one of the other biggest,things you guys that I see cause drop,shipping stores to fail over and over,again especially for people just,starting out is going to be not,professional branding if you're branding,on your website and on your brand just,does not look professional at all you,are not going to make it in any space,and especially inside of Drop Shipping,or online retail because literally the,whole entire way that you're going to be,able to make sales is by building trust,with somebody who could be across the,world from you on your website where you,literally only have the chance to give,somebody something to either read or,look at in order to get trust you're not,selling people in person you can't tell,them or show them the product they have,to basically go on your website and,trust you to purchase that being said if,you don't have a professional looking,website it's almost like ending at your,Ecommerce career and a good way to get a,look at what professional is is by,taking a look at a brand like Gucci or,Louis Vuitton if I pull up their website,right now you guys as you can see it's,very very simple very very clean very,luxury looking and very you know kind of,exclusive right it looks like something,that you want to be a part of it looks,inviting there's not a bunch of pop-ups,not a bunch of crazy things there's no,countdown timers there's nothing like,that it's just a clean website this is,something that I recommend you guys take,and utilize in your Drop Shipping,business so the last reason your Drop,Shipping Store might not be making sales,or at least making as many sales as you,want it to be is just because your,product so if you guys are selling a,product that is simply not in demand and,people simply don't want it doesn't,matter how good your marketing is or how,good your website is you're probably not,going to make sales and even if you do,make sales you're probably not going to,consistently make them because it's just,not a product that's in demand the way,to make sure that your product is a,product that's currently in demand is to,find products the right way and do that,by going on Tick Tock and seeing what's,actually going viral or studying other,people's ads that they're running and,understanding that if it's going viral,currently if it's a product you see,that's getting traction right now you,know it's something that you could be,selling right now guys it is not rocket,science you don't have to be doing all,this crazy stuff to find products or,going on all these different softwares,who don't need none of that you just,need to Simply go on social media find,what's going viral or what's going crazy,right now and just sell that you guys,it's a very very simple process but a,lot of people mess this up and end up,selling products or trying to sell,products for so so long just to find out,that their product is not something in,demand at all I recommend you guys sell,products that are already being sold,products that have already went viral,they are not saturated if you take a,product that's already selling and try,to sell it yourself your probably gonna,make money if you try to take a new,product that you've never seen before,and make it sell it's going to be hard,for you to make money and there's,probably a reason why nobody has sold,that product before you

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